The Cedarville Herald, Volume 26, Numbers 27-52

CEDARV ILLE . OHIO, F R ID A Y , SEPTEMBER 2 S . 1905 , J. TiiJs Itesj when marked with m: ! Index, demites that yunr ji'sb *crjw* . is past due and a prompt seU;7- . /mem is earnestly desired . . . . . . . . . PRICE $1.00 A YEAR. f u r th e r notice wei p a y th e following! p r ic e s fo r poultry! [eggs de livered to'l JGiliatiglVs grocery rville; ip ring Chickens, wi'iglihig'; liw. .pw ib....... ...... ,..:..IQe: (?n.« per,II).,; .............. q c; | suts per 1 b ...................... jj/v. ,r di* " .......................... I4C Citizen’s Phone 210 Bell Phone 1651 . E R I p Y * ■ k • .v- ,. -■ v, ,-. . *■ flew York and t September to most exclusive tally of street [opular prices.- X E N I A , O H I O . •ES " v: \ M D ’ S » at fl oVlock sharp who nttef tied thin live they e'en such |)!>! v a lew'more days ! 2 ,i and if you have thi^s bargain cvent. ■tvt- tiieiii f'»r ton. line Waltham Mieve- wananted 20 years, |e, vViiii h iiu worth more Ifmts, >• >.uy T' k 1, Gen- lid L’oJd, Ode, worth |n-»r. I f ate it rteiaft* ilit«> special ftiv just as welb Ii.p.irismf, we always [ suf lint'. ’ I L A N B , irirwlield, ( »hio. vtfct. Item ia geo4 ytahiag iarehtelknh ttjake good will few# life. The saloon in the Mitchell “building operated by Charles Eneley, was raid­ ed last Saturday night by the officers, who secured a bottle of genuine beer, made by a Cqlumbmis firm. The goods lias been coming each week in bottled form packed in sugar barrels, no less than ten barrels arriving each week, When the officers entered, Moses . Jones was just in, the act of enjoying a bottle of the Columbus beverage, . but, upon command of the officers, handed it to them. . The house was full of frequenters and it is a question as to whgt kind of a fight the defend, eut will put up. The sample seeurec was sent to the state chemist a t Co­ lumbus and the analysis shows that ibe stuff was pure beer of a high per cent. Wednesday afternoon.-Ensley ivas placed under arrest for violating the Beal law and wits released on a $300 bond signed' by Thomas Mitchell.- Hi-i trial is set for Monday. While many thought that the liquor element had the officers and the Committee, of One Hundred bluffed, they were- qui­ etly waiting for the chaiice. Ho less , than ten barrels of the beer- has been received here each week for some time. It ims not all been disposed o f through the Eusley joint, as oue man has been seeu carrying quite a good deal of it to a nearby drug store, that has gained quite a reputation for the dispensa­ tion of different beverages. The peo- . pie anxiously await the . prosSeciition of all offenders .under, the BenHaw. A recess meeting of .council was held Monday evening all - members . being present. Reports of different committees weie read and accepted. The report of the chief engineer shows that water is low in several of the cisterns, and the fire department was ordered oat to fill them. The Iliff cistern on Main street leaks and ■ $4o was appropriated for repairs. The mayor’s receipts were 87 45, which is an extraordinary large amount. There was no settlement as to who should have charge of *the streetlights since Officer Kennon re­ signed this position. Impure blood always shows somewhere. If the skin, then boils, pimples, rashes. If the nerves, then neuralgia, nerv­ ousness, depression . If the Sarsaparilla s tom a c h , th e n d y s p e p s i a , biliousness, loss of appetite. Y ou r d o c t o r k n ow s th e remedy, used fo r 60 years. •'Rattimlng from tins Onlmii wftivTv u a J urfect wreck. My lilooit Dart, mid jny ie*lth.wasgone. Unto fewDottlesdfAyers Sarsaparilla comjdetfilvenrollme," If, C. l)bE, Scranton, 1’a. SI 03 a bottle. All ilruirelsts. f o r 3* C*AYER CO.t Lowell, M as *. Impure Blood ---Fouud, a pair of eye glasses. In« quire at Cooper's store, —Go to John Pierce for lift arid pitcher pumps, pipes, etc- —A complete line of breakfast foods at Gray & Co’s. tf Attention is’called to A. G. Math­ ews’ public sale Oct. 13. John McCall, ofldaville, Ind., yis ited here.a day or so this week. New crop of canned corn, peaB, tomatoes and i.trihh beans a t Cooper’s, Woodbridge.Ustick returned borne Monday evening after an extended visit in Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. CJ. W. Crouse visited Horace Gillaugh, of near New Bur- ingt'ow, Tuesday. Mrs. James McOlelJan and child­ ren, of Mun'cie, arrived Monday for a visit with relatives here. Mrs. J . W. Pollock left Wednesday for Martinsville, lud., where she will take treatment for rheunnitism. Miss Jessie Ritchie,’ of Oakland City, lud,, while ori her way to Ober* lin college spent Tuesday with Nellie McFarland. , —Special fares to Chicago via Pennsylvania linesnc'count Centennial Exposition, will be in effect Septem: her.26 and 28. , Miss'. Vera Andrew, accompanied; by her mother,'left Monday to attend school a t the Westein Reserve college near Cleveland. Mi Tine Nave and family,, of near Pitehin, and Mrs,, Alice Briggs, of Watseka, II!., visited their cousin, S. W Nagley Sabbath. A small fire occurred Tuesday a t the home of Roland Kyle on the farm near the railroad. There was hu t tittle duninge done. Rev. Wallace IHfie took his depar­ ture Monday for. Duansburg, N, Y., where,he' will resume his duties as pastor of the R. P . congregation a t that pjaee, “ According to the report of Dr. Barnes, presiding elder of the Spring . field district, George Harper of. this place has contributed a cheek for $500 to the Bible society. W. D. Kisbet and family arrived Monduy evening from Chicago where he is connected with the Chicago' Tribune, Mr. Nisbet is looking in the best of health since he took up his abode in .the Windy City. The case of the Slate • of Ohio against A1 Cline, who is charged with attempting to incite a riot, was. con­ tinued from September 24 until Octo- ier 9, owing to the fact that Attorney Fitzgerald, of Dayton, who is to rep­ resent the defendent, cannot he pres­ ent before that time* - Aid the Sarsaparilla by keeping the bowels regular w'th Ayers Pills.- Some One Must Know. I t requires more than a general knowledge of drugs, more than knowing how to use scales and measures to rightly fill prescriptions these days. Remedies are multi­ plying. new preparations are constantly coining out and S h prescription must ,have efut study and accurate attention* ■ We give such work the attention it should have, we sec to it tin t out drugs are pure rind of exact standard • strength, we never substitute or vary a hair from the r<$- q'ii,*ement;i of your preserip* ti iii or reeiepe, JaHNW fiST$C 0 , f m w r . m H T A ISAAC WIStCHMAM, Manager* ON SEED WHEAT. Improved Red Cross, largest yield- er on record, strong, stiff straw, tneent proof. No winter killing. 40d The D, S. E rvin C o . NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT. Notice is hereby given that the un­ dersigned bns been appointed and qualified as administrator of the es­ tate of the late Thomas W. Stretcher, R oiiert F , K ukr . September 19, 1003. 42d PUBLIC SALE. Ou Tuesday, Oct. C, I will offer at my residence, three mites northeast of Oedarvillo, the following property; .Six head of horses, consisting of good brood marcs, 8 years old; I gelding 13 years old; 2 two-year old roadsters and 1 yearling draft colt; 6 2 year-old steers; I I yearling steer; 2 registered Polled Durham cows; 1 thoroughbred Bhort Horn and 4 grade Short Horn cows; 2 thoroughbred hull calves and 2 Bteer calves; 28 feeding mgs, 6 sows ahd pigs, and ono year- ing Poland China boar; farming im- ilementsi 1 two-horso wagon; 1 . Su- icHor grain drill; 1 Evans corn plant­ er} Milwaukee mower; hay rake; t.wo wcakiug plows, 1 disc and t Evans lArrow; 4 sets of work harness; feed trimlcr; 1 cable-stay fence machine; , iuekeyo spray pump and many other articles. Terms*' Ten months credit will, he given on notes with approved security on sums over $f>, . George t h Haines, E , Corrcy, Aucfc. Our nevy Fall stock of Men’s Suits and Top Coats reflects the results of careful and intelligent study of the wants, needs and .preferences of man, and of an ever increasing endeavor to raise the standard of our clothing without any corresponding increase in the cost to you. The New Fall Garments are. certainly masterpieces of (.the clothing makers’ art and strikingly typify the high degree of perfection attained by ready-to-wear attire in recent years. . Each and. every garment bears the unmistakable earmarks of painstaking effort of weaver, cutter and tailor. This applies just as forcibly to the inexpensive as to the better goods. Add. to this the economies that our superior purchasing power and large sales at small profit policy bring to you, and you have the reason why “The Big Store” has gained such marked- supremacy. . j ‘ ' Men’s and Youngmen’s Stylish Fall Suits. The popular choice <>fstyles at popular prices. These Suits are designed to show how well a moderate priced suit can be tailored ind what dependable fabrics can he sohhat this figure,. Correct single or double breasted saek styles iu a large rango of dressy materials, such as fancy chevi­ ots, cassimeres and worsteds, nlso plain hluos or blacks —priced Men’s and Young Men’s Correctly Tailored Suits. A wide range of smart appearing suits in such desir­ able fabrics as the latest fancy woolens in blues, browns, blnclcs, and wide overplaids, etc. Also solid roues for ■ those who prefer them. Tailored in correct single or double sack styles with every detail which is carefully looked to by the custom tailoiq. Suits which commend themselves to-'best dressers—at moderate price Men’s and Young Men’s High Grade Suits. Note the careful tailoring of these suits—the broad shoulders and graceful hang of the coat, the wide hips and corteot shaped legs of the trousers. Every detpil of up-to- date fushon is carried out to the letter. The fabrics in­ clude the latest Oxford and brown mixtures, black and /white effects^ blue and black rough cheviots, exclusive un- finished worsteds—-in fact all the fashonable woolens of the season. ■ Priced from ^ to $25.00. I A showing of Dressy Fall Top Coats special­ ly priced at land A showing of exceedingly stylish Fall d» # FJ' Top Coats, also priced a t the popular j! ^ Highest Grade Top Coats at prices ranging from - $14.75 to 'Brand,nfew. Not old pattern in the lot. Unique,.striking, loud, A A O 4- „ A O 1 a i l v sombrfeeffects-as you prefer, all. marked at wonderfully low prices. J|> 4 .V O U O W I 1 tO V o C Smart, Snappy, Fall Styles of Boys’ Clothing, THAT COMBINE GREATEST WEAR WITH ECONOMY. i,ooo Boy’s School Suits at $r.g8. These garments will appeal strongly to .mothers who seriouely consider every dollar expended; those who inusi have good, stylish, dependable suits for little money. The styles include double breasted, Norfolk and sailor made, of Oxford and blue nr fancy cheviots and cussimeres, with patent waist­ band and pockets, the collars being made with felt underneath. The trousers with most servirable lining. AH sexes CHOICE . . . . $1.98 Over 2,000 Boy’s Suits at $3.48, Chuck full of style arc ffiese natty little garments —they’re most mesi^orioiis too from the wearing standpoint Every garment is strictly all wool. Among them are a new Russian blouse and sailor suits made o't cheviots and serges in all shades, rich- trimmed nnd embroidered, os well as those nlways- popular, double-breasted nnd Norfolk (fj* A Q suits, All Sizes, CHOICE . . . 4 > 0 * 4 0 Over 2,500 Boys’ Extra Fine, Fall Novelty and Dress Suits at $4.98.. This is the banner line of all. Our clothing buy­ er certainly deserves credit for gathering bo many .cute nnd cunning styles to sell a t this, price. The assortment includes the new Russian blouse suits, now advertised iu the leading/magazines. There are numerous other styles equally as well worthy of special mention, especially among the double-breast­ fed and Norfolks. All sizes. rf* A A Q CHOICE . . . • P 4 « V 0 KNEE PANTS. “ Our Special!’ boys’, all-wool, and corduroy knee pants, guaranteed to out-wear the usual 75c grade. Pencil box, containing ruler, penholder, A slate nnd lead pencils free with every pair 4 V C i,ooo Boys’ Suits at $5.98, $6*98, $7.98 and $8.g8*. No store in central Ohio carries anything like the assortment of boys’ finest clothing tfmt we do. Indeed there are only three or four other stores in the entire state that have devoted so much time and thought to the perfecting o f Btyles for boys as “The Big Store,” I f 1 you want to array your “young hopefuls’' in the most elegftht and exclusive attire possible, you simply must make, your choice from our linee, at $8.98, $7.98, $6.98 3 0 5 5 5 , CORRECT FABL HATS. There are no* Hats Like “When” Hats. ' We are hatters for the most particular dressers 1 of Cen­ tral Ohio, The man who wants a fine hat does not have to pay an excessive price. We prove this with the “ Young's” a t $3 00. I t ’s the equal of any exclusive hat­ ter’s $5.00 hat. , AUTUMN SCARFS. EXCLUSIVE EFFECTS. Thi§ showing includes the new gunmental grays, with jacquard figures in self-colorings and the novel white leaf, patterns; also beautiful Persian, Barathea" and taffeta silks in Several figures. ’ Another novelty is the Tartaro, a desigu strikingly now, In fact all the latest ideas from the host foreign looms are on display in exclusive lines her?. This selection cannot but suit all tastes a t < ^ £ £ 4 3 FANCY DRESS SHIRTS. The new fall shirts are here in the largest display ever made in this city, which shows all the chosen styles of the ’ season. The materials arc woven or printed in the most ' effective colors. The new grounds arc pearl, gray, slate, blue and corn colors, and the p a tte rn s/are figured or striped, Amoug the high grade novelties shown are the woved figured effects in very clever ideas. These high ' fclass Bliirts are equal to custom-made garments hu t the prices are within the reach of everybody, priced 9 8 G, $ 1 * 5 0 , $ 2 . 0 0 , $ 3 .0 0 CORRECT D R E S S F o r H e n a n d B o y s ' U M W R E T A I L E R S O P The World’s Best Clothing. OFTEN IMITATED, NEVER EQUALED. ■ T t HF. BIG STORE WITHu r n f e OFTEN IMITATED, NEVER EQUALED. 'A & C A D E ^ - O f t e h i m i t a t e d , N w r E q u a ! t e d ^ S P R i N 0 E i E L i 3 . 0 * fe * 4 ^ ’^ f ill •4