The Cedarville Herald, Volume 26, Numbers 27-52
5 s,* t*r i L tC- | I t*V- I. f %' H ki‘ 1/ The big fa ll shipments have been comingjp tor the past three weeks and the counters and shelves are. piled full.of everything worth having in New Fail Dry Goods Quality is the spirit .of this store. Quality first. Quality last. Quality all the time, Where quality is, satisfaction is, and that is the place to spend your money. Our ex penses are the smallest, our profits are the closest, our styles and qualities are the best and most dependable, and our .prices are' the lowest.. Satisfaction guaranteed at this store or your money promptly refunded. . $3,000Worth of HandsomeLaceCurtains. The curtains we are offering now are the kind that wear for several seasons and are hon est bargains at the prices we ask. We have them at 69c, 89c,’98c, $1 25, $1 48, $1 98, $2 48 $3 00,. $3 50, $4 50 and $5 00 a pair, and on.up as high as you want to .go. Dress Goods Department. Black Mohair at 25c, 39c, 59c, 75c and $1.00 a pair. : - ’ „ The best line of New Novelty Dress Goods at 19c a yard, all colors.. -Novelty Suit Patterns 7-yard length, worth $1 25 a yard, for 93c., g8c a yard for 54 inch Cheviots in all shades. The quality of our Black Dress Coods is un- matchable and a careful inspection in this de partment will convince you. 7 Cotton Gopds. New flaneletts and/Outings as cheap as any ones. The heavy fleeced'cotton stuff come in just right now when the first frost comes for nightgowns for.everybody, for petticoats, dress ing sacks, waists and wrappers for women, and we have all these flannelette garments made up too. Silkclines, Demin, Muslin, Sheeting, Calico, Ginghams, Percales, Comfort Prints, •Cotton Batting, et^. Our Hosiery Can’t Be Beat. We have the best Black Hose for boys and girls at ioc, 12c, 15c, and 2. for 25cyou ever saw anc| our ladies’10c, 15c and 25c stockings are the best that money can buy. Men’s socks at 5c, 7c, 10c, 15c, 19c and 25c -^verything worth having. ■ Of course we have higher priced ones if you want them, but these are the ones it pays to buy. sS W o n i e n ’ s T a i l o r e d S u i t s , S k i r t s , W a i s t s , C o a t s a n d C a p e s . ' 1 $ 5 t o $ 3 5 , o n t h e S e c o n d F l o o r , .■ - t . ■ L A D I E S ’ S K IR T S A T §2.5o, $2.98, $3*50, $3.98, $4.50, $4.98, $5.90 and up to $10.00. Materials are excellent, Styles are ixr harmony with the latest modes, Tailoring is careful and thorough. The ensemble of the stock is pleasing, and if you examine each garment you’ll j be more favorably impressed., Bern Veils, Iiaees, Rid Gloves, Ribbons, Goods 0 ! every description. ! When you come to Springfield next time try us Make our store your headquarters. You are always welcome, and we will take care of your packages until you are ready to start home, or as.long as you may wish us. to. Werq Hon. Tom L< Johnson In tho United States senate, wb^t would he do in the way of voting on the prop osition to repeal the fifteenth amend ment that Senator, Carmack: of Ten nessee announces .that he Intends to force to a h .issue in that body? In the lower house of congress Demo cratic representatives from the south are taking the same action or pre paring to do it of compelling reconsid eration of 'the results of the war. Either-Johnbon or Clarke in the Unit ed States senate would have to'speatt ’■out-one way or the other. Nor could, they dodge a vote as,.easily as Tom Johnson has been dodging his taxes for the last dozen years. It Is a Very pretty, play just now for Mr. Johnson to pretend to be the friend'to the colored voters of Ohio;' all of whom owe any votes that they have-only to the Republican j?ar£y> and none of whom is indebted to the Dem ocratic party for any of his privileges o f citizenship. But they have the bal lots just the same, and while he Is out to fool the people, Johnson would just as soon fool black men as white . men. His entire campaign Is one of * ‘'confidence,” and If he can make an apparent gain by lining up some of the negro voters of the state, by any sort of a pretense, the attempt will be made regardless of wbat the Demo cratic party is doing against their people. ' i It Would disturb even Totn John son’s self-complacency to have some Intelligent and urgent .gentleman respond to his request for questiohs at his meetings and ask him, as the Dem ocratic candidate for governor, what he. is going to do about the declaration of the Maryland Democratic state con vention, that tho supremacy of the whites should be maintained, meaning thereby that the negro is not to have . any political rights that he can he • kept out of,- As the Maryland Demo crats do the bidding of Senator Dor man, who shapes the policy of the Democrats of the Uhlted states sen ate, and la very clearly in the lead for the Democratic nomination for presi dent, this action upon their part plain ly foreshadows tho Democratic course ' towards the colored men. Scarcely less significant along the same line was thfe nomination by the Mississippi Democrats of Major Var danian for governor. It was made . after two primary elections, and by the popular rote, their* preference be ing plainly expressed In Vardanian’s wvor became ho was the most rad- leal of the candidates, demanding tho repeal of the fourteenth and fifteenth - amendments and insisting upon cut ting down the educational facilities ot this Mississippi colored people to tho - lowest limit, Ift would ba Interesting to ask TFoteoa an a Democrat What kind\of a Democrat ho would be in Mississippi, whether for or against Vardamap,' Would Johnnon forgot, in that connection, .that Mississippi and other southern stales of like opinion will nominate tao next Democratic! prmrfdtst for the ‘United States? —‘“ Those posting clips are worth halt' the price of ypur side bills,” said a customer to th e .Herald the other day, .When you. are ready for your sale and looking for prices on bills please note how many houses offer you the dips to- say nothing of the rain-proof stock. * —Reduced fares to Denver a ccount Broothoo l oi St,^ Andrew’s Nntional Convention, Will be in effect Octoh'T •3 to 7,,ipclusiye, r. ■_ ;js■ ■ *> last I . April It was merely the mayorship of -dj Cleveland that ho wanted. The Dem- ■ - • Focratlc leadership, the nomination of, j that party for president of the United L e t Ohio Repub licans L e a rn ’ States, are what he desires and his. depgndeneolfOr it 1 b upon the gain that ho may make In the Uhlo election ; through tho overconfidence and negll- * gence of Republican voters, who may WARNED INTIME, F rom R ecen t Even ts. OVER,OONHDENOE ABEALDANGBR Ever Catch Cold and despair of getting rid of it ? That’s because you did noffueo 25 CENTS Q uinin &' t X blets Soldwith a guaranteeto core Colds, Neuralgia, Malaria, La Grippe, Bros* _ chills, Headache, or druggist will f [refund your money. Could we! make a fairer offer? ■ They never causo distress. Never gripe nor sicken. _ . PerfectlyHarmless, No bad after effects. Insist,on having, and see that yon get, Lightning; Laxative QuinineTablets* 25 CENTS PER BOX, ALL DJtUGGISTl. Prtfitr«4 Onlyby THE HERB MEDICINE CO.* SPRINGFIELD,"OHIO, Manufacturers of tliOCelebrated Lightning Hot Dropa. BAD BREATH liMa:*?tMUr*« prten ## grata .to y breath harm * » bud dtitit. Two Ago n friend rerojknjiended iifiMSftffi.*™! *«•* v»We tItMr» i ta n nuiiinfily am-} navaaniirely wmTmia. i , ♦M S ?* * “w th a t I ah all roomomend ■ v - i r v ; " - ; v J'1 kno -t AltBl rafom a beta tAany ftna anffrrlnr from attoh tfrablM.” _ »*>*• H. iUtlpxm, ih BiriHgton Uv.Ndwy& beat For '-V.-: I ^ ^ The Bowels not see tlio need for making the ma jorlty against him Immense, and not merely sure. - , Johnson Is a- tireless^ campaigner, and very shrewd in his appeals to the prejudices of the public. He is striv ing for a splendid prize and will leave nothing undone to secure his object. Clarke', his candidate fo r ' United States senator is <a skilled speaker, plausible and persuasive, Monnett, his candidate for attorney general, Is not only a rough and ready cam paigner, but has a special •motive of deep personal feeling to actuate him In exerting himself to the, utmost of his ability. Looking to Johnson as a leader who will have favors to dis pense in case he wins the success he seeks, there will flock around h to plenty of good speakers to aid him In the hope of high reward 3hould he, with their help, prove to bo a winner. Republicans might as well face these facts now, as to wake up to it so late as to make it difficult to re trieve the ground that their negll- glence may have lost In the meantime, Johnson can he defeated, overwhelm ingly defeated, driving him and his dangerous doctrines out of the field completely, but It must be done first of all by vigorous, continuous and un tiring work in tho camps !gn and at the polls by every. Republican per sonally. ' ' fifcrilftg R em edy C e,, Chicago o r N,Y» *4S mm SU£, TESMILLIONBOXK . .V Stay-at-Homo Vote Nearly Gave Gro- . ver. Cleveland This State, Frustrat ing the Efforts of Over 400,OQb Loyal and True Republicans Who Did Their Duty—Take No Such Chances bow, About 107,000 citizens of Ohio who, voted for McKinley three years ago | have neglected to appear at the polls ever since that time, At either of the subsequent, state elections had the Democrats held even -their vote for Bryan, In 1900 with the Republican vote remaining *the same ■as it wafl in 1901 and 1902, the Democrats would have elected James Kilbourne for gov ernor and Herbert 8. Bigelow for Sec retary of state by 40,000 each. NO one who keeps these facts in mind will take-any part In the wild boast ing before the Votes are cast about the immense plurality that will he re corded against Johnson, Clarke & Co, next November. » i -inoeratlc defeat In Ohio has'been a foregone conclusion to i l l apparent | observation since 1831, when McKln- i ley was first elected governor by 21,511 and the next year the Ropubli- ’ cans were dead sure that they would , double or treble this plurality, They ' did Increase their vote by nearly 20,* 000'more for Harrlstm than they gave McKinley, and yet they were chilled with amazement on election night In 1900 over the real possibility that the Democrats would carry the • state, while if tool: the official count finally to determine that the Republican,plu rality mi the head of the ticket for presidential electors wai only 1,073, With one Democrat elector elected at that. This year* the tide is running the other way. It Is distinctly with the Republicans, and yet one thing which caused most of the trouble in 1900 in peculiarly apparent la the present campaign, and that 13 a presumption too. prevalent among ' Republicans, that so many of them are bound to vote right that some of them would not he needed. It was, the. stay-at- home Republicans in 1891 who- nearly gave Drover Cleveland- the state of Ohio. Harrison had 105,197,votes, but ho wasi short 11,000qipon liia vote Of , , four years before, beside the natural *ot., &sf ftn ^htl-Bryanlte Amt a corpo increase in voting strength, AH of <Jn awj>Gr‘ Ashtabula Beacon-Rcc* those men may have meant well for ort*- the Republican cause, but their ncglf- ■* - - genre pretty nearly frustrated all the. To cure a cold In fine day fuke Luxa a ° r , l w ” ' e , * ' C0° Wl" m H« »«"»<> Qni'ilro T.blcl,. All Next November'any reduction of drtfgpFts refund tho money if ifc fnJ] amount in the Republican plurality to euro. E, W. Groves eigmittiro i of lar.e year vtlU Im counted ns a jier- „ 6l0|, |:oXi 2l>c. 1 i f Sonat gain tor I tmi Johnson, - It. is not flic governorship of Ohio that ho ’ S c r i b e lb,^The'limahj. STRAY SHOTS. When Tom Johnson, worth five mil Hons or more, makes .oath that he has* only $13,700 taxable property, how many thousand wage earners must pay something more apiece to malto up for the taxes tliatTom has.dodged? Henry George, Jr., Johnson’s associ ate in the Ohio campaign, is the sin gle-taxer, son of the founder k>£ the philosophy. Single-taxers are John son's chief associates these days, Their theory fs all there Is- to John son’s "just taxation.” - The, $300,000 duo In October with no provision yet for payment that the city of Toledo must meet, or go Into default, Is all for the municipal nat ural gas plant'; 'dead and gone long ago. That's the kind of dead horses that the Johnson- socialists’ schemes would load upon the taxpayers of the «tate. . Every citizen of every small county In the state is directly interested In favor of the proposition to give the small counties a chance, each for It self, In the. Ohio legislator.?, This la fthe plainest “home rule.,’ hut Johnson 1opposes It because in the words ot his own organ, “It Is Johnson working for Cleveland.” ROOSEVELT HITS THE MARK. Syracuse, 'N, Y„ Sept. 7. — “Envy and arrogance are but opposite sides of the same shield, but different devel opments of the same spirit. Funda mentally the unscrupulous rich man who seeks to exploit and oppress those who are less well off la In spirit not opposed to, but Identical with, the Unscrupulous poor •, ian who desires to plunder and oppress those who are better off,'! said President Roosevelt in bis speech opening the New’ York state fair. It is quite likely that Tom John son’s favorite candidate for United States senator is going to prove a heaVy burden to carry, Ihstead ot be ing a help to push .the ticket along, What complicates things Is. that he boldiy asserts that he has "nothing to be sorry for and nothing to apologlzo JOHNRSTtnOUWi Strikes the Head First These cool wiittls ns they come re- inincjs us thul the. heads needs protec tum, I t also need, STYLE and COMFORT in its covering. They are nil combined i n . every Hat a t S U L L IV A N The Hatter, a 7 South Limestone.street, SPRINGFIELD , O. CASTOR s y~"£ H For Infants ami CiulV,.',, Yin KindYou Hava hktyz fV*: Boars the signature n f 1 a b # m . FINE SUITS AT LESS THAN MAKERS’ PRICE. W e Bought ^ The sample of one of the befl New York Suit Manufacture, bought them a t a price that we can sell them for less than the manufacturers' price. Every suit is perfect and the styles are absolutely correct, No two alike. Price are Irotu $ 1 2 00 up, Walking' Skirts . . 'A. -■ ■ ' . *«•' . Exceptional values in best styles and cloths tit 84,00, 85.00, $5.50 and up. Cheaper skirts in good materials at 82.00 and 82.50.- Ready-to-wear Hats , $1.00 buys a very stylish Street H a t at our house in all eolchs, fully, as good ns usually sold at 81.50, Trimmed Hals in the cor rect new styles at. dry goods prices. Ubildren’s School Hats at 50c, 75, 81,00 and up. Dress Goods For Fall - New Bcoth Mixtures, New Zihilintifis, New Broadcloths, in fact all the new materials shown this season in the correct colors at popular prices. JOBE BROS. & CO. « / ■■ XENIA, OHIO. , i time- pjekli s, sweet,] Cooper’*. Joint Bromageti] |n Xenia- Hurry N aghy fld to Psy lou WedneedJ .Timothy seed, he had of K e rr & Miss Elite Lrawftj returned to college F ru it cans and or wilhout covers all 0 . jvl, Crouse war ' tar in Columbus yeti -—Home grown ' 1 sale at Kerr & Hast! O. T, Wolford week where he starbj . •mare. ■ - 'Mrs, E . C, OQogbl tomorrow afternoon • Blanch Ervin- . ' •—Fo r pure spit pickles go to Cooper Mr, aud Mrs. - Rob entertain Monday ts o f the returned mfi Miss E lla Kyle leave .—Fo r a -seeoudim drill coll nt K err i ' . ’ O. M.‘ Dallas. Airs. J . C. Barber noon' reception, Tues] h e r of lady, friends it aunt, Mrs. Dean, of ( —Mittens and glow and overalls a t Conpe ' Then. Voglesburg t ey with' Advisor a t won his race a t J-atneJ <Ly, going the half in] —Orcswell and But pure htvd Berkshire 1| choice nude pigs ior sij Ohio. The college literar; making n« effort to aj ure course, a commit .ready been appointed the prospects ot the pi —F or S a m : A fa good improvements, p long payments Iuq Williamson. Miss Minnie Baldi] was the guest o f Airs Saturday, Mrs, Alar has been visiting her returned to. Xenia wit! Job Printing of all in first-class Btyle a t H | Robert Wilson retur Wednesday morning t school work a t the Al< , fiery. H e was accoir brother,’Joliii, who em Kclipol. For Sale:—Twenty-f lain- breeding ewes, 39.1 Cl, There will he.a .Grrt£ 1st Baptist church, tliii 27. The speakers are: 11:00 a. in,; Rev., Hill O \V. Wyalt, 7:00 p.l cordially invited to att| — Anyone wishing m-y have the 8 .iim>d»»] W, H. Strain. John Lntt who hold posUiou with a Pittsh a short visit here the fit Air, Lott took advauta tab s from Cleveland, superintending the ere electrical machinery. Tho latest thing on Ten cents a package* hi lh« painters have ah their work at the <Upot teg is the first on the w have the new colors 'll taken as the standard, considered eastern style feretit Iron, anything ar L o a r; -A pair of 01 glasses. Finder plcn*o i fild office aiid receive re Sheriff Turbox, of 5 ccived word that, Georg Wcnntshee, Wash., hat te Miss Tda Al. Parson: *hftll is n brother of J, .Xenia, '”-OUv<s Oil suitable 1 A.t Hfay & (Va. the well *‘»Uh who is located M’Hh n severe accident } tiotm, while shoeing ft h J? (}M w t Luce, throwu vuwkr the feet c *»temi and stwteinc, ’*P Ihe liVursc eteppin J h awted that he will b •usbedf«rnearlyu,w
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