The Cedarville Herald, Volume 26, Numbers 27-52
* Si Nim *3 -Underwear, - * - .f- &£tigs MedfeSticks, r , • Q. . • CottonandAll-Wool Blankets, %stMe€ %Iciettkkfs}~ hz&its €sicfirfi3SV , hsSSMMoms?* FOSTER' GUARANTEED KID GLOVES, - ■' ® . . ■ . ' B*r&rMmB 0 Pm* BLACK & ANTHONY, ‘ Limestone street, Springfield,.Ohio. .• . flcCAUL PATTfitm ' . T£*F»2 S tn k c f 2RCH1 ' IttC'-w 'TbgtecgZ? P&iy-izf ? r rzti,- |. jsg nli Jkxis a vVearw „ A yy^J . ’ - =?* ; d tr.3 GET A FREE PATTERN. A Store Full of New Fall The big fa ll shipments have been coming in for the past three; weeks and the counters and shelves are piled full o f everything worth' having in New Fall Dry Goods Quality is the spirit o f this store. Quality, nrs-- Quality last. Quality all the time. Where quality is, satisfaction is, and that is the place to spend your moneys ex" penses are the smallest, our profits are the closest, our styles and qualities are the best and most dependable, and our prices are the lowest. Satisfaction guaranteed at this store or your money promptly refunded. ______ ' $3,919Worth of Handsome lace Curtains. D re ss Goods Department. Cotton Goods. O u r H o s ie ry C an ’ t B e B ea t. W e 'have the Best' B lack H o s e lo r boys and; B lack Moha ir at 25c, 39c, 59c, 75c and $1 .00 ■N ew ffanelelts and Gatings as cheap as any 2<cvon ever saw The curtains we are offering now are the ,a pa|r , ones. The heavy fleeced cotton stuff come in girls at 10c, xzc, 15*-, ana 2 ror a^cyou ever saw kind that wear for several reasons and are hon - The ’best line of New Novelty Dreg* Goods just~right now .when the first frost comes for and our ladies* igc , 15c and 25c stockings are kind that wear tor several reasons and are non at igo a y ani ^ colors./ ' nightgowas for everybody, m f petticoats, dress- the best that m on ey can any. , est bargains at the prices we ask. W e have , Novelty Suit Patterns 7-yard length, worth mg sacks, waists and wrappers for women , and M en ’s socks a t 5c , 7c, toe, 15c. 19c and 25c ^ ^ / k n ^ 1 r» #4, ■« $1 ^5 yard, for 93^* Jwo have a ll these flannelette 1313.wj -~^vcfvtlHts£f wort& t em at 6gc, 8gc, g8c, $ i 25, $ r 48, $1 gB, $ 2 48 g8c a yard for 54 inch Cheviots in all shades, .up too. Th e quality o f pur B lack Dress Goods is nn - Silkolines, Dem in , Muslin , sheeting, Calico ~ ^ J ^ ^rrU-^rri^ . -t^rirrtfnrf P'rmf?*. C&ffOtf $ 3 oo, $3 50, $ 4 50 and $ 5 00 a pair, and on up as high a s you Want to go. O f coufSe.-W^hsve, ppsied-.'pfte^ I f y o u : matchable and a careful inspection in this de- Gfeghams, Percales, Comfort Prints^ . Cotton want them , but these axe the ones it pays to partment w ill convince you , , Batting, etc. buy . Suit£v 'Skirts,--Waists, Coats and $5 to on the Second Floor. L A D I E S ' S K I R T S A T $2.5o, $2.98, $3.50 , $ 3 .9 ^ $4-5°, $4-98, $ 5-90 and up to $ 10 .00 . Materials are excellent, Styles are in harmony with the latest modes, Tailoring is careful and thorough. The ensemble of the stock is pleasing, and if you exam ine each garment youTl be more fayorafoly impressed. jiem Veils, Iiaees, Rid Gloves, Ribboos, Leather Goods potions of every description. When you come to Springfield next time try us Make our store your headquarters. You are always welcome, and we will take care o f your packages until you are ready to start home, or as long as you may wish us to. . | LOCAL AND PERSONAL , Sj r*-*~ ■ They are flying South, again. . Wanted:—'Lard and potatoes at Bird’s. Mm Daisy Hill k viritpig her mother* —Pjcklea, sweet, sour and mixed at Cooper's. Miss Mary Bratton k home from Chicago for a few weeks. —Fruit cans and stone jars with or without covers at Cooper’s, For Bale:—A two story house on Miller street. Inquire of Mrs. W, M* Mitchell. Mies Pansy Ford left Wednesday for Chicago where she has accepted a position in an office with her uncle. Bargains irt ladies* . ready-made dress skirts, uri all wool skirts Irr blue and black- at $1.98 at Bird's. j Mrs, J, It, Thompson, of Zanes-j vlUe, who has been. visiting Mrs, Claud Phillips, returned home Tues day, ■—Oreswe!! arid Baker, breeders of pure bred Berkshire hogs, lmve a few choice maic pig# for sale, Cedrtrviilc, Ohio. ■ ASM —F or S ate : A farm of 82 acres, good improvement#, plenty of fruit, long payment#, Inquire of J, P. Williamson, Mr, and Mrs, ■Will Torrence, of South Charleston, who have been in the west'for several month# returnel home this week. No Counterfeits Here. Perfect style iu footwear is not a matter o f accident; it is the result of careful and painstaking rnaking;- the sum o f little improvements. "The Dutch Sock” be sure and see 1 them combination, $ 2.90 ‘ ♦The ICE KING/’ combination, snag over, got them mayor M c F arland . —For pure spices, vinegar and' pickles go to Cooper. ' | ____ The reunion o f the 34lb O. I - j Lottie and contents; Keyes furnishing will be held at the 0. 8. & 8. O Home j transportation for Kenrion to Colum- ni- . 'Y n l*n t . * j gave a very unsatisfactory ami elusive ] answer. He claimed that lie bod.( only entered Insley’s place to procure 1 a cork-screw with which to extract | the stopper from.the liotlle. It was j easily seen that Mr, Jones strained l the truth on several occasion#nod con oeeft all beat a city block $ 1.90 Ladies’ stylish box ^ . ■ A caff, the very thing J C f l for had weather - Rubbers!! Rubbers!!! The line is complete in infants’, childrens', youth’s, ladies’ and. men's croquet, storm, Alaskas and arctics. Qur price is ten per cent lower than the lowest. McCORKELL’S Popular Priced Store, New pah cake flour «t Bird’s. Louis Hencily of Dayton, was here the first of the week, 1 *4’ .... --Sofnetl hg flue lire Heinz’s bulk preserves at Gray 6c Co, —Acorn heating skives, ranges, for hard or soft coal ft Kerr & Hastings Bros.. - . . . - . ’ ■■■ Dick Boyles, of Dayfori, was eifi vitiating among li’fl I’rknth here last •^Fot A.secondhand plain wheat drill tall at ‘ Kerr '& Hasting Bros, ]week. D, M, Dallas, did f . „ , ■ t ; „ —Heinz's strawberry, cherry, black Ifrank Mills and sister, Mrs, Rems-j rnfl|,{!<irf.y( rt!(j j.,1Pj)[,(.|.ry nn{| herg, o f Fpmtgfickb ^Cro guest# i„ the hulk at Gray & Co. their sister, Mrs. *T. II. Wolford, last1 at - Xenia, October 22. There are' j)li8 alj<j >eturn. ODly three members of this regiment} Officer Kennon then testified. Mr. leK who live in this vicinity, Messrs. i Kenmo was the first to enter the . . . . . . . . . , , L B . Winter, Alex. Kyle and J. M, iyoom on the night of.' the raid. rHe.i8T ^ t l y contradicted himself r Tarbox. |corroberated the previous testimonyi.aona —A range or base burner that will! at5<1 in Edition told of the delivery of j Lee Sbroadea and Burt McFarland,! save your money can be found in the j'the good# to the state chemist, on |both .draymen, were called to the AWmake* See the display at Kerr the 21. He was then stond fehroades testified to cused and Otto. 8, Marksworth, state) hauling freight for Insky. The [freight was marked'“ hardware” when & Histing# Bros. chemist, was called, Mr. Marksworth told of his receipt [received, mid “ empty” when re- of the liquid and of its immediate |turned,according,^to his teslimony* annt/sis. He reported it conLainingiHfi fidd of examining r o f the hot* ,_n ........ ............................... ........5,15 per cent alcohol, by volumn, j des end finding it to be from L» Faust, has returned home and Mon land 4.08 per cent by weight. He}Hester, Columbus. McFarland day resumed his studies at the college, had the bottle in Ids possession and j t°ld of finding the same on the bot- _ , , , ,, Ihanded it over to the court. The j Iks. Don t purchase« Mow uuulvauIto.UiJ ta| E. 8. Ke,c» *ns here recoiled. -He . Men’s and boys’ f‘Duck” coats, cor duroy pants, leggings; etc.; at Bird’s. Bay McFarland who has been mak ing a tonr of the fail s with Watt and display at Kerr &; have seen our Hastings Bros. W. D. Nisbet Monday for Hhelhyville, Ind., where-The bottle was then they will visit Mrs, Nisbet’s parents Idenee. ' before returning to their homo inj Marshal Grindle Chicago, [Ohio/’ blown into it. He said he knewbeing freight agent is in position to •jof the firm and their location in. Co-} know of the slnpments. His tes\F and family .left'lumbus, also of their brewing beer.; mony showed no less than fifteen’' offered as e-vi-’ barrels arriving to Insley each week, Ithe same being billed as hardware but then took the sent from the L, Hester company of island. His testimony wft# the same Columbus, and returned to the same —Just received some Ralston’s 08 ihat previously given Breakfast Food, Health Oafs, Hom iny Grits and Pancake Flour. Any one is a find breakfast dish, at Grtiy and Co’s. tf Biuutay, —It i# now lime to look ofier your stoves befitfe winter is upon you, Aerofl stove# are the fic#tat Kerr & IlmtlflgsBros. * Buy ;fii«r BrSnd shots, they tire the best, buy ¥eh Royal JUoo ruh> her# and you get the best at Bird’#, Subscribe for the IT*raid, . Mro, J, J. McCklSjt.'j nod children leave tomorrow for their home in Muride, after a short stay with- felu- fives here, • W. II, linker has rented hit., fa it to D, O, Kerfllmer and , expects to mow to town. He will hold ft public ,#a!e Tuesday, October 20. -Hi# s.ik ,bill will be pot oiTf^ (Iif; first of the! made and gmtrtfnteed to wear imok fatty propt-Hy for sal,.. , ^ ,q Bird’#, Wanted!—Girl to do general house work, Call or address Mrs. T, C, Davis. Bringing your produce,' we pay. 20c a lb for butter; 20c per doz. /or eggs; 05c a bushel for potatoes, 10c a lb for lard, at Bird's, Mr#. Lida Torrence Brewer, of Xenia, and Mr#/J, R Thompson, of Zanesville, with a few others Spent last Friday at the home of X T, Phillips, —Mittens and gloves, shirts, jackets and overalls at Cooper’s, Mrs. Olive Stevenson, mother o f Mrs, Robrert Bird met with quite a severe accidcnf while on a vi.-St with her daughter, Mrs, Wm, Bull, near Wilherfoiec, Mrs. Stevenson fell while walking in the yard breaking her fliiklo and tearing the lignments on both sides. Owing to the infirmi ties of old ago the accidont'is quite ft serious one. ns was people. • Harry Biffs, who followed him. A H A f t e r a recess of about five minutes the witnesses examined so far over- 3Woodrow Warner took thj stand but heard tnslcy’s remark to Jones. 5knew nothing of any consequence. The following witnesses, except-^ His testimony concluded the state*# ing those who were recalled, and Me- (feide o f the case and ns the defense Farland and , Shrofldes, were in the place at the time of the raid. I, M. Deck, fDude) then testified. Hi# testimony developed nothing new. Court then adjourned until or,e o'clock, had none to offer, the attorneys gave their arguments, Neither attorney reviewed the tes timony, but both did a littlo sparing over a few minordelails, Immediate iy after the defender's lawyer con- FINE SUITS AT LESS THAN MAKERS’ PRICE. Court was resumed at 1:00 p, in. <eluded, Mayor McFarland pronounced { the accused guilty. ^Attorney Arm Cliarle# Beamer, Samuel McGinnis; - Men's corduroy suits, splendidly Price Frank Jones and William Jones took the stand in the order named. They told the same story as already related, regarding the raid, hut none remem bered of seeing any of the wet goods soil; especially the bottle taken From Mosts Jones. Mosc Jones was then ended. Ho proved rather reluctant'in his testi mony and was very forgetful, being unable 'to remember anything that would prove valuable to the prosecu tion. He had forgotten where and from whom he had gotten the bottle of extract, but finally (ni^ that n friend to him in the rear of Thomas Mitchell's property, It being a dork night he could not saywhether the friend was a while or black man, At time# he flatly refused "to answer fim question# propounded by the state’s attorney, Milo Huodgrass, or strong immediately gave notice of an appeal for d new trial. Mayor McFarland, after reuliug See. 181.1 of the Beal law, arose nud saids .“ And I , do assess n fine of 8200 and costs/’ Court then ad journed. The deeission caused no ex cifement whatever, as it wna ea#by seen by the testimony offered and the weak fight put up by the defended, that a decision of acquittal was out of the question. NOTICE OP APPOINTMENT. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned bus been appointed and qualified ns administrator o f the es tate of the late Thomas WJ-bretcher, IvOiiptif F. Kt-JtR. fkpiember 10, 100J1. , 42d W e Bough t The sample o f one of the: best New York Suit Mu,ufaitumi bought them at a price that.we can sell them for less than manufacturers’ price. Every suit is-perfect and the -tylcs stfj absolutely correct. No two alike. Price are from 812 00ftp.- W a lk in g S k ir t s Exceptional value# in best styles and cloth#at $4.00, $5.00, $5.5$j and up. Cheaper skirts in good material# at $2,00 and $250.J R eady-to-w ear H a ts $1.09 buys a very stylish Street Hat at our house in all cok>n,| fully, afi good as usually sold At $1.50, Trimmed Hal# in thetw-j reel new style# At dry goods prices. Children’s School Hat# 50c, 75, $1,00 nud up. . ' * D re ss G ood s F o r F a l l New Hcoth Mixtures, New XibHincss, New Broadcloths, in nil the new materials shown this season in the correct color# popular prices. JOBE BROS. & CO-i ■ i XENIA, OHIO. A t - ^ ■■ - y*' - W- " - *-
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