The Cedarville Herald, Volume 26, Numbers 27-52

% [E 3 Y ? 1 (1 the Season ue n o t ready >fooling from rier clothing, etc. . Now ping to buy? og, bu t come Ve are trying ry man who this rea-- Come in and Wjjte without to $22. I « M t 0 $ l 8 ' rice, • IND SIZES. id” >st 5 i: HIRTS % /% Dgs. need. 5M5) HAT, A. Higgins, 0 . . " VSTi 'omen and. Chil- u A shoe want that CHI nien are here with UNTV . and t sued if strong, durable jf sa ; . dive if place. mse° M find what you on • *4. hsce and button and ’ Uiugola and Ideal :,f G; 90, $2.45, $2.00, nded y ?0- Kip .Rubber oriK * a t prices to BUit era i cm _ • Ik-; Little Gents and Jr'af medium and light ‘wliiu ta ami boys, 75c, Sf. o» • . IlCl" *1 t'T'M E. il aid 1 ;er i-:. i road mice cs t< T T i ' y ' ’a^Jbl#|intriB' - 'WR b M^ ^ hio* wd!* UeO be paid interest «* fid year lie h3,l ^ which was r*»lwredfj nutci'ceember 1 to March. ”c h e a fGiur;l ot t. up. harvested and t^r* \fi*r^erage yield of lerea' fibon id he *11 ***** ^ h - k be would not <5ood enough. and he tnfloe^ r.;ud r mode from the lac r ■■ k'fc>; *>•- • b^K, jjg ^ <** f timfff. <5lll»Ugh will ^ V t t l f f y '■ fleet price*. ” ' ‘Wevk* ■r |u»r K 'fw lV uw Ottr tfufi W*vt’iv w ill compart- w iflt that *4* any otiiur i i n u . , . < '$■■■■ ■...* ■ ■ T W E N T V - s i x n i . y e a r n o 45 . This item when marked with ■ i | - Index, deludes that yo»jr sKiwerl * if .. is past dee m (l 3 sett-' • | I meat is earnestly d e s i r e d , | C E O A R V I U K . O H IO . F R ID A Y , O C T O B E R 16 . 1905 . PRICE $1.00 A YEAR, WHENYOUBUYOFUS. YOUGET THE BEST. • ■ *"*- ^ M. M. Kaufman. * whiped : wife Is More fo be" Feared than a Fine pf $500 and Cost, Thinks a Dram Seller, T9 to 23 South Limestone Street, Springfield, Ohio. [WREN'S OLD STAND.] For you, with the largest, Newest, most Complete stock of CLOTHING, HATS, FURN ISH ING GOODS, TRUNKS , VAL ISES , Etc., in Central Ohio, at the Most Reasonable Prices. Your Patron­ age is Respectfully Solicited. THEOLDRELIABLE Absolutely Pure mm I S N O S U B S T IT U T E S H E R I F F ’ S S A L E . STATE OF OHIO, I G keene C ounty , ss ) PURSUANT to command of an order of sale in partition issued from the Court of Common Pleas of said county, and to me directed and delivered, I will offer for sale at public auction at the front doorof the Court House, in the City of Xenia, in said county, oh SATURDAY, NOV. 14,1903, ihe following described land and tenia- ru'nts towitt Situated in the Countyof Greene, and State of Ohio, and bounded and de- inibed as follows, being part of Thomas l-'nwler’s survey No. ftfift originally for I.OiW acres ■on the waters of Massies "reek, the part hereby conveyed is winded as follows tmvit: Beginning at stake in turnpike road leading from Cenia to Clifton and corner to Pricilla -larding from .which a white oak "ft inhes in .diameter bears N. Of5, W. 44?* inks. Thence with her line and line of ammy road S. 0ft degrees. E. 30.COpoles o a stake corner to raid Harding, a :berry20 inches in diameter bears S.M S. 3 0 links, thence S, 8$ E, 15Hi poles o a stake at the turn of a road in ravine j and corner to Harding, thence S, 8ft de* EreC-s Ift minutes E. fa poles to a stake In the line of Samuel Charlton and cor-, lie? to said Harding,1 thence N, ft degrees! fc'*minutes K, 07,10 poles to a stake in i Ihe line of Townslcy’s heirs and corner! InAlexander Stevenson, a mulberry fl l Indies in diameter hears N. 2ft degrees NV. ftjf links, thence witli the line of said Stevenson's N 0,7fi.W, 31.18 poles to the| enter of said turnpike road, comer to. aidStevenson, thence S, 23 degrees 30 (iiimtes \VV2f.SOpoles ton stake, thence! IS,G3degrees W» 33.40 poles to a stake, (thence S, 3ft degrees 3<»minutes W. ’’ '.2*1 ;mks to the place of beginning, contain- ng forty-Utfce and fifty-three hundredths |( 43.53) acres, more or less, upon the fol­ lowing terms towit: One-third cash on lay of sale, one-third in one year, and -ne-third in two years thereafter. With nterest fromdate *of sale; such deferred ipsymeiip! p, |,e evident, cd by tuomiSory: Motes of tiie purchasers, payable to the |».irtksrespectfully entitled secured by innttgagc on tlte premises, . „ , | ' To lie Sf,ld by order of Said court m Riasc No. 11033,.wherein Isaac .Shuhih, is> letifkiftcr imd li. T, Urndrkks ct,nl arc iutdetidantf, . Frank Tati,nx. Hlseriif, G*cvne County, Uhid, John It, Irinipkins ftiid Gowily and [Jti'Hglass, fitinvueys for petltiimor. When ybu want good, strong working shoes at the bottom prices, go to.Siegen- thalers’, Springfield, O. J . W. Pollock, of this place, and Rev.' Davidson, of .Clifton, attended synod at Princton, InfL; this week. Rev- W. J . Sanderson left Wed ties’ day for Boston. I FOUND IT SO. McCormick, 111, Sept.- 28.—Miss Ethel Bradshaw of this place has writ­ ten a letter, which is .reniarkable for the chYirnctcr of the stafemeuts it con­ tains. As her letter >vill bend- with interest, and probably with'profit by many, women, it has been thought ad­ visable to publish it in part. Among oilier thing Miss Bradshaw says:/ “I had kidney trouble with, the vnrious unpleasant symptoms which ‘always conies with that disease,.and I have found a cure. I would strongly advise all who may be suffer­ ing with any form of kidney complaint to use Dodd’s Kidney Pills, a remedy which I have found to be entirely sat­ isfactory. “This remedy is within tho reach of all nnd is all that is recommended to ho, .1 found i t , so, and I therefore feel it my ditty to tell others about it,” Dr. Dunaway of Benton, 111., uses Dodd’s Kidney* Pills in his regular practice, nud says they are the best medicine for kidney troubles. He cloims they will cure diabetes in the last stages. . 1 The new nine-story hotel being huifkin Johannesburg will he the hig- est establishment of its kind in South Africa. I t has been kuoivn that there were certain brands of whiskey that would cause a man. to. abuse his wife and family or a. ^ im b brute but we know of only one instance wherein the same which has caused the retailer of the “ wet” goods to whip his own wife like a little child and then skip the town while in his drunken mood. Such was the ease last Thursday Diglit when a local whiskey seller, who conducts a different business as a blind, took occasion to trounce his better half for causes ;best km.wu to themselves, This same man and wife have been the agents of trouble in more than one home all caused from the sale of the very same beverage that brought about differences be, tween them. The Herald has a t va'r ions times stated authoritively the kind of a place this .rngn has been keeping and the curse he and his business has heen to the people o f this vicinity nnd today we have stronger arguments than ever substantiating every statement made in the past,. This man, whom it is not becessary to uame, has just passed through his second triid for violating the Beal law and every action of late tends to prove to the public Ms guilt, The above trouble all happened last Thursday night and the proprietor left town on short notice not showing up for bussiness until some Time Tuesday. Although the couple live in princely style' from the dimes taken Irom many a poor Family yet their couse of travel seems to he a rough and thorny one. COUNCIL MEETS. The regular meeting of council was held Monday evening. After the regular routine of business was trails-, acted bids /or street lighting were considered. The contract was let to Henry Robinson a t a salary of eigh­ teen dollars per month. The J . R. Orr road question which has. been before this body on several occasions was agaiu brought up for considera­ tion, Mr. Orr was present and asked that ,n line be established from the fact that the corporation was using pnrt of his ground as a rondwny to “Pittsburg.” He. "Baked $100 for his rights. Council decided to en­ gage the county surveyor to find the old lines and see just what belonged to the corporation. October 18 excursion tickets to Co­ lumbus will be Bold via Pennsylvania Lines a t $1.00 round trip from Gedar- ville. Special trains teave at 8:55 a, m. and 9:52 a. m., Central time. Samuel K. Williamson and Miss Maria Tarbox United in Mar­ riage Wednesday Evening. TheBoys of Geotral Ohio SeasonableGods YOU NEED - AT RIGHT PRICES. 4 * 44 Floor Oil Cloth, All widths, all qualities, 25e to 35c per sq. yard. Linoleum, O and D grades, Iwft yards wide, 50c and 02$c per sq* yard. Matting. We' will close out several pieces of our 20c grade nfc 15c per yard. Ask to see them. .Flower Pots. All sizes. We pay 20 c per lb. for Butter, 20 c per d o z , for Eggs, cash or trade; also 70 c per bu. for Potatoes. . BIRD’S. Fire Shovels and Coal Buckets. Stone Jars, Covered, 1, 2 and 4 quarts. Stove Pipe, per joint, 15c, Lanterns, Globes, Lamps etc. Boys* Knee Pants, Those good corduroy, that will last nil Winter, per pair - ■* - 81.00 w PUBLIC SALE. Desiring to change location, I will sell at public auction, a t my residence three miles east of Oedarville and three males west of Helma, on" the Columbus pike, on Tuesday, October 27th, 1$03, a t 10 o’clock, a, m., the following described property: Kind head of nurses, consisting ofone heavy draft mare in foal; one Morgan gen­ eral purpose mare; one family driver; two. two-year old geldings; two two- year-old fillies; one yearling colt, these youngsters all sired by imported draft stallions; one roadster-bred weanling. Thirty-six head of cattle, consisting of*seven double standard Polled Dur* hams, made up of two two-year old heifers, bred; two yearling heifers; one yearling.bull: tw.o ten-months-old bull calves; grade cattle as follows: five short horn cows, two with cu'lves at foot and all bred to D. 8, Polled durham bull; eight yearling steers; one yearling heifer; eight steer calves; one Jersey cow and two Jersoy heifers. Seventy head of sheep, consisting of sixty-eight head of Shropshire ewes and two Shropshire bucks. Twenty-nine head of hog*,. consist­ ing of twenty-eight feeding hogs and one yearling registered Duroc Jersey boar, Farming implements, consisting of McCormic binder; Superior wheat' drill; cornplanter; hay tools, rope, Cnnler, horse fork and pulleys; buggy, harness, collars, bridles, lines, road scraper, cultivators, hog houses, feed­ ing racks, troughs, lumber, pouultry house 14x80 feet, brooder house, good base burner, a few articles of vhouse­ hold and kitchen furniture etcJ/etc. About 200 shocks of good corn and fodder, • TKRM.S.~-All sums n f $5 aud un­ der cash; over- $5 a credit of six months will be. given, the purchaser giving note with approved security, The farm, consisting o f sixty-four acres *vi]l be sold nt private treaty on application to the undersigned, D, B, C ojxtna H, T, Baker, Auct. U. 1 \ Kerr, Oterk Miss Maria Agnes Tarbox and Mr, Samuel Kyle Williamson were mar­ ried Wednesday evening at 8;3Q o’clock at the home of the bride’s brother, Mr. W. J . Tarbox. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Dr, Joseph Kyle, of Kenia, in the presence nf about sixty friends and relatives of the contracting part­ ies, After t h e . wedding a three course supper' was served. The bride’s table was set with Havilund china, the gift of the bride’s brothers and sister, and decorated with smilax and roses. About it were seated, be sides the bride and. groom: Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kyle, Mr, and Mrs J. M. Collins, Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Kyle and Mr. and Mrs, McEiroy, of Wash- in-ton, Pa, The bride apd groom'took the mid­ night train for Washington and Claysville, Pa,, where they will visit Mrs. ML A Williamson at the latter place. On their, return home they will go to housekeeping- on the groom’s farm south of town. ME. and Airs. Williamson were re­ cipients of a number of handsome gifts including numerous, . useful presents for their new home.' The bride is the daughter.,of Mr. J. M. Tarbox of the well known firm of Tarbox & Collins Lumber com­ pany while the groom is a prosperous and well-to-do farmer living south of town. ■ .: n ■ X i,. Among the''guests present from out of town were Mr. and Mrs, McEiroy, Washington, Pa.; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kyle, Dr. Joseph Kyle and wife, Mr. John Q. Collins and wife, Sheriff-Frank Tarbox and wife, Mr,' Martin Collins and wife, Mrs. John Stewart and Mr. John Jobe, Xenia; Mr. Joseph Waddle, and wife and Mr. and Mrs. -Will Rife; Clifton; Mr. gnd Mrs. Thomas Moore and Mrs. Mt xy Barber, of Jamestown, I With Senator Cullom and Hon. Schively will Speak in Xenia Tonight. - 8BNATOII POUAKBU. At the big Republican meeting in Xenia tonight will be Senator J . B, Foraker, Senator Cullom and Hon, Schively. Addresses will be made’by these distinguished men on the issues of tho day. I t is expected that there will be. a larger crowd out on this occasion than for many years and the capacity of the opera house will faxed. A number o f our citizens will grt down on the evening train, returning about midnight. *GOES TO NEW YORK, Will Al. Hundley, who was for five years connected with the Herald, and was chosen ■by D r. John Alex­ ander Dowie as city editor of his daily paper at Zion City, has entered upon his duties, first going to New York ns associate editor, he having joined the party at Niagara Falls Wednesday. Although tho city daily is not yut a reality, yet it will be when all arrangements are com­ pleted. Mr. Hundley is not a mem­ ber of the Christian Catholic church or one of Dowie’a followers, yet he has been chosen by the Elijah J I to look Aper news items and incidents of the four thousand followers Who have Ijourneyed to New York, Mrs. M. A. Creswell/tid Airs. W, J , fimith leave Tuesday for Crowley, La*, where they will visit fir. R. B, Raney and wife. a . *# . fieeni jutrf ieularly healthy ■ and active, and consequently hard on their elotlies--that’s why we make such extra­ ordinary efforts to secure a collection that ■will with­ stand the hardest usage- We have succeeded and the results are here for yonr in­ spection. ■ They are worth while seeing too. Boys’ 3=piece suits, Ages 8 to 16 years, $ 1.48 to $ 7.98 Boys’ Norfolksuits, * Sizes 4 to 16 , years, $1.98 to $7.98 Boys’ sailor suits. Sizes 8 to 10 years, ’ $1.98 to $6.98 Boys’ Russian suits, Sizes 2J to 5 years, • $4-98 to $8.98 el \ m S i t ' t f '£Qf*(nC|lT» . orwvc,own*. $1,48 to $6.98 Boys’ reefers, 3 to 16 years, Boys’ overcoats, 8 to 16 years, - $2.98 to $9.98 You will find in this department also, every­ thing the little fellows need, in the way of Haberdashery, Hats and Caps. Men’s Suits,TopCoats, Rain CoatsandWinter O V H R C O A T S . . We have an especially large line of men’s Suits, Top Coats, 4 1 Rain Coats and Winter Overcoats, cut in the newest fash­ io n s , from every correct fabrjek for the season, at S 9 7 5 S 1 4 7 5 AUTUMN HATS, ■ In Complete. assortment. Autumn • Of every Description, a t Money Saving Prices, le t ,* * * ' • r \ . . a * r ARCADE, SPRINGFIELD, OHIO, ADMINISTRATORS’ SALE. ‘ - ■. ' - • <■ ’ The undersigned, administrators of the estate of Emily Louisa Dean, de­ ceased, will offer a t public sale, a t the homestead of the late John Q. Dean, in New Jasper township, Greene Go., Ohio, on.Friday, Oct. 8 0 ,1903(1 com­ mencing at 10 a, m., personal proper­ ty belonging to said estate as follows: 3 work horses, one family horse and a good farm team; 2 milch cows, one a full blood Jersey; 4 brood sows; 28 head of good Btock hogs; 300 shocks of corn and fodder; farm wagbh, -in good condition; buggy, set Of buggy harness; set of work harness;' farming implements; household furniture and numerous other articles. Terms: All sums of $5.00 or under, cash; over $5,00, a credit of nine months, with approved security, will be given, WL L . Marshall, Auct, R . F . Kerr, Clerk. Anna J . Grieve Chas. W . Dean, Admihisf.rators, CELEBRATE CHRISTENING. Dr; and Mrs. M, P . Hun t of 208 East fitate street entertained at dinner Thursday .evening to celebrate the christening' of Richard Hunt, the in­ fant son o f Rev, and Mrs, Homer McMillan of Los Angeles, Cal, The riteB were performed by Dr. S. 8. Palmer of Broad Street Presbyterian church, assisted by Rev. Dr. Walden of Atlanta, Ga, The out-of-town guests were Dr. and Mrs. J , A, Mit­ chell of Newark, Rev. Dr« Walden, Dr. and Mrs. J . B. Hunt, Miss Clara McMillan of Oedarville, M» A. Pat­ terson of Westerville.—Ohio. Slate Journal, Oct. 11. A Chill, A Sneeze-- Easy to Catoh Cold— Hard to Got Hid Of. % Lightning; Laxative Quinine Tablets will cure a cold in twenty-four hours. If not, druggist will refund your money. M CENTS Q uinine T ablets _ WILL CURK COLD, NEURALGIA, LA ORIPPE, MALARIA, HEADACHE, Will not gripe nor sicken, ate per­ fectly harmless, no bad after effects —are a purely vegetable prepara­ tion. quick in action, positive id' results. 26CENTSPERBOX. ALL BRUSfilST*. Praparatl onlyIp, THE HERB MEDICINE CO.* SPRIN&Fmth OHIO* JlLannfrfturrir* o f the Lightning Hut Drop*. DAINTY COOKERY Demands dainty flavor- ' - iug extracts. •We 'can supply them. You are entitled to something better than the ordinary if you come here for them, and you will no t ’ be disappointed, Our * extrnels have the true* subtile flavor of the nat­ ural fruit, and are of al­ most twice the ordinary ' strength. Unless you, have tried our vanilla we doubt, i f ' . you know the rare delie- > ncy-of the-true article - properly made, | JOHN WEST & CO** I t m t m m w m | ISAAC W1STERMAN, Manager,