The Cedarville Herald, Volume 26, Numbers 27-52

ACHINE. CO, | 'X ^ N I A » O H I O . * -CrVt*5!‘^Mnl 'YC£t Hiil liMlii i»I:»'!i;.itiiil^»H|,t ' '• AI K tsnLo t K»j.iijy «S14 ieplriitga Specialty lers andMachinery on H and ,..^ alls, Stay Bolts, Patch logs, Pulleys, Hang- Is, Bolts, Iron, and Ind Brass.Goods. W A Y W f PONY given away on the person who - .< ;r. Try it for luck. ' - ich 25 c purchase. wElMER *1 Lls- >alt Meats, Poul- Give us a trial. Cedarville, 0, *J k^AAtiAkiAtt*LAAAth,Lj; lund Bar Corn, Cool fcd at Trebejns, of “ - 68 c IBushel (rood Dumps. Telephone. [eryCompany Ohio. it; for all classes, as e in every respect tent lines of : |H fl i t t r o s s . e s r’V P u . s j l i s t f *»:<lss ■ l ^ r o w t & i i i g ’ ^ « n « < l s s Garpsts! lie largest inannfactuving iicli enables us to <piote • • MILLAH Furniture Be* ./* R to d Writing Jffaehine u-I; numbers oi existing Wfl e-:» of im;tut, any two of tfWN * .w .. . t .. ..«-r<u|f: \Sfti 111 f.,*It*j M*f & *'' «. ;or teal) existing typewrite^ !j|t»Uljfr Ol stock to 10 at;' Tireotiling interested to iy AIS zi wtiitn won- rJjsn fTt'UfO worth of llu; fyiK-wrlscp tvorM fitiiwi*oiadiioo, Whoh l;s this great>'* K*h stock ‘hr complete rod «*» out? tmicMucv fnv.-otme»6 to oo 'itft rTc’jjfO'W id hm**’ PrrCi rcftceia postdoc* K>R Typewriter Go,, -V....- fire They Hot, Stylish? U N D E R W E A R la very fine and Is guaranteed not to irritate the wearer, j j : Dress and Driving Gloves. We havfe a large line’ of dress, and driving gloves, front <^F“ - i - r \ (T*/ J A A Our gloyes are recognized as the t v . « p l L , \ p i f . Stand -rd of Quality and at the • prices wo name, you will understand the unusual values we give. THE a 1n i l , HATTER, 27, South Limestone, * J O B E B R O S . & C O .. I - * ’ .. ' * Store News. S tock ings ' th a t W e a r . Pony Stockings Means Stockings that DO NOT WEAR OUT. There is nothing made, that will wear ns well. Buy one pair and*'be Convinced. For boy# and girls 5 weights, size 5 to !!■£ pr. 25c School Hose. Lower Priced School Hose, ns-good ns ean^be made for the price, per pair • - >• - — iOe nud 15e Ladies’ Fancy Hose Special. About 20 dozen Ladies’ Hand Embroidered Black Hose, more than a dozen styles tliat are worth regularly 35c to 50c, all sizes, sit speciiil price par, pair - - ' - ' 25c Men’s Fancy Hose, Extra Values, 25 Cents. Su its at B a rga in s ; Ladies’ All Wool Suits $10.00, In Black, Blues, Gray and Carters, good styles and great values.- Better suits nt §15.00, §16 50, §18 50 and -up Walking Skirts, worth up to £3.50, get one this week nt i bargain price - * - * * * * §150 ladies’ KnitCorset Covers. Long and short sleeve, pure white, all sizes at 25c and 50a each. Ladies’ Fall Weight, Pure White Veals and pants, at each 25 and 50c f .1 Fall Waist Cloths. <&» Our showing of New Fall Waist* iogs is the largest and roost com* . plete ever shown ifi Xenia, Mure than 100 styles (u select from, in while and colors, -at prices per ■ • * ■ • . .■ yard- from * 15c to 75c JOBE BROS. I CO, IXLe n i a , O E i o . Yvu IAt nroro jbr your money in i»st>ing b-its rd Sullivan, Tiro Hot­ ter, than in any other invest- Jticut. Wo a*lf lists iliftt gta’tid- * the test, Mmw their. quality and ' satisfy the wearer :t% . S I . We curry all the latest in .New York, Phihulelplii.a apd i*1 ' : - y ^ 0 r Boston Styles, Prices from 48c to $ 3 J 0 All- hats guaranteed to give falMwctinii and arc union made. . L in demand now, arid wear® prepared to take care of any pos­ sible requirements in this line. We have all graded in heavy weights front 5 ^ * to a garment, c„ . Our $1.00 and $1.50 Australian Wool .Do not fail to see nu r display . nf Full shirts in stifl’ nud soft bosoms. Prices From a s o t o ; G i s o i A New York man who ia 100 years! Everywhere 8peaker*to-be Cannon .old and has been paying premiums; goes in Washington he is followed by on §10,000 life insurance, for seventy years, declares that the. imnv who a troop of newspaper men but he only tells them funny stories' and dc wants to live to a ripe old age .needs jcliue* to"Pay how he will organize the only to insure hie life heavily enough*I House, Rati a Nail Through His Hand. ‘ ; ARE YOU GOING WEST. Wtdlo openin'' a box. J , 0 , Mmltit, i of Three Milo Bay, N« V*., ran n ten) penny nail through the ifeshy part of I ins band, I thought a t one® of till) the pain and ententes ibis would 1 cattso me,” l>« navn; **cmd immediately applied GlmroherlnuiVi Pain Balm hud i.irnsii'inaHy afterwfti«K 'i’o my ettr-' priM; it letiHiVf d all p.rii'r and soraiers anti tiie injured parts were swum healed,5' JiW sain i>y V. M. .Utdgwny* CORN CROP PRihRECL v {*il!ii\vi‘ig Hfdrt n has bees t ■■i th« ftsihr Agricult urn! Esperi neut Blatiotn J t now scenw evident that the yiph of corn is to ho niuch I,clow an average crop in tins state this£ea,son. Condi tious beynnd the control of the corn grawer-^tho In te r rin g nnd the um reasonable weather during,the greater part,of the com crop—have helped ty bring ahnut this result. The, corn crop of 1903 is a matter o f history. All that can be done now Is to care­ fully save and utilize, what we bay®. This should mean something morn than picking the ears and allowing the stovers to waste in the field in so far as its feed value is concerned. The present crop, is not only a“ dis­ appointment as regards yield but quite inferior as to quality', This for many a corn grower means poor seed, an uneven stand and a poor crop iu 190-i. I t will mean this un­ less great precaution be taken, ip sgl: ecting and drying out seed corn this fall,. While mature seed should be chosen if it can be had, .slightly im mature corn carefully and thoroughly dried out by the fire is frequently more satisfactory than the former when handled carelessly. Given a. normal winter arid it is proble that seed corn of which ninety per cent and upward will germinate next spring will not be easily secured.- Almost any farmer can arrange for it now it he be alert, I t has seemed best that tins -word of caution be sounded at. this time by the Ohio ag­ ricultural experiment station,-Woos­ ter, 0 . LIST OF LETTERS List of letters remaining uncalled for in the Cedarville. postoffice for the month ending"t)ct. 16, 1908, L is t No. 42. Coray, W. A. fleeps, Clins. B. Jackson, 51ahala. Kelley, Lester, • . T. N.-T a - ebox , P. M. Broke Into His House. S. Le Quinn o f , Cavendish, Vt., was robbed of-.his, customary health iy invasion of Chronic Constipation.: When Dr. King’s New Life Pills moke into his house, his trouble was arrested and now he’s entirely cured. TKey’re guaranteed to cure, 25c. at all druggist's. Tom Johnson is already advocating a 2 cent ear faro and it things .get lot enough in the Ohio campaign he may be reduced to offering. free ides. ■ *, QUESTION ANSWERE. Yes, August Flower still has the Urgent sale.,of aiiy medicine in the civ­ ilized world. ' Your mothers and grandmothers never thought of using anything else for indigestion or bili­ ousness. Doctors were scarce,' and they seldom heard of appendicitis, nervous prostration or heart failure! etc; They' used August .Flower to ejean out the system and.stop fermen­ tation of undigested. >food, regulate the action of the liver, stimulate the nervous and organic action of the sys­ tem, and that is all they took when feeling dull and bad with headaches and other aches. You only need, a few doses of Green's August Flower, in liquid form, to make you satisfied there is nothing serious the matter with you. You can get this reliable remedy nt all druggists. Price 25c and 75c, | t.HCAl AN PH'iSQNAL | i = 44 ML»iJ«»C^--' 4 #*S>VJM,yr-JMt^vUMLNI Ib»fi u t Barber, a former CYdarville buy, is .eperoij!!;' some lim® here among old acquaintances. Mrs. Oliver Dodds,* of Xenia is spending revera! day with her parents Mr, and Mrs, J . H . Wolford, The Gentry Bros,” dog and pony show was the attraction for a number of our citizens in Xenia, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John Beaclnm, of Xenia, spent Sunday the guest of Mrs, Myrtle Bem-ham of this place. Thoauuduncsment that James Whit-* comb Ililey will be in Hpringfield, October 27, is already creating cbn siderable interest anioTig those who- are familiar with his works. The football g-une last Friday, be­ tween the local train md Springfield resulted in a great victory for the home team. TJio sco>,e was 11 to 0 The n rx t game is with SYilberforce, Monday afternoon, Thomas Managnn,’ the Bofj drink ealoonist of Jamestown, who. was ar­ rested upon evidence furnished by representatives of the Anti Saloon •league was found guilty before Mayor Thomas, Tuesday and was fined 8100 and costs, and agreed to quit business.- " The Neff park at Yellow Spring is to bo a great winter resort if the pres­ ent plans are carried out, The Jake will be fitted up for skaters and will have a toboggan slide. Electric lights will add beauty to the grounds. Some o f the building will be heated for persons who comet® enjoy The winter sports. * The funeral services of Deputy1 Sheriff M' Clark county, D. A." Bu- pert, a man well known by many in this county, were bpld Monday after-' noon at bis residence in-Springfield. Oil October 1 Mr. Bupert was thrown, from a D. S. & U. traction car in Os­ born while standing, on the rear pint- form. He was picked up unconscious and died last Friday evening of. con­ cussion of the braiu. The deceased leaves a wife and two children. —Heinz’s strawberry; cherry,' black raspberry, red raspberry and peach preserves in.the bulk at Gray <X£ Co. Notice of; Appoirdment^ Notice is hereby given that the un­ dersigned have been appointed and qualified ns administrators of the es­ tate of the late Emily Louisa Dean. Charles W. Dean, Anna J , Grieve. Sept, 26, ’03 45d CROWDSATTEND . The place to buy the best $2.oo, 2.50, and 3.00 shoes in the country is at, Siegen- thalers, Springfield, O. Beginning September 15, and con­ tinuing every day thereafter until November 89, there will be a special rate to oil points in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana; and British Columbia, For maps, rat? r , routes and other infV-rroation write tit one® i» Im F. vSrirevegeJ, District I.Vsere- gor Agent* Wisconsin Centred By,, 407 Traction Building, Cincinimti* Ohio, t f SPECIAL LOW RATES, For the Round Trip, With Stop-Over Privileges, Via. QUEEN & CRESCENTROUTE, September 15 and October 20 From Cincinnati to Chattanooga Birmingham, Ala. Atlanta, Git. - Middle, Ala. Macon, Ga. Brunswick, Ga. - rinvamih, Ga. Jackson, Miss. New Orleans, La. Jacksonville, Flit, .Shreveport, La. Houston, Tex. Beaumont, Tex, Tickets g«nrl 21 days from date, of sale with privilege of stop-over south ol f’amereet, Ky. Through Pnlnmtt service to Ohalfnwmga,, Jnckonvillu, Shreveport. New Orleans rind Savan­ nah. TV information .apply to W, H. KiNfrevnsoN, G, P . A., Q, &U, llmite, Cincinnati, <). THE OPENINGOF THEWHENSTOHE Is a Place Where Buyers .are At­ tracted by Values Offered. The formal opening of the When Clothing Store Saturday was ft suffici­ ent attraction- to draw ii full house all day, and it is no exaggeration to say that those who attended it were simply astounded at wuat ‘they saw. Most of them remembered the -simple and unpretentious start this store made some five years ago. Saturday they found it a mammoth affair and even in the enlarged room adequate space to accommodate the vast stock carried, . The opening,wag an .unpretentious affair , and shoppers were attracted to ifc by a single thing—the values ofiered them. In noting this vast increase in business the question naturally arose in the minds of the buyers wlint was tlie cuuse of the enlargement of the stock and the greatly increased business. The answer can easily be found. This store is a good example of twen­ tieth century merchandising. New and modern methods have been em­ ployed solely in the management of this store since it came under the con­ trol of L . Vinney, ■and the results have fully justified the methods used, Mr, Vinney states that he has al­ ways been a staunch adherent of the policy o f buying for,cash and buying in quantity. In speaking of the mat­ ter Saturday night he sal . “ Fre­ quent visits ' to New York, possibly every three or four week, have en­ abled mo to keep in touch with East­ ern methods. My plan o f buying has always enabled us to give the cus­ tomer the profit which we naturally save, All goods are sold by us nt a saving of from 4 to 20 per cent over ordinary or small competitors, and it lias been the aim of the store to fol low out this policy closely, as the store loses nothing and increased businesj more than justifies it.” W e W on t L e t U p ! T H E SU R P R IS E STORE . I b this talk about our suite and top coats until we have convinced you of their merit and the advan­ tages that await yo.i here, The yrerkmaut-hip, lining and trimming Is of the, highest Order -—and here you pay for value only—not style. Our Fall and Winter Stock of Softs and Top Coats & beyond cfemiption—-yen mast Bee the garments to thoroughly appreciate what remarkable values are hero for you. Our Fail Suits and Top Coats at $10.00 are of a character seldom) seen elsewhere a t $15, More style, honest workmanship, lining and trimming than you can reasonably expect. The Suits are make up from this season’s latest woolens, in every late style. The Top Coats are models'of up-to-date tailoring,dk "t and fit to perfection. A wide range of both Suits rind Top 3 jl ' Coats the most fastidious dresser may be proud to wear, lit only; Oiir Fall Suits and TopCoats at $15.00 are equal in every respect to custom tailors’ 820.00 creations. An almost-endless variety of stylish woolens to select from in 'ev e ry conceivable new. style suits and Top Coats the most fastidious dres­ ser may be proud to wear, a t only W e are showing a big; line of Men’s Suits and Overcoats as low as barge assortment;Boys’ Saits, $1.00 to $6.00 Special Prices onfall furnishings andRats, 12 EAST MAIN STREET, Sam Lebensburger & Co. Our of Stoves ,We have made a careful study of the requirements of our customers, and our . success is largely due to the fact that we have always tried to supply them with just'what they wanted. Our display of stoves is unquestion­ ably the largest in the city and they are to be sold, if-low prices can do it. R A N G E S . Our line of Batiges com­ prises the following makes: Round Oak, . Foster’s Prize, Climax, Peninsular, Eurekah, S lack1Burners. Wo evidently have the leading slack burner, in the Foster 6toVe, (exactly like cut), if sales are to be taken as a standard. They are just the thing when the price of coal is high. Fire Shovels, * ' pokercs and tongs. Iu fact anything Needed in the Stove line. HEATERS. You do not have, to- buy our goods because yon look a t them, but you will want to buy, for the price coupled with the quality and merits of the store are pound to sell them. Beckwith Round Oak, Florence Hot Blast,. * (air tight.).. Garland,' w Jewel. COAL BUCKETS In all styles and grades, either the Black or Galvanized Iron. Prices to Bitit the purchaser Stove Pipe. We carry a full line of HANDMADESTOVEPIPE AnV Size. O . TVE. C R O U S E , Cedarville, Ohio, where a full lino of Hardware, Pumps and Paints can always be found. CONTROLS THREE STORES. Mr. Vinney has control of three stores, with a selling capacity of $400- 000, and by his affiliation with New York buyers he has been able to carry a plan of btiyihg soloy on a cash basis and m large quantities, There is not a hit of sentiment to he found in the store. Sir. Vinney considers the old plan of handshaking and jollying a thing of the past, In ­ stead of the personality o f the-propri* etor, he believes that the quality of the goods themselves should scll them. I t is his opinion that people are look­ ing for stores where their dollars go the farthest and not where they arc met with a pleasant smile, but shoddy goods. Mr. Vinney believes a store is much like a firm. Ii ifcdoes not im­ prove ifc smigt retard; there is im standing still. Ever since his com neciion with the store he has made Hour extensive improvement every six months and has put p a rt of Ins earning;! into improvements. As an illtif.lratioii of whether this has paid or not may he cited tiro fact that the business has increased more than 8100,000 in the last five years. The Syracuse store which Mr. Vin­ ney owns is the largest in Central New York, and from a simple begin*, iiing it now occupies an entire build* ing five stories liigh. This be hopes to make of Ids Springfield store, and Springfield buyers will be wore than glad to do their part .in helping him along. NEV ILLE ABLE MANAGER. As Mr, Vinney is necessarily absent from the city a groat deal the man­ agement of the store has fallen William J . Ncv!B<. who has mm Connected with the stoHe since ifcaame under the control o f tho'eresent/uan* rigement. How ably be lm ^ fipd the trying position can best be explained by thp vast volume of business which the store is now doing.- He has worked solely for the interests of the patrons and they have appreciated this fact better than anyone, else. Tiro etoreruoiii iteplf is most hand­ somely appointed as regards all its furnishings. -Elegant show cases, side And center shelving,' hat case* and nickel furnishings throughout are conspicuous and add nofc only to the beauty of the ploce, bu t also’ to Its convince. A new balcony extends across the entile south of the store. The'west section, of balcony is oc­ cupied by the store’s tailor, the center section by the cashier and wrapper, while the cast Section is devoted en­ tirely to private offices. An air-line cash and bundle system saves time for all concerned, and is only one of the many conveniences placee in. the store for the benefit of the patrons, Arrangements for lighting the store both natural and artificial have received careful attention, with the result that she store is the best lighted iu the stntp, The window* are the molt complete, in. the state. There are ten on the Arcade side, three on the'High street side and two facing on the Esplanade* The Arcade Win­ dows arc furnished in pure white, with French plate mirrow* and pol­ ished hardwood floor*. The outside cases are ail glass with marble owe* and arc the best made. * A large day and night sign, with a total measure meat of 300 square feet, has bt*n [recently installed, and it fit the htfg- ert o f tb® kind in the United Bteta*. i / z " I -* --a . - fl . . - U& ' j ] t'M’Att ratL/lL.,