The Cedarville Herald, Volume 26, Numbers 27-52

H l£kTl iW ■ - w t w IK", p. ■ X 4k ? WHEfi YOU BUY OF OS mtWREWBU BEST. M.M LEADING x g to 23 South ^Limestone Street; [W r e n ’s O ld Stand,] W e are Now Beady For you, with the largest, Newest, most Complete stock o f CLOTHING, HATS, FURNISHING GOODS, TRUNKS , VAL ISES , Etc., in Central Ohio, at the Most Reasonable Prices. Your ~Patron­ age is Respectfully Solicited. W A T C W f U S C3KO .W Hi i 6ENDUR ’ , DRY,"080^“ UP-TO-DATE METHODS and no “SHENANEGAN.” E a sy ; shopping, courteous attention, and dry goods cheap, that, w hy we grow. Another New Department Added O R D E R GOOD S B Y M A IL . you wish. -Just name about tho price you wish in any item, we’ll select the best ami nearest for 1 your price and alter comparison, if.the thing is’ not right we’IBtry again, or refund your money, w ~ 1—* Bend ibr samples of anything you wish,-sample our dress goods, our' silks,* our. velvets, trimmings, our neckwear, our underwear, onr hosiery*, our _ . . . . gloves, our infants’ wear,‘ 'our corsets, our Art ll- *We beat Goods, 0 tfr napkins, our table linens,-our outing the Catalogue Houses and you see the goods instead AjL flannels, our flannelettes, our iflankets, our comforts, of the pictures, Try us once, - dfe our linings. our draperies, our curtains; anything •T, D. Bendure, Daylight Store, 48 to 56 8. Limestone St,, ‘ . . Springfield., Ohio SHERIFF’S SALE. } % '! V i . STATU OF OHIO, 1 , GugBSe ConsTV, ss J PUkSt/ANT to command of ah order of sale fn partition issued from the Court of Common Fleas of said county, and to me directed and delivered, I will offer for safe at public auctiotfat the front door of the Court House, m the City of Xenia, in said county, on SATURDAY, NOV. 141903, the following discrihed land and tenia* r.tonts towit; , „ , Situated in the County of Greene, and Suite of Ohio, and hounded and vde- iuribed as follows, being part of Thomas T'owler’e survey No, ltt» originally for - f,ux? surds on the waters of Massies# .'.< f,-elc, UiC part hereby conveyed hounded as follows towit: Ik ginning at n'.lake in turnpike road lending torn- .Hit to Clifton and corner to rncuu i’ Harding from witch a white oak ft) imfies m diameter hi ar» N. OH,,A - H .j h.dis. Thence with her line and lmeos C' arnty road S, fJOdegrees, I’.. «fW#i) poles to a stake comer to said Harding, a <t/Try 2ft inches tn diameter bears >S, 1-.,ft.) M Maks, flumcc S, SH K. i’M poles . to a Stake at the turn o f a mad m ravine, atri corner to Harding, thence G, WJde- g ees IS minutesE.42 poles to a stake, in the line of Samuel Charlton and cor- ■ t.t'f to said Harding, thence N, ft uegrees sP minute* E, poles to a stake m t'.i1line of Towiislcy's heirs and comer to Alexander Stevenson, n mulberry ft birdies in diameter' bears N. 20 degrees W, (SU links, thence with the line of sain Stevenson's N07JJ W , 01.14 poles to'the , f .iterofcaid turnpike, road, corner to 'kfu-d Stevenson, thence S. S f degrees 3d Richfurs,rightlynamed andplainlypriced. n p.,i -.Hit the place of beginning, contain- 1 mg forty-threeand fifty-threehundredths j I i r/,,5 3 ) kres*. more or Jess, upon the 10 M ! towing.teitos fowitJ Om-thiid cam on; j fftv of safe, one-third in one year, and; ] onMhird hi -two yPafil- thereafter, with> ] parties respectfully\ftlitled’ Sec ured by mortgage oft the*jifcinfst"*, ' .3 *. ) l o b e sold by mfl. ivV ’» caid court m, <„ -e *Jo. Hiijft, whereinIsaac Glmlali 1 $t p,t tinnerutifl L. j, Hendricks ct ai ate;; iMewkfttfl, ’ V ,4 I - 1»rank T a ih ?% -»tew , |; iirrehe D^nty,Oh io,’ John fi, Tompkins and, fiihydy and* , ItoygHs*# attorneys for petitioner,. p JI T i l l *tov<* irtsfbfe Amfd Mum* MtrtfrrgtUfo*, .... [S Bprmgfield’s only experienced furriere we IttfifS your iwspec* tion of themost comprehenrive assortment ever displayed in Central Ohio. Everything, from Alaska Beat and Broadtaii coais to the most Inex­ pensive Coney scarfs, js here in the greatest piofdaiou. That tooeh of ex* elusiveness and correctness, so dear to even woman’s heart, marks the Style o* everything we show you pud what is of really more consequence we will not sell you bfended nniskratffof.mole* skin—Jileciric Beal for Hear 8 esl nor dyed Opossum for* genuine .Martin. ){Wo could not afford to risk,by misrej * ’ resenfatibn a reputation we’ve been over a half century in building. Every­ thing is marked in plain figures and you can buy just «s low as your neighbor—but no tower, ’ r{,0m>w Fox scarfs, Urgebrash tails, to $10, > Mink a-arfs -$> to$S3, Black Marlin scarfs $•!> In $3*i, Lkc trieSea! tenthH to t'J, Brown Marlin scarfs $0 to $10, Kltetric Scat coats, lined with H;inner's gnaranfeed satins, $20 to Near .Veal»oats to$30,gcnuinescat *oats $110 to • ..$340 'etc, eta. ■. ^ jj ■' ^A.ctec Stock Fflftd far oft? HP A/.. ^ Salknterger. . , ’ —Sicstifijg Coe are. Ilcic/# hulk - 1 fsfcsetvm * i Sray'& tfe- 1r |,'*' linker! Bird- was a- ‘ fecg 3 pe 5 s»_£trifc'>F, ijp I to tho Q'aeeo f ' Tfcaralsy- l^afstcn’s HffiGth Crisps ct J0a # |IsKomet1'log cpw, at Gray & 1 ' * ’ - ■■■■{ ii. . ^ I BUirrier' Eccdersoo. o f iho Xenrn f |Thfologceal Scmfeory, Bohhafb Ihem . ' •■■.. '. ■ j* | , —Johnson's shoe store, Xenia, is the place for barsmsss ip fall and win-, ter hoots, shoes end rahhem ; Cewis Shaw of Wasliingbm, O. H., visited his'ijelcp, Sirs, M. C. Xagley, this week. 1 - —Go to John Pierce for lift and pitcher pumps, pipes, etc Sim. Balph George and daughter^ of Chicago, are visiting relatives and friends hem - \ ■—Covered and open top jars fbh apple butter at Cooper’s. —Acorn heating stoves, ranges* fori: hardor soft coal at Kerr & Hastings Bros; . - ' ■ ^ Messrs. J. O, McCorkell, John Stormont and tlarry Owens left Tuesday tor. .Texas and Oklahoma. —Olive oil and Campbell's ealad dressing at Gray & Co, Messrs. Will and Hayes McLean attended the funeral* of, their aunt, Mrs. Pfirah Dorothy at Marysville, Tuesday. —A range or base burner that will save Your mojiey can lie. found in the Acorn make. , 8 ee the display at Kerr & Hastings Bros. Miss, Watson, a missionary o f Egypt, "is* the guest of Wm. Haw- thoi 11 and family. Miss Watson is.a d< ctor hv profession, , - —■Johnson always handles the best of everything in hoots and shoes at Xenia, Misses Irene McClellan and Bertha MitehellVxpcct to go to Springfield next week where they will enter Willis Business College. t Messrs, J- B< Winter and wife, Alex Kyl.e and wife, and J, M. Tar- box aftended the reunion of the 34tb 0- V. I., at Xenia,. Thursday, —Friday and thereafter the price of n.Hj will be 5 cento a quaitj.if* quarts for 2 oe, cash, Z, T. Phillips. The Ladies*Aid Society of the U* P. church will give a Halloween (dime) social Friday night,; Oct. 30, at the home of J, Hale Collins *<iairvai•«**** ’ . . , ' —For felt boots, shoes and rubbers remember oat Johnson’ shoe store, onDetroit street, Xenia, is continual- ’ Iy offering bargains: ' Mrs. J. W. Pollock returned last Fridny from, Martinsville, Ind., where she lias been for several weeks taking treatment for rheumatism, Mr* J. A," McCall, « former citizen of this place, who is now located At Findlay, was in town the first of the week greeting his old friends and ac­ quaintances. He had just been at tending the synod at Princton, lad,, and came around this way for a short visit. Absolutely Pure THEREISNQSUBSTITUTE ~' An item which we failed to use last week was the Drake: and Finney sale, which occurred on the 0 of this month. Ibeyalc was largely attend­ ed by out-of-town buyers. The high* est prise bog brought j>351 and was taken by an Ohiobreeder,. The aver­ age for the fifty five head was about $23 SO. -r-Xew package Raisins, pancake ftaur, add pare buckwheat floor at Cooper’s." . “ v . •The Xenia Republican is, no longer a nine column paper. .Since a new press has been installed the form of the paper has been changed to six columns, eight pages. Siill Anofher Case. Franksvdle, M’is., 12.—-Many re­ markable cures, are being reported from all over the country but there is one right here in Frahksville which is- certainly worth, publishing,.anil which has not as yet been given to the pub­ lic. Mrs, Louis Marabou of this place had'been a sick woman for quite a" long time and could not find anything to give her any help. She sufiered all the symptoms of what is generally know as lemale Weakness. Every woman who reads her story will uu- dersfand. these distiessing conditio s which combine to make the lives of .women one long burden of weakness and suffering. Mrs, Markison chanced one day to bear of a new remedy called Dodd’s* Kidney Pills, that was said to he a splendid'medicine for Women’s-weak­ ness. She ^determined to try some and soon found herself getting better. She kept on with the pills and was cured. Speaking of her case Airs. Markison eay$: ' “ l can and do praise Dodd’s Kid­ ney Pills a.S a remedy for female weakness. They are the best medi­ cine ! have ever known, and bp e done me a great deal of good ” Joh Printing of all kinds executed in firm-class style at H erat A) office. TI)e best §1,50 and §2.00 shoes sold anywhere are at Siegenthalers’, Springfield. . y |- -It pays Inikd Acme Food, n/mb'-j |). B, Spangler returned to his : now time to look nifty ifiur sUtuie i’nr oil tot al at onMhird tlioj jfi^nic in Ihiwtou,, 0,, Monday,,* after mtota whiter m upon ynurin^t Aids digtathm a«d gives « finish, a tvyo wftks! visit with his w»idn*hiw nves are Ihfl I ks I- At Kerr A on ginr.iirtre by h. flf H u II hi . and Wile, Mr. and Mrs. 0 , A. Dub —Heinz, Tomtto catsup at Gray & Co. Messrs. W. L. Clenum* and David Tarbox have been granted a patent on a small tool to tie used by a win­ dow glazier. The invention is the work of Mr, -Tarbox, who. look Mr. Clematis in on the patent The righto will possibly be sold to some large manufacturing concern. TimU. V. congregation held ameet­ ing hist Monday,to consider the call­ ing o f a pastor, tho pulpit having been vacant since the resignation of Itev. F. 0. Ross, A vote was taken and Rev, O. H, Milligan, ofElberton, Pa», was selected by a unanimous vote. Rev. Milligan has preached for the congregation two Bnhbaths1 and proved himself an able man. The congregation voted to pay the* pastor $1,000 yearly tvjth the par­ sonage. Miss Bessie Rotulebush, who has been making her sister, Mrs, M, I. .Marsh, a two weeks's visit, returned to her home in Milford, Wednesday# —-Holland, in Orr room, has a full Hueof fall and winter goods; over-, rents, rubber lined coats, felt hoots, shoes, caps, gloves, pants, underwear, and clothing at lowest prices, l Notice of Appointment. . Kories is hereby given tlmt the un- -lerrigned have been appointed and qualified as administrators of the es- tata of the late Emily Louisa Dean# C.haries w . Dean, Anna J, Grieve. Bept. 20, *03 454 Harry Frey was granted a fran­ chise by the Jamestown council last Monday evening for his electric road. The crowing baby is not always a rooster, 1"1'' v"r .....■“ I A Love Letter 1 Would not interest you if you’re looking for a guaranteed salve for sores, burns or piles. Otto Dodd, of Ponder, Mo#, writes: “ I suffered, with an ugly sore for a year, but a box of BuckleU’s Arnica Salvo cured me. It’s the best Salve on earth. 25e at all druggists. The woman hater judges nil by one#, HeLearneda Great truth. It is said of John Wesley that he once said to Mistress Wesley: “ Why do you tell that child the same thing over and over again?” “ John Wes- Icy, because once telling is not enough.” It is for this same reason that you are told again and again that Chamberlain's Gough Remedy cures colds and grip;, that it counter­ acts any teudenoy of these diseases to result in pneumonia, and that it is pleasant awl safe to, take. For sale by 0, M, Riilgway, Timriiinl hi mi'nil iiiuuniiHammimmutimU o M juj ^U uu » W* M, HARfclSON, Practical-Miller and Engineer, Mem­ ber of the M. E. Church, and Currie Post, No. 94, G, A, ft. BUYING A PIANO ISLIKEBUYINGA .t H E N buying a diamond you mvarlbly go to an expert—a m an who is able to tell at a glance the quality and worth o f the stone. W h y not exercise the,, sam e care and caution when you se­ lect a piano? W e are experts in our line— long experience has made us so . Our success in piano dealing has been estab­ lished by our honest business principles and thorough know ledge of the piano trade. W e have never misrepresented a single piano and when We sa y w e carry on ly the largest line of the WorlcPs best pjtanos no one disputes us. Our store now contains more good pianos than any .other store in Central Ohio. W e give a partial listl jiOTE THE PRICES: : One Bans piano, walnut cav. piaio c-itoni.d style, price 'I ' ‘ , ■ ' . * . . One B;uis Piano, sule 14 B, mahogany vase' hand- son,ely carved, price - - One Baas Piano, style 46 L, large size ianry ma­ hogany cusv, price One Oapeu piano, style new B, plain . walnut ease, excellent tune, price Utse L’tipen, sty1c G, very fancy mahogany case, large size, price One Capen piano, large colonial design, mahog. uuy case, not excelled hi beauty and tone, price One Jacob Doll piano, style GX, mahogany case, handsomely carveil, colonial, price -One Jacob Doll piano, style OX, artistically . carved colonial case, pride One Jabob Dull piano, style U, unique desijgu, mahogany case, price .. .One Jacob. Doll piano, style G, elaborate design walnut case, price One Colonial Weber, mahogany, very plain, price One Mason & Hamlin piano, style G, mahog- •any case, colonial design, price $235 $255 *275 $300 *375 $400 $390 $390 *375 *375 *550 *475 Three Hobart M . Cable pianos regularly sold for $400 , being slightly shopworn ' w ill sell a t a great sacrifice. FLANERY’SBIG PIANO HOUSE. 4W3 % HighSt, Springfield, Ohio. V;f II One Chickeriug Bros, piano, » truly ai'tietic piano A t 7 ha wonderfully in tone and quality, price q) a <)U One Weber Grand piano, as fine as a piano as any dfQCA musician ever played upon, price qJuOU One Boston piano with walnut case, an unquestion able qalue, price. Continuing this week we w ill sell to respon ­ sible partie any piano in our house w ithout the usual cash payment down. On ly necessary to make the weekly payments o f $1 ,50 , $ 2 .0 6 , $5 .50 or $6 ,oo , $8 .00 or $10 .00 per month . CedarviflCt * Ohio * f V ■ ■ * .*1. mb-