The Cedarville Herald, Volume 26, Numbers 27-52

J'\*i\ i Oar Job , Work will compare with f that of any otl«>r firm., , , -j f ' Tfiij item when jammed with; m Index, denotes that your sutwcrip- » past 4»e and a prompt wttle*. went is earnestlydesired. * ""»" -’ 11 ■'-"">,,J' , I,-,."W.~,~W..—f TWENTY-SIXTH YEAR NO 46. CEDARVltlE. OHIO. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1905. P R IC E $ 1 . 0 0 A Y E A R . 31-33 Limestone S t , : Springfield, Ohio Bu y in g the winter w rap , the fa ll shirt waist, the tailor-made suit or , skirt is going to be an easy matter if you come here. The goods used are the ve ry best that can be put into the garnients at the price we sell them V for.. E a ch coat, cape,-cloak, jacket, suit pr skirt is extremely stylish and the prices make it possibly for the owner of a modest, purse to indulge herself in a handsome.fashionable.wrap, suit, skirt or waist.' JExtra special value offered in our black silkpeau de soie suits at $14 .00 , regular price $20.00 in “all cities. withl Ladies’ Skirts. wool waists; ’ ' - ' Flannelette waists, dark and light bluO, In blaolc made in latest ninegpre effects with white dots, trimmed in,tucks 75c. 1 the strapped seams, also pleated shirts, with but- - Fink and blue Wool-waists trimDied in buttons ton trimming made in- novelties, grayj blue, . only $1.00. ’liprtwn nnJ hhinh nivJthno ;nii<ISft M <*•'•-*A: . bro n and black rontons a t $3,98 r ' nice line of street skirts in brown, blue and” oxford novel­ ties made hnbjt-back flare effects a t $5. $6'50, $7.50 and 88' , / • Black, blue, green, red wool waists* trimmed in' braid 81.50. • ■ . - ■ * ■ - ’ . Tan, green, blue; red all wool waists $1.98,' - A beautiful seventeen gore‘ all gore •stitched skirt in medium grey, light grey and black a t $10,00. . . • 'An invisible stripe in blue, grey and brown Fiirs and Coats. * Ladies’ fur sciirfs, Isabella, Oppossum, flat ef feci with squirrel lining, 100 inches long a t 815, Russian squirrel, flat effect satin liped, $5, $7.50. made seven gore flare hips, trimmings a t $5.00.' Sable Walrus fox boa, lined with squirrel, two. ■ 'Ladies’long,skirts, a beautiful quality oPve.ue- brush tails, six small tads,'silk cord a t $6,50, $8 cloth made^. in the flare with five rows of and $1Q. turn inch wide taffeta as foot trimming and. three rows for hip trimming at $5.00, Madealso in cheviot. A nice quality of Venetian and „cheviot seams nicely stitched, Wifb kilted, effect at bottom $6. ' A beautiful quality o f ' broad'cloth'in bide, brown and black, trimmed with buttons in silk $6:50, $8.50, $9. A 'very handsome qua lity ' of black voile and etumine with drop skirts trimmed in silk and , fringes from $7,50 to $15; Sable Walrus fox Stole lined with satin, two brush, tails, six small 'tails, silk cord at $5, $6.50 and $7.50. ■ ■ ■ , £>able flat muff lined with squirrel”at $10. Coon and seal flat nruff, satin dined, at $8 98 to $5, q 0.'- . *‘ . Rain Coats. Misses’ Skirts. Ladies’ rain .coats made in the new. automobile styles in tan and grey with velvet collar a t $5. Ladies’ rain coats made in the Lenox style with double shoulder capes,.tan and grey', $5and $5 90. .Children^ and Aliases' rain coat coats in garnet, blue, brown and black a t $2.98, 83.50 to $5.00. Ladies’ Coats. .Misses skirt# in zibiliries, cheviot, twine cloth •and Venetians in, black, blue,, brown, red and green at $2:98, $3.50, 4.50, $5, $6.50, $7.50. Misses’ separate coats in medium, short, three-, quarter, ' and full lengths - m dark red, blue, - ■ A good warm whiter coat in—kersey melton brown, tap and black.kersey* also blue, brown, cloths with rolnaine fining and pearl 'buttons, in ' ...i ----- -n — ----- tan, grey .and black, $2.50, $3.98, $4.50. , , Ladies’ kersey coats, satin lining to match red, grey, zibiHnes,.all new and desirable shades* New Black Waists. Black Serge Waist's^ trimmed in.' stitching and pleats, $1.00. 4 . , Black Mercerized Waists, trimmed in clusters of tucks, $1.50. * ' Flack Mercerized Waists .with white dots, trimmed in tucks, 81.50, ' ' • Black-Mohair Waists trimmed in tucks, $2.98. Black Peau de Soie Silk Waists, trimmed in tucks and buttons, $3.98. Black Peau do Soie Silk Waists, trimmed in tucks add stolls, $4.98, . ' Black Peau de Soio Bilk Waists, trimmed inf clusters of tucks, hemstitching and buttons,' $4;98. ' Black Taffeta Silk Waists, trimmed in tucks front alia back, $4:98. Black Taffeta Waists, trimmed in pleats and buttons, $4.98. ' Black Peau de Soie Silk Waists, trimmed in pleats and bands of same, $5.98. cloth, half-fitting back, box fronts, plain and vel­ vet trimmed with Bishop sleeves at $5, 86.50, and $8.00. • Ladies’ twewty seven inch black and color ker-'- sey coats, best quality lining, box front and back Bishops sleeves, plain stitched and velvet trimmed double, shoulder capes a t $10 and $12,50. Ladies’ three-qUarter lengths in brown, tan, mode and bliiclc zibiline aha kersey, best quality skinner satin lining full box front and back, new sleeve, handsomely trimmed with shoulder and cape effect a t $15, $16,50, $18 and $20. L ...................................... " " adies’ 56-in lengths in black, brown,‘tan and mode kefsoys and ^ibilines, guaranteed Skinner satin fining, handsomest coat' shown for dressy wear a t $25, $39 and $35. Misses’ Coats. Colored Silk Waists. A beautiful coat in misses’ sizes, ju st the thing for Bchool wear, in the serviceable shades, garnet, - brown, mode and grey, made box buck and front, also half-fitting backbox front a t $3.98, $5.00. A little dressier* garments for young misses in ' 'blue, brown and red zibilines and blue, brown and mode kersey at $7.50, £10, $12 50. Pink, blue, green corded Taffeta Silk Waists, $3.50. Pink, blue, green, hray Taffeta Silk Waists, trimmed in tucks, $4.93. Pink, blue, grfey Taffeta Silk waists, trimmed in clusters of tucks, ;$4.98. , Pink blue and green Peau deSoie Silk Waists, trimmed in white Peah de Soie Silk and buttons, $4.98, White Taffefa Silk Waist, trimmed lit tucks front and back, $4,98, White Taffeta Silk Waists, trimmed in pleats and buttons, $4,98. ‘ Pillow shams, embroidery worked, 40c pair, ^ Pillow shams, Mexican drawn work, 89c f ir, Pillow shams, new ‘Venetian applique, 61.22, $1.48, $1.08, 82.25 per . pair. Also Dresser Scarf to match, 49c, 59c, 98e, $1.19, 61.39 each. Table Covers, newest designs in Mexican drawn work, ftew Venetian applique, 49c, 89c, 98c, $1.25, $1.75, $1.9-8 each. •' Fancy Doilies in square and found effects, 25c, 39c and 49e each. Children’s Coats. colors, ■short, Childrens coats in all.srzes and medium and loug._a.very pretty coat, box front and back, lace and braid trimmed in blue, brown and red, all sizes, 4 to 10 years, a t $1.50, $1.98 and 12.25, Ladies* Suits. A beautiful line o f all the desirable shades and colors, a vary stylish novelty made with straight military effect, trimmed in panne velvet and gun metal buttons Long coat effects in zibiline, cheviot, broad cloth and venitinn blouse and military lronts a t .$18* $20,. $22.50, $25, $28,50, $30; colors and black, Mis3es’ suiw.itt novelties, Norfolk styles, velvet trimmed, 14 to 18 yearSj a t from $7,98 to, $15.00. N ew F a l l W a sh W a ists . 2lt White Madias waists trimmed, with turtks, Jjfcv. White Madras waists trimmed with tucks $1.2o* ’White Madras waists trimmed with pleats front and back$1.48. ‘ , White Madras waists with black figure and stripes trimmed in straps of same $1;48. ' White Madras waists trimmed in straps of same and buttons $1,48* . White Madras waists trimmed with box plenty down f o n t, three large buttons and three tucks, only $1,98. t White Mohair wiielS trimmed itt small to form yoke, taffeta silk straps with large pearl buttons three clusters of tucks in back and sleeves i w m w 34TH UNHIVERSflRr Celebrated by Mr. and Mrs, J. W* Pollock, Wfidnesday--A Thursday Evening . Reception. T§ie beautiful country home of Mr. and Mrs. J . W. Pollock was the scene of two' important social events on Wednesday and ;. Thursday. On Wednesday Mr, acid Mrs. Pollock cel­ ebrated th e ir . tbff|y'fourth marriage anniversary by, giving a dinner to about eighty of their friends. On Thursday evening .Mr. ynd Mrs,' Pol lock and daughter, Miss Junia, enter tajnedabout ope hundred and thirty of their friends anffrelntives in honor of Mr. and Mrs. L -L , Aitkqn, of Col­ orado Spring*; Col, and .Rev, and Mrs, Presjey Thompson, o f Washing ton Pa. The guests were entertainec ip a very charming manner* • A two course supper was served by a caterer. Ampngthe out-of-town guests were; • Misses., Mabgl and Lucy Harris, Mr. Arch Uwrrie, ofSpringfield; Mm, Will Sibley, o f Columbus; Rev. Thos Turner, of Iffavifie/'Ind.; Mr. Louis Smith, Miss E d ithSm iih , of Selma; Miss Johnson, Beaver Falls, Pa.; Dr. and MrS. Eackey,, Miss A n n a . Robb and Mr. .Robert Dejin, of .Tamestowp Miss Lida Elder, Mtss-Neliie Lewis, Mr.' and. Mrs. Lee |fife, of CHfton. WHAT IS A MAN WORTH?* .The first number on the lecture coure was’well attended Wednesday evening considering'; the conditions of the weather,' Dr^ James Hedley, the noted lecturer^ wfio appeared here several Bpasquq ago -aud, spoke oh the “ Sunny Side of -Life,” spoke on “ Wlmtie.a Man -Worth,” and held his audience, for ,an hour and a half. Dr, Hedley is a powerful speaker and hie lecture was thorougly appreciated ns was shown in the outbursts of ap plause. His points .were humorously illustrated, Should succeeding num­ bers of the course' equal the one Weduesflay evening a fifth fist of en­ tertainments - has been pffhred the public; WONFIRST PRIZE; Imfoimation has been received here that John Wilson, a graduate of Ce- dnrvil)o‘<?oliege, and now a student* in McGormick Theological Bominary at Chicago, w.on .the Hebrew prize nt tho enfonce examination.. The prize,. $100, is given for the best , grade, in Hebrew,. The McCorraiqk seminary is one of the largest in the country and consequently has graduates from, almost every college. Mr. Wilson’s winning the prize demonstrates, the thoroughness ot the work o f the insti­ tution from which he graduated last spring. . Mr. Wils°n is a brilliant student and the prize one that is well deserved. THAT'S THE SP 1 RIT 1 Some certain young ladies, closely connected with Cedarville college, had made what they supposed to be complete and unconditional arrange­ ments to attend a recent gridiron event in company with some “ college men,” but, when the day of the game drew near, the young men said naught hut gave the girts the broad Ha! Hat This angered the women folks and they concluded to p lay even with “ the mean eld things’*so they hired ,a car­ riage and “ weiit anyway," They •sat in their carriage and ate fudge and giggled during the whole game while th e . ahscOUnding ones Watched .‘the gaftie from the middle of the road. “THE ALLENS.” . The opera house haB been engaged all week by “ The Allens,” proprietors c f “ Lifc-Tono.” The company has been giving some wefi, received find high class vaudeville. The great Quil­ len in his acrobatic and aerial special­ ties is a wonder and something never before seen here. The play for to­ night, “ The Man Who Won,” is a strong production and will show Geo, E , Allen a capable actor. The com­ pany is far abovef the ordinary com­ panies that have visited our town on the Sanm mission. Four silver prizes wlU be given away Saturday night. The lowest prices o | felt boot# and ytibber boots are at fegeattaW, Spfitigfifd. of the ' World’s Best Clothing. i 1 Saturday Opens the Second Week of Our Great Annual •j! The greatest sale of Men’s and Boy’s Wearables' Central Ohio has ever known. The crowds at our store during the opening days of this sale were so enormous that we are afraid many went away through oiir inability to wait on them. This ^ye regret very much but to give all an equal opportunity to profit by the great price reduc­ tion, we will continue this sale in the same liberal manner as inaugerated until Saturday, Nov. 15th. This affords an opportunity to buy right at -the be­ ginning of the Winter Season the World’s best Clothing, Hats and Furnishings at 10 to 25 per cent less than regular prices/ Car F a re paid both w a y s on pur­ chases of Ten Dollars, and over*. Don’t Miss This Sale. 1 0 ,0 0 0 WANTED We will pay the following Cash Prices, To Be Delivered at 117 E. Main St., Xenia, Ohio. ! 2 dH Hens, */ • * ‘ ; 8 i-ac Young Chickens, - • ■ - Creese and Kacks, - • . Sc Old Roosters, » - - * 4 c We are now ready to make contracts for fat turkeys, We expect to pay big prices.. See us>beforegoirtgel&ewherc J . W . SALMONS.