The Cedarville Herald, Volume 26, Numbers 27-52

m 1 too t aw * I H»ili(fi'»tef jf tic l b ni13« c- --Fftf i y i ’jr.^j t / u i *#, «f-d»n l*>rro. - -P«fieMtl-CJx£ 5 ? 3K?f*ofit K«tf& ll**ti»^? Rr<*7 aittt &mo% Hi s? ep«si Men^aj will friends hers. •^OJive (I.T mutahh f*f fs?ad 4iw* fct* A t t i f a y 4 t t f e i f The 3f£j|s1>ejf tire fen gy p a »®<4 ’ can be!i#drifKerr<& ifartinj;* Brew. Job*.} JMfim cn?f 'Jir43f. * i|l e#hibk {9 Xeal*, Tuesday. *M f Id, -Anyone wishing a well drilled m s / h*v6 ifee same hy^csMing <wW* IL 8twa< 4t ' Prof* 4", R. Harper* who Is teach ; *$ Sapp-for* Wisegcife* is e£- lK$t?& home econ, Effafcl scd Wilma Spencer are spending the' week with T. M« Bull . 4 Mill family uSBorinefieW. Mr. A. I>. Eusley, “uperintewteut r .. in the public schools at Tarentum, Fa., w the^aestof Mi« Daisy Gray pt^YSwk* Mr. Hairy Walker, of Oh »go, ar* rived »>«•<? fast Friday ev.n'ng slid will \Tsif bis wife who Is find ing some time .with her parents, Air, and Mi*. 3*, L . Walker. Mia* Flossie Adams, of Jamestown, leaves for the Pbillipines next month, r od i* one of the 20O teacher*selected ■ two weeks ggo for that work. Mias ■ Adam* had expected to go h>.Ger­ many this fall to study musks; JT,/H. lackey shipped five Poland- China breeders to John Salmon, .at Madison Mills, Monday morning. They ate to go with the fine specimen for jvhicfa Mr. Salmon has been of­ fered $0,000,-Jamestown Journal. , Tbe Hagier fia'e stock sale on Tues­ day was one of the largest of the kind ,' ever held in this pars o£rthe state. ' Buyer* from all parts of the slate and ..adjoining State were present and . boagbtljb'eraliy. Ninty head, of fine v', •cattle was offere bringing on an. aver age cf Over $130 a head. , Horn Wd for $450. •C i t i j t e a * ' ' ' ' Mother, Eliza Stewart, the temper* once crusader, has left Springfield af; ter residing there for 37 years.' Her , - fin .1destination U Zion City,Chicago, founded by Alexander Doyriej Where she expects to spend the remaining day* of her life. She is 87 jears old. Mother Stewart shed tear* a* the took a final look *t Apple liUtmm Place where she lived. After the two Colnmbua defectives arrived at Dennison, Texas, to bring . hack Mile* WiUingsford onfcjof the aliedged murders of George Geyer, who was killed by robbers in his home % near Alton a few day* ago, the pris­ oner took a big dose of morphine and hi* death ensued within a few. boom. He left a note stating that he was in- ' hocent of the crime, buttbat it would have been impossible to have received justice in the Ohio Court. Some ambitious, Christian young . woman who desires to fittherself to do shorthand work add who is unable to pay the entire expense, can learn how she may earn the greater part of her expense* while taking the course. An excellent OppOrteuityv Write a t once for particulars to the Stenographic Institute, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Only those who can gave good references ns to character need apply, 23d RACK OR NO RACK! Came right on to C p B kvj N*ami dayonr trading**#k m for * rickel and w* will haveyant 1 1 |g pared for* FREE. y m i hoot f « you . Irfudka Oxford Ties, good soles, kkl top, Ike Summer *hofe*?Cft worth | t # at......#*.*.** t ^ Indies' Dongola Kids, *11 new OR&&LS 0 -M Men's Base Bali shoes, made from covert cloth, solid leath­ er aolee.beel 'and couu ter^^g Bsyif fennia shoes, McKay ser- vict, the very thing f ° r j *)C warm,weather %to Bemovwthat seufiy look from your shoes—use Sedclifief leather Preserving Polish 9c M c C O R K E L L ’ S Popular Priced Stefe. One Short -Jeflersonville i r wa & Ekn. G. Ridgwiy. IT IS ISAAC WISTERMAM, I announce the purchase of the well established Drug store heretofore Conductedfey Mr. Sica Q, Bidgeway. This is a store that has already won a largo measure of pub­ lic favor, I assure you that under the NEW MANAGEMENT It will continue to be worthy' of your patronage, I want your trade and shall make every effort to maintain and extend ih^present patronage# f BKMfiVtJ IN- Quality of Goods and . ' Sttfvki, 1 And shall endeavor to con- duct* pharmacy which shall'* in e^ ry 'Way cot.&ervo th» interests of the pnhhe. ' t extend a cordial invita* tiou tocall, whether you iical drugs or not, 1 Isaac Wistemian, 1 Gratae Block » w > iwwum , iim miwiiiiiiii 1 iiiis n jii --The latest thing out-Egg-O-See, Tea cents a package, atGray&Co. Mrs, Samuel Tomlinson and child­ ren, of Winchester, Inch, are visiting Mrs. Alexander. Take advantage of the special price on buggies a t K bit &Hastings Bros, and buy yourself one. Perry Britton has sold his home property to Mr. J , fJ. Barber and moved to Meehanicshnrg. . Mrs. W . H. Blair and daughter, KatbaKne, were, guests of her mother* Mrs. Sateifield; thfe week. We offer.buggies for the next tsvo week*a t a special price. Gome and see ns, Kerr & Hasting* Bros. Walter Cotidon* who ha* been preaching in Wisconsion this summer will preach Sabbath in TJ, F . church. , Miss Daisy Gray returned last Sat­ urday evening from Wooster, after several weeks visit with former school friends, ! —Now is the time to get' your Fly Hats and you can purchase them -at right, prices of Dorn, the Harness Man, where cash wins. George Winters ha* been on the sick list this week; his place at Coop­ ers grocery being,, filled by Harry Barber. - ' , ‘ 4 . Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Sroufe have returned to their home in Enon after a week’s visit with their sou, G. S. SroUfe and family, -Dr. P . R . Madden, Practice lim­ ited to EYE, EAR, HOSE AND THROAT. Glasses Accurately Ad­ justed. Allen Building, Xenia, 0 . Vetfct'boti*,—Office 27o, 37 . ftt^ldence NO, j; —‘‘Strength and vigor comes of good food, duly digested. ‘Force,’ a ready-to-serve wheat and barley food, adds no burden* but sustains, nour­ ishes* invigorates.” —Strawberries And Ralstons Break­ fast Food are delicious. Order a box of Strawberries and a package of Ralston’s Breakfast Food today and try it. At Gray & Co’s. tf. Mr. Homer Allison and family and Miss Rgelle Hu Ison, of Urbana, spent Saturday and Sunday with their grandfather Wesley Hutson, Miss Ruelle remaining for a few weeks visit Harry Randall who, formerly lived here met with a very serious accident at a saw mil! at Yellow Springs last Friday. While engaged at his Work he had the thumb from hi* left hand cut off by a circular sSw. The second daughter of Mr, and Mrs. WilliamHorthup had the mis­ fortune io have her right shoulder blado broken while at play Wednes­ day afternoon, Gay Grawford* a playmate, fell on her with the above result. Dr, J . O. Stewart was called to set the injured member. T'ntttlcsfrom$a to $12 at] Sullivan* the Hatter*s, 27 S. Limestone s t , Springfield* Ohio. complete liaa o f breakfast Gray <k I f Miss Julia Harhiaon ectertaiaad about fisrty other frknde yeaterday afiemoosi®'" $ , v . . ■ Mia, &tetnrt Tcwwley and child­ ren have returned heme after a menth’a vii&iit low*. .William Haley returned to New Origan# life week after an extended vlijt with Me friend*and relatives a t thigjskce, Xsr,|a is to have an ordinance lim­ iting the speed cf automobiles to rix mile* an houri Over this speed will ,eost the offender $2y. Mr. James Turner who- Jives north of town has been in a serious cOndi- flK tion most of the week and bis recov­ ery Is considered doubtful, Mrs. Henry Row and Mrs, Eliza­ beth Row, of Springfield, were enter- tained a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Millard Shroades, Wednesday, , Mr. Samuel Raney hi# a cow that has had four calves in the past eleven months. There is two Sets c f twins. Mr, Raney wants to know who can beat this record. •4' Mr. J ,'H , McMillan, the popular furniture dealer, was laid up •for sev­ eral days this week with the grip. Hi$ brother, Will* of Sedalia, looked after the business fora day or so. At the Dayton races last week “ Little Frank,” owned by Dwyer Bros,* of Jamestown. paced against the.track, record of 2:10J and fifilei to lower it* making it in 2:11A The foremost stars of theAmerican stage, Julia . Marlow .and E. 'H Southern will sikv together, begin­ ning in the fall of 1004 for three seasons, giviug a repertoire of Shake- sperian play?. Mr. W. H. Owens sold his fancy, driving horse, “ Rex,” to a Boston horse buyer last Friday. The fluima was a good one showing plenty 01 speed, consequeutiy Mr, Owens realized a neat sum from thp sate, Word was received here aonouuo log the death of'Mr. Robert Milburn at his home in IrulfanopHs, Ind.*, on Wednesday, Mr. Milburn was man about 30 years of age and was a former resident of this place.. He leaves a wife and family. ' Persons desiring communications published regardless of the nature of the article must remember that no at­ tention is paid to them unless there ia signature of some responsible party, We have been in receipt of severe communications with no signatures. Judge Fisher, o f :Eaton, . has an­ nounced himself as a candidate'for ap­ pointment to the Circuit bench to succeed Judge Summers, who has been nominated for Supreme Judge, Judge Fisher has been on the Common Pleas bench for ten years and has also represented the county In the state legislature. The friends' of Mr. and Mrs. J . C. Nesbit, of Chicago, will regret to hear of the death on June 3 of their little son John, aged seven years, of scarlet fever. Mason, the older son, has also been very ill with the same dis­ ease but is now convalescing, and it is hoped will be spared to the be­ reaved parents. Frank; H. Dean 'has brought suit against the Peopled Gas & Electric Light Cotasking for a temporary re straining order for the collection of meter rent, a machine used to measure gas to the consumer, He states that he has paid all gas bills hut did not want to pay meter rent. A tempor­ ary restraining order was granted. I t seems rather odd to see the coal wagons on the go while the thermcn oter stands near ninety in the shade. The coal dealers are having their har­ vest as homes are being supplied with coal while the price is at a low ebb. Last winter’s experience has taught cbal.consumers a lesson they will not forget toon. I t is estimated that 75 per cent of the coal will be laid-away before frost comes again. Dark Hair “ f have used Ayer’s HairVigor for a great many years, and al­ though I am past eighty year* of **G yet I have not a gray hair iff my head.’* Geo. Yelloir* Towsorr, Md. We mean all that rich* darkcolor your hair used to have. If it’s gray now* rto matter; For Ayer’s Hair Vigor always re* stores color to gray hair. Sometimes it makesthe hair growveryheavy and long; and if stops falling of the hair* too. ft.##aMb All ■Mr+apd Mm, & L , W ifiar A** hoUfquite sack. Miss CSirrie FituMry eafriMfiad her claas and Prof, Brown and another ha % delightful manner last Monday mug, Mr, K , J& Randall moved hi* house hold good yesterday into the property recently vacated by Perry Britton Michael Sweeney, a former resident of this place, was circulating among friend*Wednesday. He is located at Newport*Ky, RevRiley Little and family, ofChi­ cago, are expected here today. Rev. Little will preach in the R, P , church Sabbath, morning and evening. Wakeic*a Wilson had a hearing last Saturday in Justice Wolford’* court for the asaanlt on Warner Ridg- way. He was hound over io Probate Court* ' Mr. J , F , Harrison who has been the guest of hi* nephew, W, J . Wild- roan, and other relative* for some time leaves' today for hi* home at York, Neb. Grand Chancellor of the Knight* of Pyihia of Ohio, J . J . Woodson* of Cincinnati, was the guest o f Prof. F, L . Alexander,. G. K. of K. and S. over Sabbath. Mimes Jennie and Fern Ervin who were called to- Bloomington, Ind;, owing to the death of Miss Jennie .Ewing and father, John, have re­ turned home. - A little girl was bora to Mr, and Mrs. S. C, Wright last Sabbath, the child living only a few hoars owing to 9 vm f weak'jteart;;,' . ( % wing to a railroad wreck in the Xedia—yards on Wednesday, the freight traffic was cocsiderablely con- jested yesterday.. One freight laid fiere nearly seven houiu L t ----------- 1 .... i j ..... . . ......... ■l"- Pm#,Brnw»*« 8aM»ik ariwot dw | m r t laatcvrtilaigat tf* h m e « i Mf-1 R. F ,K * frw ke» *» m f r p $ * «« - »mg was ipeaL T i* Prafippor w#i| presented with # Bihfe*- h Tfie best $ 3-50 *hoe$ sold anywhere are Siegenthal- erf» “Ideal*/* They have no equals at $ 3 - 5 ° or $ 4 , 00 . For ladies and men at Siegenthaier a Son, Spring- Held, O* I soft *BsR puliBa auetim* a t thn o il City Hotel* Gedarvilte, m tb s affcmcoa cf S a tu rd a y , J u ly n t h , 1903 , # 1 1 n’docfc* the fslIowSng prspcrtyj 7 HEAD OF HORSNS , ora, pear A Bad Mix. A sorter employed a t the post of­ fice was discovered by a friend tha other evening in hi* “digging* looking very rueful indeed, “I’m in 'a frightful hole,” he arid. “I went to.aee two doctor* yesterday and got a \medlcal certificate from each. One yta& a certificate of health for a life insurance company and the other was a certificate of Jllnes* to send to the chief with, my peti­ tion for a week’s leave of absence.” “I ’ve o ften .done that myself,” said his friend. “What’s the mat­ ter?” '. 1 . ‘Matter! Why, I mixed the eex- * . __ .All__ XL__ mi.- tificates in posting them , n p an yh ss The in­ pair 4 filly, sired by Redwood, 3 H E A D Q F C A T T L E , 3 Cbnaisticg of 2 Jersey cows, one will he fresh goon; 1 short Born, will also soon he fresh. t 4 B R dO D S OW S . 4 | Stable Implements, its Consisting of 1 road cari, 1 phaeton buggy, 1 rubber tire ear- f a f a f a f a f a f a f a f a riage, as good as new, 1 open top buggy, 1 farm wagon, 1 set of spring wagon harness, 1 set of buggy harness and other article* Terms Made Known on day of Sale. . I C. C. W E IM E R . S. T. BAKER, Auctioneer' t I POULTRY AND EfifiS WANTED! Girls* white duck hats 25c at Sullivan* the Hatter’s 27S. Limestone st* Spring* field, O. . ■■Wa ' Mrs. Myrtle . Wildman' and son, XrfJTiia Jft,'df Champaign* III.* are visiting at the home of Mr. William Wildman near Selma. -She expect* to spend a week with her brother-in- law, Mr. W. J . Wildman before ret turning borne., - .A number of towns and cities over; the Btate are enjoying a new game called “Christianity.” The girls get on one side and are the Christians, while the hoy* on the other aide and are the heathens. Then the heathens embrace Christianity. Ah,exchange of recent date tells of a boy entering the car and leaving the door open behind him* when in old man sitting near, thundered: “Was you brought up in a barn? Shut that doorl” The boy did as he waa bid/ hut the tear* were seen to trickle down his cheeks; “There, there, never mind, lad* of course you wasn’t brought up m a barn.’ “That’s just it,” blabbered the boy, “I was, and every time I see a jack ass it brings it all back to me.” Many will remember little Pauline Watson, of Jeffersonville* who took part in the farmers* institute here a year or bo ago by her charming violin playing. Miss Watson carried off first honors at a recital at the city hall in Springfield last week. The current number of “Success” con tains her picture and a sketch of her life, A small fire last Friday morning caused considerable excitement about tbe home of Mr. John Pierce, Mrs. Pierce had light tbfe gasoline stove and did not notice a towel hanging too close. The cloth and some pa­ pers were burning quite lively when the lira was discovered. A small amount of water soon put out the fire without any particular loss. aurance compa y baa ray certificate o f ill health and the chief ha*' my certificate of good health.”—J^on- don Standard. - * >"*"*"V l,JIP""* ""* ■'|»V"['■< , Charcoal la Coed For tha Teeth, Charcoal is a great sweetener of ' the breath* and* besides that, i t “strengthens and whitena the teeth* removes the tartar, prevents*tooth­ ache and gives the gums and lips an attractive color.” ' About a* ranch aa can, be placed on the point of a knife should be rubbed gently into tbe interstice* of the teeth on going to lied, to be rinsed out thoroughly j in the morning. The objection to charcoal is its grittiness* and it must be reduced, as nearly as possi­ ble to an impalpable powder. It* purifying qualities are invaluable* and it is said if taken inwardly it will cure indigestion. . Thn Family Ch am . . In Switzerland the orange and myrtle blossoms* those graceful' symbols a t wedding*, find their sub­ stitute in Grujere etfceae, A f*ctl You may take oui word fo r it. On the day o f her marriage -the bride receives a whole Grujrcre cheese* which ia religiously preserved in the family.. Aa time goes on various marks and notches are cut into it* which Serve to record-the births* marriages, deaths* etc., occurring ini the'household and among the relative*. Anyhow i t may Always serve a* Journal Until further '‘notice we will pay the following p. ' t t y H i-’fT cash prices for poultry and eggs delivered to 4 C* ff Giifaugh’s grocery, Cedarville: Live- Spring Chickens, weighing 2 to 2 $fbs, l i e per ih ..i.„ ...... Live Hens.per Old rtiosters per lb............ ....... tjp ' Eggs per dor 140 i provision for a rainy day.L- da Vienna. •fiund to Hava On*. *T suppose,” said young Mr. S a l­ low, “that you always retouch all. photographs before you finish them ” .. , “ 6 b* yes,” replied the photogra­ pher. “Your photographs will pleas# you *I ’m sure.” . “Weil—er—don’t he afraid to darken the mustache Denver News. a little.”— ft. fontJtumkt ciMot snfpjy yon, Hts ana *lvtS mm# ot year fiMrfUi-*ii;-wreC(t#, Affdr«M. awrniMiaw s Ladies, see our low cut shoes at |i.oo, $r.a$, $ 1 . 50 , $f- 7 S» $ 2.00 v 1 *B. Siegenthaier & Son, Springfield, O, Cawe# sf U» Mirth. “Bridget” said Mrs. Hyflyte, “your lady friend mustn’t stey so late hereafter. Her uproarious laughter woke me up af 1 o’clock Hua.morning.” “ Yi», mum. I was id lin ' her about how you tried to make cake wan day.”—Indianapolis Sun, People W ho . Can’t S leep . &anypeople go to bed not to e1*ep, but to think—to tumble and toes—to get Up, walk about until tired Kaiure gives way and a few fitful hour# of sleep are obtained just beforedawn-w sleep that doe* not rest —a*l«p from which one Wakesweary and tired, wholly unfitted to take up the daily routine of household, shop or ofiloa duties That this condition goes oh' uncared for is atmoet criminal, When the well-known time-tried and tested powers of Dr. A, W Ct)tee’s Nerve Pills to give restful natural Sleep hate been so folly provenIn inch caste Mrs. Isabella Crossof 322 W. Church St., Xenia, Ohio, says:—I waa a silfler from sever# nervousness, slecpltsenese and filial. nea*.f wasadvised to try l)r. A. AY. Chase* Nam Hits got a ho* and as a result of their us©find my nervous eyatem in spien, did shape again—my sleep naturaland reet- ful and the old time di«lne**ettt!raly gone. Consequently S fee] I can’t recommend the medicine too highly as a splendid nerve and general tonic.” For further tmforma- tion call at Bidgway & CO % Drag Store, Cedarville, Ohio. 50ca bo* at dealeror l)r, A.jW. ChaseMedicine Co., Buffalo, N. V. See that portraie Snd signature of A.- W. CliaeeM, ]>. are on every package. J. W. Salmons, Xenia, 0 . 117 E Iain Street. Ciitai’s lk« le!i( Bell nuM <51. G IV E N A W A Y VffWWWi A SHETLAND PONY Valued at $ioo will be given away on November 15,1903, to the person who holds the lucky number. Try it forluck. . A Ticket given with each 25c purchase. ’ \ wCHAS. C. WEIMER * -JJDAtER 1N- Fish, Ice, Fresh and Salt Meats, Poul- try and Vegetables. Give us a trial. Xenia Avenue - - Cedarville, O. u H i iA l tA A i t a A J A t t iA A A t l a .l a U t n .i a .iA u a .l a i i j J ’ G E O R G E H . SM IT H , Cedarville, Ohio, Agent tor u p STATESLIFEINSURANCE COMPANY Which writes Bankers’ Insurance and whose contracts are as plain as notes. If you want protection, lake Ordinary Life or Twenty Faytoent life, with Endowment Settlements. You can 'carry #2,000 or better, almost as cheap as #1,000 in investment. If investment, we will pay you #400 more than you pay iu, at the end of 20 years. We give you 7 elective conditions yon can change at your will. From 2 to timc 3 face value of your polity is paid up insurance without re examination. “ Also agent for the ^ German Accident, of Philadelphia, andtheU. S. Accident Co. of N* Y \ _ . . CHtOHSSTOTS EfiGUSH CANTOR IA j PENNYROYALPILLS For Infant* and Childiou. Hit KMYeti HaveAlwaysBmiglit Ba&ra tna Stgnator# of M o NKY to bOAN; On'first watt­ age from#1000to # 8000 ' at six per cent perannum. AddressM. Perry­ man, 27 8. Limestoneat., Springfield O. CareJ. S. LX* KSUlMaif S r RM rs A £*iT to^oS. srulft.j wiiti bin. tlte;, rf, {*•«»«SStJRit W.^iftT&diasoniAji Sow: transsioAt bo. *1*# WSdttSa ■ffaauivr, CiUlbi* W . J ihl..,!SKT. ^ Job Printing of all kinds executed in firnt-elflss style at H euam >office. To Cure a Cold in One Day ^ T<toLaatadv«ft>oiiio C^brinex Twwbays, Oft e v e r y mil