The Cedarville Herald, Volume 27, Numbers 1-26

Kjwr- l a t e of Hanan iced prices, jo to $1:95 Ohio. Cores Grip ] in Tw o Days. is sw& G fy |e Forbes is entcrtnm- m ro fE no fl. I tefr the old man )fi his back, thirty yc-ars In: eliiig around the still {ravelin;);, 1th and comfort roes* Consumptive he length and ffovh peds. tak and sickK* rives rich and [food. Id pale persons firm flesh and [to first saw the ie fish are now have children ■ .r S co tt’S B n iu h liver :: k ! a natural for old fol^f ;c d f le s h a n d : * tV r tU ll «M i . iVork w ill w i t h a n y f i r m . . , , — ------ --- ■* ' Tin* itay* w.’a a r;*rS«r4 with > J * ir4rar,f!i;;-'ti'sc^5 v t i r sJftsrii •* ,J 'ii j\;-a *ri;c is «1 fevtt-* 1 • is.a s m ?:iy<Jesb f& , , V V E N T Y -S E V E N T U Y E A R N O , 2 i C E 0 A R V 1 U E , O H I O . F R ID A Y , JU N E 17 1 9 0 4 . PRICE $1.00 A YEAS. SOME FACTS About the High School Alumni jA Former Citi^n of This County iOf the 44 th 0 , V, I. and Sth The Different Professors. j Dies at His Home in Illinois. 0 . V* C. Held Thursday. KAUFMAN’S :vjt.ik,'a»t-e trouble Word was received here Wednes-j .The annual reunion of Co. D , 44th era few interealiug figures o®d items j day. of the death o f Mr, E beneze rjo . V. I.^aod the 8th O. V . C. wag Cooper a t his home in Palestine, 111, I held Thursday a t the home o f Com* H e waaabout 72 years of age « n d / rmJqW illiam : ^ Soilth w thi« «»tfe lltA /i t m llt £<An«ftlh,avA, lih n Dt.1 i-^Ct,J. m . - ... . * from th e A lum ui Cedarville - High School The organization dates hack S« 1**7 and" since that time died with something like Bright's d?s there have been bu t ten professors; Grdtaia 77*73, MeMillian 79-81; Van Po? 3 en 82-84; Brown 85; Stewart86 88; Brook H941G; Shawan, 91; Sayrs 92*1900; Brown 0103; Randall 04, The longest term of professorship fcas held bp J . H , Sayrs, 9 years. In the tirenty-seven years there have Men 174 graduates of whom 123 were females and 51 males. In this ' $me time there have been 18 colored graduates. Of the 123 females 48 have been married, while o f the 51 males only 20 have married Four* teen deaths have occurred since 187.7. The largest class, 13 members, 1901; ■smallest, 1 member, 1885. .The re have been 24 teachers, 4 ' preachers jpui 1 attorney, The other trades mill occupations-are bookkeepers, eh* giueers, farmers, stenographers, mer­ chants, clerks, blacksmiths, carriage* 'painters, telepraphers, publishers,'etc. - The first 20 years there were only’ 22 boys out of 105 graduates. -The last seven years there were 28 boys out of fill graduates, The lust seven years there were 28 boys out of .69 gradu­ ates, The graduating.class'1n e st year will have ten members as tt stands a t . present, 8 girls and 2 boys, A PUZZEL 1 NG QUESTION. . “Major" Smith"has been spending considerable time, of late trying to ex­ plain the following question: “ Please give a correct ■auewer to that old question of the hunter uud the squirrel. As the hunter goes around the tree the. squirrel keeps exactly opposite him. After the hunter has made the circuit entirely around tlie tree, has he or has he not gone around •the equirrel? I f he has or has not, please explain why." . T h e Cincinnati Enquirer was ap­ pealed to . for the correct solution, which is as follows: “ The bun ter has not gone around the squirrel. They are like points'in the of a wheel at opposite ends of a diam- etf" or spokes. When the wheel “Turns*every- pbTntHuTTTie cTrcutuleF ease, lu his family were four broth* era and sis sisters all „of whom have passed to the Great beyond. Mr, Cooper was born and raised in this township oh what is how the John R. Cooper farm. He left .here about thirty years ago a u i settled in Illinois. Air.- Cooper was twice married, His first wife Was a Mies Weir and to this couple were born tw’b children; Mr, A, Cooper X en ia ,' and Mrs. Lizzie Harbisou, wife of John A Harbison, Cedarville. His second wife, who survives fiim was before marriage , Miss Sallie Poland, a sister of Mr. IS, M. Poland, the grocer of Xenia, The following cbildreu-survive ns a result of this marriage; - Mrs. J , H» McConuell, of Indianapolis; Mr. Harry Copper,' of Pueblo, Cob, and Mr. AlbertjCooper, of Robinson, HI. ' The remains will be brought to Xenia, the funeral services being held at the home of Air. Cooper, Burial takes place a t Massies Creek cemetry. ....... "cumference. Stick a pin through the middle of a lead pencil and ..revolve the pencil on the pin ns a pivot and you will see that neither eud o f the pencil goes around the other end. Both ends of the pencil five points in the circumference o f a. circle, and as the circle turns they the are always in the same relative position to each other,” The “Major” la in a worse predica­ ment now than ever. He still con­ tends that his solution of the man go­ ing around the squirrel is correct. A N O T H E R ASSESSMENT. Subscribers to the local option fund receive! notices last Saturday that another assessment had, been made* The Ridgway cases have been ap­ pealed to the,Circuit Court and the committee has decided to see them through. I t is.expectad that if nec­ essary the Supreme Court will pass On them before the end o f the year. Ml*. John Bradfute, of Bollefon trine, is visiting his parents# Mr, John IC Bradfute and family. BOXWELL COMMENCEMENT. The county commencement of Box- well graduates will be field-at the opera house , iu Xenia, Saturday, June 18,-a t 2 p. m. About ninety graduates will receive their diplomas at this commencement. This annual event is becoming one of educational interest in the county- and the board of examiners, have planned tb have utt excellent program. The best speakers from each township in the county will speak a t the county comment. I t is expected to have Dr. 01 C. Miller to make the address of the. day# D r, Miller needs no in tro­ duction to educational people in' this section, Good music will be a fea­ ture of the program. All who cau arrange to attend -from Cedarville should do so and thereby lend encour­ agement to the twenty graduates from this township. iMumnrBanqubtr pnnip wHswNiPa Strong language, ,Fredericksburg, Itid.# Juno 0.— Bev, Enoch 3?. Slovens of this place use*strong langurge in syertking of Jfodd's Kidney Pills and he gives good resectr for what be says;— “I can’t praise Dodd’s Kidney Pills toomuch,” says Mr. Btevens, “ they have done me so much good, I was tumbled with my Kidneys so much Ihatllmd to get up two or three titoea in the night and sometimes in the day, when starling to thq water- Iwtinc the water would come from me before gating there. Two boxes of IWld’sKidney Pills cured me entirely. “I have recommended Dodd’s Kid- Bills to many people and have Sever yet heard of a failure, Dodd's Sidney Pills «ro the thing, for Kid* iMsrruff and Rheumatism,” ! D-fdn's Kidney Pills always mire «e Kidney, Good Kidney ensure pure' *wd, Bum blood moor« good health,; fHtHairaqueHPHhWililM ur*1 ’Q4"was held a t the college fast Friday even­ ing. The hall was handsomely deco­ rated for the occasion. The symposi- arch of the evening, Mr. Geo. Harper, class of ’01, delivered the address of welcome; the response by Miss Carrie Rife, ’04; “ The Seniors,” Rev. Wallace Iliffe, *0P; “ The Faculty and Others,” F . B. Bull, '04; “ The Col­ lege/’ Miss Mary Ljtlle; '99; “ Our Preachers,” J . Fred Anderson, ’01; “ Auf Wicdersen,” Prof. McGhesney, The many members of the Alumni and their friends who were present report having had a most delightful time. The disagreeable weather of the fore­ noon kept many from enjoying the pleasures of the occasion wilo would otherwise have been present. Throng the kindness of and Mrs, -Smith their home was thrown open to the veterans and their many friendB A t the noon hour the guests Were seated at a dinner which would be im possible to. describe and do justice to those who prepared it. The wives of the comrades, looked after every de tail, and to them all credit is due for the sumptuous repast - Before partaking pf the good things spread before them the guests listener to the address of .welcome, which was delivered by Comrade .1, W. McLean, the, president. H e extended to the visiting, comrades hud their friends a most cordial welcome. His address, while.short, was'very appropriate nut Was well resolved. Captain Prank E Moores,’Mayor of Omaha, Neb,, was introduced and addressed his fellow comrades in a touching manner, Re­ ferring to the time when he hud lust seen some of them flirty years ago ant of the hardships that all had endured He closed his remarks with a hefitiug reference,to the company flags, which had been b rough t. /rom the State Capitol for the occusiou. A t the conclusion of the Captain’s address the “ boys” were told to “ pitch iq and help themselves,” which all did with a will. AH were in a happy frame (if mind, and the entire dinner hour was made enjoyable by the reci­ tation of various stories and antidotes which will bp remembered forever. Secretary J . H . Nisbet read a letter of regret from Col, J . W. R. Cline, now Superintendent of the Sandusky Soldiers'Home;, Another letter was read-wbichyvas written byX’Apt, S. C Howell to h1a mother while be was at the front, The afternoon being much more pleaanul the members repaired to the spacious lawn, ami here was held.the business session, . The first" order of business was the election of officers, the following-heing-cboseiiLErcBitlent#. Comrade Robert Carlisle, of, Yellow Subscribe for the Herald. For Miniature Citizens. Wo’bnve a splendid line o f nursery suppHcs.aud baby comforts. Many articles not Carried# elsewhere and every­ thing of tho latest and beet design. Babies' combs, halt* brushes, puffs, teething and feeding appliances,/ You are ap t to overlook many a scientific dr ingenious com­ fort for the lots .if you neg­ lect to seek them here. Foods For Bubics* Most of babies’ ills come from disordered digestion, During Warm weather there must lie unusual caution to the selection of foods, W© have nil Um'best infiinb foods# and wo take pains to keep these , delicate preparations fresh, f ISAAC WISTERMAN, f i C e n t a l Ph a rm acy I Cedarville# Ohio. iiMiilCn»iiwB»’'"^ *ai j iG aei't rfrmn'rrntte 1 aUftf noftm-trUlA- - 'lVnipnw».J ( W rade Wilson Weakley,Yellow Springs. The next place of meetingyyilt be, a t Yellow Springs on.the third Thursday in June, 1905* The following Gom* mittoo on Arrangements was named: Comrades Aaron Ellis, C. C, Buckles, J . H . Xisbet, Henry Confarr, Wm* Baker and Henry Hopping, v T The afternoon was spent in * very pleasant Bocial manner by all the guests present* There was music, both vocal and instrumental. The songs, made so popular during War dines, were sung with a spirit th a t would stir any American soul* The rendition of the “ Holy Gity” by Mrs* Redkey Was beautiful, tha sympathetic tones and religious sentiment appeal­ ing to every hearer. Comrade James Hatfield was called upon for his comic Irish song th a t proved so popular last year. Rev* H . 0 . Middleton, in *a few well chosen remarks, left some vald- able thoughts as to wlmt the cost had been and for what the veterans had suffered, f: The guest of honor on this occasion Ayers To be sure, you are growing old. But why let everybody see it, in your gray hair? Keep your hair dark and rich and postpone age. If you will HairVigor only use Ayer’s Hair Vigor, your gray hair will soon have all the deep, rich color Of yotith, Sold for 60 years. » t urn t u t * jftdr* <ita. w id ik iM K ifilek.RlWiiy n r lmi* Jiftlr w h ljh j* ; wunflOrto ftiefrrttto wl<6*e*# !tj AS,Jjhotft gt&f Mil- In 11, nil flu# « AyMMjl*l» Viwr.« * MRS. IU R . K ra ill! , Mlno <T.ML* M ilts . ^ f o r j,C.AT*neo., , .......... ftwHt, H i l l White Hair Springfield’s Greatest Clothing Store 19-23 South Limestone St. Will Sell You Better Clothing# Hats, Furnishing Goods# Trunks and Valises at more reasonable prices than * *, any other store in Central Ohio* , T r y U s a n d B © C o n v i n c e d . % V i was the captain of the company, Mayor Frank E . Moores, tlf Omaha; This was Hia Honor’s first visit to Cedar ville and also his .first with many of his comrades since he parted from them some forty years ago, conse­ quently he was overly delighted to meet so many of hia ohl friends on an ocieassion that will never-be forgotten, The Captain was kep t. busy through­ out the day Refreshing the memories of hia. comrades of the incidents that took place in the early sixties. Mayor Moores is-a fine specimen of, manhood, bnviug a cheerful expression, a com­ manding appearance and is an inter, esthig speaker. He sewed eight years as city clerk, of Omabr, and has held the highest official honor-—that of mayor—in'fhut c ity since 1897, His army record. is quite a lengthy one; April 18, 1861, be enlisted for three months in Co. K , 13 th 0* V. I., and was mustered .out Ju ly 20, 1801; he again entered the service ns fa private iu Co, G, ,44th O,. Y . L , and was mustered . iu as sergeant October 14, 1861; on June 1, 1862, be. was pro woted to- aergeant-rmjor; on October 5, 1862, commissioned second lieu­ tenant of Go. D, and was acUng-adju- timfc of bis regiment until May, 1864; made a first lieutenant June, 30,1864. The regiment was changed to the 8th Ohio Cavulry January 4, 1864, and he was.promoted to captain of Co. D May—9th—of— tlmt-year*- To Core a Cold in One Bay T a b e La x a t iv e B rom o Q u in in e T a M e te .^ / % ;^ Seven Million boxes sold in past 13 months. T i l l s S i g n a t u r e , Cares Grip la Two Days, ' OA e v e s r y I> ok * 2 $ c * ' with,, e , Hhenadpab. Yak One fact that must riot be forgotten and it is that the Horald was the only paper published in this sec ion of .the county last week wherein au account or even mention of Judge Scrogg’s de­ cision on the/ Ridgway liquor eases could be found, *The unusual interest and one that is being H e^e rved44ms^ ^™ ^ ^ w ,w u<Y^M>scribed—by hundreds of citizens who bad a right ywsr/BM-ofTHii- Jami a i y 01,1 ‘I OOOi’T'on* ined in Libby prison, Richmond,Yn.; mroled March 5, 18G5) mustered out July 30, 1865, and honorably dis­ charged from.'the service. Captain Moores resided a t Green yille, 0 Mat the outbreak of the war, but went to Springfield to enlist. A vote of thanks was extended to Comrade und Mrs. Smith and their many friends for.their hospitality, The following comrades were pres­ ent; Oapt. Frank E . Moores, Omaha, Neb.; T. B, Jobe, Robert Carlisle and Wilson Weakley, Yellow Springs; A. A, Ellis, Clifton; C. C. Buckles, J . J . Mitchell, Dayton; James Hatfield, Springfield; Henry Confarr, Selma; T. V; Hid’, J , II. Xisbet, J . W. Mc- Ccan, J , H. Milburn and John Cross, Cedarville. . --We carry a full line of good, resit groccris. Puffer & Whittington. Mrs. William Stewart and daugh­ ter,Hazel, of Springfield, were visit­ ing friends lieao Monday, Dr, M. I . Marsh and wife returned Thursday evening after a week’? visit with relatives in Middletown, Hamil­ ton and Oxford. Thursday morning they attended Miami University com­ mencement and heard the Hon. Walter Wellman. Council met in regular session Monday-evening, nil members being present except Gilhulgh. Only the regular routine of business was trans­ acted, Othqr-thnn the appointment of Mr. John Lee as street commissioner f in place of'M r. T . V. Iliff, who wafe named a t the last- meeting, Bills to the amount of $405.77. were ordered paid. - The mayor’s receipts were 815.58. The baud of the newly ap­ pointed street commissioner signed by Mr. W, H , Barber was accepted. ; A S IG N IF IC AN T P A C T . Wake up yo.ur liver. Cure your constipation. Get rid of your biliousness. Sold for 60 years. tow el! Want your moustache or beard R f l f t f f l N f i l f l f l Y f abeautiful brown o r rich black? Use , y;m DJriiUJtbTtf “ orjk *t\iUu.ico„iwflituj;rr, <*'— iW f-v—, ADDITIONAL LOCAL! F rank Bird spent tliis week visiting in Xenia and Oincinmiti. -Puffer a dozeu &. Whittington for will pay good, clean, fresh mnkiug J : bition for public, city or township office, and is under no obligations to the Andrew-Ridgway-Jackson ring, so our readers can expect a broader statement than from onc thaf is on the inside and personally interested, I t is ju st another ease, and a very par­ ticular one, that our friends desired us to “ lead” and • let them “ follow.” They Will not bo in until it is “ all settled.” DICK F O R C H A I R M A N ^ t . rr~ri 1 The Republican central state com­ mittee met a t Columbus Tuesday af­ ternoon anil selected an executive committee of 46 members, o f which Senator Chnrlcs Dick of Akron, is chairman and John R Maloy of Co­ lumbus, secretary. This will be the ninth atato campaign managed by Mr. Dick, i ESTATE $100 Rewards $ 190 . The remlera of tills paper will he pleased to learn that thorp Is at least one dreaded £ that science Ins been aide to euro in all its stages mid that Is Catarrh. Ball's Catarrh Cure is the .only positive cure now known to the medleal fraternity* Catarrh being a constitutional disease, rerjuirts u eotisUlulionnl treatment. Hall’s Catarrh Carols taken internally, acting directly up­ on the blood and of systcrn thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the conatituUon and assisting nature lwdoing Its work, 'The proprietors biiYfiiOmuch faith In If* curative power;-, that they offer one Hundred Dollars for any ease that it falls to cafe. Hr-ncl for list of testimonial*. AtldNM, C. J , CHFNflY ACrn TplertaO. Sold by Druggist, 73e. Ifaii’fi JPnmily Pills nte the best, Hannah McICnight and others to W. J . Cherry, 131 acres in Cedarville ty„ $8800. W, J . Cherry to 0 , H , Cherry, 2 acres in Cedarville tpM$1700, \V. P* and Marietta Dean to Ralph Quinn, 19 of an acre in Xenia tp„ 81000. Anna V, St. John to Allen E . Turner, 49 acres iu Silverureek tp,, $1 and other considerations, cs | Charles H, and Florcuco Scott to Carrie E, Butler, lot in Xenia, 8600* John D. I ld le r to Elsworth Wcaklio#lotiu Xenia, §500. •tokn A, Hamilton to Charles X j , Spcaccr, 10 acres In Xenia t p , |500 , Charles L. and Luolla O., to Dm* E . Dickinson, 10 acres iii Xenia tp., $580,. Frauk IL Dean to Mary A, Go­ ings, >1-100 ol an acre in Xenia tp , 815. •Trustees of Charity Grange, Pa­ trons of Husbandry* to Reuben Kipp, 1 acre in Bobvcreieed tp,, §90(1* 14c eggs- Airs. Mills, who bn^ been her home with her mother Mrs H. WolFovd, has been quite sick. —California. Hams and n nice lot of Side Meat; also »■ lot of' Country Bacon, Puffer. & Whittiugtem, 1 Miss Lena Collins arrived borne from Monmouth, 111., Tuesday even­ ing, haying been graduated from the college at that city last Wednesday, ■Miss Juanita ..ICevs .has...linen the gumst of Miss Jessie Long, in Xeuijt, * . . .. .. .. .. was the guest of her daughter, Mrs* Ella Mitchell, this week. Miss Verna Bird has returned homo from a. week’s-visit with friends iuXeuia, Rev. H . C. Middleton and wife are entertaining their daughter, Mrs, Redkey. , '■Mrs. Sidney Smith and -daughter have been spending the week with Mrs. Couser, of Springfield. Mrs. Florence Remsherg, of Spring- field, and Mrs. Charles Mills, of Tole­ do, were called hero Thursday by the illness of their mother, Mrs. Mills. Thursday was Wilberforce com- mcnaement day. The attendance was not as large as usual owing to the the rainy weather. Antioch college commencement will take place nest Wednesday morning in the 'College chapel* There are but four graduates. Mr. Clarence Xortbup left Monday i for Cleveland, going as a delegate from the local lodge to tho Grand Lodge Knights of Pythias that is iu session there. •My Cedarville gallery will not he open on Friday of nextVeek as I will he absent at the World’s Fair, J . J , Downing. The ladies of the It, P , church will serVc iec cream in tho Lee Stewart rpom Saturday evening, Mrs, J , H , Kisbot left tins morning for- Indianapolis, being called there by the sickness of her daughter, Mrs. James McClellan, Bishop J , W . Bushiord has re­ signed as president of tho Ohio Wes-/ leyau University a t Delaware. He has been elected a trustee, Mcsdames T. B. ami J , H . Andrew: returned from Cleveland last evening win re they attended Western Reserve college commencement, Mbs Vera Andrew returned with them, Mrs. J . W Dixon ami family thik morning for Kos* county where they will visit relatives. ‘ You lackfaith in an untried remedy? ^ You Will Have Fakh ; • •‘ ; ■- ' XK , ' LightningLaxative . QuinineTablets . after ono trial. Sold with, »Wqb* solute guarantee to euro or drugpM; , will refund yonr money. Will euro J COLDS, L.AGRIPPE, NEURALGIA, COUGHS, MALARIA, HEADACHE. Are perfectly lnwndeSa-'-n o v e r gripe nor ricken^-nover cause die* tress—no bad effect upon the heart,, —never injure tho most delicate stomach., ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTE. Ask for and insistbn getting, jLGmegfrp-ffiVE 'n ihiirrtfTi^. ni iji.ii■b.OT-iri A T D R U C J O I S T S . Prepared Only fey THE HERB MEDICINE CO., S P R I N G P I C L D , O H IC ) , '• « . 'v - 1 ' '■■*j .• Mnnpfacturcra of tho Celebrated LIGHTNING HOT DROPS. R. E. CORRY, ■AUCTIONEER Sells Real Estate, and Personal prop- ei-ty anywhere. Promptness,, attention m details and satisfaction guaranteed. High service. Low prices. Residence, Telephone 235 Clifton, (), Call and secura-dates. DR. E. f . OGLESBEE, l » H Y 8 CaAM A N I ) S U K G E O N . .Specialty X-Ray mid Eh c(s& Thera­ peutic} treatment. Also latest im­ proved apparatus for treating diseases of tho nose, throat and hums. ft ' NEW TIME CARD. Tho following is tho sehedrtlo for the departure of trains: For East 7;48 a. m. flag slop; 4:17 p. m. *For West 8:18 a. m, flag stop; 5:24 p, m, NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT. . Notice is hereby given that the mi- dersigned was on the 18th day of May duly appointed and rpialifit d as ad* minlsimtor of the rslato o f the lain Berry Haggard. L. G, Bulb The Weakley Wurman f'o.* o f Day- ton* wlm ate taking a apreml esteur- * sioti of over tin eft hun dm f to the World’s li'aii' has giveeM, J , Down­ ing the cont ract o f nniking all their group work and he will leave on Tuesday the 21 with the spi m l train, .Mr. Downing's regular . trip to the Fair will lw made 1«tt< r with hi* d.iughtem ►f £Ji M 1