The Cedarville Herald, Volume 27, Numbers 1-26

mmmmmrn minmer. r : :^v-vv v«t;r, Isl TilS -6L0VE9 BURGLAR; IIV-lit lv.. Hi T.W.A mcs. l i ‘t> ur>, p § # p : ■ ft.- I l i : ? »■ amo, | | ; SCHEDULES X V IL L E . R L fiS T O M , .'A N N A H , . ■ ^SOfNVlJLLB, O r l e a n s fcincinnati, O. [Rfneai'aon, yal Passenger Agent ’ "■T&. ITH, nance Co. are us phsiti as notes, ’oty-.-Payment life,-with better, almost as' cheap, y you §-100 inore limn elective conditions you alue of your policy" in. tut for the i d e l p h i a , C o , o f N . Y r n e s s . ocreathm are the mo- a z i n e s e by the most brilliant full of human interest pathos, lov'*, hamot, men, of the day. !y the most mirth-pro F A D IN G al vaporings or weary- p. O. or Express or- 4 h Avenue New York, PLICATION f u l sfis.fte! IasiWnl. csf te WMt ¥e Sell. ptive. iTnhfs i,f>“ , you can .never b ’l ,{wff until y*.*u bavo jptially ioton. ^ ^ t; pflect /.itoel: with ft ic bat mfcata. '^G ah.el; and Ihi re- yon may depend will plrereo you- fKLIVEimD ' to No* <L [wavs M* Ifaatb I t u J t fm tm f fvk 'e itic t»nM *{J ypy was irnS W* ■ t <;■! :«■« t C "'A*',. . . y ,- .- ’’f,,*.'.® •qti"i ».£, i u " t_.v, i . iirr.Yv Ji ! , av . 4 , r, tv - e t r , , -• ■3-.,% a r k i ~r i '> : • . . i;ir> H P m r . I h In O h i o a n d I n d i a n a ftesT fc? The B r^ cis. pOTt l l w a ltAv d p i I i*»v j^k Mary j * • . ,v?m j g ig increase of .Wells *and • SA.'r^ffeATttKITaC,' Ptefiftr.s TartaO-v'j.DnOa:;-*. f -umt . . v . yr-y-’lftannra Lev, st«ltejKc»eJyCd.0Gfcfekcoerif.Y* Csa m m mmm boxes , adam's, Restaurant ■ anil Dining Rooms tVni«r HLrh ami Limestone sttvet Hpringfield, Ohio. ’ ’ . a n y v.».li !,*>.<•« n IA»Ti. Sy a 5 s !.; iu I m * S,s ar.nslipr ( n-iuly .lar^e eau; Itiir, dai*, win. raslf.s. •i'i rri.':Jn;n*>d • y-* tlrnvt'd tie; ptei-eisee of .r.ietiiiosiVr* but MuiTr.l ina?h«. added t)» tiki- xsl* e f th e -Ji'j.iiern r c a r r y hi s Pro­ duction in a Week. MEM June Sale . Of ** FIME HEALTH . KWI don’t, t}ili;l; tto eiTiiTd 7r«op hc 2 sj> v,-itii6ut a’'B Wart:--' ■: . DrnasW- Wc Jin¥« vsed, it in tlio;l.v forever two i ears r.ith t!io . 1 .,-st of.r?suU>?. l. Jiftfe net toft #■ ftojt-iria Sh’e ) khiko tor th at longtii ■ ortk-w. Itisaderlorittitaetlfnna ahvjVjs reaftyto innto a person vroil anti.!jappy.«-JAMES HA'LL, ftucic- cowviHu, 111. ■ ■ Because this' /treat'medicine -xeiieTes stomach pains-, frees the constmated bow ls and iiivigor- ntos the torpid liver and \vejdt*f: euedMdneys ■ MP:D@ef@R- is necessary-in the home where Ihedford a lilurk-ihziteht- is kept. Families livinu ’in thti country, miles from any pbysi- •eiau, have Incu k<pt in nealtlr for years with this medicine as ftmr only u^c-ior.. Thodford’s; Itlaek-Draupht cures bilious---, ness, dyspepsia, colds.chsiisand fever, had hlirod, -headaches,- diarrlnea, constipation, col iQ- and almost every other ailment ; became iho donmeh, bowels liver and kidneys so nearlv con­ trol the health. _ - " T H E D f O R D S BEAUTIFULWINONA . iiio •lynamut*, ids Snntvrn. liis ruvolv- f-i%yti-. It .is a bh-ine.-K that calls for eoir.v* capital.— Lmidnu'News. • . A $tory of Queen Wilhelmina. . The visit of Wilhelmina, queen of llellaiul, to Laly veeails her ii£« in Florence with her. mother in. her girlhood. They lived in a modest ■way, going out daily on foot. If is related that one day they were go­ ing along' tins Lung ’Arno, when they .were accosted by-a beggar, TSie queen regent.wanted to push on; fearing that her daughter might' catch eohib fear till disease, but the -little,queen, having a will of her ■own, ^insisted on stopping. She (jucstioned the man in broken Ital­ ian, Believing herself quite un­ known, and on -proceeding gave him half !\ franc, lie looked from the. silver in his hand to her and xhen back again and at last sail, with an air of impertinence; “So your sub­ jects keep you as short as that! Poor queen'" Tola! Run of Oil ropi Both Slates m cur Months Valued at $9,000,000/ With die opening of tbc season at Wino­ na Lake. -May 10, tin; sale of excursion tie- ki is over tlio Pennsylvania Lines to that attractivero-iiri in Northern Indiana begun. Every aamnier passed tlure by tbousamls Im-1only increased their desire to return, Oft the gulf links, tlic, tennis courts,.the ■J:!i.«jtiall_j>r cricket p-roiindw -jthe ■ err.qnet Jield, or buatiay on the lake, fishing .eamp- anih'fnrirrii inilinlmnm tlin n1r.i»i;!n may V tlieat-seciationsare uf that’congenial sort timferred by good society. Phis n-sur-t js noted as the site of Winana A‘>semi/ly and Summer .‘k-Lnol. attuv.tmy teal’ll ms ami stud, ntfj from educational instil utinns of tiib find other countries. • ETfu-i-ij-day and season eveur.lon tickets Will be :-i>id from tielu-t stations on iho 1’i-xniv, ivani'.i tines eluri.tsg the sutiitiie". Per iiifnr»iation about fares and time of h litis apply to local tiek< t ae;-ntr’.1 or to P. Van lUis -Tl, Uiiet c.: ,-i ;i:«ut Oeljcral Passel) "irAip-nj, I’itf-’ia. j” I’a. Ee]>tSod. EXCURSION TOST. LOUIS. »•. -rii 1 .-tear :-iTs tif ki'tr- to 9l. Lotiifi ;ir> Cl, t:s<- Wi irl-Vfi raj,"- will t o• f'ulcl vie r. -an-jH*ania Mae- Tac-Ioy aii>I 'IhutFilay nil :;u. TLtP3 tHo-tt will: he. -HIsly lor. u**ho- of t<eeibr train r on tfstje tjf r3% tit in '•*!r-Iic-sof .‘-fi.d.ti trailet whl-L Tu *ty In* i-EdefjlitjsvA The rutintl trip fare ff. LVili 0 1-. 1c t:tit In r, i Jfu'f'iwkt to its'l only ir. Is •-B5i, *-■ 1 ? i 1 * A liir tMifi!-! lt-fiViftg 1St. Louis l Dmif j i\:M sti any time wit!sis f-even & tys 3ii :';a*iujl 't 4afe <>f pan ha e i,l fk-ktf. 1 ; i-tutn t ii*)f ti-kcLr solil Tut: liny.; v f.n lv ! tiut.4 fin jVrlJi.witt;; Momiav. IF •■.»!1TUitslaj will he IT t ;* j t. i.i.: uiitif the foHowiiJi!- Woisni -• Ly, iu'-lussw. I'.nf I Atii-.ditpai'out titiSt* of train? for vodik. , r u-.-ion tii I-'-i'i Will bf; cold, C'lfiSsjit it. A Keyc-n, 'XitKf.t Agent, wlioWill fi'i-.oai vitjj r ingaim-j in rt-yar.l fu-lflcaatAi Eicarjtrii Jh ^i*lV‘ilay Excursion n.-n.tsr-.ji l-'Ltieu-day Esrur.-i-m 'I'iekct-i l- “k. I.- CM, m » s a t duting tho World’s £ t ; W i tm t T« C IN C IN N A T I U ’ j T o '’r ite Buigr -t auifiiul c'ollcctiui) Itt AtmLya, Uicvry-gn nnmd, pony thick and oilier rasiUi-vwnfft. B.WI? CfiNOKm'vS LAILIf 4 Afferiitmu and evening*. iol-rates t»* largo parfe. , -. War Humor. "War hn-s -its humorous side,” said General Nelson -A. Milos, “though the humor i? always grim. “In one'of my/most perilous In­ dian campaigns I overheard a group of private* saying good night to one another oil the eve of an engage' inent. These youths were in diifcr- eht regimentb. They knew the com­ ing light, would be a hot one. They knew it was probable enough that they would. never see one another again. “And, so as they separated one of them Said: £fAVell, - gopdby, boys. As the boons said when Lie dogs made after them, *‘WoTI all meet at the hatter’s.” *“ , Our Literary Activity. 'The animal statement of •tho copyright office of the library of congress shows that the copyright business for iSOli' was tlie largest m any year in the history of the office. No less than 100,7-13 titles were recei.ved„for registration, the total fees received amounting to $70,230.30. The number of articles deposited also exceeded' the number' of any previous year, totaling 180,- 527. On the entries --tof' the year there .were 11,000 'hooks and •pamphlets,.1,508 booklets...leaflets. circulars and' cards and 7,(ill nows- ac- htd.. iupk of (Uhraltar tlu-te ate •fttedy rpjlc?of (luuidiJf . Tabloid Foods. Every once in awhile one reads ‘that the food of the future will he served in tabloid8. A- meal will he ' the waistcoat, pocket or in a shopping bag. This is nonsense. Tabloids will preserve life for a cer­ tain short length of time. They .arc excellent to two in emergencies, on forced marches and when traveling. But no one could live on them. The entire digestive system would have to he altered, and almost every natural function would have to •hangc. The imagination pauses ho*, fore the now diseases that would ap­ pear if people'ceased to chew.—New York Post. The Locusts ln Egypt." Egypt is threatened with a plague of locusts, and the government has called out the army of forced labor­ ers to combat the pest. Owing to the young locust's habit of never turning back or aside when once started hi a certain direction, it is possible, by diguing trencher, some­ times miles in length, to entrap the invading hosts and destroy them. That of comY-e must be done before the locusts take; to the wing. At that stage nothing can stop their ravages, and they sweep everything before them. Hyprtoilsm and Heart Beats, According to recent investiga­ tions, it appears probable that tiyp- liotiem can simp the action of u per* eon's heart and tints cause death. A. Journct, a Frenchman,, reports, that ho has increased and diminish­ ed the number of pulse heats at will and as fiir as he could venture with safety. It irr said to be also ( proved that circulation is seriously affected, even if it ia not quite cer­ tain that the heart can bn silenced. R. E. CORRY, At'CTIDNEKB tit 11? Leal Estate and l'oracnal prop­ erty anywhere. FromptnevyaUenIion to dotaihumd natiofaetion guaranteed. High service. Low prices, Ihsidencc Trlc-photm LMo tTiftms, (>, Gall am) Kceuro dates. ' Buli.khibo lot tho Herald, 'Toledo, 'Ohio, May —The i^ctm of completed wells with their initial output and the, dry holes for the week past in the Trenton Rock oil fields of Ohio and Indiana, .wore 200 com­ pleted wells, 80 failures to find crude oil uv paying quantities and a produc­ tion of 4,48-1 barrels. In the Ohio field, “Wood and Allen counties lead, while Tu Indiana, Grant and Dela­ ware counties1 stand at the head. The total runs fmm the wells of Ohio and Indiana, for tlio month of Aped were. 1,902,001 barrel* and the shipments for the same period were. 1,951,315 barrels, a decline of 49,314 barrels in the’ stocks above ground. The runs from Ohio were 1,137,414 bafrels, and the-'shipments 1,370,485 barrels, From Indiana, the runs ivere 704,587 barrels, anil'the. shipments 740,880 barrels. For four months the total run from the wells of both states were 7,E()2,798 barrels valued at 88,829,472.13. The shipments were 8,777,450 barrels val­ ued at 810,787,805.59. The pipe lines of Indiana for -four mbn.ths psud to the producer a total of 83,400,440,- 84 for 2,845,319 barrels of crude oil. We have just' as good a right to find this-great source of wealth in Greece county as they did in other comities in Ohio aud in othc-r, states. WhyNot. Find It? . For fifteen years the Miami Powder Co. lias lighted an oflice at Goes Sta­ tion with' natural gas flowing from a well on the company's ground/iu sev­ eral places ■in-this county, -natural gas has been found -.wheu drilling for water wells and there are evidences of oil in many parts of the county. About fifteen-yearsZigo oil Was dis­ covered in this county at a depth of 1200 feet and several barrels of crude oil were dipped out of the well, but at that time the people were only sat­ isfied with gushers and the well 'Was neither shot nor pumped. It is a well kfiown fact that had the proper pumping machinery been applied to; that well that it would have been a paying well, tar the oil stood within a few feet of-the,,surface, -but, .hewnmo; 'I'C: E , M . S y s t e m C l o t h i n g . W e -own, at far below their nearly two hundred men's fine, hand tailored suits. They were made especially for us and rep­ resent the last lot of each particular ’.style;- Ifhe regular values were $18.00, 20,00 -and $25*00, Pdf ' special sale price - *■' ■;■■■• -, w... Hilw.iv O1' % n % g 5S W urn w jcopytnoHL *** 5Wsc«0Ag.>i,«*co. These suits come in neat, modest patterns and ‘ embrace such weaves as cheviots, cassimeres, fancy worsteds, etc.- You will hnd here all sizes . frem 33 to 46 .and ‘‘stouts” for the fat men, as well 1 as “ longs” for the tall and slender ones. it did not gush several bund 1 time, in that locality, wanted gas and not oil, the well was abandoned and allowed-to fill with mud and' water. Sometime, somewhere, some company will find it in Greene county, oiid the people should encourage the Greene County OH and Gas Company by leasing land arid taking stock so that the work will commence at any early date. Not a few, but all the people, should take stock in this cotppauy. The officers of this companjvrire men well known to the people, xire men who are interested in the Si$iy}jty and are men who expect to continue to re­ side in the county and will give the stoekhohlem a square deal from start to finish. Succc-fu to Ihi-i company menus large minis of n; my to the owners of lands who hum', from r yahies in the future, and great profit to the stock­ holders, and in cheap feul and light a blessing to the people of the towns. This company will drill the first1 well in the Dealtty that offers the most inducements in stock and leases and the owners of lands io the east and between Gedrrvillc and 4anus- town, through W. L. Clenmns, the busting insurance man of Gedarville, have already leases about 50(1(1 acres and the development of that territory will be a great blessing to Cedarville, Jamestown, Xenia and the whole county, Evcrx’ lnmsf-k(t-wrslii*ui<t' kn<'V that if tin y will Buy ilcfifiiiifi: Cold Waltt* Btaveli for laundry tiro they will mve not only tinK>, bcedHsi- it fti-. (-r sticks to tho iron, bid tin aute e.irii package r.otit.iin 10 ox;— 011 c Tull pound -w h ile fill other Cuhl IVuief nrv ptitup in ?X'| (nn«l p;u'kn;;i‘A and the jn'ii-v is tho sunn. IO ri-'riis. Thi n a i n Pi run- e I), !ijni <• HLividi i- free flora iiyiiriijU'Mh.'iiihfil:-’, Ifyutir ;..r»u r tries to sell you a 12-uz. jifii-kiii-o it is hrtamaho has n >foi k <>n hand win. h hopvisln s to -d(spo,',i; oi In -ft in* ho *|.u{:i in lhliance. lie knows that Defiance Ftarrh Iir.s t»rlnlod on every pr.i huge in lisj1.-;,' Setter:! ami i;/urc.l Demand Doilanec and ■ .'u'cnnuh tiuiaaiid mem-v «nt the riunoyiint-i; of the ii-.mslick- us;-. D.-icuc x: urnor stn i.s. - * If ymi want to buy the host buggy, erimago, rmi-abotit or phae­ ton, go to W, lb Hterretle. Bear in iVliiid These Suits Were Made By Good Tailors And ARE STYEISH, SNAPPY 'AND GREAT BARGAINS. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW THEM., SPECIAL IN BOYS’ Hackett-Carhart make, 14 to 19 years, There aboi>out fifty left of the 100 Boys’ Suits, were $10.00, $12.00 and $15.00 values, our special price that $ 7 . 5 0 M a in S t r e e t , X e n ia ,. O h i o , grandmothers never thought of using anything else for, indigestion or bili­ ousness. Doctors were- scarce, and they seldom heard of appendicitis, nervous prostration or heart failure, etc. They used August Flower ,to clean out the system and stop fermen- .tation of undigested food, regulate the action.of the liver, stimulate the nrrvous and organic action of the sys­ tem, and thnt is all they took when feeling dull and bad with -headaches and other aches. You only need a few doses of Green's August Flower, in liquid form, to make you satisfied there is nothing serious the matter v*th you. . You can get this reliable rf medy at all drtiggisls Price 25c end 7-5e. ______ _ Wonderful things are done for the : human body by surgery. Organs are taken out and scrap,-I and polished and put back, of they may be removed entirely; bones are spliced; pipes take the place of diseased t-eciions of veins; antiseptic dressings ate applied to wounds, bruises, burns and like in­ juries be Ujiro inflammation sets in, which causa them to Leal without maturation and in one-third tho time required by tho old treatment. Cham­ berlain's Pain Balm acts on this same principle. If is ms antiseptic and when applied io such injuries, causes them to heal very quickly. It also allays the pain and soreness, Keep a. bottle of Pain Balm in your home and it will save you lime and money not to mention the inconvenience and suf­ fering with ouch injuries entail. Fur ’sde by Isaac WTstenmni, Thrown From aWagon. Mr. George K. Babcock was thrown bum Jus wagon and severely bruised; I n v e n t i o n , 0 f J a e h i n e . The B iwnjngton is destined to mnke back numbers ni .existing type­ writers. Has 5 new aud valuable features of merit, any two of which would make a superior machine. No larger than existing typewriters. We ate now offering a limited amount of stock to in vestor'j at $1100 per, share. IV-ople are becoming interested over the World and are beginning to realize what a won­ derful invention we have. More than ?;S0,G60 worth of Machines have already been ordered. The typewriter world watching with intcrefit the coming of our machine, which marks the higinning of a revolution in this great industry. As soon as we shall have sold enough stock to complete equipment, manufacture, advertise and sell our machine, no more will bo offered at any price, If you wish to make a gilt-edge investment in an in­ dustrial enterprise; of the first rank, with prospects of large dividends worn; t « ton m o r n re* Preference in position iven to investors. Capital Stock $l,500,tKiO. Sharo3 Sl.Cfi T h e B e f tD itic jto ii T y p e u i i t e t ' G o ., Mil LOKOVCR imiLDIKG, D ayton , o Startling Evidence. l ie-si' testimonlys in great quality Is eoratnnHly doming i»> ffeelariiig I& King's New Discovery foie Consump- tlori Goughs and Golds to be un- eqaaled, & yeeetrt exp?e©Sfln from IV J* MoFariattd Bentotvilfei Ya« sotves as example. He. writes;- -♦■‘I- had Bronchitis fine three years and doctored all the time without being benefited, Then I began taking Dp# King’s Mew Biseoveejy and a few hotlies wholly cared me.” Equally diective in curing all Lung and Throat tri)ub!c«, (Jorisumption Pneumonia and Grip, Gnnminteed by alt Druggist, tr , , . , , .Trial butIlea free, regular sires 50c, applied Chamberlain s Pam Balm I . > , . . . . , . . iand 81,00, iuely and Mysit is the best liniment}, he ever used, Mr, Babe ick is a well jL , CHEAP RATES. known citizen of North Plain, Conn, j There is nothing equal to Pain Balm | Tit :l1! l«»‘»ta Montana, Washing- fiii1sprains and brnisog. It will client 1 *,,u> DregoiD and British Columbia, a cure in wie-lhird tho time required by any other treatment. For tale by J; oao .W-isterman, v For.rick headaolH! fake Clmn liiin's Htcmaeh and Liver Table to a quick cure is certain, For sulo Isaac Wisterman, March 1st to April 80th, lUOi, special rales to North Dakota in Mareh, Write at nneo for information and smap:', to Ira F. Hr-lrwcgel, Distinct l'!i!::T!);;C’i‘* Wlpfollftlf* f'Ctltial K’y, 9)7 Traction JUdg., Cineinuuti, Ohio, Choice of Routes to Florida and South. Passengers for Florida and the south Via Pennsylvania Shorter Lines irom Cedarville may select any route from Oineinuati in purchasing tourist tickets Perinsylania Bhort Lines trains from Cedarville 1 connect at that gate­ way with trough -trains for Jackson­ ville, Bt. Augustin-.!, New OrktU:? and other southern points, Foipar- tieulai's consult E. D. Keyes,, ticket agent of PennepIvania Lines. , Every Ticket Oftice of the Peuu- sylvania Lines is Free .Information Bureau of tho great Worlds Fair at Ht.Louis in IDOL The ihueau ad­ dress at CVdasyille is ,E.B. Keyes, in charge of Ticket Office . A ’’Itooms” booklet of St, Louis hotels andboard­ ing bourea ,location aud rates, com* iled by the World's Fair Manage­ ment, can bo ohtAim.d, Irem him; also othmahtubki iuformati #n, Ed. Spetuv-r left hist Stitmduy fi»r 'Tetmcsste, where ho has some U #1 estate* |3S«s? r DAILY EXCUR S IO N S TOLEDO To DETROIT St. Clair Flats * Port Huron tg We Mcnnificcfit Gttsmen 0 f the W hite S ue use Lt.winj;foot pfMadi;na StreetDaftlyfit fi-tj a , m . afterfirrivai fiffiscrtifilg t<aanr>. kettanr.inff, jurriveWeek Dajsfi.jn,!1, m .» F-jrsftjyapjop. nt, Faffito Detroit, ?s<f, KfiLmileifroani! trip, ? Ejteurnlons to Detroit tnft return. Week Days $ t, Sunft*y*7sc. To I’t. Karen nc;l return, a ftclightf-ritua ftays* trip, caly f j .O c , rstfitaafafttetli .fittra, S p tti a l ’R a te s to So cieties CicsetonLe..t:;.n3 »tI(e!fclt v.-irl:steanr- irs f&r t!,e "tou.'’DuiatL,etc, I-'c? fiiriher inf» see ccsreoi Krtiiteaft Ageatorwrite c. Kr,;nm v, tf,n3r. w,fteatc£//,o.f.Aftj 1 , cttsoir, men, Telia, 0 . BO YEARS* EXPERIENCE P atents SHADE HfARKS ^ ©ESlttfiS: CORYRlOHtS AnyAcftir-niUfijf a sVfctr1>er.ft(!ri;p;!i!!lfi»ti; ■ i .Oiv’mrfiir-nili s tft-____ . . . — r)Hi-!iiv rur«t«in rtw tirinian tK o w iitttw o invfiitWn is priiftsW? taSriVUll-^J ftiatantiVs tlr.aar.lrifSWia-i.fificnlfft. H a HBBWK seht frve, OMost fttonry fcrsra I'atpnta tnkowthfanirb Mono & 1.0, reteivc it-fKMtiAUtei ti!*r«Oetatba S & t t i f l c J i t t i c r i c a n . AT:fiaiW>i.lrsiy ItlaMffitot wwsse. Inter*!;/'-. efiaatinfi of -anyttMtritiBn % « kib L '*r-ro-.*.* 1 a yr-i*rwins'nu.nti!*,!!, goUBysit >, ftfUNK & Yort ’ hr!lacUV««Ja» y 8^rr*»lttM t<«ilJ.G * CASTOR 1 h For Infamtt and Cliildten, ThoKindYou Mi Always toap Bearer the % ■m x,