The Cedarville Herald, Volume 27, Numbers 1-26

I (**•«*»■»*" tess convince Id Stanci, Cure# Crip io TWo Days. Oft e v e r y b o x . 3 5 c . Ithe cream of |r • Nothing bettor have used MODEL jMy friends ask how llell them is to use rse It. ‘L E S IC IL IAN :enewer ps rate you will soon Hs lall’s air Renewet- &p, 144c per lb !at 4c each. in e s f u r n is h e d Rope, all -iers, Hay L a t • B it It 0*>tig Habit* !#•#, J#*vlrtr sw crarln r [ad physio*! gprttm* & Ahotwftffl*^ alkrfttd. Writ* today iciatlom^ r ^ T d t W i [ O S WeiOiltttfm fur Hi# hard, hi A good, sf the *JBsiC . * '*.* '4 , 1Esjr jvu'i’Ih'fR’* \\\>vl w ill ■ -of a n y sjtlsvr lin n . Oin* Job rmapur*: ti-itlt imx M\ ‘-TP*? Tins, item'when markerI writ U as \ Index; dec'.'trathat jrar anbwrip* S Is past <j :e a-ul a smie- i IsCsiRicslIy d e s i r e d , f * twdrty - scvestii yiwr * no . CEPARVILIE. OHIO. FRIDAY, JULY 1 1904. v ( PRICE $ 1.00 A YEAS ." sa*J RACESA Tlio fufi math c c races' under the fM;s{.>uTS «f the ‘Ofdarulte Driving u, muli pbes at. the Rridg, unci jtrack last Friday afternoon. Ai goad sized crowd wUs out for the open­ ing daf. Thejmccs weie quite exoit iog ami very close at different times. ' AJr. Lee Miller acted *as starter. The two-year-old race was won by Mr. Mitchell Collins, taking three straight ‘ bests from Mr. George .Ervin. .The best race was between horses owned by Mr. Charles Hsckott, of Clifton, and Mr, H. M. Barber, of this place. Mr, Leg Crawford drove the latter’s horse, TomKeene, taking the first.heat in 1:)9; the second went to the Clifton horse iu MS; the third was a tie at hid, while the Cedarville horse won ‘the fourth, in 1:1«5. ■All beats were Half-mile each. The- first meeting proving a grand success, another will beheld to-morrow, Saturday, if the weather will permit. There will bo a two-year-old trot, two’-peeing races, ' act! or trot, Judge Beroggy and a jury were en­ gaged on Wednesday in hearing, the case of Ben Smith, who was indicted for an assault upon Effie Hurst, a sixteen-year-old girl, whichis allaged to haye taken place in January last* The parties in the suit are collored. Smith has been in jail for some weeks past. The testimony of a number, of witnesses for the State was heard,- and the State rested its case at noon, when a motion to take the erse from thei jury and dismiss the prisoner ws 1 made by the counsel for the ^prisoner. This was overruled by the’ court. : OF THE FOURTH. The Fourth of July is always a day to he .marked with a white stone, which o f late years is too commonly a tombstone. The most striking feature of the day ie usually its list of cas­ ualties, The deep and true signifi­ cance of the anniversary is fast being lost sight of, and its observance has taken the form of 8 ’carnival which Never in all the thirtyvthree years o f our business career have w e offered such exceptional values In Men's, Boys* and Children's dowiefor PRESIDENT. A dispatch from Waukegan, 111., -Stalesthat the residents of Zion City will have a great demonstration at Bowie's home-coming. The telegram - statesr "Overseer- Speicher to-day named Roosevelt ns the highest type of American manhood. Ziou. voJ,e solidly for Roosevelt,.but hopes some day to see Dowie in the presidential chair. , .Judge Scraggy beard the . divorce ease Mouday afternoon of Nettie Ford against Harvey Ford, the wife being given a decree on the ground of gross neglect and cruelty. Thei couple were married on April 7th, 1002, at Xenia, and they have one child, Helen Marie,, who is given into the ougtody of the mother. The husband is a former resident of GedarviUe and is now said to be living in Dayton, ,His wife be­ fore marriage was Nettie Moore and has been living on theJamestown pike. Another divorce granted on Monday by Judge Scroggy gave Wm. Thomas his liberty from Anna Thomas, hy reason of the wilful absence of ihe wife.. The parties in the suit,- are colored. * OUR DISTINGUISHED CITIZEN THE FOURTHAT CLIFTON A story i3 told of a foreigner at Chicago who mistook General Andy Jackson, of GedarviUe for a titled person. He was anxiously inquiring his name in vain, until ha struck Si Fields, who informed him that-Andy was the. Grand -ColumhuB Citizen, Duke of Highballton Clifton expects to have a big' time Monday, there being four games 'of huseball scheduled. Xenia Reserves play the Cliftoii team at ten o’clock, the 50 year olds vs, the 9. year olds at oneo’clock, Clifton at 2:15, and CUT uni vs. WilberForoq »t 9:45 p tm JULY WEATHER. Thought She Couldn't Live. Moravia, N, Y., June 27,-—-Mr, Benjamin Wilson, a highly respeqted resident of this place came very near losing his wife and now that she is JiuMjuuLrjato Loch! Forecast, Cincinnati and vi­ cinity: 'Hot weather} damaging storms and heavy rains,, but of short duration; cyclonic, wind and light mrthquake shock# Will occpr about Cincinnati during the month of July, July 1 and 2, very warm, .unset­ tled. From 3 to 9, hut; cyclonic wind and damaging storms. 10th, unsettled. Between 11 and 14, storms; heavy raTn§nm[pMwh^^ verges on a saturnalia. It would per­ haps be too much to expect that the annviersary o f , American iudepen deuce should beobserved in anySpirit of reverence, especially in view of John Adams’ suggestion as to the'manner of its celebration, but it is plain that the burnt offerings on patriotism’s altar, are'not of a kind -which older fathers than Adams had in mind. ~v Every American, unless ha. seeks rqjluge^m the wilderness, must play, whether- lie will or no, his' part id the annual festival of noise,' A tumult as of the battle field will prevail about' town. ■Wherever the American, boy finds hiiuselt there will be the all prevailing snap and bang of the firecracker proc­ laim liberty unto nil the land and to all the inhabitants thereof. And even those to whom the Fourth nowbrings annoyance or suffering can hardly expect a change for the better, or quieter, arid prehaps would not change it if they could.. Most of them retain glorious if not sacred memories of the time when they, too. wereactors in the noisy festival, and are not dis­ posed to deny to the rising generation a joy that was .once so very real to them. Boys are still boys, and no worse or no noisier boys than’their fathers.were, or would have beau, had they passed the same means of making day and night tedious to all there ciders'. So long as most of the people aro inclined to bow at the altar of noise tbe rest must grin and bear it. Golonel Gourand Friday secured a judgment against L„ E, Buudy Em- .porer of Sabnra, for back pay due as govener general who was -Emporor of Sahara" for a short time only, is one of the wealthiest young men of France. He tired of the joys of ordi­ nary everyday life and pined for re- gat rights and glories, .He cast his with Sugar Diabetes. She. has been . sick four years. She doctored with two good doGtors but kept growing worse. The doctors said she could not live. She tailed irom 2Q0 pounds down to 1,30 pounds. Tnia was her weight when she began to use Dodd’s Kidney Pills, and now she weighs 190 pounds, is feeling stronger every ■day., ■>. "She used to have rheumatism so bid that it would raise great humps all over her bodyoand this is all gone, too. , "Dodd's,Kidney Pills are a God- *3ml to those who suffer* as my wife did. They are all that stved her. We can’t praise the m enough." The *mse of smell is keener in fresh air than in stale or polluted air. Prescription Value Co. iNAti* A prescription that lacks' in the least essential is. worse than worthless It may’ he positively dangerous—a peril to the life of the patient, It may defeat the doctor's efforts, ami it may even re­ tard the 'recuperative forces of nature, To have any value4what­ ever. a prescription must he compounded from drugs that are absolutely pure and of standard potency, tt ftuisl be exactly what the doctor intended it should be. If it is this, it is certainly, worth the price we will charge you, Our preerip- troii service Is right both in quality end cost. of 15, hot an generally fair; eipimy on mgnl or J.8, probably storms. Between 19 and 22, storms, fol­ lowed by fair. 23-to 26, hot and generally fair; stormy on night of 26. Between 27 and 29, storms. 30tli and 31, stormy; unsettled con­ ditions, the month ending with thun­ der storms. W. W. Marsh. Winton Place, Ohio, April 13. BROMAGEM-SHIELDS. The Cedarville friends of Mr, Roy BrOnmgem will he much interested in learning of his marriage which was solemnized a few days ago at Colorado Springs, Col., Ids bride being Mbs Jennie Shields, of Dayton, Mr. Bromagenr is a former resident of Ce- darville, but has been located at Colo­ rado Springs, for several years, where he has been engaged in conducting a restaurant, A few days ago his fath­ er, Mr. John Bromagens, of Cedar- viife, started for Colorado Springs, for a visit with his son and he was ac­ companied by Miss Shields, and upon her arrival their marriage took place in their own home, which had been furnished and ready for housekeeping, The bride has for some time been act ingas stenographer at the National Cash Register Works. Mr, Bioma- gfim was formerly employed in Day- ton as one of. the attendants at the Btato Hospital,-—Gazette. tow Fare* forFourth of July Trip* Via Pehmylvania line*, ISAACWI5TEKMAN, Central Pharmacy Cedarvilb, Ohio, July 2d,3d and 4th, excursion ticket, may be obtained at lieket staition on those lines within a radius of 200 mites. Exclu sion tickets will bo valid for re­ turn until July bth, inclusive. For particulars regarding rates aub time of trains, apply to Pennsylvania Lines Passenger and,Ticket.Agents. Try the Herald for job work, Gray squirrels have been known to «At MMt and rob bird*’ ue#ts. - expedition he sailed forAfrica hjl June, 1908. life landed on- the ehore8 of Morocco,, and seized territory in north­ ern Africa, which was not fnliy accred­ ited- to'any powers. He had failed to take a number of things into account fort he establishment of liia "empire,” such as recognition and permission from tho powers. This failed to ma­ terialize, aud-Lebandy is now in retire­ ment. His bubble burst nud he has nothing but debts to show tor Ins effort. Iu France they aro culling down trees hy electricity. Her Memory, Gayley—You haven’t had occa­ sion to accuse me of playing poker for two years now. Mrs. Cayley — Three years, my dear, Cayley—How do you know -it’s three years? _ Mrs. Cayley—Because I’ve worn tins dress that long, and 1 got it the last time I Caught you.—Philadel­ phia Press. _____ Force of Habit, "Your church organist is fine, but tho effect of his execution, is marred somewhat by tho words he mumble • to himself during the mu­ sic. Why don’t ho quit it?" "He can’t, old man. He was a passenger Iraktonan in his youth and has never quite recovered from tho habit of calling 'out the stops 1" —New Orleans Times-Democra A Practical Girl. He—I know my income is small, but don’t you think we could get along? .She—I’m afraid not, He—You told me that you went to a cooking school. She—Yea, but they did not teach me how* to make wind pudding.— New York Weekly. M«ti#r of Relationship. Her—I can only be a sister to you. Him -Oh. that won’t do. You’ll have to 1)W> daughter to me or noth- ing. 4 Her—Boeunse why? Him—BnoiKo 1’vc been a "pop­ per" to you.—Cincinnati Enquirer, - -Bee Kerr <fc Hasting Bros/ for paint, Goods, Trunks, Hats, Furnishing* Valises, Etc A s at the present time. An inspection of our stock will convince you of this fact. . Springfield's Greatest Clothing Store 19/23 So, Limestone St, W ren 's old Stand, T I I COSTS. Dr. Benjamine Lee, Secretary o f the Board of Health, of Philadelphia, Pa., has sent to the authorities of every town in the state a statistical warning against the use of the toy pistol July 4. He'finds that on the last Fourth of July were sacriflced,Mou tho altar of a lawless'and spurious'pat­ riotism"' nearly as many victims as imye beeil slum iu the battles in the far East, or were droWded or burned in the recent tragedy in the. oarbor of New York. Ho submits the follow­ ing table of tbe joiut work of the toy pistol and cannon cracker throughout the country on the last national holi­ day: - . Died of lockjaw, caused hy injuries, 406; died of other injuries,. 60; to­ tally blinded, 20; number who lost one eyo, 75; arms and legs lost, 64; number who lost fingers, 174; number injured who recovers .1, 3,983; total number of casualties in the United Etatesr-4v34^ This is a new and popular dish that is Berve'd only at the Boyd restaurant, Mr. Thomas Tindall is the patentee, Tom, who is left-handed, undertook to make some ice cream last Saturday, blit iu his hurry forgot and turned the machine the wrong way. He worked for nearly an hour and had tho cream almost at a boiling point, when a friend happened along and pointed out his error. Tom says that the next time he turns a right-handed freezer he will stand on his head. LIST OF LETTERS. LiBfcof lottcra remaining uncalled forin the Cedarville postofiidofor the month ending June 3,1904. List No, 23. Henderson, Mrs. W, A. T. N, T areox , P, M, NEWTIME CARD, The following is the schedule for the departure of trains: For East 7:42 a; m. flag stop; 4:47 p. m, For West 8:13 a, in, flag stop; 5:24 p, m. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENTS. 'Notice is hereby given that the un­ dersigned has been duly appointed and qualified as administrator of the estate of tho late R. D. Brown. April 9,1904. Albert Brown. Notice is hereby given that the un­ dersigned has been duly appointed and qualified as executrix of,the estate of the late George E, Wilson. ■ . June 15,1904, Nannie4Wilson, Tbe seatiug of McMurchey *and Gouden as thedelegates to the national convention at Chicago from- the- sixth district was done wholly on a technical­ ity. Tha tis the Scroggy delegates did not file their certificates on the first day of June as required by thenational committee, hence lost their case with­ out a hearing. - However the true state of thei contestbetween Hildebrant and Scroggy was detailed to the higher politicians of the state and they now thorugldy concede that J uclge Scroggy had the right in.the contest, as tbe election board decided, and. will with­ draw any further aid or comfort irom Mr. Hildebrant, and it is high time for be done. Greene county has 5009 Republicans and everyone Of them stands hy the principles in- politics thatnominated Judge Scroggy and will present outside interference. —Gazette. OSTERLY MILLINERY Announcem en t Closing Out of Spring and . Summer Millim ery a t Cost. kOhio has a personal intrest in the national ticket after all. Senator Fairbanks is a native ot the Buckeye state, although Indiana claims the bonor-ef-his—presenfr-^home.—But-fit will not need this fact to give the ticket “nejt"iN<ryemberf CEDARVILECOLEGE Cedarville, Ohio. Eleventh year opens September 13, 1904. Courses in clsasica,Philosophy, Music; Art, and Elocution. Degrees offered are A. B. and Ph, B. Laboratory work in Physics and Chemistry, Literary Societies, Gym­ nasium, - and Library. Preparatory and Collegiate departments. Text­ books new or second hand for rent. Tuition and contingent fee only $26.50 ayear.*Graduates are prepared for the various professions and Callings of life. Where only one in ten-thousand, who is hot a collage graduate, attains prominence, one in every forty of the college graduates becomes distin­ guished, Bond for a catalogue, D avid M c K ijihjgv , President. GrandOutlineof OurStock Model Hats.......... ..Half price Fresh Trimmed Hats..;. . ...25c Untrimmed H a t r . ......... 25c up ,- Rcady-to-Wear Hats... .................. .,50c Children’s ’Hats......... .itri............ 25c up ' ................. Flowers.and Foliage... .............,....15c,........... .. • YJuiIFs^arnTFeatSeirFonpons..........5c up ............... ■'■B«byiUa|W^nd'i|MqHi|i|HatsA'i,.,Y:'vi:ifiliglOi'Ul|>(V'''ii'"'«'............. 37 Green St, Xenia, O. $125 IN GOLD To be distributed in twelve premiums of $25, $20, $15, $10, $10, $10, $10, $ 5 ) $ 5 , $ 5 , $5 $ 5 ) Monday, January 2d, ’05. Patronize my meat market and receive a ticket with each 25c cash purchase, Bach ticket will give you one chance in the drawing. Fresh and Sa lt Meats, Fish, Oysters, Etc. Notice is hereby given that tho un­ dersigned has been duly appointed and qualified as administrator of the estate of Jonah W. Blanton with the will annexed, June 15,’04 Bimoft E. Btahtou DR. E. C. GCLESBEE, GENEROUS RESPONSE !l W a s accorded our great and generous 20 per cent reduction on all Suits last week. W e want every man, youth and boy to share these great money saving opportunities TH IS WE1FK., ,And w e adw vise, that you ca ll at once before the selections are .depicted, for at the rate they are going these great bargains cannot last long. PHYBCIAN AND BURGEON. Bpcp.inlty X«Ray and Electro Thera* ocufic treatment. . Also latest im* proved apparatus for treating diseases oFUrn nose, throat and lungs, MThe Store With The Style,*’ Cor. Limestone &HighSt, FormerlyTheSurprise Store, Springfield, Ohio. MM 4 ,