The Cedarville Herald, Volume 27, Numbers 1-26
tier. | ; | I ; W s' I I j» Loturtis. W ■ccting hj H* h Table' # ; 10e up. t Linens, tfU”. t a i n s , hf’s, irio. t%pm H, .-.:.:J h » * HceCo. $ plain as notes, 'hiymqnt life, with .) almost as cheap ! 8400 a move thau ' ve coikiitions you f your policy in ■ the Iphia, i o f N. Y le s s . . ttiou arc the mo* lies ■ k the most brilliant !of human interest li is, love, humor, \ o f the day. the mOfit toirth-prd (D IN G mporings or ivcary* O. or Express or* ivenue New Yor*i tdCAT lON ill , 1 sW Ttiless yn« Peter t«l ton hat# ten. w# ode with * :ats, and iherfr iy deptfft Xsjdti* DYSPEPSIA NWSf'&Vr iro.trwr iromUrtml ‘'PMr*r#|t«ft># ___ r.,1t-«i eeuiin.*>carol if*t,-sua-h *vX dF*r uuak *wprttcf yteUnt» qa-n«,';;* r*fc*r rah*.!-,* 1 « V » J | mi T8n-i w u ^ a i m wll. *SJ.‘»#es7 *’,i XU*vtbxftifcav* met, »» JJasrt®*., toscyCity,#r,«r. fie«T For ■ m. ^ The5ow#ls ^ [aoeweto FOB TH£ LITTLE ONES. An Indian Boy's Odd . the- Her* Hero is the description of a horse «’V>i*frlin 1 -.. .x.H T#o.. 1 * * 9 , » * . .V improve it ? '•The hov, o is a very noble quad ruped, hut when he is angry inv wife not do ih ). He is ridden on ti/e e nal cord by lire brulle, and sadly driver place-, hfe foot? on the st] rup? and divide.} life lower lim across the saddle and drives his ani* mal to tlij? meadow. Ho has four legsj two are on the front side and two are afterward. These are flier weapons on which he runs, lle also defends himself by extending these in the rear in a parallel direction to wards life foe, hut this lie;does only when he i s in an aggravated mood. There is no-animal like the horse. No sooner they see their guardian or master thyn^ they always- cry for food, hut it is' always at the morn in g time. They have got tails, hut not so long as the cow and such oth er like'.animals,” ' candy cAtnwmc FteUnt, P»!«U1)1«,Votans,T m UG oo U,IMgood, *«« Sfckfa,Wfl»nenorfliip*.W«,« 2 ,*te,Never •oWmbaik. Toe gomune ubles hiuujhm I OUO. C»M»atcetlto cut . ut your tpotwr bock. SterlingRemedyCo., ChicagoorJtf.Y, 59 * ttiKUALSALE, TENMIL140N BOXES Adam's Restaurant' and Dining Rooms Corner High and -Limestone 'street Springfield, Ohio. MRS. CECEUA STOWE, OrAtpr,.Entre N o'Jff Clnb. 176 Warren AvenUe, CnrcAGo, I m .., Oct. 22,1902. ’' For nearly four years I suffered from.ovarian troubles, The doc tor insisted on aivoperafipn as the ■ only way to get wefl, I,"however, I strongly objected to-an operation. My husband felt' disheartened'’as well as T,for homo with a sick woman Is a disconsolate, place 'at I best. A friendly druggist advised him to get a bottle of "Wjno of Gardui fpr me to try, and he did so. 1beganto improve lnafewdavs and myrecoveryWa3veryrapid. With in eighteen weeks I was another being. Mrs. Stowe's letter'shows every j womanhow a home is saddenedby femaleweaknes and hawcompletely .Wine of Gardui cures that sick-i ‘ ness and brings health and ness again, Ho not go on suSer-PP-i“ ,mg, Go to your druggist today secure a gl;00 -hotUe of Wine , ”axdai*i............. BEAUTIFULWINONA ■With the openingof the season at Wino nahake, May 10, the sale of excursion' tic ketsover the Pennsylvania bines to that attractiveresortin Northern Indianabegun terery-Bummer passed there by thousands has only increased their desire to return, ingj>swimtntog^ lctitures by worlddamed personages inf the imditorium—whatever the divisionmay he,r tlie associations are of that*congenial sort (onferred by good society. This resort ils noted as the sltoof Winana Assembly aud summer School, attracting teachers and students from educational institutions of •tMaandother countries. l'iftceii-day and season excursion tickets will besold from ticket1stations On the Pennsylvania lines during the summer., Por information about fares- and time of trains, apply to local ticket agents, orto IA VanDiisen, chief assistant General Passen get Agent, Pittsbtifig, To. Sept 30d. EXCURSION TOST, LOUIS, Co.lch excursion tickets to St, Jtonis ac- . count the World's Fair will be Sold via Pennsylvania Lines Tuesday and Thursday until Juno 30. These tickets will be good only incoaches of regular trains on those d*ysrorin coachesOf special trains which may he announced. Thu round trip birr fromCcdarvilie#3,155. Ketnrnlng, ticketswill be good bnly in ecorhes of regular trains leaving St. Louts Tamil Station in any time within seven days, including dale of purehaso Of ticket, Pf-tarncoupons of tickets Sold Tuesdays will begoou until the following Monday, inclusive, nnd-those soldThursday will bo goodreturninguntil the following Wednes day, inclusive, Porparticulate about time of trains for Whichtorch excursion.ticketswill be sold, «or,saltl i &Kcyc 3 , Ticket Agent, whoWill alfoahawer inquiries in regard to Season Kxcuttim Tickets, Sixty-day Excursion Picketsanp Fifteen-day Excursion Tickets Wiit. Louis, oh sale during file World's Pahytone SO, E French Game, A game adapted fi;om the French that is .very popular among tlie'.lit tle people of America is a good test for the. memory. I t is -played as follows: The children must sit in a circle, and one, as leader, announces in this fashion: . ’ • “I pack my trunk, and in ifc I put’— mentioning some • article used in traveling, as gloves, brush or cologne. ‘ , - The neyt child begins then, say ing what the leader has said and adding another article, and so on around the circle, each child -re- eating all the articles' mentioned y the leader in their correct order and then adding one. more tp the list, which after awhile ' assumes lengthy proportions. _If one hoy or girl forgets‘one ar ticle or puts it, jn. the wrong order,- he or she must drop out of tlie game, and th e ’last/child remaining lias the,privilege of starting n new-game. —■Cincinnati 'Commercial Tribune, , The Humming Bird, One of the prettiest and most in teresting of birds common to the eye is the humming bird. I f is so very little and dainty and-goes about its work With, alicli an air.of author ity tlmt' one loves to watch it as it flits in and out, of the, honeysuckles. One must bo very still, for the slightest noise frightens it away. . I t hks. very gorgeous coloring. The upper parts are .shining green, the wings and- tail are- quite dark, and the throat is a-blaring rod- In tha winter <it goes frpm south ern Florida, to Central America. Tho nest i£Ka very cuto structure. It is made of plant down, then cov ered over with mds$ lichens apt! small plant fibers and is usually built in orchard trees, or oaks. The eggs are'two in number and of. a beautiful pure white. Its favorite dish is the, honey and small insects which it discovers in ■t-hcrilow^'iH;haHHreqnettts?~HBds' ton Globe. . , y.rrr.BWTntr.- ■uiTu-i-)«Ni.pW.iWilj1irlii .Lhi .n/i vyii List of National Emblems. Canada—tiugar inapie. In Ohio and Indiana Big Increase of Wells and Pro duction in a Week. Total Run of Oil rom Both States In Months Valued at $9,000,000, ^ cur Toledo, Ohio, May 8.—The record of completed wells with their initial output and the dry holes for the week past in the Trenton Hock oil fields of Ohio and Indiana, were 200 com pleted wells, 30 failures to find crude oil m paying quantities and ,a produc tion of 4,484 barrels,. In the Ohio field, Wood and Allen counties lead, while in Indiana, Grant and Dela ware counties stand at the head. The total runs from the wells"of Ohio and Indiana for the month, of April were 3,902,001 barrels and the shipments for the same period were i,95,l,8ffi barrels, a decline of 49,814 barrels in the stocks above ground. The runs from. Ohio were 1,137,414 barrels', and the shipments 1,370,485 barrels. ' From Indiana,-the runB were 764,587 barrels, and the shipmente 740,830 barrels. For four months the total run from the wells of both states were 7,202,798 barrels valued at 88,829,472.13. Tlie shipments were 8,777,456 barrels val ued at $10,787,805.59. The pipe iucs of Indiana for four months paid :o the producer a total of $3,406,440.- 84 for 2,845,319 barrels of crude oil. We have just as good a right to iud this great source of wealth in Greene county as they 'did in other counties in Ohio and in other states, WhyNot Find It? • Fpr fifteen years-the Miami Powder Co, has lighted an office at-Goes Sta tion with natural gas flowing from a well on’ri groimd, iu sev eral places in this county natural gas las been found- when drilling for water wells and there are evidences of oil in many parts of the" county. About fifteen years ago oil was dis covered in this county at a depth of 1200 feet and several barrels of crude oil,were dipped out of the' well, hut at that time tho people were only snt- isfied.with guShers and the well wuh neither shot nqr . pumped. It is well known fact that had the proper pumping machinery been applied to that well that it would have heqQ, a rnying^toll^fli^hemil-atood^vitlmuw ew feet of the surface, but because Sale E. M. System Clothing. 'm W e own, at far below their regular value, nearly two hundred men 's fine, hand tailored suits. They were made especially for us and rep resent the last lot of each particular style. The regular values were $18.00, 20.00 ' and $25.00, our special sale price , * ’s\ jcorvRiGmW^ > 9*SIW c ^ oau I k N i CO* These' suits come in' rfeal, modest patterns apd embrace such weaves ,as ’ cheviots, cassimeres, fancy worsteds, etc. You w ill find here all sizes, frem 33 to 46 and “ stouts” for the fat men, as well, as “ longs” for the tall and slender ones. Bear in Made By Good And A R B S T Y L ISH , SN A P P Y AN D G R E A T BARGA IN S . NO T R O U B L E TO SH OW TH EM . There about.fifty left of the 100 B oy s ’ Suits,. Haekett-Carhart make, 14 to 19 years, were $10.00, $12.00 and $15.06 values, our special price that E. MainStreet, QUESTION'ANSWERflDr Yes, August -I1 lower still has M the CMna—aSTarcissils. nd—Hose, e—^Fleur-de-lis, ■Germany—Cornflower. . The Guelplis—Hed lily, — ' ' Holland-Orange and tulip. Japan—Chrysanthemum. Prussia—Linden, Saxony—Mignonette. Scotland—Thistle. Spain—Pomegranate. Some of the Italian states have he white lily. Nova Scotia has the English rose, Scottish thhtle and Irish shamrock, with the trailing arbutus for her distinctive emblems. A Vory Neat Girl# P Jr AW h e n m CINCINNATI Gi>'Po -Tlie Largest rtriimal collection ip Auicrk-a, merry-go found, pony hack ami other ammemente. , b a n d <roNcrmtTs d a i l y Aftehtortu ««d evewings. : opecisi rata? to large parties. pMtNtNifNi^ L the rock of Gibraltar there ty mile# of tttfijwl# are jAney was so very neat. It somdiwts made her mamma Sigh, As when aho washed the baby. And hung him out to dry, A Wrapping Paper Flats. A little flute from Which a good deal of amusement may be lerived can be made by wrapping a piece of S er around a pencil to make a e. Paste the edge fast, find to one end of the tube fasten a trian gular piece of paper somewhat lar ger than the opening# To play tlie flute draw in vour breath through the open end of the tube. Tho difference iu pitch will depend upon how hard you breathe. —Holiday Magazine. . = No PityShown. “For years fate Was after me con*, timtously” writes F, A, Gulledge, Yorbeha, Ala.’ “I had ft terrible case of piles causing 24 turnon. When all failed Bucklen’s Arnica Sutve cured me. Equally good for burns, aches find pains. Only 2fic At all druggists, H«w Jonwy has « vilisgo of «piJep» ponds, and. because the people at time, in that locality, wanted gas*and not oil, the well was abandoned 'and allowed to fill with mud and water, Sometime, somewhere, some company Will find it in Greene, county, and the people should encourage the Greene Gounty Oil and Gas Company by leasing land and taking stock so that the work will commence at any early date. Not a few, but all the people, should take stock in this company. The officers of this company are men Well known to the people, are men who are interested in the comity -and are men who expect to continue to re side in the county find ‘ will give •the stockholders a square deal from start to finish, ^ Success to this company means iarge sums of money to the owners of lands who lease, from royalties in the future, and great profit to the stock holders, anil in cheap feul and light a blessing to the people of the towns. . This Company will drill the first well in the locality that offers the most inducements in stock and lenses and the owners of lands to the east and between Cedrrville' and James town, through W» L. Cleraans, the hunting insurance man of Cedarville, have already leases about 5000 acres and the development of that -territory will be ft great blessing to Cedarville, Jamestown, Xenia and the whole county..' ! • A . ^ .........’....... _ / Fver<£liOtiMkeepershould know that it they will bpy Defiance Cold Water Starch for laundry uss they will save not only time, because it never sticks tothe iron, but because each package contain io o^.-^one full pound—while all other Cold Water Starches are put up In impound packages, and the price is the same, id cents. Then atrain becauseDefiance Starch is tree from Injurious chemicals, it your grocer tries to sell you a 12 - 0 *. package It is becausehe has ft stock on baud which he wishes to dispose of before ho tputs ih Defiance. He knows that Defiance Starch has printed oft every jHickaKCin large letters ami figures "If.ww.” Demand Defiance and save much timeand money find,the fiftiioyam'C of the iron stick ing# Defifitfe never sticks. —Examina' *8uhom’,Kemp« spread- m and you will know they are tint at W, & Btemtt'i. i nrg e em iin i'nin'rmismcmrmTfiTOv? ilized’ world, Your mothers aud grandmothers never thought of using anything else for indigestion or bili ousness. Doctors were scarce, and they seldom heard of appendicitis, nervous prostration or heart failure, etc. They used August Flower to clean out the system and stop fermen tation of . undigested, food, regulate the action of tho liver, stimulate the nervous and organic action o f the sys tem, and that is nil they took when feeling, dull and bad with headache, and other aches. You only need a few_doses of Greens August Flowor, in liquid form, to-make, you satisfied there is nothing serious the mutter wUh you. You can get this Tellable remedy at all druggists. Price 25c und 76c* ' ’ The Preacher’s Evidence Poland, IU, June 20.—Diabetes has so long been looked upon as an incurable form of kidney disease that a sure cure for it must rank as one of the most Vnliiable medical discoveries of the age. ‘ And every day brings forth ftesli evidence that Dodd’s Kid ney Pills will cure Diabetes. - Im portant evidence in their favor is giv en .by Rev. Thos# B. Norman, the well known Baptist minister here, Mr, Norman Sftys! “I had all the symptoms of a bad case of Diabetes and received so much benefit from the use of Dodd’s Kid ney Pills that I cheerfully recom mend them to anyone suffersng from that dread disease# Dodd’s Kidney Tills will cure the worst form of Dia betes.” Dodd's Kidney Pills alway* Dia betes, one of the final stages of Kid ney disease. All the earlier stages from backache to rheumatism are nat urally much more easily cured by the same remedy. m Great Invention. Writing Xenia, Ohio. I ^ t*"*. w jL % The B kknington is destined to make hack numbers ot existing type writers. Has 5 new and valuable features of merit, any two of which would make a superior machine. No larger than existing typewriters. Wo are now offering a limited amount of- Btoek to in "Testers at $1.00 per share. People are beeomingintereated over the world and fire beginning tb rcalizo what a won* derful invention wo hnva. More than $30,l)0Q worth of machines have already been ordered. The typewriter world watching with interest the Comlngof ourmachine, which marks tho beginning of a revolution in this great industry. As soon os we shall have sold enough stock to complete equipment, manufacture, advertise and sell our machine, HOmore will bo offered at any price, If you wish to make a gilt-edge investment In an in dustrial enterprise of tho first rank, with prospects of large dividend# writs fs ros mtsrScTcs. Preference In position ivento investors. Capital Stock $1,500,000. Shares $1.00 TheBenningtonTypeiaiterGo., Working Night and fifty. Tlie busiest and mightiest little thing that ever was made is King’s New Life Pills. These pills rimtigo weakness into strength,, list; iwmese into energy, hrein-lig 'into mental power, They’re wonderful in building up the health. Only 26c per box. Sold by fill druggist*. , \ SOI COUOVER BUILDING, Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy. *%■ , _ **“ * * k . \ This remedy is certain to be needed in almost every home before the Bum mer is over. It. Can always he de pended upon even in the most severe ahd dangerous cases. It is especially valuable for summer disorders in children. Jt is pleasant to take and never finis to giye prompt relief. Wiry not buy it now?. It may save life. For sale by Isaac Wirierman# When bilious take Ohrtmberlam’s Stomach and Liver Tablets. For fifths by Isaac Wistermnn, CHEAP RATES: 4 To all points in Montana, Washing, jton, Oregon find British Columbia, Er« Match 1st to April 80th, lf)04. Special rates to North Dakota In - March* Write at ones for ioforeVatiou tad | maps, to Ire F# Sftfaweget, District ’Passenger Agent, Wisconsin Gentifl It’y, 407 Traction Bldg., Ciftcinttati, Ohio. DAYTON, O Choiceof Routes to Florida and South, Passengers for Florida anil the south via Pennsylvania Shorter Lines from Cedarville may select any route from Cincinnati in purchasing tourist tickets Pennsylania Short Lines trains from Cedarville connect at that gate way with trough trains for Jackson ville, St. Augustine, New Orleans and other southern points, Forpar* ticulars consult E, D. Keyes, ticket agent of Peunsplvinia Lines, Every Ticket Office of the Penn* f lvania Lines is Free* information ureau o f the great World s Fair at St.Louls In 1904. The Bureau ad dress atCcdasville is ,E.S, Keyes, in charge of Ticket Office , A ’’Booms”’ booklet of Bl Imuis hotels and hoard ing houses jlocation and rates, com* iled by tbs World’s Fair Manage ment, can bo obtained from him; 'also othervaluable information. The cow tree of Vett«tti*ik yield# a palatable greyish milk which hahton# into a toothsbme gum, DAILY BKCVR .SIONS TO LEDO To D E TRO IT St. Clair Flats 4 Port Huron - Suth* Maarttjicent BUv/ntn e fth * WMTBSTAXLIKE Leoxlagfo«toCMadltOaStreotDottyat o.«j A. m . atietOrrivil ofMamina imnt, Ketufnlov, strive Wtelc D*ys*.3« f. . Suhd»T 5 o.oop, M. F*fe ta Delfoif.750, unlimittdtaa&Striptfii,>t. Bxcnrohwm toDtlroltmndr«turn. WeoIcDiiTa f t , • Suna*y*7sc. To Pt. iftfroa*ntlreturn, a t!flightfaftwtt dtjrs1 trip, oaljr So.oo, ataaltudhctta axtrn. S p e c ia l H a te s 1o S o cieties Clawcono«tloft*at Detroitwithatohat- e*t for Unfialo, th«H‘Soa.,,IJu!trtheto. Fat further iaforrMtiaa *cs geataat Railroad Agentor write a,e.,Mice#, sa #M ttritetr, men, route, o. BO YtAttS* EXPEDIENCE tRftpX MAfNtt Convm^DsAc. "Wlfc anh-klvMoortatni doroju apadwtiwfier, witbovt ow re, tn tfio ScientificHmcrtcatt- fthaMfawvrytttaatotfi mtokm at nfrr retanyn CASTOR IA t e f Ixiitoiv m i fihlMres* I l iW lfw Milt JMiafs i « p t h t . ' *« jn & j*r**#*o* A .
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