The Cedarville Herald, Volume 27, Numbers 1-26

V { Iho J v 5 Pitt M l M i '""For B xcp II frim ’ Chip Job i Work w ill compare w ith : that of any other firm, ■. ", . { •~T- ’. ft A "SSOW*# 3%3f J$w» mtom utti ’ 411 Iiidex.'depote* thxt ysmr jflril•wfe*- i* p «t <Ja* «w * •#«!». went is earnestlydesired. T 'WENTY-SEVENTH YEAR N Q .8. CEDARVILLE. OHIO. FRIDAY. JANUARY 5, 1904. PRICE $1.00 A YEAR. THEOLDRELIABLE !GBCAUSESILNES. Absolute!/ Pure THEREISNOSUBSTITUTE THIRTY-FOUR BELOW. The people of this vicinity have ex­ perienced about as. Touch cold .weather in. the past week as has been known here for several winters. Sabbath mprnwg. was probably1 the coldest, the thermometer ranging from four­ teen to thirty-four degrees .below zero. -0. E. Bi’udfute reports 24 de grees below while Clifford Bull re ports 34 below. The heavy snow Inst Saturday is making some excel­ lent sleighing in town but in the country there ire a..number of drifts andbareplaues. Escaping ga*, at the U, IV . Hunch in Springfifld, itsa tert in smite sick* ness hisi Sabbath, The Frces-Bcj.uh lie bad the folio- ing to gay. “ It was first not ed toward the dost* of the session of-the- Sabbath school, which-preceded the church service. Children appeared to be most afleeted and Several, had to h*» taken Imnie, among them tbe little son. o f \ir. and iMrs. Frank Curry and tbe little !daughter of Di. and Mrs. R. II, Qume, - Still the cause was not dis­ covered, and it was not until after the church service that an investiga­ tion revealed the true state of affairs. Mrs. J, M. Bull, a member of the choir, was thought to be dangerous ill, for a time, and a doctor bad to, he called after she had been taken home. Several other members of the congre­ gation required the services of a phy­ sician. There were few, even those who were not made so deathly sick, but who felt a resulting nausea yes- day. REPORT OF GRAND JURY. The Grand Jury for the January ' term of court,’ after a three days 'session and having examined thirty- three witnesses, filed its report. Lex. ■0. D. McGee and Robt. .Holland indicted jointly tor ( robbery, Albert Streets was indicted for peijury. Harry ■ Brakefield for trespassing'. The case of Charles ‘ W. Allen for, as­ sault was ignored.’ One other indict­ ment was returned that is not given out as the person is not .under ar­ rest, - ASSOCIATION MEETINGS. The Ohio Swine Breeders’ Associa­ tion meets at Columbus,' Tuesday, January 12. The American Chester White, Record Association meets at- Columbus January 13. The Swine Breeder^! Institute will he held at Dayton Jauuary 26.. The Ohio . Po­ land China Record Company will meet at Dayton January 27. The Ohio Jersey Cattle Club meets at Columbus January 12. The 1Im­ proved Delaine Merino Sheep Breed­ ers Association meets at Columbus January 13. 1.1 COPERWIL The will of tlx? late Robert M» Cooper, was filed in the Probate Couri, Tuesday. It was drawn ti«p- temtibr 25, 1903, and was witnessed by R, p. Reir and F. P. Hastings. The bequests are as follows; To Ruby l., Reeves, who formerly made her home with him, he gives 15100, After providing for the erection of a toiubstmui lie direeta that one-third of the remaining estate go to the- Board of Missions -of the Reformed Presbyterian church of America to he invested in a permanent fund and the interest only to be used. The re­ maining two-thirds of the estate is given to the trustees of Cedarville College to be placed as a permanent investment and the, interest only to be used in,support of the college; ■. John R. Cooper and R. K. Steven Son are named, as executors. The law provides bequests to pub­ lic institution must be made one-year prior to” the death- of the testator, fhe will was made but a few weeks iirior to the testators' death. and re- . jorts have been published to the* ef- ect that neither the Board of Home Missions or Cedarville Col'ege would receive the benefits set aside for them. Probate Judge Shoup informs the Herald that the section of statute re­ ferred to only has referauce to the testator where there are direct' heirs. In the death of Mr, Cooper, he left no. direct heirs and the board of missions and college will in-all probability get their respective shares. SALE OF fc * Is now going on. Greatest Bargain Event of the Season. In accordance with our usual custom at this season of the year we offer our entire stock of men's, youths’ and children’s heavy­ weight suits, overcoats and separate pants at LOCATION CHANGED. RENOUNCES HIS CHURCH. Mr. -Grover’s ‘Case; Frederika, Tn,, Deo. 28—Mr, A. 8, Grover isTnow 74 years o f age. For .the last 30 years he. has suffered agreat deni of sickness and, although . heis a temperate man and uever used - any kind, his ..kidneys ■had -BVHmpt.onis correspond exactly to those Tbe Dayton Herald states that Prof. W. C. Sayrs, superintendent of the public schools at’ Wilmington, aud for several years an elder in the Church of Christ, has jfublicly an­ nounced bis unking-with--the Christ­ ian Catholic church ut Zion City, III.. Prof. Suyrs is a graduate of Wilmiug- ton college aud the University of uhiengo, and is a brother o f Prof. J. H .’Suyra who held the superintend­ ancy of our public schools for nine years. _ • - Miss Florence Pendlum, head oper- no^i-rw Inst Bnt- M. Browsky, who. lms had his head- quirters at Jamestown, for two, or three years, has changed his ,location to the City Hotel, Cedarville, where he will be pleased to meet any one ueediup optical goods. He has fitted over 1400 of the best people ot this county wish glasses and to their entire satisfaction. Already he has done work for over sixty families in this, vicinity. All examinations free. Leave your orders at the City Hotel, Cedarville. •e in sny Pmoral. W lm a record it has, sixty years of Cherry Pectoral cures! Ask your doctor if he doesn’t use it for coughs, colds, bronchitis, and all throat and lung troubles. « I hUTO found Mint Ay«r’« Cherry Pe<aot»l I* the be»t medicine I can prescribe for hrota. chltli, Influent*, eoueht. end herd cold*.”, ■ M. LOOKMAH, M.D., 1th ate. N. T. This sale is of more than ordinary ,interest as every garment in the house is this season’s manufacture. The original prices will be found onall garments from which 20 per cent, or one-fifth, will be deducted. This is your opportunity to buy high-grade merchandise at, less than what the common sort costs. Come early, get first choice. Positively No Goods Sold on Credit. t , *" t’s heading GlotMe?, fiats & 19-23 S. Limestone Street-Wren’s Old Stand. -■'A aesl j- -, FAREWELL RECEPTION. The farewell recaption given , at the U. P, church last Thursday evening tended hv .a large number of friends. A BIG SLED LOAD. j A sleighing, party from YellowJ £ How’s Thu. “ "Weoffer one hundred dollaia reward for any cnae of catarrh tlmt cannot, bS cured and other souihemrpoints, !4Pot; par­ ticulars consult E; S. ..Keyea^ tiokof, agont of Pennsyluauia ,Lines... •>. the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. W* m m by HaU's Catarrh (lure. F. J. Chimney & jjminod. “AtUM-^BAKINtTPOWDER; ,4f-,^ ilt" turning about eleven o’olook, The following were in the party* Misses Bertha Stewart, Edna Baird, Grace Welsh,. Katharine Getrey, Frances- Hutchison, Messrs Prof. Jesse Mc­ Cord, G. F. Snyder, Ed Kenney, Will Alexander and Herbert Ellis, SOME. WINTER SPORT, The recent snow has furnished some amusement in racing, Xenia avenue being the best street adapted to this purpose. Theo. Voglesberg, with. “ Advisor,” John Harbison, with a young-horse he has had in training, were the leaders, though Harry (Strain managed to come with the “ bunch” often enough to furnish ex­ citement for the bystanders. llrmn him rWrfflt)tl)wJ^qtUMamhfadfl. There are so many alum baking powders about, mosr-ot—whjcn are represented made of cream of’ tartar; that the following list of pow- deri ih which chemists hav# found alum Will be of value* KENTON ’ COMMON SENSE CROWN WHITE CAP. The housekeeper should boar in mind that alum makes a cheap bak­ ing powder. It-costs but* two cents a pound, while cream of tartar costs thirty: cents. The quality of l powder is,, therefore, usually indi­ cated by the price* >ovmg Rat. tly caused, coasid- ioti in a French rian on leaving his if d up in his eup- ary safety a cau- Eabout fifty gold ing when he went ey to put in the d tva .4 iig'hare as Mhhard. The pn* attd set to watch hut in the ne noticed a small '■ it'd, suggesting u Wo small parceb cd up in the cup* Hits, These also of the woodwork (lie reninaitfa of •o way to a rat iy where the rc- and the miss* ly discovered** - of Ma/nking one* united a concert ep up the spirit.; ^covered, accord- ■ it is fold, that enough for low-" teant hi the high- wad performer, [to contriUHte to Int I camiot” Tic officer*. In? tit, don’t yov hat Tve m m uf a young man who died of diabetes in this neighborhood. My fefet and limbs were bloated quite a little. “ I heard of Dodd’s Kidney Pills and nt lust detei mined to try them* I took in all teu boxes before I was well and now I can truthfully say that I aiu all right. The bloating is gone from jny feet and logs.^ I have gained eight pounds ^ in weight and can sleep well* at. night aud ev.ery symptom of my trouble is gone. “ It is some time now since I was cured and I hare not had the slight -CBt return of any symptom of the old trouble.” urday morning about 10 o’clock. In some way a Postal Union telegraph line fell across the telephone com­ pany’s lines which .gave Miss Pend- lum quite a shock. DrI Marsh' was j called, as she was in n very nervous condition, ■■„ . i Charles Nisbet came up from Love­ land, Tuesday evening, and returned with his two sons, Lawrence and Rodger, who have been visiting their grandmother, Mrs. Andrew Wintes. LIST OF LETTERS, List of letters remaining uncalled for in the Gedarvilie postoffice for the month ending Jan. 8,1904. List No. 2. Boyer C, L. Coder Mrs, Jane Finney A. P. Finney Guy C. Mays Miss Hulda Oaeubangle E W. T, N* T arbox , P. M. 2Sc.iWe.,SI.09. All <lroggi»U. f o r ' J.C.ATIXCO m Ty>wg! 1 , K m »> Bronchitis Correct any tendency to conatlpa- tlon with email dote* of Ayer’s Pill*. —Something fine are Heinz’s bulk preserves at Gray & Co, , . Rev. O. H. Milligan gave the address in behalf of the’ congregation, Rev. Water Condon for the Sabbath school and Young People’s Society, Mrs. J. O. Stewart for the Missionary society. Miss Unite Collins spoke for the King’s Daughters and for Miss Ham­ mond’s Sabbath school class aud at the close presented her with a gold watch and guard. Miss Hammond left Saturday for New York, stopping over at Pittsburg and Philadelphia. She expects to sail from New York, January 26, enroute , fqr Egypt where she will enter the mission field, under the direction ol the Foreign Missionary Board of the United Presbyterian church.* New lorgham at Gray & Co. UpasUnnwiotlons and financially able to carryout any Obligation!) niuda by lhe!r firm, West & Truax, Wholesale druggists, Toledo, 0. Wulding. Kinnan & Marvin, wbolesalo druggists. Toledo, 0. Hall's CatarrhCure h taken internally, actingdirectly upon the blood and mucous surfacesof the system. Testiirfonials sent free. Price75c per bottle. Sold by all druggists; Hall'sFamily Pills are thebfest. Choice of Routes (o Florida and South. Passengers for Florida and the south via Pennsylvania Shorter Lines from Cedarville may select any route from Cincinnati in purchasing tourist tickets Peunsylania Short Liner trains from Cedarville cobnect at that gate­ way with trough trains for Jackson­ ville, St, Augustine, New Orleatt —Acorfl heating stoves, ranges, for. ,ard or soft coM at Kerr & Hastings JBros, ill : t o : GET THE HABIT! The S t o r e that Promises Plenty. M«WADECO GET THE HABIT! The Store that Gives all it Promises. WBMfe PmWAntm-v Sale On February ist, we. take our Semi-Annual Inventory, and as our stock is yet quite large we are compelled fn r Z .M W a s h as we must realize money, regardless of cost. Remember, our stock is all new, comprises only the latest fab­ rics nnd makes Everything marked in plain figures. Do not ask for credit, Cash and and price. Sale starts Saturday, Jan, 1,1904. 11 South Limestone Street, Justaroundthecorner off Main M c W A D E Springfield, Ohio. t.