The Cedarville Herald, Volume 27, Numbers 1-26

v. to Black , Ohio , * 1 ) 4 'T'HE merchandise offered during this D isso lu tion Sale was bought carefully and to advantage, Iu many cases we were conceded pri­ ces bj, the wholesale houses and man­ ufacturers, much lower than usual, because we bought in .larger quanti­ ties than usual. The original prices we marked on*the goods were fair and modest; these'Dissolution Sale Prices make, th^occasion one that no person can afford to,neglect. A flighty vent. ■pVERY item in this advertisement' js exactly as represented a id the present and former prices are precisely as stated, in marking the goods we have not considered profits, but the absolute necessity of reducing our en­ tire stock at once. In addition to the special items enumerated on this page, there will be many other grand Values which you must coine to the Store to see, as we have, not space to mention them here. 'This*business, which has long been favorably known under the firmname of Black & Anthony, will in the future be con­ tacted [fry Mr. Theodore S. Anthony, who has purchased the entire interest of his partner, Mr. J. K. Black. In order to adjust the partnership and pay Mr, Black for his share,, it is necessary to reduce the stock and raise a large sum of money at once, -That the stock may be reduced in the shortest possible time, the prices on everything in the store have been sharply cut to the lowest possible figure, creating so distinctly advanta­ geous an opportunity that this dissolution sale should appeal with signal force to many thousands of women who value, thrift and economy. No matter how' far away you live, it will pay you to attend this sale, as the many real money-saving chances will set at naught all cost of. car fare. Remember that, notwithstanding the remarkable prices, the goods are all perfect and right, styles and patterns. .Come often, for there will be new bargains every day. This is a time to economize by spending money at’ this grand Dissolution Sale. i ’ Dissolution Safe prices on Garments. , * We’ve, been naming attractive prices ou suit* and coats fbr some ’ time, sold a great many, too jjut hare is where the prices are made doubly . advantageous. It wilt be the chance of the year. Each garments is sold with our’well known guarantee, right o,r your money back, -and the styles v are the newest shown in Springfield. Finest qualities, newest styles, handsomely tailored at prices .far be- , low the cost of manufacturing. . A fine suit lined throughout with best Roman lining, in grey, blue and “ brown, just a few wjUeiTleft, former ■- j >dAjm^jnob^£1jd r ^ latest cut, nioely lined throughout, in .brown and navy* former price §12,50, salt) price $7.39, ’ Brown, blue and novelty suits, full three-quarter length coats,, handsome­ ly lined throughout iu silk or satin, former price §18, saje price $10.96,. Our very handsomest suits, in black, grey and novelty, made of ribelme, broad cloth and cheviot. The §25 quality now 15. The $28,50 quality now §17 49. , The §30 quality now §18.83. The §35 quality now §19.93. Ladies* and Misses’ coats, in full length, three-quarter length and shor­ ter effects, made o f , best quality of ' Kersey and zihelines, full loose back, semi-filled black aud military coats, in black, blue, browni mode and tan. The $5 quality §2 87. The §7.50 quality §3.02. Tbs §10 quality §6.07. The §12.50 quality $7.39. The §15 quality §8,23. The §20 and §28 50 qualities at §13.93. Reduced Prices on Furs. Only a few left and we will not store them through the summer, Every woman within fifty miles of Bprirtgfield who needs ft'fur .should quickly grasp this unequal opportuni­ ty to purchase such splendid furs’ at these reduced prices. • Ladies’ Purl end Electric Seal Coats, Tho best quality o f near seal un- trimmed, former price §80, sale price $19.97, The XX quality of near peal, un- trimmed, former price' §35, sale price price §20 23. ^ The beet quality of hear seal, with marten trimmed, former price $45, sale price §27.93. The best quality of near seal, beav­ er trimmed, former price §50, sale price $33.73. .The best quality of nearsenl, mink trimming, former price 865, sale price §44.93. Ladies* and Misses* furs in sets and by the separate piece. - Ladies’ long, blaok' coney fur scart, with full brush tails,, former- price $5, ~iftlff'pT,lcr§2r98r ail cluster six Tails,'former price Ladies* eftble fox boa, with full brush tails, former price §10, sale price §6 93. Ladies’ Isabella'Fox Boa, with full brush tails, former price $18, sale price $13,73. Ladies’ Isabella Fox Bpa, with full brush tails, former price $20, sale price $14.93. Ladies rounud abd fiat muffs, in sable and Isabella fox. ■ The §5.93 quality, §3,78. The $10 quality, $7,43. Dissolution Sale Prices on Knit Under­ wear, Economical marvels; a gathering of seasonable underwear that truly em­ phasizes the importance of knowing when and where to buy for the lowest prices, Do not be content with infer­ ior qualifies when the best can be ob­ tained for such prices as we will name for the dissolution sale. Ladies’ fleeced lined vestsand pants 20c. Ladies’ heavy ribbed fleeced linad vests and pants 43, Ladies* medium ribbed vests and pants 43c, Ladle*. natural wool vest and pants 67c, Ladies’ camel’s hair vests and pants 93c. , . Ladies’ woof ribbed vests and pants in grey and white 93c, Ladies* black all wool vests and pants 98c, Ladies? .black extra heavy fleeced lined vests and pants 43c, 'Children's fleeced lined union suits 43c. - Children’s fleeced lined union suits' 21c. - Children’s all wool miion suits 67c. Children's all wool vests and pant?, sizes 20 to 32, at 32c, 37c, 42c. 47c and 52c. ‘ " Children’s part wool vests and pants, sizes 18 to 34, costs 21c, 27c, 35c and 39c. Children’s heavy fleeced lined vests and pant? 21c, ail sizes. Dissolution Sale £xtr$ Specials. , jA eries of supreme offerings that,will -gramHirerearitile-gveni alone made possible by early, buying in large quantities for prices that most stores would find it impossibje to obtain. Come early for theses 1200 yards of bleached cambric,, former price 74c a yard*-"go ’ id this •aide at 5c a yard. • 6o a yard for extra good brown muslin, former price 8$c 78c for any W» B, corset in the store', 900 yards remnants of Crash, worth 7£c, sale price 5c a yard. 1000Turkish wash rags at lc apiece 1 lot of India Linon, worth 124c yard, sale price 8jfc, I lot white wasting, former price 26c yard, sale price 15c. 1 lot 50c sheets go in this sale at 34c LINENS. A stock without an equal, from which we have selected these items to prove our statement. Read and then tell Us if we have made out a case. Datnask, rich hi quality, yet sur­ prisingly low' in price, Many new patterns. Bleached, damask, extra good qual­ ity at 23c, 29c, 87c,. 44c, 55c; 64c, 67c, 86c, 96c, $1,17 and §1.43, Unbleached damask, uueqtialed val­ ues at 24c, 35c, 37c, 63c, file, 07c, 83c, 94c. - Turkish red dninnsk, from 23c to 48c per yard. All reduced in price. - Tray cloths at 48c and 82c. Jsfapkir.S, to match our damask, match tho low prices too. Napkins at §1.39, §1.80, §2.10 and upfo§4l0. An excellent assortment. ■ Others nt 69o, 89c and up to §1.79. Lunch cloths, 'beautiful pntterns, ’ at $1.19. ' " . ■ Cloths 45x45 §1.57. Cloths 54x54, extra, nice nt §2.49. Cloths 36x36, 79c, - .Towels, gems rtf the Dissolution tale You will be wise in buying, these by tbe dozen. Pure linen towels at 22c, 30o, 44c, .- 57c, 69c. 88c, $1.77. Turkish towels nt 7c, 94c, 14c, 19c, 24c. ■ 'Men’sUnderwear. j Men’s fleeced lined shirts and draw- M m EfLuia&J era, silk trimmed and pearl buttons, grey and tun, 47c. Men’s fleeced lined shirts and draw­ ers, extra-fine quality, 93c. Men’s Jersey ribbed shirts and drawers, ecru and blue,..47c. Men’s nil wool underwear, shirts and drawers, in natural, tart, brown, 95c, regular price §1.25. ' Men’s outing cloth night* shirts, full, length, well make, 49c, 98c. Men’s plain white muslin , night shirts 76c, quality 47c., Dissolution Sale Priceson Hose. A vast quantity of thoroughly de­ pendable hose for men women and children, at prices that will warrant buying in quantitiea. Every item represents a distinct saying, rendered doubly important by the ruling high cost of cotton and wool yarn and the well known fina quality you -always obtain at this store. Children’s fins ribbed cotton hose 84c. Children’s fine ribbed hose, double knee,Tic. Children’s extra heavy cotton hose, double knee and soles lo^c. t Children’s extra heavy totton hose, tripple knee, 22c. Children’s all wool hose 22c, Men’s fine black cotton hose 8lie. Men’s extra heavy all black hose 134c. Men’s extra heavy, fleeced hose, split sole and nil black, 22c. Lad es Herwsdorf black cotton lioso, all split sole, 32c. ’ - Ladies’ Black Cat brand black cot­ ton hose 22c. 1 Ladies’ black cotton hose, white feet, a’pair 84c. Dissolution Saleof Waists. Late winter styles, well made .up from beautiful Mabries. The very sorts that women tike, nt reduced prices for this Sale. . • v Black' taffeta silk waists §4.69. Blaok Pertu de Sole waists §4 69, Black Peau de Snie waists §3.23. White taffeta silk Waists §4 69. White Peau de Sole Silk waists ■ §4.35. _ ' ' . ..............- / White, puTSUblue, green- norTgrey Z . VVhite Oxford waists §3.36. ■ White corduroy waists $3.23. While mohair waist §2,97. White shallie Waists, with blue and black figure, $2.99. White madras waists $2.73. White basket cloth waists §2,47, White madras waists 81.67,. White madras waists §1.23. White madrns waists, with black figure, §1,17. •’ White madras waists §1 03. White tundras waists 83c. All wool waists, in tan, grey, green and old rose, §2.39. All wool waists in red, blue and black, 87o. Outing cloth waists, in red and blue stripes, 87c. Outing cloth waists, in light and dark blue, 63c. „ Outing cloth waists, in blue, black and pink, with white dots, 43c. Black and blue serge waists 43c, Dissolution Sale Prices on Skirts,. Don’t puss these. They .will look just os well for spring wear as ( they do now; that is because the styles ate very late, Fine fabrics too; excel­ lently made up to sell tor much high­ er prices than we name for the Dis­ solution sale, SEX'AUATKSKMT6. Ladies* walking skirts, In ' gray, blue, brown, black and novelty goods. The $2.93 quality; safe price §2 23, The 5.00 quality; sale price 3.97. The 6.06 quality; sale price 4 23. The 7.60 quality; sale brfce 4,79, The $9 00 quality; snip price §5.47. The 10 00 quality; sale price 7.23. . . Ladies’ lonu skirts iu black nn.d ' colors: i ~ - §5 00 Bkirts now §3.97. - 6.00 Skirts now 4.23. 7.50 skirts now 4 97. 10.00 skirts now 7.23. OI iiedben ’SCOATS. Children’s-long confs, in all new shades and styles; , - . $2.25 quality now $1.73. 5.00 quality now '3,96. CraVnuette coats, iu gray, tad, blue and black; - -§42-50-qtt«liiyi-now-$8;-96i“ Store Closed all Day Monday to mark Down Goods. ./15.00.C now, .9.97,. tress 17c per yard, for fnucy silk,- former price 25o, 23c per yard for fancy Wash silks/ former price 49c. 27c per yard fbr polka dot silks/ali colors, former price 49c. d’rc per yard for fancy waitring silks, former price 69c. 59c per yard for fancy wnisting silks, former price 75c. 17c per yard for 36-incb black dress goods, former price 25c,. 22c per yard . for 36-inch plain black English cashmere, former price 39c, . . 33c per yard for 42-inch plain black English cashmere, former price 49c. 37c per yard for. 44-inch all wool black suiting, former price 50c, 47d per yard for 45-inch all wool black zibellnes, former price 69c. 124c per yard for fancy plaid, for­ mer pneo 19o, T7c per yard for , fancy Knicker­ bocker suiting, former price 25c. 15c per yard for plain cashmere, former price 25c, 22c per yard for 86-lncb English cashmere, former price 39e. 37c per yard for 42-ineh all wool cashmere, former price 59c, 17c per yard for fancy wool waist- lug, former price 49c, 37c per yftrd for.all wool lancy wafoUug, former price 49c. ' 47c per yard for all wool watering, former price 69c. 3c per yard for cambric remnants. - 10 per yard for peicnliucs, all col- bra, former price 124c. Spring-field., /Ohio.