The Cedarville Herald, Volume 27, Numbers 1-26

1 T2 m wpanmiw rniytM^»ii|«i^M«i>Tfi,^ WiM»»f»iW<r<ir*WWl«irin-TW»iin'i*ftitii«Wi.l h»minrtififi inibmavitd*zL~-^-*^*,..n V'f-' | EINNANE G r e a t J a n u a r y N O W F U L L B L A S T It will continue until all goods are closed out, prior to removal into our new store which, when completed, will be the largest store^ in Ohio, on one floor, occupying 63,000 square feet. Everything in the store A T COST , except winter goods, and these virtually given away. Fare paid to Springfield an all purchases of $10 and over. Respectfully, | L LOCAL AND PERSONAL ^ \\r. J . Smith ia able to be out after several day’s sickness. V; Huyes' McLean ia suffering with a severe case of tonsilitis. Charles Weinier is some what better, but not able to set up yet. The Xenia basket ball team will ‘ * * , play the college boys tonight. Mr. O. L. Smith is now assistant cashier at the Exchange Bank. Miss Nellie Lewis of Clifton left Saturday for Pittsburg where she will visit relatives. Mr. .Robert K Stevenson aud’daugh ter, MissEdna, ot Xeffin, are guests o f friends here, today. Samuel Albright and'wife enterta­ ined Mr. and Mrs. Moorman of .South Charleston last Saturday. The many friends of Mrs. Ervin . Kyle will regret to hear that she does not improve very rapidly. ■. Miss Nellie Turnbull was the guest of Miss Irene McClellau.of Springfield -TronrEridaymutil -Mond; The insurance office of W. L. IClemans has a vnluableacquiiitum in a typewriter. Joseph Lirikhart vs. E! C. Beall, 'as sheriff', a verdict was ^rendered .against' Mr, Linkhari. The sheriff Mies Rebecca Young of Casey. 1 1 ) ^ ° ^ a °{ wheat to ,Ml’’ and Mrs. J , B. Smith, of Hamilton/SsLmkhart aud ^ we,«ht U f,roveci to be 100 bushels short.. Mr Beall O. were gueats of their sister Mrs. . .. v L. H . Sullenberger this week. T k e y j ^ ! ° ™ l Uponthe hIa offi; returned to their home this morning. Mrs. Oliver Dodds, of Xenia, Miss j cial cupacitv was not ble.' held responsi- South Charleston,' were guestaj)f_Mr. and Mrs, JLouiB Gilbert, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. B, Stevenson eii- teruined friends from Clifton and Cedarville-at dinner last Saturday, Mrs. Homer Wade returned to Springfield Monday after several days visit with relatives and friends here. D r. J . O, Stewart and W. H, Bar her represented the local hoards of health at Columbus yesterday and to day. * Rev.. 3. F . Hutchison D. D ., of Xenia will preach in the R. P . church Sahbath morning and evening a t the usual time, Mr. RixoD Brown, one of the old est men of this section, is quite sick a t the home of his sonffij-law, Mr. O, T. Wofford. Mr, Ellsworth Lowry is taking a few day's vacation spending the week a t Lainceburg- Tend. H e is expected home Saturday night, Mrs, George E , Shroatles.of Xenia who has been very sick with pneumo­ nia is improving slowly arid it is thought that she will recover, Mr, F . A. Richardson of Htitcbisoli, Mmn., returned to his home Wednes­ day, after several day’s visit with Ills nephew Mr, L, H , Sullenberger, Daniel Dallas loft Monday night tor Philadelphia where he will attend tile celebration of the fortieth anniver- . uary of the marriage of hi? sister, Mrs, .■Steel, Messrs, (J. W, Crouse, of this ' place, and Fred Prayer, of Xenia, are named in the will ns execute is of the estate of the line Horace (451- hiUgli. Mr, J , {./; -Foley who for several months has acted as foreman of the Bernice. Wolford,- of Columbus, and Mrs. Florence' Remsberg aud son, Fred, of Springfield, were guests of Mr. J . H . Wolfdrd aud family, Sun­ day Mrs. O.A. Spahr of Xenia, daugh­ ter of Mr. aud Mrs. James Townsley of this place, fell on the pavement in .front o f her home last Satur­ day breaking a bone in one of her ankles, John A. Stewart has accepted a position as^ierdsman for a breeder of Red Polled cattie, by t h e name of Smith; near Chillicothe. His family left Tuesday morning fpr their new home; « ■ . § '.V ' Fou r hundred and fifty school children marched from the burnii g. school house in one and one-half miri- tes, aF^Dayton, Monday. The" no one wis Hurt. _____________ The members of the W. C. T U. organization at Osborn, are circulating a petition to-be presented -to the legis­ lature asking that body to pass -an act giving women the righ t’ of frap- chisa in anti-saloon elections Dr, Foster Kyle a promiment Yeti- nary surgeon of Springfield and a man well know here Received quite an injury during the recent 'snow while out sleighing. He was thrown from the sleigh and received three broken ribs. • William'G. Ary met death, Satur­ day, while driving near Xenia. The horse frightened causing, the sleigh to be upset and Mr,, Ary was thrown against a telegraph pole, breaking his nose, collar bpno and neck, death be- ifig instant. .D, E. Bailey, who was also in the sleigh, escaped with slight bruises'. . . 7 : Isaac Boolimin, a wellknowu citi­ zen of ClifoD, died at his home Sun­ day night from paralysisi He teayes a wife and five children. He was a soldier of the Civil War, being a member of the 14th regiment, ,16th battery. The funeral service's were held Tuesday afternoon, Rev. H.‘ C. Middleton conducting the services. ' Ex Sheriff’Tbomas E. Lott of Clark county suffered a second stroke of of. paralysis at., hie homein fipring- The following company was incor* porated Wednesday: The Houston com i-ay. Sooth Ch.rfo.ton gener.1 f t r H „u.ton, P .., .coMpaniod by hi, store, by Leon H , Houston, Ed field, Ohio, Sunday night. Hip whole no hoge(jo t ■Later. Mr. Lott died Wednes­ day afternoon, He leaves four brothers and u sister, Mr. Jacob Lott, of this place, being one them. . Willtnm Grant who has been acting as‘postmaster, a t Gladstone, resigned his position Wednesday. This is one ol the many offices that have been af­ fected by the rural routes. The Gladestone office will he closed and the citizens of this place will be served from Mr. H. M. Stormont’s route out of this place. There will be some thirty or forty more families added to the local office, S. L , Sterrett left Monday evening Administrator'sSale of Real Estate. 4 r In pursuance.of an orjer of the .Probate-' Coart of IQreene County. Qhio, J will offer ' 10,000 l b s 1904! Tt- . , -ri , „ tt tt Bisters, Misses Echo and Mamie Sterrett Houstori, Foster B. Houston, H a rry , , , . , , . . . « mi ‘ tt rr -r, n ' where he was married to Miss P. Thomas, Harry 0 , Barmann. Cap ital $30,000. Dr Williamson Swears, Yortown, Ark., Jan.^ 18—Last week a statement was published from Lelarul Williamson, M. •D . of this place to the effect that Dodd’s kidney pills are the best medicine for all kid- uey diseases and that he uses them with bfiform'success in his daily prac­ tice. ' No one who khows D f. Williamson will doubt for a>moment the complete truth Of his fearless declaration, but to completely clinch the matter in the minds of those who-(may not have the pleasure of a personal acquaintance with this celebrated physician* Dr. Williamson has appeared before Mr, H. E , Greene, J» P, for Montgomery county, and made a swore statment. In thissWorn statement the doctor . , has cited n number of cases which ,0Jur,“ Wednesday have becii completely cured by Dodd’s Kidney Pills. Here is cose No. 1: “Henry Hall, 8 r., ago 48, an Anier ican, nttacked with Malaria Hoema- turia or Swamp Fever, temperature ranged from 101 to 10,3, highly coated tongue, constipated bowels, lmmoirh- ......... of blood Irom kidneys; Sara Elizabeth Scott, Wednesday, Rev, W, J . Sanderson also attended the wedding, going from there to York, N. Y. where he assists Rev, Gilmore in communion, Sabbath. He will be gone for two or three weeks. We have just received good fresh supply of oystereUes.UnCeda biscuit?, Graham wafers, Saltion biscuits and cheese sandwiches which are fine. Also everything fresh in the breakfast food fine, such as Malta-Vila, Egg-O* See, Maple-flake, Shreaded Biscuit,1 Cera Frufoi Force, etc, All orders promptly delivered. ■ ’Phone 72. Shroads, the Grocer. A report from Springfield this morning states that a Cedarville young lady, Miss Bertha Mitchell ro- eveiiing while a party of students from Nelson’s Business University were going to the home of Miss Nellie Merritt hear | South Obarleton. The party were in a large picuie wagon and in going up a shop grade owning to the i’ce the team could not hold the wagon and slid for safe, at public auction, on Tuesday, 23rd of’February, 'A. D, at 10 o'clock forenoon - j epon the premises,' the following described \ ' real estate! situated in the county oi Crecne! and State of fihio and in the Village of j Cedarville, towit: . j * Being in lot No. 30. of J. Y. Alcxandci’a ; additftn to the Village of CcdurviUe. as the 1 , same is designated, numbered and known j on the recorded plat of said addition' and ] village, arid situated at the corner of Main and Xorih streets in said village. ■ ■ ' Appraised at $650.00. , and also in pursuance ofA id order of .sale aforesaid; Xwill olfer for saie, at public auction on said Tuesday, 23rd of February, A. D. 1904 : at II o’clock forenoon upon the premises, the foliowingdescribed real estate situated insaid County of Greene in the State of Ohio and in the Village of Cedarville,/towit.-’^ Beihg lot No, 25of .7. V. Alexander’s addi­ tion, to the Village' Of Cedarville as tho same Is designated, numborgd and known on the^ recorded plat ofsaid addition and village. ’■ ^ — -— AppmlMid--at-$500;0ff.; — Also at tho same time and place tlie_foI- " l l p f ^ ^ 'jwriWtwUglW*^ county! state and village aforesaid, towit; otiot.J, 1 , Alexander's j addition to the Village of Cedarville as the ! same is designated, numbered and knowh ’ on the recorded plat qf said addition- and villa!,*; . - ■ | Appraised at $60.00. ' ! The said two last described lots are sitil-!* ated at the corner of North aud East streets in, said village, and are appraised together a8 a whole at $560.00, and will be flrAt.offercu. separately and then as a whole and sold In the way theyWilt bring the most money. And also in pursuance of said order of sale aforesaid, Xwill ofTcr for sale at public action on said Tuesday, 23rd of February, A. D. 1904 at 1:31 o’clock, P. M. upon the premises tho following described real estate, situated in the County of Greene in the State of Ohio'aiid fn the Township of Cedarville, towit: living oh the waters of .MassiVs creek and beginning at a stone and hickory in Jona­ than Smith’s line, which is the center of| the new Clifton road, also corner to John s. . , T„ Ireland and ruhning south 35 degrees cast Jintion mot a t tho Keys hotel Wed. m * j j i l lM B i l iB i W i l l pay the following cash prices for live poul­ try to be delivered at Cedarville Depot, / Friday, January 29,1904: . Hens, * - - <»• - p Young Chickens, - . - 9 Geese 9 cents, Ducks, - - 10c Old Roosters, - - p;c J . W . S A L M O N S , The American Polled Jersey Assoc- 17-J poles along the center of the now Clif­ ton. road to a white oak corner to John Barber; thence north 55>i degree* cast 110 polts to a stone to a corner to Seth Smith; thence north 2t) degrees.east Cfl poles to a stone corner to John 8haw; thence north fit degrees wist 25 poles also corner to John Shaw and in the lino of A. ami I. Itake- str.iw’a land; thence south 29 degrees west 41,6poles toaatorie comer to A, and I. flake. straw; thence north 35 degrees west 1491 . „ , ■ . poles .to a .stone in Jol.n Ireland's lino; j Pccial|y tbo department nod pa- thenep with said Ireland’s line south 55 de- per mill employees, who sok ind lyae- grees west 130.3poiesto the beginning corner eiatetl in the saving ol’their property, containing by the old survey 110 acres, tho western part of said tract being part of .Military Survey in the name of John Gallo­ way No;t>972 and the eastern part of Mili The Board of Directors met iu the morning and the association in the afternoon, The old officers were re­ elected. ! Mr. aud Mrs, G, T. Brown, who were .unfortunate ia being visited by fire Tuesday morniug, desive to thank the neighbors, many friends "and es- Two building inspectors visited the Presbyterian church at Clifton last Sat­ urday and pronounced the building perfectly safe with the exception pi‘ some loose plastering. Until the rep- airs are finished the congregation will worship in the opiera bouse. The in specters ordered no aahestos curtain placed iu the opera house and fire capes on the school house. es- How’s This. AVe oiler otic hundred dollars reward for any case of catarrh that cannot bo cured by Ilall’s Catarrh Cure. F. J. Chenncy tfc Co., We, the Undersigned, have known J-', r " ....... v . . . ” , . age or passage l lmm<l t Kin * ...m hiiu Ilerald, bus resigned hm position anil febrifuge and the Do-ld’s kidney]down tbs grade and was overturned taken a similar mm with the Kepubli . mo tit Banc,aster, O. ' Those thinking purduising a intin pills to relieve the inflaination and 'at the side of the road. Five members congested condition of kidneys and to ! render the urine bland «nd non-irritat­ ing. Recovery complete after two months treatment of the pills. will do well to consider the novertie- toenfet in this Issue lor tbo farms tin , . . . de rU eeun tro I ol d . XL Wilim wmj A train of thought is easily s-.d Mr. I t F. Kerr, t ^ e d by a light remark. thb party were injured, Miss Mitchell sustaining injuries on otic hand ami arm And is Said pompadours arc to be broad and low again. Miss Jessie Long whobus held the position as stenographer-ut the Hager tary Survey in tlm name ot Baylor Hill Jin. l^P^r mill resigned-her position last J. Chenncy for the la«t 15 years, mul be- 1324, excepting from tract oflatifl, a tract of Saturday owing to ill health. She )ieVCIlim rn’i-ft-ptly iionofablo hi all b«3i- land contaihtna Jf 37-100acres conveyed by , will leave sow for Marietta, Gd. where Thomas w, fftrelchar toSeth Smith 1/ynml fai,„ ,„;ii ^ . .. dated December 5, 1853, ami recorded in ??? W' !1 m n “U1 Wlth liGr brolher* VoL 29 at page 574 lam! records of-«reenc ’ MiSS Lau ra| Lucas has beep chosen county, Ohio. Said tract hereby described; by the company to till the vacancy, containing by recent survey made by 0, A ' A FREfc game inside each package of Lion Coffee (I')different-game:;. McKay County Surveyor oel42.17 acres he ■ it the same, more, or hss. v Appraised at $10,027.50. TraMsoi-a.m:: One tii-rd cash in lmnd; one-third in one year, and one-third in two years from day of sale with interest parable annually; the payments to be seeured by' mortgage upon tho firomhea sold. ' < It, K fihi . \ ■ | Aiiministrstor with the Will nnoexed/' of the estate of Tlimntm W. Htr.-tiher, de- ww t- - T. h. .' Attorney, f 2-19J Happiness ia both a generator aml-a' radiator. i Caveats,and 'rtade-Marki oMalned*ndaltPet- rot bnstnes* coaduUet! forMoecWArc feta. Ownorncc is eeroaiteU.e.PettNTornet am! wscanewute tutent.n tusUmeUitnlhott remote f"vn WashlagtoV, Send moael, drawing- or bliotb., with deaerlp- tion. Wc advise, It petentable or not, free oi tliatge. Our feen6t due till jiatenlieseenred, in Patent*,” w it. foreign touMrSes O.A.8NOW&CO. O pp ; rAtcNt Orncc, W a « hih < xt 6 h , 0, o , tausHESTEtrs Emtse PEMYROYALPILLS ____ _____ 1|R||< APA m m ueT.f’‘17OW tf>Obta 1'with <o*t or tame IntheU.S. and fo— ------ • sent free, Address. ness transactions and •financially able to carry out any obligations made bv their f firm, West* Truax, Whoiefede tlriiiggists,.] Toledo, O. \Valdiiig, Iciniwu A Marvin, ! wholesale druggists, Toledo, 0, ' 1 Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, acting tlirect!y»«pon tho blood ami mucous surfaces of tho system. Testimonials sent free. Trite 7dr per bottle. Hold l.v all druggists. Hall's Family Pills are tho host. dm .c. og S e ' ^ fAdloa, J'niai’t fef FHVSfTAN Aism Ofiorr-rv-k-at 5 1 * ! ? ^ w KtAt t i n i l n t - J A u iiNJX NL-RGEON, .wtnir.i ts-jo r.-t*1,'. Specialty X-Ray «ml FHectro Thera* pcuitc treatment. Also lafeet im- f t * - ! D m pniycff apparatus for treating fifecnties , of thy nosty throat anti lung? oajOBKSV** PltieMfOAt. 00. ^ Him an »i*if Eso-lleiiv Oar ] | y ’ rk w ill '* ] tiH*' ^TV-SEVEtmi| Jlfffi P. 1 A Highly R«sp«cted Known In Cedarvij DIED . SABBi At pit Home-in Wheeling- ToJd in,the Wheeling Rej That justly esteemed a citizen of W h e elin g . James p L e d a -w a y n tlO ^B u n d ^ The deceased find- Jeen health lor some time hm collflp^ being duo to Brig ( Pis life was one to comroe all who knew him, and bis < ; be universally regretted by , *. cle of friends and ncqudinta [w ill mingle their sorrow wit i h'ia relatives. , As a public official, as member, and an attorney public spirited citizen note; hiscouiervatisro and fdr b ia public affairs ns a stead cpt to the tei.ets of the J faith and‘as a business man iu many of the mdst impo eems of this city, his loss t munity will be deeply dep r Judge Rodgers was a pa 1 City, a son ot the late Ale Elizabeth •J . Rogers, and] , April 29, 1838, He grad* I ’Jefferson college, -Canon Subsequently he was tea plantation in Kentucky, r| Wheeling in. 1861. He law with tile late Nathanii bod , w »U known as one ol prominent attorneys of the » His early yohth wasvs I and about 1861, as nearly E learned, be took up the st and was ad pitted to the b , He began d e practice of ! gion in the local courts, an [ alike for bis erudition an. ment. About 1868 he wt to the office of Proaecutin and served his term pf ®f Utm ost credit.- ■L a tsr be ber of the City Council,, was designated- to presid Police Court; from' which Ills title of J udge. ^ o r 1 ■“"time he was clerk of tin I of his term as Prosecuitt: Mr.,Rogers engaged in ^ practice, bu t soon gave ing iu open court lo r of and there bis time was t nu -t entirely with chant corporation nffairB, am trausuctions, he be>Oo noted for bis .diligence i in the matter of transfe In this department of i* was engaged for many hi* office during nltnOtff century at 1404 Oba where he had offices wit Esq, Here he did his and earned the deservet his clienu who sought t services, and bisjudgitl sought by those in need and his advtoe in such ways given cheerfully. , For a fourth o f a ce ceased resided on Soul) Linml, hut a few vears ed to Woodsdale, east where he died. He w member of the Protci church, and as such d> foundation and uph Luke’s church, a t H’omludcd Ob T| For coughs, cold *sthma, weak tl lungs* cottsum A y e r s C h c t t Pects Always keep i the house. Wi saying this f o r ' l So have the do< , Ht K\*<* Ar*i% 0 jamuy lot ia I t Os* TrotIS, I kbttW.ta ,*tai». J. k . isbitckl m ^L 52 Zl£l 21 u - 5 l, T h e ' L I fwjr# Ate ontiiiwi