The Cedarville Herald, Volume 27, Numbers 1-26

Higti ggade fans for tm thm m mv&d bay themslat weehs *go, 2 * V ' K> • - jfik. For the fourth consecutive year an ever increasing holiday business had so completely cleaned our cases that a *‘clearance sale” wag an absurdity. In consequence for the past two week we’ve been buying anything in fur that was right in quality and right In price. Few buy­ er* were in the market and our offers were eagerly.snapped up by the manufacturers. The results of our efforts are here and you have the opportunity to get fresh, hew goods for actually less than most stores 'for their odds and ends. Remember, too, that no matter how low the price you car) always depend upon “ Bancioft? qualities—it never varies, FUR. SCARFS V $2 Black Coney Stoles' for,,.............. ................... ...................,,...9&c ' $3 Black OonCy Stoles for........ ......... ............. f.............. . . $1.48 $2.501m Chinchilla Stoles for.,.................................. $1.48 $3 Siberian squirrel, $3.50 nutria bea\ and $3 river minis for................................................. .................. ................... $1.9$ $5 Wool Seal Stoles, $5 river mink-long Stoles and $5 light 1 moufflon Stoles for,...... ........................... . . $2.98 $7.50 Russian bear Pelerines for..........i..... . ...................... ...03,97 $8,50 brown marten and Astrakhan Pelerines,, $8.50 nutria benYcrj 75 in. stoles $7.50 whole skin fox scarfs, $8.50 Rus­ sian bear boas, 120 inches long $8.50 Kolinsky and ermine “ four-in-hands” for ........................ ..................................84.90 $10 Siberian,squirrel victorines, $iO brown o_r Isabella Marten lojig.stoles, $10 grayTox scarfsfor...........—.......................$5.98 $10 sable or Isabella fox whole skin scarfs in extra qualified for $7.80 - 8 T 2 -sable 1 jgpuiitelTieckties;' $12 mffiiri t l ji f f^ 5T5 and $10. i0 two-skin sable or Isabella two-skm fox scarfs m "TOgUlttPlH 1 blJUfmJTlUUIl“'fllWIllW...... I '.1.1 .......... $15 sable squirrel neckties .......... .......... ......................... ..........$9.90 $18 and $20 sable or Isabella fox, two-flkin fox scarfs in extra qualities for........ $13.50 $20 sable squirrel stoics, $20 American mole neckties $20 mink neckties for................... $14.90 $25 genuine chinchilla stoles or neckties............... ................$17.50 $27 royal e r i n i n e . s t o l e . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . .............. $19.90 $33 genuine chinchilla or royal ermine neckties for..,..............$24.80 $40 Bcotch moie neckties, $.40 or- Isabella' fur scarfs,, extra grade...,..,...... ,.,.$27.50 . FUR MUFFS. ' $4. near seal round muffs............... ........................................... ..$2,48 $6 brown marten round muds............ .................................13.90 $6 brown or Isabella marten flat n i u f l s . ..... ......... ..,,$490 $8 50 brown marten flat muffs................................... .............. $5.90 $12 genuine seal round muffs........":—. . ........... ,$8,90 $15 sable or Isabella fox flat mtifh............. ..............................$9.90 FUR COATS. K At the cut prices alterations will only be made at customer’s ex­ pense, $20 electric seal coats, only 3G and 88 sizes.,.,, ,.$14.90 22,50 electric seal coats with muria beaver collar, reveres and cuffs, sizes 3G to40..,,.,,.......... ........................... . 17,50 25 electric seal coats, sizes 86 to 42.,.,....,...,,,..... ............... 19,90 35, <37,50 and $40 near seal coats, sizes 32. to 42.,,........... 29,90 | 40 beaver trimmed electric seal coats, sizes 86 and 38 for.... 29.90 45 marten trimmed near seal coats, 86 .size..... .................... .. 8450 50 and $55 near seal coals extreme styles........... ................ . 39.90 60 near seal coals extreme styles:......,,..,.. ............... ............ 45.00 70 near seal blouse Siberian squirrel trimmings, very rich...,., 49.90 80 minfe trimmed near Seal blouse coat, 25 in. long, very handsome,'—, .............. ........................ ..................................$55 $110 gpuainfc seal coat, 24 long ..... ...... . ,..,,,,.$85 $ m genuine seal coat, 22 long......................................... ...187.60 FUR GAPES. $10 eketrk: seal capes 27 long...,.:..... .......................................$4.80 $15 Astrakhan furcopps 30 in, long.................. .........,.,.,..,.,.19 00 $15 electric seal capes 80 long........... .............. ... ..................,.,.$9.90 120 rieetric seal capes brown marten collar and front edges......$11 90 <125 near seal capes, 24 J o n g . . ....... ..................-v.......... .-.,.$17.50 Uo.ielimcn’s capes, fur gloves fur raps and children's fur*eta at [ a. Corresponding caving, poring this sain don’t xi>h lor credit, u'>r to have goods sent on approval -you ’ll ho refused if you do. Any article not reduced ns the honest, plain figures on the tick­ ets shown U- yours, free o f charge. I *>*?»*>* | LOCAl AND PERSONAL jj * j 1L •*!» Barfe s tics ia Davit, a /f Wcdscs&y. . * f { •* | [ - Mr. W. L. lleenna was a lusines* f visitor is Dayton, Thursday, |■ , -^Reduced prices os 'all healing J’ Kerr & HastingsBros, > .J "Mr. andMrs, Frank H^jaiEgstnlcr |- taiaeda few friends at sapper last evening. Job'Printing of all kinds executed at this office with neatness ami dis, patch. Mr. Then. VoglesSrsrg attended the funeral of * relative in Columbus?, Wednesday. —House o f four rooms to rent, centrally located, o Inquire,, at fkit, office. Rev. Oampbeli of the Xenia Theo­ logical Seminary will preach in the R. P. church Sabbath morning. Rey. F. M. (Jlemans of New Hol­ land spent the first of the' week with his son \V, -L. Cleroaqa -and family; For Sale:—Barfed'Plymouth Rock Roesters at $1 and $1.50 each, Fannie Raney - if Mr, and Mrs,R.P.Kerr left Mommy for Wheeling, W. ^Ya. .where they, were called owning the death of. Mr, J , P. Rodgers. F or S ale — Single comb Brown Leghorn cockerels. Inquire of J. S.: Brawn, The annual meeting of the Massies CreekCemetery Association will ‘be held in the Mayors office,- Monday afternoon at 1:30 o’clock, - W. J. Ta,rbox. Sec, Fred Acton,, sii employee at the paper 'mill had two fingers badly mashed, Wednesday night, while he was working at one of the, cnleudc-rs. —For sale: Farm of 82 acres near Cedarville. Improvements good, plenty of fruit. Inquire of J. D, Williamson. .- Feb. 204 The appraisers for the late* Robert Cooper estate Messrs, Jr W. ^Pollock, A. H. Creswell, .J. H . . Stormont, valued the 60 acres of laud at $75 per acre. . • • The tenth annual qieeting of the Ohio Dairymens Association was held this week at Columbus, Mr. Lee Nash is attending the Ohio Dairymens Association ' meetings at' Columbus this week. " Owing to the seyere winter weather and enow, drifts Tuesday the rural route drivers only went a part' of the distance. .■* v Ajnumber of petitions are in eircu- 4ation^#kingT:beriegisHmhtr^lES™ttTF m s A m u m o f i i tft jT. &Ji£t% Annual Sale of teiin Undeiwear, - - 0 34 "^ 7 .-W ' * ‘ * ' YZ-- * - '■ 4 \ t • •-*>? c’ vtZ H ^ 7 . / ; ■. - 4 / A -v :4- |T v 7*. 7T l ^ -Ikp ■ > ' - A X * ^ + r\ ^-W -T->,V ^ ^ 4 7 i POWDER Absolutely Pare %HERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE . f yd- /. The hiss on the property svcetuly destroyed by fire belonging to G, T, Btowu has been adjusted. The agent of the Home Insurance company was here this week and allowed Mr, Brown \$5(5Q on .the building and $199.50 on the household goods. We wore misinformed in Stating in our last issue that Mr. Brawn had suffered two or three fires, hence the correction. , Hcn«y Walker, who is now located at Springfield with the Big Four railroad, was seriously injured Saturday afternoon by being struck .with a yard engine. - He was taken to_-the city hospital where, it was found that his left loot was so badly‘ crushed that amputation iras.necessary. The right •leg wiisdraclured near the. knee. It ■ i* thought that he will recover. ’ Y ■ According to the .Press-Republic, Rev. A . X), Maddox, of Westydle,. who also-has charge of the M . E . congregation at Gon’prd .has been meeting with, great so -cess during the revival meetings jn>l closed'. Forty ■ nu-mbere have been admitted to the chuit-b. The many mends of Rev. Maddox of ibis piare wail be pleased to heanof his ..good work in his present charge. The County Commissioners Monday •afternoon passed a resolution relating to the purchase -of supplies for the various county offices. It provides' that the officers file with the CoimiMS- oners, requisitions, staling the amount of supplies needed, ’-description, of goods and other particular*. The County Auditor i§ instructed' to ad vertise for bids for the goods needed alter the requisitions liuye been made. The stock and farm implements, be­ longing to the late Horace Gilhuigh will be sold at public auction about Februrery 24,. Bills later. The death of Judge James I\ Rogers removes another of the* fami liar-land-marks of Wheeling, Judge Commences Saturday, January m ‘is. w: Ml I i m 7 G O W N S '. At 50c we show more than a dozen sude® in lace and- (mhrwb ry jtfiinmed Gowns, good nrusfin and full riz--s. At 81 00 we shbw’about 50 style-s o> very elaborately trimnied .Gowns In fine materials, Hieh as muslins, cambric and nainsook. Y*«» cannot afford to make them at this price. Finer Gowns nt $1.25, $1.50,'$1.75, $2.09. I B A B Y D R B S S E S . New styles, new ideas, in sizes from 4 years and large^selection. Infants’ Lonw Blips at 39c, 50c, 75c, 81 ?i V Uoinpiete- and up to $3 50. Short Dresses ul 50,*. 75?, SI. 8125 up to $4 Priure-si Dresses l to 3 rear sizes, from 81 to §4 50. Infants’ Fine Gowns from 50c to SI, Infants’ Fine Skirls, long aud short,-50c to $1 0 ij New spring embroideries in jm .net, nainsook and Swiss, our1, com­ plete new assortment for spring 1904 now bring displayed. Contain­ ing all the new' novelties to be shown-this it-firan. New ginghams, for spring at 8 |, 10, ]2§ and 15c. Bay nowwhile assortment is complete. S C O R S E T C O V E R S . — . ii ; - ■ ; - . ■■■ \ ■:■■■■ All prices irorn 9e to $1.00. •\Vith the largest • selection over shown in Xenia. At 25e each we/ show more than.20 styles,.alt size 4 ".from,32 to 44, lace and embroidery trimmed. Finer Corset Covers at. 39e, 50c, Ton and $1.00, You. can buy a perfect fitting garment for the cost of the materials . 1 ' . . - . ' M U S L I N D R A W E R S . A'good quality muslin drawers,. 6 tucks 19c. Better quality with large full ruffles at 25c. Drawers, embroidery and lace trimmed 39e. Finer qualities at 50c, 75c and $1.00.- W H I T E S K IR T S . ; (l AH prices to suit everybody from 50c to $5 00 eiieh. .At $1 a bircre-selection of very full, fluffy, ruffled skirts uicely trimmed ..with/ lace or' em­ broidery. -A large and complete, assortment of* finerskirts $1 25, $1.50, $1 75,82 nDd up. 4 ' L A C E B A R G A IN S .. - 20,000 yds. Tor.-hou laces and Insertion, from ■4 inch to 5 inches wide, excellent quality and all at oc a yard. Tlje quality is so good that lUc would be a low price, " Soiled Mtaslin Underwear. During this annual sde of muslin underwear all our suited ami roy.-sed underwear-sold at \ price. CRUELTY TO THE HORSE Curb : :John tipahr. the night operator hern bos been transferal to the tower at South Charleston to be come famili­ arized with the inter locking switches Messrs. H, M. Barber, J. B. Cum­ mins and »Mr, Peterson have been named as the appraisers lor the Horace Giliaugh estate. Mr. Albert Gowdy and wife o f Chicago are visiting their parents Rev. A. D. Maddox and wife of West- ville and Mr. James Gowdy near Xenia, Mr. O. E, Bradfute on Thursday was in L h Fayette, Ind. before the state agricultural school. He goes from there to Chicago to attend a meeting of the Aberdeen-Augua asso­ ciation. The game of basket ball last Friday night between the Xeuia High Behind and Cedarville College teams, resulted in a- defeat for the local team by a score of 21 to!5, A large crowd wit­ nessed the game, A few lines in the Herald telling that you have a house ti reht or some­ thing for sale, no matter how large or how small, may save yon several dol­ lars, Our for sale and want ads al- ways oring results. Owing to the cnlerjtaimnent in the opera house (Monday, and this night being the regular meeting night for the fire company all members are re­ quested to he. on time that thehusi- ness can lie ffnrslud as soon i s possible The petit jury returned a verdict, Aaturduy evening after being out a- bout twenty minutes, in f«vor of John Thomas against the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, The judgment was for $600 for cattle that were killed lit a crossing at Trcbines severe! months ago. The Btate of Ohio has filed an action in Common Plena Court to re­ cover from Ernest Benson, David Brakefit'ld ami 11. U, Armstrong $200 the nmonut of the bond of Ernest. Reason, who was indicted by the Grand Jury on a charge of cutting with intent to kill, Reason failed to appear and therefore forfeited his kind, nim in tile public locus, it was extern sive amt important. His knowledge of real estate in this section wasprobably, unsurpassed!iind--lus'prnetice iu chance­ ry cases was very extensive. Judge Rogers was a most exemplary citizen, better known', however, to the fathers than to the sous of the present genera­ tion and he leaves a host of old time friends who sincerely regret his loss.' —-Wheeling Register., : Since theaters are the topic, do you know there is a floating theater wilh ,a seating capacity of 2,500 people navigating the rivers of the Mis.-U- sippi valley? It is a large steamer in appearance, and fine in ev.ery ap­ pointment, with stage and scenery as fine ns the average in the. city’ private boxes and nil. The season opens in the early fall on the Mount mheln river, thence down the Ohio, up' tin- Mississippi and Illinois, and in wit­ ter the Tennessee to Chattanooga and Cumberland, then later the Arkansas and Idwcr Mississippi, stopping at all good sized cities and towns, where it is very popular. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE T iiade M a r k s D esicins C o pyr igh ts & c . Ant-oiK?SciKlInifnaUotrlinnd,lrsrrlr>flotiInn j qiiSiKlrnsferotirt Miropinion froovfhctli'-rmi luvrniinnIK jirohnlilymo-ntnWn. fumiminlrn- ilimsiitrlctlyminilMitRl. Jlfcudbnnkon Patents Mitt freo. ol.lfr.t irf Xoi ftcturini} entt-m t, Pnlont* muni .Uirouglf Mann A Co. TtccWft •ifflul notice, vlltioat clKiraft, to llio Scientific American. A htimMomclr IHnsfrAlnd Wflfldr. T-anrost fir dilution or any fti'H'siMdo (minial. '1 crms. (3 a m r t fntiMnoi.tlM, |l. Bold uyAil nowsUMIen, MlHN&Co.818^ - NewYork Y f » # » Offloa. m V BU WMhlr.nton. 1>. ft Cavtals, and f « itAMarks obtaiAt itafit! all I’.-ifc," rnt iiiioitieoftranilmte.l mooeoatc Frts. don O rrict IP t i*eo*it6 U.S.PATShr O r n « wo jancrniie rain t in P ;r. time U.m tlioSe wmolft / rmVvftBiinsjjtft*' , Stm! tnoJrl, dr.wvin;- tr ntiMO,, willi dcecrip* ,Uoii. Vfe liilvit?, It pAtci.tAlilo or t-r.t, t u t o! dwrgc. Oiirffft ini ilrsoIni piitcnt is scented. A PAMrMtST,.” Row_!,»Olitliit PAltnts,” wilh iosl of tame »it (lie U.S. stiuf foteiftit uiunlrieft sentfred, /rldieSi!. . C .A .S N O W & C O . , Jff- ifAtraf omr.*, wrAmimaroi*, o . e. The Use of Blinders, Chcckroins, Bits and Docking. The horse, the ..most useful-of all animals, Is the one marked for the - most of men’s ill treatment. For the most part, housed in ill lighted,’ ill ventilated and ill smelling quar­ ters, worked to its full capacity,, cared for only to the degree that* selfish interest prompts, the animal Js-delivored-- object of the -unrestrained pa ......... .............. to understand, that have a nervous system, .among them to a marked degree the horse, and that- were he to govern his own temper he could, with a little pa­ tience, get control of the horse’s nervous system and make out of it a servant vastly more efficie'iit than it is under the system in which he beats and jerks and drives it to dis­ traction. *A short walk in any city will dis­ cover many blind horses. Why? There are no blind cows compara­ tively. And yet the sight of the one’ naturally is as good as that of the other. The difference is simply that the horse'from the beginning has been abused, ill housed, over­ worked and worked under condi­ tions that have driven him blind. Ilis eyes are shut in by blinders at each side, for which there is no use hut to satisfy the caprice or fashion of man. So, his vision interfered, with and deprived of air, the wonder is that with the other treatment he gets he is not blind oftener, Be­ sides this, in other eases his neck is almost pulled out of joint by over­ head checkrcifts that raise his face to the air and turn his eyeballs to the glare of the sun unprotected. Or, on the other hand, deprived of checkrein, ho is bitted with a curb that pulls bis jaws to bis breast and tqrturca.hhn in this fashion. And then, according to the spreading fashion of the day, he is subjected to the most cruel of all practices, docking, which not merely tortures in the practice, but leaves him to the torment, of flies for the rest of his life. It is the merciful man that is merciful to his beast, and if it is the merciful that obtain mercy we have, as a pcop.e; some way to come before we get that blessing.-- Indianapolis News. Mistaken Politeness. A. Fort street ear was howling merrily along toward Woodinere cemetery the other afternoon when a white haired old man who had been sitting quietly in front, o f ^ stylishly dressed young woman who was standing tip started 1 if to.rise and give her the fhe <enl seat. The young, woman put her hand on his shoulder and, gently ra-4raining him, said: ' “ Never mind, sir; just, keep your seat/’ . ; • The old man looked duKed for, a block or two, then attempled to gain his feet, only to he again pushed back by the young uoinnui politely i POULTRY J No T tim .P ou ltry W ill Bo Received . tV* f » J$$b .V w in r the. follow^ D e l i Delivered at Depot, Cedarville, Ohio, , F e b . § t h lien s - * -0c Voting C’hidct'ii'i - })e Geese - 9 c . D u cks - - - 10e O ld Roosters - - nr J. W. SALMON. remarking as sue netu nim down: “Keep your n/at, please. I’ve stood up so long now that 1 don’t mind it.” <fWell,” said the old man in shrill • falsetto tunes, “ I want to get off! You’ve made me go half a mile past my street how!”—Detroit News. Different Climates. Ah Irishman returning home from America got into conversation with an Englishman, who asked him what part of America he hailed from. “ California,” raid Pat. “I believe,” , said the Englishman, “ there arc different climates near each other there.” “ Well,- to give you an idea,” said Pat, ‘T was shooting one day, and my dog, a well trained one, set hitn- seif^across a ditch. I v;i:i surprised to find on rny giving him the usual token to start that he remained mo­ tionless. Going 'toward him to as­ certain th *reason, I found that his tail was frostbitten nt one side of the ditch and his head sumstruok On the other.”—London Tit-Bits. Professor Shalcr’a "Oturit" Dean. Binder's hook of plays, “Elizabeth of England,” was written because in a hot repartee wilh 'Pro­ fessor Barrett Wendell one day the latter told Dean Kinder that isden- liiie men had no literary sense and knew nothing but science.. Professoi' Khalor’s hack was tip, with the result that in a short time there, appeared, privatelv published by Houghton & Miloin, 'five, live-act plays called ‘ ‘Elizabeth of England,” “ by Nathaniel Kinder, professor tvf geology at Hgryard uuivcE<itv.,’* - j rj1,u,,toI, B L A C K - D R A U G H T STOCK and POULTRY' m ed ic in e : Stock and pirnHry have few troubled which aie not bowel and liv e r ifregnlarilira. Bl ack- Draught Stork and Poultry Medi­ cine is a bowel, and liver remedy* for stock. ( tl puts tin* vraanft of digestion in a pi rh .-t condition. ProminentAweru-an bleeders and farinert) keep t:wir her-(*and flock* healthy by giving them an occa­ sional ilowiof Block Draught Stock and Poultry Medicine in their food. Any stock r.iiset- mavbayft 25-cent half-pmmd air-tight can of this medicine from his dealer and keep his st<«k in vigorous health for weeks. Dealers gener­ ally keep Black-Draught Storkaaa Poultry Medicine, If yonrs.doe* not. send 23'tents'f»r a sampie Win to the manufacturers, _Bio BhaltanoiigftMedicine Po„' iTbat- tartooga, Twin. Uotum.' i - jv D a ,. .Ton.OT. 1W3. KSaolt-P-mtc < dtr-efe »’ d bounty. Modisineis timti.«t lev- rtricJ. Oar ijtockttdolo.ddns?I'C.dn!,‘"U jrOUS’n« wc ttm mr.iUotno «a>l mbv Use? A?* getti ift ai ii it•TheyowJiplMuf*• pareonl.--better _ . f(..;M1EOCKINOIOH. HappiliO#;! is liolh ft gchemtor slid 1 ■ ftbigk w ill R i a t o f tmy t w e n t y - s e v A Well Know Cel * ceeds in Hal SALT TRUS An Interesting Account cral Salt Company wj for ViolatingtheA| The Sao Jose DailJ tier date oi January count of the conviatic] trusts through the'el Gedarvillian, Mr, Th| and to him helougs tl " the first victory in tl brought- by Attoruej] under tire Sherman This victory was scot Federal Salt eomj principal of a number] forty in alh The evij by Mr. Turnbull waj that the Federal- pleaded guilty and wj He was appointed .months ago by'the goj lect evMeuee against In .Mr. Turnbull’s sj he declared that, the F] puny was engaged iu selling of salt and that] made and. entered int«| nearly all the impor and dealers iu foreign salt, within the Norths California and upon, ti He stated that he vi| of the defendants and the exception of the Fj pauy) that they sell hi salt, und offered to buy quantities of salt; thutj stance they absolutely an/ Bait, stating-in salt could ouly be pui from or through . the cornpuny; that a lap Ahemadmitted to him under contract with th] sell all of the salt prodJ the Federal Salt conij to no other corporation a number of years, an] of them admitted were under Contract wi ve years. Mr, lurnbulL company has sa 70,000 tons in which caused the Pacific coa the price of ordi irom$3 a ton ti witnesses who t sale of salt testif been raised 500 iod ot 22 month: andjobbers in st salt Irom any on cral Salt cotnpu will refuse to sel purchases from i or persons bc IH u T'niilbruia Saltc ApHl 2 , 1901, a laud ior the niai medn county,'ha tons of salt whit to the Pacific Co All this stroi deuce was brou through the eff in Consequence pleaded guilty As a result the ■i(> one-half of v 6i,it W«* brougl trust, which w, "inland vioh ^mi-trust law a trade and comr -Mr. Turubi Messrs K. R, i tni* placeand i «ur older cii WANTEt A fsrm' hand", with Ml