The Cedarville Herald, Volume 27, Numbers 1-26
FOB TW O FRAZER’S Kx**^*1*^' 4-^ y^utk wi'U « ;;:*p » r W E W I L L S E L L i v Sale Commenced Saturday)January 30th and. ends *• . •. . * ■ - ■ - . * \ <• Saturday, February 13th , rriS A km m of health A b s o lu te ly P a i were is no suRsnrurz jl LOCAL AND PERSONAL | —-Comb honey at Cooper’s, •I Mrs, S, T. Baker has for her guest, iUiss Corn, of Springfield. 25 tb, sack fiue granulated sugar $1,35 at Bird’s. Mr'.'J. I). SiIvey of Columbus was in town the first oi the week. * Charles Barr of Dayton is in town, —Try that 20c bulk coffee at Cooper's, " Charles Weimer has suffered a re lapse,'after ,being able to be about tor a day or so, The recent cold (lays haBbad quite an effect oh railroad traffic, particu larly on local freight, Merchants who depended on freights this week for promptdelivery were much disappoint-? ed. -—Lard cans filled' \ Crouse’s for §c per pound. Oomnunion services will be held in the U. P. church Sabbath. Preaching Friday and Saturday. Rev. 0, H, Milligan ..will conduct the services; r—Murry Harness are the best at Ken '&Hastings Bros. Mrv.James Moore of New Concord, has been the guest o f his sister Mrs. 0. Hi Milligan for several days. Fort S ale — Single comb Brown Leghorn cockerals. Inquire of J. S. Brown, The failure ot several publishing nooses in Springfield -which., will amount to something like §100,000 will catch several citizens of this vi cinity wbo held some stock f in th- Hew Era company, Mr, Arthur Anderson and Mis.- , ' - o ■. - ' • Waddle were married Wednes day eyening nt the home of Mr. Joseph1Waddle near Cliftou. The ceremony was perform by',,Rev. Dav. idson of Clifton. Among those pres ent from here'were Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Tarbox, Mrs. T. N. Tarbox, Mr. and Mrs. S'. K. Williamson and-Mr.; and Mrs, W. II. Barber. Try a pound of our 2 ns Nectar Blend Coffee, •we guarantee it to please you at Bird's. Deafness Cannot be Cured Hy local application as they cannot each the diseased portion of tbo car. There is only omj way to cure dettfiuss .and that is hy constituiion it remedies, Deafness is caused hy an inti.uned eondiiion of the mu cous Ji ling of the Kustfiehlan Tube. When tins tube is influnW you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hi-ming, and when it is entirely closed,. D -afnesa is the result, anti unless the Ifijlamm.ition can be taken- out and this tube restored to its normal eondi tion, hearing wil 1be-, di-stroycd forever; nine cases out of ten arc caused by Catarrh which is nothing ” Ut an inf) lined condition of the nitu-ous service.* We will give One Hundred 'Dollars (or any ease of Dejifness (caused by catarrh) tliui cannot be cured !>v Hill's Catarrh Cure. Notice of Appointment Notices is ' hereby given ,Lhafc the undersigned executors o f the last will and testament oi the late Horace Gil- laugh have been appointed anb quali fied in the Prodate Court ot Greene C o u n t y , Ohio. . ' • C t W . C r o u se . F red F k a v er , J a n . 2 0 / 1 9 0 4 . CHEAP RATES, gists. Hall's Family Pills are the best. J. (HIJ 2NEY, Toledo,'O.. THE LEGISLATURE. —Pure buckwheat flour at Coop er’s. Mrs'R. C, Watt who'has been quijte sick, tor several day’s is reported much better. —Reduced prices on all beating stoves at Kerr & Hastings Bros. Mr. F, E. Vance of West Alexan dria was. the guest oi friends here the .first nf-the„week^ --- — Highest temperature 58 degrees, 22 days; lowest •temperature^ 6 de grees below zero, 2 days; range of temperature 16 degrees; greatest I®e"‘Vtol ? rculorYfre®: • cloudy range 30 degrees, 28 days; rain and snow fall 3 inches; greatest in 24 hours, 1.28; total snow fall 26 inches; ruin and snow, 10; clear days 14; part cloudy 8; January,' 1904, was. about 4 degrees lower ou an average-than for four years, JSaniuel Creswell, Observer. : The Pennsylvania1Railroad Com pany has always been opposed to out door advertising along its main line, and a hitler war has been waged upon firms of painters Hud bill' posters. Recently large orders for an English hedge wood, a rapid grower, have been filled and you will see men .sit workk setting out continous rows oh either side of the right-of-way. This is to shut out of view the un fold by all drng- F. years not one can be seen by a pas-, j sengcr. Advertising men say they at Bird’s. Wheat reached the dollar mark in Chicago, Wednesday.' Local dealers are paying about 90 cents. —A nice line of dried fruits at Cooper's, ; The college basket ball team wil play the Springfield high school team tonight at Alford Memorial. Pure buckwheat flour per lb. 4c ai; Bird’s. i. Rev.- Campbell of the Xenia Theo logical Seminary will fill the pulpit in the K. P. church, Sabbath —House of foot rooms to rent, centrally located. Inquire -at—-this office. Word came from Cherryvale, Kan sas, that Mr. Walter Murdock has been quite sick with pneumonia. Camera for Sale;—On!y us d a faw lini&j, good as new and cheap, Kobt. Bird ('apt Davidson who for a number of years was Chiefof the Xenia Fire Department die.i IasiFriday night. Valentines from lc to §1 each ht Bird’s 1 ; Mr. Arthur Townak-y and family o f Dayton are guests o f Ida brother Stewart, and family. -—Evaporated corn at Cooper's. In this issue can be found a card of Mr R. E. Carry, whois a well known Auctioneer.' -Persons needing such Services will do well in getting ■ bis terms.. ■■■ H O R S E W A N T E D . A good sound general purpose horse. Kobt. Bird. Mrs. % W, llugnr wife of the president and general manager of the Hagar paper compauy is quite side at her home in Xenia. Grave fear is entertained ** to Ireic recovery, 1 —for rale; Farm of H2 acres near (hdarvilfo Improvements good, Four losses from fire are given out by the W. L. Clemans Insurance Agency this week. Three ot the four were on dwellings. Men's $3 Felt Boots, for §2.50 pair. Men’s $2.50 leather boots for $2 pair. Men's §2.60 felt boots for §2.16 pair. Men's §2 00 felt boots .for $1;75 pair, - ' At Bird's. The building committee - .of.’ the Second United Presbyterian, church, at Xenia, has recommended plans from*architects oi Cincinnati. ' For Sale:-—Barred Plymouth Rock -Roosters-—at- ^ -^mH^ffiToOr^nclrr rivilHim] aAviryTcTetrcumverfttlio com Faunie Rune; obn Xiott, came down from Clove niicTlust Saturday morning tp speuc a couple of days with his parents Mr. and.Mrs, Jacob Lott. Red Star Brand- 'Shoes ’ A«6 Bettor A full line at Bird’s. Herman Corry who has been in California for several months returnee home last night, He does not give very glowing report of the .conditions of that state. Mrs. W. H. Blair of Loveland; Miss Sue Brown of Vati Wert, Miss Nellie Milburn, of Indianapolis, Ind, are guest of Mrs. Jane Satterfield A bill has been ’introduced .iu the legiebittire to. change the manner of making a public exh ibit of the County Commissioners’ report by priming it in; a pamphlet form in sufficient quantity to furnish one to bach v o te r,’instead o f advertising it in the newspapers, The bill is inert torious and wou1d not only add to the publicity o f the official proceedings, but would Save several hundred dol lars each year in eacli county. A s . the present legislature will change the school code there will nec- sightly signs that have been painted .essarly be ehauges in the Boards of on billboards and burns. In five ^Education for all schools in the state: To nil points in Montana' Washing ton, Oregon and British Columbia, March 1st to April 30tb, 1904, Special rates to North Dakota in Murch. VVrite at. once tor information and maps, to Ira F, Schwegel. District Passenger Agent, Wisconsin-.Central R’ y, 407 Traction Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. PUBLIC SALES. ■ FAT POULTRY ftjOC . Thomas W, Stretcher Estate, both farm land and town property, Feb, 23. Extended notice elsewhere in this.issue., , . 1 . - ' Horace Gilluugh Estate pers'onnl property, about Feb. 24. Watch for bills, ’ mm .. K-fl .Ty-t. R it. . if - ' f ^ N o T h in P ou ltry . - .t • W iH B e R e ce iv ed . W i l l pay the follow ing Cash Price to be Delivered at Depot, Cedarville, Ohio, Monday* Feb. 15, Hens 5 lb . or over Hens less fellan ITlb , Geese Y oung Chickens soft- meated - - Ducks ' - ' - D id Roosters Panorama of Finance and the Markets. As one would expect o f a great metrbpolitnu newspaper having the facilities of the Chicago T^ecardTIef- aid, that paper'always, covers the mar kets and fiotmcMI and ■eommercial in- telligeuce generally on a scale of ex ceptional fallnesa, covering two en tire pages of each issue, The quota- in city school districts the Boards of tiortg on live stock, grain tunl provi- Education ure tu consist of five mcni- jpiouB^Btonka-amLJioiidar-ftUfF— bers elected'at large. They are to be' ever cpnnnereinljtnd^ financial .market cites and lloat them above. the u tijeir hands full, because the Pennsylvania people believe iu newspaper advertising, and will have no other. DR. E. C. OGLESBEE, PHYSCIAN AND SURGEON. Specialty X Ray and Electro Thera peutic treatment. Also latest im proved apparatus for treating diseases of tbo nose, throat and lungs. R E . C O R R Y , ber^euchvear^ compensation for each regular meet- piete nud satistafctory.. • .. ing. The board is to elect a superin- Special cables tell the. story of fi- teudeut who is to have a seat in the nance abroad. The ‘ 'Speculative school bonrd, but no vote, In villages Gossip,” “ Wall Street” and “LaSalle the boards will consist of three mem- Street Notes” are features of the bers, one .elected each year for three Record-Heiuld market page that in years. They.are to be paid 82 for each j terest speculators ’from the Pacific to meeting. Township boards are to con -1 the Atlantic coast. They tell the un Hist of five members elected at large ■dercurrentg in the grain and security J . W . S A L M O N . ' plenty of fruit, Williamsuu Inquire of J, D, Fob. hOd *T1n ttndgmnifo wareAt ( ■ooper's, Mr. Frank Reid of Atlanta, Qp, stopped here a few hours, Friday, with his wife’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Murdock. Mr. Reid waBon his way home from. Philadelphia, Job Printing of all kiuds executed at this office with neatness and dis patch, • Miss Nelle Turnbull entertained' thirty of her frieuds last Friday eVe* ning in the form of a “ leap year* parly* The ladies performing the duties usually alloted to the gentleman Those present enjoyed a very plcsant evening, Refreshments consisting of two courses were served* The ease of Samuel Eugleman against Nathan Max, appealed from Magistrate’s court was set for trial Tuesday rn Common Pleas Court hut was settled hy the parties and wasdis missed at the costs of the defendant. The Springfield and Xenia Home telephone company has at last got its plant finished and on Monday opened'it to one thousand subscribers. t is expected that the company will isve five hundred more connected by the end of this week, Mr, and Mrs. € . M. (.'rouse enter* iairicd friends at dinner Wednesday. Among the out of town guests were Airland Mrs. Charles Ervin, and Mrs. James Ervin, of Xenia; Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Moore of Jamestown, a<d Jr, Janie* Moore o f New Concord, O. : . AUCTIONEER Sells Real Estate and Personal prop erty anywhere. Promptness, attention to details and satisfaction guaranteed. High service. Low prices. Ri tdenoe Telephone 235 Clifton, 0 ‘. Call niu secure dates. Ever Stop to Think how rs..i-y t-f j-orr , .-rfoOfncnis • Vou’.J I.-.- I.Vil-Y £.*-(!.:; :i.d ti:* y l:.’i *®sk a k a -: * • s s CSHr’ Q B iJ l !N E " 'iX r iE l '£ i t.'j.’l p. 'itr.’i i y ' -.-M *ita! r.ij-; n— j ,-' '.V 1-. -l.fiS ' A «!■' r. t...... t,*u,* / to ^1 1 ti tcluia' i « i y , f ■ ij-.j v, *t.:,''iltr p . : ..Sia v 1 f, ;..o y vj-nii** > .-i ( lc 'Sf >», .,i .’ m .O v..,t.,g jy I.:f ?■•}*>. '* Y -*- ■ '• .% y UGi fmit'ib ,i ?tuu ] «srr«, I for three years each, aud will, receive §2 for each meeting. Special school districts.are to remaiti as they are. Other than city school districts the tax levy shall not be over 10 mills, The Board of County Examiners shall be appoiuted as at present, Cer' lificales shall be ns now for one two or three years. CREDITORS FILE PETITION. A' petition in bankruptcy was yes terday filed in the United States Court at Cincinnati against the de funct New Era Company by Keifer & Keifer representing the Lagonda National Bank nud BtewurtL. Tatum iepresenfing D. S, Ervin and Marion Alurdock, of Ccdarville, and Fred F, Mull, of this city* While the Lagouda Bank put in Only a nominal claim for §1,000 it .is understood that the bank .holds papers, of the company to the extent of 820,- 000, , The claim of Air. Tatum’s cred itors amount to §2,600. This aefion means simply that the prefered cre ditors will be knocked out aiid all given ati equal chance on the mea gre assets of the company. It was reported yesterday that several of the recent transactions of markets. They relate personal gossip of the pits, iu its wuy as important as the humdrum and routine part o f the day’s story of speculation. The Wall street letter of John Chambers sum marizes the duily history of Gotham's money market in a most entertaining and instructive fashion. Examine the market page of any issue nud. see for yourself. ' Best in the World, Estherville,. Ia., Feb. 1st —-Mr, George J. Barber o f this place says:- “ Dodd’s Kidney Fill* are the best medicine in the world. Thera is noth ing as good. I had been sick for over 15 y*ars with Kiduey. Disease which finally turned into Bright’s Disease, I was treated by Doctors in Chicago but they didn’t do mo any good. The best Doctor in Estherville treated me for five years with no better success. I benrd of Dodd’s Kidney Pills and made up my mind to give them a trial. “ I am very thankful to be able to say that they cured me completely and I think they are the beat ruediciue iu thewojld.” The honest, earnest straightforward' experience* of real living men and women are the only material used in advertising Dodd’s Kidney Pills. One Public Sale the New Era company are look upon with suspictiou and it is promised s : a 1 * i™ » d Ki"“ IBS r m u ■X all sr.hitasis. 00. v\ ' OFMf.TaFir’ o. OHIO. I,inufid| ■ Lsjhinlifjj fri&t [such teatimctiy Is Worth more than' » iext few; esterday that only b few. thy. tefomth. »P -;TOlh „ml mte,y yc.tertlay jp(||9 ,ij0aa .vho.c ovitlencs- i. fet le ap 1... k _____^.i __________ __ i.. . piicAlion for a receiver was filed fc. chattel mortgage was given the Good and Reese compauy for 819,000,-— friday’fl.Press Republic, Few women walk gracefully enough Ip,risk a se#nt-cujt skirt. ing cart bo mere convincing than a statement like Mr, Barber’s. There are thousands of others just as strong. Shirt waist Biill have a dressy look which the separate waist cap never Attain," • , Horses, cattle, ..sheep and hogs can best be" sold at public sale when adver tised from the water-proof sometime until We do though it sale bills, put out by this “ 0,lr turn” as so*oft^,|expr<ss cf. office. Cost no more than iwilat wns .8tate,i in p Springfield pa- per sometime ago is true, Greece of independence est. linin’ ’ in home elections. Some fear that ‘•liould state election's codio .with local elections voters will fail to vote straight on the former, voting; mixed on each.ticket. With this hi viOw, it will require both parties to put forth the “ best men” 'in order to attract tlie’ support oF the int lligent voters whodjold the balance ol’ powr. Congressman Hildebrnnthassignifi- ed bis intention of asking for a third term from this the sixth district, “ Charley” hails from Wilmington and to one who will investigate ulitile it will be found that this “ foxy” little fellow had all Ins fences fixed before he made known to the voters Ms de» sire for a third term, Then again he has brought himself iuio favor hy urg ing that the rural mail carriers be al lowed §900 a year and this ia meeting with approval even from nil the pat rons who wish to see the service kept up. As lor Greene county we have had no congressman in a good many years and it looks like it would he i* If the other kind. A free no-)Comity Js already pledged to support tice and patent posting clips Mr. Ilildobrant, through the Xenia go with eacn order. T H E H E R A L D . post office deal when Horace Lgmith u “ Would be” congressman lauded bis .brother iu-lawTor .thegovernment job. It is said tliot-tlie Smith end of the Republican party must now crime out and support the present congress man Jor another term. If it w:,a Greene county’s turn and Judge femith sold out hi* support to the third, term man then the Judge-is a “ dead .one” for sure. Horace L. Snjith need never ask (he voters.of this county again for an office for any mart that would sell out his county or cause a split in- the party ranks over the saine office, that, isdue the county is not deserving of political recogni tion. In fact vc would rather m:e Hjldebriuit given a lourtlior tilth term for1this office rather than hHVo » man like Smith represent the grand old county oi Gromc in so important a position. It is up to the Judge to explain even if Mte hall is onlV true. TW f STY -SEVEN ' there ia a heavy expense when one ‘ election will do just as well. Econ omically speaking the duty of the ' legislature to pass this bill. Like ques tions for argument there are twosides and that is the local elections when party issues and party omhlema-ma..^. disregarded'. The public has come to ^ 0 * 3 5 Mitchell Must Violation o f Beal ■ 9 ON /NINE C CM is Heard .Befora M-y on Tuesday* Sentence Pissed this Event! •: ■ I- •.'V ' ...r■ Tboma* Mitchell who a fi0mc w r e k B ^ o tmelevon i iwtL'Htion of the CWinn Hundred fi»r vioMling the b efore M ay or M cF u rla Ttiecasehml been contun ing to the fact that the p» pes8 Gbarlcs Euslev o found- The defence the that a deposition would bi Could not be secured by i This was not done so it' c that the Continnapre wa only. The defeudertt has boo-! signed by J. H...Am mount being S2200. The first witness calk McCjorkell corporation -testimony was in regards law election the vote of ' aoJtlm notion of counsel tion. Part of his testimoi to be excluded by the d cord of council proceed! . however. George Iliff was the i who held the chair most, noon. 0® stated that & hired himto stay in his pi giving Nov,-26, 1903 Hr .hesold what was supposed tea or malt extract. I Mitchell and he talked ti evening about him tendis day, owing to Eusley Remembered selling to Wm.Sheers, Tom Audrt lips, George Reid, ‘ AVo Elmer Robiusnn, Lee Sh Jeffries. The defence tol to this part o f the testil wasover,ruled. Iliff.sJ] haddrank of the hop . queutly. Upon cross witness stated that he onlj Mitchells place as the j not the saloon. Stated Ww‘T'aimut“mudlTthadi attorneys for defense hsnl posted tried to show that blackmail was appsrantl Cominitleo of One Hunt ing Biff to prosecute M3 himself. This he «i| than he was to tell thl feuse tried to show that| told Charles RtdgWay tl Was forcing him to proa and that witness had that he was working tori not Mitchell. Witnes ho had an agreement raittee of Oue Humll ecute any one tior ti •giee to pay. him anytll talked to Mitchell a I hiui thai he had not geiten Charles Weakley st<^ gone, to Springfield Thanksgiving aud hr load at hop tea-, -Says if in back room; was |j the trip ' by Mitchell I gotten it vet. Charles! the order. Cross exar that Mitchell appre on the street in reg| Springfield ami that logo that night. AgJ ; Take cold ea teiider? Lunj iftlatiyes have [Then a cough Che Peel deal to you, „ doctor1* advlet Ayer1* Cherry'*. ne&J*, strengthen! ig fg y, rtt-i.aM **•*w StA», h A, fe r - mMm,
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