The Cedarville Herald, Volume 27, Numbers 1-26

t Jr. . 1 35 . to TWO W ILL 1 3 1 ' W E SEL L »S** Sale Commenced Satui*ddy«January 30th and ends Saturday, February 13th, STORE, iT is fim r E R o tn E A m i SSS&ii- POWDER ' Absolutely Pure THEREiS M SUBSTITUTE V * LOC/'lL AND PERSONAL ' | 4—06mb honey a t Coppers, ' Mr. and MtS.T?, B* Barber are en­ tertaining a number of friends a t din- , per today, ' F o a S ale C heap -A, good phaeton . inquire-at this ffice. - The. Jamestown Farmer’s Institute , was held ■Monday and Tuesday. ■Many from here were jn attendance. Lost—College pin for.' Taikio col lege, class *08, Finder please return to thus office" , —Fare buckwheat flour at Coop* er's. Fred Lee who went to Rock Falls, b > n r k j x L a - p ^ . j ^ - p t f ^ a n f f T h T ^ stoves a t Kerr & Hastiugs Bros. . „ A leap year party will he given by the college‘ students at the home of . Prof, W. R, McChesuey and" wife. Monday evening.- ^ —-A nice line' of dried fruits a t Cooper1?. Ralph Bull left Tuesday morning for hew Orleans, where he will take ' in the Mardi Gras festivities. He will also visit relatives in Tennessee, -^Evaporated corn a t .Cooper's. - Mr, Oscar Satterfield has been Ink up with the grip tor several days ant has not been making his daily trips on the rural route. Mr. Z. T . Phillips took his place, —Lard cans fillet) at Crouse’s for Bo per pound. Illifl*Bros, placed a bid last Satur­ day on a large amount of cement pavemeDt a t Yellow Springs. The town council advertised for bids and the property owners will pry for the improvement by taxation. ««T rf that 20c bulk coffee a t Cooper’s. A garde of basket ball was played hero Tuesday night between the Big Five team from Xenia rheological Seminary and the College boys, The eeore was $2 to IS in favor o f the visitors, A team from Dayton plays here tonight, —Murry Harness am the best at Kerr & Hastings Bros, Thom here who kn-w Mrs, Father iue R. Anthony wife of-Theodora S, Atulnmy a prominent dry goods mer­ chant of Springfield will be pained to hear of her death last fu tility morn­ ing, The funeral was held from the resilience Tuesday aiftf/ioon, Mrs, Anthony iras fommrfyCutheritte Hef* wig. ' F or M ams - - HIogle comb Brown Leghorn cra-kerala. Inquire o f if, H. Bniwn, , »’ Tub Printiug of all kinds executed a t thk office with neatness and die* patek, ;i t Mr, C, C. Morton o f Clifton has been quite sick being threatened with something like typhoid fever. Rev, C, 8 . Tier ofthe McCormick Theological Seminary, Chicago, will preach in the R. P , church Sabbath morning and evening at the usual time. ■ —Tin And granite ware a t Cooper’s, Mr.'Charles Dean has. contracted with. Mr. Samuel Raney for a new seven fobm dwelling to be erected this spring on his farm north' of town. The sight for the new home will be south of the present house, ’ Charles Sm5fh.3f5, a machinist from Springfield and Miss Rose May Don- aldson of this place Were married last Saturday by Rev, H . C, Middleton. The ceremony took place a t the home o f the bride’s parents Mr. B, F . Don­ aldson, ' •—For sale; -Farm o f 82 acres near Cedarville Improvements good, plenty of fruit. Iuquire of J , D . Williamson. - '. . . Feb. 26d The Herald is in receipt of a copy of the address of Secretary of 'State, John H ay on the life of the Jnraented Wiilian McKinley. The address has been published iu book form and is a handsome volume. We are indebted to the Hon, Marcus A. Hanna, through his private secretary for the book, , - ’ ■ Hon .‘George Little, H , M. Barber and J . W. Smith of the court house building commission, go to Cincinnati today to look after the purchase of the necessat, jquipinent for an electric light system for the court house. 1The Mr. J , G, McCorkell who has cou- ducted a dry goods and notion store id the Crouse block made au assign­ ment Wednesday in the Probate court, for the benefit of his creditors. Closr Ibusiness times i$ said to bo the cause. Mr.'.T, 0 . Barber has been named as­ signee and taken charge of the stock of goodB. Messrs. J . R , Cooper. J . H , Andrew., and S. L. Stewart are appraising tho stock today. I t is ex­ pected that the stock will be disposed aBa"wbolef \ The recent fire in Baltimore which is said to have caused a loss of 90 mil­ lions of dollars has caused a number of people to Wonder as to the different in­ surance ct imp- nys that would be affec­ ted; The Home Insurance Company q t Hew York had a loss of $400600 and has already notified the policy holders that the company will not take advantage oi. the 60 days option in settling the losses. The assets are placed at 18 million dollars. During the Chicago Fire 1871 the Home paid $3,000,000 in losses. Col, J . W . R. Cline, of Spring- field, whom many people here know; is to be the new commandant at the Sandusky ' Holders’ Home. The trustees o f the institution hqve agreed upon kirn. His salary.will be $1800 a year add all of the necessary supplies. The present commandant, General A. M; Anderson has tendered his resig­ nation to take effect April 30. - The great spectacular production of “ Bgn Hur” will be presented at the victoria theatre 'in Dayton- for one week, beginning Feb, 25. Mies Mary Marinering will be a t the Grand opera house Springfield. Monday eve- COUNC1L.MEETING. jere is ..pikBT All that is necessary is the engine, dynamo ana switch board. Arun-aWay took place Thursday noon when Mr. Lin Wilson’s team be­ came frightened a t the whistle a t Tar- box and Collins Lumber Company’s yards where the team was Stan ding The frightened horses ran up East street and struck a tree in front of Mr; Samuel McCollum's property. Little damage was done other than some broken harness. One horse was somewhat injured but nothing serious Mr. R . P , McLean who has been located at Oklahoma C ity for a couple of years wilt return to Dayton about the first of April according to the present orders from his company, The National Cash Register .Company, He will be given a thorough training as to the mechanism of the cash regie ten) and will then probably be sent back to Oklahoma City, Hie wife will accompany Him north and remain here during his stay, lohu IV, Sharp through his attor­ ney O. A, Dobbins has brought suit for divorce against his wife Minnb Sharp, The petition states tha t the wife left the home the first of the year* After it trial lasting two d ys, a jury :ln the Court of Common Pleas ott Sat­ urday night a t 9:30 o'clock found Albert Streets, charged with perjury A tecu log a marriage license, nof guilty, The case Was^ given to tin ury a t §.*80 o'clock, but supper Came next and the case was not taken under ning in “Harriets Honeymoon,'’ -missiunerr t h eifamestuwn-pike-isttrbtf macadamised with broken stone fora distance of seven miles out of Xenia. The cOBt is estimated a t $2,000, fifteen per cent o f which will fall on the ad­ joining laud owners. Bishops Arnett and Lee.and Presi­ dent Jones, OfWilberforee, are attend­ ing the Bishop’s Council of the A. M. E. church a t Mobile, Ala. Bishop Arnett paid’ .181,50 fo r' aui extra sleeper on the train, and made ar­ rangements with several other Bisuops and friends to meet him in Cincinnati and go South with him, Congressman Hildebrant has intro­ duced. a bill in the House making an appropriation of $^0,000 from an un­ claimed fund in the Treasury of the Doited States due the estates of de­ ceased colored soldiers, for the erec­ tion of buildings for the use of the military department of Wilberforee University. The regular meeting of council took place Monday evening all members being present except Mr, Andrew. , The regular routine of business was taken up.ipfd reports read and accepfc- ’ed. The Mayors receipts amounted to $106. The question as to the pur­ chase. of a stone crusher canto. up and council will meet the township trustees next Monday night to further the plans fo r-a jo in t ownership of the plant. Mr. Robert Hood was present a nd jpade quite a speech as to electric- lights and water .works. He claimed to represent a New York firm who would put in such a plant, H e claim ed to have an option on the local electric light plant also on a site. Mr. Hood,thought that a company captaliz- ed a t $50 000 with $20,000 paid ini would be sufficent. Council extended the speaker a vote of thanks for bis information, A representative of the Cleveland Gasoline Light company was present and spoke in behalf of his light which was On exhibition for several nights. Council is under the Opinion that they Can not afford either the gasoline or electric light at.presen t. The senti- meut however Was in favor of electric lights. ' A committee was appointed Cald­ well, Bull and Gillaugh by the mayor to confer with Attorney Dobbins as to being counsel- for the village. . . CREDITORS MEET, Notice of Appointment. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned executors of the last will and testament of the fate Horace Gil- Iflugh have hefeu appointed and quali­ fied in the Predate Couyt o f ;Greeue Uounty, Ohio. O- W. C rops *;, , , F eed F ravee . . J ajt . 26: 1904, I FOUNDGUILT?. , [Contimn-o from first rage.] ^ 1 > <« “* M .George Reid was called and stated tb a tlljff had1said in the presence of officers, Grinfile and .Kennqn that he was hired by Ensley. The .officers were recalled but could not remember such a statement. The case was rested here, the arguments being taken up u e it. Attorneys Dakin and Arm­ strongmaking their speeches before supper. Attorney Snodgrass for tin state presented bis arguments after supper, and then came the decision of Mayor McFarland.'. As there was eleven counts In the affidavit the defence was to be found guilty, or ac­ quitted on eajb of them. ’ They were taken separately and the Mayor’s de cision was that Thomas Mitchell was guilty on nine of the eleven counts. Mayor McFarland will passjudgement F riday ,' The most amusing thing of the whole case was after adjournment Tuesday evening when' Mr. J . H. Apdrew demanded of Mayor McFar­ land that the Mitchell bond be turned over to him‘in t h a t ' Mitchell had ap ­ peared and he ^Andrew) Was released. «**■** No' T h in Poultry W ill .Be Received. v/ ^ ^ ! <#» ^ + - . W ill pay the follow-- ► f \ ing Cash Price to be Delivered a t Depot, Cedarville, Ohio, MayOr McFarland how ever did not he creditors of the New JUra com- give iu to Mr, Andrew demands'and VJiehlJtheir. . .f i rsLJaecting— Hens 5 lb . or over Hens less tlian :ylb , Geese ' Y o u n g C h ick en s so ft- meafced . - 10c p u c k s - - - 10c O ld B o o s t e r s - 5c J. W. SALMON* IW^'^y'tiiJs; tiers "iir ih r niBnrHfgirinr R 8 . Thompson was a t the. head o f e6ted and Mnyoi McFarland called "gPnt8 get the cone rn and was a strong fimior m . ,„i--------*,--------------- bouses are - Two Weeks ago three cheap John picture agents eat in lire depot heire, each with quite -n bunch' of photo-. graphs over Which* they were scribh-f Thdnn^rsfRnnd exeefitorsof the «tst» ling and jesting UmOng themselves of HoraceOillaiigb, deceased; will sell at about the ,» lt h e a * they, ha.l t o o k O f ? t S S ^ 5iS S S M :jS S !S in this localitv. The saying that the south ofXenia, Simfi-snortiwi-stal people love to be humhuge.l certainly yill«*, in the heigi.borhwl of the Elwsr bolds good in connection with the *]»a j ' 1’ c . n ... cheap portrait ag en t for not with- I f f o jrfaak a* i f e^aUr*if ^ ending m S . papers exposing the nchemea apd ip. 8"- H E A D O F H O R S E S 8. A C h i l l , A S n e e z e - -H a rd consideration by the jury until about 7;30 oclock, Quite n number fVom here nlfendcd the basket ball game a t Jamestown ott night* The college girls played ;he Jamestown High.School Girls the More being 6 to 2 in favor of Cedar* tills* A picked leftra in Jamestown ilftyed the ttcimd College team which resulted $n f t victory for Jamestown, Score 10 lo !2 f>. WANTED - A farm bund, with a small family, W ,A . Oollina, E asy to Catoh Colri­ t e C a t Hid Of. . Lightning Laxative quinine Tablets will cote a cold in twenty-four hour*. If Rot, druggist will refund your money, • piMfj»lAMnVE £•5 M | | CtfiTS Q uinine T ablets OOtD, cu,,is NEUBALGIA, LA GRIPPE , . -M A U R IA , HEADACHE. Will not gripe nor sicken, are per­ fectly harmless, no bad niter affects *~ft« a purely vegetable prepara* tjon^m ck in action, poritlyo » Sk m t t HR BOX. Ail DRUflfiliTf* fraptrsa puff bf THE HERBMEDICINE CO., •wwiNarretD, criuo* Han-nOierarara ofAt#Oel«htit«<i ?•' Unhteinn Hot Drop*, in the Prohibition paty,. his company publishing the official organ, - The liabilities of the company are stated by 8 pringfield papers to be $198600. The asset* a r e . valued a t $21000 while there is a mortgage of $19000 on the plant. The plant is to b e ' re* appraised, with O. H . Pierce as trus­ tee. ‘ ■ A t the meeting Wednesday it was learned that Mr. Thompson had used $11000 pf the New Era company's money for the beueiit of the Spring- field Furnace om pany which was manufacturing a gas furnace patented by Mr. Thompson, As Mr. Thomp­ son had gone into bankruptcy the firm is left iu a demoralised condi­ tion, His liabilities are placed a t $30,000 while the assets are estimated to he-$2500* I t is not known what will become of the plant and the busi­ ness, though It Is taken from the Clark County Court of Common Pleas to the Doited States Court at Cincinnati by the suit brought lafet Week l , Stewart L. Tatum for -$2. 600, representing Fred Mull of Springfieid, acid D< S. Ervin and Mary Murdock of thisphtce. Deafneis Cannot be Cuied factor Mr. Snodgrass ..who explained fliecon* them in trouble. Alany filled with- these harsh tents of the bond to tlm ^gentleman M«ck and White lop eared cross-eyed who was responsible Tor Mr. Mitchells p’™ Mature portraits that if the freedom the past-few days. Mr. An.> P « '^ g e ttm g tb em r ere hn,f i u.<,Ae* drew notified the mayor tliat he was released and thus the matter stood,any how the State of Ohio will look to Mr. Andrew for settlement should Mr, Mitchell not appear Friday for sen­ tence. During the conversation Mr, Andrew was told that if he did not want to be bondman for Mr. Mitchell that he could have him brought in and turned over to the offi-inls, but this Mr. Andrew would not do, His only argument Was that he was Te leased. I t all developed fitter why Mr. Andrew was so anxious to he de­ clared released and get bis bond. When Thomas Mitchell was arrested he was released on bond for his up pearance for trial and after nearly a days search then seemed .Mr. Andrew ns his honduran. For security he gave him ft mortgage on his town property. Mr. Mitchell having an eye to business and JO keep judge­ ment being assessed against his proper­ ty deeded same last Monday to a friend “ Dick” Wright In Xenia. The deed was filed the same day for record. Tuesday it turned up that Mr. An­ drew had never recorded the mortgage, consequently he is Mr. Mitchells boiitlman.with out security and was overly anxious Tuesday eve ning to be released, A motion was filed to have sen* By local application as they ratmot reach the diseased |iortidti of the cSr. There is only orio way to euro deafness and that Is by constitutional remedies, Deafness is | causedby an infl >intdcondition of the rnu- cortslinlngof the Enstachi mTube. When , t 1th*s lube Is inflam' d you have a rumbling *ten^ p f^ d ftt time odock Friday {sound or iinperfect hearing, and when it is mornihg but was afterwards changed entirely doted, Deafness is the mult, and. to five o'clock that evening, unless the inflammation ran be taken but __ ... .. . ahd this lube restored to its normal ctmdi- ( pWMintinM TG npu / vnnV tfon, bearing WJ! 1be destroyed forever; j tALUHSION TO NEW YORK. nine Casesont of ten arc caused by fptarrh . ^ , Excursion rates to New York, ac- jeouut spring, meetings of Merchants' of themutousterviee.s We Will jzivcOncifundrcd Dotl.,rsfor arty we win aiveuncHumimii)ou.,rstor any iu < . M esse of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that Atoic.ation will fie iu efiefet Via Fcntt cannot be Hired by Hall's Ostar h Cu e, fty'Vrtnia lirtcd fidiruary 6, 7, 8, 9 end Send for tirctilar, freer i 10; Mao on February 27, 28 mid 29* t Err.,?* r ’■i8M- «/ j. ciififiiA", toleiio, 0, i tickets will be governed by the uerlfi f »*.**—^**^*_ | fieftte plftii, which will be fully ejs Shirt wfthri aiill have n rireray look plained by ticket agents of the Peon* tvbtdi the tepurkte w*«fi raw ,never ayivt(nia hm . Apply to E, 6. Kiyei,. jfttteio* ,, »ticket agent. of good work Such pictures would be promptly rejected Horses, ca ttle , sheep and hogs can best be sold a t public sa le when adver­ tised from the water-proof sale bills, pu t out by th is office,' Cost no more th a n the other kind. A free no­ tice and patent posting clips go w ith each order. TH B H ERALD . Gratitude Well Expressed ■ Sitult Sfc. Marie, M idi,, Feb, 8.— Mr C*. L . Smith, painter and decora­ tor, whose fionie is a t 309 Anne street of this city makes the following state­ ment} ;■ *‘I was laid Up with some kind o f pains. Some said it was lumbago others sciatica, aud liter again rheu­ matism. j A few o f my frieuds sug grated that it was lead poison, but whatever it was it gave me a great] deal of pain* in fact, almost completely: crippled me, I had to use two canes to walk about' and even then it was a very painful task. “ A friend advised me to try, Dodd’s Kidney H ill ami I began th* treat­ ment. After I had Used the first box I* wh * able to throw away one o f the; mines and was considerably improved The second box straightened me up eo that 1 could go about free from pain Without *ny assistance and yery soon ftutir I w«« completely cureJ, well and happy, without a pain or an ache* I)odd,s Kidney Fill# seemed to go tigh t to the spot ia my orfi* and they will always ha t* my greatest praise," over I300(>oundseach, a vt-ry"^rairaliletram •lirtis worthy of your atUmion; 2 good driTt-r; 2ycnrlingColts.' 52 HEAD O F SH E E P $i Consietlrtgoi breeding' awes amt Ismtsof <K)tswoIii and South Down, brew!; 1 good bucK. - i i 5 HEAD O F CATTLE 5 Consisting of 4 black Polledcowv'wltb’iculv- cs by si'le; 1 yrarlhig heif<>r. 18 HEAD O F HOGS 18 Consisting of V bogs, weight about 110 pounds; 11 shoats, weigh about “6 pounds. F a rm Implements. Consisting o f mowing mat-bine, nearly new h*y raxe, disc barrow, id-tool h harrow, field roller, 2 breaking plows, cultivator, good buggy, good 2 horse wagon 3 Inch tread, wagon bed, 4 sets of hip strop harness, ret ™ buggy barnraft SUarnelS of cider; Tlnt-gsr, 275bushelsofcon) In the crib, 35 bale* of clover hay, 4 ton# oi clorer hay. H ouskhoi . 1 ) oonn!*-Organ, coo t store, drop lraf table 2 rucking chairs, safe.dcsk, 2pa’f ox bedsteads, 2palr of betfsprings, Wnsbing machine,churn, 17m ilk crocksand other ar­ ticles* . Terms'. Alt sums under cash; orer 0 cred ito f nine months will be given phrebse- er giving pole with approved security. rred ffaver and C. W. Grouse. S xM u tono f theOtkite of Horace (iill*nph< a . A. frerguson, Auctioneer, John ConWell, Clerk. Lunch at Noon. CHEAPRATES. To all points in Montana4Washing* tou, Oregon and British Columbi*. March le t to April 80th, 1901.8p«a*l ratal to North Dakota iu March, Write a t' once tor information ami maps, to Ira F . Schwegel, District. Passenger Agebt, Wisconsin Oentrsl K'y, 407 Traction Bldg,, Gincinnaii, Ohio. * f n r Ks*‘c!J<‘n t | W o rk w i l l c 'f t h a t i f f » « y <)tJ TW E N T Y ’- S E j Over i he Loss of ' Sc SENATOR tie Died Peacefully. Monday Evening. yfeC om eitnanl ily at Hi VVasbington, Fel Marcus Alquzo Hat O’clock Monday evei apiirtmeuls iu the A ter an ifluess extend two .months, filled j eoveries,. followed b) . a lly drifting iuto tyj in his weakened coni •able to withstand I came all,the'membei family wore in the r Hanua, the senator’s and Mrs. Dan Ham had left the room oh . before. The last sin at exactly 6:30 o'clo and Osier were iher They did not concea life was about to end of the family were • McCormick, one' daughters, and Miss j sent when the .end " Mrs. Dan Hanna we rive and'they withd to the chamber of th ' to summon her to th while they ,were abs breathed his last. Marcus Alonzo Hi .New Lisbon (now ! biana County, O.. , 1837, o f Scotch-Iris] father haviugoome I the East. When Marcus ivm fits parents mqvec where he at once eui schools and later 1 Western Reserve Go honors; His father ner in a wholesale fit City, and upon I school he.waft.takend At the death of conduct of the busing when it ceased to Hanna became a m<| mSAHATTB PO' A L s o l u i THEREiS t DR. E. C. OGIESBEE, PHYSCIAN A SD SBEUKOS, Specialty X R»y and jfeleetro Thcte* peutic treatment. Also latest iw* proveil apparatus for fteatiog dirassra o f tbs nose, throat and lungs ............. ................. .. ......... —> R. E. CORRY, j-. AUCTIONEER Sell* Real Estate and Fertoiial pf#* erty anyfirhete. Promptuera, atteetk* to detail* end rai’wfaction gnaWutwd. High terviee, L>w prices* Rt»de»# Telepfiooe 285 GlUWitj O. *** $t@Uf« detee. H on s r> lb , H e n * luus | l •Jj ° , ^ /