The Cedarville Herald, Volume 27, Numbers 1-26
% pm ? ^||i in :.' ifo ro '! / *4 Inr^fi ^ ■ p p f o mis'r|*.s,u | : b ‘ - " - v * S . ;> V* W>fl js \P h n w » jr,:..i-s\ j : j Sact all {§» r f- ' A ?-:j UaJrci ^ «T;* tin ajowjj Tagciifg. Lut fo r waists m, | y yard* wn tiiiW W - • f * . M i clean rtoek, • T* Jr ain! .jt <JUr ^ |«Iopuirs« 1 0 fl 0 up i f ' OHIO »nas..of $50 B u y y o u r . |j eats, f i t e r ’ s 1 j e t w ith ea ch || |ur tickets ' Mi [ J T H , / •aoe Co. are as plain as notes, jiity Payment life, with If'Ctier, almost as cheap ly you 34G0 more than Ielective cotifiitions you Inlue >f ymrr policy in |mt for the i d e l p h i i a , ICo. of N. Y s i Writing IHaebine. I'*ra of existing type- lit,-any two o f which Lxisiiug typewriters. jetock to. in Inf.-inttircakd Ivh »t a won Itil) worth of Writer world Khiiip, which jut industry, |t>.f ('(.tupklc r machine, [it in an in . [‘‘.■hi „ f iarpe rhi position teli.'w-a'gi.CO Is Go*, IMYTON, f> m m tiMf1 p tftm r Ufi MtJM, l JACK* [AStfft. fp'df' in* M -M . o t h'Mf&Ogfo > Imffof witli <t MbW* • mt ( lifst -Itytj- b ill Write® . [riiifi.a Halve who!!# lay*. V o t t ;tea®* 'M t|Ks hoH ffntvn if* O tttf our Heart J 4 w f * B $ W e a l i i O u a P e r se * * In . Fow i* U& & a W e a k H e a r t f»r,c ot the rnircut sffiw at * w**k £c he is ciiortiiCss o f breath after exmyls*. V.-::' Ja-'-rt is not «Me to pump th* tij.'d i‘r t er.orsh to your tonga, roam cf the ether ayraptama of Heart arc: I'alrjs In the Stele, Back crj Shoulder} Fainting or Weak SpetlsJ xn-y c a n * ; Smlhoir o f Feet .an,4 Ankle*} tv u feet or Hands. Jto cno can afford to *l!ow *. -sreak j-xr.t to go without medicine, because ■Bvjii hears means poor circulation, and foot circulation mean* weak lungs, etomaeh; liver, kidneys, eta If, therefore, you suspect heart trouble, l^jin hiking-Pr. Wiles* New Heart Cure, Tim Heart Cura w!U do you good, as if la, " a splendid tonic for the Wood'and nerves, nud whl revitalize your entire system. rinally, remember, Pr, Mies* New' Heart C’uro is sold vndpr a, gaiartmtee iliat tlio first bottle will do you flood* • If It doc5n‘ t~your money back. "I was afflicted with heart trouble for three years, I would be apparently all rlKht, and without a moment's warning would fall ns though shot, The attack* were frequent, and a terrible dread pos- sv.'.icd me, as I never knew when or Where, nor under what ' conditions 1 would be attacked, and whether I would jurUvo' them. - I consulted and was treated by some of the most eminent physicians or the state. Not finding re. lief from this Bour.ce, I began taking’ pr. Miles' New Heart Cure, and began to Improve at once. I used ten bottles, which entirely cured me, as 1 have not hr,(S an attack for five years.”—HB 3 . JQI- W DRE3BAC1C, Peipelc, O. ' , for l’ajn. " Also Symptom Bianln^Our^ Specialist will diagpoee your Case, tell vou what is wrong, and how to right It* Free. PR. MILES MEDICAL C0„ LABORATORIES, ELKHART, *JNp. ' BADBREATH been,vctnallyasgreenSagnea, my.breath having abadodor, Iwo wooka ego nirlendre, ommeudod CueMbtaendnttoru»ingthem l canwillinglyand sheorfullysaythat theyhaveentirelycuredme, l thorsforelet you know that I aball recommend Best Fdf. The Bowels S oldInbulb, (Thegenuine tablet stamp usrantoedto e.ure.oryourmpneyhaok. SterlingRemedyCo., Chicago orN.Y, 598 ANNUAL.SALE, TENMILLIONBOXES New A FREE game inside each package o f - 60 different games, application iH the XpritujjleM & Washington 1 raetfon Company, fo r Leave' to Construct, Operate and . Maintain a Street Mail Jtmd in the. VH„ lage o f Cedar-* ride, Ohio, / To. the Council o l the- Village of Cedar* -viltei Ohio. Gentlemen: The Springfield and Washington Traction Company, (tn* oorporated under the laws of the Mate of Ohio) represents that jt intends to construct *fi ipterurbsn electric railway, from the cjjy Springfield, Clark Countv, Ohio, to Washipgten, Fayette County, Ohio, for the purpose oforansporting paawngem, United States mail, expr««, baggage and freight. 1 hat said Company desires to enter upon and passthrough and over certain Htreets of Cedarvilla ns follows; Beginning at the Intersection of Main street with the .north corporation line, thence into and over Main street tcf its intersection with the old Wil mington road, thence into and over the old Wilmington road to Its intersection with the corperation line, Vottr petitioner therefore makes applica-. tion for the prlvelego for itself, its succes sors or assigns, to.construct, maintain and operate * street railroad, with all necessary turnputs, poles, wires, end other appliances therefore, upon the streets of said town as hereinbefore designated, the same to be single track road to he onerated by electric- ity.or other improved motive power other than by steam or animat power* Sain grant to be made for a period of twehty.fivo ( 35 ) years from the date of the passage of an or dinance to be hereafter passed, granting soph rights. The Springfield & Washington Traction Company. ' • 0. b\ B ilmian , ’ Secretary. NOTICE. 'Notice is hereby-given that The Spring- field <fcWashington Traction company, on the Xstday of March, 1004, made applica tion to'the Council of the Village of Codur- ville, Greene Conhty, Ohio, for perniirsion for itself, successors or assigns, to construct maintain nnd operate a street railroad, with all. necessary turnouts, polts, wires, switch es and other appliances therefore upon the streets of said city, to be operated in connec tion With intcrurbnnstreetrailrpiidfrom t jo ’ city-ofSpringfield, Clark County, Ohio, to Washington, Fayette County. Ohio, for the purpbse of. trarisjKirting passengers, Uni ted States radii, express, bnggae and freight. Said street railroad, to be a single track pond'Operate^"by eietitrieify or otiler im-, proved motive power other than steam or animal power. The route of same to bo as follows; Beginning at the intersection of Main street niid- the north corporation fine, thence over Main Street to the old Wilming^ ton Road, thence .over the old Wilmington Road to its intersection of the South corpor ation fine, Said grunt,to he for a period of twenty-five years. Sealed proposals will be received at this offi ce until 12 -o'clock noon of the Eleventh day April 1804, specifying the .lowestrates Of fare for which bidders propose to con struct; such road, and carry paesengres over and upon the' aforesaid street.,Bids must state the terms and conditions upon which the road shall do constructed and operated, and must- be addressed to the City Clerk as." Proposals for carrying. Passengers on $frgM.Jfcdlrgad County,-Ohio, to Washington,Fayette Cdun I s L . - .. Columbus JvtVOKJ ear? Alton.....**...... If,Jilfncn., bondon».“j.„... t. tirr'oton"'..,.. tffltttftrtl./'j.n;* Xonia... Swing fioxanna") Orcgonia1; fUa:iaU"9 Morrow Jti h-tiibuca..15! I-ovoland'1! Millard..." Clare.....", ClnotmutUr| ItttVMd, j tj;jl£Altiv . M„f?d » ll»Ur :3 " H p ± j 2 . ____ AM ■>6 - .... Jf6 4a... ........***,.J6-Bo-- 3 38 7 40j 7 07PC - “1 7 21—.... (73|— +*%*?•» ......---- ,17♦«—*' * 25 8 ad 7 ®11 28 ‘ 8 3H8 0^U32 |8 1 jfgl! ;....48 2 441Jfa 41 910 8 -. ittinrl 9 0 9 42 9 6 3G 10 SOLO AX AXiAX itf ^ PM « * 10*05*2 10JJ1: ■ if, *.J g ®ns3 r s 2 *H I.S. “T iSyist TX ijPM '8 t AX AX •AA I» r » Jrfn. f*>a nr a r rsa r d~n8T5y~fro~iia» Kin-ov. TtHiinf if : « hte?S>,*4 R, WytVji!oJ‘ tiisa*,,*! SfrisgVfi", fWAJt ‘ lit. AM] AMIAX [PM, t5 60 I 7 20;*830[l*Uj f 3a 8 16100^.... e 8 3ft. 7 l2 8 48 0 3X 172118 66....X - 17 2 p B91...... .... - 9 OBf. 44,19 S .... f ... I'*,... 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' > * « ShA*fO jhuyji. to 6 t UUIO* ■Jua,;. af*corii»u,, Clerk of the Village of Cedarville, O. The Most Common Disease. Yorktown, Ark;, Feb' 29th-Le)and WilHarason, M, T>. a fiiiccesaful and clever local physician says; '•There is scarcely anotlier forin of dis ease a physician is called upon enoften to treatas Kidney Disease, I -iuvamb ty prescribe Dodd’s Kidney Pills and am not disappointed in their effect for they are always , reliable. 1 could mention many cases in which I have used th;s medicine With splendid suc cess, for example, I might refer to the case ot Mr, A. H. Cole., "Age 31, greatly emaciated, some fever, great pain and pressure over regoin ot Kidneys, urine tilled .with pus or corruption and very foul smell ing atid passed.some blood* Directed to drink a great deal of* water, gave brisk purgative and Dodd's Kidney Pills. The pills wet# continued regu larly for three weeks and then a few doses every week, especially if patient felt any pain in region of Kidneys. Cured completely and patieutperform* ed his duties as form laborer in four weeks*' "Dr. Williamson has been nregular practitioner for over twenty years and his unqualified endorsement o f Dodd's Kidney Pills is certainly a wonderful tribute to this remedy, No Tim* to •p*r*. The mean man whose. birthday gift to his son consisted in allow ing himto washthe windows so the hoy could look out and see the ears go hy belonged to the same family as the wan to whom the Washing ton Post intrbAuees its readers. He was proprietor iffA country hotel. The rules of thehotel kept every thing under lock and key, andthere was no chance for the casual loafer to get newspaper* pen i ink, soap or anything elsefree, There were not aten free scats in the of ice. One day the proprietor saw a chronic loafer looking at the old timepiece which hung on the wall. The next day a large sign hnngoyer the face of the clock, It read, *‘Thi« clock is for the ue#of guests of the hotel o n ly ." PUBLIC SALE I will iiffe? atmiblic saleat my farm four milesnorth-wet of Ccfiarville oij what is known asthenia Bmcifutc farm on Thursday, March 17,1904- Commencing at one o'clock n, m. the fol lowing property towit: 7 H E A D O F H O R S E S 7 Consisting of 1 six year old gray mure, 1 four-year old dark iron gray mare; 2 som homes, coming three, this team is extra good draft, is well matched and will make 1000 lb. horses } 2 weanling colt?} 1 twpivo year old brownmare. ‘ to H E A D O F C A T T D E i o Consisting of 5 head of yearlings; 2 head of steer calves; 2 head of heifer caiyts; 1 good milk cow. . 36. H E A D O F H O G S 36 Consisting of 30head of shoals ranging in weight from50 lbs, to 12u lbs.; 5 brood sows; 2 Poland China} l_full blood Durou Jersey, 2 fall blood Chester White; and t foil blood Boland China boar- 70 H E A D O F S H E E P 7 ° Consisting of 65'Delaine feeding iambs and 5 DeJyinobuck lambs. F a rm Im p lem en ts . Consisting of one buggy, one road wagon, one corn planter, one spike 'harrow, ’about six tons good timothy hay. ■ TRHMS! All Bums under'ilO cash; over $10 credit of six months will bo given pur chaser giving note with approved security. ” FRANKS. TURNBULL 8, T. B aker Auctioneer. It. F. Jtnnn Clerk, PUBLICSALE, I will sell at Public Sale on the Sheep Tim McMillan farm, 3 miles east of Cedarville and 3 miles, vreet of S lrna.on the Coinnobus pike, Wednesday, Marols 23, 1904,. Com* mencing at 12 nv, son time, the fol lowing; 17 .Head of Horses one brown gelding, 5 years <u<l, by Royal Wood. 16 hands high, city brake and a g<mil knee actor; t bright bay gelding, 4 years old by Afotus, 15J hands high, city broke, very attractive, a good ac tor, and would make a good gentle man’s driver; L chestnut sorrel mare 4 years, old Alatus, very neat, afraid of nothing, ami a pfonsunt'driver. The above horses are descended from a celebrated, road more called Lucy, who cothbined the blood of Morgan, Bull of the Woods, and Beti Butler, .all noted horses of their day and this blood conveyed thaough dainspired by pacing Abdallah, Cumberland and Startsway. One black horse, 9 years old, 16| hands high, a good driver or worker and can’t be hitched wrong; 1 liay mans It, yeass old, a great road or brood mare and is now in foal to Xcnium; 1 black filly, -2 years old, WtJI make a good general purpose mare; 1 brown filly 2 years old, by Gymnast. Five Draft Horses’ 1 gray horse, 1J years old, weighing 1450 lbs., will work any place you put him; 1 darft horse, 4 years old, weighs 1500 lbs-,' put of Bryson’s horse and is a .fine in- dividita); 1 draft colt,, 3 years old, £!iLJ.m 2 L ! w <At the same time aUd place W. II. Corry &.Sons will sell the following horses: 2 geldings 10 years old, weigh ing 1300 lbs.; 1 gelding 8 years old 1400 lbs.; 1 black mare 1J years old, weighing 1400 lbs., in foal to Baronet all good liners; also 1 draft mare 3 years old. 16 Head of Cattle Consist ing of 5 milch cows. 10 feediug cattle, 1 Polled Durham bull eligible to reg istry. ■ 154 Head of Sheep Couriering ot 50 head of 2.and 3-year old ewes to lamb in April; 55 yearling ewes, and 60 feeding lambs. 25 Head of Hogs Con sisting of 6 Berkshire brood sows to farrow in April and May, 18 feeding shouts-, and 1 Poland China boar, 40 Tons of Pure Timothy Hay One 1* horse, wagon, 1spring wagon, 1mower 1 sulky and other articles too mimerj ous tomentiou. TERMS—AH sums of 35.00 and under cash; over 35.00 a credit of six months will be. given, purchaser giv ing note with approved security. Clayton McMillan, S, T. Baker, Auct. R, F, Kerr, clerk. PUBLIC SALE. t will offer at public sale at my form one and one-half miles east of Cedarville, Thursday, March 31, ,1904. Commencing at One o'clock p. m, the following property lowit: 10 Head, of Cattle Consisting of 10 ddws in.'milk Borne are fresh while others will be in May and June. 22 Head of Hogs Consisting of Duroc Jersey sows and gilts due to farrow in April and May. These sows are all eligible to registry and the papers will go with each. Terms made known on day of Safe J. B, Brown R, E. Corry, Auctioneer. I t F, Kerr, Clerk, March 1st and 15th special one way second class colonist tickets to Oklahoma and.Indian Territories, Kansas Missouri, Arkansas, Texas and Hew Mexico will Irt Sold via Ifonfifeylvania Line#. Ask the nearestTicket Agent of those lines for particulate, CONDENSED STORIES, Why th* Hypoohondriae Had a Lot of Faith In JDoct.pra, Congressman Jnlm Bhurp Wil liams tells of a man in Mfvfoippl who i» a hypochondriac of the first order. This individual’s failing is a source of never ending amusement to his follow townsmen. Jt was of this man that some one humorously remarked in answer to a question as to how the sick man was getting, on that “lie complained-that' he was feeling somewhat hotter.” Mr, Williams says that the hypo chondriac Was one day telling a friend of his efforts to regain his old tiine health. lie ran over the list of doctors whom he had consult ed, whereupon the friend remarked; "Well, old man. I must say that you appear, to have lots of"faith in doctors/’ "Certainly I have,” replied* the sick mail., "Don’t you think the doc tors would be ,foolish to let .a good customer* like me die?”—New York Tribune. _____ : . Waiting For Quitting Tim*. ■*fI-was traveling down south,” said John S, Flaherty, manager of the Majestic theater, "and while drivingin the country'I sawn darky under a tree by-' the -roadside. He was gazing lazily up through tlie branches, while hy his side was a hoe. Weeds were growing luxu- r t WAITING 5FOUTHE SONTO GODOWN, riantly in the cornfieldwhich stretched 'over acres into tlve dis tance. j " 'What are, you doing?’ X asked ..the negro. “ T’s out heah to lioe dat corn,’ said the darky. . ■ "The answer was given in-fm in imitable drawl, , "Then what are you doing under this tree?. Rest ing?’ I persisted; 1 ^---■Nor*^eb,^-s--not“-resti^,-Mvasi the answer, /Ah’m not tiahed. tlowtuio Ah kin <i'uit wnhk/” —New Press; Plain Cooks Won't Do; Sir Thomas Horne, the president of the Canadian Pacific 'railroad, made recently a four of inspection over the Pennsylvania line froni Philadelphia to X’ittsburg. Sir Thomas, was much pleased with the service and cuisine of his dining car. Jle inspected the kitch en and showed great interest in the skilled maneuvers of the cook, The cook, who was something of a wag, described to his distinguish ed visitor the kitchens of the great New York hoi els, where the walls are .of glass, the floors of vitrified brick, the tables of white marble and tho copking utensils of German 1 Silver. "A great hotel chef,” he said, "lias from fifty to seventy-five as sistants under him. Tknow one of these chefs, and X visited him two Weeks ago. - His assistant cooks were all young womeu—the prettiest lot of young women I ever saw, " ‘Why, Gaston,’ I said to my friend, ‘what pretty girls you em ploy!’ " ‘Indeed, they are pretty/ said he. ‘Plain cooks won’t do here.’ ” . Question of Origin. In tho library of the College of the. City of New York State Super intendent- Skinner was conversing’ with Professor McNulty, who holds .he chair of philosophy. Tho pro fessor was maintaining that co-edu cation was successful in practice, ' quoting a mass of statistics to prove his point, whereupon Mr. Skm’ner responded, with a wave of the hanu. "An, statistics are like sapsages!” “Statistics like sausages!” ex claimed Dr, ifMcNulty, surprised at tlio simile. "Yes,” said the superintendent innocently, "They depend on the maker/’—*NewYork Times. *.> - -• V!■ -.<. -• Agent—I see you are busy, and t will not take up very much of your time. I want to- talk to you a little while on the subject of life insur ance, Victim—Do you want- to insure n man who is a murderer and who may he hanged in a few months? > "Good heavens! Arp yon a mur derer?” "Not yet, but I may become one1 Very soon if you dodgasled agents don't quit coming in here and both* eringm« when I amtrying to work!” ~*K*n*M CityJonmiiJ, USE LETTUCE DAILY. Then, Gays » Medical Journal, You A<*fi Proof Again*! Smallpox, Don't forgt?t that lettuce h a pre ventive of smallpox, So far as it is possible for a hu man being to be protected from ratfilling .smallpox lettuce is a pro tection. / . • r No need fer vaccination whatever. Any personwho eats a small quanti ty of lettuce twice a day, morning and evening, is as well protected against smallpox as it is possible for any one lo be. . To be sure, one ought to he clean, ought to live in- ventilated rooms and avoid dirt of all sorts; also avoid contact with people who have small pox. Foolish exposure to the eon- .iagion of smallpox is not to bo thought of, But there’ is no need for vaccination. I Go calmly on abmkjour business. Provide a small quantity of lettuce mofnipg and evening, and you can feel sure that you .have protected yourself and your family in-the best ,possible way against smallpox. Lettuce is one of the oldest vege table remedies known to the med ical profession. laing before it was used as food it was used as medi cine. Many times b ms been claim ed that it has magical of miracu lous powers to prevent contagious disease. "We believe this is carrying matters.altogether too far. But let tuce does furnish to the system ex actly what is needed to\protect it against the poison qf smallpox. -We defy any one to produce .a* case of 'smallpox" that has been' con tracted by any person who made daily use of. lettuce as a food. If there is any such case on record we -would he glad to hear of it.—Medi cal Talk.________ , The Ivursk-SJarkoff railroad of Russia advertises a for tfie newly wed; designed aiid" fur nished witfo the very latest luxuries, A famous engineer and architect were called in to plan it.. The dec orations arc in the best, Parisian style, and polite female attendants look after the comfort of the happy couple. None hut couples on a hon eymoon are allowed lo use this mag nificent car,, which, by a stroke of ingenuity, -is accommodate alike the very wealthy and those with a modest purse, The partitions are'removable, and the car can be used as a series of small compart ments or as a couple of roomy sa- lootis. ‘ ______________ ' » Gotting Even With the Kaiser.- After a fire last year in the old city of Marierburg ' Emperor Wil liam offered $250 to each of the five owners of burned houses if they would rebuild them in the quaint gabled style of tho- middle -ages. Four of tlie owners,received prizes, but the fifth, malting, some slight deviation from the kaiser’s plan, re ceived no money. So ho. took down’ the ,gables, built the rooms in-mod ern style-and put this inscription right across the front of tho house: Bauo nicht nut Hcrrengunst; •, XJebo Delno nigene Itunst. a flattering term *: ■ At a liLlc g tsuring of official# tlu* other day tfo* folk turns.d on the s recent dipfom-ttn 1 duel between the Iturriana at.ti Japanr-v, and there was quite a diffcri-iKo of opinion as to whether the Moscowte or the lit tle man from the for east is the most expert tliplom.sil.-t, "But, my dear man/’ said one of the disput ants, who had a. touching faith in the veracity of the .lap, "these Rus sians are such liars!*' "Tut, tut/’ replied the other. ' "You should have known their grandfather,” , The reply reminds mo of the sto ry Sir Horace Kumbold tells about General Jgnalieff, Tho general was a natural horn fibber. As Sir Hor ace puts it, "inaccuracy' oozed out of him,” and in Constantinople he was known as "the father of lies/* On tliis occasion lie quite surpassed himself, "Hang it all, Ignatieff/’ said his colleague, giving hifia a dig in tho ribs, "X believe you’re the. most unmitigated liar that over was born!” "Yon flatter me, my dear follow/’ replied the general, with a laugh; "but, then, you’ve never met foy father/’—London Tatler, Whers Petroleum Tins Are Cash. The Indians of Alaska have a me dium of exchange' which no other people in the world have ever Used. The American fiyeVgalion kerosene tin has a standard value among the coast tribes that is equal to 25 cents at the,trading posts, or two hits, as the Indians have learned to nail it from tho white man. If am Indian comes to town to trade and the articles to he exchang ed outvalue each other, the 'trader may say’something like this: "Well, I ’ll charge you $’ 1 Q for this flour, $3 for'this bacon arid $2 ,for this ■ammunition. You want $17 for these ’skins. That’s $2 to your balance. Help yourself, to eight tins over there.”- • . And the Indian' cheerfully takes the eight fin3 instead of Ins $2, knowing they will increase in value the farther up country he goes. , Got His .Desserts.. Mix Jones had just taken a high degree in a secret -'society Ltd which he belongs and which carries .on its meetings in the still hours of -the late night and early morn ings. •It was 3 a, m. when he reach ed home and found’Mrs. Jones, con trary to custom, sound asleep, "Wake up, MariaIf’ he shouted, brandishing a new sword which had been added to his regalia: "Wake up and congratulate me, I am now, a prince of Jerusalem!” Mrs. Jones sat up and looked at her husband hy the waning light of a 3- o’clock moon and the night lamp. - j . “Jeptho,” she said in a yoice that chilled him like a Manitoba cold wave in January, "when a man .comes home ut 'this hour of the morning and says ho is a princo of Jerusalem, there is Homethiug tho matter with him, and ho should bo treated accordingly.” And ho wsl . , . ^This- may' bb freclyTranilated: •*” Let the Weather Do ItsWorst. Rose lotion is a piepora tion that heals faster than winds can roughen. If neg lected face and bands can hardly keep from roughen ing in cold; raw weather. They cau’t keep from being smooth it you rely on Rose Lotion. It heals quickly be* cause it’s entirely absorbed, For the same reaeon there’s no grease or stickiness to an noy. Daintily perfumed. Price 25 cents. Isaac Wisterhran, Central Pharmacy, Cedarville,' Ohio.’ r * JO H N W E ST <&COM I D U t lO G I tS T S . 1 ISAAC WISTCRMAN, Manager. •ttHMSf*' i t t t VMNEk:: ^ RBStOBEI VITALITY Wall Man mm Mi* ' ,^ M m ts r cm e x ia n sa yb rrw r ... --ithtat jyjwf— mmsH Bo~v**ne*- T rademark * :•/ D ebionw , — C opyright * A c . Anronetending asketchenddeeertptlenm*r quickly ebcertnln one opinion treewhether en invention; t»probablypatentable. Communion, tloneetrlotlyconfidential. HandbookonFntente sentIree.Otdest econey.forseonrlngnetente. Patents taken, turonqh Munn & Co. receive .rprclalfiotlcr, without chimre, lathe scientificAmerican* A h&ndijomelrIllustratedjraelcly. Largestjrt cuUttonof anyscientific 1oura*L Terms.$3 year? fourmonths,♦L Sombyali netrsdoaier eir ____ ,WA . q ve eel t. 3GiBro,d*w.New York t»VBU Wufalngton.D.C. *** ItOpan* Ifsra T r i a l **Mrs. ito re r kelhSM*»»ti )4?..4duiptrKa. It. Mr ua.»W,,(te*. » lit, Vo.rKOKHRiCAlfi l>.11,ruler,, KUttHiKt M. GO., U9tn* in., * • « . . fe. CHICHESTER’S ENGLISH PENNYROYALPILS * o' '•/ *■*■}»*’ OO' Ahvnv.,rolUibU,. I.ndlrv.MkDrnKlrtihr MIM'HKWrKR-M l» *«d *J»W mctniiip im tot, eteiM with 'blue ribbon 4*ke no ether, itefiiw dengeree* telnil. futloHenna ltnlleiloui. linvofyourjamfo*, or iwttd4c. in kiArunelor l*«rtlralnv«, Teejl* Monlelt mill “ I t c lir ' ' ” ■»yreturn .'MnUl .MlUrnggiMe. . ..4 f n r iU(t*i<Hiif»’tn lO.oAeTvsttmqnlAls, 6 oM \ omouesTfen CHUUtcfAt, tfo. «•* ISMIetfnAmttAre, •‘MII u L m T*A. tk«*. ber, £t«* m t>«eertSedi* . bMli tmet Cross? Podf man! He can’t help i t j He gets bilious, He needs a ‘ good liver pill—Ayer’s Pills, jThey act directly on the liver, Icure biliousness, SwOi m lb Went your nioustucheorb&Ard a hrimtifui brown at rlchbbtckf Have you ever hpd a hmg, weary riumlay Irefore—ipperenUy a never* eliding day, wlirq nothing imaginable1 would provoke, one- ot those full, hearty, wholesouled lauglia from which is derived the old/ iavorite art- age-, “ Lsugft and grow fat’? I f such a day cornea lo you again and you want a merry Hugh for the pleasure it gives, tuan to thecomic page M the Chicago Record-Herald’s Sunday edi tion. " I t is certainly an exterminator of the “ blues/' Filled completely with fresh, breezy yokes and irresisti bly comic illustrations ia colors, sparkling with wit and humor ojf un, entertaining as well,as well as instruc tive nature, it is a paper to amuse all who see it, 'Four pages in colors and j four pages In black-and-white, this—' ' ■thebest colored snpplemect issued by any metropolitan newspaper-—-makes of that newspaper a combination of a modem Sunday newpaper and n humorous weekly periodical in odors, The mechanical work involved in the makiiig of this colored supplement is a marvel ot skill. The harmonious arangements and perfeet blending of the mapy colors used in its make-up portray artistic taste of the highest’ order. H o rses , cattle , sheep and h og s ca n best b e so ld at pu b lic sa le w h e n adver tised from-, the wa ter -p roo f sa le b ills , pu t ou t b y /th is o ffice . C ost n o m o re than the other kind . A fre e n o tice and patent p o s t in g c lip s g o w ith ea ch ord er . T H E H E R A L D . PATENTS CAveats,andTndeJMarkjobtainedandallPi entbusinessConductedfor M obehatc Fcti oon office isCFFoaiTtu.'*. patent O ffice andwecansecurepatentinlesttimethanthose remotef-omWaemnetoo. ' Sendmodel, drawiaflorPhoto.,withdeecrlp-. tlon. We advise, if patentable or pot,free mt' charge. Ourfecnotduetilipstentiasscnrad. ANAMFHtET,,“ Howto ObtainPatents,” with cost of *»me intneUe5*luidforeign^ooniriM tent free. Address* C.A.SNOWtfcCO. OFF.PATENTOFFICE,WABMINSTeN, ». *. ►WVVV*'“^-.'-WV-*VVSWVVWVVWW»VVVIV»W^IUW ittuaticmt’ himblinding hekdarite* and ruhbmg of blood to the brain. What to try 1 knew not, for it seemed th*i I find tried all had failed, but 1hadnever tried Wme of Cardtit, that bleesed remedy- for eickwomen, I found it pleasant to take andnoon knew that I had the right medicine. •New blow seemed to course throughrnyvems and after using eleven bottle* I « m kwell woman. Mrs. Bush is now la perfeet health because she took Wtatef C&rdui for menstrual •disorders, bearingdown.pains dnd blinding headachesWhenall other remedies failed to .bring her relief. Any sufferermay secure health by trio* IngWineOfUardtti in her home. The find bottle oonvinfrw the pa tient she isonthe road to health, # Foe iMdlwSe# id tnjm rripdriag spiriri directions, address, giving symptorntt “ 'Kmwtdfes 1 Amkmf MCtment,’ ’ The « « « « « # * trineOo,, O&ttwtooga, TlWh WWIg 4 Gi l l P f | n w f i f r r * 1 ■i i - it - f i : -
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