The Cedarville Herald, Volume 27, Numbers 1-26
' s W A ** Carpets, Mattings, Wall Paper, M um 1 w « MeC'tefbtH, of Bpriag- field, was the gstMt of her mother, Mrs. Lucy McClellan, from Bsturday utjtil Monday, when slit returned to her school work. * Shades, Panel and W indow Ace Curtains, Mr, Nelson Corbin, foreman in the roterary room at the paper mill isjust jecoyeijug from the grip. Ilia daugh ter has hart on attack of the same disease. ' GO ING ON A T Linoleum and Floor Oil Goth. AtBird’sMammothStore s» $ LOCAL AND PERSONAL J —Seed Corn—Dobbins & Son. tf/ You can’t. afford to miss Dumb. ‘ —Herring and white-fish in balk *iend pails a t Cooper’s'. B- Reed Of Jeffersonville was in town Sunday, . —Seed eorii for sale by G. W. Hiumnan. 14d, Foil BENT-rfloape of eight rooms. Inquire of Mrs. Lucy McClellan- 15d —The new Kemp Spreader,' “ The Success” is the strangest, simplest, cheapest. - W. R, Sterrett. 1 Mr. G .'A . Martin of Kirkland, O., wka the guest o f Mr. Louis Sullenber- ger. Thursdey. F ob , S axe — Single comb Brown ■Leghorn cockerals. Inquire of J . S, Brown. •Farmers who desire to join the pro teqtive association Can do so by apply ing to the secretary, Mr, E . F . Kerr, —Head quarters fo rc e d potatoes, , onion'sets, garden and flower seeds in bulk"and packets a t Cooper’s D rh J. W .‘Dixon and family at tended the, marriage of Miss Bessie Walker to Mr. ,Ghades Fisher-- at Jamestown, Wednesday, evening. .—A five-room house to rent iri good condition. Well and cistern water. A good furnace in house. Bert Baldwin, Selma 0 , Mrs!-. VV. H . Barber while- standing on a chair fell last Saturday night" She has been; suffering ■ considerably from the effects of the fall. , - Empire Gre^m Separators, Agency to let by Townships. Call on Kerr. &’Hastings Bros.. •The Ladies Aid Society o f the TEruhlfretrYiU'iroldLinsterTxrarkef Sriiiiiiiii F ob S ale C heap -A good phaeton ' inquire at this office. -rrWool twine a t Cooper^. Mrs; R. J . Kyle and little son Ro- Bert, who have been the guest of her parents,. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Haines, returned to her home in Plainfield, 111. tbismorning. Durno Saturday night, March 26 —Early Ohio, Rose and Hebron seed potatoes at Coopers Mr. James Daily who litres north o f town is out some 40 hens by the visit of thieves several nights ago, —Go to Dowing’s Cedarvilla gallery on Friday and have your pictures made. Work finer than °yer and a great variety of the latest up-to-date mounts, —Garden Seed’s all •kinds in Bulk a t Bird’s —Fresh bread every day a t Coopers —See W- R . Sterrett’s line of bug gies, carriages, etc. The annual horse sale held" by W- B. Bryson will take place April 28, . The last number o f the lecture eourse, Durno. Miss Eleanor Smith was the guest of her father, Mr, W, J , Smifh of Co lumbus for several days this week. —A full line of Farming Imple ments a t Sterrett’s, D. M. Oglesbee of Luraberton, O., was theguest of his brother, Dr. E . O, Oglesbee and. family, Tuesday.-, ■Shirts, jackets overalls sox, sus pender,gloves, mittens ets. at Cooper’s Mr, R. C, Watt, on Wednesday shipped two"of his fine Duroc Jersey hogs to Columbia, South Carolina. •• • > -. -i The new engines a h ' trains No. 21 and 14.are immense and for several days attracted considerable attention, P lat open for Durno a t McCollum’s price 35c. . Thomas Lemons, of this place bas purchased .a restaurant in Yellow Springs of Otto Fieekenstein. He las already taken possession. -Wanted to buy a “New Deaf’ flow, secondhand.. Bert Baldwin Selma, O. Mr. G. A, McClellau, the .head of the McCullough syndicate of papers in Indiana, stopped with his mother; Mrs. Lucy McClellan over Thursday night. Mr. McClellan is just return ing from a business trip in the East. •Fresh lot of Easter cand at Puf fer & Whittington, ‘ , I am now prepared for Spring trade with large stock a f "Harness, .Collars, whips, etc, Now if you want a square deal and no “ trick game” methods in msitresrcalliirwd^eteytrtn:"'money’s- —Remember you can get a fine life size Argentic Portrait a t Downing’s for only $2.0Q, This work is made direct from life negatives and is fully equal to ’the small photos and far su perior to any o f the copying house work peddled around by agents. The five year old son of Mr. and Mrs, J . H.-Storinout has been Very sick, suffering with brights, disease, The boy’s condition was considered dangerous, Wednesday, when Dr* Ben McClellan of Xenia was called in consultation with the family physician Dr. M, I. Marsh. The fire engine under went some repairs Tuesday, this week, Borne o f the fire flues wero, in had shape- and new ones .were pu t in, While the steamer was being repaired the old hand engine was taken out andprimr d to be used in casetajo alarn should ' be given. ' - ’ A sharp fight is being made in Springfield over the ordinance against screens in all saloons after illegal hours. The saloon - Keepers are 'up in nrms at such legislation while the local option element proposes to have better control, of the sale of liquor in Springfield than there has been here tofore. ' . From all appearances it looks as if the Pennsylvania railroau was going to double track from Columbus to Richmond. A contract has been let to a London contractor for grading" for a second track. Men are also a t work near Wilberforce, while another gang is double tracking west of Day- ton* The livery firm of Fields aud Spen cer will disalve partnership, Saturday, April 2, when the stock will be offered at. public sale. Mr. Speueer expects to retire from the firm a t that time' and to settle up the business the firm has takeu the aboye course. Mr, Fields will continue in . the lively STARKEY’S Arcade Shoe House W e do not get our goods from a Cincinnati Jobbing House, w e get them direct frnm some of the larg est manufacturers in the world. Our goods are a ll regular made to our order and our guarantee is good for all we say. W e have'no fear of being contradicted when we say that w e sold more shoes last Sat urday than all other dealers in Springfield combined. W hy? Because we give every purchase the worth of their money. Every article is marked in plum figures, the lowest caslv price and everybody pays the same. W e w ill offe you about 1200 pair of Lad les ’ , Misses’ and Children’ s button or lace at 45c,' worth from 75c to $2.50, odd sizes, .400 Lad ies ’ and Gentlemen’s at 75c, a ll sizes. Gentlemen’ s and Lad ies ’ Shoes'65c, worth from $1.50 to $2*00. The best ever shown in the market for Ladies’ and Gentleman $1. 25. Our $1.50 and $1.95 have no equal in the market. W e w ill show you the finest lines at $2.50 and $3.00 you have ever seen. .W e l ts , Turn, M cK a y sewed light, medium and., heavy. Our Patrician for Ladies’, and Keith Konqueror for Gentlemen for $ 3 . 5 °» are the best in the country for the money. A FR AU D A D V E R T IS E S W H A T T P E Y H A V E NOT . Springfield, Ohio. Sweet Peas and Nasturtium in Bulk at Bird’s, Mrs. J . D .'S ilvey.who was quite sick for several days-is much better. •Garden Seeds only 3c per Packet at Bird’s FAKE**REPORT. Mr. James Greswell, . who has been quite sick with inflamatofy- rheuma tism is reported aS some better. ’ Sir. and Mrs. W. J , Wildman bad for tbeir guests the first of the week Mrs. Etta Harrison -and"" da tighter, Grace, of York, Nebraska. —Ayall Paper —largest stock lowest prices, immense assortment JLo select from at Bird’s. CHlCKFfJ THIEVES BRANOCK BILL. , - . F . Puehringer of Cleveland the.well business at the old stand but will open known piano tuner who has been mak- with a new outfit. ! J ing a visit here for many.years is ex- Soine argue that there will he but pected here again about the first of few qtiail this season owinj* to the the month. Persons having pianos severe winter hut the statement was j he ,tuned should notify George made a few days ago that there seems Siegler. ^ to W as many as usual. .The fact that X i;eporfc has been iu \ circulation many'farmers did not get their Oorn) tltat pUrchase of the blood hound nil out of the fields helped to furnish plenty of feed for the quail. I t is said that the sparrows will be the bird that will bd’niis&d, The hard winter is said to have killed thousands of them,. has not been on the square. W* R Kennon asks, ub . to state that anyone not satisfied Can find fho true state of affairs a t the Exchange Bank, The draft called for 8200. —Mtitlmgs'- ffif - ’ttr ,crettEdnh,aT|rt,fnluTnrt)flbrt!tMir ,vi'gu-" The Ward Local Option Bill Passed by Large Majority. The Biaunock local option hill pass ed the bouse of Representatives Tues day by a vote of 70 to 31 aud the State Anti-Saloon League and friends of local option haye won a great vic tory. The fight has been a long one and reports tell us the galleries and lobbes were filled with women who prayed while the members voted on the question. A fter the vote was announced they arose - and gave the victors a warm, reception, so much noise being made that a recess was de clared. - T The bill provides that upon the peti tion of 40 per cent of the foters Of a given district, a local option election shall be held. The petition bounds the district, which shall not contain: less than 300 or more than 5,000, vo ters. Only registered voters may vote aFlhis election, ' w tm d^strict^exce|>tjivher^tho^^nlk^mIs A report was in circulation Tuesday that the Committee of One' Hundred and friends of local option had suffer* ed defeat in the two liquor cases against a local druggist G. M, Ridgway. The report was probably brought about -froth the fact that the Circuit Court was iu session in Xenia and passed on one or two cases. The report was un founded' as neither of the Ridgway eases have as yet been appealed to the Circuit Court. They are both5' in the Court of Common Pleas and have not, been disposed of by Judge Scro-gy. The liquor element seemed quite jubi- lent over the report but we can a«- Ihoritively state that the report is false. Borne time Friday night thieves' raided the hen house belonging ta M r. James- Creswell, who resides south,of town on the Jamestown pike, , The raid was a successful one as fares the thieves were concerned for when an examination was made the' next morning there were between fort)'; five and fifty of the choice hens miss- - jng, The loss could be estimated at - least twenty five dollars. LARGESALE The public sale Wednesday after noon held' on the James McMillan farm, was one of the largest half day safes held in this section in a long time. The weather was ideal and the crowd was swelled by the attendance of'farmers for miles around, 'Many out of town horse buyers wore pres ent. ' Bidding was brisk and every thing weftt offin tip-top sliapo, The siiloaiium;al<KlUo~over---$360(>~—The- Mx% Howard Corry, who resides on his farm east of town on the Colum- bus pike has a freake of nature- in' a- three legged calf. I t is of the short • Horn variety and is well shaped. Ih i ' right fore leg is missing close up to . the body bu t the shoulder is properly, formed. followin m m J "nqrtH,- ^ 100 >-^*>t-Whit(iHgtOH? You lack faith in anuntried remedy ? j ’ YouWillHaveFaifh ; IN LightningLaxative QuinineTablets MtexonejtriaLl..SiaM„wltlr.atu^ solute guarantee to cure or druggist *NEtfnAh€HA)-S»WttH6, •J jVbrk -wHJ ithut-oiMiy TWEflTY- g stores game pri fine S ilk AShirt Cert; prettier c S ilk Mob Nobbies L ight c W 06 IV( , Swellest • and full line Danish SPRINGF1I Has ju prises t .. design.* hoganj ci invite j ments." careful . p lease 4W The folloWers-of Dowie are going to try to convert the followers of Brigham Young, if the present plans of officers of Zion City are carrie i out. This re- igiOU8 invasion of Salt Lake C ity is scheduled to take place next August. !I is announced that 5,000 Dowieites will compose the Zion host. A “Good Roads” meeting will be held in the assembly room of the court house on Wednesday, March 30. There should be a good attendance of our citi zens, for it is a topic of interest to all public spirited persons. The Spencer Walker Co., under the mariagemeut o f Mr. James L . Glass, which played here the first three nights this week left for James town, yesterday morning to play a three nights engagement. The show was a credible one considering the price of admission. _ . gave a reception fo a number of ladies table and .fru it displays. The purses- iu honor of Miss J nnio Martin, of two harness races were raised from <iatIgilt6t. 0ftb e Dr. Sam -el Martin, a $250 to $300 thus making all the I Missionary to India and cousin of purses |3 0 0 with, the exception of two Rev> g. A . Martin of Xenia.- Among running races for."which the purges j those-from here who attended were are about $75 and $125. The super intendents of the differentdepartmenis were reappointed* To show that the advertising merits of the Herald are no t slow, a certain well known farmer inserted a two line local in our last issue adyertisiug seed oats for sale. . The local was to run three times but on Wednesday after the first insertion the oats, were all gone and the farmer had to cancel the ad, His complaint was that he was beseiged with inquiries. The Herald reaches the people, consequent ly a few dimes will bring in several dollars, if planted in the r ight spot, For Growing Girls. Do You Want of A pa if every ofle I good shoes, does. Then buy a pair of Star Brand BETTER* T h ey Are Better than the BRAND SHOES A R B average. A full lin e ^of th is POPULAR BRAND for Men, W om en and Children, you will find. AtBird’sMammothStore West Pembroke, Me., March 2h Mrs A, L , Smith, of this .place says that Dodd’s Kidney Pills are the beat remedy for growiug girls. Mrs. Smith emphasizes her recommendation by the following experience*. . “My daughter was thirteen years old last November and !t is now two years since she was fird taken with Crazy Spells that would last, a week And would then pass off. In a month she would have the spells again. A t these times she would eat Very little and was very yellow, even the whitles of her eyes would lie*yellow. “The doctors gave us no encourage* mCnt, they all said they could not, help her After taking one hex o f Dodd’s Kidney Pills, she has not had One bad spell. O f course, we contin ued tlte treatment Until she had used in all about a dozen boxes, and we slid give them to her occasionally, when she rs not felling well* Dadij’s Kidney Pills are certainly the host medicine lor growing girls,” .Mothers should heed the advice of M rs., Sm ith , for by so doing, they may save their daughters much pain and sickness and ensure a healthy, happy futetrirfor them ” Mrs. F , P , Hastings, Mrs. O* H , Mil lignn, Mrs, W. O. Thompson am, Mrs. J . E, Hastings. ■—We pay 12c Dozen for Eggs we pay 20 c lb. for Butter a t Bird’s, Arthur Rodgers, and family wil move to Cedarville this week where he will conduct a barber shop. Ott is p first-class mechanic and gentleman aud his many friends here wish him success in his field, of labor,—South Charleston Sentinal. Mr. J . W. McLean purchased the building at the corner of Main and Chillicothe streets last Saturday, The building was sold by the trustees of the U. P . church and brought $80. Miss Margaretta Watt who is a t tending Wooster college is expected home today-for her spring vacation. vmfasttuwM SPRING HATS For Style, Quality and Durability in Hats, iry our $1*00, $1.50, $2.00, $2,50, $3.00 and $3.50 Hate. All Hals guaranteed to give satisfaction or replaced with a new one, located in a block. 50 per cent o f the frontage of Which is used for business or on a street (between two cross streets) w here 75 per cent o f the front age of both sides of the streets is used tor business purposes. Within the last few days the saloon element had lost much power and on Tuesday morning their defeat was visible; but sucb a victory’ was not dreamed of by itbe opposition. Rep resentative Little supported the bill and i t is expected that Senator Car* sou wilt do the same. Mr. W. B, Wheeler, attorney for the Anti-Saloon League, said: “ The large vote iu the House in favor of the Bran nock local option bill is b u t a fair exponent of the public senti ment in favor o f it over the state, While the measure is not as radical ns some of the temperance people de sire, it will give relief to the resident districts of cities that are .now being honey-combed with saloons, and wilP save residence districts where there are no saloons at present from having them in the future* brown horse, $145; Ralph Bull, sorrel mare, $155; Richard Bull, sofrel 2 yr, old, 0120; John Townsley, draft, $125; Bill Andrew, .draft, $129; T, Calvert, e aft $170; H* Sessjfer, draft, $130; E. O. Corry, draft, $136. malaria , headache , $ 2 0 0 DOG. MIDNIGHT FIRE. The residence of Mr, Fred Tindall of near Selmh burned to the ground about twelve o’clock Wednesday night The fire is supposed to have originated from the smoke house, as meat was lettig smt)ke4 fit the time.. Miss Carrie Tindall, whs ju st re uruing home when she saw that the muse was afire. The family had all retired and were unaware of the dan* ger they were in until being awak ened* • By the assistance of a number o f neighbors a large portion of the house mid goods were saved, bu t the frame dwelling is a total loss* Mr. Tindall has rented h house in Beltnft and will prepare to *ge to lousekeeping, there for the present. . The loss is fully covered by insur ance in the Clark County Mutual. ■ ■ * ■ • . . p' . The blood hound recently purchased hy a number of the citizens o f. this township arrived Friday evening iroro Nebraska* The animal is said to be a very valuable one, having cost $200. I t is trained to trail either man or beast* Those who contributed to the purchase will have the use of the an i mal for a year after that time it goes to W. R; Xettnon, who solicited the 'subscriptions. The animal is of n fawn color and weighs seventy pounds. I t will not bo pu t in service for some time owing to the direction of the former owner. Are perfectly, harmless—n e v e r ),nor sicken—never cause dis- gnpe i --------- trees-*-nq bad effect upon tlio heart -—never injure the most delicate stomach. ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTE. Ask for and Insist on getting UGHIMGjjjfclAXAlWE 2 5 CENTS Q uinine ta b l e ts A T D R U G C H S T S . Prtptrtd Onlyb; THE HERB MEDICINE CO., SPRINGFIELD* OHIO. M jum fa c ta rc rs o f tlie Celebrated LIGHTNING HOT DROPS. The ladies of the town and surround ing territory will today and tomorrow all pay a visit to Sirs. Condon’s Mil linery opening.' Here can be found all sizes and shapes o f bats,, ju st the styles and Fashions worn by tile smart set. Each season briilgs about some new novelty irimed with lace that is flue and thin* Flowers that perfectly resemble the natural blossoms. There arc many colors in this seasons head gear fashion, in fact most everything to suit the wearers notion* Mrs, Con don’s display represents the latest crea tions as found in all the large city establishments. The Babe hat is a thing of fashion find beauty. The Modern Drug Store In every community there is meed of ft store- to which people can. go with entire confidence in the goods Bold, in the prices, charged, in the fairness and accuracy of the services. In this com* muniiy we shall endeavor to con* duct such a store, T H E H A T T E R , 27 SouthUtnedohe $t„ Springfield, O* A declamation contest will be held in the Philosophic, Literary hall a t Ihp college, Monday evening* PATENTS I CkvMU, *»i TrtttoJltxi'Ic*obtain*! and ail Pa*, ant bnjifutt*tomtacusd for MoataaTC F tth. w« canMfittraMWnl ttm*that, Ut«M rnntafromWashington. ,. „ 1 *n< MBA*__ _________ , (fend tMda], draWWortdibto., with dtawlp- WS adjisa, It MtatetaU* W hot, «*• «< I th*ur<s. Oat fcpiiot SheUIl p«*nt is aetntsd. f A « Haw toOWalt, l»aWnW,*fWii We try to -.give better goods for less money. Bet* ter ’ quality for less profit, more satisfaction for k*9 cost than can lie had ele*w where. > Is a hi selecte* Style W e at p a p e r . ited 4 1 - 4 3 KHArtUT,,"inswtoOWa f, i»at*Rfct,” lth' C .A .R N O W & 00 . ftf.WAfmifftrtrt*, #*¥# I ISAACWISTERMAN, Central Pharmacy CcdatVillc, OWfi* % *,
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