The Cedarville Herald, Volume 27, Numbers 1-26

f«as —wp •*> 'j\,r Esce lfc ivw O a r JM * wsB r o »|»are w itR that *>t'any other { l i r a . , „ , Hedarvitte \ Tfos ucp % lm risked with a» Judes, riiai v“yr s;:tsrf5f« Is l . m ifc c an-I a j.jorapi aeirie- 1.31Kt toeUr^C^tlyeE£tsirebl)»#, *., * * , * tWESTY-SEVEHTIi YEAR R0..2U-, gyntyMe-jj CEDARVILLE, O H IO ; FRIDAY, HAY 15 1904, PRICE $J.OO A YEAR. CPUNCU. MEETING. Qf the Public Quite Interesting. Program '■ for the Week, j ^’be regular melting o f council was] 1 Monday night all members being! |present, Owing to the absence o f the . I clerk member GHlaugh was chosen to ; |look after these duties, The electric; DROWNED HER BABY. MISSHANNAH M'COLLDM, m s A w m m w B m m POLITICAL NEWS. .! Xenia has had quits a actuation I jduring the past week in that a g rl 231 lyeafy/oldj -Miss Kate Sanders, drow»'j |el her three Weeks old baby boy in a ' IS <!half bc-er keg ot water at the Zco- in Schoob wilt beji^ht ordinal^ which had had iwo fhe Congressional Situation fo!<?tiicfo««ui last Satimtay, The moUmriAbout SO Pounds 0j the ■Rw t;with h « tiro*'brothers, readings waslaul on tbe table, J - A •- *■**- *•- *•— _ The closing exercises will ha held at the .school house.' The following program has been arranged; High school, Tuesday, Slay 17, 2;15 to$;30p. , n>, Misa Dobbins’ ’ . jbow , Wednesday, 8,30 to 10:00 a. jn. Miss Merle McFarland’s room, 10:15 to 11 ; 8 Qa, m, Miss DuffieM’e joom, 12:45 to 2:00 p. m. Mr, Bills! to the amount of $273.93 were or­ dered paid. Mayor McFarland’s *e-| ceipts were $27.05. ) be Cleared Away May 19* An Eruption in the Gang. The resignations of J, G. MeCork- ell aa clerk and Robert Ford as streetj The Sixth District Congressional -commissioner were read andaccepted Alexander’s room, Thursday, J0;!0 to 11;30a, m. Miss Stormont’s rown 12:45 to2:00 p. nu Miss Kellie Mc­ Farland’s room, 2:10 to" 3:30 p, m.- - la order to relieve the] crowded condition of room No. 5, there vvrill bea change in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th grades, nest year. The 2nd grade wiltbe divided,- part remaining on the hill, and part, entering Miss Dob- bins’ room. ■ The " pupils now in rooms 1 ; 2 and 3 will remain next year where theytore this term. ^ , The course of study has been "re­ vised and strengthened,-so that here­ after students promoted to the high -schools fioni the grammar department will bersis far advanced as the Box- Well graduates who enter from the couutty schools, and graduates' from thehigh,echobl.will be --prepared to -enter the Freshman class in college. Tlie Juniors will give a banquet to •,theSenior class at ’ the Keyes Hotel uest’Tuesday evening, .Commencement May 2G„ Plat openat McCollum’s,'the 16 oi May, at 2 p. in.’ . -Jjambert, the,florist, of Xenia, has been engaged to decorate. the stage for commencement. 'Ilev. Sanderson will assist at the baccalaureate services, and ReVv Mid­ dleton! at commencement. Mr, S. 0 . Wright was appointed by the mayor to fill the unexpired term. As the street commissioner has been working under an ordinance and that the old one is invalid by the use of new code* member Bull was appoint­ ed to have another drawn. Also to see as to the -re-codification o f the present ordinance*, Npappointraent for street commissioner will be made until au ordinance is passed. Council adjourned, until tonight. mix-up will be settled soon as Mr. II. TEACHERS RE-ELECTED. A t a pieetiDg of the school board Ja 3 t Friday evening the present corps o f teachers were re-elected. John Boss, truant officer and janitor, was also retained. THe hoard adopted new course of study, outlined -by Prof. Randall. The course was sub milted to the state, school commission­ er and with fcOine extra-apparatus api some additional volumes in the library one shoots-will then be rated as first class. They have been second -for several years and Prof. Raudallis putting forth every effort to have them at the top of the list' along with schools m larger cities. . •- I, Stewart will call the chairmen of the various hoards for the purpose of hearing the arguments as to ho the rightful candidate, Judge Eseroggy or- Hon.’ 0 . Q. Hildebrant, They Will take no verba1testimony, each of the candidates will present six affi after commuting the deed then left : for her home in Kentucky. Twoj years ago she came to Xenia and has; " clerked for J, A . Stillings a grocer, 1 and It is he that she now charges as, author of her trouble. The girl is. gt j present under'arrest at a davits from each o f the six counties in the district. Beside the thirty-six affidavits each candidate may submit written briefs summing up the- testi­ mony ip' the . affidavits. Judge Scraggy will be represented by At­ torneys Darlington, Snodgrass,Gowdy and possibly one or two others. Mr, Hildebrant will also have counsel. hospital aud will be tried as soon as she recovers from her' nervousness. Her only reason for committing the terrible crime was that she was de­ spondent and that she feared to face her mother in her trouble. She was was sent home on $15 giyen her by Stillings.' According to' another sis­ ter in Xenia,' Mrs. - Carrie Bill's, a heavy suit will be brought against Stillings for having wronged the girl. j :Mbs Hatisah vMcCMIntudiel| fMondayeyenfojpallera■ long:ilioega,|.- |ief»guBuSereyfrom.n-cmwer,. Maef. fdeathwas'hastened. hy, u- paralytfel - I.stroke,. She lived on the hemi placeJ■: Joseph,,anJl: |JohnsU risfoivMfeJTik, Mrs,:Jumesl JGregg isnnothef 3 ^stoi‘,re./ :vy|;' I -•The. followingnblfnary whs-read by I ■. [Rev.McGhesney; '. /--re-brerere.' |.! "’ ’ ' ; " Mies Hnpuah McCollum "WiSS hBl'hi _. The creamery operated in the old jin county Antrim,'Ireland, June 6 , j Cincinnati, cheese factory by Mr, Marion Towns->1837 and departed tins life May 0, ’ Butter made is Hauled Away Monday Nitfnt. ’ ley wa* plundered some time Monday •1304, aged fid years, 11 months end, WHY DISCRIMINATE? NEW TIME CARD. PUNT SOLD. The printing plant o f the New Era -Company was sold Tuesday by Geo. S, Dial, trnscee in bankruptcy, to S Rosenthal company of Cincinnati for $ 9 , 100 . • The appraiament o f the Vilifies of the New Era have reached *176,000 of which $00,000 is In gold ‘ bondsbearing seven per cent interest A report the day-of the sale was that; thebond holders ‘ would not realize anything and that after the assessment of the stockholders for twice the .amount of their stock the creditors mill not realize five ceuts on the ilol- T»r. The outcome is. being watched mth considerable interest as a num­ berof local capitalist* have stock in ‘Thecompany or hold bonds, How’s TW j . Weofler One IluiiJm l Dollars Howard hr any easeof CatsrrlJ that cannot be cured krHall’s Catarrh Cure, F. J, CHENCY & C., Toledo. O. We, theundersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe Km perfctlly honf-i.ihle in all business traastKUons atid fmainiaHy to carry out anyObligations made by their firm, Wt*t & Traax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo 0 . Walilhsg, Kinnan A’ Marvin, Wholesale hruggisi?, Toledo, a Jhsti's t’alarrJi Cure is takijn internally, SCtifigdirectly upon toe blood and mucous Places of the system. Testimonials sent 'bw. Pricehjc. per 1 k Ulie. Sold i>y ad Drug- H*ll,sFamily Fills are the best, ■rxdnrjHMM p J i -fairing o f yot*r hfiif*! jlfoP ir, o f you will soon b e . •■wld, G ive your ImV some Ayer’s Halt-Vigor, The f* 11 - will tijo hair will • ♦ y * % a i r v i g o r : 7 jw, .mid the sealp will be ai»d healthy, Why be tf.,Rttdwith poophalfwhen 0 -can urke it rich? ;w>.ft;,r*s/ ftj|<•*«!# mh I fbatt t#l*d * Vi ■[ It. l?.,!!?.»,.»« WMlM » 1 f-ir-.ti tat»ai Ultra *m * In fa %, jlantu, U:.i for J f l a a t - There will be a change in time of trains after May 15. Trains Will leave Cedatvifle as follows; ’ For ■east 8:24 a. in., 4:47 p; m. For west 7:42 a, to., 5:24 p- m* •For east {Sunday only) 9;49 a.,m, , E. S, Keyes, Agent .1 REALESTATE . - TRARSFERS. yille, $1050; ’Theodore and Sallie Voglesberg to W. Elmer Shull 67 acres in Cedar- vilfo tpf, $5388,80.. Charles L. Spencer to George and Mary Little, lot, $2000, Charles D, Spender to George mid Mary Little, 15 acres, $2000. ^ Win A* Dickey to .Yellow Springs Order o Odd Fellows trustees, lot in Yellow Springs $350. Wni E. Eavey to H. E. Eavey, 1 lot Xenia, ‘$1. Trunks $2.00 to .$10.00 at Sulli- van’g, The Hatter, 27 S. Limestone street, Springfield, O, From all indications' Cedarville is to have a tracks for driving this sum­ mer. The Cedarville Driving Club club having been refused the Jackson track by the owner, has started to work on the Bridgman field. Mr. Jackson and I119 friends, not to be outdone, are working their track south o f town. Mr, W. L , Clemans is soliciting stock for the Greene County Oil and Gas Co, Me already haaleased about $000 acres lii one square a:id raised about $2500 worth qf Btock The first well will be drilled on the O'e- marts farm in the soutfoeastorh part o f the township. yViihjti the past two or three weeks there has been considerable Btir in Greene county politics. The ctowt that has been organized as the ’ ‘gang” and for two or three years has poli cally pluudc-red the county, is at the present time in the greatest torinoil Three boodlenj, topers and gam* blera have for several years robbed the voters of this bounty of every­ thing that Was o f any value and not befog able to apply their nefarious methods any longer have started ?n to ‘ hid amongst themselves" ns they have done others,” The fight broke out a few week* ago * when Andrew Jackson was chosen chairman of the County Central Committee.'- , The' gang was divided, tome wanted Buck­ les others Jackson, Borne said that **Sir William” would not do '•’Boss’ Schmidt’s bidding, consequently he must be^defeated; Others said Jack- son would -be juBt the. man for the corpulent Dutchman and that his rul­ ings as chuirmnn would be in keeping with the work of the ’ ’ gang” and he must bo elected. A t this meeting the hottest of baths were passed be­ tween the diflereht factious one side charging the fither with ‘purchasing proxys and even promising anything -wanted,-*—This—wato-fodeed—w-rery Some of- our newspapers in ,tbe county that have always held out that, it was better to strew pathways with flowers and always show up the bright side of life, have certainly de­ viated sfoee the HaudetoBUUfogs case bus come to light. They have always argued this was the ‘ better course anything- else, would bring sorrow into tome home, and rather than give it to the public in a true report the matter should he smothered. Within the past Few days one o f these papers has had great scare.heads telling iii the most sensational manner the unfor­ tunate downfall of a young girl. Was itj because she was a stranger but on the work!, away from home and from a.mother’s influence that she is taken advantage of? As for the man him­ self he is able to battle, the cares of life without assistance but it certainly appears mconsistaut in h newspaper that claims such « motto ns the above to assist In spreading such news against au innocent young girl. That such .uJnrk as tank , place re­ cently at the, O . ' 8 . & S, O. Home could escape the notice of these papers . more than we can understand. When it comes, to men iu public of­ fice becoming drunken sots and ca­ rouse through the sleeping, rooms of ady teachers all tlie the lime, usiog the most, vile language, and a news- night by robbers. The entire first lot ot butter consisting of about 80 pounds all ready t for shipment was taken, The lock on the door? bad been opened by tlie use o f a. key ant an effort was.made to lock it again after the •goods had been .taken out The tracks show- that the vehicle user was a rubber tire buggy and that it was driven north on the Columbus pike. The track o f the horse was a peculiar one and Tuesday Mr. Towns ley made the rounds of the .livery stables in Springfield. He found stable that had had a horse out outi about 2 o’clock, A shoe was taken off and brought here it fitting exactly in the track. Mr„ Towusley has . the namea of the parties that had the rig and it his belief that they ,are the guilty ones, • One of the men is a bit- tor enemy of his, he having had some troublemonths ago- A t this time no trace of the butter has been found. INDICTMENTS By the Grand Jury are Made Pub­ lic. Four Plead Guilty and are Sentenced. . >aper attempting The Grand Jury after four days 1 session' examined sixty witnesses, nine persons were indicted, two casses were iguored and one caso passed. Two o f the persons indicted have not been placed under arrest.. John Davis for horse stealing. He is the colored man that stole a horse from Mr. Eryiu Kyle. He implicat- wLTfoberto-l^etoher-^nd-T-litomatrFrce' man butjueir caseBiWore.tonore< 3 days, 8 he was the oldest of ten j children, four o f whom are still liv­ ing. She came with"-her parent to United States iu 1855 and retried near Cedarville,’ near which she ,,has had her home ever since.- Early in life she united with the Beformed Presbyterian church under the pas*. tore*, eare of Rev. Hugh McMillan, D. D, O f this congregation she was a faithful aud consistent member throughout life.' For.years she was a quiet patient sufierer, -unci during the last year and u half she passed through fires of affliction. A Tjrencf and incurable disease was aided in its certain and speed}* work of dissolution- by a recent paralytic stroke,''after which she was almost totally helpless. In all 1 her- sickness, her-faith in Christ remained simple awl firm, .She- was prepared ior her trials and death by a life of devotion, to the church and its missionary efforts, hy an unwaver­ ing, humble trust in Christ, nml by a sincere belief in the word of promise and consolation. She was of u meek and retiring,, disposition. She was kind and considerate. She was fi thoroughly true friend. She will be missed in the home, where she proved a mqst devoted sister and help. She will be missed in the - church, whose ordinances she loved and frequented;' One by ono our friedee so kind, so true are gathering home, honiejto the mansions of bliss. Our numbers here are growing *less, while yonder the throng arrayed in white is ever m- creasihg. Soon will our , summons Come. In that hour may we bo ready fo lay aside the earthly robe? for the garb o f celestial glory. 1 The funeral services took place Wednesday forenoon, conducted by Revs. Henry and MeOhesney, assisted )y Rev. Sandferson. Burial in Mass­ ies’ creek,eemetary, POWDER A f o 3 a ? a t e l y P « r & t h e r e i s m s m w r u m $ ... ■These are the *;/ ■ days when one, feels uneomfort*. - able wearing a heavy winter overcoat and yet - - there is a chili; ip the air -that •makes it neces­ sary for one to /dress heavy, enough- to meet . the emergency. - There is nothing . * ifehatfits the het tweenjeeaeone as the top cd a t- just heavy , J , enough, to he t<n ft i it bto, j ud there are no gar- ojcj Is so smart and dressy in ep- ; f* as the ones,we qre show- ' h - e this Ff-ason. Like, all our cloth- , ug thiy Lave the. emip and smarts " ’ ms-: tbsri piffiij--! the critical dresser.-.' ‘ ' Pre.-»S n o to 130. & K I N G S B U R Y . X e rtia , Oh io . Y BIDS, BUT BUYS NOT. It Feature of All Big Picture Sale*. In New.York City, | One feature of all-the big picture sales held in tills city is the obliging toon who- starts the bidding. He usually sits in, the first or second, row-in front of .the auctioneer and, to judge by the variety of the open­ ing bidO, is a remarkably good 1 judge of the-market value, o f paintings, be they water colors or works in oil. I f the canvas put on the easel is not a valuable one he will call out, . formxamplcy^\ri;nty- 1 fivo*dolhirsi’A~-~ II n A ug* inet"' meiv af apparently equal standing. The defeated‘ side now hollows on tlie chairman, stiys that he was once an inifoenciul Republican but of late his conduct has been such that he is no-longer the man, to head any party. The Xenia and Wilming­ ton escapades have for some reason or another bad a wonderful .influence on the ex-members of the “ gang.” The situation is particularly amu&fog to outsiders and to the Herald is we have for some time been expos­ ing the work of this organization, The thing to do at present is to “ let 'em fight it out.” political influence, is it fair that nevvs- mper.should ahield them and at the same time take advantage of a mis­ guided girl ns was the case the past ew days. Why make fish Of one and flesh of the other?. ■ami" ■Win .1 „ Chinm* for larceny} Oscar Ellis non-support; Frank Bonn, burglary; Ben 8 mith assault; Hemy Spangler, non-support ,was passed. Judge Scroggy on Tuesday sen­ tenced four prisioners, all of them Lsdy Bells, the highest priced horse sold at the Bryson sale, and raised by Mr. M. W. Collins, ran off last week at Jamestown where the animal was jeon tracked. She injured her shoul­ der on a fence, •AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA l A* The Massies* Creek Cemetery As sedation has. purchased a plot-of ground lying north of their present uddfogs. I t is known as the Tnria dace, contains 18 acres and is owned iy Alex. Crawford. The eonri dera­ tion la placed .at $900, The house Will he retained as » residence for a sexton. | The entertainment at the opera |house Tuesday night, under the di­ rection of the senior class o f tlie Col- -lege and given by Prof. Frauk 8 . <Fox, o f the Capifbl BUmol of Oratory ;of Columbus, was probably the belt kind ever given before a focal aud- ieftftCr Prof. Fo* is a cspahfo^nier- taincr, M» entire program consisting ofselection tbat were pleasing to bis Audience, Never since the ’ ’gang” began to inflict their work on the tax payers and yofere of the county has this or­ ganization been the subject of such caustic criticism as when Mr, Jackson was made chairman, With newspap­ ers both city and; county‘ over the state, cutting righCand left over the O. S. & S. O. Hjome lark he was thrust upon the Republican party by this domineering “gang.” Probably no Greene county politician has been jpfoie the public for ridicule as has the chairman of the county central com­ mittee. The Spring Valley Blade says, **Ifc Is not likely there Will be any- Republiean--pdliticaf—meeritrgsr held in Spring Valley this yenr, Of course the Hon. ( God save the ni ark) Andy Jackson as county leader would naturally have to be present af uny such meeting and Its a little to much to expect us to keep all our pretty school teachers locked up while he is in town for fear of his giving an ex­ hibition of a legislative orgy as ex­ emplified lately at the O, 8 . & 8 . (), Home. TESTING m s A test as to the value ot news* ttaftcr juLteriisIng. over other methods was made a year ago by the great publishing house o f tlnrper & Bros. Tw o hooks were selected, one by ft well known popular author and the other by an unknown writer. The latter was selected fo r the newspaper advertising and the other for the ,*sual channels. Wifit eijtlnl expenditure «i« w o rk itSrcrtiiied In the HCn-apaittM on< 8 trlt>i*r,l toe o ilier In xxlex b f SWO.OOO eot>ie«. The result Was ti complete sur­ prise aud established the fact that readers go fo the newspa­ pers for information with regard to books as well as with regard to most other mutters-'*-isfaflonal Printer-.founmllfit The. best advertising medium for any merchant-la foe lore! # p e r which gees Oita tha horns* nr the peopl*, a* this paper do#S, I f f f Y i i r m f f f f f f f t T Y V f f f f * having entered, a plea of guilty. George McLaughlin and Wm. Green, colored, 2 years each for stealing 844; Frank Bonn, colored, burglarized, one year John Davis horsestealing, 4 years. Upon the expiration of this sentence he will be taken by the Ifnion county officials on a similar offense. Mr. Thompson Crawford received Word Wednesday of the death of his mother, Mr. W. R. Crawford of Springfield, Mo,, Monday -morning, Jay 9 * at 8:30 o’clock. Tho deceased eft this county about twenty-fivo; years ago and ior several years was in the lumber busiuess at Kansas City, i )Ut of late wasiu the real estate busi­ ness in Springfield. One daughter survives him, his wife having died some four or five year* ago. Ho was about 65 years old; — NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT. Mr. Harry Whittington, engaged iu the grocery business in Cedarville, together with his wife, was enjoying a visit at the home o f her father, Mr, John Hickman, of the Whitechapel neighborhood, south of Xenia, when their two months’ old child was taken ill and died Monday morning. An* other child is also very ill, Tho fun­ eral services will be at the homo of Mr, Hickman on Tuesdaymorning at 10 o’clock,* conducted by Rev. Tler- sliey. Burial at Woodland.—g a ­ zette, ' Notice is hereby given tbat the undersigned were on the 22 nd day of April duly appointed and qualified as administratrices of the estate of the ate Hannah Brown. ' Hattie B. Madden, Lizzie B. Wolford, Stylish hate $1,00, $1.50 $2.00, $2.60, $3,00 and $3,50 at Sullivan’s, The Hatter, 27 S, Limestone Street Springfield, O, May 15 excursion tickets to Colum­ bus will be sold at $ 1.00 round trip from Cedarville, good going on excur­ sion train leaving at 9:49 a. m, cen­ tral time. Then some ono will break in with n raise of $5, pud. the auctioneer’s tone changes from one of polite com­ miseration over the starter’s low opening to-one oi interest. When the next canvas is. put up* if it is of a more desirable class, tho starter may say, “ One hundred dol­ lars/’ - “ One hundred' dollars/’ repeats the auctioneer, and then, i f no ono interrupts him with a bid, he adds: “ T lank you, sir. One hundred dol­ lars for this rare Delaroiue.” When the really dcsirablb paint­ ings are announced, however, tho starter takes a rest. From the sides, middle and rear of the auction room comes a volley of bids that^causes the auctioneer to lean on his desk and’eaj: “ Go,on, I ’ll let yoix do my work among yourselves/’ But lie doesn’t, for when the first burst of bidding stops he takes up the re­ frain of the la-:.t bid until he has reached the end of the buyer’s esti­ mation o f tho worth o f the painting. The obliging stutter must live in a world of constant disappointment. He is never known to get one of the f ietttres be bids on.-—New York 'xesa. 4 ■4 Ever Gait Cold Is anti despair ol getting rid Of it? That’s because you did not use The cornerstone of the big factory of (he Farmers* Co-Operativ* Harvest ing Machine company will be laid Saturday* A number of Speeches are to be made, President O, B. Bradfufe o f this place being down for one of them. * May ID to 23, inclusive, excursion rickets to Dayton, account Annual (Jonferehee German Baptist Breth­ ren at Haines, Ohio, will be sold via! Pennsylvania lines. For information i regarding time o f .trains, etc,, see local ticket agent of those lines. * 8 ^ Q u i n i n e T a b l e t S Soldwitha guaranteeto cure field?, Neuralgia, Malaria,La Grippe, Brea* chills, Headache, or druggist vrilt (refund your money. Could Vo* makea fairer offer? They never cause distress, . Never gripenor sicken. PerfectlyHarmless, No badaftereffects. Insist on having, and rcc that yow get/ Lightning; Lixatlv* . QuinineTihiifg, S 28 CENTSPERBOX, ALLtftlM m Osh T H f HERB MEDICINE CO., SPftiN&frCUh &HI 6 . *»¥th* MufevafeA Ughtaltil Hoi Drop*. Why H* Didn’t 3 h*v*. “ Why don’t you buy a shave?” t “I guess I could stand a littlo j scrape. I generally shave myself/’ » “ Oh, J seel Got that tired feeling. Already/’ “No. I should have shaved this morning, but I couldn't. Yesterday afternoon iny wife bivanm possessed. of the insane idea to start house cleaning. She thought it would be a good plan to enamel out iron bed, -She lmd tlie necessary fluid, but lacked a brush. And else.was aboxit to give up -the project alien share thought o f my shaving brash. Bho dug .it out of mv dress* r aud work* ed hard fill afternoon, and when B reached homo I noticed that she looked extremely happy, while h « j manner indicated tlmt she. wa * *proud of something she had done, t ] inquired tho reason for tins unusual |display o f chest, and sho pointed to 1 the bmmrenbUe bed. t asked her j how aho did it -fto nit oly, *nd aha : pointed to my shaving brush, I did 1 not say a word, bat pointed to a four dass’ growth of vimihbcry oft oountonftce/*/-Albany Journal, -^Cftrpete, Matting* »«d Bug* At < »• -f qp* •#**