The Cedarville Herald, Volume 27, Numbers 1-26

S*V: ^VK lK fl POWDER Afasolwtely Pam T B m m m SUBSTITUTE f <*€><<>i^C^-C^C^-^CSs-iCaCS-. • LOCAL AND PERSONAL, I <JMbS"4.«►«**>*>• —Cabbage Plants at Dobbin?, tj Mr.-John Murdock is confined to his bed, au fiering with rheumatism, —Nothing succeeds like the MS«c- Cess” manure spreader, for sale by W.. R. Sterrett, Mrs. B. W, *North up, of Dayton, •has been the guest of her son, , Wil­ liam, for several days. —Fo r a good, honest, serykable buggy, get a Posto at Kerr & Hast­ ings Bros. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Sullenberger are guests of Oxford friends this . week,:-’ ■ ■ , •. . '—Jeweler Moduli urn has things you want for -wedding or birthday • /• gifts.. •• • • • ' Fred McMillan of Des Moiues, la ., ,- made a short visit here the first of the week, | Misses Florence Smith and Mary Eddy attended the May Festival I in Cincinnati laBt Saturday. Mr.<Arthur Brown of Mommouth, " III., was a guest a t the home o f Mr J . W. Pollock this week. —Pineapples, fine ohes 10 c each at Bird’s. '• !■ • ^-Wanted; To contract for two tons qf flailed rye straw for October ’ Delivery at Tecumseh Nurseries, Ce Orville O. 32, B. Frantz & do. . ' 22 d —See Karr & Hsstii^s Bros, fo ri paint. New cabbage, tomatoes and onions a t Bird’s, Mi?a Mary Bradfute who has been teaching a t the Rife khool near Clif­ ton for several years will leach in Selma the coming school year, —I f you want to buy the best buggy, carriage, run-about or phae­ ton, go to W» R. Sterretts, Brown Hats, stiff and soft, 43c to $3,50 a t Sullivan’s the Hatter, 27 B. Limestone Bt., Bpriugfild, 0 , ■ Miss Louise Smith who has been in Chicago since laBt October attending a business college has finished her work and returned home. —House, lo t’and stable ou Chilli- cotbe street for sale a t half what it is' worth. A, Bradford. 23d Wanted: Every lady in town to come,’see and taste our cakes today a t Bird’s Mammoth store. Mr. JameB Anderson, of Columbus, a traveling salesman for a shoe house in that city, stopped here, .Tuesday with Mr, and Mrs; J . B . Winter. . The largest run in the' history of the paper mill was made' Monday, 53,186 pounds. Panama Hats $5,00, $6.00 and $7.00 a t Sullivan's the Hatter, 27 S, Limestone Bt., Springfield, O. Miss Myrtle Gillespie was the guest of friends here over Sabbath. She has been teaching school at Bell- brook, Miss Belle Winter has been chosen as teacher io the McMillan district next year.. I have taken the Laundry Agency of Easter and S uramers of Xenia. Leave packages, a t Charles Spencer , restaurant, or notify and Xwill call for same. Clark Baker, —You cap'get baled bay now at Kerr & Hastings Bros. • •MrS. Samuel Tomlinson and child ren of ^Winchester, lud ,, is the - guest , Of heir mother, Mrs, Alexander, Straw HatB now on sale by Sullivan the Hatter, 25c to $3.00,, 27 S. ■Hr, nnd.Mrs..LamiRife..tun enter* Rev. O, H , Milligan' visited for several days witE friends and relatives in Pennsylvania. Mrs. Charles H . Crouse entertained a number of little girls last Saturday afternoon in honor o f her daughter, Mildred. The Cedarville public library tic­ kets have been reduced to fifty cents a year, twenty-five cents for six months. Library is open Wednesday evening and Saturday afternoon and evening. —McCollum the Jeweler sell watch­ es so low that anyone jban .afford to buy. $ 1.00 up. Messrs, John F . Harshmnn, J , B. Christopher, Wm. Turnbull and Wm Rayner have been named as the jury commissioners for this county. They will meet in Xenia next Monday. Rev. H . P . Jackson, of Qlena, 111., spent several days with his many friends and relatives in thiB place. He stopped on his way to Greenville, Pa,, where the Gsneraj Assembly, of the United Presbyterian cbnroh i? be­ in g held. • 1 -H^yer-cakeH ru it^sko ,—angel-foedy jelly , roll, __sponge „cE>ketoday.,, at When the nerves are weak everything goes wrong. You are tired ail the time, easily discouraged, n e rv o u s , and irritable. Y ou r cheeks a re Sarsaparilla t ale and your blood is thin, bu r doctor s a y s yo u a re th r e a t e n e d w i t h a nervous breakdown. He orders thjs grand old family medicine. j,are blood. 1 '™I».C. H olt ,WenHaven, Coim. JIJMii butllo. All drueelitt*. f o r J. C.AYKRCO., 7*>v?ell.vMaas. Weak Nerves Keep the bowels regular with Ayer's pills, just one pill • each night. —“ Green'.Seal” paint at Kerr & Hastings Bros. Messrs1, John and Daniel Cofley and Lester Hagler, of Dayton,.spent Sunday at their respective homes. Mrs. Osman Bpahr, of Xenia, was the guest of lier parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Townsley, Tuesday. Notice: Our store will close prompt­ ly at 8 o’clock every evening except Saturday,' Bird’s Mammoth store. Mr. Daniel Dean and wife are vis­ iting their daughters, Mrs. Sibly and Mrs. Patton, of Golumbns this week. Prof. Smith of the science depart ment of Geneva college stopped here with bis cousin, Miss Florence Smith, Tuesday evening. Miss Lula Barber .was called to Springfield Wednesday by the sick­ ness of her sister, Mrs, W- L . Mai- shall. Star Brand Ladies, Misses and child­ ren’s Oxford’s and Slip­ pers in vici and patent leathers at Bird’s. • Excursion to Columbus, May 22, $ 1.00 round trip, good only on special train leaving Cedarville at 8:64 a. ra, E. S. Keyes, Agent. The much talked of suit against Helen* Kelsey and A,' Bradford brought by Bertha and Ed Spencer has beeu settled by a decision in the Coramou Pleas court in favor of the defender's. ‘ Mr, Julius Jillett, of Springfield, a man probably 70 years old and well known here, died Sunday. He wsb a member o f Company 10 Ohio Light Artillery, pnd was burled Tuesday in Soldiers’ Circle a t Ferncliff cemeter.y Mr: J , F . Cunningham, of Cleve­ land, special writer and photographer for the Ohio Farmer, arrived Wednes day for the purpose of taking a num- JmjuaLpktureajoLlh^ “ LADY QF MEADOW BROOK” *, IConttoucd iron: fast ip;-’,?,} j grandsm, with Lovelock 2889 ie great-grandam and Lavender 2800 ns great-great-gran'dam. An a calve Lady of Meadowbrook did not particularly attract attention, and a t the New York Hate fair in 1805 she was third in the Angus calf class, being also third at the Illinois stato the same season. A t this stage of b p developemeiit she was referred to a^i "very sweet and chunky.’’ A? a yearling the writer can find no record of Lady being shown, bu t as a 2-year-old in 1897 she was third in class a t the Illinois slate fair, while she was also placed higher op in other fairs this season, in which she met no opposition outside the local herd. This season she was shown alone with her dam, with which she was often compared, ehe‘ having her mother’s full boeom, great spring of rib, full flanks, deep twist and great size, In 1898 Lady of Meadowbrook began to show her true colors. She was classed as the b e st, Aberdeen- Apgus female in class at the . state fairs of. Indiana, Wisconsin and the St. Louis shows. She was placed second to her mother in. claps a t the Illinois show at Peoria. This same season, in 1898, the Bradfute herd invaded Kentucky to compete for the class and herd championship a t the Shelbyville show- This was the first Aberdeen-Angus exhibit south' of the Ohio river. The Bradfqtes had care­ fully considered making -this trip, as it meant an invasion of Shorthorn territory of the most pronounced typ e .. A committee • of Shorthorn men acted as judges,' and during the bull competition the Shorthorn had the advantage. .. When the female classes came on n sensation occurred with the entrance Lady Ot Meadowbrook into the ring. Her outstauding merit was a t once recognized and she was made first prize winner. The 2-year-old and yearling prizes were won by Short­ horns, while a Bradfute. heifer won first in.olass. In the lining up iu the herd competition |great excitement prevailed, fori'only Shorthorns had heretofore won beef herd prizes in this section. The superior excellence of the Bradfuts cattle, with the great Lady of Meadowbrook a t the head of the . female classes, would not be downed and amid much excitement and applause the Aberdeen-Angus herd was made champion. In 1899 Lady of Meadowbrook was first-prize and champion cow a t the Ohio, Wisconsin and Indiana, state fairs and the St. Louis ■show,' and was first in class at the Illinois state fair, .A t the latter show she was de­ feated for championship by Lucia of Estill, a smaller type of cow, and of much merit, yet lacking the scale and thickness of flesh of Lady. . _In 1900. Lady., of Meadowbi.ook Brook herd as well. as' scenes about made her last campaign iq the .Show AleCliafnrk fiirm.smgt nf,, JnmsgfiQwrii Ohio, Wisoonsin, Indiana and Ilii- You Save in Many Ways When you buy *‘Y. & N /’ Shoes, 'Save, first o f al), a neat, tidy Sum in tfia price of the Shoe s- save a loMit thneliuinoyance and uncertainty that the buyer, of cheap unreliable shoes must contend with The element of chance is removed, ns we buy only from reliable factories, buy no jobs nr saivaga iriU. i u i I^non .1 Our showing of spring and summer, s h ^ aar, pass any'we ever had to offer*' . y Oar Men's Shoes and Oxfords ■Cometh every new and desirable leather from, which mens shoes sre made. Box calf, enamel, paientcolt. vici kid, black and tail. Prices, 95c, $1.25, $1,5<L $1.90, $2.59, $3.50, up to the highest grade of men’s shoes sold In Springfield for $5.00. Our Women’s Shoes and Oxfords Come in 'Paten t Colt, Ideal kid, tans, and black, lace and button styles, black and tans. Price 95c, $1.25, $1.45, $1.90, $ 2 . 45 , $2.90 aud up to the finest that can be produced. Boys’, Misses’ ,-Children’s Shoes and Strap Slippers. Here receive our special attention. We are particular to set ^ that every pair fit perfectly. We much prefer to miss a sale than let a'poor fitting pair of shoeH leave the store. We have a big line of young folks’ shoes this spring and our priees are very reasonable. f. | »J S „ * YOUNG&NFSLEY 7 Good Shoes Cheap. '7 E. Ma in .St, Springfield, O. Cores Grip In Two Days. [ To Cure a Cold in One Day TakeLaxative Bromo Quinine Tdiets. £ r t t J b cmevery Seven Million boxes sold fa past 12 months. Tfafe slgnatCTe, ^ **>*• 25c, mittee of three placed ‘ribbons—con­ sisting of George Allen, J.- H. Piek- rell, Shorthorn breeder, and David McKay, of Galloway affiliations. When the judges’ book was being signed Mr. Pickrell, one o f America’s most distinguished Shorthorn author!- ities aud then secretary of the iuneri-l can Shorthorn association, stepped, up to the cow and said: “I want to sign my name with the book lying dn the back of the best’cow I ever saw.®. Iu some of the shows where Lady was shown she .had for her company some of the famous females of other breeds, of which Ruberta, the Short­ horn queen,,and Dolly 5th of Here­ ford fame are fitting examples. As a breeder Lady of Meadowbrook lias not been a failure, neither hae she been the success anticipated. She hashed but one daughter, Lady 2d of Meadowbrook 36954, which was the first-prize 2 -year-old heifer at the Pan- Americau Exposition at. Buffalo, Lady had one bull calf which was lost through no fault of hers. She carried another five months aud lost It. ' ' . ' ■ ■ Lady of Meadowbrook still' resides upon the farm of her birth, nlong with three sisters of merit,. She- re­ fuses to thin down.aud reduce to de­ sirable breeding form, but - serves as a living model of how a high-class breeding and show cOw should ap- Tor$iooDollars inGoldtakesPlace Wednesday, June i, ’04 at 1 o’clock p. m. Persons desiring to settle their account can do so, and w ill be entitled to a chance on the money. There w ill be four premiums: $50 , trhx rrtrro^ f-fame O B reed,. 1 it is to be hqpe'a That shiTTmVy 4 eaYeuir“H'girey'*to M'ead&WbtoOlt 1 'tlili!' will add still greater laurels to their well-known herd .”1 c . e . Trcsb ana Salt Ifleai, Bologna, Sausageand Poultry. M i • wv are if. lit City, teUi«| place- Tbs very peeniia block W»s C® about nine t Vnoticed com) the gendarnl notified an d 1; . gate. The 1 people but i|r'- mid gent wop’ ter and then the latter a*.' ..utes after tin The firemen fight to save- of 850000 to Prof. Brown only fire be b the past six ->dent was whr - help toremo’i store in the fi.t’ r arrested and of the properl/ fire until the came to his p! ,• according to 1 ■' puliii jail "i the cause of tl gated, Another/ pa the woik that the .Presbyte* ;• country. T in ' garefc Whittsk f chapel took jd ! Prof. R. A. B ” gram for a leo ■ the president t. if ing erected as Ocher resident • JRev. Hubert -1 . ing twenty ye- work and one j who just recen '3 Iu the theolof c ate 40 student thlt already $’. ’' ed on building .• needed. T h e ; I sion at the pre 'i a Summer-Uni 1 1 75c, and $LOO van’s, the H a th . Springfield, O. *taining a ten pound girl since Monday, —Remnant wall paper, 2, 3 and 4d bolt atBird’s. The township commencement will take place in tiie opera- house next Friday night, —Buy your farming implements of W* R. Bterrett. -The laying of the cornerstone for the big plant of the ' Co-Operative Harvesting company, of which Mr. O; E . Bradfute of this place is .presi­ dent, did not take place last Saturday as stated it would but will be done Saturday, May 21. The program had to be changed after the news was given the press. Dr, J , O. Stewart leaves next Wednesday, for Greenville,’ Pa,, where he will attend the annual meeting of the General Assembly of the United He goeB ns a delegate - from this presby­ tery.. ‘ ' Mrs. M, A. Oreswelt is attending Synod a t Marissn, 111 ,, this week and will gc on to St Louis to take in the Worlds Fair. —Lest you forget: McCollum the Jeweler .reminds you that he has what you want tor the gift for the graduate. Summer Underwear 25cJ 35c, 48c, 75c, and $1.00 per .garment a t Sulli­ van's, the Hatter, 27 S* Limestone at. Springfield, O, Mr. D. S. Williamson is carrying quite a scalp wound, the result of an upset near the school house Monday evening, Mr. Williamson was leav­ ing town driving a colt, it became frightned and attempted to run away, but by his strength in Controlling the animal part o f the harness broke and a lively time ensaed. The wagon was whirled against a telegraph pole, Mr.JWilliamaon sustaining the above injury. Clifton high school commencement takes place nex t Friday afternoon. The baccalaureate sermon will be de­ livered by Rev. Middleton, Sabbath afternoon a t 3 o’clock. Tho alumni banquet will be held in the K . of P , ball Friday evening, May 27. ■ SCOTT’ S EMULSION Scott's Emulsion is the menus of life and of the en­ joyment of life of thousands of men, women and children. To the men Scott’s Emul­ sion gives the flesh and strength so necessary for the ;cure of consumption and the repairing of body losses from any wasting disease, For women Scott’s Emul* rion, does this and more. It is a most sustaining food and f -aie for the special trials that \ ’mien have to bear. To children Scott’s EmuU ;‘Vt gives food and strength f .r growth of flesh and bone Walter Curl, colored, supposed to be insane, made a murderous attack on Policeman Ed Williams of Xenia, Inst Baturday morning in the police headquarters, Curl has been regard­ ed as a dangerous man for some time. He inflicted several scalp wounds on the officer and would have killed him had it uotjjbecn that Williams drew, hfs revolver and shot him twice. The Rev. R, B. Wilson, who has just graduated from the McCormick Theo­ logical Seminary in Chicago, is home for a two weeks’ rication before^ he goes (o Oroswell, Mich.; where he has accepted a call from the Presby­ terian congregation of that place. Rev. .Wilson’s friends wish him much success in bis neW field of labor. nois Btate fairs and the St- Louis ex­ position. She was also made champ- idn cow a t the Wisconsin, Indiana and St. Louis shows, A t this time she ’ weighed about 2000 pounds. At, the International Live Stock Exposition in December she was made champion Angus cow, but as she did not deliver a live calf within the, specified time th o . prize money was refunded according to the rule. A t the time, howevei, no­ body questioned her right to win, Thus closed the show yard career of what is unquestionably one o f’ the greatest American-bred Aberdeen- Angus show cows that has been seen in America. H e r merit was - unques­ tioned. She was more often than no t judged by men Of other breeds, and they never failed to recognize her merit, One year when she was made grand champion cow a t the In ­ diana state fair at Indianapolis a com- Gained Twenty Pounds, man was taken to the county infirm­ ary where he died Sunday afternoon. Coroner W. A, Clematis' verdict ’ is that Curl met ■his death from two gunshot wounds inflicted in seif defense by Edward Williams, George Dodds & Son, of Xcnin, tbs well known marble dealers have the finest display of monuments, markers and head-Btonds in this sec­ tion of the state. In order- that all work be completed by May 36 you ehaulcj'seetiie firm immediately. A full line of lawn and cemetery vases and settees are carried and are worth your inspection, The firm i* perfect­ ly reliable and will give your Order prompt Attention, Hariord Mills, N. Y „ May 16.— This neighborhood is amused as never before by some wonder! ill Cures by Dodd’s Kidney Pill. These began with the Case of Mrs, J . D, Wiillace, who hnd been in very poor health for a long "time and who had-got so bad at last that she couldn’t walk from her home to the village and back, a distance of about eighty rods, without being tired out and. in pain all over.l V She bad only used a few of Dodd’s Kidney Pills when she noticed a change for the better, and in a very short time Was able to walk any rea­ sonable distance and do any kind of woman’s work without feeling any bad effects. She has gained twenty pounds in weight in three months and is now as well a woman as could be found. She declares that Dodd’s Kidney Pills de­ serves all the credit for her wonderful restoration, Yon lack faith In an untried remedy ? ' FARESTO ST. LOUIS. YonWill Have Faith XN LightningLaxative QuinineTablets The revolution In ready-to-wear 'clothing How’s This.' iiO.l blood. For pule girls,, f if iluri and sickly fx-ys Scott’s K wilsimt is ft grout help, , ftCnd forfrer* sample, . iHSOfT k tt0W,N$Tr 44WN41S .New-York* SOd. ami # 1 , 00 » 4 tiidr:ugg!*te* came w ith tb e UE M System’’ method and th e perfection in I t Is w rought in t h e h a n d - Working and padding of th e shoulders. Thrifty th e ’“ E, M. :/.B | 8 fcAMi:’ tailoring is th f Islk of th e town. *Tis f>asy to pick ou t k wearer of “ 15, U Hys- tem” clo th ing—th e I t add etyl* a re so d istinct, Bafts find Over* costs to $$$.- a . S. KINGSBURY X « riln , P h l o , We Oder One Hundred Dollars Howard for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure, , P, J. C1IENJ3Y&C.'f 'i’olcdh. O. We, thcjundersigned, have known F» 3. Clianoy for the Hat id years, and bolfevo him perfectly honorable in all busbies? trtrWnclfofis and financially to carry out any obligations made by their firm, West ATrnax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo ■ft, Waldfng, Klnnan Martin, Wholesale iimgafots, Toledo, 0 . Half’s Catarrh Ours H taken internally, AtfhiKdirectly upon the blood Andmucous serfafts of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price7'itv per bottle, Hold by all Drug­ gists, - • ' JHn.s Family Pill# arc the t«st, , . after on 6 trial. Sold with an ab­ solute guarantee to cure or druggist will refund, yotir monoy. Will cure COLDS* LA GRIPPE, NEURALGIA, COUGHS, MALARIA, HEADACHE. Are perfectly harmless—n e v e r gripe nor sicken—never cause dis­ tress—no bad effect upomtho heart, —•never injure the most delicate stomach* ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTE. Ask for and insist oh getting World’s Fair excursion tickets to fit. Louis are now on sale via Penn­ sylvania lines! Fares- from. Ccdnr- villo. are as fallows; ’fickets good for thfr season, return­ ing any lime to December 15th, will be sold every day a t $15.60 for the round trip Tickets good returning wiihin sixty days not inter than December l5 tb , will be sold every day at $13.50 for the round trip, Tickets good returning within fif­ teen flays will bo sold 'every, day at $11,75 for the round trip. . Coach excursion tickets, with return limit of seven days, .will be sold twice a weak, every Tuesday and Thursday,j L G M 6 j jM lA T lV E "■ S 3 * 4 # S | C B n a Q uinine T ablets A T D R U C J O I S T S . v ftufawrOnlyfey THEHERBMEDICINECO-, BPRINQFIELD, OHIO. -#■ ■ ; JWarinfticttirefH «f the Celebrated LIGHTNING HOT- DROPS, beglhing May 17tli, until June 30ui, at $8.65 for the round trip 'approxi­ mately one cent a mile. Coach excur­ sion tickets are restricted to day coaches, whether on regular or special tratbs* For fertile particulars consult, E. 8. Keyes Ticket Agent, Cedar- viUc, 0„ 28d A full line of this pop­ ular Brand of In all Styles and Leathers for Men, Women and Children AT BIRD’S. t m o n i t o h - ELAST IC ROOF & IRON < monito K p r o o f a c a i n s t - ......■■ X mari - v X W A TER , RU ST , A C i p , S U N Bt FIRE. V STOPS LEAK S - PREVENT S DECAY. e s p e c i a l l y r e c o m e n d e d f o r TINJRON , F E L T , SHINGLE AND COMPOSITION ^ ROO FS ,TANK S ,PUM P S ,FARM ING MACHINERY. * M f t NU l -A l l y m i ) HV , T H E M O N I T O R O I L C O . .........U L V E L A N D , OHIO . , Fon samm me O . I V E . O R O T T S B W s i % Dr. F. It, Madden, Practicetlnf* itc-d to RYF, IUR , NOSE AND THROAT, Olusses Accurately Ad­ justed. A lim Building, Xenia, O. ^'•5ei'het«re«office is. tto, # Sale Bills at this a ^ Ik l V i : f ' t »» cest id bder r *1 tailoi ■ “ E. .; i h g r , . 1 most t*: it, w to-day 1 MB . and shoulders characteristic! merchant tfiib half the price, R. s. K Xen Childrei.V Gauze Ves 9c yd. «■ % f a r - Y v v i , ,