The Cedarville Herald, Volume 27, Numbers 1-26

r V E J T Y - S E V B N T H Y E A R S O . 2 4 . G E '. V R V I U E . O H I O . F R ID A Y , J U N E 5 1 9 0 4 , I’i t I C I : s i . 0 0 A Y EAR . ^Tr-*~rTlrnti^TrfTmn^TirnUTfirgr g.jiiaiaim ii■ i iuiniTt^rri#iritlM^iwdiiwiL *> WILSOH-MITCHELMEMORIALDAY ,1 The (mUnauee hnviug taken effect \ • I creating the offiiee of street commit > n • t . . •i 8ionfir,wuuuUwet TuesiTny evpiitogj -------- ' tom! Wcrfne*!»y evening at seven m m m HdM raot* frrad.1 to radon, 0 » m m om .n l Mayor -A mm\kr of ^ill l» loado Ohirty M th«W of ilm bride, brotfc- a O nr Bn< appointed.!, \ . XlilF, fib rin the organization of the rural m a il! ei\ Mr. Janie* Mitchell. The coie- aine Wing drawn by lot, A num- delivery service on J u ly - I , the most}mon wa?prf©DPax^1jj- J v - 'O *& ii Fi 0 ,SEBiflCE ‘ Tiie maniacs of Miss Mae Mitchell, to Mr, Ila rry i \ Wilson wag retain* aizxd ed sda NOTICE j)F ANOINTMENT. Xolicdis hereby ifint :h t ms- iTisAmmwfitmii hotii ammg politicians and newspaper men, hoop on leaving his. -wagon and ' climbing hi the- Scraggy wagon the poor fell iw wiJJ bo nil to himself in fib hour o f trouble. .fudge Seroggy lug fiiFciged with letters and per­ sonal eills from men over the district telling him how they were with him ■ in the fight from the very first, Ope more newspaper came out last week Ami iu a column article told very plumly the situation . and that tho tangle had been. settled and settled rightly and that it was iu line to sup, port the Judge consistently. The Judge'should feel heartily elated over such a statement, for h e ' certainly ' could consider himself the next con­ gressman with such beany and carn­ a l support; But what’ supposed the Herald the moatwas that this over- , thoughtful journal never even men­ tioned nn apology for carrying Hildc- hrant notices from -the press bureau in Wilmington, one of .whtqh ,_waa paid matter and appeared under the head of f,A Political Retrospect,’' . Sept, 11, 1968. ir'ome-psptanation is „ certaily necessary; or an injustice has been done 'Mr. Hjldebrant. ’ But much f jr that.’ In this journal, after the BoartiVdecision had been made known a week and „in the ' meantime 'had been circulated' by . "most every newspaper in the county, ?i whole column is devoted to telling how it was done'ami the result. The article goes ftp to show how prudent the journal was in waiting for the haal settlement before- extending a - helping hand to Judge -froggy when -jt was most'needed. „ Wd are told . that only thoughtful conservative newspapers take'this coni so. <#EIow nice it must be to sit by, watch the , fighting, and .then get iu for. tho .big ”•' celebration over the victory?, .h: -1 - hinny newspapers have -for- their motto: ' ‘We'Lead;, Others Follow,” and this one the Herald has. '.always been published under.. Most news­ papers like most men have ah ambi­ tion to be iu the front rank and .to be there the above motto must be <re- memhered. Other papers “ wait until the question is settled” and then a t­ tempt to attract some attention -alter the reader has, most forgotten about .jt.^A syiroof ot..,oui.'j,..atafe.nieiitn.„.wa l)£r o f rueetinga have been held the past two or three weeks considering the advisability of re-codifying the important of which affects the pay of; Milligan,assisted by Rev!. Brownlee in carriers, Iu re,spouse to strong pres-j the presence of about fifty invited . ,. fsure from all quarters congress has v age ordinances. When the new j raised the salaries ot carriers so that code went, into effect a number of our ordinances became worthless and neiv ones have never been provided. Coun­ cil baB decided to lot the matter stand for a while. There should be nothing looked after as careful as our law for municipal government. friends, Mr. Joftp Wilson brother of the groom and Miss Bishop of Xenia l* I f n P I \ J * \ u ^ t8’^ nett waa m *hu Ibth day of May j L A E J j u l u M J f !duly app'*intul and qmdffUd mj ml * jiuiufefrator of the i-itufe of the Berry Haggard. L. G. Bull, j . -■**'“—w i. Thrownfrom aV/cgon, . Decoration Day wris observed in a very appropriate manner Monday,; While tbo weather was not the most favorable n largo number of people j turned out during the day for the dlf- j ‘’Mr, George K. Babcock was thrown ferent exercises. Iu the morning the tIrani fib wagon ainl -cveraly btuUud. every carrier in.the couutry who qbv* stood with the cniple. ns to what the northern people would Su it was filed in Common Fleas court Tuesday contesting the will -of the late George H, White, of Cedar- vilie,, who bgqueijfogd all of his prop­ erty to. John Alexander Dowio. The action is brought by Moses,C. White, .a brother, and other relatives of. the decendent.^agaipst John Alexander’ Dowie, and ,L. G, Bull as executor of the wilt. The document bore date of February 17,‘1903, and the conten­ tion of tue plaintiffs is that for some time before that time White was not of-souod mind or memory and that he was unduly coerced into drawing tho -will. ; Snodgrass and Schnebiy are the attorneys for the; plaintiff. P lat opens Monday afternoon u t l o’clock, standard'time, a t McCollum’s for contest. ’ HOW’S THIS? / , Last year th e lle ra ld gave an ac­ count of Mr. fjamnel' Raney being the owner of a cow that,Was the, mother of four calves in eleven ‘months. This year we are informed, tha t tlda -Same cow is now the tooth,trof six calves in two years, three sots of 'twins.. This is something' v e ry unusual and Mr. Raney Fas a valuable cow.' H e ‘in­ forms-;us that the,animal,, is not -for sale a t Uny price. Into had been settled before cOmiug out to oppose it? What would finVe become o f the first Greene county court hodso iprOp osition. had-it not been opposed so vigorously. by the Greehe county press? Also 6f the sev er hold up only two or three years ago? To bring the question home to every reader, suppose the Herald had stated, ns has been done, that we would wait until the local option queatiowia settled.and then we would ho in a position to Consistently-give it our hearty and earnest support. In waiting the Herald would have en­ dorsed the saloon cause by our silence. A newspaper is either for Or against. There js no middle road business about it, Mr. Ifildebrant should be more careful where he plants his ad­ vertising in tho future. Judge Hcroggy delivered the Mem­ orial address Monday a t Now Vienna, CliiHou county, before ft' large audi­ ence and from reports coverd fumself with considerable glory. Even, though the Judge was in Congressman Hikta- brants home county hs was given ft great oralimi. Politically speaking the Judge is **U” with Glintoii county- people, I t has been utmost four years sitsce Ciintnu county, or any other in this district, has heard n cougrqsman that could get up and make a credible speech, pi, jt isn’t any wonder there were loud shouts nf-'bSeroggy our next cougressmaij” a t tho close of the ex .Orrises. - , ' U ST ’OF LETTERS, .List of letters remaining uncalled for in- theCedaVvlllc postoffice for the month ending June J, 1064, * 4 1'K ing George. Returns,- - Butler George, Kunkle F ann ie .- tr. X. T aub & x , p . m . EXCURSION TOST. LOUIS. Cdacli cXcnrsioti tickets to 8t. Lr , ac­ count tfie iVOrfil’s Fair will be sold via Pennsylvania Lines Tuesday and Thursday Until June BO, These tickets wil) bo good only lit coaches of regular trains on those days,'or in coaches o£ special trains which may be announced. The round trip fare from Cedarvilie?3.<)3. ' Returning, tickets will he good only in coaches of regular trains leaving 8t. I^ottja thiion Station in any time within seven days, itichuUng date of purchai-e of ticket. Return Coupons of tickets sold Tuesdays will be good until the following Monday, inclusive, and those sold Thursday will be good returning until the following Wednes­ day, inclusive, For particulars about time of trains for which torch excursion tickets will bo scId, consult R. S.KoyeS, T ket Agent, who will also answer ingairics in ftganl to Heasrm Kkcurston .Tickets, Sixtv-dny Excursion Tickets anp Flflcen-day Excursion Tickets to St, Imnis, on sale during the ‘World’s Pair, .Tune 30, • ew is kmnvu as a.full route will receive $00 a month,'or 720 a year, beginning with July. -Garners. who cover shorter routes will not get the maximum salary. The schedule, which may be1 varied when eircumstancea warrant, is as follows: Routes of not lees than 20 miles, 8720; routes ot lees than 20 miles and not lees than 16, $620; less than lO and notices than 12 miles, $520; less than 12 nntl uot Ufe< than eight miles, $420;.less than-eight and notices than four miles, $320. Instructions to carriers regarding the new prohibition against carrying merchandise for„hire and against act­ ing as agents for anybody will probn- bly be seat out early in June, so that carriers may become familiar with them before the law goes Into effect, It-is announced a t .the department that is proposed to enforce the law rigidly. ' Carriers .will-be permitted to do-small favors for patrons along their routes when the patrons request it,bu t that is all. This part of the regulations will probably be construed liberally enough to permit carriers to receive subscriptions for newspapers nod peri­ odicals; the same pa hitherto, a t the request pf patrons, but would prevent them from .acting as 'general news agents. The same is true of the pro ­ vision against carrying merchandise. Jso objection will probably bo made to • th e1 carrying ot parcels for' the accommodation of patrons, though a carrier would not be allowed to ‘ ar­ range with a merchant for the regular delivery of goods. I t is likely 't h a t articles ordered by patrons can ba giv­ en to the carriers for delivery tho sarno as before, this being regarded as an accommodation to the patrons and not within,the scope of the prohibi­ tion.—Ex. After the caret,may a"wedding sup per aud then congratulation came from the many frieuda of .the contracting parties, They were rim - recipients of many handsome and useful presents The bride is a popular young lady while the groom is one- of- pur best known young farmers. They have gone tohousekeeping on wlmt is knpwn-as the Jtiepb Wilson farm. Among themui of town guests pre­ sent were Mr- nnjf Mm. Bishop, Mrs, Elma Gowdy, Xenia and Mrs. Perry Stevenson, Marietta, O. • Mr.'aud Mvs. ’'fpilstm have the best wishes in their msfv life from a .large circle of friemle. * ELEVATING SEATS, As stated in the Herald last weak, thWtbmisliiji friWt'^W~hro ^fdIfowihg i M cnilei R’ewr’flbbrS W1U'bb laid lor t>u,tn parts as.well as iu the orchestra pit. The doors under the gtftgQ will lie changed also. I t is expected that carpet will be pu t on tfy‘6 parquet floor making these sections the. most desirable in the house, Tarbox & Collins are .do*; hig the work, John Ross has the Contract for painting the doors and window frames for the three entrances. Tho Exchange Bank room will be papered and probably the Pesfoffice, The trustees have taken one step that they slumId be commended for and that is ordering down the eye­ sore of a drop curtain that has been in use for -four or five years. Tho old curtain, that is the Original, will be re-enforced on the sides and put back-in its former place, Ho opera bouse in this part of the country can boast of a curtain equgl to ours. -A cablegram from Mr. G, B. Col­ lins and wife of Jacinto, Ticao, Mas- bate Prey., P ,.I,, by the latterVfath­ er at Bonanza', C o l, -that they will reach Ohio about June 12, .on a three months’ vacatioil. ' Mr. and' Mrs, Colihjs are Accompanied by the la tter’s mother who arrived- in Manilla April 20, not knowing that her daughter was to ratu f n May 7. She immediate- v ’prepared for her-return trip. Sir, Collins is a son iff Mr. and Mrs J , Halo Collins and has been a tenchef, along with his wife, in the- distant •ouutry, under the government offietds. Mr. and Mrs. Ctdlius know nothing a t their son’s arrangements"' after his arrival and their coming is being 4 waited with the greatest oi pleasure, O members of the Grand Army header by the Xenia Band marched to the cemetery worth of. town. The pro cession was quite a lengthy one, as the school children,-and ,members of the I, .0, O, F ., K of P .,' and J , O. U A, M. lodges took part. On the re­ turn the Baptist and Missies’ Creek cemetries were visited In the afternoon a large audience, heard, one o f the best Alemorial ad dresses ever deliyered' before a Cedar vilie audience. Prof. W. It. McChea ney wa* the speaker on the occasion and in his elqquent manner revied the the war from 1861 to 186$. H e” was at different times’interupted by brusts of applause. Rev. I I . C.’MilddJeton opened the.exercise with prayer. Mil- ton Hanna delivered an oration am. Miss Helle Turnbull a recitation, Mvs. Frantz rendered a pinuo.solo mu Mr.'George Siegler a vocal solo COLLEGE PROGRAM. A Happy Mother. Maple Hill,' la,,. ay 30. *- A very, remarkable case oceured here recently Theyeople here have never, seen any­ thing like it and it may in terestmmy others, ’ \ From his infancy,.yerne, the little five year old son of Mr. aud Mrs. J . H is jm o riie jj^ he did not begin to improve till some­ one suggested that she try ft remedy called Dobd’s Kidney Pills. From un­ mistakable symptoms she had riwnys believed that his Kidney were (he Orat cause of all the-trouble, so she bought a bok of Dodd,s Kidriey Pills* and be- gan giving little Kerne two pills a day. In two or three days she noticed bit improvement and she. kept on till be had used about two boxes when, to her great joy, lie wftsnll right. Everybody remarks bow much better Verne looks and Mrs. Barfoot always explains. “ Dodd’s Kidney lMls saved bis life.” Startling Evidence. An Ohio Notary. Baiineville, d . , May 23~—Mr. John Vf, Manning, Notary Public fl.r Co­ lumbiana county, and one u f » the most respited? men of the state, has caused to be published the following letters ‘ “ About one year ago I was suffer­ ing terribly from kidney trouble^ I saw mi advettisetoenf o f ft medicine cailediDodd’s Kidney Pills find sent for two boxes. Iu the meantime, I suffered awfully and its soon as I goMhe pills I began- taking them according to directions and got almost immediate relief and I have this further to say, that after using the two boxes t have never iMsen troubled with may kidneys since. 1 have recommended Hodd’s kidney pills to others, who have tried them, ami everyone who used them has been cured, I tidftk they ftrd a great remedy ftfid fill that is claimed for them.’’ Mr, Mamiing’Bletter is ■ *a strong recommendsthm of Dodd’s kidney pills and is worth the attention o f all who suffer with kidney trouble! Fo r sick headache take Chamber­ lain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets and a quick cure is certain. Fo r sale by Isaac Wistdrman, Try the Herald for job work. Why is it that Ayer's Half Vigot; dees so many remark­ able .things? Because it is at haft food. , It feeds the hair, puts new life info it- The hair cannot keep Tro^ growing. And gradually nil the dark, rich color of eariy fife comes back to gray half, '«Wlifrt r nrsf? Aft'S* tMr Vt#«t wir I.niY k . u alK.Ht XII ffftw. intt rmwit t« « im-e 'iliirk. Mid ft* (liuX *1 I C-I'ilii *fi»Ii. * - ■W ks . at w fttoj.'a«s«TJEV, 'rtwcamins, am. 7*tce ^ tn.uK for ■t. r. ATXR<0.. Gray, Hair FrCsh testimonlyain great quality is constantly coming iu, declaring Dr. King’*New Discovery for Consump­ tion Goughs and Colds to be un- equnied. A recent expression from T. J . McFarland Boatervilie, Va. serves as example. He writes: “ I lind Bronchitis for- three years and doctored all the time without being benefited, Then I began taking Dr. King’s Mew Discovery, and a few bottles wholly cured me.” , Equally effective in curing all Lung and Throat troubles, Consumption Pneumonia and Grip. Guarranfocd by a lt Druggist- Trial bottles free, regular sizes 50c, and $1,00. $100 Rewards $100. TfusTcatlcrsOt tills pnpi-rwill Ub pleased to learn that there is at toast one dreaded disease that science lias been able to cure in all Its stages and that is Catarrh, Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the .medical fraternity. Catarrh being' a constitutional disiase, requirts a iconstjtulional treatment.- HniJ’s Catarrh Cure Is taken inlcnmfly, acting -directly iiji- on the blond ami mucous retraces of system ■thereby destroying tlm foundstmii of the disease, ftnd ftiviug the julient strength by Imtlding ifl>the {'onstitution and assisting nature in JoiUR'ifs work, The )aoj)fictort havewo much faith in its curative power.*, ttiufc they idler oh&Utmdfed Jloffars lot any tiisfiUiaUt- fails to cure, fleml for list <>f tCitifiVtiTHfd*, r Address. F, 3, tfltf'XRV eV-Co.-Toluda O, Hold by Drugfiist, 7Sc. llall’MHautUv Wits arc the last. The following is the Order of enter- tuinmentafor college commencement week. Friday evening, June 3, Philosoph­ ic Diploma Night. Sabbath, ? p. m,, June 5, Bacca- aureate sermon. Monday, p, in., June C, Ivy Day, Monday^ evening, J u n e ■6, Qians Night. Tuesday evening,. June 7, Faculty Reception. . ' Wednesday, p, in., June .8, Field Day. - Wednesday evening, June 8, Recit­ al. ‘ - - •' / Thursday nmruing, June 9, Com­ mencements at 9:80 sharp, ‘ Thursday, p? ni:, June -9,, Alumni Meeting. '' - , ' Thursday evening, June 9, Inter- Collegiate Debate, 7:30 •’ CONDENSED STORIES. When Goorgo Ado Had to Pay $10 to 8ee Hie Own Play. } Georgo Ade,. author of rtTho County ^‘C liilTm an^^ceoS ^^ he had a spare box. ’’Sorry,* -Mr. Ado,” replied the treasurer, ’’but they are all sold” “Wpll, then, a couple of scats p retty -well down fron t will do,” said Mr. Ade. . , ”Tho fa c t is,” said Birch, ‘Ve have only a single seat left. Maybe you can get seme from a speculator. The au thor hurried to tho walk ■and found a ticket, yonder. ’’Gimme two,” said Mr. Ade, drop­ ping into fable slang. “Notliin’ doin’,” was tho reply. “Me an’ the old woman is goin.’-to see th e shew, an’ I ’ve only go t a pair left. I ’ve been promisin’ her all winter, an’ she came a t tne hard this mornin’. I don’t dast sell ’em." He applied Chamb.-rJain’s Pain Balm freely and says it is the best liniment he oyer used. Mr, Babcock jb a well known citizen of North Plain, Conn. There is nothing equal to Pa in . Balm for sprains and bruises, I t will effect a cure in one-lhird tho time required by any other ire' Iment. . For sale- by Isaac Wisterjnan. NEW TIME CARD, There will be a change in time <ff trams after May’ 15. Trains will leave Cedarville as follows;. For east $:24 a, m,, 4;47 p. m. For west 7;42 a. m ., 5:24 p, m. For east (Sunday' only) 9:49 a. to. E. S, Keyes, Agent;. POWDER A b s o l u t e l y P a r 0 - - t h e r e i s m s u b s t it u t e : BEAUTIFUL 1 V 1 NONA With Mwopening of tftapeusoii'ftt'AVmo- tiU Lake, Jlay tti, fht! kt]o of e.vciu,-iioa Uo* Icoisovdi' tljo renn-sylsrunia lanes to that attractive resort in Northern iudiuna begun, Every Summer pas-fril thi'ro by thousands has only increased tin it dt-siro to return, Qn the golf links, tho reiuiis courts, the baseball or, cricket grounds, the'Croquet field, or-boating ou the lake, fishing .camp, j ink, swimming,', or attending recitals nndj lectures by world-famed peonages ih-jtbaj toUlttorium.—Whatever the division may be, I the associations are of that Congeniii!"sorts conferred by good society. This resort ia-* noted as the site of Winona Assembly "find - bummer School, attracting teachers and ' atudents irom educational- institatiitoS,'of ', this and other countries. ' - - j Fifteen-day and season excursion. Pckhts - ’ will be sold .from ticket stations on th e ; Pennsylvania lines’ during the summer.-' For Information about faros amt time of ■Mins, apply to local ticket agents, -or to F .! Vita Dusen, chief assistant flc-noral Passeii get1Agent,_Pittsbuttg, Pn. . 8ept 30d< , A C h i l l , A S n e e z e — Easy to C a tch C o ld -H a rd to Go t Rid or. U g f i f n S s i g i a x a f i y e f u f n l i i e T a W e t s will euro a- cold in twenty-four hours.' If not, druggist will refund , your money. - . - - , -:‘ - 2& S cent s , Q u i n i n e T A b i e t s . c o l d , ' : NEURALGIA,,, LA GRIPPE, ' MALhHIA, ’ : HEADACHE, tcelty im bad idtor euetta . —are a purely vegetable- p r e p a r a - 1"- tipn, quick in action, positive in ' ‘ results. . 25 CENTSPERBOX. Ml DRUGGISTS.■ 'Prepared only by THE HEBB HfEDICINE.CB., SPRINGFIELD, OHIO, ..BKiwunLotwrerar of the Colehratod - Lightning Hot Drops. * , * ltT***“| ! A » Mr. Axle expostulated; offered Any price, but it was no use. Just then, the speculator's wife appeared, and the author smiled in his.most win­ ning manner. Finally sho instruct­ ed her husband to take $16 for the pair', Sir. Ado paid it joyfully and sawher tuck *$Gin her pocket. The rest she gave to the speculator. ; ’’Guess I can stand it another day fer a new biumit,” she murmured as the pair went down the street.*— New York World. Criminals Hata Him. Jolm Connaughton, principal keep­ er in Sing Sing prison, has not vis­ ited New York .dty for twenty-nine years, and there is little likelihood that he will ever do so. The reason of this is that there ate in that city n great number of men who would welcome an opportunity to kill him- In his capacity as prison keeper for forty years Mr. Connaughton has earned the enmity ef many deeper* ate criminals, most of -whom hate him with an intensity which would induce them to murder should the chance offer, A Otory* ’ Ghntmcey Hepew tells how after the Bawbee Indians had exterminate cd the Crows, when he was a boy, ho journeyed from Feelcskill to New York to sfee tho great Pawnee chief, who was exhibited at Barnum's, It happened to bo on Mutch 17, and ns the ptitado .passed the museum the band played ’’The Wearing of the Green.” 'Just then the great Paw­ nee chief rushed to the window and exclaimed to his medicine man, “Be- dad. Moike, I’ll see that procession If 1‘loss mt job!” mmeiiceiMiu in Silver, and. everything „ Suitable for Graduates Engraving Free. < 9 . Xenia, Ohio. '•.-.■’••Sir*; f or$ioo Dollars inGoldtakes place M ' . | Monday, June 6 , ’04 .%J'4*■ w I* y a t 1 o ’c l o c k p . m . m * ■ * ' * S P e r s o n s d e s i r i n g t o 'g e t t l e t h e i r a c c o u n t earn # d o s o , a n d w i l l h e e n t i t l e d t o a c h a n c e o n t h e ^ ji m o n e y . ’T h e r e w i l l b e f o u r p r e m i u m s : $ 50 , ^ ^ $ * 5 i $ 1 5 a h d $ 10 * J i ! Cv 1 - i freshandSalt meat, Bologna, Sausage aMfoniuy.