The Cedarville Herald, Volume 27, Numbers 1-26

tr*m . 'NNfet*£ »»r ■§*} ' ™ kia,50c £U- ^q4er, Loomis, Q w , - CA'iitS. ‘ff* 2 Sheeting 'm . W 20 c. Table ^ w ear. *rtaitis. .1 OHIO, .Id !{Ull OJ J - lU. IEDULES ~ - s » r% N r , O N V IU L B , R L .B A N S w . os iertl, O. clt arson, ac-songer Agent. W l frrffv? ttl! olness. >n 111 is. i l M L >e, Unless 0 cut! never 0 * ' ; until you have jly talon* •W® deet slock with it est meats. . W#-' tteck, «nd tliff^ >u tn«y tlepe# II please you. OUSE. m v m m t ) 0 No, H Vrtyj* on H«uff» jance Co. Bi as plain as notes! •Payment life, with; ®e-r, almost as cheap _ pi $400 •more than itive conditions you Wi.of your policy in - br the i . ijelphia, in. of N. Y :.!i - ealion are the . ino- Sines . Fr clby the most brilliant ’a . . ■ • jl of human interest- 1thos, loV“, *humor, *m, Of the day. the most mirth-pro H & D IN G vaporing? or weary' V. O. or Express or* Avenue New York, I’L lCAT ION j£5§cjf;en~tv. * yjwysay, - K bckii !. *• y«a wtu £T«fco witisat ttijrnj* ih« L ms U v ," " #T JM*«w £> Jfiw.Jflta**,JMT, Best for | m., j a r The Bowels, ^ h p o c o i m CXNOVCAT««mc< 23d in sulk. W* g*nuln» Ul)|»t st*aiji.d <20 0 . sSf.atctdWC'1**« jBMamarJwk, .. Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or N.Y, Sot ANNUALSALE, TEHMILLIONBOXES Mam’s Restaurant and Dining Rooms Corner High and Limestone street Springfield, Ohio, FEMALE WEAKNESS - fi<21-2 Gongreqgi Bt. PoiOTAlro. AlAitfa, Oct,l7,18l)». I consider Wine of Garda! superior to any doctor’s medicine I ever used and I know wlmreof I apeak. I Buf­ fered for muo mouths with suppressed V menstruation which completely pros, tratrdmo. Pains would shoot through my back and sides and I would have blinding headaches. My limbs would ; swell up and 1 would feel so weak I i oould not stand up. I naturally felt i discouraged for l seemed to be beyond tue help of physician i. b u t Wico of Cardui canio as a God-sopd to mo. J folt a ohnogs for tho baftor. within' a week. After nineteen days treatment i menstruated without sniformg tho * agonies r iisnallydul and spall becamo ; regular and v.-ithout pain.’' Wino of Cardui is simply wonderful and XWish that all suffering wOrnon knew of its good qualities. ; ; - - Treasuror.'Porlland Bronomic League Periodical headaches tpU of fe­ male weakness.. Wine of Cardui cures permanently nineteen.out pf •every twenty- cases of irregulaT menses, bearing down pains br „ any female weakness. If'yob-are discouraged and doctors have failed, that is the best reason in the world you should try Wine of • Cardui mtiw. Remember that headaches mean female weakness. Secure a $1.00 bottle of Wine of , Cardui today.’ BEAUTIFUL WINONA With the opening of the season, at -Wino­ na Lake, May 1(J, the sale of excursion- tic­ ketsover the Pennsylvania L ines‘to that attractiveresort in Northern Indiana begun-’ Every summef passed there by thousands ■ hnsonly increased their desire to return, ’On the golf links; the tennis courts, the baseball or cricket grounds,’ tile, croquet HuTdpjFEontingQn tTrtfTnKe^YisKTng camp­ ing, afriimnin; llio associations are of th a t congenial sort conferred by -good society. This resort is hoted ns the site of Wlnana Assembly and Summer School, attracting teachers and students from educational institutions of tliisdnd other countries. ’ * Pificeu-day and season excursion rickets will be sold from ticket stations on tho Pennsylvania lines durirlg the summer. Per information about fares and tihto of trains, apply to local ticket agents, or to F. Yan IJusert, chief assistant General Passen gcr Agent, Pittsbung, pa. Sept 30d. EXCURSION TOST. LOUIS. Coach excursion tickets to St. Louis ac­ count the World’s pair -frill be sold via Pennsylvania Lines Tuesday and Thursday until June 30. These tickets will be good only in coaches of regular trains on those Hays, or in coaches of special trains which may be announced. The round trip fare -fromCedarvitle $3.65, Returning, tickets will be good only in maches of regular trains leaving St, Louis t'nion Station in any time within seven days, including date of purchase -of ticket. Return coupons of tickets sold Tuesdays will be good until the following Monday, inclusive, and those sold Thursday’ will be fwodvrtiturnmg until the following Wednes­ day, inclusive, * Per particulars about time of trains for which cofcli excursion tickets will be sold, consult 12, g, Keyes; Ticket Agent, who will kho answer ingufries in regard to Henson -Excursion Tickets, Sixty-day Excursion Tickets imp Fifteen-day Excursion Tickets totit, Louis, on sale during the World's Pair, June 30, W h e n t t i / ' CINCINNATI G t i T o T i n s Largest animal collection In America, merry-go round, pony track and other amusements. hand co n c e r t s d a il y Afternoon and evenings, •“pedal rales f» large parties* *«THB FUNNYWAN." . i. . W 'njsw.mH ■- In 8 Uarticle in the New York In* B?pfcoaeut by W, D . Nednt, the “ lut, n ym a ti 1 of the Chicago Tribuue, l,e tells how the writer of daily jokes and verses gets his iugpiration.' He says; ’ Juet ag people, like to sea some lo- <?al event turned into verse, godo they enjoy reading a, few stanzas on gome happening of national or international importance. However, the newspaper poet does not, nnd peed uot, confine himself to-the newe of tho day for hie subject?. He may produce either Serb ous or humorous verse along general lines. Doubtless he. will find that the constant watch for ideas in what is go* log on about him .will give him newer views on mankind and life, Theu If he has it in him, to develop materially! lie could ask no broader avenue in catch* ing the popular vein, as concentrated in the eyes-and minds of some twenty, five exchange editors, he will have the happiness of seeing his (verses copied widely Otherwise, he may rest con­ tent with the approval of the circle of readers possessed by bis paper. ' The exchange editors of the other papers are a great help to him, though. The public does not realize tha t these trained handlers of newspapers- huye so much to do with the selection of its popular poems. Yet one exchange edi­ tor, by clipping a comparatively ob­ scure item, has thus set the pace for his fellows, and in the end has .given a modicum of fame to a writer. *‘Itudyard Kipling and James VMiitcomb Riley are the m ist con­ spicuous examples of Jiving news­ paper poets. Mr, Kipling continues to give his poetic work to the world through tho newspaper, first, Mr. Riley’,, after beginning, his career on the Indianapolis Journal, -has earned the ease and luxury which he now enjoys. Mr. Kipling begun in India, Mr. Riley in Indiaiiu-^-und there is a chance lorsome/one to elaborate upon the idea that the addition of one sylla­ ble puts half a world between two peo pie. Neither of these men. went far­ ther than Ids elbow for hia inspiration Mr, Riley said, not long ago, to the writer; -Once, when I was a great deal younger and was filled with the joy ot writing, I said to a friend : “ I believe, honestly, that I could write u poem every day for .a whole ’year." He though then, and I presume I did too-, th a t -1 was over-estiinatiqg my capacity. Rut look what the .news­ paper! poets do now. Apoem-aday— or -twoor three poems— is easy w-ork for them,’ . ’ iBut not many of them are writing “ In th e .Night," “ (iood Bye, Jim ,!' .“ An Old Sweetheart,’,' or “ Old Glory” ' “The man who takes up the writ­ ing of newspaper poetry ns a means o f gaining a livelihood is going into a grofegsion which is pleasant some days andoxtrem ely,diacQm'Aghag..Qn_oihera. guagegmd get# him away from hia racial peculiarities o f speech, After a wiiila the behinoer at newspaper poetry-making find? that there arc other lines he can handle better. “To come duun to a work-a-day consideration of the newspaper poet and his trade, it may he well first to Consider'how he gets big ideas. He must produce a regular grist of'stuff*’ .and ho must find something to write for. that grist. Ha .rcadB the news­ papers, the magazines, the weeklies, the show hills, the advertising cards—. he reads everything that may hold a thought for him. There are subjects everywhere in the newspaper, even in the advertiBmeuts,’- The trouble usu­ ally is that a man never sees them un­ til the nejet^day. His is a wider field than that of the cartoonist, but against that advantage is tlie point that while the cartoonist UBea only one idea a day he must find seueral. So he patiently goes over the field, beginning with the telegraph news and ending in the po­ lice news. Perhaps tome one has said something he should not hrve said—- something which is sure to he miscon­ strued, . This is the newspaper poet’s cue. He goes ahead and misconstrues it. Often he misconstrues it before anybody else does, but that, .as the Texan statesman remarked is ‘what he is here for.’ " In Ohio and Indiana Bit* Increase of Wells and Pro­ duction in a Week. Total Run of Oil From Both States, in Four Months Valued at 1- $9,000,000. ADDITIONAL LOCAL. There will be days when be will find Li the- rock of Oibttiltnr there, into MYriity mile* of tumble* ‘- m : other days—the world will be barren of suggestion, .and His brain seemingly on a vacation. Then he is- fortunate if he has had the forethought to kefep something in reserve. I t is the “ dry” day that ends the career of the be­ ginner, Something it is amusing to watch the course of a new man in the newspaper , poetry field. A t other time it has its element o f sadness. For a week or two his work is pleasant. He is using nil the good ideas he has. been aching to see in print. Pretty soon, though, he reaches the end of them- then it comes harder,. A t last he grows ao discouraged that he can­ not remember that when all else fails, the coal man, the janitor, tho iceman or houseoleaning are always with us. He pauses to reflect. ‘Good heaved*!’ he muses, ‘I've got to write this much stuff for tomorrow, and for the iicxt day'and the next. Why, n year from today III be at the same old, grin 11 He quits. He has failed to--Weather that mental storm wherein a man per­ mits himsef to think o fa whole year’s' work instead of only one day’s! Suf­ ficient unto the day is tho evil there­ of, and there is no use bothering over what must be fretted about in due turn. “A s a general thing, the firsf work a man turns out is reasonably sure to be in dialect. The beginner is prone to believe there is a public clamor for dialect verse, ‘Bo he produce’s some­ thing which combines sentiment and humor under seme such title as ‘Th* Ol? Fence Corner;’ whether or not he has aver seen a stake and rider fence. Or he will attempt German or Irish dialect, in the latter using '01 for and making the former as Weberfield- i«n as possible. Tim stage is to blame for our mistakes in dialect. A man who would devote hialife: to compos­ ing dialect verse should ifever go to the theater. No Irishman Over said ‘Oi’for 'L 1 unless he was » madeup imitation behind the footlights, Also tho counterfeit stage darkey must hear’ the blame for the alleged negro dialect we get ftttirqes, B u rn t cork- even ou g colored man—spoils his flow of Ian- —For n good, honest, serviceable buggy, gut u Poste at Kerr & Hast­ ings Bros. Miss Jesse Long of Xenia was the guest of Miss Carrie Hutchison Mon­ day evening. Attorney Milo Snodgrass, of Xenia was among the out of town guests at commencement. Miss Dot King of Xenia was a guest at the home of Mr. Robert Bird Monday evening for the .class night performances. ’The to $ 1.00 will buy a good shoe at Starkey’s Arcade Shoe House, Springfield, O. -Grand Gimncejor*«J. J . Woodson of Cincinnati the head ,of the colored Knights of Pythias order in this state was the guest of Mr. F , L..Alexander Sunday. Mrs. Nora Baldridge, of Dayton was the guest of J., G, Barber, Thurs­ day, . - . Mrs. M, Barber has been con­ fined to her bed for several days suffer­ ing with rheumatism and the grip. George Baker has contracted with Alonzo,Spahr^ of New Jasper for the erection of his five-room cottage. Sheriff Floyd Routzahn and wife, nfSpringfit. , were guests o f J , H, Wolford and family, Sunday. ■—For'Salc^Twentyrireach^'^hoTrtsf' Toledo, Ohio, May 8 ,—The record of completed wells with their initial output and the dry holes for the week past in the Trenton Rock oil fields of Ohio and Indiana, were, 200 com­ pleted wellB, 30 failures to find crude oil m paying quantities nnd a produc­ tion pf 4,4$4 barrels. In the Ohio field, Wood and Allen counties lead,. While in. Indiana, Grant and Dela­ ware counties 0 and at the head. . The total runs from the wells of Ohio and Indiana for the month of April were 1,002,001 barrels arid the shipments for the same period were 1,051,315 barrels, a decline of 49,314 barrels in the stocks above ground. Tho run's from Ohio were 1,137,414 barrels, and the shipments' 1,370,485 barrels. From Indiana,the runs were 704,587 barrels, and the shipments 740,830 .barrels. Fpr four months the total run from the wells of both states were 7,202,798 barrels valued at $8,829,472.13, The shipments were 8,777,450 barrels.yah ued at- $10,787,805,59. The pipe lines of Indiana for four months paid to the producer a total of $3,406,440.- 84 for 2,845,319 barrels of crude oil. Wehave]usfc as good a right to find this great source of wealth in Greene county ns they did in other counties in Ohio And,in other states, Why Not Find It? Fo r fifteen years the Miami Powder Co. has lighted an office-at Goes Sta­ tion*with natural gas flowing from a well on the company’s ground, in sev­ eral places-in this county natural gas has been found . when drilling for water wells and there are evidences of oil in many parts of thp county. About fifteen years ago oil was dis­ covered in this county a f a depth of 1200 feet abd severnl barrels of crude oil were dipped out of the well, but a t that time the people Were only sat­ isfied with gushers and. the well was neither shot nor pumped; I t is a well known fact that had the proper pumping machineiy been applied to that well that it would have been A paying well, for the oil stood within a few feet of the surface, but because it-did not gush several hundre3™feet ■ma dhM iri m U fill uttiamnnartgLinri. Coals in Your Shoes Fee t that perspire, itch burn and smart until one en­ vies the barefoot child are soothed, cooled aud made comfortable by JL Wisterman’s * Foot Relief Constantly wearing shoes and the almost entire-lack of ven­ tilation tends to piake the feet exceedingly tender, in­ duces excessive perspiration and often produces a diseased -condition of the skin. Wis- terman’s Foot Relief reduces perspisatiou, promotes a healthy growth of cuticle, removes offensive odor and is highly antiseptic. Price 19c. Shake it in your shoes . and forget your feet. L. ISAACWISTERMAN,. -»Central Pharmacy Ccdarvillc, Ohio. 4 l R . E . CORRY , AUCTIONEER • Bells Renl Estate aud Personal prop­ erty anywhere. Promptness, Attention, ib^details and satisfaction guaranteed, High service. Low prices. Residence Telephone 235 Clifton, O. Call and secure dates. DR. E. C. OGLESBEE, PHYSOIAN AND SURGEON. Specialty*X-Rfiy And Electro Thera­ peutic treatment. Also latest im­ proved apparatus lor treating diseases of the nose, throat and lungs. Every Ticket Office of the Penn­ sylvania Lines is Free Information Burenu of the great World's Fair a t St.Louis in. 1904. The Bureau ad* dress a t Cedasville Is ,E.S. Keyes, in charge of Ticket Office . A "Rooms" booklet of St. Louis hotels and board­ ing houses ,location nnd rates, com- iled by the World’s F a ir Manage­ ment, can be obtained from him; also othervaluable information. CHEAP RATES. To all points in Montana, Washing­ ton, Oregon and British Columbia, March lBt to April 30th, 1904, Special rates to North Dakota in March, Write a t once for, information, and maps, to Ira F , Schwegel, District i . Mr- R . F . K err shipped a yearling Polled Durban to Mr.. James.Eick of Carroll county, Thursday, Prof. George Harper, of Boll brook schools and mother.were here Thurs­ day attending commencement. Mr. and Mrs, W. H ,. Thompson and wife, of New Concord, O., are guests of their son, Mr. W. O. Thomp­ son and wife. Iicv. R. A. Hutchison who has been the guest of friends here tho past week returned to his home in Altoona, Pa., Thursday evening. Mr, J . E . Ferris is suffering with a broken wrist, ho having fallen from the roof of the new residence being erected for Mr, Samuel Ratiey. The Ross township ’commencement will be held a t the Gladstone church Friday evening, chts 3 of four graduates will be addressed by Attorney' O* A* Dobbins, Mr. Charles Campbell, -an employe of the paper will Imd'two fingers bad­ ly mashed on his right hand While at work Mojuday morning. Mr. Paul Kerr aud daughter Hat­ tie who haVe been guests of Mr, nnd Mrs, R, F . Kerr for several days re­ turned to their home in ItUshville, Ind „ Monday morning.' A benefit game of -base ball will be played Saturday for “ Bumptie” Jones in Dayton. The net receipts of the game will be presented to the once famous Star of the diamond who is now in poor physical condition. Invitations are out announcing the marriage of Rev. Robert Galbrealb to Mies Rilia MeDill, both formerly of this place, The wedding, will take place nit the bride’s home near Oxford, J u n a 22 , Tho drawing for the $100 in gold give by O. O, Weimcr took place Monday, The.following are tho win­ ners ®ad the lucky numbers; Will For­ tune, 1st prize $50, No, 5315; 2nd $25, Mis. J . I t Milburn No. 11802; 3rd J. E. Ferris, $15, No. 03411 4lh 3 Phil Dixon, $10, No, 32321, ,.* 4 .* ifcjf it, i • " *ra 4 time, in that locality, wanted gas and not oil, the well was. abandoned and allowed to fill with mud and water. Sometime, somewhere, some company .will find St in Greene county, and the people should encourage the Greene County Oil and Gas Company by leasing land and taking stock so that the work will”commence at- any early date. Not h few, but all the people, should take stock in tips company. The officers of this company 'are men well known to the people, are- meD who are interested in the county and are men who expect to continue to re­ side in the county arid will .give the stockholders a square der’ from start to finish. Success to this compnny means large sums of money to the owners of lands who lease, from royalties in the future, aud great profit to the stock­ holders, and in cheap foul nnd light a blessing td tho people of the. towns. This company will -drill the first well in tho locality that offers the most inducements in stock nnd leases and the owners ol lauds to the east and between Cedrrviljo and James­ town, through W.„L. Clematis, the busting insurance man of Cedarville, have already leases about 6000 ncres aiul the development of that territory will bo a great blessing to Cedarville, Jamestown, Xenia and ihe whole county. Ohio. QUESTION ANSWERED. Yes, .August Flower still has the largest sale of any medicine in the civ­ ilized world, Your mothers. and grandmothers never thought of using any thing else for indigestion or • bili­ ousness.. Doctors were scarce,' and they seldom heard of appendicitis, nervous prostration or heart failure, etc. They used August Flower to clean out-the system and stop fermen­ tation of undigested food, regulate the action of the liver, stimulate the nervous aud organic action of tho sys­ tem, nnd that is all they took when feeling dull and -.bad with headaches and other aches. You only ’ need a few doses of Green’s August Flower, iu liquid form, to make you satisfied there is nothing serious the matter .with yoU, You can get this reliable remedy at all druggists. Price 25c and 75c, fl StfOfd Writing A Great Invention. The B ennington is destined to make back numbers ot existing type­ writers. Has. 5 new and valuable features o f merit, any two of which Would make a superior machine. No larger than existing typewriters. We are now offering a limited amount of stock to an vestojuat $1,00 p e r share, Projtle are becomlngintercatcd, over the world and are beginning to rcallr-*- what a won­ derful invention we have. More than 130,000 worth of 'aschines have already been ordered. The typewriter world watching with interest the,coming of our machine, which marks the beginning of a revolution in this great industry. A s soon as wq shall have sold enough stock to complete equipment, manufacture, advertise and sell our machine, no more will be offered at .any price, if you wish to make a gilt-edge, investment in on in ­ dustrial enterprise of the first rank, with prospects of largo ’ dividends whits us i oh l-Hoarserirs. Preference in position iyen to investors. -Capital..Stock $3,500,000. Shares i'i.OO The Bennington TypeiniterGo., 854 CONOVER BUILDING, DAYTON, O Op ium , L a u d a n um , C o c a in e and all D ru g H a b i t s permanently cured, w ithout pain or detention from business, leaving no-craving- for druga or other- stimulants. We restore the nervous an d physical Systems to their natural condition because We remove the causes of disease. A homexemedy prepared by a,n eminent physician, ■ WE GUARANTEE A CURE FREE TRIAL TREATMENT” Confidential correspondence, especially w ith physicians, solicited. Write today, .M a n h a t ta n T h e r a p e u t i c A s s o c i a t i o n . Dept. A ..1135 Broadway, NowYork City $M$ Eaflie$Suits. New Tailored Susits in black, navy brown tnd fancy mixtures ’ that were formerly 13,50 to $18 reduced to $9,95. may flowers at Bargains. i00.dozen fine flowers such as roses^large and small. All kinds of, small flowers’.that were regularly 25e to 75c a bunch,JJyonr choice of the lot for 39c. . iUbiteSbirt Waists * 'Fine Lawns, nicely fcrimed, 6 styles a t $1.00 each. White Wash 1 silk waists$3.00, $3,50 and $4,00. Wash shirt waist suits $2,00 to $5.00, Mohair skirts for shirt waists $5.00 in black, navy brown,- gray aud white. . ~ .&Go. Xenia, Ohio. ~StarHin«j-*-Eyidencfc“ REVIVO King’s New Discovery for Consump­ tion Goughs and Colds to be nn- equalcd, A recent expression from T, J . McFarland Bentorville, Va. serves as-example. He writes: “ I had Bronchilis for three years and doctored all the time without being benefited, Then I began taking Dr. King’s Mew Discovery, and a few bottles wholly. cured me." Equally effective iu curing all Lung and Throat troubles, Consumption Pneumonia and Grip. Guaranteed by all Druggist, Trial bottles free, tegular sizes 5.0c, and $ 1 . 00 . rv iactea Well Man the M e . aroEoiJpa'oaac aE^ndcxncysr. prodnoesthoahovorcsaltaln 80 days. Xtaatf S oir&rftUlru a quloklr. Coreawlitn allotlitn UiL oosgmon-nlllregain their lost menhood.aadslA moa will recover tiioir youthful visor by vwtaa REVIVO. I t quicklyand surelyrestore*Herron*- DOM,Xioat Vitality, Imvoteuoy, Nightly Bmhwlooa, LostPowcr.B'ailias llomorr, WastingDleeuee,aad all effaota of eelf-abuae or excessMd lndtaenuotu whlohunfitsoaeforetudy,businessormarriage. Ii notOnlycures bystarting at tho seat of disease,but laa greet nervo tonlo and blood builder, bring­ ing baok tbs pink glow to nalo sbeekaandrs* atorlng the firo o f youth. St wards off laaaclty and Consumption, insist on having HisVIVO,no other, It can be carried in vest pocket. S m a ll. • 1.00 perpaekago,o? six formsA> 0 ,w ith » t i n -written guarantee to cure o r re tho money. Book ana advise free. Address ROYALMEDICINECO., F o r Sale by C en tral Pharmacy, NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT.® J-;vor£ housekeeper shoutd know that if they Will bay I)<sflartc£ Cold Water Starch for laundry .use, they will aavti not only, time, bemuse it never sticks totlio iron, tint because each pdekuge contain 10 oz.—onc full pound—while all other Cold Water Htiirchc-s arcs pu t up in Jvpouttd packages, and the price is the same, 10 cents. Then attain because Defiance Starch Is free ;from injurious chemicals. It your ytocCr (tics to sell you a 12-os. package it’is because lift has a stock on hand which hewishek to dispose ot before ho’puts in Defiance, He knows that Defiance'Starch has printed on every package in Inrye letters and ffoureS "IbozS." Demiim* Defiance and save much thnoand money and the annoyance OfDio Iron stick- ing. Defiance never sticks. , Notice is hereby given that the un­ dersigned was on the IStfa day of May duly appointed and qualified as ad­ ministrator of the estate of the late Berry Haggard. , L, O. Bull. - •Ifyod want td buy the best boggy* cafriAge* rfin-abmit or jfftafc* ton, $0 to \V, R. Bteirttu* Ever Catch Cold and despair of getting rid of it? Tbat’a because you did not uso BGHllNfiia-lAXATlVE- SS CENTS Q u inine T ablets BoMwith a guarantee to ottre Colds, Neuralgia,Malaria, La Grippe, Broit* chills, Headache, or druggist will prefund your money. Could vre make a faker offer ? They never cause distress. r> ■ Never gripe nor’sicken. Perfectly Harmless. No bad after effects. Insist on having, ahd see that you get, LightningLaxative QuinineTablets. SBCENT*Pfift BOX. ALLOBUQOIlt*. ftrapited Ohfjf by THE HERB MEDICINE CO., •PnlNdPiCLD, OHIO/ tta u n fa c tu re r* o f th e Csleliratttfi Lightning Hoi Dropi, NEW TIME CARD. The following is the schedule for the departure of trains: For East 7;42 a. m. flag stop; 4:47.p. m. For Weat 8:33 a, m. flag stop; 5:24 p. m. 'it■ ' * ■ Fo r sick headache take Chamber laln’s Btomach anti Liver Tablets and a quick cure is certain. For sale by Isaac Wisterman, - ,... _ ' ThrownrfOnrl aWagon, *.’ ■ . ‘ . WniMla&r Mr. George K. Babcock was thrown from his wagon and severely, .bruised. He applied Chamberlain’s Pain Balm freely and says it is the best liniment he ever tised. Mr, Babcock is a well known citizen of North Plain, Conn. There is nothing eqtial to Pain, Balm for sprains and bruises. I t will effect a cute in one-third the time required by any other treatment. For sale by tsaao Wisterman. A F R l t E gam e inside each package of LionCoffee 60 different' g am e s .. Fon 8 A i . n C drau -A good phaeton inquire at this office, * The wearers eY.iiiMii clothing iecogfttitt the stylish Cravenfell# an.O’coat tha t.®ft fpi**' tioularly this kind %L weather, or in thB go.i 4 old summer time can be* used as a rain ookt, !tt%ij lighten weight, hm that! N ’ v* dressy appearancewbk 1 “ is ohatactorisMe of high da ta tailoring and no man r a t io a mistake who ean count one in 3 a wardrobe. Prices $10 to $80 a . £ . K 1 N O S B V R V , X * n l « .O h l o . «», A. ' i#*' Wv- V-A * 4 * ^wWQ**a*•*