The Cedarville Herald, Volume 27, Numbers 27-52

■net '<?»*« <kfp $PT$H>WWi on every b o i . 2 S t llts with |btained b y ' p ’sp e c ia lly teat : : ; ; : says; “ I am ft gives, perfect ly other since F L O U R iSH PRICES: |np'>'13jtfiKir lB’ P ;at 4c each, - tin e s fu rn is h e d Rope, alt •iers, Hay at AKER I ers lore than 27 years 5 depended upon# I, is (he cheapestt That Die Ifa1*# a ptercnilw-' iittp; tliis Jn?i»r*rttS s’ bw>*"ltvp;oiWfr it m ry lm* WKtr jjxfsy be bed at otfr ife Inturanfs Prop- Jbona-fide jmeranfee Idcandoilvelyprore* I*boa in bis itemed/. > N I A L S .- the hog railing [any one that they [* gmt mn rmirn 0 * - i f n f f m n i m § P t flaa* is on «*fr [ i i f ptr pxiuj*. , 9 . - 'ta-T— —. f t>r KxceUww* O u r J o b } r Work w ill e*wmp«re w ith j , diatuf Any Other Ir iii, , , . I 1 * -lur.v —,— ..m. 'Cedarville T?:;e Item wfate marked wkk *» Judex*denotesthat year sufeserip* is past due and a prompt ***!»» mentis earnestlydesired. TWESTY-SEVENTH YEAR HO, 27. CEBARVILEB. OHIO. FRIDAY. JULY l§ 1904. Cines the Distroction o f * Com­ fortable Home Wednesday IS A TOTAULOSS PRICE $1,00 A YEAR. ... ............. -~—‘--- ^-r -1 .r ’T-ffl Kerosene Lamp Believed to Have Exploded,••^Dwelling and Household Goods insured* The local tire department received Stall Wednesday nightjabout. mid Bight, the first in several.Jmontbs, to theresidence of Mrs, Rose near the ■U P. church. When the discovery **$firstmade, the fire wasconfined to thatwomiddleroomsandYfaahoming furiously- Heighliorsforced open the doorand began removing the-.goods hut beforenoy greatqutuity badbeen moved the burning ceiling and roof wasialiingin* The fireman and neighbors worker likeTrojansand succeded ib saying a large share of the goods; .Many Of fill articlessaved were badly jscbrcbec *uddamagedby the heal,. .The dam «geto the house Is probably beyonb repair. . \ ' The origin of the fire is supposed to bite*beenfromtheexplosion ofa lamp Uitburningon the stand. Mrs. Roes " it riritingin Indiana, the house being gift in the care ot her daughter, Mrs. & E. Boyd. The latter was .away during the evening, leaving the larap burnas isthecustom, *On her 'return thefound thehome in ruins. . , ' The insurance on the house $400, while there is another .policy in the l- W, H. OlemansAgency on bothhouse § household goods for $1000. The er, policy i* held by a Xenia *r£ency . GREENE COUNTY FAIR. Theraces and pulses hung up at theXenia fair are as follows! W ednesday , A ug . 3.—2;85 pace, $300; 2;50trot, 830,0; running races, ^mile heats, 8100. ‘ ' T hursday , A ug . 4.—2;50 pace, $300; 2;18, trot, $300; 2H7pace, $300 F riday , AU g . 5,—2;25 pace,$300; 2:28trot, $300; running, mile ’ beast, .fjflfrm,, ------- f>The Greene .County Oil and Gas Cmopsny will be ready for work in a few; days,7’ was the statement made by Ron, Jesse Taylor, o f Jamestown, to .teaHerald Wednesday morning. “ We have our drilling outfit pur* abated and it is expected here this •week. The boilers are expected from Bsjton in a few days. The first well fits company will rink will be On the J. G. Clemsns farm northeast o f town. Different members o f the company, with the smiitanceof Mr.W. L. Clem jHw.htveleased several thousand acres asd raised a large sum of money by jthesils of the company’s stock. A aasiberof Cedarville township citi **o* hold large interests in the com­ pany, and they are now anxiously waiting for the first gusher,” NOTICE, The undersigned will, until farther sviice, close their places of business hi theeveningat 8 o’clock, standard •$**» with the exception o f Saturday -%hts. < C . O . WMitiou C, H. C rouse . - Th e Houston Compsny,of South flfeilwton, expect to ship this week ’*pounds of wool 'to Brilimore. shipment will reqnire about ily ears and cost from 20 to 28 BRST grade Through the untiring c®Qrf# o f Prof. K, E, Kandall, tasked by the board o f education, our high school , . . . if now rated first grade by the StateP ™1 Appeal to the Election School Commissioner, Lewis Bone- Board Atfain But Will brake. Just this spring Prof.Bandall I ^ .W’" out-lined a new eourae o f study which! ------- - the hoard’ adopted, At their last F i n H T I N P A l l D T C meeting $130 was appropriated to in J , 1, U M I m V ' V U K I d , crease the library and furnisb morel --------- apparatus for the science classes, T h e ln .,.._ , r . ni<r’ mi c . , „ course has. been approved by Con^ressman Evidently school commissioner in overparticular. The certificate showing the standing of the high school arrived Saturday, Graduates can now enter college* and| universities without examination. About Ready to Forsakethe Congressional “SHip.” DEATH OF MR. ZEINER. it is surprisinglndeed to think that C. Q, Hildebrant still .continues, the fightfor the congressiottalship itt the face of the election, board’s decision, a are,»» faof, Fomk*^strougestfrieods j and that, afteraE f » Benator would not he averse to firing Hildebrant rspreient this district in the next Congress. v The leader of fbft Scraggy ftctiou in WarrenCounty^ formerCongress man Seth Bro mem assert that regardsthe former staunch supporter situation was by Mr. Brown’s county convention doming the ad dent Boose?#* Itisuleo interests to note that Mr, Brown ib said twhaYe sent a tele­ gram toSenatorForster a few days ago,, protesting mgasast the nomina­ tion of Seymour Tihl^ils aspostmaster atFranklin. J <\ ' In anyevent, itupevidepl that in. The Hildebrant or nolonger ngresemauas a say: that this brought about Boh in the a resolution in- ou of Presi- Glven to$FormerFelow-Towns- ■v *,■ *. ■*■. map fn the iby the Bobbs-Merrii Company, {Indianapolis, this fall, "pick” learned to set type in the IH er . au >office some fifteen years ago, and this paper unites'with our dtizena Jin wishing that his future advance- Jment may as rapid and success­ ful as has been his past.. BASE BAL TheBusinessMen? and the Pick* , ed NineA^ain. INLAND PRINTER; REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. TRIED TO PROVE W. D. Nesblt numerous Writer] andPoetSpoken ofHighly InTradeJournal. Little They Knew About Playingthe National Game" SomeRankPlays, in Jamratown, Iwt Mona«, night, ntlioiHemnnl. wind lie. »n t'h i, legnt this an»n a ( fllTMAJkmM " Tt_-AT. ___ L. 1I * J ® 10 nnt v*ot 1 the age of 77 years, •Death resulted j representatives before it to Upload his from a surgical operation. Ho was cause. bora in Bavaria, and emigrated to this Qv‘er the district Mr. Hildebrant country With his parents, settling jn k ad many friends until his action Pennaylvahia. He rerided in Cedar-1 the convention at Wilmington, at ville for a short time, and iu 1862 j^ ich time a majority of’the delegates located in Jamestown, . . Jrefused to be ruled by the “ iron He was engaged in thevfurufture|haud” in opposition to JudgeScroggy, dnd undertaking business for a aura-[The Hildebrant-forces ruled against her o f years, and was regarded as the [other candidates as well as Greene oldest dealcr in the county, >• [county’s choice, so , when the refusal * A Wife^ three sons, Frank, J, W. [came to seat the Greene county dele- and Albert, residing at Jamestown, [gatipn a second convention was called, and two. daughters, Mrs. Margaret [and JudgeBcroggy was nominated by Grain and Mrs. Charles Ridgway of [a convention with the majority o f the thi* place survive him. The tfuneralJdistrict delegates. The election board sCrviocs were held Wednesday after- Jby a .vote o f eight to four has said noon, and were conducted by the that Judge Scroggy is the rightful Masonic fraternity. nominee and this decirion is ot y # A; $25,000,600 .was filed in the office of the^p^ty recorder hereSaturday morni^j |y the Cinrim npti, Hamilton and Dayton Railroad Company,securing that amount in 4 per cent, gold bond$j|to- the United States Mortgage a n d ^ ^ t Gbw’pany* in connection wlth tl^ repo# deal by which the railroad coifipariyestablishes a newand much lurg<§?- system,Incljid; ing the^Chicago, Cinc|aaa£i and Louis­ ville"and the.Fere' M-ar<juette roads, The document contains,foi!ty printed pagesand thecost of^recording it will be $24. A 'similar mortgage will be filed in every eouutyfn thestate trav-, ersed by the road.-; £~ ’ ...... I, K. Warner admr. o f Charity] Jones, to John Newsome. -4 4-100[HoW acres in Greene Co., $380. Harriet Smith ,fo Franklin and J Julia Harris, lot in I^enia, $150. i Anna R, Thomas, and J3mma K [ Williamscn fo Matthew G. Beaver 28 The Inland Printer for July prints a [*100o f an acte in Bath tp, $ 1 . ’ j Eighteen alleged ball players, nine a half-tone cilt and a lengthy article of j Fannie M, and E, D, Sadler to|°f whom claimed to he “ business pridee o f oiir former fellow-townsman,! Charles A Rhoades, 1 Jot in Xenia. Jmen,” indulged in a-game on tha Wiljbur D. Nesbit, now-a humorous|$150. - - • • . [campus Monday afternoon. Whit, writer and-poet on the Chicago Trib*[ Sheriff to People’s Building & j the hunch did not know about-the une. ‘ The article in part is as follows; j savings Co., 25 20-100acres in'Beav- jgame would dill a large, hook. After . W. D. Nesbit, whose name is famih Ietereek tp. ,$1091.75, battling for nine innings tbe game iar to all Who have an appreciation of) Joseph S' And Flora Little to [was awarded to “ Picks by the scow the cherry ride of life as portray# in JGeorge and Eliza Little, 24£ acres in [®f 18 1° th We haven't the space the daily,papers and the humorous Boss tp,, $ 2 , 000 . - [to spare or we would give a synopsis periodicals, is a .jnap o f thirty>three[ Jehiel IL and Carrie H. Dakin, to j ° f the errors,' Following is the hoe- years who 'learned’ "the trade o f a IMinnie Davis, -20 acres in Xenial op of the clubs: printer hut whose, earlier education} $2500, ^ ‘ [ Business Men Hitchcock, catcher; whb planned with a view',to his enter-] Jennie Mafinda Gtiles and others to j McGleliau, pitcher; Phillips, '.1st; ing the ministry. Following the[HarveyHurley 1 and 6-j0 acres in Gillaughr 2d; Pepdium, 3d; Condon, period spent in the printingbusiness, ISugarcreek tp.-, $13Q. - - [ s* *•; Rogers, 1, f ; Tarbox, c. f ; Me-' he drifted into1reporting, working j ‘ IsraelH. HollingsworthtoGertrude}Lean, *• f* Picked htino:—Frank for a clothing firm, where he began his work in verse by putting jingles' in-the ads. ptewart, c. f.; Creswell, r. f. “ Happy Hooligan” Barber relieved The-petition that .has been before [Postmaster Tarbox in the-sixth ANEAT PIECEOP WORK. Mr. John Pierce hasjust completed] a three-quarter home power boiler to >e used in running asmall engine be -1 onging to Ray-Hitchcock, j 1t h one ofthe handsomest and most unique I ueces of work o f its kind ever turned J out in thisvicinity, and reflects great] creditUpon the skill.o f .Mr;' Pierce. J Mr, Hitchcock will use his engine to j revolve the fans which he. will place] in his billiard parlor.- , BADLY BENT. Toe, Dayton and Xenia-.- Traction j Company and the city council of Xenut] are at arms oVer thepaving of Detroit] Is#J • > ’5m §& 'ak , ‘ ? v: ^ * ' s i r : . 1 :'* k sfktrfr ous of paving the thouroughfaie, and ] Whitenorkiug o i the XnatoMphlbl*0. Rotate Court of. Chrk co»Dtj. iMmg the lettergoiog to,CHeege to - - • ' ’ p 1 asking. for the - establishing o f a Itry and secure a position with either special school district whichwill center |the Chicago National or American , at Selma* has been granted. The dis-j team, ; ■ ^ tnct .will be composed of parts of] Ray Hitchcock has a -case ' o f Cedarville. and Ross townships, this ] “ Charley Hoss" and did not play up county; and Madison and Greene ] to his usual high standing, townships of Clark county, The dis-[ The B, M. used three pitchers, # j trier taken from thin county is known ]o f who received -rough treatment, as Ho.' 8 , p f whioli Mr. G. E. Jobe is] Rev. Condon put up a great game one of the’ directors. [at short; ho accepted every chance ' The centralization of schools in this and'missed themML J‘ section has been under project for] “ Ofc” Rogers looked real^pretty in several years, but it was impossible 1 to Ibis new white’shoes, interest the taxpayers to this extent] “ Bradley” Fisher pitched the game ■ until nffor- t-ka . {until after the' destruction o f thelofliialife- Selma school-house by fire last spring, j Ed Pendlurn Btopped ,‘betiveen sep* <Mr, Jobe;who attended the meeting ond and third ,base to arrange hw in SpriDgfield, stated to. the Herald Inecktie fand was touched out, J that there was but little objection to . The attendance of the fair sex was the plan* arid that everything was] not as large as at last week’s game. Settled in a friendly manner. Only “ Zeke” Phillips wasa siutde one sub-district objected to the planJ M b fielding, and at the bat.' Brace . -to work,-outitsown fupt-<-'Z 6 ke>” -y(»uaro-uotao-old- tim ;> ;<l 1 tft'pSwa ..ha.. ’f e toms washed coating 30 cents.!Cummins’—Jamestown Journal tween its tracts and 18 inches on; each side. In. a letter' to thh council, O. J, ’erneding o f Dayton, president of tha] Dayton and Xenia, issues an,ultim­ atum to that body, in which he says] The following dispatch to i he Day that tha company cannot nor will not ] tenHews, (Democratic) fromLebanon >ayfor such paving.aud that i f forced Jshows what course the Hon, C». Q, o do So, thecompany will have to take]expects to pursue, up its tracks, surrender its franchise] Charles Q, Hildebrant, who is dis­ and oeate to run cam. \Mr. Ferneding putin^with Judge ThomasE. Scroggy states that thecompanyis uuder mort- [o f Xenia, the right to be placed on gages whichnecessitates heavy expen- ^e official ballot as the -Regular ditures annually k interest, and-that Republican nominee for Congress in or this reason It is impossible for the D]fltncfc of Ohio, means to company to do any paving in Xenia, rnght to the bitter end, ..... ........ — j Mr, Hildebrant arrived in Lebanon Reduced Fares ttf Franklin, Ohio, from Washington Wednesday nignt via Pennsylvania Lints. H l«te » « " ! • * . * ' morning. During his stay in ,town J „ I , i4 h t0Aug,U l . ,ndu.,v, of hi<)MaI HenleMOl< wk0(D h6 l,ok^toF,.nklm(W.rr.D| ^ tbe th lUo w „1(i I0t r ° “ “ ' MT ! f ttandouhfoelferta to ]>ni) tk, Cmi-. M t o . V.H.y C t a a ^ nni Th ta loril, «>M v» Feataylvanw Line.. ^ ^ ^ ^ k ^ .nforffl.1.™ ftra, .ta , M Hild.ta.rn «.de Ik. wnimM- jpplr toLo?«I Tickot Agent of t h wa L , u molJ ^ u, MM to lD6*‘ 1 *the courts, and not depend upon the Itart Frid ., H .r .e Cammin. d o l i v - l " 1®” o f ‘ l 10 ” 6W, trad hirfi t bnnth o f 45 raid, (tat ™ n d « f Sf ° l L » .WJged M 4 ytnnd^ « d tanngM M n g tt, t tt8 lntao*i of j M. 15.75perhundred, l i e f “ !dUi«iWnld'npknld tie titan nf tie by therepresentative of JacobNeedy 1 , d t V niKtaburg. who bought ttam, andI *Wa Mnwnbon., . to botk imootbrat bo bidyet nooiv- ' f f t ! » d e i eg.t.r «pr<«ntng oJ, And tbe 80 bold of WiUitmj faotiontl oioiaontwtb which hei. delivered at the same time, were very ” f Q * }H1 tit found niorii in H i « S salvation. This district lies east of WORLD’S FAIR VIEW-CASCADE LOOKING NORTH. I ■ WOBLDH tHdKrrSKlTY. Iinterests. Captain Haybs accompanied Mr*Hildebrant on his trip to Lebanon, He, too, proteases to be optimistic as to the outcome, iu support of hisjcon- tentiens, cites not Only the decisions [of courts in other states in similar cases, but of a decision of an Ohio dburf, handed down in Cimdnna^, as* well. Interest in the famous contest between Mr* Hildebrant and Judge Scroggy will now experience a lively renewal. There is much diseuwfon as to'Urn real altitude of Senator For* laker in tha matter* Those who [shouldbe in* pnritlon to know, claim that many o f Hildahrant s wdhcftnts It Rays to Read the Newspapers. Cox; Wis., July 4,—Frank M* Russel 'of ‘ thss place, bad Kidney Disease so bad that he could nbt walk. He triedDoctors, treatment and many different remedies, but was getting worse. He was very low. He read in a newspaper how Dodd’s Kidney Pills were curing cases of Kidney Trouble* Bright’s Diseaseand Rheumatism, and thought he would try them. He took two boxes, a nd nowhe is quite well, He says;— “ I can uowwork all day* and not feel tired. Before using Dodd’s Kidney Pills, I ooulden’t walk across the floor.” Mr. Russell’s is the most wonderful case ever known in ChippewaCounty. This new remedy—Dodd’s kidney Pills—is making some miraculous cafes in Wisconsin* Selma town-hall at 7:30 o’clock Mon- dayeveningfortbepurposeofnaming a ticket for directors. The election Can then be held in twenty-five days. Journal he received a call from the IAfter the directors have been elected (ti Full B lad -St, Louis World’s Fair.- Advantage of Going Now Over the Penmylvania Unci. With the last finishing touches, the two square miles o f wonders at the Bi, Lome World’aFair maynow be Seen in all thq splendor of newness. Forest Park ts In the beauty o f summer iol* lags. Visitors now are finding hotel and boarding accommodations to ex­ cellent advantage; For information about trains, excursion farce nbd free books describing the Exposition, com- mtmicate with E, £. Keyes, Ticket Agent, Pennsylvania Lines, Cedar- yilte, t). , July 16th, 17thand 18th. exouteioh tickets to Cincinnati, account Annual Meeting Grand Lodge Benevolent and and Protective Order o f Elks, will he sold from all ticket stations on the Pennsylvania Lines. For full inter* motion regarding fares, time o f trains, etc., nail on Local Tioket Agent of thwo lines, 1 " ■»- Baltimore American to Come East* He accepted the invitation, and on that paper conducted his firat regular feature work o f verse and humor. His department on the American at once became a never-failing source of pleasure to a constantly widening circle Of readers. Among his happiest efforts will be long remembered those delightful sketches written in tbe style of King Solomon, wherein he was wont to size nF S local political situa­ tion, for perchance, call to mind the woman “ who buyeth a bonnet for her head,” While on the Baltimore American a large part of his work was done un­ der the name o f “ Josh Wink, a nom deplume belonging to the paper—any one doing the regular humorous de­ partment being to all intents and pur- poaeses “ Josh Wink.” After Mr, Nesbit left Baltimore to go with the Chicago Tribune, the “ Josh Wink’’ column Wascontinued for a time, just to demonstrate that the paper still had the right to use the nom de plume. The scintillations which < emanated from the Columns at this time gave rise to grave apprehensions in Certain ill-informed quarters that Mr, Nesbit was seriously threatened With‘paresis, He has been on the staff o f the Chi­ cago Tribune since 3902, He writes a poem a day and a Bunday page .of verse and humor. He contributesex­ tensively to the various monthly and weekly magazines, besides finding lime to do occasional sohg writing ter Com* io Operas, Mr. Keshit hasgiven serious thought to the tendency o f humorous writing as exemplified in the humorous peri­ odicals of the day, and that he is cap* able of throwing out a sheet anchor to windward is well established by the serious verso that he has written, much o f which has appeared under the heading o f “ Bcrnions in Bong*” “ The Trail to Boyland,” a book of poem# by ’Mr, Nesbit, will be Limed they will proceed to formulate plans for a building, look after' selling the bonds, etc. I t is not probable that a building will be erected for tise before the first o f the coming year. t The centralization o f the schools in these townships will give tbe residents a better and larger school and the best corps of teachers. There has been some talk of such a plan in this township, but no proposi­ tion has ever been presented to the Imard in an official manner. “ Elijah” Dowie, in his sermon at Zion City last Sunday, paid his re­ spects to the Democratic party as follows? I • “ The • Democrat*,” said Dowie, “ know nothing about Jesus, nor poli­ tics# either. They,remind me o f two dogs in ah express oar who chewed off thjfeir labels, When the agent Came along he knew no? where the dogs were going, “ The Democrats have swallowed their directions. The devil was the commander-in-chief of the late Demo- oralic convention. Push along the kingdom o f heaven by voting ter Roosevelt He knows where he is going.” —If the best is none too good for you insist on your grocer furnishing you Model Hour* It is to be hopVd that the B.. CEDARVILE COLEGE Cedarville, Ohio. Eleventh year opens September^IS, 1904. Courses in classics,Philosophy, Music, Art, and Elocution. Degreea offered are A, B. and Ph. B* Laboratory work in Physics and Chemistry. Literary Societies, Gym­ nasium, and Library. Preparatory and Collegiate departments. Text­ books new or second hand for rent. Tuition and contingent fee only $26,50 ayear,^Graduates are prepared ter tha various professionsandcallings o f life. Where only one in ten-thousand* who is wot a collage graduate, attains prominence, one In every forty o f the college graduates becomes distin­ guished, Send for a catalogue. Dxvin M c K innky , President. Low Fares to Columbus Via PennsylvaniaLines. July 17. excursion tickets to Col­ umbus will be sold via Pennsylvania Lines at $ 1.00 round trip fromCedar* Ville good going on special train leav­ ing at 9:67 a. m, At tbe meeting o f the ootinoit of Jeffersonville, held Tuesday night, a petition was presented for a vote on tbe saloon question in aobordanOe with the provisions of the Beal law. An election Was ordered ter July 20, —Use Model Flour* am WORLD’S FAIR V t t f r * - # A U C t t OP VA R I l© I N D D S T W H J *V 1 ■ j*>,... <►., .,,, *>