The Cedarville Herald, Volume 27, Numbers 27-52

,:;S The entire stock recently purchased by us of THEO, S, ANTHONY, Bankrupt— successor toBlack&Anthony y 7 K W t « ' together with our own aggregation, making in these two extensive stocks oyer Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars worth of the 9 Stocks in any part of Ohio, These stocks are now bn sale at ( C O P Y ) JCnow a l l M en bjy these LPresents: ^ That Horace C. Keifer, Trustee of the estate of Theo. S. Anthony in bankruptcy, has received in cash from Kinnane Bros. Co. the fuU amount of the purchase, the , receipt of which is hereby acknowledged and does hereby sell, assign and transfer < unto said Kinnane Bros. Company all the entire stock of dry goods, fixtures, etc., contained in the Inventory on file with F. M. Krapp, Referee in Bankruptcy. Said , sale is made subject to the terms, cash, and the conditions announced by said Trus- \ tee,„at the opening of said public sale to which reference has been made a copy of * said statement being hereto attached and made a part thereof.. Signed the n th day of July, 1904, at Springfield, O. ■ , HORACE C. KE IFER Trustee of Theo, S. Anthony, Bankrupt. ove all doubt as to the purchases of ittre stock fixtures, etc,, pertaining to the of Theo, S, Anthony the accompany,* ing letter should satisfy the most skeptical. enable us to justly estimate the value of Anthony’s stock s force of employes were at once ^ _ f°r the purpose of making a correct estimate, which resulted, to our amazement, very favorable, inasmuch that ^ ~ DRESS GOODS, HOSIERY and UNDERWEAR ALONE COVERED TW ICE --------- R THE ENTIRE STOCK, FIXTURES, Etc,, pertaining We intend the Buying Public of Springfield and Surrounding Counties v u i n u iw u i i u i i iv u iu u b within 100 miles shall share with us our foresightedness and advan­ tages in securing this exceptional stock and under such favorable circumstances, , J ^ „ , ,, , ■ .■ r ~~t' -"i^ - -.-Ji..........* 11 .1 v r ....................................................... 1 n 1 1 <■*■'■*- 1 —■ ...............................................* ■ . ■iii.T.i.yl.,V|ftT'™.................1 ' v ‘~T ■ lT ■tTTr1' '' 1 r '' 'T 1 ’ r " IL'~ ' " 1-1,1 iTT"t W """1 '..................... ' t fo r in s tan c e for illustraflonTThe^>tlk Hpnnrfmpnf U ■ « » ■fekgcuiMy'hrtil H . S i lk s a t sam e price. X here a re thousands o f y a rd s d f fine S i lk suitable for Sh irt W a is ts , that sold by Anthony a t $ 1 .0 0 w e can and w ill sell a t 39c; there a re Cheney B ro s .1 Fou la rd S ilk s , w e w ill sell a t 59c and everybody know s their price is $ 1.0 0 . A n endless v a n e ty o f B L A C K S I L K S and this sto re only handled the best B L A C K S I L K S obtainable, these w ill go a t ju s t H A L F . W e w ere surprised to find the celebrated Peau -de-La-V aiit S i lk s taken in a t a price enabling us to sell a t 59c, m anu facturers’ price a t mill is $ 1.00 . B L A C K A N D C O L O R E D D R E S S GO O D S is another instance where the app ra isers favored us, as. eve ry p rice w a s invoiced a t Half* R em nan ts w e re am assed together a t a price that w e sh a ll close out a t 15 c a ya rd . It I s Abou t U se le ss to detail here T H E S U P E R IO R I T Y o f Anthony ’s stock o f H O S I E R Y and U N D E R W E A R a s th is is SR tbeA name famous, a s only the best lines w ere eve r handled b y th is firm. W E F IN D C A S E A F T E R C A S E , * * U N B R O K E N L I N E S and full boxes in condition a s they left the m ills. ® ? ,P ^ ® y ^ U E R W E A R from the F o re s t , Norfolk, N ew B run sw ick , L an s in g and other celebrated . L a d ie s ’ underw ear from the m ills o f F o r t Schu y ler, M unsing and R ich ieau . T h e re ’s alm ost a full case o f L a d ie s ’ S ilk U nderw ear, th a t An thony so ld a t f x . 5 o, w e sha ll sell a t 50c and hundreds o f dozens M en ’s, W om en ’s and Children ’s w e can sell a t 5c. W A I S T S U I T S , and eve ry kind „ .. ■ •• -------- --- —....... — --------------------------- ------— -------„„!1 offer ready-to-wear garm en ts a t 50c, f 1.00 and $2 .00 that a re w orth ten tim es th is price; then aga in w e find a lo t o f fine L a d ie s ’ G arm en ts, th a t An thony so ld a t $50.00, w e sha ll close out $ 10 .00 . P f i r f l l l f lP S a n A T f t iW A r f i r W W il1 be abou t g iven aw ay , a s w e do not handle th is c la ss o f m erchandise. T ab le L inen s 1 V l iu m w s a im 1 UHW H I HUGS Dom estics. Co lored and W h ite W a sh Goods. Um brellas. P a ra so ls . T o r s o s . TT«,w . sti s, l r h i t e w a s s, r ll s, r s ls , C rsets , M uslin Under- ’ ‘ ‘ ' ’ - • - , D raperies, S i lk and M ercerised P e ttico a ts , L a c e s , a re aston ish ly la rg e o f w e ll selected good s, but w ill ^ . Taking this stock as a whole, we find it the cleanest and best selected we ever had the experience of seeing JS under the same circumstances, and we are more than satisfied that everybody, as well as ourselves, were taken aback when these extensive stocks were placed ori sale Monday. Remember we pay ear fare oil all purchases of $10 or over. Respectfully THE KINNANE Bushnell Building, gS g Springfield, Ohio. jjk