The Cedarville Herald, Volume 27, Numbers 27-52

mm Pimn#Hjn TheCedaf»iltefierald. $*.s?c4 Per* V-eor* jw M r a t tfisjir im t* AUm& f t b * | • I l l a i l t Ke*f«|»|*ew nr© w ilin g fierce I ' « r t u r n AuguR Belmont, wS.I ***fcwy *»st.ta*«;r •#»¥:»* *f ALL OVER THE HOUSE SSprIEi n m & % . ' & % f g3 « , F L ~ * ", I Vtotfnn;? P»s?i«. 1 Rstirko OocliPKJ, #* we» ** ether? * , • ^-n, _* New T o r i Deicseiaiss IU „ IpiSiiioaRs, m i i f tbs* aerfc o f thiog f ^B ita r v REPUBLICAN TICKET, SiTK>m IRKIT fir? Itea'Icist, TlfEtflJOBE RyaSEVSLT, y( ’See 5»Vvw - ’,t'Clirif‘ e g auers w . v A m m m t s , . ■ -at lailcjla. ■ ■ «ev/wW% CONGRESSIONAL TICKET MembereKSsngitas. OfLjDjst, TfSOSWS E gfflJO«0T» . ir,f Grtena <'*?anly. STATE TICKET For Stfrrefarr ot 5tote. , i t m w a l a v o n , , . ofltttwn* ■ Jfar Judge ot Supreme Courh WILLIAit T, SPJiAB, of Trumbull* . For Clerk of 8uj>remo Court; LAWSON13, KMEJiSONV of Belmont, ,For Dairy and Food rqinro jss I ohm , . HORACE ANKENY,- of Greene. ForMember Btm-tl of Public Works, WCHAfID B, CRAWFOKB. *' of Stork, ■ ‘ COUNTV TICKET For Auditor, WltMAH DODDS, For Commissioner, J, W, SMITHr For Sberifi; FRANK T. TARBOX, For County Recorder, M. A. BKOADSTONF,' ' For County Surveyor, B. A, McKAY: For Infirmary Birector, W. B. STEVENSON, | ctulsaue?* tS;cro will lie little danger , ! I o f New York Utile gefog R em sm tie | | I *Sh3 vetteraKs Becafcr Gurnme ha# I ctsig in tlio cecelasjap that trooping Ilfco ©oatlog Democratic campaign « ' i m much o (» jo b fin* him. . 'Be Is willing to be active, b a t be doeenT want to lie too active. H e is •willing ifTaseiiroe some reapon#ibfiity,.but- he doahts i f hie shoulders tire bread enough to take It alb H e doaen’t coo* rider himself as very aged, even i f M* •hair is white, but he bps concluded that a younger man, somebody like H r . Cortelyou, i f be can be found will fill the bill. The Benator is growing wiser, and mote' conservative as his years increase. H e recognizes a big job when he sees it. . v West Virginia proposes to try a new tax acherue. There is to be a removal o f the land tax and the proposition o f special taxes on pH, gas, coal and, the gross receipts o f railroads. From these sources alone th e state expects to realize $800,00 annually. *The ex* penroent will be Watched with interest. ... V. -• :\v -w...:<»'■*■',l^|.i:;j(|.»-‘ .t*‘n-l':.llW..<l.l‘*g '1 ■ . .•'«••.-• <fer : --i ■.■■ . > •: . .-. j "... ; A- free Scholarship for Greene County In the (phio State Uniyersity, F ]V iasicaa I GT.iJ 1 Senator Davis, who ownes the state o f West Virginia, besides large hold­ ings in monopolistic conipanya, pre­ sents a unique figure as a Democratic Vice-Presidential candidate opposing the trusts. ft is now Judge Scroggy vs. jpdge Bunyan, the former the Bepublican and the latter the Democratic nominee. The voter in selecting the next Con­ gressman must choose one of these wen; Oreene county voters to the man will assist in presenting Judge Scroggy with the largest majority ever given a candidate-in this county. Bow th a t Us decision from the Su­ preme Court-has been found which Jio ldBlh e .d iatrtct-eleotion"hoard-a8Hfac- , highest, author The College Of Agriculture and Domestic Science offers a free schoior* ship, good for two years, in any of its courses, except the special course in Dairying. I f there is no applicant for the schol­ arship in the College of Agriculture and Domestic Science it may be granted to the College of Veterinary Medicine for two years. The scholorship covers all incidents' and fixed laboratory fees. The ap pointment for this scholarship is made by the Greene County Board of Agri culture, of which Mr. R R. Griev of Xenia, 0 ., is secretary, and an ap plications for it should be sent to him a t once Further information in regard to the College o f Agriculture and the scholarship may he secured by sending a postal card addressed to the'Dean of the Coljege of'Agricultute arid Domes tic Science, Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio. Proved Beyond a Doubt Middlesex/ K Y ., Ju ly 25.- (Special)—That Rheumatism can be cured has been proved by Mrs. Betsey A. Clawson had Rheumatism and hai it bad,- all her acquaintance know. They also know she is mow, cured. "Jr— t a gatht-r tlio sriic-a I mn ?1 jsi / k n: F-3'.fe® the least eoiicd In t!as dj/bpau, trhich is M lp i witlj Vi?y hu t tvati-r earl a little horox. T ae o®!y so ;: jj rfesfil' em tes £mm u,;ttating a shake? so Desirable For Summer, „ G L O ¥ E $ •' v on«i filachj tii.-yviijih.aMeiipsr'd.jji C O K S B T S - ’ e ’ ©Iseia the dining roomj tlica I turn out the water, fill with tieaa hot wa­ ter and wash, rinsing each dish i n ' clear boiling water. They are all'' placed .in-' a dish drainer and arg .dry, ready to put away, in a few moments, without wiping, which is far more cleanly and saves much : time. Knives and forks are the only things wiped!. It also saves dish towels, as there is little or no wear and tear upon them in this way. The few minutes they He; soaking in the water make' the! washing-simple and they shine /fliko; diamonds” when drv. 8 h in a th e T in w a r e . Most housekeepers find th a t .pol­ ishing Cm tinware is the rock upon which kitchen harmony often foun­ ders, Unless one. can capture a native Scandinavian or Teuton to whom th is wprk is p a rt 'o f h e r ac­ customed routine an excellent plan is to have a dish pan fu ll of ho t eoda suds qji th e hack o£ the -range and drop in- each utensil after using. By the time the meal has been served and the o ther dishes washed these pieces will be found to 'fiiave shined themselves,” as i t were. They will, require nothing Imt a thorough rinsing with hot water and a vigor-, ous rubbing ’with, a coarse crash towel to keep them brilliant indefi- vr > l y . _______ Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and. Diar­ rhoea Remedy, 772) Thisv.femedy is certain to he needed in almost every home before the sum­ mer is over. I t can always be de­ pended upon oven in the most severe and dangerous cases, i t is especially valuable for Summer disorders on children. I t is pleasant to take and never foils to give prompt relief Why not buy it now?. I t may save life. For sale by Isaac Wisterraan. T h e R in d Y ou H ave Alivay s B ou gh t, an d w h ich h a s b o ea * in u se fofi over 3 0 y ears, h a s h om e th e sign a tu re o f • and h a s b een m ade und er b is per­ son a l superv ision sin ce its in fan cy . A llow n o on e t o d eceive you in th is . A ll C oun terfeits, Im ita tion s and “ Ju st-a s-good ” a re bntr E xp erim en ts th a t tr ifle w ith and endanger th e h ea lth o f In fan ts and Children—E xp erien ce aga in st E xperim en t. W h a t i s C A S T O R I A C astorla is a harm less su b stitu te fo r Castor* O il, P are­ go r ic , D rop s an d Soo th ing Syrups. I t is P lea sa n t. I t con ta in s n e ith er Opium , M orphine n o r o th er N arcotic sub stan ce. I t s a g e i s it s guaran tee. I t d estroy s W orms and a llays F everishn ess. I t cures D iarrhoea and W ind C olic. I t relieves T ee th in g T roub les, cures Constipation a n d F la tu lency . I t a ssim ila tes th e F o od , regu la te s th e S tom ach an d D ow els, g iv in g h ea lth y and n a tu ra l sleep* T h e Children’s P an a cea—T h e M other’s Friend* G E N U IN E C A S T O R I A A L W A Y S Bears the Signature of Aloeho, fxf.wdake, Folar, «a!y SCfc?. BwoJ Worecafcr, Ferris, $1 fid,- Invisible Racing $l*($ and Rsb’.»'»5, hello, Irwivy, colior, face berthas, fiu% CViiton goads, are very stiff, while our stock feste. Sicrsuckeis |0 c , gingham down to be, Sireetiog in ReronoutsRoc, worth SOc. Pillow,cases 12§u to 2(b, Table cloths, fipe stock, Bte to $2.b0, uapblcs to uiateb. W a s h D r e s s F a b r i c s . . One case to sell, worth J2Ic, White goods ltfc up. Voiles, Madras, Oxford, Chiffonetts, Persian, Lawn, Lineu?, Silk Persian, greatest veuiety. Wash suits $2,00 up, Wrappers \ $1,00, under went. C a r p e t s , R u g s , W i n d o w S h a d e s , D a c e C u r t a i n s . HUTCHISON & GIBHEY’S, XEiSilA, OHIO, I n U s e F o r O v e r 3 0 Y e a r s . THtCCHTAUf!«eWf>A/*y,T71IURIUVSTftCCT. «£WVOfJKClTV. Dodd’s Kidney Pills did it. Mrs. Choice of-Roufw to Florida and Souih. Passengers for Florida nud the south via Pennsylvania Shorter Lines from Cedarville may select any route from Cincinnati in purchasing tourist tickets Pennsylania Short Lines trains. from Cedarville Connect a t that gate­ way with trough trains for Jackson­ ville, St. Augustine, New Orleans and other southern points. For par- ticulara_ consulfc.-E^SJ^-Key£sT...„.tickfib THEBIGilONEYMAKER FOR HOG RAISERS Is D r , J o e . H a a e ’ I l c g R e m e d y which for more than 27 years ’hag Btood the severest tests and in all eases can he depended upou. Doses are small hut effective and, results considered, is the cheapest, safest and surest prepaiation on the market for hog?. Dr. Haas Pays For All Hogs That/ Die SOUTHERN RAILWAY SHO ftTEST ROUTE AND QUICKEST SCHEDULES - —OETJAfEEK----- >- > C IN C IN N A T I , K N O X V I L t E , . C H A T T A N O O G A , C H A t tL E S T O J V , A T L A N T A , S A V A N N A H , B IR M IN G H A M , J A C K S O N V I L L E , S H R E V E P O R T , N E W O R L E A N S an d T E X A S r ? Q lN T S . * FOP INFORMATIONADDRESS; Cftas, W, Zefl.' D. P. A. - Cincinnati, O. W. A. G a rre tt, W .C . Rineaeson, General Manager. General Passenger Agent. C IN C I N N A T I. 1W ILL INSURE HOGS f-EOMY ^bME&Y -WR1TE-F0R T E R M S REFERENCE OB'MERCANTILE AlENSr lildebrant TWers can consider themselves out of thB running along with ’‘Charley.” Tins decision stops all argument as to JudgeScroggy’s right to the nomina­ tion by what the Hildebrimt people’ Call the “ bolters convention.” The. Scroggy-Hildebrant Congres­ sional fight is no longer in the ranks o f the Bepublican party in the Sixth district, The Supreme Court's deci­ sion now makes it compulsory for the proper officials to put Judge Scroggy’s name on the ticket. When Judge Scroggy was escorted to the' conven­ tion hall in Wilmington, after he had been notified that he was the choice of the delegates, in hisBpcech o f accept- adee he stated that he would wage the wannest campaign ever known in the district for a congressional seat The Judge has certainly kept his word, for the fight he has put up showing that he was tho rightful nominee pjroved that he knew what he was talking about. Politically speaking it is announced that there is to be a light all along the line, Whatever that may mean. The line o f sure enough Bepublican states is « very long one, mid includes almost everything except the so-called *‘8 did South.’* Those who put Con- fieeUcuf, Illinois, and Wisconsin among tho “ disputed states,” reckon “ I was an idvalicl for most five years caused by Inflammatory Rheumatism, helpless two-thirds of the time. The first year I could not do as much as a baby could do; then I rallied a little, bit nhd then a relapse. Then a year ago the gout set in my bauds and feet, I .suffered untold agony and in Aug­ ust, 1903, when my husband died could no t ride to the grave. “ I only took two boxes of Dodd’s Kidney Pills and in two weeks I could waitrbn roynelf and saw my own wood. I dug my own potatoes and gathered my own garden last fall. Doddjt Kidney Pills cured me,” Rheumatism is caused by uric acid in the blood. Dodd’s Kidney Pills pu t the Kiddey in shape to take all the uric acid out of the blood. SUPPORT iCO trs EMlfUiON «re«f U a M # fa m y fiw W«aktiw4 iM storvtd sytftn* sloflj ahfli It «* a find (im tvpppri fit *mbn«y t m , „ tfcfedtfo?but tt&tft/, . m n r * bowbb , chm**, Cured of 'Chronic Diarrhoea After* Teh Vean of Suffering. “ £ wish to say a few words in praise of Chamberlain’s Colic, Choi* era arid Diarrhoea Remedy,” says Mrs, Mattie Burge, ot Martinsville, Va. “ I suffered from chronic diar­ rhoea for ten years and during that time tried various [medicines without obtaining any permanent relief. Last summer one of my children was taken with cholera morbus, and I procured a bottle of this remedy. Only two doses were required to give her entire relief. I then decided to try the medicine myself, and did not use all of one bottle before I wad well and I have never since been troubled with that Complaint, One cannot say too much in favor of that won­ derful medicine.” This remedy is for i sale by Isaac Wislerman, To cure a cold in tme day fake Laxa­ tive Bremo Quinine Tablets* AH druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. R , W. Grove’s signature is on. each box. 25c. tf “"■Make your arrangements now for t ie Greene County Fair, Bubscrllxs for the Herald. agent of Penpsplvania Lines. Working Night and Day The budest and mightiest little thing that ever was made is Dr, King’s Hew Life Pills. These pills change weakness into strength, list leesness into energy, brain-fag into mental power,. They’re wonderful i n , building up the health. Only •25q per box, Sold, by all druggists. j Safeguard the Children* Notwithstauding all that is done by boards of health and charitably in­ clined persons, the daatli rate among small children is very high during the hot weather of the summer months in the large cities. There is not prob­ ably one case of bowel complaint in a hundred, however,'that could not be cured by the timely use o f Chamber­ lain’s Colic, Cholera and -Diarrhoea remedy. For sale by Isaac] Wister­ raan, low pares to Californiavia Pennsylvania lines DuamgSeptember, Aug. 15 to 27, inclusive, fAug. 28 ■o Sept. 9, inclusive, excursion tick­ ets to San Francisco and Los Angeles, ’ account Triennial Conclave Knights Templar and Sovereign Grand Lodge O, O. F ., will he sold via Pennsyl­ vania Lines* For full information regarding fares routes, etc., apply to , jocal Ticket Agent of those lines. Aug. 31 d. When this Reniely fs tod as a preventive. Kiiit l'roposiUon, in Dr. K py book •‘Hogolosy,” » tnost valuable boos- for every bog raiser," anda free copy of which may tic had at our steftifor the asking- This Insurance tmp- ositien is the strongest borln-fiile gnamntoe .ever given a remedy and conclusively proves ’thegreat faith Dr. Haas hos in Ins Remedy, ' T H O U SA N D S O F TE ST IM O N IA L S From .the leading breeders and feeders throughout the bog raising, - world, and, a .fair trial of the Remedy will convince any one that they cannot afford to attempt to raise hogs without it. JTsure preventive and arrester of disease, a great worm Destroyer and cough cure, saves feed, aids digestion, puri­ fies tbe mood, Hastens maturity and nays for itself many timesover Dytfte e m flesi) produced without extra feed: See that dealer’s name and signature of Dr. Joa,. Haas is on each package or can label, None genuine without therir. -Jifidbr-eaiv^lL5€,-halfcanJ IN GOLD To be distributed- in twelve premiums of: $ 2 5 , $ 2 0 , $ 1 5 , $ I O , $ I O , $ I O , $ I 0 5 $ 5 ) $ 5 > $ 5 > ? 5 $ 5 > Monday, January 2d, ’05. Patronize mv meat market and receive a ticket with each 25c cash' •purchase. Rach ticket will give you oue chance in the drawing. O . O . ' \ 7 V 7 ’ E l X I V I S r t Fresh and Salt 'Meats, F ish , Oysters, E tc . ’♦ « V V * » * ■ w i I©*OALL FOR CIRCULARS. icaaroinc, Brutally Tortu.ed* A case came to light that for per­ sistent and' unmerciful torture has perhaps never- been equaled.. Joe Gplobick, of Colusa,, Cal,, writes. “ For 15 years I endured insufferable pain from rheumatism and nothing relieved me though I tried everything known. I came across Electric Bit­ ters and it's the greatest medicine on earth for that trouble. A few bottles of it completely relieaed and cured me.” *Ju s t as good for Liver and Kidney troubles and general debility; Only 50c. Satisfaction guaranteed by all druggist. Sheep are now sheared by electricity* LEGAL NOTICE. EXGflJUlGE BflJiK CEDARV ILLE , OHIO, ACCOUNTS of Merchants and In- dividuals solicited. Colfoftionr promptly made and remitted. T \RA FT S on New T«rk and Cin* ciiinati sold a t low a t rates. The cheapest and most convenient way to send motley by mail. T OANS made on Real Estate,' Pei* senator Collateral Security. William Wildman, Pres., Seth W . Smith, Vice Pres., 0 W* J- Wildman, Cashier* O. L, Smith Aest, Cashier Cedarville, Ohio, Agent lo r ' United States Life Insurance Co. * -• - -v®- Which writes Bankers’ Insurance and whose contracts are as plain as notes. I f you want protection, lake O/dinary Life or Twenty Payment life, with Endowment Settlements, You can carry 32,000 or better, almost as cheap as 81,000 in investment.. It investment, we will pay you 5100 more than you pay in, at the end of 20 years. We give you 7 elective conditions you can change at your will. From 2 to 3£ times face value o f your policy in paid up insurance without re-examination. Also agent for the General Accident, of Philadelphia, andtheU . S . Accident Co. o fN . Y . D. S. STEWART Vetinary Surgeon Has located in Jamestown, Ohio. R. E. CORRY, AUCTIONEER KILBY FARRAR Veterinarian, Jamestown, Ohio, Office a t Rpes Bros. Livery Stable, Treats all diseases anti injuries of do­ mestic animals carefully and seienfi­ nally. Graduate of Chicago Vctinarv- College. 60 Y&AtMT 'E X P E R I E N C E ■TltoUf 'IHAMti ■ DcsiONr . , OtWWniQHT* Ac* Anjron*flwirtln* h fchfl m«; flnlrkly MrwtAln Mr cwnl<m ttm whftthfrf iu! Invtmtlon l* p r» b * h l»m * ^ V « : (nmiounlMi. H a S u SOOKw rifw ti , Uktn tfirpFch Mann fteatfa wliiMUi A a r n , « i th« S c k n tlfic A kHttitamsaty nt»Jrtr«t«4 #H *tr. lA ttm t Mt« iwwtxm fit *nyjrtanusn kmrnal. T *m»> W * ntbr, irr ;giejBr»wN»y, -IlllriUWavhtl George H. Crawford, whose residence ft unknown, wifi take notice that on tlieiGth day ot June, A. 1). 1901, RobertD,CraWford filed hi? petition in the Common I’lc-as Court of Greene County, Ohio, in ease No* 11,257 against the above named George If* Crawford and othc-rk praying for partition of the following premises: towit: Situate in the County of Greene, in the State of Ohio, and in the Township of Cedarville, fOWitr Situate and being on the waters of Masslc-s Creek, being part of Military Survey No, 4371, and bounded ns follows} towit-: Beginning at a, stone corner to David Jackson and running thence with his linO; N 2315°, W <58.5polc.i to a stone ip said line; corner to John Jamison'S heirs; tboneo 8 (id0, W 99 poles to a stake and white oak in James Boll's lino; thence 8 K3°, U lif> poles to thcheginnltigi «sihlaining cighteert acres more or lew, being tire said premises Convoyed to tone Paris and Hannah Paris by Daniel Murphy and wife by deed elated November 1, W;ti and recorded fit Vol. H at page 3GULand Ilteotds of Grccno County, Ohio; and fe,r ilica^3i''iinient ot the dower J u ly 25th , 2 titli, ami 27th , cxc-nr- of Aicxamlir Crawford in the undivided sion tickets to P u t-in -B av . • account uiir-half of tho above dca-rlhi'd premiers, ................ ' * ' < * ' Hard George It. (Vawferd is rtfjnire d to answer on or before Um19th <1ayof ffepteni- Mir, li>0f or judgment 'may ire taken against dm. T, L Mflgtiutor, Robert D, Crawford, Attorney, Plaintiff, 30*1, Sells Real Estate and Personal prop­ erty anywhere. Promptness, attention to details and satisfaction guaranteed. Te secure dates ! uui tg rum eRt ioiavlluu ^UfiIttULt.xU» igh service. Low prices'. Residence sreplioiie 235 Clifton, O, Call and DR. E. C. OGLESBEE, PHYBC IAN 'AHB e 'D naEON . Specialty X-Ray and Electro Thera­ peutic-treatment, Also latest im­ proved apparatus for treating diseases of the nose, throat and lungs. *• . * ''»r Excursion Fares fo Put-in-Bay. Hixth Annual Outing Knights of Columbus, will he mold frot * all ticket stations on. the Pennsylvania lines. For information regarding fares, time of trains, etc,,, apply p, joca} ticket agent o f those Jims, H A L F F A R E P L U S SB200 F o r R o u n d T r ip T icke ts* VIA Louisville &Nashville Railroad To Nearly AH Points in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Ken­ tucky, Mississippi, Virginia North and South Carolina, j Tennessee, \ Tickets on sale May 3rd and 17th June 7th*2l9t, and on first and third Tuesday of-each month thereafter un­ til Nov. 15th, and good returning 21 1 lays from dale of sale. For further information, consult your local agent, or address , I*. STONE, G ln ’ d P ash , A gi : nt , !l*M3, RY, A Caieful Buyer, TieBestjsW Tajlail. - TtsBestIsWMVisa. Meats are deceptive. V ilesa you are a good judge,'you can never tell what you are getting until you have it served and partially eaten. We know meats. We select stock with a view, to having the best meats. Wc know how to select stock and there­ fore have meals yon may depend upon—meats that will please you. ’ C.H. GROUSE. GOOD» DELIVERED Telephone No. 74 ISSr*Fmh Fish Alwavs on Hand, No Pity Shown. “ Fo r years fate was after me con­ tinuously” writes F . A, Gulledge. Verbena, Ala, “ I had a terrible case o f piles causing 24 tumors. When all failed Baeklch's Ari;i« Halve cured me. Equally good f f burns, aches And pains. Only 25c a t all druggists. ^-Exah,|nc“ Suec(;ss‘’Kcmps spread­ ers and you will know they arc t^lC bestj at W* Rj BtcrreU’s. OYSPE ta r o,-r ^ vFl ff?.- t .• u . c a ’'' 1 <s4 i !. 1 Sw* ■»-< t..o c;ktl -T-" ' J -1!^ r-f? y.f **■*> t Pit . Rn$f fee The BcvreJJ tJfiiBfarto.rotoKSiTsst'l w<-«stte»<'SOr*po. fcl •^tesis-essl W;U l SALE*TEHHILLl DAILY EX C U R .S I TOLEDq To DETRC St. C la i r FI / Port Hui Hn ihs Magnijficcnt Strum o f the white S tar i m leaving ftotofMadisoaSbeef .15*, ;.i. after afriyai of morrtiri; Returning, arrive WeekDays 8.; Sundaysq.oois M.- Fare td Det: tinIimiiedroundirip,$i. 35 . Exc to Detroit ?nd return, W eek D Sundays 75c. To Ft. Huronuni a delightful tyvo tlnys’ trip, onl m e# and berth extra. S p e c ia l T ta fc j To S o d ' Closeconnectionsat.Detroitwit ierafor Buifalo, tlie "Soo^’ DuTut for further information see RailroadAgent orwrite ft f . M U tm , Tr . Mgr . IV. U , G 0 L 0 W / £ netxotr, weti* T oledo , W H E N I N CINCINNATI O O T O T H E * L A R G E S T A N I M A L L E C T I O N , I N A M E R l M E R R Y * G O * R O T PONY T R A C K AMD O T j a m u s e m e n t s . BAND CONCERTS AFTERNOONANDEVENl| SPECIAL BATES TO LARGE barn's Restaurant pnOinifig t'otner High and Limesto Springfield,- Ohio. BEAUTIFUL WINON hith tlweiwniiiRnf tbeseaso as Lake. Jfiv m, the. salo of ex< tei'i-wef the IVmisylvania Lift A'li.-ftiv®r< msi t in Northern Iml zvtrysummer jiat-setl then; by - lilyimr*a-'-J ilsoir tterfre the g.ili llnkss, tlse tennis nr ci-ji bit grounds, i -i” . sst hiutin;: on Hie lake, fisl 11 '■swimming nr oitemling 1 hfi us f-yworld-tomeit ptr-our *-':i!»iri:i£,t^wjj:it'‘Vtr tiie divis Miysiieiatians ate «| that tot i'fvil Isy sm-iety. Tb latlhesimorWinaiia As I J.ttrat tttif- n 1; V“‘ !it' is’'m e-In.-atioual ins E ' , r rounti «■?. - 1-y -mil«cu -•lo f-qi-i !T-s:n tieket static v ;H 5¥'»toa lira s tlurins tti '' m-atiim ab'Kit farea at tty tickttnpet ■ 1 ibid a -oistnht (it-nt -': Vjttp!)u,;i,r pa> EXCURSIONTOST. l J I “ ;>{‘io VorM's) Pair wij G’j’f V'-iiij s bii:?,, Tnenlav . ! ’Flits:; ii-Umg *s'V',P!,"<h:S')f n ««lar tr< I h . ' ‘f “n v"‘:' c’f bj » u lal jfc* V\aTl("!Uiit-uilr Tho to bo's [ * ^ Ltxt fnitiis teavl l4 ,‘a ,(4' 3 5'w ^ny time i vm&.:qon «,f tu-Imi,,- B hV * .w ti:e-b«b,w (h -. 1*' *Ul,l Gmsa r-.,l,l Tim until thcmlk, B ^ [> about iinte las-V.ut!' *;^ ‘'wrsuHi ttclsets 5ir-5-f», tb it, t Ai I t I r ' ^' ? jf’ftiiHi, a pt t , ff l b I* R-, W tIMR CAftmJ iftj *i|lf4 Hnii'fv: . in- ih p