The Cedarville Herald, Volume 27, Numbers 27-52

summer. ;> • t A ?* ‘jU'ester, Luiinij, ^ rthss, fans, i f r •tock iai)r\ -*|. , , / ” • s5i,w, i , 1B iu ft- •*« *« SU a T»bk> natch. brics. :te goods 10o l5pt « j , Law n , Linens, , undei went. o w . OHIO, I1WAY SCHEDULES IjVOXVI^L.E, f tA R L e S T O lS , lA V A r V iV A H , lACKSOrvVIl^L.H!. jf3W r O R ^ q A tV S r s . ess : |. Cincinnati* O . J- R in e a r s o n , leneral Passenger Agent premiums of. 0 , . $ I O , $ 1 0 , f e , / r 2 d , ’ 05 . t with each 25 c cash ice in the drawing. surance Co. :.<i ■■■ O y s te rs , E tc , :ts are a s .plain as notes, enty Payment life, with • better, almost as cheep ay you 8400 more than ’ 'elective conditions yon value o f your policy in ;ent for tlie ladelphia, Co, ofN. Y. ireful r, i k BestisWhatToilful teBestIsIMt.fLJft- BWPEPSIA W ak e fu l? S i g n o f N e r v e X r o u - W e a n d S h o u l d , B e B o o h e d T o . *rtlI3Lv»s«** «,,*w •***.***»»•»*.* -*.,.*,-*.* tat*ot:; i tacutsoryourSftoSiQjrt>»sX,' SterlingRcxedyCo., Chicago orN,Y, 59 a AXJtUALSALE, TEHMILLIONBOXES There aro tlir-'ci <35 iforent manlfeata- ■uons of Blccpicf-pncsa,, ’ 1 ' first, fccuray -to deep » wink ojt ntgbt, reroroj, to Ho ;ir;al:o -a jo»j- %Una hoforo faUir.i; cjfdcop; third, to faU adeop soan, v/aklns Itit) after ceveral bourn ana tjicu bjia it bard to nlcop acain, They ’snraa that -ccmowbcro In tbo »ervo ill.rca, romowbero in. tbo brain Cdltf, fORiowbcre in tbo blood voescla that carry blood to tlio brain, oomctblos Ja radically wreno, ana nsuet bo -righted, or tbo cnft.inay bo vorco than death. To right'it. Into Dr. Mile?* Nervine, Some other.symptoms' of nerve trou­ bles are: Nlasinciis, Headache, Back- ache, Worry, Fratf4lnen3/~irritability, Melancholy, Tack of Ambition. They indicate diseases -which may load to Epilepsy, Fits, St, Vitus* pance, Nervous Prostration, Paralysis, Insanity,’ Nothing- -wilt give such' quick, and last* luff relief as Dr. Miles’ Nervine. PREPARATIONSCOMPLETE FORTHEOHIOSTATEFAIR TO BE HEED AT COLUMBUS AUd 29, 30, 31, SEPT. 1 , Z **Myhusband bad been sick for -weeks, •ffn,1,1 not sit up to have his bed made. With nil tbo medical help-wo eoujd Bet bo, Continued to grow worse. He could neither sleep or cat. Our baby girl was sent away, and all callers barred, because he could not stand a bit of talk- ing, I read of a ease of nervous pros- t m l l s n ^ ilin n .l V ii* Y I m . f iT llx n l T"»:, ~ fV^u w* u I.u^w Mi ,*p*»VU» tration cured by Pr, Miles1 Restorative •Nervine. Via began giving: i t to him, a ,v* i***v* *d,U MvpiiMV fc»*“Mre. W 4UIU| and in a. few days ho was able to' bo dressed, Prom that time ho steadily improved. Nervine saved WS life,"—. MRS. A. Q. HASION, Freeville,- N, V. d a il y E X C U R S IO N S TOLEDO To DETROIT S tC la ir Flats 4 Port Huron By the Mannlfibent'Steamers of the W hite STAR U se heavingfoot oi MsdlsonStrcetDailyat o.i$. a , ft. afterar-rivalofmoriling- trains. Hemming,nrriv-aWeek©ays 8.30 s>.Mi, Sundaysa. or, ,M. Fate toDetr it, 73 c, •: unltmiKaromu?trip, •Excursions 5 toOetroitsndreturn,tVeekDays $ 1 , : Sundaysj&c, Toft. Huronamiretard,; a delightliu two days’ trip, only § 2 . 00 , mealsandberth extra. S p ecia l H a te s to S o cie tie s' CloseconnectionsatDetroitwithsteam­ ers forbuffalo, the”Soo,<,Dni(ith, etc: For further Information see nearest RailroadAgent orwrite C. F.BISLiaH,Tr,Mgr. IV.W. Q0LDEfl,T',F.&P.A, ^ onnotr, Mtc/t. rquno, 0 , •pTJTiTt "Write to us X JM i i a Package.of Pain Fills, the New 1 ri for Free Trial ‘ --------- Hr. Miles’ Anti. - ,,vr. Scientific Remedy for Pain. Also Symptom Blank. Our Specialist will, diagnose your, tell .you what is wrong, and bow to right it, Nree. „ DR. MIlCES MEDICAL GO.! LABORATORIES, ELKHART, IND. A O h ill, ■Sneeze- A E a o y t o ’D a tb h C o l d — H a r d t o O s t R id .O f. ■ M gM tiM 'ia x a iit?© UnMm M i l l s ; f w ill curu «• cokl jn tw e n ty - to u r ‘ Itouta. I f n o t,.d ru g g ist w ill rotofml y o u r m oney. ' ’ "WHEN IN CINCINNATI GO TO TH& ZOLOGICAL GARDEN. l a r g e s t a n i m a l c o l . L E .C P I O N I N A M E R I C A , M E R R Y . G O . R O U N D , p o n y T r a c k and o t h e r [ A M U 8 E M E N T S . [BAND CONCERTS DAILY APTEftNOQNANDEVENING. ISPECIAL IRATES 7 0 tAHOE PARTIES. 2 3 CENTS Q u in in e T a b l e t s CO LD , W,LU CUHE NEUPALOIA, LA GRIPPE,. MALARIA, HEADACHE. ■Will not gripe norvicken, are per- .feet-ly harmless, no bad after effects —are a purely vegetable prepara-, tion, quick iu action, 'positive in results. 2 6 CENTS, PER BOX. ALL DRUGGISTS.. Prepared only by THE HERB MEDICINE CQ., ' S P R IN G F IE L D , O H IO . ■ Manufacturers 6f the Celebrated 1 L ig h tn in g H o t D r o p s. REV IV Q RESTORES VITALITY 1 j .giam-fi-— nt f m l l n ^ i i u o t R t j t u f n r W fedejL W e llM a n i'orner High anil Limestone street Springfield, Ohio. BEAUTIFUL WINONA U n l e s s ^ 1 never tell ,il you bare ystetu stock with * fieafs. and tDert* igy depend With the opening of the season at Wwio- nabafce, MnylG, the pale of excursion tic- keKnver the f’etm.sylvnuia Lines to that aHr.icllyore^irtin Norlliem Indiana begun. Berry Bunlmir p.iM'ed thetu by thousands lra->. niy inert ft'c# tlu-ir desire to return, On the g./If link.", the tenuis tourto, the ha: hall ipn ei'ii ket grouutls, the croquet lid t, or fs--atiit;: on the lake, fishing camp- in;; '.winuninjt, or intending recitals and lfit.iiM by world.f.tnitd personages in( the au-litoriiioi—wiiab'Ver the division maybe, lh«aistici.'Uioh'i ave of that congenial sort by g.'iod am-icty. This resort is not daatbosHcof AVinana Attsemhly and M!t:;-nu.r ,School, attiai ititg itaclit-ta and MtiL.-iifomiin eluiafiotial iiiststutionsjoi tin'jand otiu-r countries. I iftt-tn-diiy and uasun exeur.aoti tickets wi-i hi-sob! i'lVim tieiu-t stations on” tile Pi!:n<viv.niia lfi ,t 3 during the rmmmcf. Bor ihfomnatiouaiiimt fares and timer of tf iim*, apply to lo:ui iit ket agents. -or to K ■TanDus. n, tliicif a.*ist,mt General I’asstn grrAgdit. I’Riabuiig, ita. KiptSOd. fn r f* im%y«-r r y prbdncea th e above results In 30 days. It a«tl uorrerfullyandqniokly. Cures when allothersfelL VonDgmonwIUrwsla their lost manhood,andold men win recover their yonthfot vigor by tuinc BEVIVO. It quickly and surelyrestoresHerrons* cess, Lost Vitality, Impotoncy. Nightly EroUllons, LostPower,Falling .Memory, WastimrDIsesses,snd all offoots of selfabhso or excessand lndlsoretion,. whichunfitsoneforstudy,businessor.mstrisae. It xjDotonlycures bystartingat thoseat of dlseaae.bat YSagreat nerve tonic and blood builder, bring* leg back the pink glow to nalo cheeks andre. storing the fire o f youth. It wards off Insanity and Consumption. Insist on having other. It can b6 carried In vest pocket. By mill, •LOOperpackage, or six for Sfi. 0 0 , w lth jagM b t lv e w r it ten guaran tee t o cure . or. re: the noney. Bookandadvisefree:. Address ROYALMEDICINECO.* • aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa * ** <s et EXCURSION T 05L LOUIS. 4 m ' d e m v J s p k d lc]>liotso Ko< t 4 isli Alwav? on JT«nd. Ho Pity Shown, tow as writes i*. A . ^ ’e i g ­ ht. Imti » tef"1* ' *s CitUSliig 21 faHikJ Arcjf*.- *tt.l pains* Ofllr ^ IftSr- " f'oieb vxctirfion (iekr-ta to St. Lbids nc* loiiuttho W'oriil's fa ir V/iil he Puid via retm*iyivonki l.tfiw T’uef-day and Thursday uh!5t Jun?:;m Thesa tHiuts will bo good only In euai b. jn.f Kgulnr trains on iht.-.e day-1, or in airif-Sus uf apccial trains which tn.iy he nnnbuneed. Thu rrmiitt trip fare ffi,!»GtdarviitoALG'». , , , Iktutiilug, tick.-is will be good only in cm .'h- : j id f, ;!Ut:u‘ tr.iius leaving St. Lullis tifalion in any time within tmven diy->, mi lading du'tu uf pur< liaso of tithet. Lbirucfiajunw <>* tickdii mdd Tniiddyfi » :ii iicyuiid until the following Sfotulay, iwhriy-f-, unit tfior.u; old Tliui'SiSuy will be . g-'icl fetutlwig until thll following Wcdlun-' d.iv', Sr.i'liiyivc. !•--)’i«i‘£irnl.iraalitiijt tsuic of trains for b",h hioicii c•>,-»[..inn tii-luda will bo sold. ftKiyis-, Tfeket- , who wilt 8.<»nrfiwcr lnguhh'f< in. tvgird t« Ncfisnu- jyi: ;ts-.?ion 'fic|;c-{^ fiisfv-iTay llscfirslcm 'i:.ifiruiji riflreiHliiJ’ TIfeurdinn Ticket-' i.'ttn", mi iiufing I,ho W"rhi'!; icigdniic !;n. TESTING Mi;TH 0 !)S A tost as to tbo value of new#-', paper advertising over other methods was made a year flso by tho groat publishing bouse of Harper & Bros. Two books were Selected, One by A well known popular author and the other by an Unknown writer.' The latter was selected for the newspaper advertising and the other for the usual channels, W i th c a n a l e x p e n d i tu r e t h e w o r k s d v e r i i s e d In t h e n ew s p a p e r s u n tu tr lp p ed t h e other In eafe* by SOP,000 copies, NEW TIME CARD. The result was a complete-sur­ prise and established the fact th a t readers go to the newspa­ pers for information with regard to books as well n# wlUi regard to most other matters,—National l’flnter-JolirnallsL . till know th*y *,re , H te w it’A* Tim fa 4ti0 f-blitiltilo f«i', fii-,*.If.juirturo 1<,jf iifatfi'i} |A*r L a s t' G-ki a. in, (b:r 4:47 p'. in. Fur w i'4 « i|:j a. f0, iUt* noji * lrM p f nn The best advertising mwium for any inwLhaut is the local paper whliii gars into the borne* of the people, k» this papar does, Exhibits Are Assured For a Great Industrial Exposition, Spread Out In the Fifteen, Large .Buildings, Equipped For Each Department ' and Every Class. CEDAHVILLE.COLLEGE Gedarville, Ohio, Th* Beautiful Grounds a D elight to th e Eye «nd a Popular Pleasure R esort For A ll—-The C onveniences of th e F a ir Greater Than Ever and the A ttractions Unlim ited—The P eople o f Ohio Looking For­ ward to th e Great Event and O ther S ta tes Will Be in terested and Are Sure to b e A ttracted. of things that tend toward progress In Industrial and social life, The advantages of the Ob]a State Fair, so admirably located at Colum­ bus, the geographies 1 center of tho State, with so many and such perfect exhibition buildings, aro so appreci­ ated th a t exhibitors vie-' with each other in seeking the advantages, and each, year the1 enthusiasm becomes more intense and the competition greater. Thus has Ohio builded up a vast industrial expoaitipn, to which ■people"are annually invited and never disappointed,.The occasion is one that Is looked forward to and preparod for months In advance; an occasion that not only illustrates thew o rt and prog* re s, of a busy people and t* great State, but one that affords a pleasant Tho Tspid growth and successful annual exhibitions of the Ohio State Fair, .especially the past fdw years; the broadening of Its general scope and tho good results following the les­ sons of annual exhibition, are well known ,by all the people of the State ana quite generally known and ac­ knowledged. throughout tho United States. Tho reputation of the Ohio State Fair as A great industrial expo­ sition is so firmly established that producers, manufacturers and dealers of tho best and latest in every class sock tho advantages to be gained by exhibiting at tho Fair, and each suc­ ceeding year many new names, new firm s' and new establishments are added to the extensive list of exhib­ itors, In consequence of the con- Ek'vcinh year opens September i.‘l, 1904. Courses in classics Philosophy, Music, Art, ami Elocution, Degree* offered are A, B and Ph, B, labo rato ry work in Physics and phemisl ry- Literary Societies, Gym­ nasium, and Library. Preparatory apd Collegiate departments, T ex t­ books new op second hand .for rent. Tuition and contingent fee only $2fi.5() ayear. Graduates are prepared for the various professions and callings of life* Where only one in ten-thousand, iwho is not a collage graduate, attains promineuce, one in every forty o f the college’ graduates becomes : distin­ guished, Send for a catalogue. D avid M c K inney , President. PARK SCENE—OHIO 8TATE FAIR "GROUNDS. stantly Increasing interest and de­ mand on the part o f. .exhibitors, the facilities of the Fair- have been more than doubled within the past very few years, notwithstanding, which; -.en­ largements and additions are required eaoa year to meet the urgeut demands pressed .upon the Fair management. The Ohio State Fair grounds are beautiful and attractive In, every re­ spect; a deligatful park, resort, sup­ plied with’ eyfiry convenience possible to be provided for public comfort and recreative pleasure. Unlike , new grounds, for now or temporary expo­ sitions, there Is nothing Incomplete or in a chaotic state. - The lawns- are old and w.ell set; trees are of great growth and line the various avenues, furnishing ah abundance of shade be­ tween the points of Interest and lead­ ing i s the. numerous great exposition buildings and departments 6f 'th e - Fair,' Shaded reserves ‘are also In abundance "and sweet smelling flower­ ing. shrubbery dot the banks, Islands andAprolecGons„Qf.,..aiHadiviLHakga and fancy water courses. No city .Fair"grouHdi«pai'i»-qt' Cnbimliunii »Tho highest development. has been at­ tained and is maintained in all the beauty th a t nature and a rt affords. As to exhibition building, capacity, no comparison-can be drawn with any other fair. Tho Ohio State Fair and economical outing after the' busl- est part of the year; an outing that all' can well afford "to take and enjoy, and all who attend th e -F a ir will enjoy without long and costly rides and, the great expense and "many inconveni­ ences that attend a visit to other places. Since the last Ohio State Fair many Improvements and additions' have been made to the grounds and build­ ings, sufficient to accommodate the in­ crease in exhibits -that will be made a t th e forthcoming Fair to be held five full days, August 29, 30, 31 and September 1 and 2. The applications -for and assign­ ments of space in the manufactural, merchants’, machinery and other de­ partments, and for stalls and pens in the great liv e1 stock buildings, one each for horses,., cattle, sheep and swine, are so numerous as to fill every port-’ u, and a grand exposition is fully assured, that will outrival for­ mer exhibitions and equal and even excel. In many Important respects. exhibitions of a greater national char- a i PPfiWI nnmpinfi A iwMlMfa Itt ■■♦Tiflpyrfmm and other departments- of tho Fair, there will be many now and Interest ing feature exhibit# to invite attention and afford vahmbld Information by practical demonstrations, The aim of tho management is to ,«■>« t . *•««•«, CENTRAL BUILDING — O HIO STATE FAIR GROUND#, grounds aro provided with a greater humbor, a finer style of architecture and a larger capacity than are to be found on any other grounds for like (purposes. The excellent exhibition conveni­ ences for each of the fifteen distinct departments of the Fair, enable# ex­ hibitors to display their products and manufactures In correctly classified form and to tlie best-possible advan­ tage for public inspection, thus de­ riving all the benefits and profits for which the exhibits are made; while the great lessons of the Fair are pre­ sented to tho public In a mahner not merely attractive and" pleasing to the eye, hut instructive in every detail! lesson# that are carried broadcast, re­ sulting in f t better class of animals; the use of tho latest nd most eco­ nomical machinery; better method# in the production of field, garden and orchard crops; higher, nrt; greater household conveniences and hundred# make the Ohio State Fair, in ©Very re­ spect, a first class industrial exposi­ tion, worthy the patronage of all -Ohio citizons, and that shall attract citi­ zens from our sister states to join with us in viewing the illustration# of progress, as will be so grandly pre­ sented in the many departments, and to admire the beauty of the ground# and enjoy the many features and at­ traction# that will ho provided for each day Of the Fair, I t i# advised th a t .the people pre­ pare for this great and important event. The time and small outlay of money required to spend a day or more at the Fair can not be, spent in any other manner that will bring greater .returns in profit, enlighten­ ment, pleasure and needed recreation. The forthcoming Ohio State Fair <wlli assume the prominence of a'great Industrial exposition, representing more particularly the Buckeye State and her Varied Industrie#, , . Every Ticket Office of the Penn­ sylvania Lines is Free Information Bureau of tlm great World’s Pair atStXouis in IDOL Tim Bureau ad­ dress at Ocdnsvillo is ,B.B, Keyes, in charge of Ticket Ofiico , A "Booms" booklet of St, Lours hotels and hoard- ing houses, location mid rates, com* iled by the World’s Pair Manage­ ment, can he obtained from him; also othervaluable information. PATENTS "Cxveats,ati#TrtS«JMt*A*eN*iw*«l getitfettllnosstoodiicua for moocr A tc ftKfc, 5 »OunOrm* ISeerosiT* u.*.**At*«Tei'«oki iww.fiwrvtwih i*vrrwSMAW*v*•;* ;*«# WOCliftMoire Mttftt (ft RM ttrtus limitfi*OM | remote fffttft WmmftKtee* s x nfn ?r»iinini 5 *cw ; -, Sen# model, drawls *1 or fehcSe,, with tfeKrip>. Itfoft, Vftt ftdvlu, U ftetetitable or not, free.of; iChfttge, Dor tee not doe till Wlint D scetjred. A pAMMirr, “ Hew to Obtelrt Patent*,” with -Cent of Mine in' the U.S.etut foreign cotiniriM Ii*Uktfrt*. Addfi!*- . i *C.A.SNOW&OO. , t>P, FAVtttif OrttPtt t.tL , RACE PROGRAM Clark Co. Agricu ltural S o c ie ty , SPRINGFIELD,OHIO, August 16 , 17 , 18,19 and 20 , 1904 , TUESDAY, AUGUST 10. 2:80 Trot (slake closed)........... .$500 00 2:20 Face (cluss)................................ 300 00 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 17. 2:35 Pace (class)........................... . .$300 00 1Free-for-all P a c e ........... 400 00 2:20 Trot (class)............................... -3Q0 00 THURSDAY, AUGUST 18. 2:25P a c e ( s t a k a c l o s e d ) i $ 5 0 0 00 2;40 Trot ( c l a s s ) . .............. '300'00 2:25 Trot (class)'*...................... ... *- 300 00 " FRIDAY, AUGUST 19. 2:15 Pace (class)....... . ....................... $390 00 2;16 Trot (class),.......... .... — *.... 300 Q0 2:30 Paco (class).....................300 00 [Entries Close Aiag, H at 11:80 p, m.) <3A -rTtTyTr a AT'fllltM' Oft' S TURDAY, UGUST.20. Milo Dash..................... . ..................$ 75 00 % Mile Dash................... ............... 75 00 t Milo Dash.*,.................................. , . 1 5 0 00 % Mi)c Dash................. ............... . 75 00 H Nile Push................. ................ 125 00 xo ektuaxck veb fob kunkhhs , RUN, RAIN OR SHINE. H. L. BROCKFIELD, Pres. S. VANBIRD, Sec’y. S tatu op’Oiuo, C ity os T oi . kdo , ) L ucas C ounty j 88 Fa.\>’K,T, C ijknk Vmakes oath thnt ho is senior partner of the firm Of P. J. C iiknry & Co., do!ng business in tho ciiy of Toledo, county, and state aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sqm of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each every case of Catarrh by tl tlmt cannot be cured he use of H at , i *'8 C atabbii C disk , FRANK J.. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, lids 6th day of December, A. D* 1880.' ; . A A. \y, GLEASON, ■ | seal j Notary Public Hall's Catarrh cure is taken internally, mU acts directly on the Wood and roucoub surfaces oh the system. Send for tostimoni- ds, free. (F or S ale C heap -A. good phaeton inquire at this office. When bilious take Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets. ’ Fo r Bale by Isaac Wiaterman. S trikes in Russia.- When'strikes occur, there is no Troops axe mobilized a t onCe, Tho printers autumn. The strikers marched m orin g fo r shorter hours. They com­ plained th a t -they had been com­ pelled to work overtime and th a t no compensation had been given for the extra labor. General Trepor, chief of police, issued a notice th a t any man refusing to retu rn to work would be excluded forever from Moscow. This stopped the move­ ment, . Such- notices have stopped similar movements elsewhere. —- World’s Work. . Tho Jury Understood, I n a murder trial in Lancaster, Mo., recently State Attorney Smoot asked a -woman witness some ques­ tion about her domestic affairs. The witness resented 'lie asking of such a question, saying, “I reckon a wo­ man has a righ t to boas her own housot” Mr. Smoot asked what she meant by th a t, wliereupbn Judge Shelton interposed: “The remark made by the witness is perfectly clear, and X am confident the ju ry Understands what she means. They are all married men.” A Pearl Boat* A jeweler in Turin has made a tiny boat of a single pearl. The hull is finely shaped and m ight serve as a model fo r a racing sloop, The sail is of beaten gold, studded with dia­ monds, and the binnacle ligh t is a perfect ruby. A n emerald Serves as a rudder, and its stand is a slab ojf ivory. Its weight is less than an, ounce and is said to have cost $5,000, - Tbo Money Order Buelrtes*. Over $1,000,000 n day is being paid in to 1 the postoffices fo r mouey orders. I f the average time between the purchase and th e cashing of a money order is ten days tho govern-, ment holds an average balance Of $ 10 , 000,000 of the people’s money—; a balance with an earning power of about $5 ,000 dollars a year* C A ST O R IA For XnfAnt* and Children. Fha Kind You Have Always Bough! Bear# the Glgnaturvof V ^ WellNamedPaint Thepracticalpaintersays, th e m an who ctormo a t th e w ea the r because th e p a in t o n h is house won’t w e a t h e r th e s t o rm s , c ou ld litfe a life of sun ­ shine. b y using Patton’s S u n -P r o o f Upr Paint Patton’s Sun-Proof Paint gives double Hie service of all-wbite- lead tor any ordinary paint. I t is made of the most perfect com­ bination of paintmaterials to stand the severest trial tbe sun^nd weather can give it. Guaranteed to keep its gloss and wear weU forfiveyears. ■ Send for hook qf paint Knowledge and Advice (free) to PATTON PAINT CO., L«k« S*.< MHwauk##, Wis, THE SMART SET, A Magazine of Cleverness. Magazines should have a well defined purpose. Genuine entertainment amusement and mental recreation are the mo­ tives of THE BMABT HET, the mostSuccessful!)!magazines Its NOVELS (a complete one in each nutnber) nre by the most brilliant authors of both hemispheres. Its SHORT STORIES are matchless—clean and full of human interest, . Its POBTRT, covering the entire field of verse—pathos, love, humor, tenderness—is by the most- popular poets, men and women, of the da)’* Its Jokes ,Witticisms, Sketches, etc,, are admittqd'y ihe most mirth-pro yoking. 160 P A G E S D E L I G H T F U L R E A D I N G ; No "pages are wasted on cheap! illustrations,'editorial vaporiqgs or weary­ ing essays or idle discussions' Every page will interest, charm and refresh you. - , Subscribe now—$2 50 per year. Remit ni cheque, P . O. or Express or­ der or aegistered letter to THE SMART SET.432 F ifth Avenue New York, . N . B.—SAMPLE COPIES SENT FR EE ON APPL ICAT ION . A Great Invention. W o r d M n g IRaehine. The B ennington is destined to make hack numbers of existing type­ writers. Has 6 hew, and valuable features of merit, any two of which would rhake a superior machine. No larger than existing typewriters. . We arc now offering n limited amount of stock tto in vestqrsnt $1,00-per slmre. People are becoming interested over the world and are beginning to realize what a won­ derful invention we have, More than $30,000 worth of machines have already been ordered. The typewriter world watching with interest the coming of our machine, which -aiarka.thQ.beginni«g-of--ft-revolntlon4n-vlu8-Hreftt-indo As soon as we shall havo sold, enough stock to complete no more will bo offered at any price, •Sf.T»u‘W ffl^g^gflJffigiiF0Bpj,iflve8tffleKr in*TitiJ duatr|nl enterprise of the first rank, with prospects of large dividends white us yon prospectus . Preference in positions given to investors. Capital Stock $1,500,000, Shares $1.00 TheBenningtonTypeiniterGo., SOI CONOVER -BUILDING, The Only One a t Home.- A friend of Philip Verrill Migh- els, author of “Bruvvcr Jim ’s Baby,” tells thiB amusing story of him. Mr. Mighels in London a t the time, . THE O p h i ONE IN WAS GOnDSMlTS. and one morning bo informed Mrs. Mighels that he had several errands ana would not he back for several hours, lie was going to see a law* yer, a doctor and a literary agent, and after, lus business-was attended to he would gratify an old wish of hie ahd go to see Goldsmith’s grave, After a very brief period, to Mrs. L- CONDENSED STORIES. DAYTON, O Mighel’s surprise, he returned. "Why,” exclaimed his wife, “how did you accomplish so much in such a short time?” “Because,” said Mr. Mighels, “the lawyer, the doctor end tlm literary agent were all out The only one in was Goldsmith.” How an ir iih Juror’s W it Helped th e Defendant. John GL Carlisle tolls a story of his early days when he was counse’ fo r an insurance company in Ken- tuckj*, says tho New York Herald. The company had brought an ac­ tion against the proprietor of a small dry goods store which had been destroyed by fire under rather suspicious circumstances. The proprietor was pu t on- the stand, and Mr. Carlisle, in his ca­ pacity as counsel, undertook during th e course of cross examination to break down the stoTy of the fire. All the artifices of the questioner wore, however, of no avail, fo r the proprietor stuck to his tale and there seemed to be little hope of dis­ crediting the testimony offered by him. ; The defendant was shout to leave the box, when an Irishman, who had been following the testimony with ill concealed impatience, shout­ ed out in stentorian tones: “So, me man, whin you’d sit fire to tho store, yo rail away, hohP’ At this the unfortunate trades­ man became visibly embarrassed, stuttered and spluttered and finally, under the renewed questioning of Mr, Carlisle, who was not slow to follow up the,advantage afforded by tho Celt’s unexpected outburst, the proprietor virtually admitted his guilt, whereupon bis conviction speedily ensued. XVhen tbe proceedings were over Mr. Carlisle sought out the Irish juror, whomlie complimentedon hi? ready wit. “But,” said' he ;1 “my 0 i friend, how did you come to put that ilij question? It certainly enabled mt to win the ea#e.” v „ “Ye win it?” repeated tho juror scornfully, “Ye tun it? I \