The Cedarville Herald, Volume 27, Numbers 27-52

r l i m c m , m ® f e m m L «-$ft registered .IMMwi Dobbtite, 34 m * Helen Jenkt, o f Xenia, ms the guest o f ii«!c friend* Mi* Edn* Xowi^by*.' Mr. O. W, Bhrofe left T a t * ^ wore,jag ter % €tuple o f week*’ vtelfc i&Temme* —IT«e Modei Flour. XJw* Caflfe Hadriws*, o f Xenia, waathe guestf of Mi* In* Murd>ck * few day* thisweek. Mw? and Euia XnrW started Wednesday ior a two weeks visit with retetivea la Logan county, J1, E, Wiekersbam a id wife,of Sen* wan, 0 4,xtapped over Sabbath .with Mr, JohnGeorge pa their way to a 'Visit in Logan county. - “-Peaches, bananas andother fruits always in' stock at.Fuffer&Wbtttjng- p)Q% Was Stella Boggle, o f Yellow Springe, baa been the guest pf Mr. W.#M, Barber and family for several , days. JIce eteam and sherbetwill be served Saturday afternoon and evening in the Stewart room by the ladies of the U,;P. church.. Congressman G. Q. Hildebrafit, o f the Sixth District, has appointed For­ rest Harding, o f Franklin, O., to Yfest Point cadetshipl - „ —If the best is none too good for you insist on your grocer furnishing yott Model Flour, ■' ‘ ' ■> ' Dr, J. W, Dixon is spendinga few 4 days with’bis family who are visiting relatives at Chillicothe. They expect < to return home Monday evening. \ , •* 1 - ‘v, 1 •The families of Messrs Harry and WalterBiff left Monday evening for , Tendon where they will spend a week , or so with, their husbands .who rhave - * large cement contracts in that section. 1 ', ARMOUR'S ANIMAL'MATTER FERTILIZERS PERMANENTLY ' IMPROVE THE SOIL. Sold by . . Kerr & Hastings Bros. .Misses Lula and -Eleanor Smith who baye been visiting out of town ' friends for‘some time have arrived S 3. .They Were accompanied by Hess, o f Siduey,.'who will be their-guest for apcoup!e-of weeks.. . August 7th, excursion tickets'' to, - Columbus will be sold via Pennsyl­ vaniaLines atJl.OO round trip from Cedarville good going on special train v • leaving at 8:65 a. m,, central time, —Overalls, working. shirts. - sus- ip'enders, handkerchiefs/ etc. ‘t atPuflbr d f.Whittington's. ■- . ■ ' The matinee races*at the Bridgeman track last Saturday drew a good shed —Model! That’s th*Fbur, The Mireet McNeill left Tuaeday to spendtheir vacation with their parents seal Bello Center, O, No ?n:&; I will not beta my office fromFriday morning until Monday evening. Dr. J. W. Dixcn. Mr. and Mrs, J, H. Stormont will leave next week for Sulpher Lick Springs, where they will spend * couple of weeks at this resort. ■>—New lot of chewing and smoking tobaccos, all the leading brands, at Puffer & Whittington’s, Mrs. G. H, Creswell and children, and Mi* Alberta Creswell left Thursday evening for aj visit at her home in Sparta, III., ‘and will also lake in the World’s Fair, fifc. Cres­ well expects to go out later. —A good young fresh cow for sale. Polled Jersey, JEf. N. Coe, Bell phone 353 Chfton exchange. It, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Troute were surprised last Friday evening by a number of their friends calling on« them, .They were each presented with a handsome rocking chair, ’•—I f once you try you will always buy Model Flour, its the best, Mr. Joshua Barnett, one o f the county Commissioners, is in .declining health at his home ,in Xenia, On Monday his condition was considered very serious and his many friends have little hope of his recovery. —Call-and, See my line of buggies, carriages, carts, etc,, at W» It.- Ster* rett’s. Xenians are planning for a drink­ ing fountain in 'the public"'Bquare, Since the town is'jnow on the “ dry” list the men with parched throats will have an opportunity to quench their thirst with a cool drink of Water, ' - —Fresh bread received daily at Puffer & Whittington's. • The. telegraph office .at Alpha on thePennsylvania line to Dayton is to be opened after being closed for sev­ eral years. Mr, Tillman, the night operator at the local office has been stationed there. He with’ hi?, wife will make tbeirhome in that place. - r’ * i —Your' money hack if you are not pleasedwith Model Flour. - ' A1 Whittington leaves today for the wilds of Cedarville township, where he will open aiunch stand and hoarding house at the oil well. -Whit expects toliave' a great ,outing and- will put in a telephone to keep the boys informed on the oil statue,— Jamestown-Journal, .Every crop removes certain etc-' ments- from the soil, ARMOUR’S ANIMAL -FERTILIZERS ,restores the,plant food naturally/and in the right balance. Sold by Kerr & Hast­ ings Bros* -Ik ■'and1-'flucket~'khrBeB" '■from Oliffconwas the best race, -The Hackefc horse took the race in 1:08 for the best time. ■ ■ ’ Fon B ale C heap -A good phaeton inquire at tlpB office.. . . .In our last issue we made reference to the “ Leaves of Healing” in that Postmaster Tarbox and. wife were, among those who were baptised arid received into the Christian Catholic church on Monday. July 18.' Mr, Tarbox says that he and his wife did' not Unite.with the church but were baptised as stated, ' —Model, Clifton and Cedaryille dour always, in stock at Puffer & Whittington’s, Mr. Charles Harris, o f this place, who has employment in the railroad' yards in Xenia as night watchman, missed his footing :in attempting to board a yard engine as it was passing the depot Sunday night and was thrown between the engine and the platform', He was badly bruised hut was lucky in getting - « way w HJ j •hi£ : A- a large consignment of frteb cakes o f ail kinds just received ni, Puffer & Whittington's. Persons living along rural routes who want their mail delivered this winter when the roads are had should see that their share o f the roads are in good shape while the weather is good. Don’t put this off until bad weather sets In ,«» the carriers have instruc­ tion* to cutout all roads that are in bad simps. Will your road stand the UMf —Mitdei Flour makes good breath ,Mr* >KH. Wolford and wife, Mr. C, Mu Crouse retd wife and Mre.U 0 , Bull attended the annual, reunion of Marylander# In this state at Franklin, Thttreday, Mrs, Crouse and Mrs. Bull going from Franklin to Farthers* vllie where they will visit Mrs. <3rent LeyI inf k ftw days. . . ,WA*t#*r»- -Two extra heavily bttfli ptttles. D, h Ei yin Co, v Mr. and Mrs, A- D. Eodatey are expected heme from S t Louis to­ morrow. Mr, E, B. Frenta anted a* judge at I the fair yesterday for the truit and vegetable display*. F or Rims:—One rubber tiro buggy and set of harrow, two horses, farm wagon and harness, A. Bradford- Dr, E, Q; Ogleebee lias purchased, the W, A, McDormanfarmof 08acres, the consideration being ISI i« r acre. The Ezekiel & ^cniheim. Co.,' o f Cincinnati,havepurebased theMcCor kell stock that« in bankruptcy for #1075. Mr, and Mrs. J. B. Winter, and grand-daughter Olive Winter are visiting Mr, Henry Hopping o f Spring Valley. Mr, Homer Wade and wife and Mr. LeRoy Heffley and wife, of Springfield are guests at the home o f Mr. Enos Olemans, The many friends o f Mr. James Murraywill begrelved^o learn that he is now confined to his bed after ailing for the laBfrfew months. . Mr. J. J. McClarren, and Mrs. Jannette McClarren ot Alberia, O., were guests of Mr, and Mrs. Hale Col- H xib , and family this week. Mr. Jasen McMillian is expected home from Des Moines, low’s, the first o f the week, before returning to bis college work at Taririo - Mr, Samuel, Shannon * thrashed about twelve acres of wheat .Wefines day that averaged nearly 30 bushels to the acre and tested 58J pounds, ' Messers Andrew Jackson and Son Frank, and George Sieglar attended the annual reunion of members o f the Legislature at Cedar Point, this week. « Miss Grace Collins, daughter.of Mr, Janies Collins, pf Xenia, was married. Wednesday evening to Rev. E* E, Campbell, a graduate of Xenia Seminary^ They; will sail in Septem­ ber for'India where'they go as mis­ sionaries. Several from here attended the wedding. Mr. Will Conley was at North, Bend, a-town near Cincinnati, Mon­ day wherebe and two' other men acted, as jugesin the selection of a number of head of cattle for a show herd. The breed is known as the Guernsey’s,' and is one in which Mr. Conley is well acquainted. The farm and stock are owhed by Mr, R, H. Warder ,of Chicago, superintendent o f Lincoln Park. ^ V, - ’ . ' ' ■There will be an all-day picnic" at the oil derrick on. the Clemana* land. Th .’rsday, August 11, In- the morn- ing there will be a game o f base ball a t -10:30 and another in the after­ noon at three o’clock. Sack races have been arranged as well as several with difierpnt.members o f the Cedar­ ville colony.’ On his return he will journey in to Kansas where he has some real estate, getting the first view of his western possessions. Before returning home Mr. Winter will in­ spect the World’s Fair exhibits. - —-See grain drills atW. R. Sierret’s Mr. R. P. McLean, who has been in Dayton with the National Cash Register Company for Some time, is home on a vacation owing to the annual close down of the plant at this time for invoicing. The'company is sending theiremployees to the World’s Fair, paying the expense of car fare and hotel accomodations. Mr. Mc­ Lean will not. go to the Fair until this fall when he returns to Oklahoma City as salesman for the company m that locality. —Ask you grocer for Model Flour. Q RIM formerly "Professor Medical College, Cincinnati, O., awarded the -Norris, Hi'Kilin*. H»r;x>arfc-aiiu American Teat,menials, tWClMATl‘5 CELEBRATED Oculist—Optician Will makelife riext monthly visit to Cedarville August 24 &25, at the residence of Mt$* Owdtts*Xenia Av, Remember It’s PositivelyDangerous To riskyour preefonseycslght by bavin*! your eyes examined or glass* ffterd by "so-called opti­ cians” and spectacle peddlers idm m from house to hotf*, and who do not have a tliorouah Medical or Optical edtieaWon. I’ossessic.K troth, 1 can ausrantee you hocarate r*alM frt defective vWon and perfect fitted glaemu , or your moneyrefunded. Nextmonthly visit at OfitX0« August 30 and 37, 1804. mscurrs go up * About balf-paat two Wednesday afternoon tha town was atartled by a terrible crash at the railroad, and soon a large crowd b*d gathered, sup­ posing that a wreck h^ul occurred. The engine of the local, after setting off several cars on the Sterret aiding, was returning to the train, but when the engineer attempted to slow down he found the air-brakes would not work, and the engine crashed into the train with tremendous force causing considerable damage to the train. The engine was injured to some extent] and two o f the cars were telescoped1 and- the tracks displaced. One car was lo&ded with TJneeda Biscuit, but the consignment was uninjured. The engineer and fireman will probably be given a thirty day lay off. NightWasHer Terror, “ I would cough nearly all night long,” writes MrS. Cba* Applegate, o f' Alexandria, lud., ‘and could hardly get any - sleep. I bad con- sumption so bad that if I walked a block I would cough frightfully and spit blood, but, when all other med­ icines failed, three $1.00 ‘ bottles of Dr. King’s. New, Discovery wholly cured me and I-gained 58 pounds.” It’s absolutely guaranteed to cure coughs, colds, la grippe, bronchitis and 'all throat and lung troubles. Price 505 and $1.00. Trial bottles' tree at all druggists, GREENE COUNTY FAIR. t j-' > ' ‘ ■ ‘v, , The sixty-fifth annual fair o f the Greene County Agricultural Society is a great success, the Thursday crowd being estimated larger than last year, exhibits ■were complete and repre­ sented almost every line.' .Among the local stockmen there is little yea- bob for complaint, as alt .received their share' of. “ ribbons” and in - some instances more*' Messrs, D. Bradfute & Son,- Pollock & Kerr, Andrew BroB. and J. E. Orr in the cattlering drew most of the “ ribbons” hut ■at the time of going to press we are Un­ able, to •give the Winners ,.of, sweep stakes.. The firm'of ViTate.and Faust with sheep aud hogs and f. C, and R. D, Wiljiiuusoii Ciieh had good success. Mr. Frank Ore- receiyeid first, and second on his'colts. 25 cents, which wilt go to help pay the expense of entertainment and the dip-, ferent prizes. [ ■ It is h.o& known that Cedarville will not have to have another elec­ tion this fall under the Beal law. It has all been decided by the recent election .in Xenia. The report was, dropped the Other day by one ot the “ wets” that as Xenia was “ dry’ again there would be no election here, hut bad the election been the opposite- we would have asked for an election. “ Had Xenia gone *wet’ - we could have carried the town easy” said the friend of the liquor1interests, “ as the business men are now satisfied that a “ dry” town is a dead town,” The Death Penalty, A. little thing sometimes results in death. Thus a mere'scratch, insigni- ficantcuts or puny boils have paid the death penatly. It is wise to have Bticklen’s Arnica Salvo ever handy. It’s the hest 'salve on earth'^abd will prevent fatality, when burnsfsores, uloers, and piles threaten, Only 26c, at all druggists. A - f - . . A m i r s Don’t trv cheapnough medi­ cines. Get the best, Aypr’s CherrY'Pectoral, what a record it has, sixty years;of Cheriw; Pectoral cures! Ask your doctor If he doesn’t use it for coughs, colds, bronchitis* and all throat and lung troubles, «Il>Av* foiiiia tilAfc Ayet'd Oh.try Pcdtoful 1*tiift b«t*t itiHirln* t ft*« MiMrtbo for broit- Bronchitis tiort with amah de»*« of Ayar’f fills* - Suicide Prevented. ‘ The startling a»niQUBeemeujt|tbat a preventive of .suicide has been discov­ ered will interestmany. A run down system, or despondency invariably precede "suicide apd' Eomethifig'-has been found that-will prevent that con­ dition which brakes suicide likely. At the ikst thought of.self destruction take Electric Bitters, It beinga great tonic and .nerrine will strengthen the nerves and build up the system. It's also"r^aKSffiinffcF^Liveraiffi'Kid^ FOR SALE. Having made arrangements to re move from Cedarville, I desire to sell my restaurant, including stock and fixtures } also my livery -and feed stable. I will rent the building used for the restaurant,'the dwelling ad­ joining aud the stables to the parties purchasing. .Terms made known on application. G eo , B oyd , Cedarville, O. Mr. Adin Barlow of this place and Miss Mary Ann .Reid, of Clifton, were married t Thursday .evening at Yellow Springs. The groom is em­ ployed at the.paper mill. W. L. Olemans and son, Fred, were called this week to the bedside of Rev. F. N.- Olemans, ofNew Holland. He had his limb broken in two places and bis ankle dislocated. Misses Lula and Olive Coe, and Mr. Alfred Swaby of Clifton and Miss Mary 8 terratt,/ and Mr. Walter Sterrett, expect to leave next week for the World’s Fair at St Louis, j. . Mr. E. <X Rader Mrs, Mary Caruthers and Miss LouisaReynolds, of Xenia, wereentertainedat the home of Mr, R. O,, Watt, WedneSuiy. • Word was‘received here this week of the serious illness o f Rev, Joseph McHatton at the home Of his brother, Rev. Kugh MoKatton, of Duncan* ville, 111. Mrs. M. A, Barr* a sister, received word last night that ho woo some better. ^ BridofBitter Wght. 7 “ Two physicians had a long aiid stubborn fight with an abcess on my right lung” writes J. F. Hughes of DuPont, G«. “ and gave me up. Everybody' thought my time had come, As a last resort t tried Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consump­ tion, The benefi11 received was strik­ ing £hd I was on my feet in a few days, Now l ’ye entirely regained my health,” It conquers all coughs, colds and throat and Jung troubles. Guaranteed by all Druggists, Price 80c, gnd $1,00, Trial bottles free. Look Over Your Needs for This Summer and Early Fall "Wear and Attend . . . . . . LEBENSBURGER’S CUT PRICE SALE! It’s the Greatest E con om y E ven t o f the year. T h e closing out o f a ll Spring and Summer Clothing, H a ts and Furnishings at . one-fifth, one-fourth, one-third and one-half off former prices. One Dollar Will Do the Work of Two Th is sensational Cut Price Sa le is now going on at Lebens- burger’s w ith values that w e ju stly and proudly proclaim the grandest ever offered the people o f Springfield and surrounding towns. A l l Summer goods m u st go, and go qu ick ly . Prices have been cut, ripped and slashed in every department, from one end of the Store to the other— cost and profits have been forgotten. Our, brand-new stock now on sale— not for one hour, but for a ll day, and every day until sold o u t , ............... Whatever YouDo, Don't Mis This Sale .. ..COME AND FIND TH E ,...... Biggest Bargains Ever Offered in Springfield D on ’t live to regret not having attended this sale. N ow is the time and this the place to m ake your m on ey do double duty. ' P ’ a ';* * pm n U,ar o f any »tw*F; “ 'T H I S S T O R E W I T H T H E S T Y L E ’ v ^formerly t h e Surp rise S to re Cor . L im e s ton e and H igh S t s ., Springfield , *, j L.j -*■ ft ^ ‘ k . ^ f, 4 , ^ f 1 % Spnd Annual F a ir to be held on the ' v Tuesday,Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 2 4 ? AUGUST 4 % v?, tS and lp, 1904. The ' Odd Fellows Knights o f Pythias and Junior Order lodges will have a picnic on Thursday, Aug.l 1 at tho old picnic grounds at Cliftoh, Every bodoy come with well filled basket* and enjoy the day with us. Cl W. Creuse. Rec. Sect’ . I.O . O.F, H*«rd His Marnnla Say, “ What is this?” asked tho teach* or, pointing to the island of Cuba on the map. “I dutmo, ma’am,” replied the boy. “Didn’ t you ever hear your mam­ ma say what we got from Spain?” “ Yes’mj olives.” ..-rp Yonkers Statesman, _ Familiar With Fauhion’a-Whimc. “ Wo should aim t,o he honestly straightforward, all our lives,” as­ serted the lecturer at the women’s club, “ But the straight front may go out of style in another season, in­ terrupted an attentive listener, Perplexed, tho lecturer waited for the confusion to cease. Nat N«g!«st*u, . “The art of letter writing is sadly neglected nowadays,” ' said tho man of. literary taste. “ That remark,” said his more f metical friend, “ shows that you aven’t « son at college who is ap- Arriving at a Verdict. Kusbequa, Pa.,“Aug. I.—(Special) —in this section of Pennsylvania there is a growing belief that for such Kib- ney Diseases as Rheumatism and Lame back there is only one sure cure and that is Dodd's Kidney Pills. This belief grows from such cases as that of Mrs. M* L. Davison of this place. She tells, the story herself as follows*.—- r “ I have suffered from rheumatism for thirty years and find that Dodd’s Kidney Pills have done me more good thab any medicine I have ever taken. I was also bothered with Lame Back and I can only say that my. bnhk hasn’t bothered me since I took Dodd’s Kidney Pills,” ‘ Considering that Mrs. Davison only took two boxes of Dodd’sKidney Pills, the result wotild be considered wonderful if it were not that others are reporting similar results daily, Kusbequa is fast arriving at a verdict that Dodd’s Kidney Pills are the one sore cure for rheumatism,” 32very housekeeper should know that It they will buy Defiance Cold Water Starch for laundry use they will save not only timejdiecause it never sticks totlioiron,bat because each package contain 10 o*.— 0 fie full pound-while all other Cold Water Starches are put up in Si-pound package* and the price is the same, 10 cents. Then Strain becauseDefianoeStarch is free 'from injurious chemicals. If your grocertriesto sell you a 12-e*, package it Is becausehehaa a stock on handwhich hewishesto tltopo* of before he ’puts in Defiance. He Joknfll that Defiance Starch has printed on every package in largo.letters and figures ‘‘it 0».” Demand Defiance and save much Hifieanfl money and thoannoyance of theLo» Stick* ing. Defiance never sticks. Grew at Ires coat par bushel, lire ARMDttR’S FERTILIZERS., They fire ns necessary re modern agricul­ tural machinery. Kerr A Hastings Bros. Bells them. This officftisprepared to do first class 1 ’job work on the shortcut notice. j DON’T BE BLIND 4 •#4 To your own interest; to that interest which promises health and good eyesight, by wearing cheap glw*e*» unsnited to the defects et your eyes, when yoo get the best, and a thorough examination at a rare 8“ able price. KYLE & TATE XENIA, - * * ‘ ^ j Ttff.NTY-SEVl; ' ' -MOSQOTO ' The hvfi. Bmrd o Jtoaday fVtfiufr iu ^ with .them were ■Sfareeri 'KGolumbaa*. goinfon. of ('iucinnatS ^ HtateKp'U’d .of Hi? j^r-, 4 * Inyosriguto .-wfiUeiKgdr.Pi.tH’r ^ ^ werebronghS iiere |jift siEOiiJicr. ; ;0 the meeting 'wer: arsons wbo gathered to he done. Ihe yikea to the Jakes, in Md brought back some thatiseaidtoholheea pjosqffitos. They hoW or reservoirs are breed! ,tjOMjmtos,aiidifthe\v themill was allowed to ,#trremwithout hinde# not-hethe odor there' is "'tloftev to he done ip ;oth ritire wkem there"1'ar plants, and there ans fitowu-; i Uv-ffife;no such a plant had more ‘*I|isre seems to be no purifioalioiT Of- the wat useilinoiie 'oftheseph Ptntemeut made1'by epeskers. The only -re that was'made by the the present, was that ihould-beppen^dand.a inflowput. Theywill | report iu a few days, . Among the local spea Robert Hood, who ha. interest in the matter, hlsremarka- thaf the rn if Jmfl bythejoIllwUsjn flat thewater was very r?!{lahgerouss±ogood-heal h farther that Mr. John asdid-two of/Mr. Samu |fi'ohiidrem Mri Hood - V.cimehere froth’ New resideand enjoy goodh the Blench from the pa i offensivethat it is detrii Pljenlthi, -He thlnks th oflittlego d’ to a con} farmers , arc foolish ei straw .whenit shouldJb< thefarms., “ Unless tl 1 done awaywith I will ray dweling and leavJ wasthespeakers clcsingj ' ^Mr. H ,1 M. 'Barber” iwortheyvatorimb vmrs'atihepresent ti being tbato’on last muskratsbore throug allowedthe water to ■ lowered the, water ii ( Rwas repaired as s ' Upon Mr, Barber’s Stanton visited “ tin dayfnorning in com] South of the paper inrtherexamination 0 <*&put inby the co penseofseveral, thou5! Dr. Stanton has to hoard of health sim professor of g'ynecc . ’ . t.