The Cedarville Herald, Volume 27, Numbers 27-52

Work w ill cm i t W ^ ’TY’-SEV STARKEYS ARCADE SHOE HOUSE which sells two-thirds of the people in. Springfield hnd vicinity, and want to sell the other third. W e have the goods and prices, Gur buyer has just returned from Boston, the shoe market of the world, after making purchases for Fall and Winter trade, going hy the wholesale^ and jobber and w ill give Boots, Shoes, Slippers and Rubbers direct from the largest manufacturers of the world. W e do a cash, one-price business, mark­ ing everything in plain figures size and price. Give you one pair as cheap as a dozen. See our pricees. Fin? pros*Shoes for Men.,,,.*.,,,,...,,..... ,,,..75e to $1,95 ' Wording Shoes fop M e n , . . . . . . « . . . , . 7 5 e to $1.25 Fine Hand-sewed Shoes for .Men ,.,.,..,..,..82.50 to 88 50 Hanau & Son fine baud-sewe Shoes for men............85 00 Fine Press Shoos for J a d i e s . . , . . „ 7 6 c to 81.05 Working Shoes and Oxfords tor ladies,,........45c to $1,50 . Fine band-sewed shoes for ladies.........,,,...$2.60 to $8,50 , „ Fine hand-tewed shoes for ladies, P a t r i e i a a * * . .,$3.50 Fine hand-sewed shops for ladies* Edwin C. Burt & - Co ..............................,.,84.00 ' Slippers for men,.......... ................ ,,..,,...,.„, 81.50 Oxfords for men............................................. 75e to 81.95 Children’s shoes,spring h e e l , . 4 5 c to $1.00 . Infants' a l m a s ...... ........20c to 75c Moccasins.,...,..,,........ ......................................... 5Cto 40c Boys’shoes..,..,,., ...,................... ................. „75o to 81.50 1 'Y* 0 uth b ’shoes..,.. ..............,5 0 c to 81,25 Little Gent’s Shoes.,,,..................................... 45c to 81,00 AH Summer Goods down BELOW COST. Rubbers at wholesale prices. Combinations and Rubber Boots 50 c below any other dealer in Springfield, Ohio, W e are here to do the busi- • ness; have got the goods, and w ill giye prices that you will buy if you w ill come and see. . We Retail at Wholesale Prices f *• \ SPRING- ,FIELD, OHIO. ^ . . ' . « c . 5 - LOCAL AND PERSONAL ? V-IB' Delaine ewe lambs—-Dobbins. The Alicea McNeill have returned ftom their vacation at Belle Centre, - Mins Vera Andrew entertained a number of ladies at a dinner party ^Wednesday. ‘ ^ ", ,, , , Mrs. Frank Reid ofMemphis,Term, is visiting her parents, Mr. aDd Mrs. John Murdock. , / ‘ Miss Margaretta Watt leaves the first of the week for Wooster where she will -attend college; * - ire vinegar and spices for pickles go {0 Cooper’s. ' 1 Invitations are out announcing the man iage of Miss Floy McDorman and Mr. Will Smith, for Wednesday, Sept: ;wf j , 4>; . MissesMabel and 'Marie Ervin re- turned totheir homo in Fittsburg ltts^ Friday after a visit of several .weeks ''witli relatives. _ ErumboTana daughter Mildred' who have been spending the summer .in Maryland, Virginia and Pennsylvania have returned home. MraiLizzie McCampbell and daugh­ ter, Pearl,, who have been. spending the slimmer at College Corner have —Model Flour makes good, bread. ; Miss Grace Harrison of York,, Neb, is the guest of Mr. W.' J . Wildman, and family. ' . Mrs. Payson, Gray, of Payton, has been visiting with Mrs, P. S, Keyes for several days this weeks. - —School tablets and school supplies of all kinks a t Cooper’s. v ’.Pr,-Will .Galloway, and’family of Xenia, were guest of A, Z„Smith and family Tuesday evening.' , •—.The best bakers use Model Flour. Prof .W^'R. McChesney and wife, and Miss Grace Morton, who have been visiting in Illinois the^past mouth returned home Monday evening.; —Try a package of Mother’s crisps. The, besV'of all the cereals.' ’Get it ■ at Cooper’s. 10c a package. . , ~ Mr, Harry Stormont left Wednes­ day for a ten days trip to Sulphur Lick Springs.' This, second^^kthirM^pn.afrithiff‘i'F’ AirjBDr—To purchase three thou- bd'hushels of oats " . ; ' P . 6 . Ervin Co, SatE—Fine twoyearMdfdraft colts. TteasqpJiilU^ragf^oo >ady on hand. Inquire of F. L. Paul, Cedarville. R. F. P . No.3, ‘ MisS Edna Shroades, of Spring- field, who has been spending her va- cation herte with her grandparents Mr, Mr, Clarence Young, of Philadel phia, is home on a vacation.' • , Born to Mr. and Mrs. Morris Peter­ son, a twelve pound boy, Thursday. The Misses Cleo Creamer'and Mary Allen of Milledgevtlle were, the guests of Miss Bertha Owens last.week. * —The heat of bread fresh every day at Cooper’s, -'' A] bo cakes and crackers of all kinds. Later—Since the above was written Mr. Johnson has withdrawn from the race, leaving Mr. Harshmab a clear field before the coming primary; . -Mrs. G. E, Jobe « giving & ‘‘kitchen shower” this afternoon in SECOND HAND \ Buggies, Phaetons, Runabouts; Sur- j VST t> U , . I *1 FOR /THE LITTLE ONES. . . . . . .................................... farm, nlentv n f. Joit^nnai her Sabbath SchoolClass Friday af- melons. -t , ,J. Marshall. Mr. J , H , Wolford and family at­ tended the Mills family reunion at -Richmond,Ind.t Sunday. -< Mr. Arthur Brown, of ,Monmouth, lib, has been agueatat the home of Mr. J , Wi Pollock for several days. : Messrs.'ClSyton'and Jason McMil­ lan left Monday evening for Tarkio, Mo., where they will finish their col­ lege work. ' —I f once yon try you will always buy Model Flout, its the best. ;vMrs. Minnie McElroy and sonKen­ neth, of Payton, spent the first of the week with Mr, .Samuel Kildow and wife.' Mr, Paul Tindall, who has been in li)e Exchange bank for two years has resigned and taken a position with the Xenix National bank, He entered 0 n his dutiesTuesday. j reys, etc., at W. IL Sterrett’s, / Miss Janette Collins 'entertained-a number of her girl friends at a birth day party Monday afternoon. , Subscribe for tbe'Herald, 1' The Chinese never punish, an an- imalj-hencea mule that in the hands of a foreigner would not only be use­ less' but dangerous to . every one about -it becomes ih; the possession of a Chinaman as quiet as a lamb and ns tractable 'as a dog. \Ve never beheld a, runaway, a jibbing or“vi- cious mule or pony in China, but found the same" rattling, cheerful *7**•«*"y T*«rsa"S-S£,rt is to be married to Mr, Will Smith, 1 “doek-k," (the .beast turning to the next Wednesday, About- forty ladies right or loft-and 'stopping with but will be present. j a hint from, the-reins. This treat- - -r, „ ‘ ’ r»r - j ment is extended to'all the-animals J; ull line or Buggies, Bnaetons, j they press into their service. Often Carriages, Driving Wagons, etc' Spe-1 have J admired the tact exhibited in cial prices now a t W. R. Sterrett’s.' I getting a large drove , of ' sheep ‘ . . ' , . ’ , . . . I through harrow, crowded streets , ay°r Trader, of-Xenia, thinks! anq alleys by merely having a little that the property holders should not! boy to lead one of tho quietest of jtiave to.put in cement walks until the the flock in front. -The others stead city coujacil puts down walks around j fpRowtsd, Cattle, pigs and birds M&E? “ rea lor- ^ w vetoed the ordinance compelling resi- ' dents on certain streets,-to put down walks. • , . Mow a Lazy Little Boy Was Taught X Wholesome Lecaon, |r I t was" a- very, hot day, and the little boy was lying on his stomach under the big linden tree reading the “Scottish, Chiefs.’-’ - ■- . “Little . boy," said his mother, .“will you please go out in the gar­ den. and bring mo a head of le t­ tuce?" ‘ “Oh, -I—can’tl” said the little boy,' “I’m—too hot!" The little boy*? father happened to be close by weeding the geranium bed, and when he heard •this he lifted the litttle' boy gently by the -shoulders' and dipped,a great tub of water-that stood all ready for Watering the' plants. \ “There, my son V* said the father. “Now yon are cool enough to go and get. the lettuce, -but TCmcmber next time that it.wiU- be easier to go a t once when you are fold, as then yon will not have to change your clothes." - Then the little boy went drip, drip,- dripping out into' the garden and brought 1 the lettuce, ' Then he went drip, drip,- dripping into the house arid changed his clothes, but he said netjer .a ivord, for he .knew there -Was nothing to, say1. That i s 1 the way they do, things j where tha tlittlo boy lives, Would WILL Be DISTRIBUTED FREE TO SUBSCRIBERS OF THE ? r ' 'N E X T N O V E M B E R . ' - To those who make, correct or -nearest to correct estimates of the total number of ballots cast-in Ohio on November 8 ,^ 1904 , for Presidential electors. ' ■ - 1 .estimate and six months’ subscription to Weekly Enquirer for , $0.50 “2 estimates and a year’s subscription to Weekly EnquirerTor, . , i estimate and ten days’ subscription to Daily Enquirer for v . 3 estimates and one.rnonth’s subscrip­ tion to Daily Enquirer for . . - • 1.00 .50 1.50 1 . ----- 7 1 There are 5,335 Cash Prizes, ranging from $ 5.00 to $ 25 , 000 . Also a ° W o t ’' ocSb a K- ' hC * ’ " h° * * '* ? ”* ? **■exlct “ “ « * teruoon. N otice , - 4 , called meetibg will be held Saturday night by theL 0 . 0 . F. members, when work-will be given m the initiatory degree. All members are requested to be present. Of W, CrOuse, Recording Secretary. ( —Use Model Flour. Samuel M. Armstrong, of Clifton, died a t his home Monday after two years illness of Bright’s, disease. He Was 82 years of age. Mr. Armstrong was for years the miller in Clifton^ The funeral services were held Wed­ nesday, conducted by Rev. H, C. Middleton. —For anything in the can line go to Cooper’s; Among those who left here last night for St. Louis were, Mrs. Silas Murdock, and Mrs. W<B. Stevenson, Messrs, Frank and Fred Bird, Kor»arvSeeeaw. / KoreaU girld are fond of .playing I aaPPy ^ tJeb ,0y»-| _ . . . . _ - . a t seesaw. A-hag full of sand. I ^,learning the tnxtti of the ! -Keep m mind theH erald when about a foot, in'thickness ib placed °n wanting sale bills. Our water-proofj or the ground. Across this is placed took^makes-t-hem-populari—si^^-^-[-a-plank7nud-Etret'ched‘uiongHiueut:ir1~Binirtrt^abori»<i4r,ri;irM^you‘n never" |- r s 1 :^ |1"C i^aili-iT-riTirgriswl ftQR Tftjlll. 1 . / ...^ ^ it i j n Flac^ ttl^ h i^ b u t'trn r ff^ ^ lU l'll'n .... fier mir n ^ r prinuid in tba.Dttily wHdwegklrEnquirerforpaniculart JO, Total Ballots Cast in Ohio in other Presidential Years. m .84T,94 1 TB8S7T 1896 . , , 1 , 020,107 A y e r ’s C h e r r y P e c t o r a l quiets tickling throats, hack­ ing coughs, pain In the lungs. It relieves congestion, sub-* Cherry Pectoral dues inflammation, It heals, strengthens. Your doctor will explain this to you. H e knows all about this cough medicine. "W*tiara:#i«XAyer’*Cherry?Mtor*l la ear family far SS.yeer* for throat and lltnr trauble*.endwethinknomedicineeenelaIt." M m , A. POMkROr,Appleton.Mian. Xfc.-,Wc„r1.W, i, c. AYJtneo„ mmm SS mmmmw f o r mmmSImmmJSSm Weak' Throats Ayer’a Purely -lie yohng Koreans do not sit down, as English, and American girls’would do, hut stand erect on the ends of the plank. One gives an upward spring and as she alights on tho hoard gives the other a Skyward toss, who, -os she alights in turn, throws the first ,girl aloft a little “ttH th e ^ b u ttpm ^ n F ^ ia T g irj fiat glass vessel a little bottle con -1 taining somo ted wine. The bottle is sealed with a cork having- a small hole boired through it by means of J a xedhot wire in the direction of i t s , axis. We know that in consequence of its - density wine ‘will fall | upward into Water, and hccord- Sample copies sent free on application to ENQUIRER COMPANY, Cincinnati, 0. Percy Succeeded All Right. higher. And bo the sport goes on ingly we shall soon see tho ruhy nntil In their upv flight each girl liquor escaping in a small but b I ow I v is thrown two or three feet into tho widening thread that ascends to- air. Frequent rests a?e necessary, ward the top of the water. Proceed 1 but the pastime is the occasion of as follows: From sand or earth fash^ much merriment, r ^ How to Make a Flute. A little flute from which a good j deal of amusement may be derived ] can be made by wrapping a piece of I ler around a pencil to make a | “By jeve," said Percy, “here-come Grace and Helen 1 Now’s my time Pill# greatly aid recovery, vegetable, gently laxative* ion an imitation' mountain a t the bottom o f the vase. In this minia­ ture mountain conceal your bottle of wine, taking care to allowa small hole on top for the vjine to escape; this is the crater; Now gently pour water into your 11° make an impression." tube. Paste the edge fast, and to raso until nearly full, and, giving one, end of the tube fasten a trian- the water a circular motion with the gular piece of paper somewhat lar- j hand, the red wine making its ea- "er than the opening. To play the cape in a thin thread will give you I mte draw in your breath through a splendid imitation of an active the open end of the tube. - The dif­ ference in pitch will depend, upon how hard you breathe'. vclaano. THE LITTLE ONES. A Queer Hsueekeeper. ■ ANNOUNCEMENT! Owing to the delay of the carpenters, papers hangers,and painters hi not getting 6ur room ready, the MEiiencoert clothing store is com-1 pelled to postpone their OPENING till Thursday, Sept. 15 Free souvenirs will be given to all who attend our opening, V Respectfully yours, GE WINGFIELD, ■I:. '.. 1 • ''""ft,./','..,,' Blind Is May’* Slnalng Sohool Amutlng Game. Gne playermust be blindfolded to take the part of teacher. The rest But just then U f Grace’s young of the party compose the class and j £ £ ^ r ° p9 Percy sit in a line facing he r." lwmin* a^amai She then informs her class that j7i* gear S f k ® f u P Dg Sunday School Tenclier-What is S A r f t W S Tom. ttirtnii “Ah” *“ '1 i1’" «IV« I l Isings and the next “Ah" _ ilittle higher Or lower, just as she ' chooses, and so it goes nil the Way ‘ down the line, each singing a note Iin any way that sh'o may wish. The itoaeher must listen’attentively, and jAny time she thinks she recognizes | a voice she slops tho class and calls jthe. singer by name. If she guesses cfh ' " -Tommy—I t means to ho born corre tly she changes places with tho i “wuxiute rUAT rooraBattsH.’' HlppopolanUmws* from {li*. ^ duon . 1 "Llille, who**'# that iooth'b.msh? I want to SnruU iha floorl” i m ' What Luall* Thought. “Mamma," said Lucile ta she ckught the number on her grand- Sunday School Teachef-—iWiat’s right. And would you like 'td be horn again? -;/■Womfay^Jfe(':::thn%afiV;' .YM- ’"Ih; afraid, . v. ;v., 7 ; V ' SundaySchool ;;''T ^ao lc t^ fttiit Wouldyou he afraid of? ,;7 :v • ^very time a now teacher is aeJ . Rotate** Finn*g«t». lacted the whole class must change Make a white sauce by melting Seats, so that the voices may not be two rounding tablespoonfuls of but- recognized by the direction from *ith one. of flour, and when Which they come, smooth and frothy pour in a scant A little variety may be introduced j P^t of rich milk. Let this boil ser- into the game by singing a weil Iera* minutes, stirring constantly, known song instead of scales, each jmd season with pepper, salt and a pupil singing the word which acmes onion juice. Hava ready a to her to supply. It is the privilege qhart of cold diced potatoes and a her Mass j ewpfm of carrots chopped coarsely. ........ ’ - - Announce* ment in Millinery . Catharine Osterly announce* es while in New York she had entree to the most exclusive model establishments and. will soon have a display of author* ative styles for women and juveniles. Extends most grateful thanks for your valued patronage in the past and every effort in future wilt merit a continuance of the same. Our prices, as heretofore, will be the lowest possible con* siatent with workmanship and material. of each teacher to direct m _____„ ....... .. .......................... .................. ... ^ mother's door, “grandma’s house is | to sing whatever she may ohboseJMnt pot HU years old," ^ I rithsr ton# o t jln to ih # atoes and oarrott and sauce, Thlrty»Seven Green St X en ia , Ohio How’s This. We offer One Hundred TJollars Howard for any ease of. Catarrh that cannot bo Cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure, K- J* Chenhey A Co., Toledo, 0. We the underiierficd, have known V. J. Cbetiuey for the last IS years, ami bollt-ve hifti perfectly honorable hi all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his- firm. Waldluj?, JCinnan A Marvin, Wholesale ttrnjgjiat^ Toledo, 0, Hall's Catarrh Care is. taken SnlcrnfiHy, noting tUreefclh upon the bleed anti mur-m* sutfeoes ot tit# system, Testimonials free* Price per bottle. Boldby *11 tfrnxglste Take Hall's Family TllUfer constlpshon. —OOAXI GOAL! A t BTjmKRrfA b I it: ’* The Political Trio Settle an old The He While the fight fm stilt hangs in a bahu there will he no elect' under Seeretary'oi S iog* Springfield, I - case with a Democral Repubiicsps have h - b^t attorneys in the papers afld fi|®a test preme Court, The J he opposite to-the lav -caBes in county, offices ' ,ha$ a clerk fight and -will.'he govern Court’s decision. As for the Ipcil figl McCorkell and S. C, Ihe Andrew-Ridgwaj juade au effort to fore of the race in favor oi has beeu cbnsiderabl . hae become a questior three renegade p’olitie tale as to who shall 1 *offices. -When public be sold they should gi bidder aud the receipt public funds and not j two men who live at- the public as has hi ' 'sou’s ease. The name politics has been befbr this township'since tin Hickory.” He has be always found nourishi| test. I f it is necessary sense of view then lie I sioned and cared for a[ . the public. The fight/or clerksl much as to who held j whether the gang con man or not. The gaol settle with -the H eraj mislaid to knife ns. j upon which'Mr. McC ferred the office was tl fijee to give the HEri. public printing that c . authority. This he wl to do. He only woulc loue-bofore-aafl-thfti-v equally, „ This, he told like that. Anott Was that Mr. Wri drawn if Mr. Me agree that the 1 . have any of the p insuring Mr. McC for the place. L tion was ignored : into a fit of an McCorkell that i Candidate and thi with their “ mach If Charley Rid, and Bev. Andrew ute they can Silen cuiling us out of they will be bat H erald is not a pression of newa 1 like to have it, 1 the newspaper or but against them very probable tlu *o«ue of the publi iieri imagine they n,,t said anything flldgway operat "Crand Duke of «n or against At ^ a deal and flee lhe County in b8i «« purchase film hundred dollars ■ aad then try to g bcuncil to lay the that the tile wOn them laid a t his 0 **c some of the t * fbfibso the H ek A *•*»« them? V, to caucus a win Mr, Wrighi ic Mr. McGorke) **Y even up that’s their bui rilencin imsiness, # more to tmv