The Cedarville Herald, Volume 27, Numbers 27-52

m m * m xi V i f |i « o o w «m v, m m M- M Jj&ditw. F r i d a y * m p m u B m u , m t s. 0 REPUBLICAN TICKET. NATIONAL rrdKET . "P op Prisiv^ijatj THK01KJKB iimWXVh'Fi o£Yew Yurtt. F ob •Y’ice-I’rwiitait,, CHARLES W, FAIRBANKS, * of IiMjfima, CWGRESStONAt TICKET r Mtipber q ! Congress, 0th Diet THOMAS E, SCROGGY, of Oreerio County, ^ > ywvwwi* STATETICKET, For Secretary of State,*' lew is C. LAYJMtN, ■ of Huron, Forjudge of Supreme Court, WILLIAM % SPEAR, OfTrumbull.! For Clerk of Supremo Court, - vLAWSON*15,-EMERSON ,of Bolmoot, For Dairy and Food Coutndssioner, HORACE ANKENY, ■ of Greene. ForMemberBoard of Public Works, J ' / RICHARD B*OR^Wf’OJRD, ■ 5 • of Stark. • i 'Vvr* iCOIINTVT1GKET Fpr Auditor,! WILLIAM DODDS For CotamisSiono-, ' J. W, SMITH, *t For Khculi", FRANK T.TARBUX, %t , ? , ' V C y l ' . For County Recorder, . M, A*BRQADSTOHE, ' , For County Surveyor, , G. A. MeKAY Fm Infmnnrj Director, w. a sn ivcN soN . ’ ‘ ‘ A Republican vote, larger than i Usual, may be expected in the South '* owing Jo the, fact that there will be a , large cotton crop, -with high prices suit prosperity *a$ 'a result.., The war in '$*t •isij'fj'4 "'rK v^A-y gj- - ' the JBast, and the deffoiencydf wheal) | ’ in, Europe, will make large demands b in this country for those staples, Al- P r together the future opt-Iqok, from ^ '■ a htijsness point of view, iff cneeringf '' ! and the, South will Toehold the vision with'the same satisfaction as the res : - . hi thenatioh^'; >V'- The tarriffdoesn't seism to he much o f an issue this year with theDemo- ctafs.. Last spring a New York paper Said that a Democratic candidate was ,i,wftUtCd^wh&-ahQuld.Jjeiiniavoiue£fxe& I i ertiu to-: i I i 0 t I ‘"InllrTfii his notification speech he salt he believed the tariff ought to be re duced, but as the Senate would remain Republican in all probability during his term,.if he were elected, there could be no change in the tariff1, Hetiry Watterson thinks that if he were'a Republican now he would vote for Parker, Which must mean, of course, ifjit means anything, that be* inga Democrat now he will vote for Roosevelt, He says that In any speech he may makehewill not discuss issues to any’ great' extent, which is very hiae of Mr, Watterson, since the Democrats have managed to do away with nearlyall political issues, and are concentrating their Word batteries upon the character and achievements of President Roosevelt. Secretary Taft thinks Judge Parker a timid man. H e asks i f fie had been President would he have taken tit# same action ns President Roosevelt din in the matter o f the coal strike? u i think not,” he replies, “I think hot because 1 think he has shown himself so timid in meeting issues that womay “infer he would hays sheltered himself behind the plea that as he had no con* stftiitional power as President to do what was done, Ire did riot feejustified in doing it hi a private eitissen/* Possi­ bly Judge Parker will assume' a bold andvfearless attitude in his letter Of acceptance# Every Ticket Office o f the Penh*' fi| tylvanf* Lines is j?W Information Bateau o f the great World'* Pair ■*T8U*nii* in 1004. Dm Bureau ad* iitW Iaw iffe is ,B J , Itiyea, In 'bhorgs of Ticket Office. A "Rooms* o f fit, Louis hotels and hoard* 3kSg hawses, Waifon and rstrs, com fW by tfe# World’s Pair Manage** nan he obtdned from1 htm^ *&fo o tam ifa fO }* fnfyatHiioB, "Hast* day, isn't it?*? I reworked m I bad* a jm n d goad moralag « ?tktf market houtv, where he cen- ducta a meat stand* “Yoa,” bo ru* lied, ’Tiut it is certain to rain b*« ore th* day is over" Asked how ho could be so confi­ dent when the sky was apparently dear and the sun shining so bright­ ly, ho called my attention to the flies. "You aw them clinging to the beef?” lie explained. “Well, in dry weather the electric fans serve to keep the dies-away from fresh meat, but the instant the atmosphere be­ comes affected by an approaching shower- these insects begin io stick to the meat so tightly that it is a l­ most absolutely impossible to drive, them off. Our fans « - made t o re­ volve at fuU speed, and in addition wo resort to fly brushes* Rut even with all these precautions some of, the little winged pests cling to the beef with a tenacity that is astound­ ing. When this occurs, we know thnt it w ill rain, and it never fails. Just watch and Bee i f i t is no t cor-' reeh The ‘fly is th e best barometer in all the world "—P ittsburg Dis- patch, - ' ' \ A "8]fdina^ Boat. Borne experiments, made- on the Seine recently with a remarkable anfomobile boat of a new type yield­ ed surprising results. The boat: is described n s a "slider," from the fact that it really glides upon the surface o f - the water, leaving no wash whatever, and n o t through the water. With a.motor of four­ teen horsepower the extraordinary rate of Speed of eighteen miles an hour was reached on. a measured kilometer. The boa 10 feet 6 inches long by 9 feet-9 inches broad and is described, as .a “launch,"’ though her shape'is'quite Unusual for th a t class of' boa t Along the keep’are five. in c lin ed ‘planes, the pressure ,'upon which when the mo­ tor begins to act lifts the bottom o f the boat to the,surface. ,Count C.- :de Lambert'"is the' inventor. The a,Dion. ' Beggar* on Wheel*. ^ I n the ■Transvaal may 'now bo* seen many beggars who disdain to walk and travel ‘over the country on excellent bicyclesr A Belgian writing from' the, Transvaal t d a friend in Brussels ‘ says; “A certain proof that.we, are civ­ ilised here is the fact that our beg­ gars.* ride on -bicycles, • ! ’often see them alight from their wheels, which* are o f a-high, grade, ,'and ask for alms in the coolest possible manner. The other day a strong,, healthy, good looking young woman about twenty years o f age got oft her bi-„ cycle as I was passing by and asked* me fpr borne money, telling*me that her parents were- very poor and had- fourteen children,*whom they found it very difficult to support," - ' ’ Currant Shrub* r This is one of th e'm o st cooling and refreshing o f summer drinks and is said to be specially beneficial in. cases o f liver trouble- Stem red currants,' wash .thoroughly . and s s w m s T N x a m ' ' DM THE WOBUTS FAIR What 0!*ti'Ej|ui*H*4 $Uf**wu»n amt! Qfchfcrsi S«y pf t|v* E<h!9*-tl<mat «mt JiwpMng Expuitien at St. Lmiis, The public uttvramva of UlatlnyulRli, «r men who have vlslteil the worWs fair have put one note, and that of remphatic praise. Here are soma of their comments: Hon. John Hay, secretary of Rtato: m have never seen ncr hcarp of anything so 'flnt,**: . Hon. x^eUe >f. Shaw, secretary of tbs treasury: “Any father of a bright boy can afford) to Sena him to the Fair simply to study, any one of at least a thousand ex­ hibits.” . • Hon, Charles H. Groavenor of Qhlo: ”A visit of. ten days by1a man of Ordinary - aptness and appreciative capacity to the Fair is almost actual to a postgraduate course In a university." Hon. Benjamin B. Odell, governor pt Naw'yorlt: ‘*QU Louis baa been badlymis­ represented by saccounts which say that her weather is unbearable. The Fair Is Wonderful'r - . Hon. George C, Pardee, governor of Calt- fojrnls,f“Tbe governor or the GoldenBtate, who has spent all his life within her box-, dors, Anda that ho knew..only a little' about his state until he came to the Fair and saw all her varied products assembled together." Hon, Albert R.* Cummins, governor of Iowa: "The Louisiana Purchase Exposi­ tion is on the grandest scale of any expo-' Sltion the world- has ever scon." Hon. Richard Yates, governor of im­ pels: "The more I see of the Exposition the more t enjoy -it,!' Hon. Fpnulmoro Chatterton, goyernor of Wyoming: ”1 wish the’Fair the greatest .-success. Tt certainly deserves it,” LVHdn. FrdntfltAMdrpby, governor of Haw Jersey: / ‘It Is well, worth cpming from. Hew Jersey to,see eyen a small part of this Fair.” Hop. A. B, White, governor of West Virginia*; “I cannot speak too strongly of- the greatness of this Fair.” Hon, William J,'Bryans “The Exposi­ tion is an unparalleled' wonder,” Hod. John Sharp Williams, membet of congress from 'Mississippi: “The most wonderful thing of Us kind.” Hon. Hoke' Smith of Georgia, formerly secretary Of Interior under President’ Cleveland: “I am highly pleased with the Exposition and believe it to bo one of the triumphs of modern civilization-" Hdn, Perry Belmont of New York: "lit magnitude mid beauty the Fair la wonder­ ful. It Is worth coming a long distance to sde.” Hdn, Bantpl J, Campau, chairman of the Michigan, delegation to the Democrat!:}, national convention at Bt. Louis; “It is’ positively sinful for parents to fall to bring their children to see the Fair*" M, Paul Loppy, editor -of Le Petit Farl- . slen of Paris, France: "I admire the Ex­ position for its Immensity, 'its spirit of, the sublime, its general beauty and its com­ pleteness." , Prince George of Bavaria: "I hove never seep, anything prettier than the St, Louis World's Fair buildings-when outlined at' night with their, millions of electric ’lights." . Hon* Louis ‘E. McComaa of Maryland: - “Tljegreatest Fair Jn’the world." -. -Hon, John' F. Dryden of New Jersey: "The people have no Idea of.the greatness of the Exposition. Every American should see/t." - - . * , T. P,. Shants,. president of the Clover Leaf route of Chlbagq:- "The Fair Is a big' success and will continue ■ to become a greater success as Itprogresses." , WAGE EARNERS AT THE FAIR .Prominent Men Planning to Help Workers See the Great Exposition. • TVage earners of America are to see the World’s Fair by tens of thousands under, the auspices <jfthe Rational Civ­ ic Federation. A new bureau of tbe Federation, lips just been established at St. Louis upon the !World’s ' Fair groundA. Back of the movement are Grover Cleveland, Ldvld R. Francis Andrew Carnegie, Cornelius -,N. Bllsa and. Others, Plans are making to have,-Wflge_earnera_of, r r ': l N K l N I S / C H1LDKLN PromolesDigesfion-CheerPuL nesg andRestCpnteinS neither OpiunLMorplune norMineral. N O T ’N A a iC O T IC . CASTORIA jFor l a f a n t g a n d C h i ld r e c . - iThe Kind You Have Always Bought /^ tr e u jfr sm ittP ir c M ii fyWfSslH- . „ v .......t....J1’s^l.fHf ApetfeclRemedy forCoristipa- non. Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea Worms,Convulsions,Feverish­ ness a t i d l o s s OF SLEEP. •Facsimile Signature of * ■ \ _ _ . N EW YDHK . i. i . H R D S H B H lR H H n S H H I (r B<ACTCOPYOf WRAPPER. i ' yf. ‘ f >FSSTl*v ’:; w f Desirable For Summer. | ! | G L O V E S ■ f Bilk ,irab. siffi Mark, fingers double lipped, fit like ^ . . C O R S E T S * . - Alaska, Bnowfiake, Polar, only Me- Royal Worcester, Loomis. Perris, ILOO, Invisible Lacing $1.00 and 11.50* * * W Ribbons, belle, hosiery, collar, lace berthas, fans. W Cotton iiood?, are very stiff, while our etoek lp>g, t r ■Bdersuckers 10c, gingham 74c dovrn -to fie,, Sheeting in* f|£ Remnants 23c, worth 30e, Pillow eases I2le to 20c. Table # cloths, fine stock, 150c to $12.00,. napkins to match, # W a s h D r e s s F a b r i c s . I t One case to sell, wortli .JSle. White goods 10c up. ^ Yoiles, Madras, Oxford, Ohiffonetts, Persian, Lawn, *Linens, Silk Persian, greatest variety. ^ Wash.’suits $2,00 up, Wrappers $1.00, nndeiweai, ^ E L Opei ■*?*tgugr? « ;* # -f. f/? • -Jk' I 111 1| Carpets, Rugs, W indow Use (jV8r I RUTGHiSOfi S GIBNEY’S, JCENIA, OHIO, . ■ ■■■. - - r - - - ............... --------------- «:-r? “ .rV- Fba W c l l i i fe'.®sv3ga THtCCHTAbndoWPANY. NEWYoflttCITY. ~ . T c i i - o ' 1 ~ ? f f m f . . - The above sum has been set-aside b / THS Cii4wlNNATi COMMERCIAL TRIBUNE, to be distributed aa av<t re:-- subscribers of THE COM­ MERCIAL* TRIBUNE o r Tf-lE ClflOlNMATl WEEKLY GAZETTE Who estimate the total vote cast Id Lw &L*te oir-Ohlo for President’of the United States at the elector to bo het^,-November S, 1904- J f i ' I f Tp O iii • Wfii0,&at0iSif0 fa „ T h is G igantic ih ttolloctaal C cu lesS To the one making the nearest correot 'es- ‘ - - - tlmate of’the exact tota} of the vote*,,, $L,OO0 To the second Nearest ............................ To the Third Nearest »>*a^i *>f"*'* To the Fourth Nearest To the Fifth1 .Nearest .v,. ...* ., To the Sixth Nearest .................... To the Seventh Nearest To the Eighth Nearest To the Ninth Nltafeat'k....... To the Tenth Nearest To the Next 300 Nearest (510 Each)....... - To the Next 465 Nearest (55 Each) .6,COO1 2,^00 1.C00 600 300- 200 ' .WO 50 s,ooo 2,323 ' tone tfp£rw$. Ffl’r ?1 VoU .will Uacclvc- Tbe Daily and Kmulusr Commercial -TriliU-ne-.-fOr four <1) Wcsks and' lie entitled to two fi)-CsttmatfB. Tv: 5i- yp» *tviU rrorlve i-WirtjWGazatte *or wta in ■year’ l*rJ’d to two (2) esll- -mau-si; Pci- fifty coots yod will n-'A'/ve Thu-Bally and -Sunday Commercial Tribune for two tsi . 1be entitled to one (i) . v - hi ; por ................ fifty .| v.ljl roer'vo The Weekly Gazette for ::■) moupts and l)q on* ■'Hltlfd |c rua til csthuats. SWX’IALNOriCB.—PdraVCry* !lr*y j»M you Wilt tic cu-” luted to two (fifwcolts’ stfbscrlp- Ih ail 775 Awards, amodhtlng-to...5-30,000 If any subscriber should, before October 1, ', , ' 1904, estimate the’exaot total vote, there will bopaid an'addltlonal amount o f..., If any subscriber should, after October 1, '“04, and' before 5 p.rni, .-Nc 19 November 8, 1904,*estimate the exact total .vote, there wilt be paid art additional amount pf.., tbe United States see tbe World's Fair,, A- Grand TotM of.. . . . . iV„r* UJCO ovy Muu^u tit tion to The‘Bally upaj^anwy Commercial Ttlbuno; fpK#I®aw! numttkf eab»cnntieiKfsHr«»i3»te Weekly-om«ue And flrtufe. Yck"can flahscrihe-Tor- ,Ths Baby end Fumlay<Cemttf8W Clal ‘ftihiUK- at tho- ahoVo-ratea *•::-i Sr--,-.!; a time as yaw;iwJ«KAuft; Ue ent(tk-d-to*one eatimsWsfafe evenr fifty eeam>jmld@^ind<:'iM^ order the paper wu't'-tu'ftuysiiur.: di-««j,youwish-and. ttavethajea-', ttmata en'sered la yofitj-pamii'ii!' yea to order, - v3W4p».'£* Ystt cet'iin cxccUfint daily ftno, Sunday rtbwsfiaper or weekly ntwpnji Qt tvnen you- accept either of the above proiioslHOUs, You also have an oriporiutuiy id ------------ ±_&HkaAa*aXflril.fiit»ipri*ihfthlY;lifl ,'.$50,000 isdepeudant tho rta i ot your life. 10,000 10,000 flaBB-el4m««4pjfiOTiinri|'Poy.caol^piiik of tlic clear jtuce’allow a pound of .granulated sugar, and, ,boiL -together ten- riiinuteB. - Bottle while hot. Many prefer to add a g ill of the best brftndy to each pint o f the liquid before' bottling. To prepare it as a beverage allpw two' tablcspoonfule Of the shrub to each glass o f cold water. KILBY FARRAR Veterinarian, Jamestown, Ohio. Office at Rees Bros. Livery Stable. Treats all diseases and injuries, of do­ mestic animals carefully and scienti- cally. Graduate of Chicago ‘Vetlnary College. • OfT CORE Like the running brook, the sd blood that Rows through he veins has to come from imewhere. The springs of red blood are :>tmd in the soft core of the .'ones called the marrow and .ome Bay red blood also comes from the spleen. Healthy bone marrow and healthy spleen ire ful! of fat* 'Scott's Emulsion makes new dood. by feeding the bone narrow and the spleen with ic richest of all fats, the pure od Hver oil; For pale school girls and ivalids ami for all whose !:>o4 is thin and pale, Scott's hnulslon is a pleasant and rich loodiood. I t not only feeds he blood-making organs but ;lves ’them strength to do Jicir proper work Send for free eampte. - ^atfpTT A DOWHiti Cbemlet*, , «9-4«5PeatlBtreei. NcwYcrk. JcAandlii.eo; all draesrlMn. im ssm ss, CASTORIA f a r lafftnt* and Children, tilt KM YouHavaAlwaysBcuihl and tbe most lnfluetitlnl Tftqtor lu tlio "(-ddtiatVuiro'rTiig,a.iiii;rrg' 1 TflfTiti5L'ir ,‘'""- Tbeliureau Is in cbai-ge of Mls$ Ger­ trude Beeks, secretary i>t tbe Federa­ tion's Welfare department, of which Mr,,H. H. vre'claud, head of tbe street railway system of New York city, is chairman. Tbe bureau headquarters IS in tbe east end of tbe Palace of Trans­ portation,, on tbe ground door. Tbe Ex­ position management is Jn . hearty ac­ cord with this movement on the-part of tbe Federation to induce the large manufacturers and, other employers of labor to provide ways and means for tbe wage earners of America to visit .the Exposition. President Francis Is displaying personal Interest hi the un­ dertaking by affording the Federation every facility for tbe consummation of its efforts, and in this connection be has directed Theodore Hardee, assist­ ant to tbe secretary* to co-operate with Miss Beeks and Ralph M, Easley, chairman Of the Federation’s executive council, in every possible way. The Exposition management has aleo equipped this bureau with clerical as­ sistance and a full supply of world* t Fair literature. The bureau will be used as headquarters for ail wage earn­ ers' coming to- the Exposition uudCr its auspices. Tlio aim of the Federation is to make it feasible for the largest pos* kible preporUon of Wage earners to vis­ it S t Louis hnd see the World’s Fair, it will see that they are met at the de­ pot by responsible persons and con­ ducted to suitable lodgings, Where they will be treated fairly. There will also be furnished, free of charge, appropriate Itineraries indicat­ ing the points of interest to be Seen within a limit of one week, which is about the average time each party will spend here. It will also indicate the objdces of special interest to various craftsmen in their particular lines, so that they may devote as much time as possible to tbe objects of peculiar Interest to there, These and many oth­ er efforts will be made to help ail wage earners to enjoy the benefits o f this gpeaf. imposition comfortably and at an expense within their means. address tho Ma'paggr o( THECOMHEnCIflLTRIBUHS: Mini!, Trgrur CWCWNATI, O. The Cook T h a t Bake W ith jNever complains pi the flour for she uses a perfect flour of unequaled .quality and purity. One litte sack will show1yyhat avreally good flour it is. JEl fehoekey', Catawba, O., says; / ‘We have used MODEL FLOUR five months'and think li ibe- b«<we have ever used.’' TELL YUtTR GROCER R /F r 'I 'P lT i r T TZTT A T T T ) YOU W A N T . ; _____ M O i J i l J L r L O U R . You take- no chance in using .MODEL, as every sack is, guaranteed. To be distributed in twelve prem ium s of $ 2 5 , $ 2 0 , $ 1 5 , $ I O , $ I O , J j > I O , $ 1 0 , $5> $ 5 $5> * Monday, Jan u a ry 2 d, ’ 05 . Patronize my meat market,and receive a ticket with each 25c cash purchase. -Each ticket wiU give you one chance in the drawing. ' GUO .;W E I M E R 1 F re sh and Safi: Meatis, F ish , Oysters, Etc. r »« . I l l . n . l . 1 , 1 . 1 1 1 ...I., Wake up your liver* Cure your constlpatiotf. Get rid 1 of your biliousness., Sold for 60 year§, Z!ZZZZlr^Tmt BUCKINGHAM’SDYE AuCSUltlfnlDrOWl orncaDmCk? Use wn cw.or m w a im k . Mix* co ^ imb & ul sr,c I m S hm PATENTS n Jr"m I H i M m H % r ;CNivat(«, sad Tr*d«-H«i-k*obt*!t>rtl *n4*lIP*t» tondnctifil fot Matsta Aft ' i'evs©rt!fcei*csp&»im,u.*.VAmrt>rri«i(: ; ;*f.d Weeifi p*irtt In thin Ihote ; tewot# f-vm Wnithlngloi-, , Sand model, drawing <wihhofi)., with dagcTip-r ' tlon, Wd ndvlM, if fiatYntable er not, free off 1rhdYgd, Onff«dtiot<fti<s1IUp*lefttl*9tt;ai-ed. S ft #AMl’tlUlt* “ HswtoObwlft I**t*«li,w'wlth5 kma MMmd’in th*U.S« andHw ianranatrlw f iMIttfMt .AndYdtt, ,s' - ' i O.A.SNOWAOO. hm itemm fwidL Ws i h iNS f t > , 6. f QUESTIONANSWERED, Yes, August Flower still has the largest sale of any* medicine in the civ­ ilized world, Your mothers and grandmothers never thought of using anything else fpr indigestion or bili­ ousness. Doctors were scarce, and they seldom heard of appendicitis, nervous prostration dr heart failure, etc.- They used August Flower to clean Out the system and stop fermen­ tation J}( undigested food, regulate the action of the liver, stimulate the nervous and organic action of the sys* tenij and that is all they took when feeling dull and bad with headaches and other aches,., You only need a feWdoses of Greens August Flower* in liquid form, to make you Satisfied there, is nothing serious the matter wUh you. You can get this reliable rMnedy at ail druggists jfrrice 2fic arid 7fic. 1 Jutt What Shfc Said. Jimmy Rcrt—Oh, Mr* Roodle, I want to tell you what sister said about you, Mr," Hoodie-—do ahead, Jlmihy. I'm all cars. Jimmy Fort—-That’s just what sister said. HoW did you guess? Mr, ftbodle—What do you mean?I Jimmy Rerfc—-She Said you were ft regular donkey. A G lu t -Sardips S andw ich . A club sardine sandwich is very good. Toast thin slices of bread and place between two of them: let­ tuce loaves, two slices of crisp bacon, and. a well drained sardine split and boned. To Gloat) Wlrtddwi. For cleaning windows* mirrors and all glare articles nothing equals S riie made of ammonia and whiting* olieh with crumpled clean tissue paper. EXGJBlfffiE BflM OEDARYILLfc, OHIO! A C00URJT8 o f Merchants and In- f * dividuals Bolicited', Colbriionr promptly made and remitted. TJRAFTB on Few Yark and Gin* ^ cinnati sold at lowest rates. Tho cheapest and most convenient way |to send money by mail. Ledarvilie, Ohio, Agent tor United StatesLife Insurance Co. Which writes Sttnkers’Ttrsurance and whose contracts,are as plain as notes. If you want protection,' take Ordinary Life or Twenty' Payment life, with Endowment Beftlemenis. You can carry $2,000 or better, almost as cheap as $1,000 in investment., Ij investment, we will pay you *5400 nioi;e than you pay in^at the tiurl of 20 year?, We iiive you 7 elective condition's von cau olmngeut your will. Ffom 2 to S i times face value of your policy in paid up insurance without re examination. . Also, agent for the General Accident, of Philadelphia, andtheU. S. Accident Co. of N. Y Clioice on 00 suits,,j tpi-iii/? rind fall vrcvH.f ‘ sixes, JilO-OO,.imd $32j ■ Clearance Price-. -*. ' 2l)ou-c'nf 25,Outing Sul - lainil-nlade, tbe $12.01# liiui'l. - CTearanee pvicl I All ol our fine Bla hand-made, the gi Boys' Suits, J4 to 1 .well as immediate W value* ’Clearanee p Oheicc of a large line < rial, Indudil have just added fo r tb | $12 .values'. Clearance Choice of Oil finest, .Wal - 'ulitr pofit ;iud vest uty| values up to $2*50, price - .................. Choice of nearly 50 unitI lo, regular $2.50 andl now 40'j. t -»« »yl A large lino of Roys'I breasted .nnd Norfolk * 5f> and $3 mfhes. ..Clearance., prleo m LV,'Wr 'gTTRlF^llTri and sh vafues. Uloaril Hat arid Cliolco' of Mon*a fine R . styles, $1,50, $ 2 . 00 , valuesI Clearance Choice of a great inni Children’s Caps, 2- ji , values, n 6 w Choice of a lot of' * styles, $ 1.00 and $1 ■■ * ( *.*■ ^ • C*_■# Choice of a fine lot c Alpine Stylp, 4 , all c and soiho $3 .00 on T.OAUf? made on Real Rstnte* sonal or Collateral Security. Fei- Williara Wildman* Pres., Seth W. Smith,. Vice Pres,, W , J- Wildman. Cashier, O. L . Smith Asst, Cashier Special Earn to Pacific Coast.via Pentt- syivanid Lines, Hcptembcr lfith to October lfitli* inclusive, one-way second class coliinist fares to California and North Pacific Coast poinfs. to Montana, Idaho and the Northwest, will be in effect from all stations on Pennsylvania Linen. For full particulars, call on Local Ticket Agent o f those lines. DR. E. C. OCLESBEE, TOYSCSTAN AV I) BUKOEOM. Specialty X-Ray and Electro Thera­ peutic treatment, ■ Also latest Im­ proved apparatus for treating diseases of the nose, throat and lungs, n#lrfif.,fmiffiihi.lwb»fck„r.UiA..rfimap.y,f,‘jjgjp|>rir| Ttiri for job work* E. F, STEWART Vctmary Surgeon Mas located in Jamestown. Ohio. 1 ii »I 1lIljilijll ...... R E CORRY, AUCTIONEER .Sells Real Estate and Personal prop­ erty anywhere* Promptness, attention to details and satisfaction guaranteed. High service. Low prices, Residence Telephone 235 Clifton, .-O, O Secure dates, Call and A Careful Buyer, - TlieBeslisTtalYoiiM TheBest isWhat n Ssl .;. Meats are deceptive.:>Unless' yon arc a goodjudge, yoncan never tell What you arc getting until you have iteerved find partially eaten, ' We know mcati.-*;*Wc select stock with ft ■ View to having the best meats.; ■We know how to select stock and there* jblC' M tV ': meats you may depend-. upon—meats Ibat Will please you. t .' ■ ; HALF PARE , . . p l u s $ 2 . 0 0 ‘ |C. H. GROUSE. Por Rqund T rip Tickets* VIA Louisville &NashvHIe Railroad Lowest Price T< Laxative ^VwMlllionboxessdffil GOODb DELIVERED .Telephone Ho. 7 4 ’ • .•fiT'Fresh Fish Alwkvs mfi Hand. To Keenly Alt Pointc in Alabama, Florida, Ggofgla, Ken­ tucky, Mississippi, ' Virgitna Korth nnd Houth Carolina, v Tennessee, Tickets on sale May 3rd and 17th* June 7»h*21st, and .on lirs^and third Tuesday of each month llsreafRr un­ til Huy, 15th, add good returning 21 days from date o f ’ssle, K oj , further infomatiun, consult your local agent, or address C7L . STONE, O kn T, P ass , A gkst i,oxnavir.i.K,'KT, Low Para to Californiavia Pennsylvania Lines DatingSeptember. Aug, Ifi to 27, inclusive, Aug- 2d fevRept, 0, inclusive, excursion tick* dts to Ban Francisco aiid L o s Angeles, account Triannisl Conclave Kunghi* Templar and Sovereign Grand Lodge f. O. (>. F., wdl be sold via Pomiayl* yania Lines, For full intonnnti'Oi ■ regarding fares rentes, etc,, apply 10 Loot! Ticfot Ageht of those lijoc®< and Dinifli P and t.i ^rlngffoM,