The Cedarville Herald, Volume 27, Numbers 27-52

urmijnitun iMiirali'ir-^f-1-J*’ri'-,r- - '•• >m*m tfrl Uil.W.ljty»—WH»U |l «■■ **».... mm mm ~'~<r' GRAND Mid-SumerClsaranceSale - - * .. ■• * •■•-• ^ t w - - •*• Opened Aug. IS, C loses Sept. 15. * m . Last Sale of the Season W e a r e d e te rm in e d t o m a k e t h i s e v e n t a n u n p r e c e ­ d e n te d one i n o u r h i s to r y , a n d a r e o f f e r in g m o r e a n d h o t t e r lin e s o f H IG H C LA S S C L O T H IN G , F U R ­ N I S H IN G S a n d H A T S t h a n i n a n y f o rm e r s a le , T h e P r i c e s w i l l h e t h e lo w e s t a n d w e w i l l s t a k e o u r r e p u ­ t a t i o n o n s a v in g o u r c u s tom e r s m o re m o n e y o n t h e i r p u r c h a s e s t h a n i n a n y f o rm e r s e a s o n , H u n d r e d s o f b a r g a i n s a n d a l l h ig h - g r a d e u p - to - d a te m e r c h a n d is e . Choice of iv number of Outing Suita, - “'>8,0°. anfi flu,00 values. Clearanao p rice,.. . . . . . Choice fin 50 suits, bltip, -black nn,l fancy pattern*!, swing njtfi fall wcio-lit, “ regular” and “ stoat” sizes, $10.00 and $12.00 values. (51'7'75 Clearance Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I x i v ■ Clinic of a large UlMNof Suits in 1’pe serge, black .Thibet and slay 'worsted, as yell as alt our $lo, "•$10 and $18 hand-made fancy (PA QQ patterns. Clearance price . . . . . . . ........TO iw U Choice of all our finest Suits, in a'great assortment of Ihd latest Styles and eolorings, every suit strictly tailor-made, from fabrics selected by us,. the regular $20/$25rand $30 grades. ( P I C f t fi Clearance ,i>rice ---- *----- V * v«WU Choice of 25.-Outing Suita.'beautiful,styles, i/.iuiy habd-nmde, the $12.00 and $13.00 (, k CTs hind, 1 Clearance price . . . . . . . . . . . . . *kj V A ll o f o u r fin e -B la ck single a n d d o u b le b x e a s t e d s t y l e s , s u i t a b l e f o r d re s s , h an d -m a d e , t h e g r e a t e s t v a lu e s , o v e r s e e n in X e n i a a t r e g u l a r p r ic e s , n o w g o a t ■ a d is c o u n t c f 20;pex* G e n t, d u r i n g t h i s s a le Erl Boys’ Suits, 3.1 to -1!) years* Suitable for. fa ll as Jwell as immediate Vvcar, $f», $7 .and $3. (fan J| O value.' Clearance price . f . >s 'p y n 'O ' Ohoic,e.‘of a largo line .of .Boys’ Suits from a-spe­ cial purchase, including about 25 fall.'suits tvo have jpst added for this sale, $10 and A y C ft ■ • $12.values . Clearance p r i c e . l u l l : ' C h i l d r e n ’ s - S t i l i i * . V - ; Choice of’ all finest Wash Suits in. sailor and reft* *- u1at coatpnd v^at styles from 2% to ,16 yOnrs, values up to, $3,56, Clearance . - fiO „ Jiri^O , . V m . . . <1»*. » **«i T»»,<</ <****' v V u .Chore? of nearly 50 Suits, all sizes "up to boys age 15, regular $2,50 ffnd $3' values, O l QO ROW '^Sj* l* M V A, large lino of ■-Boys’ Quits in,, reefer double breasted'and Norfolk stylos, all new and .smart” . and $8 ■values. ’ Clearance 'price A nice line ofKDregsy Suits,"many,blade and blues,* ,in single and *double .breasted styles, eollego cut,. very smart and snappy, $12 and $14r A ft 7 K vulpes. Clearance price ........ .............. w, «» I V , ■ Choice bf 'all -our finest. "Soung I fon*s,Shits, sizes‘up „ 11 *•to 35 chest measure, a Swell assortment atjmeaium f , and filll-weight,' $15, $18 and $20 A l l Cft ■ • valuesv Clearance price •'P 1 l « v v Men’s Trousers . Choke ,of all oiir fthin pants in IToleskin, GraSh and Cottonadc, JToa ,afad $T*00 Values. CQ n Clearance price .......... v . » . . >» . . » ,Uww • Choice of nearly 100 pairs,’made from short ends bf Woolens,. $2, $2.50 viiluea, a ■A I O il . *‘ great'snap,- at Chokce of nearly 100 pairs, bought at a bargain for this sale,' greatest values ovor A I E ft .shown ,special priBo-..l,»,..-..-'-i>*-?.AP<»y'' $ 1 J ) I ,' blues, , $2.00, $2,50 and $3.00 grades, now.. Hat and Cap Dept. Choice bf Men’s fine Straw Hats, dll this-season’s ' 'styles, $1,50, $2.00, $3.00 and $4.00. QO „ values.' - Clearance p r i c e . , . . . , ........GO Choice of a- groat jimnber of Menls," Boys’ atul Children’s Caps, 25c, SSa and 50c I Qp 'values, now . . . . . * wu - Choice of a lot of lien ’s Alpine Hats, good styles, $1.00' and $1.50 values, . 7 Q „ now ....................... ...................... I wl» - Choice of a flue lot- of Men’s Hats in Golf and Alpine styles, all colors, $2, $2.50 A I ft fir and some $3,00 ones, now , -----. vp I i t t Peg Top, as well ab regular styles, AQ 7 R Choice- of all finest trousers in values A a QQ .up to $8.50, now Boys’ Knee Pants . Air $1.50 and"$21 grades now iu Clear- A | ft A ance. Sffle‘ at ................ All $1 and $1.25' grades now in Clear- Q Q . auco Sale at ........W vy AU^75c grades now in Clearance Sale .....62c; All 50c and fiOo grades now in Clear- AK n nnco Bale at *rGv m , ---- * £ R. S. XENIA, O. SO and S2 E. Main St. iMm T o Cure a Cold in One p a y I takeLaxative Bromo QuinineTaUets. ^ &£.£ I I SevenMMonhCwtesScfidjlnpast 12 months. T h i s s ig n a tfilre , ^ Cures Grip ia Two Day*. Oik e v e r y box. 25c. . PfSrful Odds Against Him. Bedridden, alone and destitute.; scir, in brief was the condition of an «i soldier by name? of .7, J. Raveus, |w«ii|ies, U, J?oryears lie wm* tfoubl- witb Kidney disease and- neitljor ftois nor nkdicHies gave bim relief.] length bo tried Klectric Bitters.* t pttt him onliif feet in short order now he testifier, “I ’m oil the ! to complete recovery,” Best 0*t h for Liver and Kidney hobble* 1*11forms of Btdmnch «ud Bowel [ nphints, Only ntlr. Otthranteed all druggists, ""Model! That's the Flour,' TOT WsiansMHirtNiWy Restaurant andDinin Booms /■. m,i&**#*-■■ h High $nd Limestone strtst* Sprifigfifld, Ohlb, . / /> Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. Ijas world-wide fitmo fir uiarVullous cures. I t surpasses any other salve, lotion, ointmeut or balm for Cuts, Corns, Burns, Boils, Bores, Felons, XJleers, Tetter, .Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Chapped hands, Sklu .Erup­ tions; infallible for pile4?. Cure guar­ anteed. Only 25o at all druggists. What is life? • In the last analysis nobody knows, bul we do know that it is under strict law, Abuse the law even slightly*, pain results, Irregular living means derangement of the organa, resulting in Constipation, Ueadaeh* or Liver trouble. Hr. Kings'* Ifew Life Bills quiekly re-adjust# this. It's getith*, yet thorough* Only 20c nt all driiggists. 6#. . i *&,_ & j* - -Your money bark if y«o npn not pleased with M'jdel Flour, TEAS THAT ARE WORTHFORTUNES Twelve Hmdred Ki«A Are ta Chlas’s Shew at the World's Pak—The Most PofHtleMs Nation ot Ike VIarid For tlte First Thao M Exhibit , r Worthy of tie r flrestaes*. Many exfoaitlons of atupendopa char­ acter mag. up the World's Fair of 10O-1. Hack part la a vast and distinct allow. Each building shelters many acres of wonderful thlngs—wonderful because they are the choicest of their gtudi Every nation .op, the globe la represented. Every state and territory la here with Its best and making the most of its greatest opportunity. The fact that China bus not been a large exhibitor a t world’s fairs gives to her great exhibit here a prominence quite exceptional. I t Is a wonderland-, of Ingenious productions. We know China best by reason of her extensive exports of teas,' which bays found a vast market in the United States for generations, Her commercial Interests .therefore prompted her to make a dis­ play of teas th a t we should not for­ get. In sealed glass jar$ China displays in the lib era l Arts Palace some 1,200 kinds of tea. Young HySon and Old Hyson have a string of teg relations longer than the genealogical.clia}n of K Plymouth Hock. They-are neatly se­ lected “chops," In the’language t>f the tea farmer, and these classes do1not embrace 'medicinal teas, which are quite another lot in the rather modest number of 4QQ.« r 1 .The teas exhibited vary In price from a few cents a pound to some rare and exclusive kinds that are worth their weight in gold, the tea in the latter cases being placed on ope .side of the scales "mid pure gold on the other— that' Is to guy, the ted of this expensive' kind Is worth about $20 gold an ounce. Only a very small quantity of this ex­ clusive leaf Is exhibited, end it is grown in carefully guarded tea planta­ tions or gardens rigbfe’nniler the shad­ ows of tho. great wall of China. Its cul­ tivation is prohibited for any use save for the imperial family of China and a few of the favored high officials; Mention has'been made of tile word “chop" In connection witli tea, and It may be Interesting to •the everyday reader to know What the word actually signifies, .The tea leaf-Is grown In va­ rious districts of the" Chinese empir,e oh ~vCr* - f — "* y ^ i ^ a I l AL_VJUat»a«. {£»:* vm ^m nn n MBTAirntmov, woman's , i ? aib . Soul Stomach. When the quanity of food taken la tort large of the quality too rich, sour fctowftch Is .likely to follow*- and eg* Fcnially so if the digestloh has been ■weakened by constipation. Fat slowly and not too freely of easily digested 1«u>tLi Masticate the food thoroughly. |Let five hours elapse between meals, [and when you ftcl a fullness and Iweight in the region of the stomach Ufter eating, take Chamberlain'' Stomach and Liver .Tablets and the j«uur stomach may be ndvoided. For gale by Isaac Wiaterman. When troubled with constipation tty Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, They are easy to take and produce no griping or other unpleas­ ant effect. Foe «ale f>y Lane Wistei'imifi, 1 £>16^1-*,.W - . 4 W ~'i Ttiit IlKitthu for firaiKil'fiBSjob work* ,large arena of ground which are often; mistaken fo r single plantations.' This Js hardly over the case, as the large tracts are very often owned by hun­ dreds of different men, whose indivld- -ual plots of ground hearing the tea plants are carefully mapped 'out, so that each individual owner may culti­ vate and pick his own crop of ten Each owner-likewise markets his own •tea and puts Ills own special mark, or “chop," on the packages. Hence the term “chop" signifies an individual growth or picking of tea by one owhor.: In an area of tea land of, say, a thou­ sands acres, all apparently under one .ownership,'there may be some forty, fifty or more owners of the plantation and consequently a like number of “chops” of tea. I t must not be Imagined th a t all these different owners Of the tea get the same price for their commodity—far from It, a s each of these individual tea growers has his own secrets for im­ proving the quality and flavor of tea. Take, for Instance, the Amoy and Fu- ebau districts, whence most o f the tea for the United States comes, The own­ ers of “chops" of tea varying from 10 to 200 chests of 50 pounds each bring samples of their goods to the various foreign merchants for sale. These lat­ ter turn the Chinese* tea growers over to the good offices of the foreign or American professional tea, taster, who passes on tlie goods as to price. The tea taster has the samples infused, not boiled, In his presence and passes upon the quality, flavor, twang and m anner: of curing, fixing a price Accordingly, from which iheto Is never any varia­ tion and which the tea grower must ac­ cept of go elsewhere to dispose of- his wares, in a single tract of tea land like the one cited above the price hag ranged, from 14 cents, the lowest, to 48% cents, the highest, per pound among sixty-one different tea produ­ cers, A matter of groat moment th a t also figures In the price of tea Is that very often tea from the same dis­ trict will have the various “chops" blended together In order to produce special flavors, . HEDUG 6 D RATESTOTHE WEST. To all points in Montana^Washing­ ton, Oregon British Columbia, Bept-. emikw 16th to October 16, 100-1, Write at otide for information amT maps to iwt F, BchwegeL traveling agent, Wisconsin .Central R'y, 407 Traction BIdgt, Cincinnati, O. To cure a cold in one day take Laxa- five Bremo Quinine Tablets, All druggists refund the mtfoey if it tails to cure, E. W, drove's signature is on each box, 26c, i f .• PUBLIC SAli Having derided hi quit farming l will pfier at jiuhHeauU-on on wlwfc is. known, as the James -Miller farm, 2 miles wffct of Chiton on the Clifton and (fid Town pike, Wednesday, September 28,1904* domincnritigst jo o’clock a. fie-, tl*.o fal­ lowing property towit* 9 H E A D O F H O R S E S 9 Consisting of 1 draft horse, 15 yrg, old; 1 drift mure, |2yrs, oid; 1draft mare, 8 yrs. old; 1 draftmere* 6 via. old. These, draft horses range in weight from. i-PH) to 1700 lbs., and mo*11 first class; will work where- ever bitched, • l family driving mare, JO yr*. old; l road ware, 2 yrs. old; J road mare,4,vre.old; I road marc, 2 y?&old; Xdraftfilly. 6 H E A D O F C A T T E E 0 -Consisting of f Jersey cow and calf; X fresh cow, calf by ride; X Jersey heifer and LJersey calf, 72 H E A D O F S H E E F 72 Consisting qf 57 Delaiuu breeding ewes; 14lamb* and XDelaine buck* - 29 H E A D O F H O G S 29 •Consisting of 0 thoroughbred Poland China’ brood sows; X Durou Jersey sowii Poland China Door, by Perfect Perfection; 1 boar pig and X7slioata, r . • F A R M IM P L E M E N T S . Consisting of t farmwagon. Xfeedwagon, 2 Champion hinders, good as new; XCham­ pion mower, 1 Thomas bay loader, 1 tedder, 2 breaking plow*, 2 riding cultivators, X corn planter, drill; disk harrow, drag Har­ row, X roller, corn sled,, hay ladders, sot gravel boards, cider press, grrnd sfoqe, beat­ ing stove,. tools, harness and nnmerOua other arfldcs, 3 hives of bees nhd 3 empty hives. Turkeys and chickens. I, 000 Shocks of Corn* find 6 Jons of Hay in th i Barn, TEKiUB: .Sums of $5 nnd under cash; over $5 a credit of 0months .will be1given, purchaser giving approved securities. JOHNM. FINNEY. 5. T. BAKBB, Atictiouegr, J, il. ANIfiiKW, Yjlorlc, ' Herald Print, Hat Sold a Pile of Ghamberlain’s Cough f- ■ Remedy, ' !t have sold ' Oharaberiain’s Cough remedy for more than twenty years aud it has giiven entire satisfaction. Thave sold a pile bf it and qan reecom- mend it highly,.—Joseph' McElhiney, .Linton, Iowa.' You wi|L find this remedy a good friend when troubled with a cough or gold. . I t always affords quick relief uiid is pleasant to take. For sale by traac Wisterman. •Every hons-sket-perslnhud know -that if they will buyDefiance Cold1AYater ‘Starch for laundry'« bq they will'rave'not only, time, becnxiso it never sticks tothe iron, but because each package contain 10 or..—one frill pouud™whife nil other Cpltl "Water Starches are, pritUp ia -if-pound packages, and, the price is the same, 10 cents. Then aeain becauseDefiance Slareb is free from Injurious chemicals. If your'grocertries to sell you a i2-oz. package it isbccausebo has a stock on hand which howishes to dispose ot before he *putsf-in Defiance. He knows that Defiance $tarcl) has.'printed on every package in large letters andlfgttrcs “16os^." Demand Defiance and save much time uml money and the auiioyancp of tlio iron stick­ ing, Defiance neVer sticks. , . V. 7 *-. 0 ar Balp bills are printed on water-proof stock,. They cost .’up more than the other kind. T m y m i r R r d e f o f L t f g r to die, and a son riding, for Hie. 18 miles, to-get?Dr. King's NeW Discov­ ery for Consumption, Coughs and. Colds, W. I l„ Brown, o t Leesville, Ind, end ired deaths agonies from asthma; but this wonderful medicine gave instant relief and sooh cured him* He writes: “I now sleep sound­ ly every night." Like marvelous cures of Consumption, Pneumonia, Bronchitis^' Coughs, Colds and Orip prove its matchless merit for all throat and luug troubles, Guaranteed bot­ tles' 50c and §1.00. Trial BottlesTree at All druggist. ^ R E V I V O RESTORES VITALITY % I S M a d e& W e ll M a n the u . of Me. w m m j t e p ^ _ _ n i ' i w T O ' m m n w w ryw* prodaces th» nboro rcaults In SOd«y*- Xltets powsrTahyandqaioiclr. Otzrw*rh»n*UoUj»t*Ult xcooztatuvlU r*C)Cn their loat mmhooU.tQUota tn*a will teaoTfiv thoir voathfal Visor b r q «I q * BEV1VO, It qafokljrHadHurtlytMtoraSHuron*- c««e, Lost Vittlity, topotwoy. Mightly smiMioa* ti 0 etIVff 6 r,V«Uiu«Memory.WMUo* i » m «*«» i * m Ml ot Mlt-abuMor treew t and lndlsoretlon, Whlohunfit*on*tor Study,bmuae**ormurlsi*. I*. I t o tvs & 1I tvs tjs m Bigest Offer EverMade $5,00 Photos now $2,0 $3*50 Photos how $1,50 $2,50 Photos now $1.00 ' Any Style Countings Dark or Light. This Offer Lasts for 26 Days Only. Come in at once and take * i ^ advantage as tIJs work can not be duplicated anywhere else for the small price, / ATCAM’S GALLERY, Main Street Xenia, O* •pjoia SISq)2<fc W ish for an ideal Four—a flour th a t would bake lots' and lo ts ' of light, delicious, whole­ some bread and pastry? . T h en you have never-tried our Golden Rule flour, for it is ideal in every T e s p e c t . T ry a- sack today, and you r baking troubles w ilfyan ish . . v ' Scr-*> 7 ' I s * H. Sullenberger C E D A R Y I L L E , O H IO l BEAUTIFULWINONA -* t ' r With the opening ol the season at Wino­ na take, May 1G, the sale of excursion iio- Jfntftmrftg-thn Pannsylynnin T.inf-S to that attractive resort in Northern Indiana btguh. tb G W e f l H ■ ^ ' r t f e r o r m i T O B i - 'i Your Heart M a y B e e a k . lag b*«Kth* pink glow to polo cheek*»nart- Morin*ths flro ot yonth. It w»n5» offTawalty *sdOommaptktt, I d MMonbavut REVJVO.oo cthWv It canbe oameri irite«t pocket. ByttMl, ‘'tlvMe.beeo CMclirete for IntMiUtbi, ■with whleh I here b«en simuted jo t over twenty yett*, •*na 1o»a toy tbei CMeortts kikv* Riven at* more relief then euyother reateft*i h tte ever ttleil. I ■fteil e*mtnU mouttaettfi then to t*y tritod* M *r« lUrfi.*I»l.*XU. &«&YFor Tto»Bowel* 1 v k hfoo *i$ ■ m m m im CANWriATHWttmj’ jn*> 8tnllti(t R«m*4yCo., OhlottioorN.T* AKKUAUMJE, TEMMILLIOX BOXES has only UDi^tlmrauU1ll'ulu),'-tiiraleMiiia-eanriiBt ih*j baseball or. oricket grounds, the croquet field, or boating on the lake, fishing camp­ ing, swimming, or attending recitals and lectures by world-famed personages in the auditorium—whatever the division may be, the associations are of that congenial sort conferred by good society. This resort is noted as the site q£ Winana Assembly and summer School, attracting teachers tend Students from educational instUntioils.Of this and other countries. . ' Fifteen-day and season excursion tickets will be sold from Ticket stations on the Pennsylvania lines during the summer. For information about fares and time of trains, apply to local ticket agents, or to F. VanDuacn, clilef assistant General Passen ger Agent, Pitisbusg, Fa. Sept 30d. ttr Emergracy Medicines. I t is a great convenience tor have at hand reliable remedies for use in cases of accident and for slight injuries and ailments, A good liniment and one that is fast becoming a favorite if not a household necessity is Chamberlain's pain Balm, By applying it promptly to a,cut, bruise or bum it allays the pain and causes the injury to heal in about one-third the time usually re­ quired, and as it is an antiseptic it prevents any danger of blood poison­ ing. When Fain Balm is kept at hand a sprain may lie treated before inflammation sets iff, which insures a quick recovery. For sale by Isaac Wisterman, TO ST. LOUISWORLD’S FAIR At Approximately. One Cent I’er Mile via Pennsylvania Lines. World's Fair excursion tickets to St. Louis wilt tie sold via Pennsyl­ vania Lines at approximately one cent per mile each Tuesday and Thursday until September29th, valid iff coaches of through trains, good re­ turning within seven days* These arc the lowest fares at which World's Fair excursion tickets tq Bu Louis are sold* Fifteen day tickets, sixty day tickets and Season, tickets sold dally at reduced fares, good in .sleep­ ing or parlor care with required Pull­ man tickets. For full information, ‘consult, Jb» 8, Hays, ticket agent, Pennsylvania Liufr» Oedarvill*! O* Ono of tbo surest signs of a -weak Heart|s shortness of breathafter exercise. Tour heart Is not able to pump the blooa fast enough to your lungs, Somo of tho other symptoms of Heart Trouble are; Fains in the Side, Back ana Shoulder; Fainting- or Weak Spells; Dry Cough; Swelling of Feet andAnkles; Cold Feet or Hands. No one can afford to allow a weak heart to go without medicine, because weak heart means poor circulation, and poor .circulation means weak lungs, stomach, liver, kidneys, etc. If, therefore, you suspect heart trouble, begin taking Dr, Miles’ New Heart Cure. The Heart Curewill do you good, as it la a splendid ionic for the blood and nerves, and win revitalise your entire system. , Finally, remember. Dr., Miles’ New Heart Curo is sold Under a guarantee that the first bottle win do you pood, If It doesn’t—your money back* *Twas aftlicted with heart trouble for three years. I would be apparently alt right, and without a moment’s warning would fall ns, though, shot. „The attacks were frequent* and a terrible dread possessed me, as I never knew when or where, nor, under wliat conditions I would too attacked, and whether I would survive .them. I consulted, and was treated by some of,tbs most eminent physicians of the state. Not finding re- Her from this source, 1 began takl rt* Dr.. Miles’ New H eart Cure, and began to Improve n t once. I Used ten bottles, which entirely cured me, rs I have not h ad an attack for five years.’’—MRS, JOin*- DRBSBACK, Dripric, O, . 'PTOTTU! -W rits' to u s for Free 'Trial * JvXliXk package of Dr* Miles’. Antl- Psln Plll*» th e New Scientific Remedy for- Fain. Also, Symptom Blank, Our Specialist Will diagnose vou r case, ttll you what Is wrong* and bow. to right it. Free. . DR. MILES ^JtfU>lCAT,~CO„ LABORATORIES* ELKHART, IND. SO YEARS* EXPERIENCE TnaoEMsm ik GoftrmaHrk <fca. .Ativan* twitting a Mteteh ana aewrWien may Sstekiy «*mrt*ln w * ojasien frev whether so rirohsky ‘timavaten. Uon*»trfcti>&nftd»ntfet. fiAMMOT on PeteOt* sent free, oweet^wnirr.tore^tbwjwiteni*, I’fltenW t*i**n throsak.Muna * Co. nretrtt* •prifirttttef-ier, wHtxyateNriite, in the ScientificH erm WNnUUKH r *?fc*IfWWiTWlW'reJWatlSf-. a y NEW TIME CARD* The followiag ift the ratwiiule f>r th e ^ p fiffiire of treiuM F o r I t a t #. m* flag efopi 4:47 p. m. F ot W i l l f i l l ft* $g* flftgffop; I t l f . %