The Cedarville Herald, Volume 27, Numbers 27-52

t ^ ¥ * * •s^^^sSt^-~~^J‘f™ .■it**iS'--*j&'"' r t e G e d a r v i l l e H e r a l d , fr«oo **«nr Y * t»r . HmrtH Hu ll *■ * Editor. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, t 8 (M. REPUBLICANTICKET, NATIONAL TICKET For Pivsuknt, THfcOIKfRIS ROGSDYUM.’, af N j ?WYork, For Vice-President, CHARLES W. FAIRBANKS, of Indiana. CONGRESSIONALTICKET Jit'craberofCongress, CthDisk ■ THOMAS 10, BCROGGY, of GreeneCounty, ■ .. i. : - ^. ‘ ‘ . . :.....’; ■ state ticket ForSecrolaryofState, foLEWISC, RAYLIK, of Huron. For Judgeof SupremeCourt, , WILLIAMT. 8 PJSAG, of Trumbull.,' For Clerkof SupremnCourt, iMWEONE. KHERSON, of Belmont, •For DairyandFoodCommissioner, HORACE ANteFNY, 1 of Greene, i- ForMemberBoardof PublicWorks,, RICHARDB.CRA^EORD. , ! of Stark, COUNTY TICKET * ’ • 1 ForAuditor,’ . WITdHAM DODDS. For Commissioner, J. TV. SMITH,• ForSheriff, FRANK T. TARBOX,. ■ - For County Recorder, Af.A..RROAD&TONE, For CountySurveyor, *' C, A/MoKAY - ,For InfirmaryDirector, W. li. STEVENSON. ; ERRO’BS of the types . The African'!,Machil|a. ' \ . In a recently publisher! book, on f ^central Africa II. L. Dtiff says: “ The | - principal means of conveyance all y' ; oyer' the 'Ny&saland.and thc Sbii;e *■' * districts' is the machiHa, or ham­ mock, a*simple contrivance of can- ■yds and bamboo carried on the ’ shoulders, of natives, An average , macbilla team for '-a . fairly Jong ’ - -journey may' consist of from'fifteen , ' io'twbnty*jnen? and-if these ’are, np , ’ lo tlieir work and haye-good roads * , before them they will' .travel at a , ^very ^creditable' rate indeed and .will cover thirty or’ forty miles without difficulty; between dawn and dusk. As a rule the macbilla -is carried by - only-two. iaen at a time, one at each end" of the pole, the remainder trot­ ting behind and relieving the car­ riers at intervals of ten ininutes or — - ^ Q r^The~-wliole-4cbTn-as-4t--flpeedl, K j keeps np a constant chorus* varying flam* WUtekwi Tfwil; W*r» Mhwtdi by ih* VljlUini Prm»fr#*d»r, A popular and prominent man in' England was once called upon to address an assemblage which greet* hd him enthusiastically and with cheers. The newspaper _which re*,, ported the meeting said innocently “The vast concourse rent the aiy with their snouts/' A MS, read as follows: “All. these facts ate really worth noting/' The printer* however* inserted an .r*h” into the last word, and it was thus set up, “Alt these facts are really worth nothing/' A provincial paper, in reporting the speech .of a celebrated politician* intended to add as a comment, “ and the masses believed him," instead of which, by a typographical error/ the-addition read, ''ana them asses believed him/' An enthusiastic editor wrote, "The battle is now opened/' But, alas, the compositor Bpelled battle with an “ o,” and hie -readers said they had suspected It all along, A New York editor wrote' an obituary on a man of some promi­ nence, and tmfink other things he said, “He began life ps g legal prac­ titioner, but wasdiverted fr'mp it by love of bitters/'- ' Rev, Dr. Todd was given some relies to present to a museum, Ip his speech he alluded to the “ lives .of the saints/’ When. his remark,? were published they came out “ lies of the saints,” and thiB so enraged tho giver of the relics that he de­ manded .their return. An instance of faithful effort fo "follow copy” opeprred in a New York newspaper office. The repost? er, who wrojte .a very had vertical hand, put it down that zigzag flash­ es of lightning played among the clouds, .and in the proof ft Ogni? Put that “319,309 flashe?"' played among the clouds. A lecturer before a temperance society told Ins audience, in qescrib ing his journeys, that he had mere­ ly “ a taste of Naples and Rome/* He was horrified the next day, in reading a report of .his lecture, .to see that he had merely had “ a tasto of apples and rum/Wpafholic Tele-' graph. ■ A STOLEN STATE LINE MARK; . The Lake Miclxigan end ,of tho state line between Indiana and Illi­ nois has been lost or'Stolen, and the police of two states'are hunting for it. -The mark for years has been a stone at QnR Hundred and Eighth street and Indianapolis avenue. On oiie side was,cut the word “ Indiana” and on the other “ Illinois.” ’ The stone was four feet long and two, feet high/ one and a halt feet -projecting above the ground. Not only has it been removed, but-the hole frohi which it was 1 taken has hoen filled, so no one can tell exact­ ly where it stood. The police be­ lieve some householder, more thrifty than honest, 1 ms imbedded tho stoop ip the foundation of a residence or used it as a base for a lawn flower pot. Strange Pets on Warships, 1 The privilege of keeping pets is ' very much appreciated by bluejack­ ets,. who lavish their spare time and cash on some very strange animals. • The Centurion once had a monkey that used to eat with a spoon from - ft plate and drink from a glass, with, a dinner napkin tucked under his chin the while. Tho Caesar had a pet goose some time back. Cats ahd dogs of course are common onboard ship,. The French warship Marceau had a bantam Cock named Boulan- * ger as a .pet which crowed when­ ever the guns were fired. Tho Qer- . man Prins Wilhelm had a gray stork, and the United {States Chica­ go had a pig. Doves, pigeons, black­ birds and peacocks are popular with Italian seamen, and the Unfortunate Almirante Oquendo of Spain had a pair of cassowaries as pets.—Lon­ don Tit-Bits, ..... Substitute# For Buttar. A German chemist, Dr, Heuner, ....proposesfamily up ali coeoamit oils and lrstnsform~tliem into “ vegetable butter,” a savory, inodorous and succulent substitute for true butter. Coepanut oil, like butter, contains 7 per cent of soluble acids—namely, butyric acid, and cupric or decylic acid, which give a pleasant afoma ■ to butter and have a tasto of hazel­ nut, Cocoa butter contains less Wa­ ter than true butter and will keep fifteen or twenty-days without show­ ing' any add reaction. Therefore it is useful in making pastry. Oocoa butter has also been found by trial the better antiseptic against infec­ tion by microbes, and as it is quite digestible the various- boards of health have hot objected to it.- London Globe, , ' , Th* MbyqfuHo Plant'. The “mosquito plant," a sprites of basil, is attracting a great deal of attention in England just now. An army officer who secured one of ’ these plants in NigoriA<says it is welt known as a -mosquito defense, there, and tho natives iisa an infu­ sion of its leaves to euro malarial fevers, As soon M n hedge of this shrub was;planted About "the Vic­ toria garden*, Bombay, India, the workmen, who had previously been almost lluablo to work because of tig; swarms- of tno^piitocs, had no further trouble with either these feds or tho AroMfge of malaria horn which thfey had be«t tH e fe i*#* l * ,,* * r Ip » ' tana/and'Usur nduHimiHfoak-pi tho-place for a'new Lake Michigan mark cat! he.established*—Chieiuro Tribune. Lord Avebury’s Secret. The uniform . dignity, urbanity and large mindedness which mark the manner and mind of Lord Ave­ bury . were under discussion, and some one “ wondered how be did it/' “ That is Lord Avebury’s .secret,” said some One else. “ Not exactly.a secret," another said, “ or, rather, an open one, for he has been heard to say that he watches over and manages himself as if lie were somebody else, a rule of conduct that most of us could foL low with profit to ourselves and benefit to others." .Timbers of oak keep the old homestead standing through the years. It pays to use the right stuff. “ Men; of oak” are men in rugged health, men whose bodies ai*e made of' .the sound­ est materials, < Childhood is the time to lay the foundation fot a sturdy con­ stitution that will last foryears, Scott’s Emulsion is the right stuff. Scott’s Emulsion stimulates the growing powers of children, mips them “bund a firm mndatiem for a sturdy consti-. 'iition. „ ’ Bsndfor fraa ftampie. BCOTT&fiOWNB, Ohstfltet*, 400-41 » FMH Nf>W Y0?Kt ffOQ<and*f,oOi »n dru«trt»tt, C A S T O R I A #or Infante and Children. (hi Kind YouHati Always Bough! 'm m m Wi|nid«rfctiLi MUST HAVE MORE THAN HALF " A good many people have nqf, Mopped to think that in order to win the next presidential election the Democrats will have to get one more vote than the Republicans," said Judge W. B. Alexander of Chi­ cago* “How do vou make that out, judge?” - “ . . “ Well, it's easy enough. The to­ tal vote of the electoral college is 4*(J. I f it should by any rare chance -htppen that each party got one-half this total—in other words, if the election resulted in a tie* the Demo­ crats getting USS and the Republic­ ans the same number, the contest would then b$throwninto tho house of representatives, The Republic­ ans in that body, having a largo pre­ dominance in the number of states under their control, would proceed of course ip. tho election of their candidate, “ So you ''rill observe that in order to win the Democrats wiP have to secure “ 39 rotes, or just one more than half the college, while tho oth-- or sjdi) can make .out on 838/'— Washington Bnsfr 1 American Trousers In London. I notice that visitors from the flnited gtute? this summer, and es­ pecially the younger mep, pro 1 wear? ing very loose trquejeis, and, while there is at present no tendency in this gqupjyy t -9 depart from' the rather .elps’g fif whip}} has beep for a long time prevalent, possibly this • may eventualJv lead Urn way to a change in British fashion. ’ ■■ ' I hope, though on this it is possi­ ble.I may be disappointed, that the American visitors who have brought wide trqusops with them wU tfike back a preference fop our own de­ cidedly superior cut instead of in­ fecting us with a taste which cannot be critically approved. In any event, the creased front js rather an ab­ surd- accompaniment of loose trou-r gersj . I f wg are eventually to have jgqse trousers, they will look a'good deal better }f not llmj greased, at leaf?t so thinks tlio present writer.— London Men5?Wear. ’ - A Nervy Little General.' ' General Esteban. Huertas, com­ mander in chief of the army of Ban- ama/ls bcli'eycd to be tho youngest and smallest general in fho world, ps his country’is the youngest, if not- the smallest, of republics.- Ho is about, twenty-nine years, old, has been a soldier since lie was eight or nine and is proud of the fact that he has, risen from ChClowest ranks. In one-oLdhp revolutions of a.few -years ago, when he was’fighting- on .the side' of the government, liis .right .arm was hit. by a shell. It is ■ said that-when he found bis .arm. was nearly severed lie hacked off the' rest'With’ his own knife, .had the short Stub bound and resumed liis work in the’ field. - Now, for his services to Panama during the crit­ ical period of its -birth’ he has been granted $50,000. to pay the expense of a trip to study themilitary organ­ izations of the leading nations. > . tinguished ancestor, told ing story: '“ It is said that when President Polk visited Boston he was impress­ ively received at Fancuil Hall ket, The clerk walked in front of him down the length of the market, announcing in loud tones: “ 'Make iVay, gentlemen, for the president of the tfnited States1The president of the United States! Fel­ low citizens, make room!’ . “ The chief executive had stepped into one of the stalls to look at some game when Mr. Rhodes, the secre- tar 3 r, turned around suddenly and, finding liimsdf, alone, promptly changed his lone and exclaimed! “ ‘My gracious! Whore has that confounded idiot got to V "'—Louis? ville Herald, A Careless Drossor. Camille Pelletan, French minister of marine, has a disregard for the niceties of dress which makes him a favorite with cartoonists. His white hair and heard seem to be absolute­ ly unacquainted with a .comb, his trousers are nearly always too Jong, and lie delights in frock coats sevV eral sizes too large for him. Hugo boots, faded necktie and cuffs that are generally on the verge of fringe are other parts .of his unique make­ up. His friends remonstrate with him regarding his carelessness, hut Mv Pelletan responds calmly, “ What matter so long- ns I am comforts ble?" < . Carbolic Acid In Warfar*. Among the supplies that urbbeing affected by the war is carbolic acid. That popular nerve scarifier is not, however, in such great demand for Red Cross purposes, but for the manufacture Of explosives, lyddite and melinite are both manufactured from picric acid, and picric add is merely a form of carbolic acid.—- Singapore Straits Times. Tlio K ind You Have Alway s Bought, and which hasf heea iu uso for over 30 yours, has home the signature o f and has been madeunder his.™**, soirnl sqpervWon since its infinity* A llow iio W o to deceive you in tills, A ll Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-us-good” avo hut Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health o f Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment,- W h a t is C A S T O R I A • Castoria is a harmless Substitute for Dastor Oil, Paw?* gorle, Drop? pud Soothing Syrups. I t is Pleasant, I t contglp^ neither Opium* Morphine nor other Narcotic substance, Its age is its guarantee. I t destroys Worms , and allays Feverishness. I t cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. I t relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. I t assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural tflqQg* The Children's Pqnaqea—T|ip Jdpfbey’fi Friend, CENUWE C A S T O R IA ALWAYS .Bears the Signature q $ In Use For Over SO Years. THC oentaub iOHP*«v, f f KIVSSW hew VOUK' cit V, a ^ T U D Y XN / t i q r i p o l i t i c s . TbmabovemimbaaIwcnsttinsldokyTiiEGWClIUMTS'cattiKmGUU. TRIBUNE, to bedistributedasawardsto thesubscribersofTHECOS/IKERGIALTRIBUNEor THE CINCINNAtt WEElllVGAZETTEWho caUmats the total veto cast In the Slate at Ohfo far Pracldatit Ofthe VhltedStated, at the ejection to beheld A'btv S, 1904, HEREISWItAT-WEOFfB To O ut -Subscvlbeifa.WUo En- KOfiOin This.Qlsantib Intol- • ’ Jqotual CqlHt-Sfc . ' tToOnonirtlcinSTionTCflt'Orfr- .^itcoecsiiifta^opi Pyncttotril: vow.. .w...$£g.OOi>. ToSoconaNenrc.b— fi.ono ToThirdficavanlT.... *,Sr.O ToFowrillWpurest.t l*ngo ToSifthKoaTesS.,...,. ToSSjsthKoarost...'.—: P i m p s : : : : ToNiiitli«-fcnrest .... ToTpntli NeaTest;..* To NnXt.30U, (?i Eaoli) 690 !! ■ KCO 3.00 O'. .-J s,o:.o I f a n y mtb.oTibor Blloulil.b«£t>l-«Oei:. 1 . 100 -i. ostiroate thOOKWttOtfllVOtCi tliore wlU bo yniO ( an additional amountof ■*, jl The nWrtntl foT-fisttpfi JjetWocn.Oct. i nvMKov.. b i 3 wimarttwn ana aaaca 10 ih> first awardfur thonearest ls - ,Utrsato. making a, total of. $ 2 $ , 0 0 0 , 0 r i * , But It the txact cstlaiate Is submitted prior to Oee. ,1 & speolai award of jo of- ereO, makingit total of ?3,CK;S. THE'vote AT PR&mtia '■. PREGimmtAEELEGTtONS * ttettcr.enable, tho.rt-ailera and 'iho C O N D I T I O N S , : If there, is a ito to tho estiomtfls of two op Mora persons for any opo t}f the tea leofitpgpwardu, o,vfoptHo Spe,Biii( rtwarii at sj(|,a'i»>tb<}.amuuui, tpareef .wili he eouallir fifvKieii.. in ease,oftho SJOand ?.t-awards,-eat*; of the jitxt ruarest ,'atimatoro will.-rvtfeRo vnd p Wspei'tlvfiy, Fifty tivtb tSCe) fnttUvsyoutoTimDallyandSunday 'Cptomofflitl -a'pihuaa fopwo wfttksaddtmp-(l) eaupiato* t)n« dollar entitle, .you to Tho Commercial Ifribuoo fopfourv.'tSfsfindtwo {is fi«ttotal«e. iott mpy subscribe fopajs.wt)*twop-uatoadvance hs ypu ntoao»,-' find. fcASte twn weeks', auiissE'lX'tion. wist entitleyoutoonoesUmatb, studno morv, i , ^ ' • . " - Sou.cunsendIna.sutoc-tiptian fan-Too' CommcreWt A'ribunaat therateof fi.liyCt-nta for each two ( 2 ) weeks. Stud for two vvrtot or hwtyor, tofwtiter v,UU--ttnootlnmto for inch p-rlod of -two ■/er.ltB, anddirect the'-estimate to ijo'rteordii! toyouritativj anathepaptrpentaitapresent to a friend. . . ' * • Fifty (Si) oontoentitleayoti to Tim WCiJKDy0xV- T- 2 KX 1 'B tor six. tot monthsay,.! <to<* Cstlntate. ' -. opo dollar-endtlto you torilBWEEKLYQA55RM® tor ono (l) year ahdtwo 0 rstimai ns. You eattJseUfi wrn.»\»WeHt.«TO Mr ®jn? .TOK lfi Oiy.KTT-icfit. yto; s'lUOot (ts{)* UeM't. £or>tix ( 0 ) morithl# snddlrsit im vttimett?totipwoi'irdedto yourfiarocundtlig: -napetrsent tutapresOnt toaftlcrid. ,AH-es-UrndteH. no natteraow’esnt father,’tttan'thasa’- competing Tor tbts rpudal f>>r the t-saet rjjtjmotfi madeprior (oC'iplitr1. 'SOI, which ,mrt ho received be- xvro 0 o'clock of.that any), must be received'at-the- ptlieo of Tito convmf'retal Trititme, £.*;! and *s> Wa|n#> r.iftar, Cincinnati) eh|o, heforo-fi o'clockp.m* of iJoyctilfc barb, ivtt, ofhertvisc theywliltigit bat ptitoittcd to tfaKtj: Uo!p.'jio la the contest' a;,dwill bo treatedas.lnfopmttit“ rej< cbd, ard. returned to tito i ender, 1 *tractionsof anumberaniK-xikl to an e-.thnstp'w!ll 13fti jregardedandthopniunato inkcis fa,k.«ur 'thsnum* torSubmittedwiththefiuatLnemuttd.- KcmUtrsnc-t-S, ivtict)itr lc otpri'sq ;,'r.:.-r, moneyorttoj*or clicok, riv.i»i'. nemnipuny -’Vt-ry-is.tlirmto.andberngUopay- Kfiouitl bo directed, to.thoMi.naitsi' of Tho Commercial •rlbuna.Awprd. Iturenu, F.,O,,noxRi7.;C,incinmiti, O. Ins'lieute3.ara' given'to show ' ' :f( the years fromasss to the tot Presidential election) 1SSS-M1,0H.. ISSa-SGI.023. l»06-t 1,020,107. ia0O-l,0ii»,12U 103I-? For Slimmer. | G LO Y E S ^ .Silk ilrnb, rialo and black; lingers double lipped, fit Jikp kid/> 0 c CO R SET S II Alaska, Bnnwfiajto, Polar, only 50c, Royal Wort ester, Looinis, J ®1 Ferris, $1,00, Invisible Lacing $L00 mA g j.50. ’ -W . Ribbons, belts* feuriery, collar, lace berthas, fans. - Cotton goods, are very stiff, while our stock lasts. ¥& Seersuckers 10 c, gingham 7 io down to 5 c, Sheeting in f t 1 Remnants 2oe, worth fiOo. Pillow eases 12^c to 20e, Tablt cloths, fim?stock, fide to $ 2 , 00 , napkins to match. Wash Dress Fabrics. goods 10 c up. Lawn, Linens, One case to sell, $$c, worth 12£p, Whito Voiles, Madras, Oxford, Ohiffonetts, Persian; Silk Persian, greatest variety, Wash suite $2,00 up, Wrappers $1,00, owlet ireai. Carpets, Rug's, Window Shades, Lace Curtains. flUTGHISOS & GlfiJlEY’S, XENIA, OHIO, The Cook That Bake With M O D E L F L O U R Never coinplains of the flour for she uses a perfect flour of unequaled' quality and purity. One litte sack will show wliat a- really good flour it is, E, hhockey, Catawba, 0 „, eays:- “ Wo isavc, used MODEL FLOUR'five iiionljis and think u iliu Iasi we have ever used,” MODEL FLOUR MOIJIEL as TELL YOUR GROCER. YOU .WANT You take no chance every .sack is guaranteed* in u s ing clt.'ipffi-sTiil-rThi „„ ........ . Arknowl«d»mt>nts of all tOmittnuMsroorived-fov ostl- ' ir ,.i)|ij|‘iimau|»Hi WJKIf lWj' '*)')'■ )iiaau‘»(»»«p!«»H»iHl>i |-II|Iy> ii.fijia •Jlfrenls, Bolleltord and imployecS authority, to maJtanhy’ tho-tc-rmisof thiscont«f.t,hh 4 toS'tbeWt'possot . estimator th«.agent's.,-BoIicitCfSitoha; , , Commercial Tflbiiriealinllbo tfiifentoto theuguUsof the ’ 1 subscribers estimatingandhot of TheCemmwlnl .Tribune, „ ; ' , . .These Conditions constitute tlio entire tfontyact, and’ aro 'f’Uwecf tp no' madificatlpn, whutBoever, andevery subscriber, cpmpttlngIn this co'ute'fit'asaohfa tberoby tet tlsesocon. ’ dltlimj, ' ,' ' . . . . . . , ' ThepOlctol Oprtjflpatop?tho.HsjSretfifyof thoStale’of O.hjowViall bp.ccijiiluatvoas to ctMPCrPScatw*WImimftlat '.nnoi4ta trt-'.wRb-i yme(. Ift-'itaf.:AphendU' at:oojeetttm,.tto ,sboit anitt ttttahtodtotoAnd:fiindiiiij‘ thg total number qf .yptebcard, After,the receipt of,tho udi- Commcrowi ............. Commercial awards will ... . . ., ....... on atl participants In the contest, For subscription bleaks and further Information, adtlrfss tho Manager of THEGOMMERSiaTRMEftWfiRBBUREAU, SAS&VZ. bwv. vvwma PATENTS Cswnw.andI ’radc.MsrksObfnlnfdahdAlll4. sntInMAft***CondtKted tot MOUtnfiTCfu ll OottOrriotiscm»o*ircu.*.»•*ttutOfrict andwe« « torurnpatentihlesitlrtHsiinntho** f(Smoteftort,WitShlngtdP. Send model, drawing 01 btoto.ijwith assert**- itlon, W* adelse, If nnlentnble of not, free Of iChahft, Onf fconotdimtill patentIssecnted, A AAMPHUt./'Dow to oblaln i'lltaht*," with cost of same Irt t|i* U, 8 . and fotelsn tanmrtto tonlffsa. Addrsto, -i C.A.8HOW&CO. QUESTIONANSWERED. Yes, August.Flower' still has the largest sale of any oirdioine In the ctv* ilized world, .. Your mothers apd grandmothers uever thought of using anythiug else for Indigestion or .bili­ ousness. Doctors were scarce, and they seldom heard of appendicitis, nervous prostration or heart failure, etc. They used August. Flower to clean out the evstetn and stop feroieu* tation of undigested food, regulate the action of the liver, stimulate the nervous and organic action of tbe.sys- tem, and that is all they took when feeliug dull and bad witli headaches and other aches. You only need a few doses of Green's August Flower, in liquid form, to moke yon saiisiied there Is nothing serious the matter with you, You Canget this reliable remedy at all druggists Price 25e and 75c. . Every Ticket Office of the Penn­ sylvania Lines is Free "Information Bureau of the .great World's Fair at Bt.Loui,s in 1904. The Bureau ad* dress atOedaSville is ,1'IS, Keyes, in charge of Ticket Ofiice i A ’’Rooms” booklet of Bt, Louis hotels and board­ ing houses, location and rates, coin- Skd by the World’s Fair Manage­ ment, can ho obtained from him} also Olhervaluablo information, to Pacific Goad;via » /:.v-; It.-tdrif|* Bpptomher 15th to OctoliCr lfith, ’'cblosifsf fares to t-ttliforniii ami Nortir:.Pacific Goftlt'points, to Montana, Liahd ftfuj .tho.Norih\yestr;wilLke ffl'effhet. front alt stations' on Pcimsylvftiila"Litt|s; DR. E. C. OGLESBEE, I'HYHCtAN AND SOHCJKOM. GIlf pi *. Rppft Bff,* Lfvorv Bifide X'Ray and Electro Thera- Ollice at Rees Eros. Jfivery fa teb le .j^ fe ■ Also latest im* ” rents all diseases and injuries O'; do ,p,0Ved apparatus for treating diseased mestic animals carefully .and sri'entE b’f tho nose, throat and lungs’ cajly, G,i«t 1 fJate of GhkRgfir Yriinnry j J College, EXGHflflCE BSM CEDARVILLE, OHIO. A CCOUNrS of Merchants and In- **■ dividuals solicited. Collaationr promptly made and remitted. » RAFTB on New York and ciuimti sold ai, lowpst rates* cheapest and.fnosf convenient way |to send money by mall. Oin* The T OANB made onReal Estate, Pei* eonnl Or Collateral Security* William Wildman, Pres., ‘Seth W, Smith, Vice Pres., W, J.' Wildman, Cashier, . a,.1 .. O, L. Smith Asst, Cashier KILBY FARRAR Veterinarian, Jamestown, Chin, To be distributed in twelve premiums of $ 2 5 , $ 2 0 , $ 1 5 , $ 1 0 , $ 1 0 , $ i 6 , $ 1 0 , 1 ' $ 5 , $ 5 , $ 5 i $ 5 $ 5 , Monday, January 2d, ’05. Patronize n/y meat_market and;receive,a ticket with each 25o cash purchase. Each ticket wiU give you one chance in the drawing, O - .O . ; W B I M B R Fresh and Salt Meats, Fish, Oysters, Ftc. -- -----GEORGE m SM IT H,------- Oedarville, Ohio, Agent tor United States Life Insurance Co. as $ 1,000 in investment.. - , , II investment, we will pay you $400 more than you puy in, tit the euu oi 20 year?, Wo idve you 7 elective couditious you, can change at your will, From 2 to 3-1- times face value of your policy in paid up insurance without re-examination: Also age'nt for the ‘ General Accident, of Philadelphia, andtheU. S. Accident Co* of N. Y E. F. STEWART Vctinary Surgeon Has located iu Jamestown, Ohio. R. E. CORRY, AUCTIONEER Bells Ileal Estate and Per <mal prop­ erty anywhere, Promptness, attention to Jetnils and satisfaction guaranteed. High service. Low prices. Residence Telephone 235 Clifton, O. Call and secure dates, TiiS H khadd for job work. HALF FARE p l u s $ 2 .0 0 • For Round Trip Tickets. VIA Louisville &Nashville Railroad To Nearly All Points iu Alabama, Florida, Gcorgis, Ken­ tucky, Mississippi, Virginia North and Booth Carolina, Tennessee, Tickets mi sale May 3rd and 17th* June 7th-21st, and on first and third is;formation, emisolt your focal agent, »v address G, h, .telONE* Cftei, P a *?, A<tM«* ky , A Caveful Buyer* TheBestisWlulIon ffait. The listIsHalveML. Meats are deceptive. ITnlesS you are n good judge, you can never tell what you are getting until you have it served and partially enteh, We know meats. We select stock with a view to having the best meats. We know how to select stock and there­ fore have meats you may depend upon—meats that will please you. C. H. GROUSE. GOCDB- DELIVERED TelcphoimNo, 74 #&rFre$h Fish Alwavs m\ Hand. Low Fares to Californiavia Pennsylvania Lines DualngSeptember, Aug, 15 to 27, inclusive,' Aug. 2$ to Bcpt. !), inclusive, excursion, tick­ ets to S.ui Francisco nod Los Angeles, account Trirnfdal Conclave Knight# Templar and Sovereign Grand Lodge I. 0 , U, E , will he sold via ftw w * vauin Lints, For full informstfow regarding fares routes, etc,, apply to IiKmai Ticket Agent of thoiu W IU TO S| I l l l lL Y A N I i t m y,* who moke corj [ t ’ .jj.-er of ballots cast i| tfvLors, j estimate and] to-Weekly. 2 estimates ai to Weekly | 1 estimate am tp Daily El 3 estimates at lion to Dailj There are 5,335 Cashl /oCclil Prize of $ 10,000 tc| before G<-tober 8 th, .. ’ Total Ballots Cas - iSSS'-...-.*......84ll 1S92*...........-.-361 r See our offer printed i| Sample copies sent free or ENQUIRER Renews the hair* makes what you need if your| restores the color.' Sic SourStomach. When the quanity of foci fnolarge nr the quality tool stomach is likely, to folloij proinlly so if the digestion [ Wakened by constipation. ; 01 <i not ton freely of easill ijffii,' Masticate the .food til let five hours elapse betwl ami when you feeL a full weight,in the’ region of thj after . eating,; take Giil Stomach mid Liver -Tablel 8 iur stomach may be- atlvo| Saleby Isaac Wisforman, When troubled with e| dryChamberlain’s Btomftchj Tablets, They are easy tol produce no griping or otheJ nut effect.’ For .sale, WistemonT *1 “ “ Bedridden, alone and |Snch; in brief was the conrl N(I Soldier by name of J. IVersailles, U. For years heI Nil with Kidney disease :l |(loetors nor medicines gavel Ki length he fried jEfoml It put him on his feet in ■Mdnow he testifies. “ IJ wosldin complete recoveryf *rih for Liver and Kidhi >»ii'l all forms of Stomach | |C*miplainl 8 . Only 50>;. |hl all druggists. T ub H eraid fo^first-el] , “ <Tvotintnwflj. J?® to Jfou cannot ojmi ry,m* A business ea. ! kn(l starts w ' ihfe long rt ■ *** that follows t> ■ cut for it ami 1 ; "# is oflvenUsing J** u ur , «u»> is rcar-iteti, -ter n st ■ Wlrtrti H Is ' * WWf to , vtomuntfs*. . ’ p f -