The Cedarville Herald, Volume 27, Numbers 27-52

■4*. J ■ .A POWDER A fc s o lt r to fjrP u r e BASKOSUBSTITUTE * . LOCAL AND PERSONAL , i §Si SiSpPf ■ —15 Delaine ew# Isiniba—■Dobbins. /—Far pare vinegar and apices for picklesgo 10 Cooper’s, -Mr* Charles Galbreafh of Dayton spent Saturday with his (pother, Mrs, ■Elizabeth Galbreath. —h’or anything' in the can line go to Cooper’s,_ .. ‘ ,—I f once yon try yon will always buy Model Flour, its ihe best. Mri M. B. Gowdy and mother ot - ‘ Springfield, have bfm spending the week with Mr* R, O, Watt andfamily, —iKew Fall Hats at Mrs. Condon’s. T-If the best is none loo good for you insist on your' grocer furnishing , you Model flour, - , Mr. JR,- 0. Watt expects to Jeaye nest' Tuesday, lor the World’s Fair wherehe hasenteredhisherd ofDuroC Jersey hogs. —Try a package o f Mother’s crisps. 1 *• The best of all the cereals. Get it at *• . • Cooper’s. ,10ca package. _* Mr, W. M, Harbisonjs again at the ' ’■jBulIenbarger flour will, a Jbr an absence of several months. •teTfafe' best bakers useModel flour. —School tablets hud school supplies of all kinks at Cooper's. Miss JjQullaJones of SouthCharles­ ton vfas the .guest of Miss Louise , Spaitlj Sunday. —Mode! FIour*make 3 good breath . —Keep id migd the H erald when ■ jwarning sale bids. Our .water-proof • stock makes them popular. .Miss Edith L, JRlisten ofjEIderten, ' ’ Pa,, is the guest of Kev. and Mrs, O, . .XL Milligan. 1 —fu ll Huejof Buggies, Phaetons, ’Carriages, Driving Wagons, etc. Spe- —u-«tM-priees^ov^t4V-;-K. dISterretfle. at Cooper s, Also cakes and crackers at Cooper’s. of all kinds. Mr, BossLaughlin of Belle Center 0. was the guest of Bert Turner,,a few days this week. Subscribe for the Herald, ‘Kev* Walter Condon Who has been preaching in Waterford Wis.,, this summer, returned homeMonday for a few days yacation before he leaves for Princeton University Tuesday. Mr. G. C. Sullcnberger of Oxford, was the guest ol bia son, Louis, Tues« day. On Wednesday they went to Covington, 0 „ where they spent the . day* Invitations are out for themarriage of Rev* Robert Wilkin andMissAnna Orr, on Wednesday, Sept. 28. Rev, Wilson has a charge in a Presby­ terian congregationat Oroawell, Midi, Invitations are out announcing the marriage of Rev, W. G, .Robb of Brodie, Ontario, and Miss Echo Ster* rett, of this place for Wednesdayafter­ noon^ October, - 5 th at five o’clock* Rev* Robb formerly resided in Hew Concord, He is pastorof theReformed Presbyterian chimdi(0. S.jirt Brodie. Impure blood ahvsyai shows sdmewhorc. If the skid, then boils, pimples,fashes. If the oerves, then neuralgia, nerv­ ousness, depression, If the Sarsaparilla stomach, then dyspepsia, biliousness, loss of appetite* Your doctor knows the remedy, used for 6(1 yesrf* •"Kirfiroate tf.-.m U’A rtf**# •**?, t #w» * ««w», Mr K«<wtMH* **M,lUM JMrMfmtil!* ♦If’, IM &m m l o r Impure Mood S S I r a R - -I'm Model flour, „ —Stw Fall tikis atMr*. Condon**. , Mm Vera* Bird JoRTbomday for, lit, I joump , She will be aeeomprijwsl by levefal Xenia ladles* Eoxin;:—Melon patch, C, Dubbin’* f#M, plenty of /shad*,.. delkiom endow* MwiMh W isw r .—Tu purchasetbre$ ihiUSr sand bushels nimis. D. B. Ervin Co. Mr. John Huge! and wife yf Rppaf* field, vfeittd 1 VC» XYyitSSJractfwwily of this place Sabbath. —We pay 17cper dozen for eggs. Bum’s M ammomu B toke , Deputy Sheriff ' Applegate was in town-Wednesday on balances,. —I will buy your D amsok PufMS. R out . Bm». A bay was born toMr, andMrs. F, L* Furniss last Saturday morning. . Mrs. Sylvia Kyle moved Into Mrs, M. A, Cresweli’aproperty, Thursday, —A fresh supply, of those good “ Oakea” again todayat Bird’s. —Tin TopJelly Glass* 25cadozen Plain Tumblers, 25 & 35c ft dozen a Bird’s, Miss Moggie B, Edgar , 1 who is a 'missionary inSyriaarrivedhereThurs- day evening for avisitwithherbrother, Mr, Will Edgar and family, Don’t missthe splendid opportunity of seeing and bearing “ The Artists Ideal.” They-are amongibe.grandest pianos in-tiie Country, City Hotel. * F ob S ale C heap -A good phaeton inquire at this office. A number of Mrs,' George Smith’s friends planned a surprise for her last Tuesday evening. The evening was spent in a very pleasant social manner .by all present. - / —BUY A FAIR STAR JBRAJNT) SHOES you will "get full value for your money arid not be disappointed at Bird’s? —Men’s “Trousers” ,, a large stock, elegant styles. $1.50;to 83.50 pair at Birds. . Mr. J. A, Stormont- moved Tburs day into the Ewery property on south Mainstreet, just vacated by Mri James Asbbaugh, who gets the bousevacated by Mr. Stormont.. ' -—Heinz Pure “ Cider Winegar” uu- equaled for Pickling Purposes try it. ■ ’ B ird ’ s M ahmoxh S tore . ,—‘Mens Duck Coats, extra Well' made at §1.00, $1,50, $2.00and $2,50 bach at Bird’s ' Mr, Harry Iliffmoved biahousebold goods-to London.this week wbere .be will,make his home. The Riff Bros, are having .all the work they can do tbifl season in .South.Charleston_and Loudon,; (HM *>; —SweecTotat , *!fne ones,' onjy yt"00T5rBif8iiei"arBifQ,5ii Mr. I. C. Davia has moved his household goods to Cincinnati where l.e will make his future home, having purchased an interest in a tailoring house. His wife and family left Wednesday. Mr. Ed* Smith who has been solid- ting'lile insurance in Springfield for some time hasbeen given territory in this locality. He will represent the Western and Southern Life Insurance Company iu •Cedarville, Jamestown, Yellow Springs and Clifton. Miss Jennie Bratton gave a recep­ tion Thursday afternoon to a number of ladies in honor of Miss Anna Orr, who is to Wed Rev. Robert Wilson nexBWednesday, About twenty-five guests were present. A two course luncheon was served. —Hereafter my Laundry Agency Will befound at theElIencoe Clothing Store, oiie\door north of the bank in the GrouseBlock. The same courtesy and good workmanship will be given iu the future as in the past* .E hah J c B o l l , A g en t. Mi*. Van Schyock of Renoldshurg, 0*t died Sabbath morning, the funeral takingplace Tuesdayafternoon* The deceased had been Hi for some time suffering with dropsy. She was a sister of Mttieicj -William and John McCampbelf of lids place and Ur. James McCampbcll of Xenia* The brother/*.with Mrs. William McCamp- bell and' Mr, R, L* Ramsey attended the funeral. IX Bradfute and son, Oscar, return­ ed home this morning from St, Louis Where they havebeen with their cattle at the.Worlds fair. They report that they catho away with their share of the ribbonsconsider)ftgtlie competition Theyshowedagainst 2 $diflerertt herds, they were beaten by many of the animals they had bred and sold to other partus. Andrew Bros,* with their Red foil*# were first winner# iu moat every class. They will have the dbafnhion herd in this breed, There Were pniy five or rise herds In this bread represented In the ahowm|. 16 H 1 ER, THEHUNTE8 Long yrsrA ago when, the foirie* aiill u^'d their H*wer ihi-re lived a young jaas named Lohbr. He v m ^50tl looking and m i without wiL but the poor fellowJtad cue aal&for- tUBA He Bt-ver sacsecdetl'When ha twent oul h«Ktiog> •and yet kp oh- ftinutelv persistedin halting sdl the wmie. ' ’ What was a rare thing among conunoa people at that time, Louier had a pretty home of bis own, the gift of a generous lord, whose life he had saved. It was made up of a cottage beside a little pool full of fish, a few acres of land and jMaqor, where doubtless there was plenty of game under the- broom, and the briers, This moorland was the tor­ ment of ihe poor man’s life. I t was in vain that he'-set out at the break of day, Ms rifle on his arm..and his dog, fataud, at bis heels, to- beat the bushes until evening. Rabbits and hares slipped away between his feet, while the partridges and the little birds flew up before him -with­ out hurrying, as u iheyr knewhis ill luck. . There is no need to say that the people of the Village laughed loudly when.' they met Lohier with hjs emp­ ty game sack and Pataud lowering his ears. But when he came home .the unfortunate hunter had even a worse reception. His wife, Paul­ ette, overwhelmed him with her re­ proaches, ' Usually Lohier bc?re it all with -good' grace and was only hent the more ongoing hunting. However, one evening he, came hack in a bad humor after having spent Sn-vainhis whole provision of powder. He found ht the cottage lus cousin Wiiliam, .who was wait­ ing for him with all his :mates to’ •ask him t»Vhis wedding. After the first compliments Paulette brought out a jug of eider, which put every one in a good humor, “ See here, William,” cried Lohier while'they were drinking each oth­ er’s health, “ what present do you wish me to make you for your mar­ riage?” " , . ■ His ..cousin answered jokingly: “ 0h, I ’m not hard to please,. Just bring me‘a few fine pieces of game for the wedding breakfast. That will he easy for a hunter like, you.” ' This displeased Lolner, who be­ came duite angryas he saw the oth­ er -smiling. So, striking the table a heavy bibwvwith his fist, lie said, “Don’t you believe that i f I.wished to take the trouble I should he as good a hunter as'any'of you?” “ Prove-it, then,” answered the young man, who wag much amused at'his'anger. “That’s easy enough,” retorted the imprudent Lohier, carried away by self ldye. - “ I f after two days I doj not bring you six rabbits and twelve partridges shot with my.own hand. I will' give,you my house and property without any conditions ” • “Agreed!” they all cried. And the young men came one after an­ other to take the open hand of Lo- Then,they all went away, ^ Ions hadlfisappeared sho fillea the house with her lamcntatioiis and overwhelmed her husband with her reproaches. “Dp you wish to have ns ruined?” she said, weeping* “ After two days we .shall be beg­ gars without a roof to our heads, for you are too clunisy to win this wretched bet ” Lohier answered sharply, though at heart he trembled, asking him­ self how he should get out of this eril plight, ‘ ■ With the morning he set forth, accompanied by his faithful Pataud, who said plainly in the language of dogs, “Here we go again to miss our game.” ’ The first day’s results showedthat the wise Pataud was right. Hot an animal with fur or feathers had been touched by the shots of Lo- hxer. He did not date go back to. the .house, where nothing awaited him but the complaints and re­ proaches of Paulette. “My poor comrade,” he said to his dog asjhe shared with him the 'remainder of his bread, “I think we shall have to get used to poverty. Tomorrow 1 shall certainly have lost the property which I risked so fool- Wily.” When he had finished his frugal meal the fresh.water of a spring bubbling up from'a gray rock allow­ ed him to refresh himself /1 Then lie stretched himself out sadly on the briers, where sleep did -not delay finding him* I t was near midnight when the hunter awakened with- n start. »He was stupefied at the sight before him. In thq midst of deep dark­ ness, for the moon did hot sluhe that night, the gray rock had growil luminous,' while the water of the spring, sometimes blue and some- umes rose color, seemed to sparkle With sapphires and rubies* Lohier remembered that the old men of the country called this 'The fames’ rock,” because, they said, those my* tenons beings held council there, An idea suddenly entered his mind, and ho cried out with a loud voice: “ fairy of the briers, have pity on a Wretched man!, Help ms (o kill tomorrow the'six hares and the twelve partridges which will permit me to keep my home.” It seemed to him that a voice of mrtal mingled wBh.rtio murmur of the spring and repeated softly: . “ Sht h»r«* ami twelve par- * r% n f * • "Ye#, ytv; nnthing 1 iif t k * f” he | *Es*\r‘jre,l, *T chat! ow*’ mu mart? rimii lift,- feefET '* »s;tlfi?3 flamy, brilliant as $. i dlaicoa'I, t:T,uA*i * 0 ,;} the summit { of tho tiiiltj, whirb teeanjo’dark and J gray-om-e more, | ‘Tt is the fairy w i'i ha? gone I swapj” thought Inkier, fa ll o f hope, I ] and liq tarntxl over and slept again, 1 The next day.when' the xmTLed grit<:n he was afraid he bad simply dreumelj but scarcely had he load­ ed Ms rifle to begin the hunt whan from every point, of the moorland ■there came toward hint in crowds s»bhitr> partridges, pheasants, quail -0113 snipe. SopQ the little open, space In the midst of whisht the gray rock rose was sp filled that Lohier had &eamly room to stand. ..Crazy with jdy^ he llegan firing into this crowd of animals. Every one of his shots brought down five or six. pieces of game. But Lohier, who had never seen such luck, shot without tiring himself until Pataud was the only living being near him. He left the*brave dog to guard his treasure and ran home .out of breath. “ We are saved1” he cried to Paul­ ette* “ Give me our donkey, with .our biggest panniers.” The morning was hardly long enough for him to carry away Ms booty, although the poor donkey went back and forth each time with a heavier load. When William and his friends came into the yard Lo­ hier was finishing ihe unloading of the last-pannier. . At the sight of this great heap of game the. mis- chievous smiles.which bad been on their,lips changed to! open.mouthed' astonishment. They stood there, their arms hanging"down, looking at Caeli, other and not knowingwhat to say. ' Lohier, beside- himself with joy, rubbed his hands and laughed with ah. Mi? heart.. . Ho felt himself hap­ pier than a king when his friends, recovering from their astonishment, gave him their warmest compli­ ments. The hares were so fine, the partridges sq fat, the pheasants and small game in'such good state! They all began feeling of. the game with their hands. ~ ‘ ' 0L, what a surprise! _ The little dwellers of the moorland all jumped to their feet at once. The hares be­ gan to re™, the partridges and the other birds to fly, in every direction and in .such confusion that the wit­ nesses of the scene knew not what had become of them* At last the game had all disappeared, and the voice of crystal,, which Lopier had already heard, - pronounced ' these .words: ' . . - “Friend Lohier, remember that by tl/e gray rock you asked me oiily for six' hares and twelve partridges. You have killed without mercy all those poor guests■ of my moorland. I give them. back, their life and leave you a comiselT—you must not abuse your opportunities.” ■A light, rosy cloud, followed by a bright flame, showed the. departure of the fairy, - It Was now the turn of William and-his companions to laugh long and loud- But finally, seeing the pitiful air of poor Lomer, William, came forward ■with outstretched ■hand “ Cousin,” he said, “we give you a joke. Hone of ns would take this ilte’ you. But let me add a counsel to the one you have already re­ ceived: You niust never promise to do what is above your strength.” “Thanks, Wfluam, to. yourself and to all of you, my friends,” an­ swered Lohier. “ I . have. been an imprudent and a vain man, I 'shall probably be all my life long the clumsiest banter Of the country, but I now' know a way Of getting good from it. From today you may hunt freely on my ground. I shall he as pleased with your luck a# if it were myoWn.” ” Strange to say, from the day when Lohier showed himself so gen­ erous and simple in acknowledging where he was-wrong he had good luck in hunting. He seldom went through the moorland- in the com­ pany of his friends without bring­ ing hack s well filled game bag.— Philadelphia Press. Something Ju*t as Good. Justice of the Peace—Kow, little S 'rl, you are about to take 'oath. o you know what an oath is ? . Little Susie Slmnm—Yes, yer on- ncr, but maw says them ain’t for wimmen folks. But I kin say what maw said ih’ time she scalded ’ er foot if you wants me to.—Baltte more American. s Odor* of Fich and Onion*. Xothing is mere unpleasant than to find that a knife, fork or spoon smells and tastes .of fish or onions, and yet it. very often occurs. The speediest method to remove the dis­ agreeable odor is to put the articles to soak In a basin of efld tea and leaves. Let them soak for ten min- .titcs or so; then wash them in tile ordinary way* Th* Mot Footbath, Tim hot footbath is one of th 6 irtoafc effective methods of breaking japa heavy cold, and in case of chill or severe headache it will often, bo found beneficial, as it draws tho in# fiamitation from i hobead. It should f roletubly ho taken before going to td, J *• Potato Water For 8 ilv»r« Water in which potatoes have licefi. boiled is very cffodlve in keep­ ing silver bright. It ran In*!hoithd Tor use, a,ud if iWpiirtd tei be kept a long time a tenth part of methy* luted spirit# will dy Dus, n r * w r W H T Go away froip Mate to buyyour Clotlung1and Fur* nistiliig' Goods, wbm you can do better at HOME? W e can sell you.a Sait ,or Overcoat cheaper than you pay for the same article in large cities* WHY? Because our expenses are one fourth herewhat they would be in a large city. As we are directly con­ nected with a large wholesale house in the East, we save you middle-man?s profit. Come in and let us convince you. ; SATURDAY ; SPECIAL, —W e •will give you, Madras Shirt, (value $1.00), Collar, (value 15c), Tie, (value 25c) all for $1*00. ^Mr^jMiOT€>’ym r McCorkelfs OldStand. WINGFIELD CO. T o C u r e a C o l d I n O n © J D a y TakeLaxative Bromo Cares Crip in Two Days, ©A every MIQioij boxes soldmpast 12 months. !>©x. 25c, ' S ShCr—I .‘think you d fetter come with me t o :chob.«a my new ring, dear. *, . _ , ,Ho—nBut l.Jlmugbk you. wanted fO'ehqosa R youriclf? "* • Sh&T-fio I flid, but fa t afraid we can’t afford i t , ' ‘ ■ Helpful Suggoctlcrr. “ So?” hoarsely sighed-, Hector Mqntmqrpacy, ’“ So?: -You spihm me? And 1 must go forth, go out Tfito.fhfe' bitter iriswSte tVIDt despair and unutterableoroe written on!my ( ■Taking‘After Fa.' e . | . The judge of one <tf 'the county ? ,courte weal hi His.’ home the other * ! afte-nihon, anti, becoming acquaint- J 5 td' with some flagrant act of Ms ; sev'en-year-old boy, summoned the * ; iad Info his presence, _\ l> J* .“How* lir^teke.bff your uouil”,J *■ he said sternly. ■*’T. afa going' to 'give you a whipping that you will ; Tomember as.long as you-live” ' j 1 ■“ I f .it please yotur honor,” said: j the Hoy, “we. desire id oak ‘fori' a { ’ ’ gtay of pfegeedmgs m ibis ease uh~I ’ ' til' we can prepare and dole, an ap- ’ pHeation jtor a change of venue to - moiherie ijourte'Dav applieaiiua. wiB -j be based on the belief that this court lias formed an opinion regarding the guilt of Die defendant which , W ssheluri by evldeiice and is therefore, hoi hampeteht.f1? tey th&case,” . '"J •>'< ’ ^ y. Stay granted.- “SiltprIfate that JfVarj.” face! What is left for mo to do?” umitei lim a e m wine wuhagmsss to offer-a sugges- gljt",bal'iu£i,{i,fd:h" fejtril itself. “ You*might go info a diiflo tou- Eeuin us the roan -with tlrn postal card face,” she murmured.-.-—Kcw York Life. . Accomplished Hi* Purpose. Trickey*—IPs so hard to convince some people. There is Lamb, now* I tried m 3 ' best to convince him -that poker was not a game of chance, but it was no use. Finally I got him to sit down and play for a Couple of hours. . King—-And then? Trickey—When we quit I had all the money he‘ brought with him. But I had convinced him. That was the - main . thing. Boston Transcript. W J ' H E vi r i N F ''.G R E A T - * JT, *JBlo. dl xrtEDICIN^ Tbedford’s Black-Branqiit coin^j nearer regulating the catire sj'skri j and ktepiiig ibo body iu li«-altathau.j Any other airditltil made. I t is j always ready in Any emergency tb.j treat., ailments that are fretotntilf | arty family; such as indigestion*] bifiousnesj, colds, diarrhoea, ancD stoiriftrii ariiCS, , I Diefliord’s Black-Draught is the ] standaid, nercr-fatling rtuwriy for i 'stomach, bowel, fiver and ladney troubltl. I t is ti care for the throes*J tic ills whichupfrequently summonj thedoctor. Ifciaasjjoodfor children1 asit is for grownpension. A ueseof I tltis ffiCdtciiie tvtry day will toost j euro tedmost obstinate ea:u?of. dye- Persia cr^ coustination, and when taken as directedbringsquickrofic-f* . Mnrtfcra,lo*.*two*Srise5. , . Thcdff.nV* lhss IftsieBf 1 t o l l y cu K-r itn 0vo yearn ana wo w & ssih no otwer, n lieu nuf ot us ten bAny | tsxo A rtr.yft nua *ie nil f'jjlit In ttselviSj noufa Wo !mvoscent V-A* Ot Ssi.iiey toy WOUL3afk4».vJKht. lllA It< nA»Elt. , 4»lt your Ctodir for a j>wka*ro of : Thedford'H rUick-ljrnu^’it and If bft doesnotVo»aitsen;tsic,toThe nootfiAclii-'.lnft (.’battuniioK#,Term, ana a pirtsipi wsa ho uwJca to taa*, ■i ' , Rebuktttg pobby. The intent’terrible appeared sud­ denly in Dmdoor of, the diuing.roqm wMte'ihe tepdly tveye at'diun^r#.h|s' face bright, with the triumph of dis- covqry, ! . ',-Jj %( ’ < u “Oh, mamma; dear,” he called, in high treble, holding -aloft a ■ large dead cat, “see what I .found in the ashbarrel—a perfectly good cat!” General consternation, of coarseS A moment later Uncle Lfiek the butter dish. ............ rmmrerv of Hobby, “ sen what T found in thebutter, a perfectly good fly!”—Yew Orleans Times-bemo* brat. r * - '; v■ Went Under. ' In a Virginia town the aged past for of one of the ehurt-hes fell 511. He. was beloved' by all the neigh­ borhood, and a constant stream of' anxious. friends rang the bell to make inquiries. The nurse in charge was an intelligent negro woman, and she decided to isbit- bulletins at fre­ quent intervals. She ‘ wrote them herself and pinned 'thenT .to the frdut door, and this is the way t’ ?y read as they appeared fiKectssive*y:. “Rev. Blank am wry sick.” “ Later—Rev. Blank am rorse.” “Eight—Rev. Blank amsinking.” “Morning— Ruv. Blank have- sunk.”—Washington Pd't. The Beautiful. A lote for tlie beautiful has a refining, softening, enriching influ­ ence upon character which nothing else eansupply. It- is most unfortu­ nate for a child,to be brought up In;: an atmosphere in which it is miss­ ing and where only a money loving spirit is manifested, where he is trained to think that^the most im­ portant thing In life is to get more money, more houses and lands, in­ stead of more manhood, snore nobil­ ity, more sweetness, more beauty*—* Bttecesft. - • ., ' Making plekfea, ’ .1 never Iskd the. looks of the #emuthat nppcmd h it m y cneumbi ? bris;f>, but I did nnt. know what to do about i t ,'1’brt ?ea>io}i I feariicd’ that i t is eauked by a gum In the ms* hutnbi-rs and that fhey.efmultl first' bo put in a weal: brine till this is ex*' traeted* then intu the slroiig brine where 'they am tu yeniain*—Good lloiieliceplagt T& Otes^s Paint* Squeeze ft vkar doth out o f hoi Water; dip it in whiling and with this tfth thespasut till dirt fe retimv SEIM ] kd. Rinso well wills t*l«m wafer, [dry with n mft teeth, and polish [ with a ehateois leather. Paint eleaste in this way trod® like hew, and j the whiting will not injure- even th* uitrtt delicate “ ‘ lnvi.*!W# Caroenh ! .1st alsiitet iavitefile t-ememt. tor. mending Is made of feingkit boiled in spirit# of win«, Spoons, , Serving Fprks,.'- K js Pieces K n ir e $ „ . » Etc. j Stomped “1847 ROGERS 8 R 0 S.” olway? vombiuc the dasixablc itnres o f sskeV plate—artistic aesjg7 -«ui ■! - ’ ‘ Ucatemberthe -; vcrs-Soidby; o f Catalogues 'C-tf’ io ihcaiatere. +.S Inlerratiaoif SUre.*Ce., ttendeti, Cone. , . <* - •| > E v e r ' C a t e h C o l d That’s because you. (fid. not use n a p 2 s • tSBSTxCEteTS Q u in in e J m i m Boldwitha guaranteeto euroColds,-] Neuralgia, Malaria, La Bro> chills, Headache, or drugU&t v.jiij ifund yOnr money. Coull wej [makea fairer offer? They never causedistress. Kever gripe r*or sicken. Perfectly Harmicy. So bad after effects | Inrist on having, and tee that] you get, LightningLaxative QuinineTablets,i 26 CENTS PER BOX. ALL DRUGGISTS, ] . Prepare* Only fcy THE HERB MEDICINE CD., S P R IN G F IE LD , OH IO . Manufacturers o f th e CcTeUrateu ] Lightning Hot Drops* II ■ Exoirinad* - Gentleman—You can’t- account of piirtevml Nonsensj You look as strong as I do. ! Tramp—Weil, ye see, boss, jj partevtis of do Will dbi I’m troubij wit\^-BjfookIjn Life. —F or »3 a LT! Bedroom set, D| andchair* One fancy roqker. Inqul of Mrs. E. A. Mitchell. M^Gorkj property. Elawhcre ift this Issue can be fiaj ft list 01 public salts for {lift M future . 1 I f you are thinkiug of t>| ing » sale it will pay you t<» call i seewhatdatesare alrciidy tefon. have a mmdrir of sales in vie«v andj having the date listed with «s will not encounterother sale?. The GreCite County F'bfieM ftitiou was lid*) m Kenia Tbm^l The morning rtssiort was devotedI the transaction ot business andj parade over the principal streets] thft city* A t the "afternoon were many gorii speeches^ j Memorial ■eatumUtee rcp»r& that' j vrlcrans hiivomiswrite -the roll call] | the- jmstyc-Rh -COAL! COAL! At , 'v*. HTTJIWifO fiiV r " I Wi.1* will « « . ■• :it that d ‘ » « y ’ tW E N T Y 'S E V Wedding Solemr Bridc^ Home Evcning--Sixl 1 ‘ A-pretty wedding t ji&silayevening at 5:1 o! 11 ft of Mr. and 3 whentheirdaughter, * |nmsirriage to Rev. R of Croswell, Michigar The ceremony, wa: tli*. bride’s pastor. Re iu the presence of abo The wedding march Mrs. Frantz, the b» entering theparlor uro Henry was assisted by of Clifton, Rev. W. and liev. Alvin Orr, brother o f the bride. After the cerenion supper was served, persons were afc the b . nudMl'S. J. R. Orr, 1 _Mrs. McChesuey, Res Miss Bel! Brewer, J Brownlee, Mrs .1 Juc- Mr. John Wilson, After receiving con. am! Mrs. Wilson were where they proceeded leaving there the uex \vejl. where the gioon Presbyteriancongrega . Among the out-oft •MissMary Little, Coi Rev. Alvin Qrr, PI andMrs. Wra, Hyatt and Mrs. S. L , E - . Cbarlestont - Miss On Mrs. ’Ellen Cooley i Bratton and Mrs. Go' Mr. Bell, Day-ton. AGREEMENT J The attorneys for I k theScroggy-Hildebra"* Ji t. Congressional contest . rient yesterday which brant to file a petitio in the Supreme Court Stewart, Chief Depuf Elections for the Sis certify the name of G :as the regulnr Repub the Sixth Distr! fc. id I mm Jus. nnawoF iwmro idiatek It is not beliqved Rihiebrant wants the • ' judical tribune turned Biit should he submit .•stand no chance wbnt in its,right niiud erode tlie discision already b that ,Tmlge Scroggy’s i ihe ticket.—Gazette. GREETING I Mr, Albert Haines, of. over thirty years, last Saturday for a brother, Mr, Willi,n mater Mrs Daniel Dei resides near Dallas nerved in the 44th.O.. other Cedarvilliar b n rades he was known i name being given bin flint he was a great Mr. Haines bus a - rinldren and is one ol formers in his comma SILO OW! There will Creswell ’teth swivel < hew and has day, . <fhns. Miu v’fle, were ti Laythama«c Cedarvilb Mbotaon V Uhnrleston f: M*eoffi-r' for any <«» ■euroi by f'htimry^ tbe « Jfoftncy ity Wfli pppfot- foan'iaetloni oot any o jAhlUig, j RftiViUw •ihtfnftra»if i llriro*fie|a ' ’TakeRail wr a-'H#** * 0