The Cedarville Herald, Volume 27, Numbers 27-52

tmptm $ 100,000 , WILL, BE DISTRIBUTED PRBE TO SUBSCRIBERS OP THE DAILYANDWEEKLYENQUIRER _ J T O T HOV 3EW H ER • Tii those who make correct or nearest to correct estimates of the total cumber of ballots cast in Ohio on November 8 , 1904 , for Presidential Gettors. ■ ■ •' .■ ’■- . 1 estimate and six months* subscription to Weekly Enquirer for . . $0 .50 2 estimates and a year’s subscription to Weekly Enquirer for . , 1,00 I estimate and ten days* subscription to. Daily Enquirer, for , , , ,50 3 estimates and one month’s subscrip­ tion to Daily Enquirer for * 1.50 There are 5,335 Cash Prizes, ranging from $5;00 to $25,000, Also Su'cial Prize, of $10,000 to the one who may estimate the exact total vc before October 8th, a ote Total BaKois Cast in Ohio in other Presidential Years. .1 8 3 8 ....,......... 841,941 1 8 9 6 , . , .1,020,107 1 892 ..,............ 861,625 1900 ............. .1,049,12 i See our offer printed in'the Daily and weekly Enquirer for particulars. Sample copies sent free on application to ENQUIRER COMPANY, Cincinnati, 0. Vegetable* liver pills. That is what they are. They cure con s tipa tion , biliousness, r sick-headache. Si: Want your moustache or beard abeautifulbrownorrichblack? Use BUCKINGHAM’S DYE . n m ora. or pkjggisth o a t r . am , a ca.tuasiu. n. a ,, Sour Stomach'. When the' quanity. of -food taken ig too large nr the quality too rich, sour stomach , 5 b likely to follow, and es­ pecially so i f the digestion has been V' weakened by constipation. Eat slowly and. hot too freely of easily digested U nod. * Masticate the, food thoroughly. Let five hours elapse between meals, and when . you feel a fullness .and ■ weight'in the region of the stomach after eating, take Chamberlain* Stomach and Liver Tablets and the sour stomach may be advoided. For sale by Isaac Wisterman. . . When troubled with constipation try Chamberlain’s Stomach and, Laver ", Tablets, \ They are easy to take and produce*no griping or other Unpleas­ ant effect. For sale by Isaac Wisterjman. • . - Fearful Odds Against Him. ■ 4 itiehriHMbwef“W«B 4 li»-«wia<ilitiop«ofri>n 'old 'soldier by name of J.. J . Havens, Versailles, O, For years- he was troubl­ ed with Kidney disease and neither doctors nor medicines gave him relief.. A t ' length he tried Electric Bitters. It put him .oh his feet in short order and now he testifies. '“ I'm on the road to complete recovery.” Best On earth for Liver and Kidney troubles and all forms of Stomach and Bowel Complaints, .Only 50 o. Guaranteed by all druggists. Tbs World's Population. According to _an. exhaustive sta­ tistical work by a German, the pop­ ulation of the world today is 1,503,- 300.000. T h e ' average'.density of population is about twenty-five per­ sons to one square mile, and- the distribution among the continents follows: In Europe, 392,26Ay- 000 people, or 100 , inhabitants for each square .mile; in Asia, 819,556,- 000 ' inhabitants, forty-five .to a square m ile; in Africa, 140,700,000 inhabitants, th ir te e n 'to a square mile. N o rth America, including the West Indies, Mexico, Central Amer­ ica and Panama, as well as the United' States and Canada, is Cred­ ited -with 105,714,000 inhabitants, thirteen to one square mile. . A Clever Retort. Leonard Bacon, w),to was one of th e best .known theologians in New England a quarter Of a Century ago, was -attending a conference in one of the Now England cities and some aBsertimi5"he“madcHn^}iis-Bddress: re ...vehement! w .to . b hn, nvpnst.nlntrfwT - . tipypt, nf m T he H erald for first-classjob work. £ Keeping tfonsttantly « t i* t* tli* k e v 1 « j«n<*r«*aefoI it A v e r- J f ■ tiei»K< Yon cannot shurt much, and muTA buslncsscim'er tha tghe f by fits ami starts will not pay bo well In the lobg run as a busi­ ness that follows a course map* prd out for It and keeps Inwcas* lag Its advertising as the bust* lies# demands It until the maxi­ mum. is- reached. There la » maximum for a small business beyond which it Is not economy or policy to go, Brookllnd Chronicle. ' our cotamft* furnish tlm key 10 sfKocrsM aav«ti«ms nt Hits tommunlly. such a thing in all my life i" “Mr, Moderator," rejoined Bacon calmly, “I cannot allow iffy opponent's igno­ rance, however vast, to offset my knowledge, however .small."—Chi-, cago News. ’ Food, Not Form. Assistant Attorney General Robb while in a Washington restau ran t sat near a man from-Texas who evi­ dently. had no t traveled to any ex­ ten t. The waiter said to the stran­ ger from the Lone S tar State: “Here’s the bill of fare, sir." ;“Say, look hero!" shouted the Texan. “I haven't had a mouthful to cat yet, and I ’ll be. hanged if I 'll pay any b ill till I get the goods. Fetch on your vittlea first and I 'll pay fo r 'em afterward." A Torriblo Pr«d!oam6nt. l ie was in doubt. He d idn 't know whether he should be angry or pleas­ ed, and a great, deal depended upon it. . . They were sitting on the sofa to­ gether, and once, when tho>conver­ sation seemed to drag a little, he had suggested! “Don 't you think; i t ra th e r close ton igh t?" “I t m ight be closer," she replied I t was a terrib le predicament in which to place a man who was anx­ ious to make the best of his opportu­ nities. Should ho take advantage J»£ what seemed to be an invitation to get a little nearer to her, or should h e be angry a t being termed i t t W ' ' . Th* C«h«r Boy Ivai. “You have been in another fight, Tommy," said a west side mother to her seven-year-old boy. “ Nome. I Wum't, either," was the logged replyr'” "" -^ ,r “ Why, Tommy, I can tell by your appearance that you have been fight­ ing. Your ace is all scratched up. You mustn't story about it," “ I a in 't tellm no story, I said I wufcn't in it, ah ' I wasn't,"—-Pitta* bttfg Press. Expression. ' They tell me, Grimley, th a t your daughter sings with groat expres­ sion?" “Greatest expression you ever H e r own mother can 't recog* nixe h e r lace when she’s singing."—- Boston T ra v e le r,. FOR THE UTTLE ONES. Haw $** Rird* Qucneh Thtlr Thirst Far From. Land. “W ien I was a cabin boy," said an elderly sailor,- “ I often used to wonder, seem 1 birds thousands of teiies out a t sea, What they done fo r fresh water when they got thirsty. - “One day a squall answered th a t question for me. I t was pi hot and g litterin’ day in the tropics, and m the clear blue sky overhead a black ra in cloud appeared all o f a sudde - Then out of empty space over lud sea birds came dartin ' from every direction. They got under the rain cloud, and they waited there for about ten minutes, circlin' round, and when the rain began to fall they th ro wed their heads hack, and they drank their fill. “I n the tropics, where the great sea birds sail thousands of miles away from shore, they get, their, drinkin' water in th a t way. They smell out a storm a long way off. They travel 300 miles maybe to get under it, and they swallow enough raindrops to keep them goin'," How Whales Get- Food. To obtain food, the whale swims through the, water with its. mouth open. The water pours in the aper­ ture and carries with it-hundreds of small fish and marine-animals. The .water escapes through tho sides of the mouth, hut the .fish are caught and held by a row e£ stiff bonelike objects along the sides of the jaws. These ore whalebones, so Useful in commerce. These and the oil found in tho glands of the, throat make the whale yery valuable. There are „ several varieties of whales, but the sperm whale, though tho smallest, is the most valuable. The Hidden State. F ind five states, such, th a t tho first letter of the first state,'the sec­ ond, letter of the second state, the third letter of the th ird state, the fou rth letter of th e fourth state and, tlib 'fifth letter of the fifth state shall spell tho name of a coast state. The first state has the nineteenth parallel of latitude passing through a section of it. The second has the seventy-seventh, the th ird the one hundred and tenth, the fou rth the eightieth and the fifth the ninety- fifth. What arc the five states, and what is the hidden sta te? .A UTTLE NONSENSE. Th* Rutnmsr Man Had th* Bart of Racomroandatiens. “Pardon me,” said the. seaside re­ sort girl, “ but are you not presum­ ing somewhat on a abort acquaint­ ance?" “Fortunately," replied the young man, “I prepared myself fo r ju s t th a t objection. So much of the early p a rt of the season is wasted in getting acquainted, you know." Here he produced a card on which th e following recommendation was vrittex)-: “This is to certify th a t I used Mr, Percy McDermott fo r seashore flirtation .purposes during the latter p a rt of the summer of 1903 and found him equal to a ll the require­ ments., He has the necessary quali­ fications fo r the role, including th e wisdom no t to regard the ‘affair* too seriously. I am dismissing'him from my temporary service with regret and heartily recommend him to any g ill who may be in need of a little divertiserrient.—-Daisy Miller." Antenuptial Precaution. , Tommy's Funny Question. "Jt la no use,” said Mr. Jones. " I cannot fish today. -As fast as I throw out my line Tho fishes get away.” TfiE IUHHEBMAN. "Oh, please," said Tom so timidly— . His language’ almost falls— ’T’lense. do the fishes get n-weigh" Because they Carry scales?" Musio Box In a Ring. A ’Wesleyan minister in the north of London possesses the most won­ derful ring in the world, , In ap­ pearance it is an ordinary gold signet ring, hut it is in addition a perfect little music box. By touch­ ing a tiny spring and holding the ring close to the ear One can hear a sweet hymn tune. By placing the ring in a box tljfe charming tones of this unique ring can be heard all over a large room. Ctindl* Trick. How would you~ arrange with a roomful of people to place a can­ dle in such a position that all but one would see it and that person jnust not be blindfolded? Place the caudle upon the. head of the person who is not to see it. Should there bo a mirror in the room and this one person should make use of it lie does not see the candle, but only its reflection. . A Largo Firstly, The Chinese have a lightning bug. which they call a candle fly, and it is of great brilliancy. Bu t the largest o f all the luminous flies is the lan­ tern fly of Brail, which grows to be three inches Iong and six inches in expanse of wings. VfrUTTt IIIUIIIWlI Hi Ml goat (goes around a-buttine). Buckltn’*Arnica Salve. Has world-wide fame far marvellous cures, .It Surpasses any other salve* lotion, ointment, or balm for Cuts* Corns, Burns, Boils* flares* Felons, Ulcers, Tetter, flftlt Rheum, Fever Bores, Chapped hands, Akin Erup­ tions! infallible for piles, Cure guar­ anteed. Only*25c at all druggists.' Your money back if you are not pleased with Model Flour. W hat Around a Button. .goes,,, around, a,.bu tton ^ 'A! ■w Amelia—-I understand tha t Mr. Henry.;, and his fiancee have had a quarrel? * Jane—Yes, bu t it is nothing se­ rious, She is a prudent girl and want's to make sure jthat. she can manage him when he is angry. ' Slight Distinction. Young SpOonamore (drawing a little nearer)—Such a beautiful moonlight, evening as, this, .Miss Jucie, is enough to make anybody love everybody. The Young Woman (moving a lit­ tle fa rth e r away)—Yes, bu t i t isn 't quite enough to make everybody love anybody.—'Chicago Tribune, H*r Gentle Hint. "Th is room,” he said, “is ratlier "Sj>i ' ' ' ............................... jEaPTncrt' u ir DittPa''close/' she ■TBtBmd'^ o 'iHctrtiirtrTroliiLcdly.'''1'....... Then he recalled that she had brought up the subject of ice cream soda three times in the last ten min­ utes, and he had failed to respond as became a man.-— Chicago Post. • No Countin' on 'Cm. Greene— Yes, my wife’s upstairs getting ready to go out. Oh, here she comes 1 I'll bet anything she'll ask Aunt Jane if her hatfs on straight. Mrs. Greene— Aunt Jane, I wisli you’d see if my skirt hangs even.— Boston Transcript. Sura Enough. “ Of course I don’t want to criti­ cise, but I don’t think it was alto.- gether right for David to say .'all men are liars.' ” “ Well, a t any rate, it was safer than to pick out one man and say it to him."— Philadelphia Tress, A Neighborhood Tragedy, “Mrs. Chipperton took care of my palm while I was away and ruin­ ed it." “How?" “I t was one of those varnished palms, and” s)ie watered'*it ■ every day,"— Chicago Reeprd-Herald. A Pig’* T«l*< ■ Within a pen that was not biff A thrifty farmer kept a That piggy drnitk, the neighbors say, A,bucketful of milk Bach day. A bucketful—all that'was In it— .He drank one day In just a minute. The tnfin then grabbed him by the tall And dropped him snug within the pall. The pall of milk was In the pig And yet the contents Were not big Enough to fully flit tho pall ! (The truth Is strange, but must prevail), l Although the pigletw a s not big ’ And though the pailful filled the pig, The plgful did not fill the pall And thkihs-Uifl end..of .nlggy’a tale. ------ —Philadelphia Li r*«k KEDUCED RATES T O .T H E WEST. *To all points in Montana, Washing­ ton, Oregon British Columbia, Sept­ ember 15th to October 15* 1904. Write at once for information anti maps to Ira F. flchwegcl, traveling agent. Wisconsin Central B’y, 407 Traction Bldg., Cincinnati, 0, To cure a cold in one day take Laxa five Broino Quinine Tablets, All druggists refund the money i f it tails to cure. E. W.' Grove’s signature is op each box, ’ 25c, . tf , PUBLIC SALE Wc will « ‘H our rfs’dfnci1, two inika fiiuth-rast of CcdarvUle wi the Turnbull road on WEDNESDAY, OCT., 12, 1904, Commencing at 11 oVlutk it, ms ., the fob iowunj propeny, lo*wit; 25 H EAD O F CATTD E 25 Cons'ijtitii* pt 7 milch cows (3 Tolled IJur- fcam. ‘4 ToHfi} asrl ~ i-hort Hums) ) fn-al, by day of jjatu y,ni I bv Nyvcmui-f, 1 Tolled Jluvhutu heifer, A two year old Tolled Annus utcew. 0 yearling sttcra (1 Hereford anti fi Tolled Angus) 7 tpring calves (3 steers and St Loiters). 7P H E A D O F S H E E P 70 Consisting of 30 breeding’ ewes, 28 two year old wethers and 12 head, of spring lamb? all fine wool Merino sheep'. 5 H E A D O F HOR SES 5 Consisting of 1 hay gelding, 4 years old nasi, fancy driver, 1 three year oia Normah drart mure, 1 six year old general purpose hipro, I one year old gelding and l spring coltgelding, 50 H E AD O F HOGS 50 Consisting of SO head of Duroe Jersey feeding shouts, ' 250 SHOCKS CORN 250 TERMS: Sums of $5 and under cash; over $3 a credit-of 9 months will be given purchaser giving note with two approved securities: . Turnbull & Clemans R, T. BAKER. Auctioneer. WvL. CLEMANS, Clerk. Lunch a t 12 m. DIDYOUEVER Has Sold a Pile of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy, I have sold Chamberlain’s Cough remedy for more than twenty years and it has given entire satisfaction. I have sold n pile of it and can reccom- mend it highly?— Joseph McElhiney, Linton, Iowa. You will find this remedy agood friend- when, troubled with' a cough' or cold. It always nfiords quick relief and is pleasant to take. For sale by Isaac Wisterman. — Our^! sale.' bills are .printed on water-proof stock. They cost no more than the other kind. ABoy’s Wild Ride for Life. With family around expeoting him to die, and a son ridiug for life, 18 miles,’ to get Dr. K ing’s New Discov­ ery for Consumption', Coughs and Colds, W. f l. Brown, of Leesville, Ind, endured death's agonies from asthma; but this wonderful medicine gave instant relief and soon cured him. He writes: “ I now sleep sound­ ly every, night,” Like . marvelous cures of Consumption,' Pneumonia, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds and d rip prove its matchless merit for ail throat and lung troi-bles. Guaranteed bot­ tles 50 c and $ 1 . 00 . Trial bottles free at A ll druggiBt. * Ask For R O G E R S ' - b r o s T Stiver Plate -«r m m m Sure of Tknr :;'C.vXWdi’ Mark “1847ROGERSBROS." ■r'abayowwih.'i receive tlve GenUltlcand Origioali:';:y. R o g e rs Fxfrks, Spoons , etc < ■n T hey c an bo purohnsod o r leading.dealers. F o r n e v r c a ta ­ lo g u e addrans Ibe m akers INTERNATIONAL SILVER CO., Meriden, Conn. REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY Made a Well Man the w ^ 'W | ) ^ f l | !i,of Me* GWEmaA-T? 3B*x»£!2Krcmc x & x r a q d & i x a v produce*the above reenlte tn SOday*. It act* S aireTfnllyaadquickly. Cure#whenallothertfeiL oonfmenWillretain their loat maftkood,»a&oUI men will mover their aronthfal vigor hr tiling REVIVO. It qaloklyandautetymtarSeNervon*. .new, ix»t Vitality, Impotenoy. Rightly KmUelootb Lostnewer.FailingMemory,Wastingnissaees.and •It Affoots of self-abaae or excessandindiscretion. Whichnnatsonsforstudy.busloesaormarrlage.« notonlycuresbystartingattbsseat of disease,but ISagroat nerve tonlo end blood bnlldor, bring, log back the pink pale checks andre­ storing the Are of youth, ft wards off Insanity andConintaptlon, Insist on havingSEVIVOtno other, l< canbe carried in vsst pocket. Bymail, 01.00pe.'paokage,or six for*5,00, with •geni­ tive written guarantee to care or refund the money. Bookandadvise free. Address - KOVALBEDIM CO., i i c i n A P i i c ncauiiiini: "Myfatherh d been a sufferer frt Mslskhaadsehe for.the last twenty-five years and' never found any' ill he began taking your qaseatets. Bine# guh taking Qasearsts'ht has noVoy had he, They have entt ely cHred/hini. . 4f , , - W ish for an ideal flour— a flour that would hake lots and -lots of light, delicious, whole­ some bread and pastry? Then you have never tried our Golden Rule flour, for it is ideal in every respect. T ry a sack today, and your baking troubles w ill vanish. (J..1 I rttti qj L1 ■ p i 0 1j~k ft. it m PJ 2 c-v>y. G.:n ?A C'llif iIIVM, m E'o m • vhj S BARGAINS FOR CASH TAK E PLEASURE in announcing to ~ ’ ’ our friends everywhere that in the future we will sell for cash only atid that we will there* fore be in position to Bell our goods mucli lower than heretofore/ Any firm doing an installment or credit business will lose more or>legs accounts. A merchant doiDg a credit business must make his. money from those who pay and hence has to charge more for his goods, We do not propose to follow this pernicious system, buf will sell at close margin for Cash only, Call and learn our prices convinced, WE GAN AND W ILL S A V E Y O U MONEY. G. G, 22 W. Main Street. r ic C L A IN XEN IA , OHIO. •*! •?i BEAUTIFUL W INONA With toe opening of too season at AVino- xia Lake, May 10, the sale. o£ excursion tic- keisover toe Pennsylvania Lines to that attractiveresort in Northern Indiana begun. Every summer passed there by thousands has only increased their desire to return, On the golf links, tho tennis-courts, the baseball or cricket grounds, tb? croquet lieifV-©r-b 0 afcipg-on-toe-.lftker-fi 8 bing—eamp*. ing, swimming, or attending' recitals and- auditorium—whatever the division may be, conferred by good society. This resort is noted as the slte/of Winana Assembly and summer School,'- attracting teachers ami Students from educational institution$;o£ this and other countries. . •Fifteen-day and season excursion tickets Will be sold from ’ticket stations on- the. Tennsylvanitt lines during the summer. For information about fares and time of trains, apply to local ticket agents, or to F. Van Duscn, chief assistant General Tnsson ger Agent. Pittsbnag, Pa. Sept 30d. ^ wltatstgilU: Tooh»» »h* b«*aiv(sh ......... .... . .... ... ___ __ C»*3(iret* Ac vvhkt you M«oium«iv1thsm to/do. I will tile yAn tli* pflvllogs of iUntihU/aetne.” BiAtfoi' ' r .Thf 5owri» 1 ,v mdmm aA«oveAimWiTm/ WikurStcksw, w«tk«n or U rlw , He. toiil la tmlk. The (tennlnfc tehlet stsmp* ea*ny>te*4 to «tif* or your money Iteek. Btstllng R«m«dyCo., ChtcngoorM.Y. -99l MHUALSJUB,TEHHHUtOKBOXES, Emergency Medicines. Jt is a great convenience to have at hand reliable remedies for use in caaes of accident and for slight injuries add ailments. A good liniment and one that 5 s fast becoming a favorite i f not a household necessity is Chamberlain’s pain Balm. By applying it promptly to a cut, bruise or bum it allays the pain and causes the injury to heal in about one-third the time usually re­ quired* and as it is an antiseptic it prevents any danger of blood poison ing. , When Pain Balm is kept at hand a sprain may be treated before inflammation sets in, which insures a quick recovery. For sale by lean Wisterman. No Matter What Doc* tors Say—We Know That Heart Trou­ b le in Man y .e ^ s e y C - a n ^ D e ..."" There are Boven main features oC Debility; (2) Rheumatism or Neuralgia; (3) Valvular Disorder; (4) Dilation; <5) Enlargement; (6) Fatty Degenera­ tion; (7) Dropsy. Documentary . evldoncd -will prove thousands of so-called "Incurables” havo been absolutely cured by Lr, Miles' New Heart Cure. Patients often have no idea, their dlsi case Is heart trouble, but ascribe It to Indigestion, Liver Complaint, etc. Here aro gome of the symptoms; Shortness of breath after exercise. Smothering Spells. Pain in Chest, left Shoulder and arm. Discomfort In Lying on one side. Fainting Spells. Nervous Cough, Swelling of 'F ee t and Ankles, Paleness of Face,and Lips, Palpitation. Nightmare, Irregular Pulso, n have great faith In Dr. Miles’ New Heart Cure,- and speak of its merits whenever opportunity presents. I can now go up and down stairs with ease, where three weeks ago X could hardly walk one block.” One year later.—"J am still in good health; the Heart Cure did so much for me, th a t X find it a far greater medicine than you claimed it to be.”—S. D. VOTING, D. D., €97 North Pino S t, Natches, Miss. Money back if first bottle falls to benefit. TJ,T?TT,,K! 'Write uS and we Will mall * J&XiJb. you a 'Free Trial Package of Dr. Miles’ Antl-Paln Pills, the New, Scientific Remedy for Pain. Also Symp­ tom Blank for our Specialist to diagnose your case and tell you w h at,is wrong and how t o .right ft. Absolutely Free, Address! DR. MILES MBEdCALJCO^ LABORATORIES, ELKHART, IND. T O ST. LOUIS GOLD'S F A l R At Approximately One Cent Per Mile via Pennsylvania Lined. World’s Fait Excursion tickets to St, Louis will be sold via Pennsyl­ vania Lines nt approximately one cent per mile each Tuesday and iu conches of through trains, good re­ turning withiri sevfcn days. These arc the lowest fares nt which World’s Fair excursion tickets to Bl. Louis -are Sold. Fifteen dny tickets, sixty day' tickets and season tickets sold daily at reduced fares, good in steep­ ing or parior camwith required Pull­ man tickets, For full information* consult H, fl, Keys* ticket agent* Pennsylvania Lilies, Cedarvilie, (). 'SECONDHAND Buggies, Phaetons* Runabouts, But- roys, eltb* at W, B, Hterreifi, T baok itf**K* DCSIQNW : CopvmoHT* Ac. Auyono sending a nkelch and deBOflntlqn way autekiy Mosrtain our opinion fowwitetfawran invention ,is probably — sent free. OMfent afcetiey 1 Patents taken through Munn tputat notice, withant cKifK*, it, the itrtmnnloo.’ mPatent* Scientificjmtericdtt. AhandiKiineTyfilti'vtTMadOMUly. wr* cwlRtlori of any M entis? inurnw. « year.!, Sold byali i ; iW mnatr i NEW TiM E CARP. The following is the schedule for the departure of trains: For .Knit ?; f‘2 a, in, flag stop; 4:47 j>, tn .4 For West &13 a, m* flag stop; 5 24 p, tn. Msftfs itaaiirait a n d Dining Room s