The Cedarville Herald, Volume 27, Numbers 27-52

S B * . , - s price $3,50. $ quality,$4.98. 335.WEAR, irwaar 20 c. [uality 50c-ami fioe oil, underwear,-' silk' cion and tivo'picca .15. uld N e ckw ea r 'Uhosiery, 8 c 25c and 50c line, 18c it hoge, 50 and 75c- u)d ahie]<l bows’ 5 c. s and club ties, 15c 1 tecks, 25c quality, 'c quality, 25c. , ' T50c and 75o assort-, f sacr ifice sale Xenia, Ohio. . 1 kt.« J IHG. LOG s«ggfig3£r Cttt^Csip in tw&mw* m& y® f host# ■ , m Ytf*ptL Mx^ettmNO* ^^0 tf***wtk ItCALAND.HSHSONAL rc-uipwl Delaine eftra.;--- .Jl-sii-si' .That's the Flour. F - A-h'iiccr lor Model Flout*, „ Sfc ^rdh) drills atW, It, Htr-not’a Hr?. F* & Keves spot t Weducfe ; in I'itR-ioRati. - 1 ' j|r». P^vidTarhiia left fop Ghicaga. . ^ 2 km<StyD«i AlomWy evening, j HtateGame Warden. Pettifield of tUumhus was iu .town 'Wednesday. ' ... Yitnr money back if you uto not yi.i.r.WUh M»W , —Make your arrangements now toe 'iMlreeuo ( '!,ul' ty Pair, Hk« Mary Bratton of Chicago, ar- ^ here yesterday morning for « shortvisit. tyjVningtW 'weni Monday hythirteen votes,. Two years ago tjjiWettvWQu by seven,- —A good young fresh'cow for sale. ; Polled Jersey, H. N Coe, Bell |. pboue353 Clifton exchange, 4t. Master Gilbert. Jenks, of Xenia, is spending several days with Master jffo&aTmyueley, - Mr. JwfeC Tavl«r, of Jamgstmvu. .1 ' ^* » •* ' 't y yft .;• .■ wiisacaller at the Herald office Tues- d«y (ifternoon. ■ ‘,. Mr, F. A. Vance, of .West Alex­ ander, spf'ot Sunday with W, H, O kcih ami family. - —The Goth annual fair for Greene l onnfy ridte?- place the first week in *Augjst. Wrife for 1 list of premHims t stidi’eenlatio'iis. ’ n • W as rEX>-" IiiulycttUvassers to sol- irit orders for the Beher hose. Lilier- t;fpi commission., Address.'Reber KnittingMills, PoUsville, Pa. ' 28d , Mr. James Gray left Monday.night, for Dayton starting the next' day for the World’sFair on theJ. E. WeifFen- b.ickCo. exclusion, . . —If once you try you will always buy Model Flour, Its the,best. Mr, David Wisterman returned to his-homeda, Wistermau; .0., Monday afterseveral days visit with his brother Isaac, the druggist,,•> v - , *. - Icecream and.sherbet will he.served Saturday af|ernood and'eveningin the Stewart room by the ladies' o f the IT. P* church, . Marshal Zeiper, at Jamestown, kill­ ed a dog a day or two ago that had afc- tempted-tobiteseveral andWasthought lohave hydrophobia. ’ ' - Mrs, FlorenceRemsberg and son, of Springfield, and Mrs. Oliver Dodds and MissBernice Wolford, of Dayton, ‘ Suodayed Mr. J , H, Wolford and w>fohtH»tetO' fiiib hntobafyy.nrnst nfTimr-i Try the Herald for job work, - :Tlie best biker* use Model Flour. --Model Flour makes good bread, J. K, Wolford made a busine* trip to ( 'ineimmti last Tuesday. ‘ Model jYcqnredfcd to |>e the best Flour pn. the market, The Gpmie. County Fair, Aug­ usts, 4 ;V " -C a ll and see my line of buggies, carriages, carts, etc., at IV, it, Ster- retl’e. '. Mr, Paul Tindall is able to be at the exheange bank again afterseveral days illness. MissNellie Ustick of Wiener,Neb., is the guest of friends and relatives here, Postmaster Tarbpx and wife left Monday evening for Chicago, where they will spend a couple of weeks.j|£| Mr. and Mrs. Torrence, qf South Charleston, spent Sabbath with Mr. and Mrs, Will Blair, ARMOUR’S ANIMAL FERTIL­ IZERS are the best for. all crops. Willbe glad to tell you about them, Kerr and Hastings Bros. * Airs, P. E, Wolford and daughter, Ma'fida. of Washington C. H.; are the. guest of Mr, J , H, Wolford apd family this week, > Air. J. H. Brotherton has been entertaining Ids brother, Mr. James Brotherton, . of Dunkirk, Ind., for several days. ' C 6 (1 j, K i.*- ” . i -T* « Messers, J. E. and F. P. Hastings with their families and Rev. 'A . G, Hastings and family, o f Xenia, spent Thursday in Dayton. The Xenia city council- at u meet­ ing Friday-nigl/t, set July 28 as the day for the election under the Beal law* , .., y Tne name ARMOUR has always been a' guarantee o f the best goods. This is true of. ARMORU,S FER­ TILIZER^. .They are best for the ground,. Kerr and* Hastings Bros; - " Mies FrancesHelser, of Osborn,who was to have been, married next week to Lieutenant Greenwood,of the Unit­ ed.States. army, has received word of his Berious illness at* Stall Lake City. Air. James McClellan, who is con­ nected with the Star League, a string pf papers o.wrmd by McCullough/of Indianapolis, spent Sabhath with h «8 wife and family who are guests of J. H. Nisbet, The board of public safety of Urbana has closed all the play-houses, in that city, imposing upon the propri­ etors such restrictions that it .yuM he next to impossible for them to ever agaiu open their houses! . Mr. Frank Milburn of PdmesvlUe, ipcnding“ft-4ew---d^y*--vrithi.lii3. Miss Bernice Korthup o f Dayton is ] the guest of relative* hare. W asted —Two heavy built draft horses, I). Ervin Go.. The ladies o f the M E, church gave a dime social ouThe e\ureh lawn Wednesilay. A neat sum was real- wed. ( ■ wi1. auJ.AIrsv Bruce volline from Alanila, arrived here Tuesday for ap extensive visit. All*, and Airs. Sloody Nagiev have returned from a visit with relatives in Highland county. ARMOURS ANIMAL FERTIL­ IZERS not only increase all crops but also improves their quality, Sold by Kerr and Hastings Bros, The postotlice at Bookwalter has been ordered discontinued, to fate ef­ fect July 14, Patronso f theoffiee will : reqieve their mail through the Jeffer­ sonville office. Airs. R. S. Kitchen and Miss May Fichthorn of BeUefontaiue. are the guests of their sister, Mrs* J. H. Xes*. hit. • /• ■- The annual reunion o f Marylanders in this state will be held Aug. 4. at Franklin, 0 , II. H. J3avy of Xenia is President of the association. AIONEY MAKERS- amour’s Animal Fejitllzers—plant food in the correct proportion. Ask Korr and Hastings.Bros, about them,. Calvin Ejvry has discovered that he hits talent along n line other thnn agriculture.. Thursday he -weut to Xenia und brought home a fine new upright piano. The purchase was made of Drake & Sutton, , The-three double houses on East street owned by the Peoples’ Building & Savings Society of Xenia were sold Thursday to Mr...G, Wj Harper* through the A, .Bradford agency for $900. DOUBLE YOUR AIONEY BY USING ARMOUR’S ANIAIAL FERTILIZERS to. increase your crops. 'Kerr and Hastings Bros, can. supply you, . , The infant daughter Lord to Mr. ,and Mrs. W, W.'Ureswell, Monday died -Wednesday morning with spinal mengitis. ^Short'services were held this morning at'the.; home, only the members o f family and a few friends being present. Rev. O. H, Milligai had charge. Interment took place at Massies Creek cemetery. \ The MisaeB Gertrude and Mary Tnvner entertained at a house party last week., The out of town guests were Air. Alartin Aiken and Mis* Irene. Aiken of Belle Center, O. One of the pleasant features of the .week occurred Thursday evening, when a number of young people were highly entertained at their beautiful country BIRTHDAY PARTY, A delightful birthday party was given at the home o f Mrs. James Ask- baugh July 12 th, in honorofher forty- eigth birthday* among the guest were Mrs. Mitch, Collins, Mrs, Stewart Towtulcy, Mra. Will Blair, Mrs. R om Smith, Mrs, 0 ,0 , Weimer, Miss, Etta Ale.Clellan, Mrs. Ervin Ferris, Mr. and Airs. David Sbroads,' Mrs. George Sbroads, and » number of others, The table was beautifully decorated in sweet peas and nasturi- tuiua, ‘ An elegant supper was ser­ vedjat fi oc’clock, and each guest took, as a souvenir a boquet of sweet peas in remembrance of the event. WILL APPEAL The replevin suit of Elizabeth Fear- son vs,- Constable John Row in Squ­ ire Wolfords court last Friday ha* proven quite ahit otlegal controversy, The plaintiff was allowed two horses and was assessed the costs $11.25. Notice of appeal was given by the plaintiffs attorneys, W. R. Horner of Springfield and O. A, Dobbins, ■ The original case willbe heard iu the same court Wednesday before the following jury J, W, Pollock, Geo, Randall, j . G. Stormont, J. D. Williamson, Reed Owens, and Ebener Archer. LIST OF LETTERS, List o f letters remaining uncalled for in the Cedttrville postoffice for the month ending June 3,1904. List No. 28. Aisan Alary . . . Jones Thompson Spence Alfred ' 1 T. N. T asbox , P. M. HOT WEATHER v£ / Beginning Saturday, July i6th,‘arid coritinuing the following week, j offer at greatly reduced prices all REMNANTS of Dry Goods in m y , stock. Now Is Your Opportulty. Recollect that this sale closes Saturday night, July 23rd, and that no goods will be charged except at Regular Prices to any one. The cool weather has left us with too many summer goods on. hand, and in order to move them, we will give you all the profit and in many instances more, - Come and see for yourself. Mr. end Mrs. J, H. Milburn. Gueats^yere aTpo ™en 1 toBmbed~ Jon, reports that the fish hatched this year! promise ,to surpass any showing of recentyears., Alisa, Esther bluebell, M* D., Whose home is in Monmouth, 111,,, hut who has been in a hospital in Syracuse, X, Y., the patf year, is a guest at the home of Air, J. N. Stormont. . AlisaOpal Pierce left on Thursday for Greenville, 0.* to; visit relatives the remainder of the summer. She whs accompained as far as Dayton by her.mother, Mrs. John Pierce, —The admission to the Greene County Fair will be 25 cents for each person twelve years of age and over, children under twelve years o f age, whenaccompanied Byparents, free. Miss Saydie IllSe, in company with Mtaes CarrieHutchison, Della Tomp- kiasou and Katie Harned o f Xenia, left yesterday for a week’s trip to the World’sFair, Prof, J. Robb Harper, o f Superior, Wis„ was in town Saturday calling on friends. Mrs, Harper stopped at her home iu Londonvide for a short visit, She will visit here later. W n mh H w B ild ? Scalp shiny and thin? Theft jt’* probably too late. Yau reflected dandruff, I f you bad only taken our ad* idee, you would have cured •or tbit d a n d r u f f # # yjRirhak, a«d addlti rntrch to in If adt entirely bald, now Is your opportunity. Improve % „A, thUtfirtm, life home. rrirndaiife! HrHud4>H'fnilsoad' and is tnlrinir AH*- vacation. , Thomas Fields, a well-known citi­ zen, o f near Jamestown, died last Thursday after eating a hearty din­ ner. Members of the family* found him sitting in his chair as though he* had fallen into a natural sleep. MissFern Ervin attended a party in Xenia-last Friday night given by Mise Helen Jenks in honor of her guest, Aliss Edna Townsley, of this plac 2 , While in Xenia Miss Ervin was the guest of Miss Edith Neetd. Royal Belle, eon of Alaple Bells, a promising youngster owned by Stokes and Oates o f Springfield, paced his third mile a few days ago in 2 j 12 £, the last half in RW *nd the last quarter in 30 seconds, a two miuute dip. Rev. John Wilson will occupy the pulpit at the M, E. Chnrch Sabbath morning, owing to the absence of Rev. Middleton, who ht visiting relatives and friends inLeesburg and Hillsboro, Ohio/He Will be absent about two weeks. . * " A little daughter of William Ferry, at Jamestown, dislocated her lower jaw, a few days ago, in yawning. Dr. Lorimerwas called and the child is getting along nicely. Two other chil­ dren in the family are ill with scarlet fever. The annual convention, o f the Cath­ olic T<>tnl Abstinence Union was held inXenia this week, there being a num­ ber of prominent members of the church present from all parts o f the state. The convention coming as it did will haVe considerable bearing on the local option election that take# place soon. The comity commissioners have about decided to go ahead with the improvement of the Jairesfown pike to the extent of 17,000, that amount o f money now being on hands. The contract was let for 122,000 hut the ruling o f the Froeecntor to the effect that the money had to he in the treas­ ury put a atop to the improvement a# awh^efW the prmnt. ♦ t !rH ,-if' *Mi: GeorgeGgoltenileeh| whs is sue of Xenia’s enthusiastic horsemen and who has taken a great interest in thu matinee races, has just disposed of his fine pacer, Cotton Hal/ to a party -in Lowell, Alass., and has shipped the animal by express to the new owner. The consideration was 3450, George is now on the lookout for another fast one togo in the-matinee races.1—Xenia Gazette., The jury appointed to fix the value of land and damages to the owners Whose property was condemned for the purpose of running a switch from the Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton road to theNew Jasperatone quarries, awarded to Robert Grieve, 1100 lor his land, about 1 14-100 acres and 3400 damages; to D. D, Bicket, they gWardedj£175 for both the land and the damages. In her 310,000 damage suit against the D. S. <fe. U. -railway , Mrs. Ada Rupert, o f Springfield was awarded 35,000 for the death o f her husband, Deputy Sheriff Adolph Rupert, who was killed at Osborn last winter through negligence’o f the company’s employees allowing a crowded car to round a curve so violently that Mr. Rupert was thrown from the tear plat­ form and killed. Mr. and Mrs, E, 0 . Bull sufierad the loss' of their daughter Edna May, this morning at half past nine o’clock.- Death was due to blood poison and indigestion. The child had not been in good health, to? some time but only Thursday was its condition considered serious. Through the night patient hands cared for the little one that was only about twenty months old, but it was relicveil o f its suffering Fridry morning. The fu­ neral service will be held from the family residence Sabbath afternoon at 2:30 o’clock, conducted by the Rev. Mr. Milligan. ! Closing them out.. Succotash (E xt - We-Ba Brand) 10a per can* Toma­ toes, per can, 10 c or three oaa* for 25e at Bird’s. Subscribe fbr the Rarald, War Humor. “ \Yar has its humorous side,”-said General Kelson A. Aides, "though the humor is always grim. “ In one of my most perilous In­ dian campaigns I overheard a group, of privates saying good night tp one another on the eve of an engage­ ment. These 4 youths werel in differ­ ent regiments. ’ They knew the com­ ing fight would he a hot one. They .knew it was, probable enough -that they would never see one another again. “ And so as they separated one o f them said-: ; “ ‘Weft, goodby, hoys. ’ As the, coons said when the' dogs made after them, “We’ll all meet at the hatter’s.” ’ *’ Our Literary Activity. The' annual statement o f the copyright office of the-library of congress, shows that the copyright- business-for lOOS .was the largest in any year in ihe history of the office, NtrlCss than 100 ,M3 titles were received for registration, the total fees received amounting, to articles, deposited also exceeded the number 627. On the entries of the yeat there W 6 W... 14,000...books wid pamphlets, 4,568 booklets, leaflets, circulars and cards and 7,641 news­ paper and magazine articles. This speaks volumes for the literary ac­ tivity o f the country* <- Tabloid Food*. Every once in awhile- one reads that the food of the future will he served in tabloids. A meal will be carried in the waistcoat pocket or in a shopping bag. This is nonsense. Tabloids will preserve life for a cer­ tain short length of time. ’They are excellent to use in emergencies, on forced marches and when traveling. But no one could live on them. The entire digestive Bystem would have to be altered, and almost every natural function would have to change. The imagination pauses be­ fore the new diseases that would ap- oarif people ceased to chew.—-New rork Post* Th* Locutt* to Egypt. Egypt is threatened with a plague of locusts, and the government has called out the army of forced labor­ ers to combat the pest. Owing to the youfig locust’s habit o f never turning hack or aside when once started in a certain direction) it is possible, by digging trenches, some­ times miles inlength, to entrap the invading hosts and destroy them. That of course must be done before the locusts take to the wing. At that stage nothing can stop their ravages, and they sweep everything before them* ^ Hypnotl«m *nd H*art Beats. According to recent' investiga­ tions, it appears probable that hyp­ notism cab stop the action of a per­ son’s heart and thus cause death. A, Journal, a Frenchman, reports that ho has increased and diminish­ ed the number of pulse beats at will and as far as he could venture with safety. It is said to be also: proved that circulation B seriously affected, even if it is not quite cer­ tain that the heart can he silenced. , j,| : f l r ,-pfi-y Ohtner Talk anil Olftittlan. A-curious reason for the pope’s innovation of having guests at his table ha« been given to Our Rome correspondent, when alone his holi­ ness eats too fast, it appears, and the preseme atid conversation of other |#opi^ leads him to take long- ; / Apron Ginghams 12 i-2e Beorsn'clcer G-ingliam, rem- Ayr uaute only, i>ei* yard...... ......... :......y C Calicos, -Remnants- only two td ten ;C/-r yard lengths, per yard............ Lancasters, remnants, . r 1'per yard.'.,.,... ................... G v 1 Nameless remnants, more bargains per yard........... ............................... OC' Dress Goods 2.5c Figured Lawns, Organdies, > Batistes, SilkCingh'ams etc., at i< 18c Figured Lawns, Dimities, 1 ^ 1 _ ' Organdies, etc,, at.',.......... .........1 ALL REMNANTS OF Dress Goodsand 10 and 12 l-2c Lawns, Dimities, ete.^71^ go at per yard..................... 2V Ladies’!Shirt Waists Allrtast season goods at one- lialf pxuce to ' gg’ - close them out. Iu the lot are some handsome-waists. - . . . $ 4.00 H A flilO CK S , each, $LQ0 . ■ tO ......... • ■ WINDOW SCREENS,adjustable > 1 A - to any window^ eacli, 25c and . ^ r y v . Lace Curtain Stretchers, . A-'tf P A each.......................... ..........■. ... MEN’S, WOMEN’S AND CHILDREN’S 25 & 551 ^er icent Shoes and Slippers A L S O F U L L L I N E O F *3 regular prices music. Mrs* Smith — Sure, she inherits that. Her grandfather was killed with a blow of a cornet at a picnic* -Lippincott’s Magazine. Unlucky. Publisher—Your hook is fine up to the seventeenth chapter. After that it is mere drivel. Author—Sir, it is my misfortune, not my fault Just as I was begin­ ning the seventeenth chapter I dis­ covered, quite accidentally, what I was driving a t—Puck. ‘ Something N*w. Young Writer—My heroine has golden hair, but I don’t like i t Golden hair is so old. I wish I had something new. His Friend—Why not make it ra­ dium hair, my boy?—FTtsburg Post. C A R N I V A L SOUTHCHARLESTON A u g u s t 4 , 1004 A Great Invention. C , >V4 ? — — | *CA f«* fl Word Writing Machine. The BKNKiNG'rorf is destined to make hack nu tobeis ot rxieiing type- H*s 5 new and valuable feature# of merit any two of which writers* would make a superiormachine. No larger than existing typewriters. «r ote tood.-^LondOto News, DAILY e x c u r s i o n s TOLEDO To DETROIT St* Clair Elate * Port Huron 6t ih$ MtanfUtiht *}ih$ touts ttAnLm dm «1« mh Sberth IUI a I 10&iehitti R*flrwtdAffttttorterite 0 . t.tmm, H mnm, mm tntm Wearenowofferinga limited amount of stock to in Yestorsat $i .00 per share. IJeoj--lcarc treoimisghitcftsicu over theworldandarebeginning to rcalirewhat« Won- flerlul intention we bat*, More Ilian $30,000 worth of -nacblnqj hate already beenOrdered. The typewriterWcrM watchingwith Interest theComingof Oarmachine, width, marksthe beginningof * revolution in this great Industry. Ae Soonaftwe shall have sold enough stock to complete equipment* manufacture, advertise and soil oaf machine, nomorewillhe offeredatany price, If you wlah to make « gllt-toge investment In An In- dhstrial enterprise of the first rank, with prospec ts of forge dividends wsrotra ran raoamvt:*, PreferenOt* in jh - s H soti iven to Jnveatom* fapifal Stork f 1 ,SOO,Ot> 0 , fihatoe The Beoftington Typeaiiter Go, 804 coHovkJt nmutiintt, ihvt ox, n ibis Office 1