The Cedarville Herald, Volume 27, Numbers 27-52

# ' fciuaiif? POWDER M m ilti& r& m HASMSUBSmum f LOCAL AND PERSONAL. —IS Delftine ewe Iambs—Dohbins, —FLOWER POTS ell sizes at . n & a v ■ j v - . Mr, Oarl Mingpr ofRichmood, Ind,, spent Sunday at bis home.. Mrs.' Mary Barbe/ is visiting her eon, Mr« R; B. Barber and family. Mr,’ David Bradfute continues to improve being able to sit up some each day., ♦—Keepin mind'tbe H erald when, wanting sale bills* Our water-proof Btock makes them popular, • —C o A l I The best, coal and the-best ' place to get it is’ac W. R. S terret ’ s . ■Tbe college foot ball team will play ’’ the Xenia Independent team in Xenia Saturday. - Mr, and Mrs. Wm. P, Nagley of South Charleston spent Tuesday with S." W. Nagley and family. •- •Mr. and Mrs,' E. S. ETeys are home, from St, Bonis very much delighted with tbe big show, ^ ~ ■. ‘—Stdve Pipe and Coal Buckets at / Bird's^ \>£.\ " , * ‘ ’ Mr. George Winter is off from hie * duties at the Cooper grocery owing / to a sore hand from blood* 'doisoning. There*will be a Dime Social by the .King's Daughters at the'bome of Mr: W. J. Turbos, Friday evening Oct. 7., ’ ' Mr. George B. Shroades and child­ ren of Xenia were guests ofMr. David Shroiides and wife last Saturday. ,, S pecial P ui O es Now on ‘ Buggies, Phaetons, Surries at W> R. Sterritt’s, l ’* " , * j » J ^ iw ■* Mr, John Lott of Pittsburg, Pa,,, bas been spending.several' days with his parents, Mr. and Mr^>Jacob Lott, Dr, J. Cecil George left Monday for Cincinnati where he will take up , his work at theMiami Medical College. P oultry P ana - c e A and L* Mr. Chariaa.CiwweU left this week for Georgia, Mrs, Will Dean, of Springfield, 1 # visiting rolatim here, Mr, Jaunss TowUaley is improving from an attack of heart trouble. William Watt and Gowdy William, son are attending the fit. Louis fair thi» week. Mr. and Mrs. L. H, Snllenberger have )*en visiting in Oxford this week. Mrs. Lyle Marshall, of Springfield, apd Mrs,;Garlough, o f (THftpn,. were guests Monday of D, H. Marshal). Mr. and Mrs. J. 0 , Spjthr, o f Jameatawn, were guests Wednesday pf Mr. and Mrs, James Towpsley, The post-office was closed today from 10 a, m„ until 1 p. ro,, owing to the death of Postmaster General Payne,, Mr, Paul M* Moore of Pittsburg, was the gue?tof his sister Mrs Q. H. Milligan from Monday until Wednes­ day* Mr, James Brown is the guest of his son, Mr, J. S. Brown, Mr. Brown resides near Mansfield but for several months has been in California, .Oregon and Washington, Mr, J. Gi’McClorkell has rented the McFarland property on Xenia avenue and will move there, Mr, George Shorfe will movie into the Townsley property on Main street. MjssMargaret McNeill left-Satur­ day for her home, in Belle ,Centre to spendi.a. few days before going to 'Youngstown, where she w|U visit, her -sister,; Mrs, J. M. Sealer, for a . few weeks; Mr. Stewart Townsley and Mr, R, S. Kerr and families with Mrs. C. M* Grouse, Mrs, „L, G ,. Bull and. Miss* Lula Barber were entertainedby Mr Ira Townsley' and wife of Xenia, Thursday*;? •—Men’s DUCK COATShigh storm collars at $1.50,02.00 and $2.50 each. Meu’sLEATHER COATS, Corduroy lined, in all sizes$6.00 each.. ' Men’s CORDUROY PANIS,. $2.00, 82,50 and $3.00 a-pair at Bird’s Mammoth store;"' ' —Peninsular, Heaters for-hard or soft cqal that will beat every nook anc corner in the hpuse, with East fubl, is whpt you,want. We have them id all 'styles and size?,' the, prices arrang­ ing 1 accordingly;. K err & H asting B ros . ^ i* —Hereafter my Laundry Agency ‘will be. found at the Ellencoe Clothing Store, oiie door- north of the bank in the Crouse.Block, The same courtesy and good workmanship will he given ip the future as in the past. " F rank B ull , Agent, Consisting o£ 60 bend of Uiiroc Jersey YT. R. S teurett . There will be no' preaching, in the R, P. pimrch ' Sabbath/ owning fo Rev. A, B. Henry being ;in New Galilee, Pa. • Air. Frank Ronaldson haspUrchased tbe Ed. Spencer property from, the Home Building and Loan Association o f Xenia for 8600. —FLQWER POTS all' sizes at Bird’s. Messrs, Thomas Moore o f James­ town and W. H, Barber of this place and their wives left Tuesday evening for the World’s Fair. Mrs. Frank Reid who has been the guest of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. John Murdock, returned to her home in Memphis, Tend., -Thursday* —Peninsular ranges are wonderful “ bakersand.cookers. Thesuppiy hardly equals the demand, Better see them at K err & H astings B ros , Mr, J. Emerson -Nesbit relumed home froth Chicago* Thursday 'morn­ ing after several weeks visit with his brother, Air. W. D. Neabit and family. T o b e sure, yon ir e growing old* But Why Jet everybody see fit, in your gray hair? Keep your half dirk ftnd fjlch end postpone hge* If you Wilt only use Ayer’s Half Vigor* yourgrayheirwill soonhive sll the deep* rich color of youth* Sold for years* W M W SM P *1 W V V fM I* S f i w i l s . . , f o r a J t f S f c Ir CORDUROY SUITS The Good Kind: Honest/ ly Made and w ill wear until you re tired of them, O n ly $10,00 per suit BIRD’S mftWIBOTH STORE AND MB. ASTOR CAME. The Very latest London anecdote concerning Mr. William Waldorf Astor dfites from a certain dinner party given "by the eccentric ex­ patriate jat which the Hoh., Joseph Chamberlain and his .wife were guests. ’ , ' The two' started ;iii apple time, •but owing to a street hloekade were delayed and arrived one,minute late- Ushered into the reception, room, they found it vacant..; The guests had. been ’seated promptly on the stroke of,the hour. • Mr. Chamberlain wasn’t worried* "Tell Mr. Astor to come and con­ duct-Mrs. Chamberlain to -the ta­ ble,” he said in his "blandest tone to the flunky, ■ . ' / “ Y-v-yes-, sir,” said the servant, with one glance at the-awe inspiring monocle. He must have delivered the mes- ,sage. Mr, Astor' came. , . -Wafted Cities, , Tlio hurricane and all dreaded thunderstorms* o f war have inter­ mittently beaten on the ancient Manchurian -capital 'for ihonsands of-years, hut theyshave generally been how and arrow and bulbs hide shield affairs, with, sapping and .mining primitive as Sennacherib’s, Who “ cast, a hank” against King Hezcldah’s Jerusalem'and battered its walls with brazen rbms’ heads. The arms of modem warfare teach her another lesson, showing how vain ate her-world old’ walls and watch- towers against-' Belloha’s modern equipment, She’ might as well tear, tliem down and lay opt. boulevards on their site, as many ancientwestern cities have done,-for any good they will hereafter be -to her. • ' AgentsfortheWhiteStar ffeart Work and Lowest Prices * * * * * * * *, z CoJInra, each,.......................... ,.,„.2c C.u.fis,;,each.. •■• 2 c Simla, &ich..... .... ....................,;.lOc Shipments made' on Mondays and Wednesdays. Goods collected and delivered, : ' - AlsgrPicture’ Framing, Upholster^ ing and Furniture Repairing ,at the, lowest prices. Give jus a eall. GRIFFITH&ZARMAN OrrRoom Mext to, GfUaugh’s . Golf and Mushrooms* - pn "2t ihusTffAoM’Jien^ City S51EitorjMillur mia-MrrO tmrtcg Darlington attorney for. the railroac Company were in tow'n Monday even­ ing Inspecting tbe semifore used at the Milter crossing. .The company made the same proposition to the Xenia council as was made here and the officials made a trip here to seeif Bitch protection would .be satisfactory in their city. Last Saturday while Mr* Thomas Moore, wife and mother-in-law, Mrs, Mary Barber were driving on the Jamestown pike they;met an auto­ mobile. The women alighted from the carriage seeing the approaching danger but Mr. Moore stayed with .the result that the horse frightened, upsetting the vehicle and leaving' the driver alongside the road with a bruised shoulder. Lessons for Women, Jersey Shore, Pa** Sept, 26 (Spe* cial,—“ Dodd’s Kidney Pills ■have done world's of good for me,” That’s what Mrs. 0* B. Earnest, of this place* has to Say Of the Great' Amen can Kidney Remedy, “ I was laid up elck,” Mrs, Earnest continues, “ and had not been out of bed for five weeks. Then I began to use Dodd's Kidney Pills and how 1 am so I can work and go to town without suffering any. I would not be without Dodd’s Kidney Pills, 1 have good reason to themevery­ where,” Women who suffer should learn » lesson from this, and that lesson is, “ cure the kidneys with Dodd’s Kid­ ney Pilfs and yonr suffering will cease.’’ Woman’s health depends almost entirely on her kidneys. Dodd's Kidney pills have never yet failed to moke healthy kidneys. Thsl World's Pair trip Should be taken Now Over Pennsylvania Lines while excursion fares to Ht. Louis are low. Round-trip, tickets for season,, two months’ or two weeks’ stay sold every day, For further in- formation consult R, 8 , Keys ticket gffMr - ' / muses.” “Why; on. the golf, course/’ he says, “ that I- have been, in the habit of frequenting A bushel-of de­ licious food is destroyed every day by wanton golfers, who make prac­ tice swipes at the round, white puff­ balls they encounter on tlieir, way:” Although the common meadow mushroom is gathered assiduously, other, equally delicious . species, among them the puffball, are ig­ nored, all on account of the popu­ lar dread, of the deadly aminifeta. —• New York Tribune; Our Naval Gumr. • Plans are being drawn in the bu­ reau of ordnance at Washington for the reaighting of all the guns in the United States navy/ The cost of this work will he trcmendo'us, hut its necessity was readily 1 realized when colled to the attention of the president, and the Orders have al­ ready been issued. An improved Variety of sight will he used, and the work will be pushed with all the ra­ pidity practicable. For the Tapid fire guns a telescopic sight will be used* of a kind that will permit of continuous aim. Nearly all of the guns ate in need of resighting.' - . W*rn*d In Tlm*« A pushing young ^actor who is playing understudy in one. of, Mr, Barrie’ s plays found his opportuni­ ty the other night through the ill­ ness of his principal, n o according­ ly flooded Ins managerial (and in- tlpential acquaintances' with tele­ grams announcing, “ I play So-and- so’s part tonight,” Except that the tiieiffer was comparatively empty, this breathless disclosure produced no result—merely a. telegram in re­ ply from Mr. Barrie to this effect; “ Thanks for the warning,’’—Lon­ don Mlil. ..... -....... ; Wealth arid the Point of View. Rjjgpresehfative Heatwole o f Min­ nesota was asked about a mutual acquaintance who lives in the con­ gressman’s district, “ Is he rich?” was one query, “ W«ii> that depends on geography,” said Mr, Heatwole. “Gut at home wo consider him very rieh, ‘ He is worth about $ 1 , 000 , 000 ; I f he lived in New Jersey, I sup* pose he would ha thought fairly well fo do, while if he lived in New York folks would he dropping -dol­ lars in hi* hat.” W&will st‘ll afcdm* midence, twp miles aouth-east of Ce'darv'ille on tlio Turnbull ro&doti 1 1 . ‘ WEDNESDAY OCT., 12,. 1904* Commencing »t litfclock a. m., tbe foi- lovvin^ property, to-wit: ' - 25 H E A D O F C A T T L E 25 Consisting ot 7 milch.cows (3 Tolled Dur­ ham, Spoiled Angus-and 2 Short Horns) 1 fresh by day of aalo hnd l by November, 1 -Polled DUrlmm heifer, 4 two i'eor old Polled .Angus;steers, ( / yearling steers (1 Hereford and ,S(, Polled AngnS) 7 spring calves (5 steers and 2 heifers). 70 H E A D O F S H E E P 70 . ConeistlJig of 30 breeding ewes. -28 two year Old. wethers And 12 head of spring Jiimba all lln^’wool Merino sheep. > . 5 HEAD OF HORSES 5 Consisting Of,l bnv geldipg, 4 years old mist, fancy driver, 1 three year old Norman draft marc, I six year old general purpose mare; J one yesi*-old gelding and J; spring colt gelding. *” ' Just to Remind You That W* Sire Mow Ready With Our m**h*JFA I* ’I* L I $ JS S Comprising n il th e L a test and M o s t S easonab le G oods in Men’s Our children’# am!, young men’s department"' having been re- , touched with many of the seasonV latest shades and patterns also takes on a ne'w aspect, and wo hope to please the moEfc fastidious from a cUHd’fi suit to a man's overcoat. Jack Frost has already knocked at your door,. bo don’t-delay making your purchases Until .the season is to far advanced and our lines broken. Remember ’ The early bird catches tbe worm/' Our lines comprise all the new.patterns, ip fancies, tbe Dew brownf etc,, in single and double breasted coats—-top coats for Tall wear, the heavier overcoats "for .winter wear" and the / / J j Onvcnette for a rainy day; Endless Variety in shirts ,50d, $1.00 and •/ 81.5.0. In. pftr Tibckweav department we introduce 1 the shades o f brown ip all shapes and shades. These and many other lines go ’ to make up as clean a stock" as was ever presented to tbe pdople of Greene county. ■ Your early inspection solicited. - & .George Haller,) „ 3 3 E . M a in JR, W.'Haines, [Resident Partners f h . Ji. Higgins , ) ; Jienia , t w- TERMS? Sums of” $5 and under cash; Over ffl a credit jof 9 months will be given purchase^ giving note with two approved securities. • . . . . Turnbuil & Ocmans S.T. tJAKER.'Auctioneer,1 . . W. h CDEMANS, Clerk, Lunch at 12 m. A tittle Politician. Grover Cleveland once ran across a little girl acquaintance who was fishing and-who had no baft on her hook, “ You Can’t catch fish with­ out bait,” said Mr. Cleveland. “Rut' I don’ t like to put the bait on the hook/’ answered- the little givl de- precatitigly ’ “ the worms waggle so. They won’ t keep still while I put them on. .If you’ll put the bait on for me I ’ll let you have the fish, Mr. Cleveland, i f I catch one.” “ Ha, ha!” laughed the ex-president. “ This isn’ t the first time I ’ve met With such, a proposition. Give me your hook, little politician ” Spoiled th* Transaction. A well dressed, gentlemanly look­ ing man entered a car with,a little hoy o f about six years of age, On the conductor coming to collect the fares the umn handed the young­ ster a half dollar, he being nearer the door. Tile little fellow exam­ ined the coin carefully and then f ave it to the conductor, Scarcely ad the ‘man returned the change than the youngster clapped Ills hands and, looking at his father, exclaimed triumphantly, ‘Father, father, ho has taken the had half dollar!” -—Kansas City Indepond- «nf* - ". .... WORLD’S FAIR EXCURSIONS AT LOWEST TARES NOW JUJU MORE DAYS VIA UENNSYLVARIA LINES, Under a new arrangement the World’s Fair Coach Excursions over Pennsylvania Lines' for whicji tickets to S t Louis are sold at the lowest fares now run Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thurs­ days each week* The round trip from Ccdarvfila is $6,65, tickets good in .coaches of through trains. Excur­ sion tickets to St* Look with longer limit ale sold everyday, Full infor­ mation may be obtained irbm E, B, Keyes, Trket Agent, Pennsylvania Lines, Oedarvilla, Ohio. C M . Is the Round Oak Chief, The fame of th e R oti n d 0*ak s t o v e s has been known for years through the severest tests. This range saves fuel and does more: and /quicker work than any other know as a long Jifed stove, . . , iCEDARVILLE* OHIO.: JiftRDWE, STOVES, POjWPSJIflWftRE. J To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. £ / y i / r SevenMlffimiboxessatridlnpast 13months. T h is S i g n a t u r e , ^ * * * + Cures Crip b Two Days. on every boL 25c. Shoe yourself and family with t ' , ■ ■ Star Brand Shoes This Winter, They are 'Better* A Trial will Prove It. — - - E o n B a l e - — - ■—D r . H ass ’ S tock Foon geientifici compound fordiwrsez, cattle, hogs and! feheep. . Now is the time to feed it. For bale by W, R S tekritt . "Silver Plait th(ti Wears,” Y our S poons Fork*, ttc.f will feeptffection in duratHUy. banuty o( nOstgn and brilliancy of finis'll,if th«y era **TaciJ^ from >u»{ie4' Tnite nrv(WfesthnW—Art* aroothef Ragtrtt, But.!*« ell IrWtnUbM, they link UritmflrHanSVnlueidf*;. tiffed will) the origin*' *a<t£*feuint< S#»31by kx<r.dii etnttir.ifsfr < •Wi. v > , T t