The Cedarville Herald, Volume 27, Numbers 27-52

¥ BU: POWDER A b s o l u t e l y 'P u r e ms m substitute -/ 5 LOCAL AND PERSONAL. J —10 Delaine Rams-—Dobbins. Mr*Fil. Small, of Springfield was t jn town Wednesday.. ! *—Try’some of that 20c coffee at Cooper's. . Messrs,’W. H, Owens and Lewie Sullenberger were In Xenia Tuesday •~, Mies Zola"Dqwn&rd, attended the .Ogleshee-Orain Weddingat Jamestown Wednesday evening-, " /M r * and Mrs«°MariOfl Townsley ear • terteined Mr. Harlan Little- and Mr. , add JJlts. Bryant, ^Wednesday/ - uV —D r , H ass ’ S tock F ood scientific compound far horses, cattle, hogs-and sheep. Nowris the time to feed it u ' For, aala by \V, E SrpaRm", ' (1 ' —Feninsular ranges,are wonderful Shakersandcoolers. The,supply hardly equals the demand. Better see them a t HfiRit i&HASTiHGS. B ros , , 1 - a h * h> >^ #> / , f • TkeEriquirer and Ohio Sfate Jour­ nal eaeb give accounts of. Congress- / man Hildebranl’s collapse'in thef Su­ preme Court room. Thursday just after the attorneys for Judge Scioggy ‘ had ffnished their -argument., - While the Congressman was nor serious, he had to he lemoved to the residence of * ' Assistant' Attorney General Miller The decision in this'famous, case, is looked for Tuesday . - ; • ’ 1' - } Mr. John 1 Jyb^f dtmdiikm. i —Oyatars, celery, sweet potatties \ and cranheries at Cooper’i. | The will tf the late Thoa. B, Wade is to he probated next Monday. -Bread, cakes and crackers always!■ fresh-at Coopera. , Mbs Anna Seawall is lying very low at tha homo of Mr, $ud Mrs, S, T. Baker. j Mrs W, L, Clemans add Miss Min*; Turnbull entertained a number- of ladies at dinner Wednesday. —Keep in mind the H brald when? wanting sale hills. Our water-proof stock makes them popular. Preaching in the R, P. church next Sabbath at 10:30 a, m. The pulpit will be occupied byMr. C. A, Young. Bey. Walter Watson, of Belmont county, a cousin of Mr, and Mrs. J , H, McMillan, stoppedhere a fewdays on his, return from S t Louis. Miss Mary Ervin,is in Beaver Falls Pa.-, where she will be maid of honor at the wedding of her college friend, Miss Zimmerly.' She will be absent about two weeks. , —.Hereafter my Laundry Agency will be foundat the Ellencoe Clothing Store, one door north of the bank in the CrouseBlock. ■The same courtesy and good workmanship will Ibe given in the future as in.the past, ■• . - - - F rank B ull ,'Agent „* ^ " r i . , } cy f * C, Crawford, while hauling, tile, from Jamestown to'a point nearSelma, met instant death Thursday ; when train No." 6 hit him. Tf> seeing hia danger attempted tobnek jlheteani by taking hold' of- the .bridles. The train didmot touch the team but it is supposed mthe excitement the man was,hurled under the train' by .the horses, *4 * Mr. L. II Goddard, of the Ohio j Experimental Station, with Mr Wei-’ gle of the TJ. S. Forestry Bureau and Mr. Zon, a forester fromRussia, paid a Visit of inspection to Ferndalq. Stock Farm to see the c'atulfa and seed corn. Min, A sm Mffiw* spent T tasdaJ itt Sprfagfiald. —•Stove Pipe and Coal Bucket# at Bird's. Miss Mabel Crain is visiting rela­ tives in Jamestown. —CoAil The beet coal and the best place to get it is at W, R* SyjCRRafg. Mr, Reid Owens and sisters were among the excursionists to Gin. cinnali, Tuesday. Excursion tickets to Columbus Sun­ day over the Pennsylvania Lines, $1 round trip, Train leaves at 8;55 a.m, Mrs. J . H. Andrew, Mrs. W, B, Stevenson, Mr. and Mrs, W, H ., Barher,and M r.J, M, Tarbox arrived home this morning from St. Louis. ■ —Peninsular Heaters for hard or soft coal that will heat every nook and corner in the house, with least fuel, is what, you want, We have them in all styles and sizes, the prices arrang­ ing .accordingly, K err & H asting * B ros . , Messrs- R. C. Watt and Ed Foust Will leave- the St. Louis Dhroc'Jersey Bwine slibw standing third in win­ nings with forty-six herds in competi­ tion. NInty per cent of all the win­ nings trace direct to “Top J^btober” and Orion H , sire of “Top -Netcber.”, The firm won jr, champion ,sow, re- serve champion sow, any age. tl’he firm bred the sr, champion, boar* and grand champion boar. They also bred, tbe sire of thejr, champion boar and reserve champion. That'World's Fair Trip Should be Taken Now Over Pennsylvania Lines - - ' While excursion fares to St, Louia aff 'low. Round-trip, - tjejeets for season, two months’ dr” two” weeks' stay gold every day. I For .further in­ formation consult E , S. Keys ticket agent. ' ' . , * They were highly pleased with bath, Messrs,. Dobbins' Son should feel eomplbnehted >by a call from such men, -Their farm will he platted and parfc'of it used in experimental work in connection with the station. ' , 1 * Fleece lined underwear, extra, heavy, 48c, 75c and $1.00 at . ’ SU LL IVAN 'S * The Hatter- ■ 27 S. Limestone St., ; Springfield, O. S P R IN G F IE L D ’S G R E A T E S T SH O E STORE . Mi» J*edb W ’k m luur moved Into tha Millar property. Mrs- Elizabeth Owens entertained triends at dinner Wednesday. -■ - ;' -nV ' . , • Mias Bessie Btertott attended the Robb reception at Hew Coneprd, 0 , S pecial P rices H ow on Buggies, Phaetons, Hurries at W. R. Sterritt's. —Sunlight, Egg-O See, Malta"Vita, Mothers’ Crisps andShreddedBiscuits at' Cooper’s, —P oultry P anacea and I n ­ stant Loren K ii . t . er r,re indispensible for all kinds of poultry, For sale by W, R. S terrei ’ t , If troubled with a weak digestion try Chamberlain’s Stomach aud Liver Tablets. They will do you good. For sale, by Isaac Wisterman. Mr- and,Mrs, O. M. Morton, Mr, and Mrs. O. A. Spahr, Mr. and Mrs. John Townsley spent Saturday the guests of Mr, and Mrs- Jus Townsley. Mr. Lester Hagler,, who has been ip Cleveland, spent Sundayat home. He will be locatedwt Springfield for the present on the-Postal Telegraph Company’s work. Mv, D. L , Coffey who" is with the same company at Dayton was home Sunday, PUBLICSALES Pollock and Kerr, Oct. 19, R. E . Corry,"Nov. 3,; J ”, H. Drake, Oct. 25. *- WORLD’S , FA IR EXCURSIONS AT 1 , 0 west P ares no > v rrn moke ‘ DAYS VIA PRNNSVEVANrA LINES, Under a new arrangement the World’s* Fair Coach Excursions over Pennsylvania Lines for which, tickets to1-St,- Louis are .sold at the lowest fares now run Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays aud Thura* days ‘each week. / The round; trip from Cedarvdle is *8.65, tickets good in coaches of through bains. Excur­ sion .tickets to Sfc^Louis with longer limit are sold every day.5fFuIl infor- matipn may be obtained from E , S Keyes; Ticket Agent, Pennsylvania Lines, Ceffarvilje, Ohio. * * 1 what b ’ 1 . - W » 1 y K. * v Beed There. .Teacher - - Now, t Johnny,' does the busy beejeaeh us ? ■. Johnny—To keep awayfrom the hive. r- ■IV 91 HBiM M A^Deluge of Bargains—a Houseful of Economy. Day after day we receive numerous shipments of Fall Edotwear. Shoes for the men, Shoes for the women and Shoes for the children, iii fact Shoes for all mankind. No matter how small or how large, we care not how good you want them or how sav­ ing you may be* we have them for you. ^Renowned and respected throughout the shoe world for our vast purchasing power, we are always in position to offer the public unusual bargains. Our eastern buyers are always making vast deals and we offer the shoes to you at a mere fraction of the actual cost. Men’s!Shoes, hftixl sewed, welt soles, fqr* fine drei S, business or stlocfc ‘weal, in -patent colt, boxcalf, vfd kid and velour calf, alt sizes and widths j $3.00 and $8.60 values; price.,,. MenTs all solid Shoes in good serviceable leath­ ers, all solfdHoles, tips and plaid /to w *%■'% toey »U styles;, regular' $2.00VRl* I / d Indies Shoes In dongola kid, box calf and ban- t roo oalfr n(?lm md sixes, good “ “ 60 aud $2,00 values. v Pries T^dlHSTHXtW'<luaHtjrDress Shoes in-ideal IddV choice French vlci kid, patcht colt and box calf all Widths artd sixes, hand-sewed, turned and weltsales,French,m ilitary, com* ( h if A A won sense and Cuban heels, $8 w . U U A Mere Hint at our Low Selling* Olca. r i pat Boys’ Shoes In patent colt and vici kid, al styles and sizes; a lot of shoes that “ have style aud wear, and -well worth $2.00; price,........ .................... Boys’ very fine Dress and School Shoes in pat­ ent calf* viol kfd and box caff; /jt -g j a choice bargain at $2.60} \ I / £ L :. Price JL # *» T t ;i Misses’ Shoesindongolakld andkan- garoo, button hnddace, all sixes, reg­ ular $1,60 values. * Price...... Misses’ Shoes lit patent colt aftd Vfci kid, box calf and kangaroo calf, all styles and sixes; footwear that looks nice arid wears A A __ good. You have always paid $1,60 U y f ' r for sanrffPquallty; -Pi-ice.v/.....-.-ir.-m r.-.u.-s i f X w Misses’ icliool and Dress Shoes in dongola, box calf aud kangaroo calf, all weigh6 “ soles and guaranteed towear reg­ ular $2.00values. Price..... 14c sE and $3.50 values, Price,,.... A Saving of 25 per cent on all Rubbers and Shoes* I !$i,24 % Greatest Bargain Sfiot Stnr« Ift Amtricd Distribution Direct from Wholesaler to Comiifner 35 East Main Street# - -, * Springfield# Ohio* HeadquartersandWholesaleHouse^itdmiatl, Ohio* Tho Little Gray Qwi. . Tho lUtlij gray owl that llv«Sa up In our ' ‘ .for£ft “ ' i *>*'")'' ’ * > I» na wlso a Uttlo gray owl as cat! he. :> He Bleeps all the Cay, hut a t night Re ‘ comes out - 7 ' , To aslt the old moon what she’s thinking About, * Just You That LU« Jira Mow Ready With. Our F A L L L I N E S . Comprising ad the Latest and Most Seasonable Goods in Men’s ->jf- fiery Our children’s and. young men’s department having been,re­ touched with many qf the season’s latest shades and patterns also takes on a new aspect, aud we hope to please the moat fastidious from „a child’s suit to a man’s overcoat. •Jack Frost, hqa already knocked ■ at your door, so don’t delay making your purchases until tbe season is to far advanced and our lines broken. ’ Remember ‘ ’The early bird catches the worm.” Our lines comprise all the new patterns in fancies, the new brown, etc., in.single aud double breasted, coats—top ' coats for fall wear, the heavier overcoats for winter Wear and -the' Oravenette for a rainy day. Endless variety in shirts 50o, $1.09 and 01.50. In oqr neckwear department we introduce the shades of brown in all shapes and shades. These apd■many other lines go' to make up as,clean a stock, as was ever* tbq pdople of Greene ,couuty. - Your early inspection solicited.' m i " m-ria ssssa ^C’ ri'&g#. E-fSVftfJ m m |||£$3 6«4*III 0 5teinfels Co George Haller, A , W . Haines, ] H. A . Higgins, Resident Partners 3 3 E . M a i t i S t , X e n ia , For he fanolw the moon and himself of one mind, Since they both watch by night, while by day they are blind. So ho screeches and. calls, end, hearing his cry, . ' • • • A little mouse trembles tu A hurries fast by. For all tho mice know the gray owl in our tree Is as wise a Utile gray owl as can be. A Chill, A S n e e z e - E a s y t o C a tc h c o ld —Hard t o O a t Hid Of. LightningLaxative, Quininetablets Will curd a Cold in twenty-four hours. If Pot, diUgglstWill refund your money. ........................................... Q uinine T ablets OSLO, NEURALGIA, LA GRIPPE, MALARIA, „ HEADACHE* Will riot gripe nor rickeu, are per­ fectly hamjetw, m bad aftereffects —are a purely vegetable prepara­ tion, quick in. action, positive in tosults. ;\ 2B hiNia Pin ;idx, all orussist *, MMreil #nly bf THE HERBMEDICINECO.# APfttNGtmb, OHIO. Xtaiitilhefeirtrs Oftho OoTebreiva * Msbtnintt Hot Oropg* E 9 Is the Round Oak Chief. The fame of th e R o u n d Oak - ?7 * 1 ^ 1 * 4 0 V ^ s t o v e s has b e e n known for ye a r s through the severest tests; . This: range saves fuel and does more and quicker work than any other -fch-e- latest .designs and is know as a long lifed stove. . . . . ; c. M. CROUSE, :CEDARVILLE, HIO.: HflRDfflflffE, STOVES, PUJV 1 PS, TINWARE. LIST OP LETTERS. | Mr. John Stine moved i ito Mr, J . List of loiters reomioiag McolW w* T0“ 'lw for in tbe Cedarville postoffice for the month ending Sept* 23,1004; List No. 42. Divan, Mrs. Emma, Lap per, Andrew. Shaffer J . D. T . N. T arbox . P M October 14, 3904. Doct&rs first pfcsdrJbcd Ayer's Cherry Pectoral over 60 years ago, They use It today morethan ever. They Pectoral relyuponIt forcolds, coughs, bronchitis* consumption. They will tell you how It heals Inflamed lungs. W ».vet# b*' Tti»n I HlKif Ayi *'*' M «K. PtCAHt, ItXAK, GUtllTtO OAtJtt*, I* . ®■?*. J-f. AV«gCO., for Old Coughs 5 !fw w SO [« d r| ii action next m in in g * Mr, Htrity Whittington 1ms moved into the David Shro&des property. LOST—A pair of glasses on Main street, Sabbath afternoon. Finder please return to this office and be re­ warded. Mrs. C, W. Burris, of SaritaAria. Cai;, and ML 3. 3. Osborne, tit Cincinnati;- were the guesta of Mr. arid Mrs, B S. Keyes this week, < • Miss Jossfo Lorig Is assisting In the office work at the paper mill during tho absence of' Miss Laura Lucas, wko is taking a vacation. The Xenia police have been doing tome good work towards the arrests of the violators of the fte&l law In that city. Several different parties made purchases at the solicitation of. *the police arid on Monday morning twelve men were taken before Mayor Trader to answer for tills violation. Dr. and Mrs. M'tott I, Marsh attend­ ed the wfeddlng of the latter’s .brother, Mr, Howard Jloudcbush,- of Memphis, lenn, to Miss Claire Munce, of Cin,4- dnnatl. Wednesday evening, Mr. I). 0. Etvlri and daughter/Mrs- O. I* Smith, were In attendance at the wedding. White In Cincinnati Dr. Marsh attend*-! cd the meeting of,the Mississippi Val­ ley Medical Association At the Grand hotel, returning home Thursday even­ ing. ' The Brfnkle A Reading Company, Xenia* manufacturer* of drinks that can be sold iri local option towns cotOd not find ready- enough sain for their product, and on Monday morning ask­ ed for a recover* that the corporation was. insolvent. The plant lias pot out what is known as ’'Bishon’s Beef’ as iommlatcd by Bishop Fallows of <Jbl* cagri, Many saloon* m dry towns only used this beer as * MMd for the saleof the genuine goods. Agents for theWhiteStar Laundry B est W o rk a n d L ow est P rices Collars, each ..,,,.,,,,.,,............ ......2c Cuffs, e a o h . * , , * . , , 2 c Shirts# each,.,.......................... *.i...lOc . Shipments made on Mondays find Wednesdays, Goods collected find delivered. AlsoPicture Framing, Upholster- InvalidFurniture Repairing at the lov.estprices. Glyetisfli mil, GRIFFITH & ZARTMAN O rr H oorn N e x t to GW augh's, Nobby Hats# Black and Brawn $, $1.50* $a.oo, $3.50* $3,00 and $3.30. S u l l i v a n , t b e H a tte r# ay S. Limestone St,, Springfield# O, Mrs, J. f t Ttimbtf! ifift TriWatay tvsnirig Ifet tndiriniqxalis, ln.4 . - " n i.> J it” • I -