The Cedarville Herald, Volume 27, Numbers 27-52
T b e C s d a m r i l l e U e r a W . ' "m D IV lD U A L S .” *&MK> IV** Y^****# ’ " i Monopolists" Gifts “Should Be i j»rm n » n .*r ... r lAHtor. f ‘ I- / r f. f. 1 i i If. fc :'r t I t FRIDAY, NOVEMBER i H » t RfiPURliCANTICKET. NAIiONtf ilCfctl tor l*)v:rltnf^ THKoiituiB » * vc ;, t * <i'slew Yut i. • For Vice*iteI'I(*ftt. CHAUJ.r.S W, FAUllUXlvB, of I iu I mikl ‘ ' '. v" CONGRESSIONAL TICKET Member of0<ingrc?a. -CthDiat. THOMAS B, SffllOGOY, of Oroeuo County. state ticket for Secretary of State, BlSWiBi’. UVVUIs ofITur«n- .For ,Tuxigoof SnpTrmbCourt, •• WlLLUM T. SPI5AB, ~ I of Trumbull, For Clerkof 5mw«mCourt, - DAWSONB, 13MBRSON, of Balmont, For Dairy and FoodCommissioner, HORACE. ANKENY, of Greene. ForMemberBornl of Public “Works, ritcrj ABD B, CllAWPOIU), . of stark, _ COUNTYTICKEI ' For Auditor, WILLIAM DODDS, For Commissioner, ' J, W SMITH, ' - 1 ,, . ,r For Sheriff, , FRANK T, TAIIBOX, For County Recorder, ' M. A BliOADSTONIO, „ , For County Surveyor, , \G. A, MoKAY For Infirmary Director, W. B, SBEVENSOS. r’VTfili YmTeTor taTkiilg- ia over.? How, vote! t Vote early on election day, and see JliAt your, neighbors,, employes and friends) vote, tool ' , . T ' ”r tr.„ 1, j. v ' ,Be sure to cast November 8 th. You'll never de sm*,ry i f you do; yoij may be sorry if you don’t, Bryan, in likening Parker-to Moses, who was slaw to speech, capped the .Dernoriitic candidate, very bard, Bibical aathority says,-Moses never* entered the Promised Land. 'The ' Cincinnati Enquire r Bays: "Judge Alton B, Parker wears Well.” So does an ^veniug dress suit that is doned only once or twice a year. If Parker could be induced to make a few speeches he Would be frayed into ’* “ 'ig M M fjfjtnjJdndJhatJs^ Parker should never wear out. Encouraged ,” Parker Says, Ramarkabi* Golrcldtnce ami Cloaa Fit Into tacn Other of His Speech, and the Standard Oil Counsel’# Card, Proving Both Parts of the Same Scheme to Defeat Roosevelt by All Mean#. t The ckwotif >n of thn Parker eam* paten and the Standard oil people to onoh otjicr has been emphasized by sovaal recent events, Mc-T eon- apirumu) are Parker's speech publish ed Tuesday, ‘Oct 25. and the card from the chU-£ attorney of tho oil trust given oht, that same day, Parker in his speech Ijittorly attack ing Roosevelt and charging the pres? ident with, selling out to the big cor porations for campaign funds, •ex pressly excepted corporation owners in these words; “The capitalist, AS AN INDtVlPHAi;, has ah much right to contribute to such purposes and in proportion to his means as has. his' less ■wealthy fellow citizens.” Thl3 “should be encouraged;” he says'in the nest sentence, How closely this' 'fits in with the authorized statement from the Stand* ard Oil company by Its chief counsel, S, T. 0, DOdd, After . denying-that the Standard Oil company as a oor poratlon hag' anything to do’with 'any speculative undertaking outside of oil, Mr. -Dodd adnjlt 3 that "INDIVID UAL members of tbe Standard Oil company have been and are interested as INDIVIDUALS in various enter prises.-'." This is all’ that has been claimed, but Dodd goes further and enters the .field of national politics to deny that the company, or any officer ‘of it,- “has taken part In scouring THE NOMINATION of any of the 'candidates for office, as is so posi tively slated." While the Parker NOMINATION was made possible by the contributions of “individual” -monopolists, but not all of the stand ard oil crowd, it is 1 the attempt to ELECT Parker ky Standard oil con, trlbutlons,-that now attracts atten tion,' , , ' “I will state facts, things I know to be facts/’ says Thomas “\V. Law- son in Everybody's Magazine, contin uing his revelations from the. inside of .the Amalgamated Copper great swindle in,-stock Jobbing so skillfully worked by standard oil “individuals,” which sucked many millions of money out of its victims. Mr, ’Lawson then proceeds to give cumulative proof of his' statement that these Standard oil men, .headed by H, H, Rogers, -are bound to defeat Rbpnevblt at any cost; hqt for “nomination/* tho word Mr, Dodd uses, .but for election, the-word that Dodd dodges. The trouble started with, a telegram received Feb, 7, 1003, by six United .States senators, saying; “WO . are opposed t"> any anti-trust legislation, Our counsel, Mr, Blank, will-see you'. It must be stopped. John D. Rocke feller.” The publication of those tel egrams Insured the passage that Week of the pending Roosevelt anti-trust legislation, Tho three lows- wore* against railroad rebates, for public ity, -and for the expedition in the courts p t suits against trusts. Bator it was learned that it was the younger RockefclleV who Sent the telegrams, but tho laws still stand upon .the books. From that day Roosevelt's resent- ’ ment of Standard Oil dictation ha# flat lv*P I f Parker is the Democratic Moses as Mr. Bryan says, the judge might as yrell retire from the race. Moses the Bible says, was permitted to gaze on the Promised Land, but not to enter it, Moses Porker may view the White House from a distance until November 8 , when he can accept that $50,000 a year job provided tor him by tbe big eoPporathms. Hi* Morning Plunge,/ When morning dawns, the next day after, Then Parker will with chilly shiver Dive where he will not hear our laughter*— He’li take his swim in old Halt river. THE SECRET OF SUCCESS °Wo,WrJ VoncannotpMm t<K «nvwbriitttt** «a #»*> I'tebeenfaMiirAugiut Vkhtf.t start 1 was * feojr, sad JTI have ao oth*r.” ($Fntty miltton bottle# of AugustMower aoMIn the Unileil State# atone since it# introduction! And the demand for it is #&Rgrowing. Isn’t that a due shewing of*•access? Don’t it prove that August ys»werh*s had tutlailmg imccess in the cflBttt of indigestion and djwpepsi* »tho' wwrsrt eneittie# of health and happiness? , Ktkwtf Rnot afford the !>est#;videiic*that Flower is « tafre ^nedffc for all- . and intestinal iliswrlm? -fltf R Hwaf wf alt livertegniators? «»t Flower has ft matebiess ftvwd *t 2 * year# In curing the sitingML f t v t* M ditrfri*<*MngvomplairttA f < i d m , asc and y^c, Alt druggist!/ I*K«« Wi#knw««> Codarville, 0 . AMws^BgaiittfttiJtoiiinornlfi' iunth lican party, it picked out tho maia for Democratic candidate -“who would, if president, allow- those who put him there to run the shop/* Fat McCar* ren, one of. the men closest to Parker, was their special agent for this work. It was with this Standard Oil crowd, not as corporations, hut as “individ uals,” just exactly as Parker put it, that the plan began of throwing in. all the cash retiuirea at the campaign’s close to buy doubtful votes, Parker*# speech tells the plot and then cries "stop thief” at his Republican oppon ent, who has no Standard oil money to help him- • Independent testimony to this plot comes from one of the most prom inent Democratic politicians in tho country to the Chicago Tribune, tell ing It that Standard oil was working actively for Parker and will Spend the money needed to elect him. Still more significant, perhaps, was tho long visit made with Judge Parker at Esopus. two days after the St. I-ouls convention by John D. Rocke feller, Jr. Should this Standard oil scheme Work out in Roosevelt's defeat, that influence would bo supremo in tho Parker administration. Henco every Parker vote is A Standard Oil vote. Every vote hot fop Roosevelt' helps Standard oil that much. litis Democratic legislation over erected a factory, or given a working man a job, or increased his wages? In Cleveland's timo it put out factory fifes that Republican legislation had lighted; it has closed mills that Re publican legislation had opened, and It has taken jobs from thousands of Workingmen to whom Republican leg islation had given employment. Catching Republicans “asleep” !s Democracy’# last hope. AVI11 you run any risks like that? WHAT BEHIND PARKER? The Men W ho Manipulated Hi« Nomination VviUControl Him. HI# Pitiful plag Thgf Me Copis! Dp JNo Particular Harm, tiacause Hi# Own Party Would Net Be In Complete Control, . As rho campaign progresses and tho Democratic desperation becomes more evident, it show;} itself in the increas ing bitterness of the personal attacks upon Roosevelt and misrepresentations of his position. Judge Parker's garb ling of McKinley's, last speech at Buf falo was shameless enough.. With that for a ntayter, Davis and Cleveland, Jllll and Bryan, Bailey and Cochran, Oluey and TVilliama of Yazoo, and all the leaser lights down to Alabama; congressmen and Mississippi candi dates for elector, keep up the Are- of false witness and violent language. The Democrats arc attempting-de ceit all around. They have nominated; two respectable men of mediocre tal ent and expect, them to furnish tho outside character for the. campaign, while Taggart, Sheehan, Tammany and tho like are to corrupt, buy and steal success. The candidates arc to be the receivers of the stolen goods. Parker’s speech and letter of accept ance are nothing but a bid'for Repub lican and conservative support on the pitiful plea that- the Democratic party can'do no ham , because the Republi cans will.not bo wholly out of power. But what is behind Parker? The Democratic, party, with, all -Its mis chievous history -of damage To tlia country, its ■corruption, its unsound views, its unrocantad heresies, its re pudiation of the constitution, its con trol of.-tho solid South, its free /trade doctrines openly expressed by John Sharpe Williams and many others, ahd its William J. Bryan, with his de clared purpose to reorganize the party after eleof ion. What will that reorganized party advocate? ■Bryan's utterances since tho St. Lobls convention in the last two or three months make it plain that since his followers are most numer ous, he and they will seo to it that after election 'the Democratic party will again .advocate the doctrines of Socialism, government ownership - of railroads and telegraphs, free silver ahd the like, with all its did appeal to passion, and class j prejudice, strengthened by recruits' captured from the conservative wing bearing the Democratic, name. And yet Judgt Parker pleads that be-shall be put Jntd power with such. a party, still pro testing that it is powerless for harm, although it .is the-.same party that IS to be reorganized by William J. Bryan and his lieutenantsf immediately nftor. the election, : Parker askn the people to discharge the Republican party that has done tire things so Well set forth in the speeches of Hay, Root and Roosevelt; the Republican party whose record is written in glorious results for the en tire country, kno.wn of, all men; the party of certainty and capability, and put in its pl'ace the same pld Buchanan Democratic party of hostility to human rights, of free trade, state supremacy, fraud, deception, falsehoods, uncer tainty, incogerence and' imbecility. Can tbe American people be hum bugged by Judge • Parker's seeming personal fairness and honorable pro fessional character, when we consider tho kind of men that manipulated his ■rimninutioii/'amT-thar-nro—atb-'atrouf him, and that would control his admin- t — fcvato.xiLadhcsrjatji^--* m . ..ara-ijari-g’- TIio Kind You Have Always Bought, and w illeh lias been in u se for ovri* 3 0 years, bas borne tlxe signature o f and bas been jnade under Ids per* sonal supervision since itS inflme|*r Allow no one to deceive you iu tliis. All Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as-good” are bni»; Experiments tha t trifle* w ith and endanger tbe Health o f . Infants and Children—Experience^ against Experiment, What is CASTOR IA - C'astoria is a harmless substitute f o f Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups* I t is Pleasant. I t contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee* I t destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. I t cures-Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. I t relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency* I t assim ilates th e Food, regulates tbe Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural: sleep* The Children’s Panacea—The Motlier*s Friend* GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Beats a ? Signature e f Desirable For Summer, | * 1 G L O V E S Wi‘k bah, slate and b lic i, fingers double lippcd fik liEcB^ 50c ■ CORSETS Alnsfcu, Snowflake,UMr* only 50c. Boyal Worcester, Lqpmls, Ferris, S1.T.0. Invisible Lacing $1.00 and $1.00. Ribbons, belts, hosiery, collar, lace berthas, fans, Uoftoa goods, art; very stiff, while our stock lasts. Seersuckers lfjc, gingham ”| c down to 5a. Sheeting Jp Remnants 25c, worth 30c. Pillow cases 121e to 20c. Table cloths, fine Stock, 50c to $2.00, napkins to match- ^Tash Dress Fabrics, One case to sell, SJc, worth 12 |c . White goods 10 c up. Voiles, Madras,, Oxford, Chilfonetts, Persian, Lawn, Linens Silk Persian, greatest variety. Wash spits $2.00 up, Wrappers $1.00, nndeiwear, i| Carpets, Rugs, W indow 41 Shades, L a c e Curtains. flOTGRISOJl & GiBHEY’S, In Use For Over 3 0 Years. ■t ■. - 4> ■ THECCNTAUN«0MP4WY. 7TMUVinAVBTRCCT, NCWVOflKC1TV. f f 3 #1 AtTv s gjw WuMimt.' : - . & U h r € f k l f BC-DT/. AC*-5 abiCHEST SCHEDULE’S ,*, w« . , V ^.^*1/*„i j-rt-w ‘ . .C tfr fC S iw itt . . . _ SteNOxV-ll-LB. , ‘ . C H ^ lu ‘ :CHiARlLteSTSlw, , M t l. ^ S V T A i , . - • B a v a n N a h ,- ‘ • UACKSQr>«Vll/Le, , 11/ 1N E IW ORfLISAXVS * TEXAS POINTS. ^.; ' ' woutaATioN A ddress : _J-'v*. * - • Cincinnati; Q. u/ r . V“LC-‘Rirteai*3cnt utRtiJi rr.Hijjcv, , < Cenc-ftiifassenuorAjje»L < 5 1 n < ui W.OiiLD’ri FAIR BXG0RSIONS . RUNNING A GREAT RJBK. Parker's “Extravagance” Tested by a *' . Real Emergency, When out of Abo midnight-darkness of the .ninety-ninth anniversary of Trafalgar day, the Baltic Hoot of Rus sia shot down English Ashing boats la the North sea, the ’startling news found Britain completely prepared for any, emergency, no matter .how sud- -Monrricrinmicruto ..ranean fleets could-,be .called ,u into, power? Will tho American people go back upon existing favoraoie con- ditions, undo them, and change them and wreck thorn and be seduced Into suffering' the Democratic party to re turn to administer the government, which it so nearly wrecked,, bringing In once more Its dangerous, doctrines and its always destructive manage ment of public affairs? .- Secretary' Taft has neatly punc tured John Sharp Williams* rhetori cal rigmarole ,about the Filipinos. The former governor of the Philippines says; “It is auite remarkable, that Mr. Williams should be so sensitive that tho Filipinos are not given com plete eelf-governmeflt at once, and yet should he willing to represent tho Yazoo district in congress, ^elected thereto by ft vote Oi 1,463 persons out of a population of 100,000/* Great business interests the Country have come to the cohclusion that though they might dislike Presi dent Roosevelt’s Impartialenforcement of the law when it Snferfml with pri vate schemes, they could hotter en dure that than ,a return . to Demo cratic hard times, which when last en dured prostrated all enterprise. A wise voter will prefer for presi dent a btm executive with fourteen years’ experience) in high ■ administer a te office to a local judge with no • * tkwtlve training whatsoever. Cured Hfer Rheumatism. m ngv thfl .wrM»1mlfliJiiiBii nvifl ■i«naa» AT LOWJSgT FAJtEH NOW Ht?N MOliU LAYS VIA -PBRNflYLvaSIA LIRKsl Under a new'arrangement the World’s Fair Coach;Excursions over Pennsylvania Lines for which 1 tickets to St. Louis are sold at the lowest fnrea now m n Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays \»nd Thurs- .'d-iys each, week; -Xha-rnunL-irip. JXFNIA, # OHIO. The Cook That^Bake W ith Never complains of the flour for she uses a perfect flour of unequaled quality and purity. One litte sack w ill snow what a rea lly good flour it is. E, Shockey, Catawba, 0 „ says: “We bin's nswl MODEL FLOUR five months and think it the best we have, ever used.” TELL YOUR GROCER l u r n T Y R T T^T ' a t t d y o u w a n t . . . . . . MUl/JbLr r LOUR You take no chance in using M OD EL as every sack is guaranteed. from Cedarville is JlS.05, tickets good .. “Make It UdfttilmouB” for Rootovelt, for your own woUftre ftnd your coun try'*. a l PATENTS mti'st.intfirt'indn-'tMi'-irM**>iCriitrc**t». e«(#i+eU •.♦‘Attarorrme v»ef#n **-Kte r i n !- »«(inwlln.i Out.e (nholt -1 ira ,Owsd rtr**.’-**».voliflta.,withtic iirm, 'V'f. If p*tr*>tAt,!p«rKiot,ftrt of <h*r*f. On*Irt-v'trt*>iiU»a‘;i’li*^'.uve(l. ft .t’Mfhtl/’with mit *i fntlt*t..a. tisl Ui-iftifii Htsntfrrt. AaftrfM. O .A .SNOW ACO , ««*, Hntt* Orrtftt, V, t h Deep Valley.Pa., Oct.31)Spdal)— There is deep Interestin Green county over, the ettre of the little daughter of I.N,Whipkey of'Rhettiirntlsm, She was a great ouffe.rer for five or Six years aid nothing seethed to do her tiny Sood till she tried Bond’s Kidney Pills,Sim began to improve almost at once aud now she is cured and nan run owl play m other children do,Mr. Whipkey says “I am indeed thankful for what Bond Kidney Pills have done for my daugh- terjthey saved her from being a cripple perhaps for life.®- Dodd’s Kidney Pills have proved ihat llheamutia is one of the m tills of tii^ertsed Kidney, JUieiimaListn , is caus' d by Uric Atitd m the blood. I f the Kidneys are right there can lie no Uric Acid in the blood arid unmo* i|Ue»lly m> Khenmiilism, Botldn Kidney Pills make the Kidneys righf, - Keep in mind the’IlBUALD when wanfitig sale hills. Our water-proof fclpek makes them popular. armored cruisers, nnd over 50 tor pedo boats and torpedo boat destroy ers in commission and within call, to back up the diplomacy of the British foreign office in calling Russia to ac count for tho wild' recklessness of her fleet, One such fact as this about tho value of preparedness outweighs all the wailing of tho entire Democratic campaign against the American army and navy. It took vast expenditures, millions of money paid out for what tho Farkerites call “extravagance,” to ho ready on the Instant, while long months and years were ittdispcnsibly spent on all -these preparations. What could England have done in that ab solutely unexpected crisis had sho waited until it happened before she did anything to get ready for It? Yet that is the Parker plan. - What wouTd the United States he able to do in such an emergency? Suppose the victims of Re*, ilan reck lessness, or drunkenness, or malice, hftd been American fishermen pursu ing thoir peaceful occupation. The wave of wrath that swept over this country when the Maine was destroy ed at Havana might have been repeat ed, hut what good would that do if Barker were in power, Our navy was reduced to the minimum, most of tho ships Wo might liaVo dismantled, and destitute Of sailors to man them, and Our army cut In two and scattered, and our militia disorganized, AH these are part of Barker’s plan. lie might mban ever so well, hut would be pow erless to protect the American flag, or Americans, j ' The North sea incident may soon ho settled by diplomacy, but tho strong right arm of Britain'* naval power makes possible the success of the negotiations. The $ 53 , 600,600 spent “extravagantly” upon fortifying our coasts since the Spanish war, where at that time only one gun whs In service along all our Atlantic from, tier, and the millions spent upon our new navy by the votes of all parties In congress, stand tw a perpetual I Strength to the United States in any ’ negotiation that (widen emergencies may thrust, upon us, atrm t- WK.T,.n..i» —’-^1 te”gtl limit are sold every-day. Full infor mation may be obtained from E. S. Keyes, Ticket Agent, Pennsylvania Lines, Cedarville^ Ohio. -A-»,-r-'va,Sn,I-,-.a.> In view of the number of votes it takes to elect eonj-reasmon in tho tiorfh and Ift the south respectively, it takes a dozen ttosthem voters to equal one in the revised constitution state*, —('anion Krpouiiory. —B k . H ams ’ B rick F ood scientific1 cOhUHitind for horses, cattle, hogs nnd j sheep. Now is the time to teed it For male by W, li BrEiuim’. • Don’t forget the old mar with the fell on .his back. For nearly ihirfyt years he has been traveling around the world, and is still traveling, bringing health and comfort wherever he goes. To the consumptive he brings the strength and flesh he so much needs. To all weak and sickly children he gives' rich aucl strengthening food. To thin and pale persons he gives new firm flesh and rich red blood. Children who first saw the. old man with the fish are now grown up and have children of their own. , De* stands for Scott’s Emul sion of pure cod fiver oil... a delightful food and a natural tonic for children,for old folks and for all who need flesh and strength, brie. $125 IN GOLD ToJbe|distributed in tw e lve premiums of $25, $20, $15, $10, $10, f r o , $10, ? 5 , $ 5 , $ 5 , $ 5 $ 5 , Monday, January ad ’ 05 . Pittrouizo my meat imirket and receive a Ticket with each 25 o cash purchase. Each ticket-will give you one chance in the drawing, 0 .0 . Frssh a n i a t t JleaJS, F ish , Oysters, Etc. .'UedOTVllle, unlo, Agent for United States Life InsuranceCo. — m m a " *— / *v« wu vmij mi - iiQiiier, Bimuta as cuwp as 81,1)00 in investment. It investment, we Will pay you 8400 more than you pay in, at the end of 20 years, We irive you 7 elective conditions vou can ehange^t your will. Front 2. to times face value of your policy' ia paid up insurance without re-examination. Also agent for the General Accident, ol Philadelphia, and theU. S. Acciden t Co. o f N / Y E X C H A N G E B A f f i f CEDARVILLE, OHIO, ACCOUNTS of Merchants and In- * * dividunls solicited. ColWtionr promptly made and remitted. TIRAFTS on iNew York and Cite * 7 einnati sold at Invest rates. The cheapest and most convenient way Ita send money by mail. t OANB made on Real Estate, Pei* ^ eonal fir Collateral Security. William Wildman, Pres., Seth W. Smith, Vice Pres,, W, J, Wildman, Cashier, O, L, Smith Asst, Cashier DR. E. C. OGLESBEE, PHYSCXAN AND SURGEON. Specialty X-Ray and Electro The/** peutici treatment* Also latest Im proved apparatus for treating diseases of the nose, throat and lung3. R. E. CORRY, AUCTIONEER Sells Real Estate and Personal prop erty anywhere. Promptness, attention to details and satisfaction guaranteed. High service. Low prices. Residence Telephone 235 Clifton, O. Call *od secure dates. j t lM l i i i k / j$ o v « ara » P atents 'twtn-iMnoii'oiriwt j TBftnS MftMti..: * OitiHftfrti icrkatt. H A L F F A R E PLUS $ 2 .0 0 Por Round Trip Tickets. VIA Louisville &Nashville Railroad . To Nearly All Points in, Alabam*, Florida, Georgia, Keu* tncky, Mississippi, Virginia North and South Carolina, Tennessee, Tickets on sale May 3rd and 17th Jute? 7th-2lfil, and on first aud tlih« Turiday of each month thereafter un* til Nov. 15th, and good returning 21 day# from date of sale. For Amhrr information, consult your local sgeob Of addfem 0 . li* STONE, G wfa E m k m t GET The'M ow 25.000 Vt N ew G « » e tte 'w iih i NevrBiefflftphl petSSWtr.Ate’ort-' ML- 'A5»_W«*aai*r'. uzi¥jgtat„ z fx i PREE^*-ATeaiia... Uve aad catsirtiiaSo ■■■ jUro'" G, & C. FeBBfefcieaii B p v CAS Fox lafftiiti III Red Yu Ha Bear* tt* Wine © Cure PWy *
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