The Cedarville Herald, Volume 27, Numbers 27-52

£,. V- tF-A- ( t 1 ti b -Xt 1 - t*V , 'V' - 'pi i ■" I f I K \ .r F .iM letH 'v Oi tVWk ■»'*# ,W f>x Any o t a w l i i TW JB»TV-SEVEOT Cedafvllle,s Greatest C loth ing Store has been sold to the , ff " of Chidago, III, and will be sold at retail right in Wingfield's old store, Cedarville, Ohio, in 7 days by the United States Salvage Co. The entire stock’ is now being arranged and remarked.. The building is now; closed until Saturday* Nov. 12th, when the entire stock will be placed on sale positively for 7 days only. WHO A R E W E ? The United. States Salvage Co. are buyers of bankrupt, assignee and all salvage stocks of any kind. W e buy for spot cash and handle stocks of any size. The entire stock has been sold to us and will be placed on sale, beginning Saturday, Nov. 13th, at 9 a, m, for 7 days only. Everybody should avail themselves of this opportunity. If you value money, don’t miss this sale, as we wish to reduce this gigantic stock in. 7 days, be­ fore its removal from Cedarville. The United States Salvage Co. is the largest institution of its kind in tke . world, operating stores all over the United States and also large wholesale and auction salesrooms in Chicago. Extraordinary .bargains will be offered, and this great sale begins Saturday, Novi 12th, Cedarville, Ohio. The opening day will be a gala day. It will pay you to conxe miles and miles to, visit this, great sale. Excursipns on all roads, The opening is Saturday, Nov. 12. at 9 a. m. when the doors of Wingfield’s clothing store will again be opened at Cedarville, Ohio. Sale positively closes in 7 days, r^he .entire stock consists of about $15000 worth of up-to-date clothing, overcoats, winter underwear, gloves, caps and furnishing goods of all kinds. As this sale only lasts 7 days everything will go rapidly. .This is the first sale of this kind that has ever ,occurred in Cedarville and it may never occur again. ? Bear in mind there are rood different articles we cannot mention. Remember, no post­ ponement; this great United States Salvage Co’s, sale opens Saturday, Nov. 12th,..and closes in seven days. REMEMBER :rTh is will be the greatest bargain sale of clothing and furnishing goods ever offered in the state of Ohio: W e will put forth such bargains, that no matter what conditin the weather may be, you must come to get your share of the bargains Crouse Building, Nezt Bank LOOK FOR BLUE SIGN UNITED STATES SALVAGE COMPANY ; . A, JACKSON, Manager. All Fixtures For SALE,. J LOCAL AND PERSONAL - jj 4^Delftino-Ran)8“-*l^b!i)jaa^ Plate opens for Hawthorne' Musical Club Tuesday at 9i30“standard' time at McCollums., Mr. and Mrs. J, Holmes, of Colum * TALlTOVlR the house . OUy« Oil Valuable as a Pood and a* a Medicine, A tablespoopful of -olive oil a LEGAL NOTICE. .j : . . To Provent jMightmare.' j' Nightmare is generally caused by D. ,S. .Collins and L. B. Collins, lying on the back while asleep and who reside in .Wilbarger pouuty, -^ pressure of the viscera on two is, will toko notices lmwhlnnd vessels sifmried near thn State of Texa , . , large blood vessels situated near the spine and running "parallel there™ PUBLIC SALES Geo. JL), Haines, Nov, 15. TVW. {Spencer Nov; 22.. ' Mr.R. Bird, and family.are spend­ ing the day in Dayton. Mrs, McGiveh will remove next week into the Mitchell property. The Hawthorne Musical Club, Opera House, Nov. 18. Flat opens Tuesday, at McCollum's. Mr. Fred McMillan of Dee Moines,' Iowa, was the guest last week of his parents, Mr. and Mr, JamesMcMillan Saturday. Messrs H. M. Stormont and Oscar Satterfield have had theirmail wagons repainted so that they .'resemble new outfits. J. N» Wolford did the work, Mr. Thomas ; Artbnr has-sold, his farm eaatof Cedarville, for 185 an acre to J.JB. Stover. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson, of Chicago are in Cedarville.this week m them- lerest of the Klleocoe clothing StoreJJ Nothing but praise has been given the Hawthorne Musical Club, The program is varied, ranging from the finest classical music to bright and breezy comedy. and Miss NaUcyHolmes ofXenia an Mrs Holmes is the guest of relatives at Cadiz O, , f \ ’ ’ i , Waller Fields and sister Lilljfe at- teuded the Hutchiuson-JPattersou wedding Tuesday evening. . Mrs. NellieXandis of Dayton, has Serve it frequently in salad dress­ ings, where it will be .both appetizer andmedicine. • Nor severe internal disorders or emaciated and run down, condition of the body rub the patient every morning for twenty minutes with the oil, then with a bath towel; At perty for $625, Mrs. Landis, expects to move here next! week white Mr. Swartz will move south. A. Bradford made the sale. The case of the state of Ohio vs. Miss Buell* Bobinson was dismissed by Squire Wolford, in whose court it was'tried, Friday morning, for want of convicting evidence. The defendant was accused o f the theft of some money from the home of Sam’l Coop­ er, at whose place she'worked, Squire Bradford was the lawyer for the de* fetice, . and in two months you will see, great improvement. Mixed with quinine, then rubbed on the chest and back, it prevents cold. Mixed- with camphor, then, applied to the throat, j t cures sore­ ness. Mixed with kerosene and tur­ pentine, then used on the throat and chest, it relieves the most obstinate cough. You lack faithin anuntried remedy? YouWill HaveFaith nr Give nature three helps* and nearly e v e r y e a s t ti'fhon sumption will recover* ............................. .........Fresh air, most important o f .all. C h e r r y P e c t o r a l Nourishing food cornea next* Then* * medicine to control the cough and heal the lunge. A»k any good doctor. *ntgtf J M«t tmiM*mm* <rf taftcae. AMfMfrw. ttAKt1.1*10HMrhrttmOMff, hi* LightningLaxafiva QuinineTablets after on* trial.. Sold with an ah* Soluteguaranteeto cure or druggist Willrefundyourmoney. Will cure c o l d s , l a g r i p p e , NEURALGIA, COUGHS, J ‘ MALARIA, HEADACHE, Are perfectly harmleiW—n e v e r gripe net sicken—never cause dis* {jtess—no badbffect upon the heart —•never injure the most.delicate stomach, ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTE. Ask forwnd insist oh getting IPM eMM lW E $& cw t& Q W IN i fE T A B L E T S * j( AT tttyUOCjMtofta - ’ , tttfiftHMlkt THE HERB MEDICINE CO., syRiNoneLri, onto* Cmhraua LIGHTNING HOT DROP#, Hungarian Goulash,. Cut two pounds of flank steak ,into small cubes and arrange on: the bottom of a' flat bottomed kettle, Season With salt and pepper and cover with a layer of sliced onio and so on, until the dish is as full as desired. Add sufficient gold wa­ ter to just show above the meat, ‘.then put the kettle oyer, the Are [and let it come to a boil. Have in readiness canned or fresh tomatoes/ allowing- a pint to each quart of meat and potatoes. Four these into the kettle, but do not stir. Now push the kettle back on the. stove and simmer gently two hotirs or longer if necessary to make the meat perfectly tender. Peel small potatoes of Uniform size and put into the kettle, pushing the meat to'one side to make room for them, Oook fifteen minutes longer and serve. together with M, W. Coll , County of Greene,, wore indebted. to tho said George 3). Haines upon a promigory-note for $140.00 together with interest on the same. Thatii. B. CollinB was seized in fee simple of the following described real estate situated in the County of Greene, State of Ohio and in the Township of Cedarville, and bound ed and described as follows: Being part of survey’ No. 2963' on the Waters of Masses Creek, begin­ ning ih the center of the Columbus and; Xenia turnpike and running thence with the east line of the lands Qf Elite Barber N. 36deg. W. 96.2 S jles to astake. Thence «■ 55J£deg. . 6.20poles. Thence with the west line of Heiiry Barber 8, 8Bdeg„ E. 79.78poles to the South hank of Mas- sles Creek. Thence down the same S . 80 tfdeg. W -80 -poles. Thence S. deg. E. 39.2 poles to tho center of the Columbus and Xenia-turnpike. Thence 8. 75 1->2 deg. W. 48.9 poles to the beginning, containing 37,04 acres, more or less. lHKBHti|’gy'ffl-1 fasten the towel around the waist in such a manner as to have the knot over the spine.- When, tho slCeper happens to turn on her back the hard knot will feel so uncom­ fortable that she will be compelled to Toll over on either side. That thoExchange Bank of Cedar­ ville ahd It, S. Anderson have same , . W*«k inti Stsro ISyea. Weak and sore eyes are not in­ frequent with young children, and it will bo found a good plan to pour some tea which is all but cold into * saucer kept for this purpose and use this to bathe the eyes with. I f both eyes are bad one should be fin­ ished and dabbed dry before the other is touched, and for the Becond one another rag should be used, the tea thrown away and a fresh supply taken. The rag should be thrown on the fire directly it is done with. interest or claim In said real estate. The prayer of said Petition la for judgment: against saiddefendants for the sum of $140.00with interest front the 6th day of Avgust, 1904, aud that an order of Attachment Issued abf taching the above described real estate and that the Exchange Bank of Cedarville and K. S. Anderson be required to set up this claim against said real estate. The parties first above mentioned alee notice that they have been will t made parlies defendant to said peti­ tion and that they are required to answer the same on or before the 19th day of December, A, D. 1904. George I), Haines,- by Frank H, Bean, Attorney, Grape Wine, Stem* ripe grapes and crush the juice from them.. After crushing them strain through a bag, pressing them hard, To each quart of tho juice add & half -pound of sugar and turn into a jar to ferment. Cover the top with cheesecloth. Bet away until fermentation ceases and the wine is dear and still. Then pour off carefully and bottle. druggists rotund the mouey il it to cure, E. W, Grove’s signature is on each box. 25c, tf. -—Sunlight, !pggD-See, MaltaVita,- Mothers’ Crisps and ShreddedBiscuits at Cooper’s, CASTOR IA For-Infanta and Children. F l a t I f o d f l a t s SOliIilVAH, The Hatter, 27 South'. Limestone Street, Springfield, . Ohio/ ffiaKindYouHaveAlways Bought U Bear? tba Blgnatur*. of ./* Wr-jtk .** *%. THE , 4 , Par tbv kltohcn FlWr. , In furnishing a house it is no ex­ travagance. to cover tho kitchen fiopr with" the best quality of lino­ leum, costing about a dollar and a quarter tho square yard. There is practically no wear out to this floor covering, it is easily cleahed and of­ fers no harbor for dust or insects.! Linoleum is made of cork, ground iri. oil and subjected to great pres­ sure. Very good qualities are now Wade in this country, and tho Amer­ ican designs are often very artistic. The patterns are not; merely print­ ed on the outside, as in the case of oilcloths, but go clear through the fabric, Thus they entluto until the linoleum k worn through, . .'he Central Ohio Teachers Associa­ tion is in session at Dayton today and many of our teachers are in attend­ ance. Prof, Alexander and Miss Merle McFarland are having school as usual, Tfl Toughen Lamp Chinirteys. To prevent lamp.chimneys from cracking wrap each chimney loosely but entirely in a cloth, place them together in a kettle and cover with cold waten Bring the water to a boil. Continue the heat ten or fif­ teen minutes and then cool off. -By , G R E A T :( E A 'M I L Y KMDICIWEv jthis tempering they are toughened against all ordinnry’lamp heat. k?*plnfl Froth, The housekeeper on tho farm will find it economy to buy a large piece of cheese at a time, brushing it over With a .thin film of fresh but­ ter to keep the cut parts soft and fresh, then wrapping it in oiled pa­ per. ' , Ftu* H**rtbui*n. Some people are. never troubled with heartburn, hut if a piece of Orangepoel is dried and eaten it cures it di iraclly, . vmw . Thedford’s Black-Draught comes Inearer regulatingtho entire system [ andkeeping thobody inhealththan 1any other medicine made. It is always ready in any emergency to! . troat ailments that are frequent ia j ! a?y family, such as indigestion, J biliousness, colds, diarrhea*, and stomach aches. Thodtord'a Bfaek-Draught is the standard, never-failing remedy for stomach, boWt-1,' liver and, kidney troubles. It is aeuro for thodomes­ tic ilb whidt so frequently summon, thedoctor. It isasgoodforchildren asifcis for grownpersons. Adbsoof | Ithis medicine every day will toon Icurethomost obstinate caseof dys­ pepsia or constipation, and when takena*directedbringsquickrelief. NewWay of Using Chambcrllan's Cough Remedy. Mr, Arthur Chapman writing from Durban, Natal, South Africa, says: **As a proof that Chamberlain’s Cough Bemedy ia a cure suitable for old and young. I pen you the following: A neighbor of mine had a child just over two months old. It had a very bad cough and the parents did not know what to give it I suggested that if they would get a bottle of Chamber ban’s Cough Remedy and dut tome upon the dummy teat the baby was sucking it would no doubt cure the child. This they did and brought obout a quick relief and cured the baby.” This remedy is for sale by Isaac Wls- terman. NEW TIME CARD. The following is the schedule for the departure of trains: For Fast 7:42 a. m, flag stopj 4:47 p. m, For West 8:13 a, in, flag stop; 6 24 p. m< ! ;CftVMtrt, snfl Tr*d*»Mnrk* 6bfai6«d *ni *HPM- ,(mtbrt9lne*sctvn(lnctedforMooi«AVePcs*. 5 ;Oo* o fm e i* c m s i r * U .s. H atcn t O Fm e'i I«h 0 WfiMnStruftt patent in kUSlime ttno ln o » * ihfiniite WMfiinfctap. 1 Sendmodel,dfowla#ornlioto,,withduedp ititfn. Wd*dvls«,If patentableor not, free of tTWrse. Ourfeeriotcnetillpatentlaaeeufed, :* Obtain Patent*,” wllh ,ro*t of eame ih the l?.S, and foteish eoontriee isentfree. Address C .A .SN OW & CO . ! .ow»,Or?ret,wstutirefsH.b.0.,.,Iteo,?#,1*», Thedford’s Bi.wk.Dra'nslrt tine been our 1 ffttnlly tie, t-'r far Are ye«r* and weirant no other. When «my of ns feel badijnre { take i, rttwo nod are nil rtsftt in. »■ #*!▼ * bours, Wnhav^epcnt im* ot money for wt«vjitMk-braetiiit, jiiAII. BADXa. , 4*le ;fo\w dealer for * package o f ! , tfhSdfOrd'e Bleck-Dratighi and if be j Idoes hot ko-nit eends.'te.toITheObatla- ! noogaMctUrlneOn.,Cbattanooga,Tetui.J |and a pr.skage wUl be mailed to yots. i finery housekeepershould know that If they will buy Defiance Cold Water Starch for laundry use they will save hot only lime, bemuasit never sticks to the Iron,but becausaoacb package Contain 16 or.-onc full pound—while all other Cold White? Starches are put up in % pound packages- anil the price is the same, 10 Cents. Then, asr«in becauseDefiance fetareh is free from . injurious chemicals, Ifyour grocer fries to J sell you a i2o*, piickege it is becausehe hss * Stock ort hand which he Wishes to dispose oi before he tputa in Defiance. He knorri, {ihfttDafianca IHareh has printed oil every1 j piekafte in large latter*and fiknres “ lb ors,” iDamard Defiance and a*' amuch timeand j money and tho annoyance of the Jton slick- Jug. DeBanoe never srieke. rs BuMcriW- fpr the Herald. Men’# Bhlrta, 60 c to ILfiO—new, |snappy and up to the minute. Bee *to* and got wito* BradyABieinfelstV>, 0 r i w Mk' 4 j • ; thu ■ e fiWfi.-W* vi. Jr *f -J,*“. J,'■ hi Vw. Council met in regulars I divaveuiug all meoib^rs ! iput except Gillawgb. Tbf of the eveningwas iaken pillar routine work. Bv resolution 887.811 H-austered front tbe conttuj the light fund, .gills to tbe $204.86 were allowed. Tfif ef/pts amounting to 86.50 placed iu Hw interest t laad. departs from the dilfere tees were read all being ac Ihat of the street commissi Cross. , . Thomas Walker, chairn ^trefc(, committee, reported jiad been don* on the etree tiersand that some work done by Mr. Gross with dereds The ditch alon dence of Mr, J, B. Winlf ordered neither was the gr hi!!, at the rear of the R. •or the rock in front oflierl tings stove,. Mr, Walker the street' commissioner work to his orders and a, Andrew; ’seconded by W tops* was ordered diseharg 5, A number of ladies-from T. tf, were a'reseht asking qii give some aid towards a br.try-' Mrs -J. Hale Co first,in behalf of the proje theneed, o f a reading roo young people/ ‘ She then Mrs. Tucker, librarian of t Springs library who ihstru J cil as to bow to proceed ip i and how tUe^work was cat: I'bertowii/ Only one pii levied under the law. Yd levies three-quarters of a i brings them about three hu lars yearly; As no levy could be m present time--to bring about ' fe'r'a year member Oaldwe yoirtted to confer with the gee just- what they want rtsucb money will be requ proposed t« take the ’ pres outfit to a suitable room ,a under ; the care of a* lib governing body will have t iponded under .the- laws /ol before public money cau bt was also stated that tbe re kould contain all of (he tote»--ftU(b-rl>eritb>Oals--ant' .Open to, all, ..The. book half of the fire company that tbe giv rubber coats and hip -boot ’ The members of coumcl the condition of the se ...CENTRA A ! O P (WillPi H ighe j a t lo w e r J a n u a ry Car fa) and pvei Don’t