The Cedarville Herald, Volume 27, Numbers 27-52

Tj A m n with on aim will aosper or Jafor bo ft c a n ■KltSa a uq,tss. The Ibur sweetest word# to Ibe Eo; lirii language; ‘'E w fe c d please find f e c i '/ " . •' The Standard Oil Company will grease the path o f tbs Denwrafm party to defeat. No one needs education eo much as the man- who thinks he knows it all The chief purpose of education is to teach us onr shortcomings. W, It, Hearst, the defeated norm nee at the 8tl Louis, show, has issued ad ultimatum to Judge Parker, that he must cut loose' from Bellmont e t al„ or defeat this fall would he oe tain, “ Willie” will not-be consulfec cm such (Questions, The harmony is apparent already with the party leaders. , ■ '1.4' ' —20 registered Delaine ewes.- Dobhins. —Model F lour makes good bread • —-Model is conceded to be the best Flour on the market, ’ —The Greene County Fair, Aug* ' usl 3S4 5. —I f the best is none top good for you insist on your grocer! furnishing you Model Flour, t * W asted —Two heavy built draft horses, ‘ D, S. Ervin Co. If takes no more seed and labor to grow 30 bushels of wheat per acre than i t does 10; so’ it costs less per bushel to ■ grow 30 bushel per aere than 10, U SE ARMOUR’S FERTILIZERS. .Kerr & Hasting? Bros., Agents. The United "States has informed Russia that she will be glad to join Great Britain in the protection of the seals a t Kommander islands. This act doubtless will make the best impres­ sions. I t is understood that Russia will communicate her answer in a few days. . lu its origin Yellow Springs was called ForreBtville to 1804, from the latter date to 1822 it was c.illed Yellow Springs. From 1822 to 1827- i t was called Ludlow. I t derives its p resen t;name front the yellow spriug a t the Keif Park, which flows a t the rate ot 108 gallons, per minute. Lewis "Davis was the first settler. m ht spring. H e always claimed that he knew where there was a barrel ofgold hidden near his abode. He died with the secret and never revealed it. Many have searched _for the hidden treasure bu t never found it. We like best to call SCOTT’S EMULSION a food because ft stands so- em­ phatically fo r perfect nutrition. And yet in the matter of restor­ ing appetite, of giving new strength to the tissues, especially -to the nerves, its action is that o f a medicine. r . Sendfor frtt sample,' SCOTT&BOWNK, Chemist*,_ ♦*H»ST mi -1 Street, NewVortC, SoCasd#».<*>; all dnjggkt*, Ladies Only. It l a Women Who Need Most R e l ie f F rom l i t t l e I r r i ­ tating F a in s and A c h e s . Anll-t’sht £111# s*j*i fcf jLOCAL AND PERSONAL Mr. sad Mrs, I. ( \ Dayis were in U lndnsati, Monday, Miss Ada Stormont left Monday for the World’s Fair, Mr. Ejtaue! McCollum waaa- busi­ ness visitor la Glnclmwti several days ibis week. Mis? Mary Crain of Jamestown has, been the guest of bliss Zola M<t folium this week, Mr, Paul Tindall, o f the Exchange Bank, left Tuesday evening for a visit a t the World’s Fair, —A good young fresh cow for sale. Polled Jersey, H . 'N. Coe, Bell phone 358 Clifton exchange. " 4t. Charles Gftlbreatb, of Dayton, spent Saturday with his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Galbreath. Tiie Misee* Marie and Mabel Ervin, o f Pittsburg, are visiting rela­ tives here, Mrs, John Rosa and son Cameron returned Saturday after a weeks visit in Dayton. Miss Zetla Teach, of Xenia has been the guest o f Mr. and Mrs. Wi Conley this week —Your money back if you are not pleased with Model Flour. Mr, George-Siegler has returnee from Chicago where he has been tak­ ing a special course in music. ” Mrs. I. C. Davis is the guest of Mrs. John Adams at Jamestown, who will entertain in her honor Friday The Junior Mission Band o f the U P.|cburoh held a picnic on the parson age lawn Thursday afternoon., Mrs, Frank Weimer and two children of Pemberville, Q,,. are visit­ ing. Mr. C. C. Weimei* and family —-If once you try you will always buy Model Flour, its the best.. The Y. P . O. U . of Clifton wi hold a lawn .fete at the U. P . church ■in that town Tuesday evening, Ju ly 26tb. - Ice cream and Bherbefc will be server Saturday afternoon and evening in the Stewart room'by the ladies o f the M E. church, —See grain drills a t W. R. Sterret’s Mr. F , L , Alexander is in Uincin nati^this week on business. Mrs. Alexander and children are visiting relatives in Sidney. This is Elk week a t Cincinnati ant that city is out-doing itself in enter­ taining the visitors, A number Cedarville Elks are in attendance, Mr. and Mrs, J . H , Wolford at- tendedjthe4unem l-«f~an—uocler-AIr, William Stafford, in Springfield George Royd olfeis h h restaurant ^ and itrrry atablo fur ealo J» tk h issue of the Herald. Mr. Boyd contem­ plate^ moving away from Ocdarville. In om la s t’lssuu we stated that the W, L , Cicmans Insurance Agency had 81000 insurance cn the Rosa Louse and contents that were destroyed by £ n r fast Wednesday. Mr, Glemsas only- had $100 on . the house, and ®Mblng to th e contents* CEDARVILE COLEGE] Cedarville, Ohio. I of fsmtf. twt H M D m b o t)t, janes' ■Women Woman's Odteate nervous organism tthglcs to the least Jarring- Influence, and noma aclio, or pain is the rot lit. Tim remedy la a t hand— ■ tie. Juilc-s' -Anti-l’alis Villa. 'they,net roost marvellously bn wom­ an's r.r.,rvcm organism, and relieve and cars the pains to whlcti she la a martyr. ilca&icfacs, neuralglao pains, monthly Sfitlna, kinds ot pains disappear, &S it ft H'inlib hand had lightly soothed tl.ein Away. DSzssSnSsS, Kush of Blood to tho head, Toothal-he, Backache are all cared by these “Uttle Comforters." Cured without danger of dlsagre-atde aftericSfects; cured quickly; ourM with­ out unnatural action on liver, stomach, or other internal organs, itr, Miles' Antl.J'aln Kills please tha women, and toe tnifortn take them ha­ ems:? they are easy to tek* and #ootlia All tte lf hufferlap* hu.r.fuit. on thceo ttrrlt la snelis, I trlrti j w p V tem n im wiuwuf m m umii J tried l>r, Miles’ jinri.Kam lmm, and V When I feel snttp- t-.-us ofah-se h<tidarhal take a pin *M w-ik.t elf the fiim.k. I am tired *’rt nrrvwta, « pur soothes * ho*, 1£ybIpljJ^iit/' lor the Greeue County Oil and-Gaa Co. has arrival and is being taken to the Clemans land where the first well ,will be sunk ARMOUR’S ANIMAL FERT I­ LIZERS—None „ better. Increace your crops and preserve your soil by their use. For sale by Kerr A Hasfc- ingsBros, . 6 - Mr. Elkany Finney arrived home from West Jefferson Thursday morn mg for a short visit before he goetr out with the Andrew cattle nex t month, James Gray returned from the St, Louis fair Tuesday morning and re ports a great show and plepty o f people; Rev. Waiter Condon returns to Waterford, Wis., today, after, visit with his mother and sister. Rev, Condon will remain in Wisconsin until fall when lie goea to Princeton University. Ask Kerr & Hastings Bros, about ARMOUR’S ANIMAL FERT IL I­ ZERS, Satisfy yourself as to this. Bay and use them i f you want big crops, Sold .by Kerr & Hastings Bros. Several from here attended the dance at' the Neff Grounds, Tuesday evening in honor of Dr. Elmer Elder, of Pueblo, Col., who is ciroulating among former friends and acquaint­ ances. ■ Mrs. ,7m , Ervin ami daughter, of Xenia, .*nd Miss Creswell, of Cedar­ ville, have been visiting the families of Roy Sferrett and Win, Torrence,— South Charleston Sentinel. StAVH or Onto, C ity or tot.r.ixs , ; > JUK’asflotmtsr I m 3011, WnlYstaw»7'i£ V n rr saM In I tiik. TBIIT8M Wr-fta to ns^fo# -rn z W S Z f VX+Htp M jSf. Mil* f Ala WM#, tun Naw lirtentWo '.Mat' .wpaeraHst will y m t cats, tkt FaaBEj.C'nwBY makes oath that ho is so.iiur jiartner of the firm of F, j, Cnyaav A I K doing huslrtrss in {he city of ’Toledo, county, and state aforesaid,' and that said firm will pay the atifti of HUNDKEH for c.irh eytry a m of Catarrh t'mti.inimt K cured by Urn use of IG m .' s CAVAnairCiraa, PUANK 3, CJiEJffiY. Faorn to ln'forome urd subsrtibcdt in my prostnee* thlafilhdny of December, A. I)- MiSU. The feliawiag invitatiomj were is- eyed Monday; “Mm, Belle Gray re­ quests the honor o f your presence at the marriage, of her daughter, Daisy Eitna, to Mr. Andrew' DoakEudsley, Wednesday, Ju ly 27, 1004, a t 7:30 p. m., Cedarville, Ohio, - Rev. A. B, Henry, ot Philadelphia, who was recently called as pastor of the Reformed Presbyterian church has notified that congregation that he will accept the call that was unamamous for him. lie will fill the pulpit the first Sabbath in August. ’ A meeting of the school board was held Monday evening a t which time the contract wasle- fo Kerr and Hast­ ing Bros. for a car o f the best Poca­ hontas coal. . Bids were received from a number of dealers, the above firm being the lowest A special race program has been arranged for Saturday, August 20, by the Clark County Agricultural Society, .I t will consist of running races only, and will be au attraction that will draw an immense crowd. The list of the races for the week can be found elsewhere in this issue, The sermon delivered by Rev. John Wilson a t t b e ’M. E , church, last Sabbath, wnS- listened to by a large and appreciative'audience. The sermon is highly spoken o f by those who heard it. The foreclosure su it on ft. chattel mortgage of Nellie Clark va. John Pierson in Squire Wolford’s court, Wednesday resulted in a verdict for the plaintiff. The ju ry allowed th e plaintiff $105. By agreement only four jurynien were used, they being J , W. Politick, ; j . D. Williamson, Reed Owuis, and George Randall.. “ Prof. Thurston, wife, and daughter, Grace, and" Mrs. Thurston's mother, Mrs, Joseph Finney, of Los Angles, are the guest'of Mr. JohnF inney and family. . They are here to attend the Finney annual reunion and picnic that is being held today at .the home of Mrs. Sarah Miller. There, will be s/peech making and a general good time for the Finney picnic iB one of the largest in the county. ' The present week has brnn an ex­ ceptional busy one tor the farmer, the harvesting of. the wheat arid hay crops coming*so close together. Help •fans’heun~verj r'~Bcaree'~trui'i~'tlTC~daily Efovosth year ^pens rieptoraber 13, lyOL f o a m s in elssrics-Pidlosophy, Music. A rt, and Elocution. -Degrees ■offered ftre -A. B . and P B . Laboratory work in Physics and Chemistry, Literacy Societies, Gym- > nasiuui, and Library, Preparatory! and Collegiate departments. Text - 1 books new or second hand for rent, Tuition and contingent fee only 128.50 ayear. Graduates are prepared for the various professions and callings of life. Where only one in tea-thousand, who is KOI1 a collage graduate, attains prominence, ope in every forty of the college graduates becomes distin­ guished. Send for a catalogue. DAvin M c K inney , President. RACE PROGRAM Olark Co. A g ricu itara i S o c ie ty , SPRINGFIELD, OHIO, Auywt 16,17,18,19 and 20, FXM,, P rV r<oea cw EXGHfiJiGE B U I CEDARVILLE , OHIO, A CCOUNI8 of Merchants and In- **• dividuals solicited. Collootionr promptly made and remitted. TJRAFTB on New Yu*k add Cin- ^ cinnati sold a t lowe»t rates. The cheapest and most convenient way send money by mail. t o QANS made on Real Estate, Pei- * sonal or Collateral Security. William Wildman, Pres., Seth W. Smith,. Vice P i ' cb ., • W. J Wildman, Cashier, O. L. Smith Asst, Cnshipr Excursion Fares to Put-in-Bay. Ju ly 2ath, 26th, and 27th, excur­ sion tickets to Put-in-Bny, account Sixth Annual Outing Knights - of Golumbns, will he sold from «IJ ticket stations on the Pennsylvania lines. For information regarding fares, time of trains, etc., apply to local ticket agent of thoseilues. $1.00—to Columbus—$1.00 via Pennsylvania Lines. ' • Next Sunday, Ju ly 24th, from Cedarville. Special train leaves a t 8:55 a. m,, central time. W anteji - Lady canvassers :to sol­ icit orders tor the Reher lmee. Liber- eral commission. Address Reher Knitting Mills, Pottsville, Pa; 28d ■ ' - T n ^ A A Y , AtoiTVi' K 2.goTrattstelcccfaucil) .. .• ,< i IV-Ce ......................- • .WEIiSK^PAT, AV€*i~$t 17. 2;^T»l1awifi’fc-*'3‘;....... ................. . Free-for-all Paw* ..................... ’IW t® S;!»Trtsttela;-,-3.............. ,. ■ ■SU0 TiiriJMJAV, A ftr i’-ST }H Tucetatokech'scitJ ,. ». ,. ••, ,.$<W0 00 ,2-40Trottrissai ......... . .. . » » 0 0 2;23'Trot(cbast. ................................ F juj , a y (| A r o r * T irv §:1?EFare4d{iss}.. . . . . . . . . . ^50*1 00 2:lGLrrotu-Ia«si......................... . . ..'GOtf.oU 2:391'aeo (class,................................. 309 90 [Entries Vlo: a Aug. 11 at 11:30 p, m-] . SATURDAY..Al’lGUST 20. ?TWifor>asb...................... 75 to ................... To'i-0 1 Milo Desk - ......................... 130'D ?i Mile Dash..................................... 75 00 ;«■M ile I to h ... .............. i .............. 3S3 «0 7<o EN7HAM-I-: ran SOU WkStES. b u n ; h a iy oe s h in e . H. L. BROCKflELD, Pres, S. VANBIRD, Soc’y. —Jlake your arrangements now for the Greene County Fair. Subscribe for the Herald. LEGAL NOTICE. George H. Crawford, whose residence is unknown, will take notice that on the 3Cth day of June, ‘A. D. lOO-UEobert JXCrawford filed his petition in the Common Pleas Court of Greene County, Ohio, in case No 11,257 against the above named George IT, Crawford and others, praying for partition of the following premises; towit: Situate in the. County .of Greene, in the State of Ohio, and in the Township of Cedarville, towit; Situate and being on the 'waters 'of Massles Creek, being partof Military Survey No. 4371. and bounded as follows: towit: Beginning'At a atone corner to David Jackson and running thence with his lino N 23*.;A \Y 58,5 poles to a stone in said line corner to John Jamison’s heirs; thc-nee H 93°, TV99 poles fo a stake and white oak in James Bull’s line; thence S S3°, E^llo ;x>Iesto the beginning, containing eighteen acres more or less, being the. said premises conveyed to Jane l ’aris and Hannah Paris by Daniel Murphy and wife by deed dated November 1,3330 and recorded, in YoL at page 30Vband P.Ccordsof Greene County, Ohio; and for the assignment of the dower of Alexander Crawford in the undivided one-half of the above described'premises. Said George H. Crawford is required to answer on or before; the KHh day of Septem ber, 1904 or judgment may bo taken against him. T. h. Magrudc-r, Eobertl). Crawford, Attorney, • Plaintiff, 30d. KILBY FARRAR Veterinarian, Jamestown, Ohio, Office a t Rees Bros. Livery Stable. Treats all diseases and injuries of do mestic animals carefully and seienti- cally. Graduate of Chicago Vetinary College, ’ , pofte on the ’whea t o a H r u pw"britt|^tfarariicfl w there will be au average crop. Should rain hold ofl another week the farmers will.make uway with the wheat and bay. Mrs, 3. Robb Harper arrived Tues­ day evening from Loudenville, where she has been visiting her father, Rev. Anderson, While here Prof, and and Mrs. Harper will be the gtiest of numerous friends and relatives. Prof. Harper will fill the same position in the Superior, Wie., schools the com­ ing year as be did in the last. Mrs, Oscar Smith received Tuesday afternoon in honor of Mrs. Elwyn Ballard, of Birmingham, Ala., a t the home of Mr*. D . fi. Ervin from three to five. There were about fifty ladies present to enjoy the hospitality of the hostess. Dainty refreshments were served. The decorations were nastur­ tiums and sweet pease. Among the out o f town guest were Miss Mary Bratton and Mrs. It, G, George, o f Chicago? Mrs. Nettie Erv in-of Xenia? Misses Ora Carpenter, Edith Smith and Floy McDorm^n, of Seims, CARN IVAL SOUTH CHARLESTON W August 4 , 1904 I 9 ’A M THE BIG flONEYMAKER FOR HOG RAISERS r DON’T B E B L IN D Is D r , J o s , H a a s* H o g R e m e d y which for more than 27 years has stood the severest tests and in all cases can be depended upon, Dose® are small but effective and, results considered, is the . cheapest, safest and .surest preparation on the market for hogs, it t 4 4 4 m # # # i ? # Desirable For Summer. !GLOYES ffiik drab, Uato and Mack, finger^ diopble tippgddfit lj|;e MdAOe C O R S E T S ' Alas-ka. Snowflake, Polar, only 50c- Royal Worcester, Loomis, Ferris, 81.00. Invisible Imeing §1.00 and #1.00. Ribbons, belts, hosiery, collar, lace berthas, fans. . ■ Cotter* goods, are very stiff, while om*stock lasts. ritcrsuckera 10e, gingham 74c down to ye. Sheeting ' in Remnants 25c, worth.SOc. Pillowcases 12£e to 20c, Table cloths, fine stock, SQc to 82.00, napkins to match,' W a s h D r e s s F a b r i c s . One case to sell, 8?;C, worth 12£e. White Voiles, Madras, Oxford, Cbiffbnetts, Persian, Silk Persian, greatest variety. Wash suits 82,00 up, ^Wrappers $1.00, undeiwear. goods lCc up, Ijawn, Linens, C a r p e t s , R u g s , W i n d o w S h a d e s , L a c e C u r t a i n s . HBTGHISON & GIBJJEY’S XEN IA , OHIO. If you are not using M O D E L Perhaps some other kind will seem good enough for you. Once you try MODEL you’ll never take: chances on any other brand. * ' Mto. Geo. Hock, .Jeffersonville, O., says: “ A neighbor fold me about'MODEL FLOUR and I began using it, and now I would not give it for all the flours on the market. TELL YOUR GROCER YOU WANT _____ / M O D E L F L O U R Your -Money Back if not satisfactory. IN GOLD To be distributed in twelve premiums of $ 25 , $ 20 , $ 1 5 , $ IO , $ IO , $ IO , $ IO , $ 5 ? $ 5 > $ 5 ; $ 5 $ 5 j Monday, J a n u a ry 2 d, ’05 Patronize my meat market and receive a ticket with each 25c cash | . purchase.. Each ticket will give you one chance id the drawing. J . O , W B I M E J R Fresh and Salt Meats, Fish, Oysters, Etc. your biliousness. for 60 years. Want your moustache or beard D l fR i f lN f iHAM ’ ^ DVF abeautifolbrownorrichblack?Use "UU lU i iU l lH l l l u Ul l i tint cm. or ramim aaa. a.uu.a oo«iMtssaf-a. G E O R G E H. SM IT H , Cedarville, Ohio, Agent for United States Life Insurance Co. Which writes Bankers* Insurance and whose contracts are as plain as notes. I f you want protection, take Ordinary Life or Twenty Payment life, with Endowment Settlements. You can carry $2,000 or better, almost as cheap aa 81,000 in investment.. If investment, we will pay you $400 moire than you pa}' iu, a t the end oj 20 years, "We uive you 7 elective conditions yon can change at your will. From 2 to times face value o f your policy in paid up insurance without re-examination. Also agent for the G e n e r a l A c c i d e n t , o f P h i l a d e l p h i a , a n d t h e U . S * A c c i d e n t C o * o f N . Y R. E* CORRY, To your own interest; to that interest which promises health and good eyesight, by wearing cheap glasses, unsuited to the d<feels of your eyes, when you can get the best, and a thorough examination a t ii reason­ able price. KYLE & TATE XENIA, - * » * OHIO, All. Hogs That Die When this Ifomcdy is fed as a preventive. Full piwtloulais regarding this Insurartf e Proposition in DC. Ilaas’ book "HORology," a mosT valuable book for every Jioff nils it, and a free copy' of which may he bad at our store for the asking. Tins Insurance Prop* ositlen is the strongest bona-fide guarantee .ever given a remedy andeoui:lost¥d.VpWfeS •thegreat faith Dr. Haas bos in Siis lieiaedy. T H O U S A N D S O F T E S S JM O N IA L S From the leading breeders and feeders throughout the hog raising world, and a fair trial of the Remedy will convince any one that they cannot afford to attempt to raise hogs without it. H *Krt prtttttttK a»a mmt of 4 great worm Destrier axtf m0 cure, mti Red, m$ digestion, w\- fie$tf)et)!ood,Ua$ten$tnMt^ and pm tor iteeif many timesooerDythe extra fie$b nrodneedwithout extra feed. ffcSAh} A. tV,«f,BA 8 o ,\\ ^ ' . Notary Public IfalPa i jfar/h cure f* taken internally, and actsdiw tly on fho fah^i and mmrnts snrfstrs of the system,, Heml for teatimonte ath itt-a DR. E. C. OGLESBEE, See. that dealer’s name ami signature o f Dr, Jos. Haas is on each package or can label. None genuine without them. PHYSOtAN AND SURGEON Specialty X-Itoy and Electro Thera­ peutic treatment. Also latest im­ proved apparatus for treafingdleeases of flu* nose, throat and lungs- , 25 lb, can$ 12 , 5 f, halfcan*$ 6 . 50 , $ 2 , 50 , 1,25 and 50 cents per package, FOR SALE BY &l.R. Sierren, ftflaiDilk, 0. AiTUALL FOR O IRC lULAm AUCTIONEER -Sella Real Estate and Personal prop erfy anywhere. Promptness, attention to'details and satisfaction guaranteed, High service. Law prices. Residence Telephone 235 Clifton, O. Call and fecure H A L F F A R E p l u s $ 2 0 0 Ppr Round Trip Tickets. V IA Louisville &Nashville Railroad To Nearly All Points in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Ken tueky, Mississippi, Virginia North and South Carolina, Tennessee, Ticket.’on male May 3rd and 17th A Careful Buyer, • lie M jO M f f iM l Tie Best IsWhatM L Meats are deceptive. Unless yon arc a good judge, you can never tell What you lire getting until you hive It served and partially eaten. We know meats. We select stock with * view to having the best meats. We know bow to select stock and there­ fore have meats you may depend upon—1meats that will please you. Jiino 7tli-‘21st, and op first and third Tuesday of each month fhereafto? un til Nov. 15th, and good returning 21 from date of ‘sale. For further dftva. G. H GROUSE. GOODS DELIVERED Telephone No, 74. fh y Fresh Fish A1wavs on Hand. information, cousult your local agent, or address Xh h . 8TONE, P a ^3, kY* Hheep are nowsdiefired 1y eb-,Cirh i.y* D. S. STEWART Vetinary Surgeon Urn loeaterl in Jamestown Dhifi* W e a n ARE C’ worn, - . you'll t Saturdu, who ai SALE, O’ t- H i f b e h a c . 1 O u r p r : e . j D r y G ; . , q u a l i t y Kid, or the $2.50 t e , 1. $3.98 Shoe for r r . ard makes sizes in b e .. 1 l C m» worth 19c . * «> L We Don't Ci that were $2.1 98c & Injgf I 5 r yoto, u. . , ^ Granite 1 ufor selling p»] i - 4 5 c g * ^ur regular sd J S ord, 1*«e; they arc yards. _ The Abov