The Cedarville Herald, Volume 27, Numbers 27-52

r f h V p- Mi*» Mugg'n* HmHvxti, n f Booth , t ;h*rU*tim, >.pc»t Thanksgiving with M». Wilt MfCuv. Miw Flown Dill, nf t | vi-ited Isi* «,?* I ut ( s {he Ur^t I week* , ■•'•.■■■■■ Mw** C w m »ed tf*y Tomutey I f g A I , mm-H«itt»d « WH*J1number iff friend*,t I , Tiiur*]*y evruing, ti, i pornf ripriug*5 l>, H, Collins arid J„ It, CaUintr, Inmt.ii*, 1fi"M U *ht wfwlimrnu w e r e u ? l l H * K . t K ? U,jr' m the *S'ttvtl, That George J». Ii»tne*. on the 4tll Mise Ntilo a»ff Bert Hrtick came iMimi-tr «i t«oa«l f«ot-fwl| | J-'w** Wolumbui Thursday and A f c a o I u t i t l y P u F e mmsmsTmm f hOCAl AND PERSONAL J —-New I\tucahc Flour at Cooper’s The college., and public schools closed /torn Weilutaitay uotil Monday* Dam Gcfiey was home over Thanks­ giving* * • Haft a-Mebeau was a business ‘vis­ itor iu Columbus Wednesday/ —JODelaine Rums-"Dobbins, Messrs Harry and Walter Iliff Id t Thursday for the World’s Fair, , Mr. and Mrs. Gluts. ICayley enter­ tained at diuimrTbauksgsvirig. . —Qygters., celery/ sweet potatoes and crnnheries at Cooper’s. Miss Fay Cavanaugh; of Xenia, is '"'visiting-Mrs. A bR am •; . , , ’j Frank TUrabult left,Thursday on a ‘ 1business trip to "" ' o. I ‘ ■Quite (ttthusiaits^attindf d the Cailisle-f*.*' B- F, game, at OjlunibuBj Thursday, Marry, Arthur and Harry Marshall spent Thanksgiving with their grand* parents, Mr. and Mira. Martin Barber. Do not foil to see our Tubbe*’ ftll ami combination boots. Will save you ,2b to 00 renta a pair. Come in. Starkey’s Arcade Shoe Ilouse, Springfield, O, Oscar Smith and wife^spent Thunks* giving with Mr, Kmitlib jiarejiN at Selma, . Col.’Albert Boyd, the Veteran horse dealer, was transacting business in the Champion City Wednesday. Mr, and Mrs. Gal Mortem are Bpending the holidays with Rev, and Mrs. McCheeney. , . Elsewhere in this issuewill be found an “ad” celling attention to the plant­ ing CafaJpa for posts. The plants can be purchased or ‘.the Teeumseh Nur­ series. X Marion Tfttfnsley and family enter tained Mr. and Mrs. - 8,. T, Baker, Thanksgiving. Mr/ Cal Barber and wife spent Thursday in Dayton the guests of Dr. and .Vlrs, Baldridge, Wo are' now prepared to handle your corn The D. £5.,Ervin Co. A1 Fields, a resident of, Cedarville thirty years.ago, was greeting friends here’Wednesday, He is'now «tt :en- '* F or JBXTje—I have G2aeres-of good Tend close to town that! will’sell cheap • ' ' - ‘ A, Bradford. ' Mis? Margaret ’MyNeill returned- ' homeWeclnesday. - - Bert GrosveuOr spent Thanksgiving in Springfield with his parents. Mr, Will Cressweil entoi tained W, ' B. Steyrettand family Thanksgiving. ' We wlLbe glad. to 'make bids (o those having Corn to sell, ' , V , ■ Tim D. S. Ervin Co. Carl Miuser of Richmond, Ind, visited his parents here Sunday. 1D, H, Marshal and wife attended Thahk<giving dinner -a t Jesse ,Mar­ sh-ill’s in Xenia. We have n big line o f . polish bottle Or paste or -combination *af, S cents. Every bottle warranted. , • Starkey’s Arcade Shoe House. Springfield, 0 . . . .. - Harry arid Fred Barber attended the,E lk’s minstrel a t Xenia Wednes­ day evening. ' Dowie has ordered bis -followers _tm cease “ scraping their faces”. Is .... this w J 'dlnr "B to ' u ' u 1■'w d n ta i T j p ^ Nelle, of Xenia, spent Mondny with Mrs. Samuel Hngler, ■' —Peninsular ranges are wonderful bakers and cOokera. The supply hardly equals the demand. - Better see tiiem at K kru & H astings B ugs . Bev. Milligan attended the mission­ ary meeting, Tuesday, a t the Spring- field XT. P . church. Bev, Hutchinson, of Altoona, Pa., is visiting his son, James, a t the home of K. F , Kerr. —T ry some of that 20e coffee a t Cooper's. Numerous prou im u t Dayton peo­ ple were greeting Mr, Reece Barber Thursday, Prof, mad Mrs. F. A, Jourkat took Thanksgiving dinner with Xenia relatives. Young Men—Come in and let’s talk over the question o f fall clothing and furnishings, A hew' and hp-tondute stock awaits your inspection . Brady & Steirtfels Co., Xenia, 0 , giueer oh the Wabash R ,‘B. Mr. and Mrs, 0 . H , Anderson of Springfield entertained a t dinner Thanksgiving. Mr, P . Dtdlas and fam­ ily' were among the guests. . We are keeping a fulljlmej of tenuis goods iu men’s ladies’ mines’ and children’s made for gymnasium pur­ pose, substantial, leather lined; will stand wear. - Starkey's Arcade Shoe, IIouBe. Springfield, Q. ' ■ ' Rev. Milddletdn is holding pro­ tracted meetings at Giiftou this week'. William, Harry ■*and Walter ' Iliff and J , G, McCorkell,and their fami­ lies attended a dihuer given by Miss Jessie Small in Xenia yesterday Miss Newcomb has returned to her home in Meehauicsburg, after a pleas­ ant visit with Benoni OjfcesfeweU and family.' • ^ Chas. Cresawell spent Thanksgiving, with his parents. Charlie is emploped in the Sullivan store at Spriugfield and bis many friends hero are glad tb know that ho,is ’‘making good.” ■^Twenty-tlmee-ti’ttle-lioys-and-—giris,- s/of.Annu Gillaugh. daughter.of. spent the day with* Misses Ruse and Lillie Btcwart, - -Sunlight, Egg-O-Bee, MaltaVita, Mothers* ( ’risjw and BhreddedBiscuits at Cooper's. , « The will of Miss Anna Creswell was probated in Judge Slump's county yesterday. Bbe disposed of ^J/2Q0 or SH/iDO o f personal property to W. W. Crcsswell anti Ada Iv, Baker, nephew a.ud, niecoj who were made executor and exm d rix 'o f the will.—Gazette. Ha try Owens and .Woodbridge Estiek were calling on friends in Phittsburg and Charleston Buuday evening. Mr, BulHvan, contractor for tlip Barney-Smith Car Shops ,at Dayton, was the guest last week of Bobfc, Towuisley. Mr, Then. Voglesberg arrived-home from Texas Wednesday morning after an extensive visit in that state. While there acquired about 200 acres of land set out for a fruit farm, Mr. Vogles- berg expects to take charge of the ho­ tel next week. H e will rebuild the barn some- time soon that was destroy­ ed by fire during hisabsenae. " . Don’t dilly-dally but come at ,,once —clothes like ours never get’ shelf- worn waiting j o be bought,^—“The early bird catches, the worm.” This warning is meant for-you. ' Brady & BteinfelsGo., Stiff aad Soft .Hats s T f f t„ n uaiauK „tl n c r, r, TUCTtbi5‘^ei't,»i:»grifr4iittiin“ufi)igrtfflllr birthday, ‘ --Peninsular H eaters'fo r harder soft coal that will heat every nook and cor.ner iu the house, with least fuel, is what you want. We have them in all styles and sizes, the prices arrang­ ing accordingly, K err &, H asting B ros . All the latest dolors in ' and Soft liats front -98c to §3.50. Our $3.50 is - guaranteed to ■wear* for one year without jange of color or a new one in place of it * , The Hatter,. 27 South Limestone Strict, gpringfield, Ohio i- ^ ......... .... day of November. UK>f, flP'd hi* pe­ tition in tliM'ourr of rmnmmi I’b-gs, iu and.fur Greene i\aan^j allii that the alMni' imnuai IJr# together with M. W. Cidlinn, t ouniy of tiieeni'. wrere indr ------- -... ............. ebted tu the said George. J), Haiftl'K upon a promiHory note for |140,w together with intermit on the same. That J», B. t-oUins was seized in fpe sirnple of the follow ing deserihed real estate situated in the (bounty of (irmte, »Sfmo of Ohio and in' ihu Township of ( ’edarviUe, and hound­ ed and desonbodagfoHowar Ifeingparl of survey No. 2tKili on the waters of Musses Creek, begin­ ning in the center of the Columbus and Xenia.turnpike and running thence, with the east line of thelands of Effle Biuber X, tttJdeg. W, 90.2 ^plcs to a stake. Thence N, jjSl^deg. 5 . 0.20 poles, line of Henry Barber B. SOdeg, E Thence with the west 79,78 poles to the South bnnk of Mas sics Creek. Thence down the same N, 80Xdcg. W»80 poles, Tlmnce S, 36deg. E. 09,2 jmle's to the-center of • the Columbus and .Xenia turnpike. Thence S. 751-2 deg. W. 48.9 poles to the beginning/-containing 37.01 acres, more or Joss, , . ' ■. That tlieExchnugoBank of Cedar- ville and R. B. Anderson have aaftie interest or claim in said real estate. ’The prayer of siiid Petition; is for judgmentagain at said defendants for’ the sum qf f 140.00 with interest from the Oth day of August, i9<J4, an order of Attachment issued at- taeMfig the above described . Teal estate and that the Exchange Bank of Cedarville and It. g.’'Anderson b$, required to net up this claim against said real estate. The parties first above mentioned ‘ifc will take notice that they have’ been made parties defendant to said peti­ tion and that they are required to answer the same on -or before the 19th day of December, A, •If. 1904. I George J). Haines, by Prank H. Bean,' Attorney Miss Rena and Frank Grindel, ac­ companied by Mr, .Cbas. Smith, of Springfield, spent Thanksgiving w.iib J , C. Grindle and fumilyl , FOR POSTS Place orders early for spring .plann­ ing. Heavy demand; supply limited; 12-inch to 8-inch only a t this date, Referanee; Cbas. Dobbins as to quali­ t y of stock and growth. Also a full line.of F ru it,and Ornamental trees PRICES RIGHT,. ‘ STOCK F IN E : CATAI j PA 50 cents per Ml / -. BLACK LOCUST §10.00 per M,, TECUMSEH Cedarville, Ohio. AfORE SO THAN EVER BEFORE Is this Store the Suit and Overcoat I Headquarters of Springfield. CtrrtttJt Cltlies J t r -■JHt*) W p never httd so many—never before have we been able to sell an equal amount of style and value as now* ■You can leave your cloth­ ing money with us and be sure of getting the very best your money will buy. Which of the following amounts do you wish to pay? mi* $5.00 $6.00 $7.50 $8.50 $10.00 $12.00 $15-50 $15 $18 $20.00 $22.50 $25.00 . Bettor make disposition of this mat ter as .loon as yon can—.hotter come to this Reliable Store as soon as yon can—there’s pome pretty squally weather ahead—yqu’ll be practically immune from its discomforts in ope Of our Suits and Overcoats. . j. Hats? Underwear, Shirts, Neckwear, Gloves, Sweaters^.Rain Coats, Childrens Clothing, etc., at the most Reasonable Prices. U: SPRINGFIELD'S GREATEST CLOTHING STORE, 20, 23; So, Limestone St,, Springfield; O, Mrs. J. H. Milbitrn,,bf CedarVille, and-Miss,,Mary'; Currie^ .of l relle\v ik 'sm;4 ..;uA , Springs left Tuesday morning, for St. Louis, where they will enjoy, a week' a t the Fair, From St Louis, Mrs. Milburn Will - godo; Utvidsbu City, Qkla lioina, where, she will visit a daughter for a lithe, alter which she will go to Texas for a short visit with friends. Miss Currie will return home from St. Louis alonel—Gazette.' k,A meeting of the Q, A, R , Is called fur Saturday afternoon at 3 o’clock, A full attendance is desired - ' - ' Good News for All. ’ Bradford; Tenn., Nov. 21 (Special) —-Scientific research shows Kidney Kidney Pills I am completely rarer!. I cannot praise them too much,” Kidney Complaint develops into Bright’s'- Disease, DrOpsy Diabetes, Trouble to be the father of*so many Rheumatism, and other painful and diseases that news-of a discovery of a fatal diseases. The safeguard is to sure cure for it cannot fail to be wel- '.cure your kidneys With Dodd’s Kid- coined all oyer the county. - And an uey Pills when, they show The first cording to Mr. J . ,A'. Davis ot this symptom of disease, - Why go to cou rt'fq r-a suit, when • we can.serve you better - . place ju st' such a cure is found iu Dodd’s Kidney Pills. - Mr. Davis, says: , “ Dodd's Kidney Pills are hit that is claimed themf? They ' have done .me more good than; anything ! have ever take; I had Kidney Trouble very bad anil after taking a few boxes of Dodd's J . Hale ^-fiJinais visiting ihe St. Louis Fair. He will visit-his daugh­ ter, Pauline', at, Cavthnge; Mo., ’.be­ fore rqturninghome. Cbas, Gaines, of Columbus spent Thanksgiving here. > . m VUWOUMtti On* dm* of Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral at bedtime prevents wight coughs of children, No croup. No bronchitis, A ■--Cherry P e c to r a l medicine for all atreetiofis of the throat,, bron­ chial tubes, atul lungs. Sold for over CO years. v‘ 'P<- Ht.i < itt.-.f L!i fotMiM. IV. i< I..1VBL1,-<SW(.‘ j ,*I a .-W f W m d S m t i l t i i Mrs. Girtrude Bibley and Mrs. Pat­ ton, of Cola rabus, , are visiting their parents, Mr* and Mrs. Darnel Dean Air. and Airs, £>ean entertained about forty gueste to dinner, Wednesday. Misses EleanOr Smith, Edna Towna- ley and Fern Ervin werein Columbus Thanksgiving, t&e guest of Mr, W* J . Smith, In the afternoon the party witnessed the. game o f foot ball be­ tween the Ohio State and Carlisle Ind ii i teams, Model Millinery A t ’ V Great Reductions. J}[Hats flint have served their purpose as model exhibits wilt sell at I okh than their former prices. Childrens Hats U ltra fashionable, friimned. with velvet and ribbon, pou* pons and wings* J,’rices rang­ ing f r o m .............. 4I.SO to $2 Thanksgiving Special Tritium d H ats, $2 and *2.50, Ctetfcrfy' Millinery, .. .......... . m m riitiiggiwriii » * *M Expert fur knowledge is at your service free of cost t y l lE last two vveeks liAve Been notable ones with tis, both in volume of business and in the, stiecesBion of j f triumphs for uBancroft’s” furs. Not once or twice, but dozens and dozens of times have customers made the rounds of other fur selling stores of Springfield only to, come, back here and buy, AH united in telling us oiir prices Were lowest; all were enthusiastic m praising’opt vastly greater assortment and in saying, too, our styles were totally different and infinitely more attractive* *Our expert knowledge of furs is yours for'the asking—i t (loesri’t add’ one centTo the price of any article in our store, yet makes yott sure of what you buy. Here wolf doesn’t masquerade as fox; electric seal isn’t called near seal; sheared coney isn’t electric seal; marmot isn’t mink; mink isn't sable, etc., etc. To try to tell you . here ;of our many exclusive styles in scarfs, victownen, pelerines, tips, Stoles, muffs, coats, blouses, etA, is impossible—accept our cordial invitation to visit our fur department and see for yourself* ‘ . < «** u Mu f f Scarfs *> Aniotig tlu! siriklftg novelltes received this week- in neck­ wear arc Uto uMttffr,BearfH“-ra<>*i alled because they 'Combine hi one garment; both a muff and a scarf, though varying bui» UHie in shape from th« other scarf models* Mutf-fitawfa, hi sable eoney, *r>.o0i in Isabella or brown inarbtn, Hff&lln 'nat­ ural black marten, *30.00 * Special Garments . To the lady hard to fit or with original Ideas she wishes carried out this store is justly famed. We make no ex­ tra charge for special measurement coats in near seal, Ht- beriftn squirrel, Persian lamb, krimmer, beaver, Alaska seal, etc, Canvas models fitted and perfect, lit guaran­ teed. • F o r f A W o rk that o f 1 TWEH1 IT WAS L ist Wei i>r a boree i «)£ to ;» 5B Perrin, T'L» ’ biinsi'h'. jnl s«d a part * timught M1 until the dv. began makli* jlvcry firm Troy hired £ tea young drive out mi he drove to ■ ed whli F en in during th * j>tying a lit! ■ tSie horse he- ered s gooo r chief of polio- inember of !•“- town and iff Boyd jwftt th latter marie Perrin. Ibe ' to owners au»< » for thfir exp ty comraiesic > m lor the a the thief and known arid si"b- TAX ' f t , Comity Tit- ' lias made out b-ction of tax - ship as follow 5 Bellbrook, Dec. 12. Cedarville, ' Dec. 13. Yellow Spr npsday, Dec., Bowersville day, Dec,, V Fairfield, Bat Osbord, Bath. Jamestown. tp3., Alonday, / f u-- Read the pauy’s aff on ) Youi KlRSCHDAVA k f * .w Every a every new with now c>' .retaining ft careful alto Worsteds if. bigs aortal V Yc A lftlin , Cvercpats j Every ghrm ftnd the feature is ai rosling doub the style yo ^"d save n Dvcrcoftts 1 AI IU 'ft