The Cedarville Herald, Volume 27, Numbers 27-52

mtmm WM ******£ timer.* ■l l i f e &|{|45S)5 fSltir, toott}S3, .J fans, flfjte. ^keeling it) . ' «%* Tablo - o m* ■ . nils 10c yp^ terttg Duong, ’Jtvear. 'll trtains. 1 # EVS.1 OHIO. ■good enough never take ' eighbor' told me low f would not -LO UR •■Ctory. urns of >IO, $ 10 , 4 d, ’05 • each 25o cash , .jkc drawing* 'ers, Etc. »ii ■ipation. Get; . TM u su e st.. Soldi rs. - JAM’S DYE •it.«.r.KAUi*oo^aiUVi*S'*> • »■.......Hi ......... "ra f H, ; ance Co. •e as plain as notes. Payment life, with er, almost as cheap m $400 more than ;tive condition® yon • o f your policy i* for the . & lp h l2L, b. of N. Y f t i i t l s J t e 'M W L i l l s f l a t f e J P '. - pttvc. f t h i >« you can never t«i trig until youh*** rtially *ate«- t \s select slock with* & b*3t fiscbts. . ” *• ft stock »ud drew* you m*y 4*9** will pleas® yotf> ifcMVEWW >0 No* 74 - WnvM on $h*&‘ jjj'i m— 'Villi'-1"r'v^ FEWAKT f S u r ^ o n a1 Prices Talk ! ;j No Other f Arguments f -.Needed! il <V> hi. OHIO’S BUSY STQKE^SPRINGFIELD, Q. iMofhin^But New, SeasonableGoods in .This Stare li I W e Advertise ;f if the Truth % jjsssss,^ and Do.W hat || We S a y r| We’ll Dot SurpassesAHPrevious We are asked how It Is that our stores are so crowded this hot weather ARB GIVING, GOODS AWAYWvaew good.?, too? spick and spaa froi la this ettyfrom 10 to 20 years, aad thea pi to pay for aew, desirable aad seasonable goods in this house, Our store was one of pur six floors was crowded to the limit with buyers ^ n o t are intelligent enough to know good things when they see them, H you haven’t attended I SALE, come today, here are prices that will certainly Interest you, o ' . T w e e t e d V . E i - v e i y w - W > . & * 1 ♦ * % * ■* • m Iren’s and Wren's Only Can You Buy New, Seasonable Merchandise at These Per yard buys P i r n o f the | ■ , L o o® ,; jh o u scM e ' a t d . H i l l s packed . y d w i d e B lf lluslins. Per- 3Tard’ buys .the best f a n c y D r e s s P r i n t s d a r i n g this sale. Per yard buys the -eele- < brated MTeaseP' Outings' during this sale. • [im d re is o fg em iiiie b a rg a in s ' to- here during th is g r e a t sa le . »od Sh o e s the sam e as on -The L o w e s t on earth , ty -Every flan to CedaryilleShouId Come After Shirts a t 'These P rices . ’ Buys Men’s Soft Bosom Summer Shirts during *. ffsis sale, worth 50c, .. - ^ P / 7 Buys Men’s Soft Bosom Negligee Shirts during, m v v tots sale* worth 750; f ' Buys Men’s Soft Bosom Negligee Shirts, the NOTIONS—NoComment is Necessary, the Prices Tell the Story, | l o r two d a < sb Safety .Has, n il sizes, i-egu- Iv# h r price lb dozen. dozen,alIsizes,bestnickel Safcta Pin's, * L regularpriceSic, *«f -pkria-^plahed- su cut or lace. the $2.50 and $3,00 grades, every size and width. d* *2 Q D Pair during this sale for all $5 aiid $6 Shoes i p d i / U and Oxfords. The famous “Nettleton” Shoe for men. The ^Daird Schober” and other stand­ ard makes for women. All the newest shapes and all sizes In hoth high shoes arid Oxfords. KING COLLAR BUTTONS Thousands of dozens, all shapes, warranted one piece and rolled plate, guaranteed not to break. 5c A card of six, during this sgle, the price regular 5c each. <2 „ P a ir buys Ladies* Cotton O w Hose during this sale; worth roc and 15c. | | Buys Ladies'’White Sum- 1 1 V mer Vests during this sale, worth 19c. i _ P a ir buys Men*s Gray Sox T v during this sale. These are worth i o c . A Buys the “M” Waist, for 7 v boys and girls, during this sale, wortn 15c, *2 ,. pnir “K ltm tn ’s” Sdinsook covered O L Dross Shield?, 'wgvilsr price 35c. L fofr4^<szenHump Uoefe Eve-Strtg®- IG lar price 5c dozen. ^ 1,^-5 slitots Taugle*foot Ply Paper, regu­ lar price 6c skeet, ■ . * > . N, T . Spool■Colton, black1-and white, v w regular price ^c, 1 . .per vponVlOOyards' RIchardsonN Rovall tirand1 bilk Thread, regular price i>c, ^oterfela^and-iwhite^ regtdar yfice -iic, k - for three papers-best Steel Needles, regu­ la r price Sc'paper, • * ) „ tor. 5 dozen assorted sue Be]* Bins, jet, - v mat And white heads, price everywhere he dozen. f c lor 2 boxes Je-t Head Mourning Bins,, regular price 6c per box, C . boh Tor 6 yds. o£ S tar Alpaca Braid. *Iv» shrunk ready lor use, all colors and black and ‘Rhite, regular price 10. C Buys Ladies* White Summer v v Vests during this sale. These are worth 10c. ,1 1?^ Buys Men's Fancy or Plain l u v BalbrigganShirts andDraw- ers during this sale, worth 35c. | A _ Buys Men’s Ribbed Shirts * i l v and Drawers during this sale, worth a$c. HALF PRICE For any Ladies 1 or Children's Para­ sol in our lionse during tins sale. O - set /'\V.srnefs fast prooi 'Dress Stays, ■*«V»■regularpriceScset. "%/- pairindies'1iancy frilled Hose Support- ers.ttUcolorsaridblackand white, per- undclean,regularprice 15 C, ' ■ . . I c Ipr 2 dpocAs’Mac!Trie.or,BastingColton, S pair,Misses’and Oitldreris Hose Sup- I OC porters,blackandwhite,tegularpriceloc i 1 _ doteaMen’sBon*CollarButtons, rt-gu- s •Iv. - larpricehe. .S _________^ficiteetw_____ for S bolts Lc-nox S tar Brand Cotton Tape, sells regularly at 5c bolt. for 3 cards Tiger Darning Cotton Tape, sells regularly at 6c, for 0 dozen Agct Buttons, all sizes, wgii- ,lar price 6c dozen, for 8 papers good Bins, regular price 3c paper, paper, 40tf Best English Pins, evetv* body's price 6c. An Pair buys Children’s Black i v Ribbed Cotton Hose during this sale, worth 10c. buys Men’s 50c Ribbed « U V Shirts and Drawers dur­ ing this sale. Get These Goods on the Second Floor Today^A Il New Goods^No Antediluvian Styles Here. niLLINERY. .' . - . • %■ . We Don’t Call This Selling-Merely Giv­ ing Away BoysCEJ^ten^Facey during tlsfs bs 1 s tlsat w tre 7Se, n CT^ Buys the. “Vhipps 4 AlcblWaV* I todies’ DressH*ts daring tlii* t*U , 1 th&irwt:t&$&Mlt> #400 . 98c Bttysellrice of todies’ -DreBS Hate •g%00. daring that were # 4 0 8 to LADIES’ WAISTS -AH New 1 A _ Bays todies’ 50c Fancy Percale JL / G SMft Waistsduring this sale* A Q m Bayschoiceofa cftllectloaof todies’ / Q G Shirt Waists, all styles, assarted ma­ terials, that were # f ,08 to #3,00. **5 f ij i^ Bays tod ies’ #1.35 and $1.50 tow n , I ladi* Jbison and Madra • Waists daring this sale. And these—Reid the Prices. J JA Buys choice of an assorted lot , t J v G todies’ Summer Dressing Sacques that arere#1.00. T Buys todies’ 59e Fancy Madras Petti* t / u G coats during this sale. Buys, during this sale, tod ies’ $1.25 f | } G Batiste and Crepe, lull length Rimtmas, Here Are Others «t Giveaway Prices. A Q B u y s todies* 12,75 Walking Skirts in / O r fancy checks and plaids during this clearance sale. : Buys todies’ Fme All-Wool Im* V M a M U ported Cldth Walking. Skirts du r­ ing this sale that were #4.00 to $5.00. Buys tod ies’$5.00WM ti tow tt U l i ; t o r e and Ruffle Trimmed Wash Suits during this sale. Six of the Good Things fo be Had on the Second Floor Today, . Each, tod ies’ atid Mieses' Corsets, Z r t ) G colcra—pinlr, blue, drab. Mack and w h ite -a ll sires from 18 to SO. The regular 3(k\ assorted lo t of to d ie f and and T*i>e Citdles* in Regular price $1,00 ■ aiid#450, I Q p . Bach, Boys’ Separate K u te Pant*, 1 OG * in duck, covert, denims and galatru cloth, in all sires from 4 to 13 years, A D to c h , Boys’ Two-piece (k»vcrt Suit, ‘Horfolk coat and kuco panto, nil elree, 9 lo 12 years. Regular price #1,75, * 1 0 / * E*c*1’ Boys' Sailor Blouse Suit, in O y L blue and linon, collar galaka, all sires, 4 to 8 year*. Regular price 73c.' A ^ Each, tod ies’ Fine Percale Suu-Bon* . / G nets, ruMe, trimmed* The regular price, was J5c, Carpet Department Third Floor^No Old Stock Here^AU Patterns and Colorings are the Best. Ingrain Carpets, vmd, 13 ffcliftB-thrred yard wide f {retire ifejpaiaCarpets,<;af reg* e ljr sriJkg price iiSta. A&i* 5,ari bttt *m tty oil wool V e x t r a mgmxi Carpets , 1 *-a#.regeios . to w jotd.all W‘S*-I Cyrptt% ^ ! / v • t‘>ekinds tK'it sold lerttSc 76tf: tfuy ss'c-to iV.;'igt'.as t e a f t,i 13 piifit ’ ' 1 Tapestry Brussels Carpets yard, lor f4c aad 76c Tupestry Brussels Carpet*, with or with- out fotnlm. X t l p yard for best guatity-TafCrtry • v v L BftissdsCariRts, with t»r wjth* ■ tmt Im tim i the SlikwprtSity, Wilton Velvet Carpets. TK g* yard l**r the $4Us) a«d $1,23 < r v tpsaHty, Wilma Velvet Carpels, witli nr Widiont... MATTINGS Practically Given Away— This Season^' Impoitatioris. 5 Cents a Yard, 340 Rolls 10c China Mattings. I A / t yard, « & i |c |d l t tf - I t l v less China Mattings^ 1 yard, 50 rolls aocjoint- t £{tC less China Mattings. 1 C / t y^* *50'toll# ago Japan* 1 C i v ese linen ehain nmttings An Extraordinary Bargain. | A ^ yard, choice oi more i / v than 500 rolls Linen Chain Jap Mattings* 090 and 350 has beenthe price. . Hartford Axminster Carpets y*fd, Rwrtlord Axminstifer Car* y * J l , pels, with «r widmut. tsifdtis, reguiar price #1,36 RUGS. 24 t» nut tlae tuettt, ull ««iw* j»rioe» tlwn sve i»oJa a t t t t m m ill, SOft f*sr Akmtotter 14w Maw, 98c $ 1.50 tor ALSO Etingnl Vclvd ami liruMets Rigs, S7x8l iutius^ for s a w .Smith aVxmiiunter Rug.«,S?x8iimh<s, hu Slteli Suiiili Axmluricr # * ' ?u Regs, M%n tocher t i < A tof $«.ai m i & M WlSioJi Velvet Rugs, aexfli ijirius. W.isaafflS^BtSE^ $ 16.50 I s ,© * * « $ 1 0 .^ 0 g ^ g * ‘Oai,ma W tor $iwg> Rwal \ViR..n r # w kcKrt R«gs,hxIS tort. TheAboveList is but the Smallest Fraction of theQuantities of New, tosh, CleanMerchandise atYourDisposal at the KgStoreat HalfandLessThanHalf Values