The Cedarville Herald, Volume 27, Numbers 27-52

i ©ENDURE " . . . fe f'5 *. . . ■ : 3 P R .••4fjFiir s.r,! The TestingTime isAlready Here For the aisle capacity of the Daylight Store, Xm as Shopp ing On in earnest, Kever such, fiillfstoeks—never so well assorted and up-to-date—never stieh values. The Useful and th e O rnam ental. Assembled from the ‘ Tour quarters.” Gift goods upon every i baud—suitable for young and old, men nud women. 1 I f you’re pulled as to what it should be, look over this list, [ ask for a memorandum book free and BOor 40 people to help you with all courtesy and despatch, . - TRY THE DAYLIGHT STORE FOR XMAS THINGS. For Men Husband, Brother andSmeetbeaft An Umbrella that’s a good start for that young fellow. ■Mufliers, Silk and Linen Ilandkerchiefs, Ties, Guff Buttons, Collar Buttons, Scarf Pins, Box Suspenders, Brush Set, Silver Match Safe for vest pocket; Gold Pen and Ivory Pen Stock, Bill Book, Pocket Book, Collars and Guffs, Shirts, Socks, Un­ derwear, Gloves, lined or dress, Mitteus, Men’s Astrachan Gloves, 50c pair . Men’s Umbrellas, $ 1 .19 to $15.00. Umbrellas engraved free. Boy’s Golf Gloves, 25c and 50c Boy’s Underwear, 25c and 50c Infants Goods—for men or women—some men and women. Bootees, Sacks Fur Boas Fur Robes, White Dresses, Skirts, Hoods, Caps, Leggings, Mittens, Diapers, Drawer Leggings,,. *y / . " . I b o t ^ s t h i s t i m e - f o r - HO L ID A Y G IFT S *- ■ For Women ONLY Well, a Coat or Furs or a silk or wool dress wouldn’t be bad. An. umbrella’s appropriate. Have a novelty in a Muff Holdei-- dar and chain. Wrappers, pressing Backs Waists, Ladies’ Skirts— yes sir, and they’re hew and swell. Petticoats, knit, knit top, mercerized and silk, 25o to $15.00. Handkerchiefs—ft ever such an array at the prices, any sort you want, if it’s good, 1c to $4.50 - Pretty Gift Boxes—Gloves. - Yes they’re always,in order. Pictures Pictures, I9e to 79c for the prettiest sort, worth 33J per cent. more. ' Jersey Leggings for women and 'children; Stockinet Leggings for children, 29c, Hosterey 'for all sizes and ages and both sexes. GET TOUR BUNDLES PUT T 0 - GETHER HERE. . - These for WOMEN Too Tahla Covers, Table Linens Sheets, Pillow C ubes , Brewing Scarfs, Tray Covers, Doilies, Blankets, Com. forters, Flannel Skirts, Comb Sets, Pillow TopB, Mex­ ican Drawn Work. Fancy Neckwear, Ruffs. All sorts of Underwear,. Dung Protector Corset Covers—they’re new double front and back and only ceat 50c—just the same as tine common kind. ■ Silk Hose and Fancy Cotton Hose in special gift boxes. Flannelette for kiroonas, 7-Jc for 10cand J2c kind. Percale for Wrapper patterns/ . Tailor Suits, $2.99 to, $25.00 -Lace Curtains, JRope Curtains, Panels snd Damask Portieres. MEET YOUR FRIENDS AT BEEDURE’S. T. D. BEN DURE, Springfield's DayfightStore, HER CHERISHED HAT. The Story of its Ruin With Her Fa- vorlte- Counterpane. Shi’, came in'-in. a hurry Ju the CONDENSED STORIES. ' t ^ . .b,. l l •* * * What the Bbys Thought of Artist Mas * bit’s Painting. Hr. NesKt, who had painted a i , GETTHEBEST afternoon and placed her cherished jpicture of the noble,red man in war hat, which she loved better than lifep'l paint ai F t b i*r , jyy wM on the globe of thciglts je t while she g o t'in to house' shoes and gown. After th is she was so busy she didn’t think about the hat, and it remain­ ed 611 Its resting ■ plaice after the house, was wrapped in slumber. 1 I t was in (the middle oJTtbe night - th a ts h e .ir o s roused by*one-of, th e 'Children crying-in the nursery. She sprang out of bod and, hastening'to the je t nearest her, ..turned 'on 'the gasTand applied:‘iv-mateh under .the globe to the hornet, - Ih an in stan t /the' fiat, which, rested upon i t and \ which she. had cA ire ly , forgotten, was in O thyme. I t blazed like a torch, a t a- funeral pyre; and the wo~ 'man was so astonished and frighten- ed a t th is sudden pyrotechnic dis­ play that she gave one scream, which awakened her- husband' and brought .h im fiy ihg to the rescue, l i e brought with him th e woman’s .best and fa- vmte.bedsprfead; a handsome thing, no t ovcrsnbstantial • _W ith g reat presence of mind the man wrapped the h a t in the counter- S Rne and extinguished the blaze, hit—arid this, - the .-man" says, ia where the pau part of the story ubftlbs nP^the coverlet w a r r u m ^ , ........ I n L tM~ f* t' *4. for ll^al■lfimeIyH>ooistftnee»«:Bd4mvmg,, saved her-life she turned upon him with reproach in her mien and Are ■ in her eye. -“You’ve ruined my best - bedspread, you Careless. tiring!” she said.'. And thens “Oh, my hat! Mr hat!” • *- ’ When the man fell asleep he says /Rachel was still weeping for .her headgear* arid he says that hereafter people who pu t things in unusual places will have to take care of them themselves, with sounds vague, but his- wife knows what he means,— Baltimore Hews. Small Inventions Moat Profitable, r “Something homely/ said the aged inventor. “Something little, something simple, somethingcheap. A hook and eye, a toothbrush, a shoe button. Those are the inven­ tions that there is money i n . , “Do you know the two inventions that it is conceded have made more than all. the others? They are the safety pin and the steel pen. The nd feathers, wanted an un­ biased opinion of -his work. His - wife said that the picture was the best thing of the kind that she had ever seen. His dearest'friend, too, was decidedly enthusiastic. Both declared, in short, that any' one .would know at a glance that it was •intended for an Indian. \ ,- “To tell thp tru th /’ said Nesbit, looking somewhat /doubtfully at the picture, “I haven’t a great deal'of’ T h e H ew a n d En la rg ed E d itio n C on ta in s 25,000 New Words Ne’w G a z e tte e r o f th e ' World with more than 25,000 titles, basoti on the latest census retu rn s.' H ew B iog raph ical D ic tiona ry containing the naraesof over 10,005noted persons, d a te d Mrth.Ceaili, etc, - yuuod h r w .jr, nA ioas, rh.n., n u n .,„ UmteUStatoSCommissionerotlMucation. „ 2380 Quarto Pages - jfairHaUe, 5000Iflqxfc»tioaB, /HicfiBindings, N e e d e d i n E r r e r y H o r a e Also Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary v-iih m6Pagei. xnoolllustratiom. Skesjxioxa^ia. , ASpecialThinPaperEditionDeJLuxe ’ U prtateafrcrarthe$am&nlsfot am teguUr edition. It .h^ilrnpc<)yeT$wiaTC<u)ff*ornBr8, ( r / FREE, “ ATest In PrOminciatian,” Instruc­ tive nml entertaining. Alsoillustruteapamphlets. G. & C. M ER .R IAM CO ., Publisher*' Springfield, Mass, “ a coosteb I” shouted the boyb . confidence in either of you. You always praise everything I do. Now, I ’m going down to the Btreet to see if I can. find some person who can he depended upon tb give me an absolutely unprejudiced opinion of this picture—a child, for instance. Children always tell the tru th /’ Five minutes later Nesbitreturn- ’Ht>wnt»pane58*eiftilargn^Fina •w«nt In Insects. There is a large green crieket of winch the children in «Tapan are very1 fond- I t is sold in cunning little bamboo cages in .booths on the streets and is loved for its cheery chirp. Several varieties of tree crick- ■ ets are pure white, coming .at d if-. t ferent times of the year. Some have j 1a note So loud, and insistent that to j have two or'three in a garden a t; once makes a noise almost deafen-; ing, while a Species that comes la te ' in the fall has an exquisite- note \ like the [.quick 'ringing of a small ‘ bell* Holering over the tiny streams on hot days are Some lovely varie­ ties of -dragoii dies, with'whieh the children are fond of playing. I t is said the male of this insect never deserts a captured female, and t Winter is here atTaut and a delay in providing for i t property may not only cost you money blit your health as well- , This you know as wello v better than we cam tell you, .The great question with the people is • / 7 ‘ ' , ’ - Where to Buy ' 1 *'* r - „ , 1 , -SvS’ % , {**" \ In this matter we ask your consideration, 0 say—that mueh to the wise is sufficient, hejul’to foot at a cost pleas!ug to both yoursel/jand your purse- ■J , Regarding Men’s wearing apparel we have a word to ranc . We can clothe yeti warm and comfortable, from had found playing marbles in the street. “Now, boys,” he said, “take a pen The £°°d look at this picture. I ’ll give first gross of steel pens sold for $36.1 °f ^ lO^cents if you’ll tell me — ■ , just exactly what you see,” “A rooster l” snouted the three boys simultaneously. —> Youth’s Companion. ed with three small boys whom he faVoritc ga&^ of the children is to . * * • W w. M V v U A ^ / w W - Tlmt is 25 cents apiece, “A profitable invention was the baity carriage. A woman originated it, and it netted her $50,090. Noth­ ing like as much, you see, .as the safety pin or the steel pert, **Thp smaller and the cheaper an invention is the more chance it stands of being a money maker/’— Portland Oregonian, capture the female and attach her to a twig by a thread, when the male is sure to return to her. Doalh W*» a S'uao«>tad Subject* Tom Johnson of Cleveland, O,, was spending a few weeks at a small hotel near Lake Michigan* Accom­ modations had been engaged in ad­ vance, but the Service was not such as he had- expected. At each riical MfxfHa Natural History, , . * J The Bavcntry (England) Express Mr* Johnson introduced the subject grew indignant recently a t a eon- ^ A°*ih ^ ^ ^ « c k A - u ^ . -Vf . temporary who did not believe a French or .Gorman army .could ever land in England, “To poolipooh the idea of this country ever being invaded/’ wrote the editor, “is to follow-the example of the camel, which buries its head in the sand when an enemy ap­ proaches,” ( To which Punch re forted, “Sure­ ty the author o f . this apothegm most have meant to refer to.the os­ trich, which in these circumstances has a habit. Of pul ting his eye through a needle." NEW TIME CARD That 'folfewbig 5a the achedtrio for tfee dsjrtrttttw of train*? For East f,I4 #» ««, iftsg stop*, I?47 w; For #. m. fl'tgAtup)! 5,24 p. hi. Bo pcrsfslorii- was he in the morbid theme that of death discussing it had a depressing, effect on the other guests. “Han’t you speak, on ’ anything else hut death ?” asked the landlord in desperation. “Conversation is prompted by surroundings,” exclaimed the may­ or, “But there are no gravestones nor hearses here/’ protested the landlord, swinging his arms, toward the beautiful lake, “Neither is there crape on the door,” “No,” said Mr, Johnson painful­ ly, “but if yon wanted crape and. couldn’t get it Wouldn’t this ■table*' clofh make a good substitute?”— Portland Oregonian, —Buff Slid B, -Bobbin?, Rock cockerals, Gam* of th* Bird Daaiers, The game of the bird dealers is played as follows? The children Stand in a tow, leaving two outside. These; two represent the bird deal­ ers. Each child represents a bird one being a crow, another a crane, another a rimary and so on. One bird dealer says to tbo other ? “I wish to buy a bird.” “What kind of a bird?” asks the second dealer. “A.bird that can fiy fast/’ says the first dealer* “Tory 'well/’ mnsWers the ether dealer, “Take what you wish.” “Then/’ says ihe first dealer, “I will take a robin,” As soon .as the word is out of his mouth ihfi “robin” must leap from the row and rim around it to es­ cape, . I f ho catches the bird lie puts it into a cage, where it must stay, till nil the other birds etc caught, • BfcQuicK. Not a minute should be lost when a child ahowa symptoms of croup, Chamberlfrin’a (lough ftcmdy gtyen ns soon as the child becomes Jtortrtfy or evefi after the Croupy cough appears^ will prevent (be ntiiick. It never toils, ami is pleasant and safe in'Ink*. For (sale by'all druggist#, Our long, loose end comfortable overcoats WUb or Witboutbelte a t1$18.00 and $22.00 can. equaled anywhere for the money. ; .O th e r coats of same style pr different styles frrim $6.00 up, assist wonderfully in making Pur line of overcoats the cheapest arid most complete to be had in the market. ’ For Hen and Young Men In the haudstmie 3-button double .breasted coats. . Alj ,shndes and patterns, the new brown predominating, hnve pleased many customers already this season, and why not you? Nothing more pleasing to the eye or more fitting to the figure than our $15,00 Suits, ' Propor­ tionate beauty ehowu in our $6;00, $8.00, $10,00and $12.00 Suits, to see our $20.00 and $22.00 Suita. • For'the better dresser ask Furnishings In the way, of furnishings our holiday stock is now complete. Mufflers, Underwear, Hosiery, Umbrellas, etc., ali useful presents. Plush Underwear,'for Which we are sole agents, is gaining a better Price $3 00 per suit. Hats, Shirts, Collars, Ties, The famous JRoyal Silk reputation every season. Call catty, before the full force of the holiday rush is felt. I f you don’t receive tickets on free Bilverwear on CASH PURCHASES ask and you shall receive. GBO. HJtLLER \ Jt. W . HJW^BS / L A WGG iNS ! fo*$ideni ParinetSt XENIA, OHIO, Head About to Burit Prom Severe , . i H, r R<ttri^ |0n«. Bilioui Attack. “What will we have for dinner, — — ' dear?” said Mrs. Newtywed to her “ I had a severe bilious attack end husband as he started for the of* felt like my head was about to butat . _ . . , Glifltub^rlfiiu a Iaivt*r & .f0jid c&tosSy ni young liusfc&iuls I took a dose of them after supper and will. , the next driy felt like a new man and “Brit, George, dear, We had roast have been feeling happy ever since,” Monday, roast lamb Tuesday says Mr, J, W, Smith at driHfi, Texas Iasi ni*W ’ “Why can’t i,boy invent some ■ ■ ,:> ^ r' ;■ i#; :« « - For bilirmmpM, stomach troubles and constipation: these Tablets have no equal, Price 25 cents. #11 druggists. For sale by choose from just those three,” Bilioui Colic.Prevented, Take « doubledoseofChamberlain'# Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Beinedy as soon as the first Wuoatlori of the disease appears and a threatened at* aok way be warded off* Huudredt, ot people use the remedy in this way withjperfect suocmi#. For eal* by all druggists, ^ Wri will be glad to make bid# to those having corn to sell, ThoD*&BryiaCo, Jutl What Puppy i)6§ Llksd, "What Wad ot soup la your riowl, "No puppy < 3 og soup lossy, honsrt „ tms, , v t But soup imtas or nits little fcM* mios.•* *5fh»a sir* at* some ouiekiK' * ' »O.Ko6Je* .-4 . Tw C a li o) w P l £ We hav jH {ermined to , f« Bhwta, Pillow jIMlias, Bhutkeb jBeta, Pillow Tow Ikwsay, feufit, J .■ '| ■j- j jsrs—tbeyVa new ' Hte~just the- saip f . ■ ipn Hose ip Bpe< 'J-0 for110a and 12e fa,-! ' ' j b - ..: J. t •"•- ■' ••- ..•. ■ ' '.jl sins, Panels and 1 £ n* ■ -p,IEHDS AT i — m % - ore, i m m $ ■ $5.75, ( iBiantlfall^ .« / Einevt- ' A uot only cost you ri t?U you, - The hV 'V ’ ’ / $14.28, fi. i hg apparel we In . Crown - dud comforfabie l Gaarontobcl 25 yt 1 menti I ’ , 318.00 and $22.00, sreut Btyles from $1 Jrjvit complete to be. 'm sm J S • M m r /Z M l H $ I4 .8 5 , Regi: Gol.TB Gnaraateodtayofi) ___ ' nient, >i’ Mar m MEDICALI ^ been the sta ■-\ i ■ i a stair oi [ I# IJtbrir on \»**< Take cm