The Cedarville Herald, Volume 27, Numbers 27-52

f. *. $ ■ ,U(■' V V‘ ■* W*Uhi W, * a*';- ■" ■. -1■ •:;•■ H i wew*«». P 6 * # * * | f »*■«* WWWWWW "Wr in nil and Beauty L A R G E , N E W i l l u s t r a t e d C A T A L O G F R E E extraordinary Purchase of manufacturers’ .... .Mail Order# Promytly FilleA..,.. Anything pictured hero forward­ ed immediately, postage prepaid, on receipt of price, delivery guar- C a l l o r w r i t e f o r i t . . samples or fine jewelry anteed. Send for BEAUTIFUL FREE CATALOG. At an Immense Reduction from Regular Prices from One of the . Largest Manufacturers in the Country VVVW The Sale will Continue only until Dec. 25 th Jtf price* that haw never been knownSaoitta is ioso Per C«nt. on €eery Dollar. W# have determined to make thra Sale of Manufacturers’ Samples the biggest business (for the tittta hemg) in our history. - Inspired by this wonderful opportunity* .we have d e* termined to pub this-Sample Sale in the lead and make it a marvelous one, lit nddition to showing the most extensive and complete assortment pf beutitifuIjjfbingB, beyond question the best values in the city, The result is, the most wonder/ul attractions await you fieri1; R emr M berthr immense saving ' we made is yours , , f ’ - ' ■ $5.75, . Regular Price $8.00 Chatelaine, B*antiftjHy EnameledinColorsand NewestDeRfgna FineJeweledMovement No.600 < . Crown 14K.-Gold F illed ... }narautaop2Syears,35JeweledElgin i. , ' JrnentrBOntine CasA. No<610 ,*i ■ £ $ 1 4 .8 5 , Regular Price $18.50 . CMdFilled ; . ' <Jttar&ni6o<I20yGars,IK JMote* moat, Hunting Ca&a ■ Ho, 023 Sale Begins at 10 o’clock, on Saturday OeeeinMlO, AND WILL CONTINUE UNTIL' DEC. 25th. We hove purchased the entire line of samples of several of the best manufacturers. Yon will * yewdily understand that nothing but the best materials, beet workiuimaip, and best style are put igto < the samples. THERE IS BUT ONE 'OF A KIND. That'means, of course, that the person buying has an artiele as distinctively aud as entirely individual as though it was made exclusively for’ . themselves. . . - - , .. Because ibese fine samples had served their purpose ns trade winnera we are able to buy. them a mueh less thau the wholesale prices. ^ That means a corresponding reduction to customers. . Every . article is absolutely in perfect condition and at prices-that will- SAVE YOU FROM 25 PER CENT TO 50 PER CENT. ON EVERY DOLLAR. COM# AND CONVINCE YOURSELF ./ ■ # 5 $8.25 Regular Price $JO.OO Solid Gold \ - SetWith 10Gennino Ponrla Bom Gold®nl^h No, 330a $1 .75 Cent* Regular Price $1*25 *1,2S $ ,*75 Solid-Gold - Solid Gold F ront ■ ■ ’ * ' SSS J Sm 1 . ■- Sotwith 30Genuine Fowls ^atelalne Pin ’ • Bright Polished Roman •und CLarge Whojo Poarla •* , Polished ^nd Roman ‘Sob with BrilKantd UTo.323a r Ho*35« ^ r * 0**860 a No goods misrepresented, but sold upontheir merit and the honor of-our reputation. It will require a connoisseur of^values to appreciate,thesewonderfully low prices. If you are no connoisseur df values in Jewelry, you may feel confident of faring fust as well. * * ■* ' •* j - ¥v't- ,T^ t ^ t *■ ^ ft., , kr*r \ - 4.*"*■ ^ . * W : : $ 1.00 RegularPrice Si .50 ^lisaes Signet Ring Rose Gold Finish T cta f D O i S l ’ T . D E L A Y ! | : ^ ® : $ ....... -..........--.... ..... .....)->”»-...w ...................• - ..... —M 1 ‘i .... fioc. Regular Price $ 1,00 1 MAKE YOUR PURCHASES EARLY. WE WILL | SolidGoia®BbyRing i PUTTHEMAWAYUNTIL YOU WANT THEM. | R m & o r ^ K o .... -. ^ ’iiflLPgg 3 t * ' ‘f - t fe $7*50 Rcgidar Pric* $i0,00 J4R Solid Gold Genuine Diamond Solitaire- • ' Finq.Cut Stone ’ xlegantly Carrtel Mounting. No,. 60S • $2.50 Regular Price $3.00 q ^ r l T ^ 6,00 $4^25Regolar Price$6,00 Solid Gold Solid Gold Solid Gold Signet Ring forGirls or Roys goaubi^al Gdnnfufe OpaU Signot Eioff*Briffht Polluhtwi * Jtaantifiilly ChnsiMi Pull 0 t Iride&confc Colors Very HttaFy.EloguDtft Carted Heavy lionntlcg No, 486 . No.-SOS ” ' No. 511 . $5.75, Regular Price £50 ,Cold Filled, Chatelaine Guaranteed 15 joata, Fine Jeweled Movement No. 601 $12.25, Regular Price $16.00 r j * I Cold Filled Hunting Case ■ 1 Gnnrflnteod 20years, Elgin Movement,, Elosly Jeweled, No. 603 ‘ $9'75, Regniar Price $14.00 Crown ”Gold Filled Open Face, Gnarfthtcod S3 years, 15 Jeweled Elgin Monmeat No. 610 \ EXPLANATION.—Modern business methods made it necessary for the manufacturers to dispose of their samples when thoir travelers finished taking their seasons ostlers., ,To do so at one time meant \ Il7f / ' a big reduclion rrom the regular prices—A'DIRECT LO»S. However, the up-to-date manufacturer ' \ \ M w tUl If! ' must encounter these losses* it’s considered good business jugdment. , ' The big saving we bavd/ made ',‘is now at your mercy. * / / w f ■ a 5? "These Goods are not 04ds and Ends, but Fresh andUte Samples.' We artietl Wbtch , does uotcomc nptO the srandard required by the high reputation of our establishment, Every Article Sold Is Fully Guaranteed, and We'll Gheerful^ Refund Monty If arty Article Purchased Does Not ProVe Just as Represented. . . :V; . Margileth & flcFarland, k €. fiiflb$t, Springfield,o.^ VICTOR AND THE FISH, . '.qwnai'wiBmwvwMoi . King Virtor of Italy is very fond of fishing, but unfortunately he very widow hucw «1& in catching many .fish. The other day, after fishing for several hours, lie wag re­ turning home with three perch no bigger than sprats in bis bag when ho met a peasant who had also been fishing and had caught several splen­ did trout, wWell, neighbor, I .see you liayer/t caught many/’ said the peasant, with a laugh, *Yet X don’t see why, for they're hiring good today, I guess you're the feame kind of fish­ erman our king is/5 “What do. you mean T’ asked King Victor, blushing furiously, ji “Oh,” replied the peasant, “we all know him. lie thinks himself a great sportsman, but lie's no good at fishing. I suppose the Lord thought'twus enough to make him a king without making him a t ther same time a good sportsman." Curiosity of tbo»ht Cur*. Professor Finsen's death recalls a curious fact about his discovery of the remedial value .ofTight, In one respect it was a striking Example of the. scientific, return to. a supersti­ tious practice. His researches led to" his theoretical conclusion that red light would reduce suffering in smallpox and prevent permanent marking oi the skin, Experiment has confirmed his theory. Hut. the curious tiring is that mediaeval doc­ to rs' prescribed fdr smallpox and fever patients seclusion in rooms hung with "scarlet cloths, and in books little more than-a decade old this treatment is ridiculed as an ex­ ample of the 'quackery ,from which modern medicine ha; delivered man- kfnd; A Tip on Standard Oil. A New York y,dying man who has the same name, and initials as H, H. Rogers, the Standard Oil man, fre­ quently receives .through the mail letters which are intended for the latter. One day he received a-bill for a •new flag furnished to Hr, Rogers' yacht, which he mailed to him with the following note: • Pear Sir—I •received the inclosed bill Intended for -you, an Xam not fortunate enough to own a- yacht. •However, I .wiU pay your btlVIt you will tell me the best time to buy Standard Oil. He received the following reply: Pear Sir—Your ndie at hand. I will be glad to pay my own bin, The best time to. buy StandardpH is between 10 and 3, The Best Hated Man, _ Now thajfc Sir "WilliamHarcourt is dead they are telling a ’story in Eng­ land which shpws how unpopular he was in his early" life.1 Three men were in a club one. evening talking of a big pubhVdinner which was to be-given at an early date, and each said he would bring the best hated mart in London, to the dinner; Two showed up ftlope, and the third brought Sir William^ who explained, in, all innocence, that he was sorry, hd could no t accept the invitation of .the first two,, as he already had accepted that of the.lhird. - * .Helen Keller’s Life Work.. While Hiss Keller has n o t’ yet efhoitely^YUtricdr^ “ Work she,wT.................................. r WEBSTER’S POWER. Hew H* Quieted * Penieky Avdiene* M Banker Hill. ■ ■On Juno IT, I j L’ j , iho streets of Boston were thronged with -citiasis and country folk. As one of the old stage drivers remarked, “Kvery- ti ing that Inks wheels and ^very- trying that has legs used, them to get to town today!" A brilliant • civic and military precession march- ’ ed through Charlestown. In the . place of honor, rode the fine, portly ilgurf of Lafayette. No innnnity bespoke his almost threescore and ten years, for o f course on horseback ■- he did not display the slight lame­ ness contracted in this country’M cause at the battle of Brandywine. After laying the cornerstone of Bunker Hill monument, Lafayette .refused to take the'seat prepared fo r him under the pavilion devoted to the official and distinguished guests. “No/* he said, “my place is here with, the survivors of the Revolu­ tion/' and he took a seat among the veterans who were resting on rnde benches unsheltered from the •hot rays of the sun. The great rnxiety of the people to hear-Daniel Webster's speech came very near being disastrous. The crowd surged, nearer and,nearer the stand, clothes were torn, people were hurt, and women shrieked and fainted. ‘The marshals, fearful of a panic, endeavored by every means 1 to gain control over the heedless . crowd,--They entreated, they called out commands for order, all in vainj their very efforts only increased the excitement- • , ■> Suddenly Webster, moved by im- • pulse, sprang forward and in a voice of thunder cried to th e m ar-p fehals: , • ' ' “Be silent yourselves and the peo- .> pie .will obey!" . • • They did obey. .Those clear, mag­ netic tones carried control to every . . one of. that struggling throng.. The , mob became as manageable’ as a’ child. • . • . ' * "< 1j» *1 1 ^ t ' ■’ His Perbpfltion,. , The Scotch clergyman was exr pounding the story of the- deslruc-. tion of Pharaoh, and bis host: - “And .,Mossus and his people- , crossed ofer.’safely to the other side,,’ ’- but Pharaoh and his host were sub-' ’ merged in the water. And Pharaoh lifted up liis eyes and saw. Hoaaus Standing safely op the other side, and he’ eried' and.said,-‘Qh, Mossus, safe me!’ But'MossUs.nefer le t oh tha t he was hearing-Mm. -And h e ' cried again, and said, 'Oh, Mosgus, . safe'me!' And Mossus turned and ’ .,.- looked at him and. said; 'Pharaoh, I . , think I haf seen1you pefore/ " - 1- - •Scottish A m e r i c a n . 1 • a periodical of high id,. THEBICHE 1 aril H a s b e e n a su c c e s s o v e r THE STATE l rS OFFICE IN THE BUSHNELL BUILDING ANNEX IS CROWDED DAILY, rectum are positively cured by their new treatment. Kit«h«n UUnslis. systematic arrangement of -t'ili'nbrf A staff of eminent physicians and1 surgeons from the Bi-Chemlo Medial Institute have, *t the utgertt solioitt- tion of a large number of psUettte un* dt r their mm in this country, estab­ lished a pefmsfl&tjfc br umh of the la* Stitute in Springfield, 0.» Suite 384, lfifi, 130, M n « U Bldg Annex, third floor. Take iterator. <ffounta(ft ate, entranoA) These eminent genUemen bitve de­ cided to give their services entirely free for one month (medicines excep­ ted) to all invalids .who calf upon them for a short true only. 4 These services consist not only of ^ 9 p w consultation, exainiiiatiou and advice, kitchen furniture and utensils will but also Ofall miner surgical opera- save, time and labor. A useful cup- .I.,.,# , board to stand near the stoVe should * . , . , , have a shelf near the'top, one a t The object iopursumg this,bourne is the bottom and rows of nails on to become rapidly and perHonaliy ae- back, ends and inner side of the qUainterl with the sick and afflicted, door, In this keep pots, kettles, ami deformities, and guarantee a cure he*}^ coffee ana other things used in every ease they undertake* .At the about the Move when cooking,-— first Interview a thorough examine- Exchange. ^ _ tta’ i. tewmH., 7 M>ra| Th. Ihnkl/ tad kladly taldn »l«oad.iMil. Atttthtag a vala«« to a biaMat against speiiding your money for use- jffin hed has bothered many a house- late treatment beeper. A very good way to do it female weak***, oataVrh te to sew the valance to a coarse * a *aheet or piece of cotton doth the god catarrhal deafness, also r u p tu r e ,} ^ ^ apteading the sheet varicocele, goitre, oaneer, epilepsy, OJ, jj^ton over the wire mhttress, pwalyshr, bay fever, diabetes, obesity, The hair mattress going Oij above oetaraot of the eye, the opium habit, keeps the cotton smooth and the all ririb dkffttes and all disputes of thej valance, perfectly in place. A teilclWr's T&ijrrtony. Hiiiton, Ky., Nov, 28 (Special)—I t has long been claimed that Diabetes is incurable, but Mr, E . .7/ Thompson, teacher in theHinton school, has pleas­ ing evidence to the contrary. Mr. Thompson bad Diabetes. He took Dodd's Kidney's Rills and his cured, In a statement he makes regarding his Core Mr. Thompson says: ?*I Wat troubled' with my, kidneys for more than two years and was treated by two of the best doctors in this part of the state, . They claimed 1 had Diabetes nbd there was little to be done for tne, ’Then I started to use Dodd'ti Kidney Bills and wbal they did-for,'me was wonderful. I t is en tirely owing to Dodd's Kidftey Fills that.I am now enjoying good health/ Many doctors sill) maintain that Diabetes isinqnrable. But Diatoms Is a kidney disease and the kidney dl*> case that Dodd's Kidney Fills will tint cute has yet to bn discovered. Gargl* For Coro YhroAt. A sore throat should never be neglected, especially in time of epi- . demies. • A cleansing gargle is made '. by dissolving a hetiptid teaspoon of ifialt and carbonate"bf soda, mixed ' in equal quantities, iij half a tum­ bler of water. To K«op Nstdle* BrSflUt. To keep needles from rusting us# a needle book having leaves of wash leather. Flannel looks very nice, ,but the sulphur with which it is of­ ten prepared causes ihe needles to rust. ^ ^ Butter R a W ov #* Qiam«< Butter will remove almost any kind of stain exeept ink stain, Rub it into Ilia slain, then wash quickly in hot water with fine soap, tVhcii yon want h pleasml purge tive try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They are easy to .tsfo and produce no nausea,' griping f4j / other disagreeable effect. For tele by all druggists, she will edit class for the blin That it has long been her ardent desire to see the blind of America provided with a magazine of high quality and varied interest, like the'best of periodicals published for those who^see, she has frequently asserted;—National Mag­ azine. , Tattooing. th« Hotea, .The tattooing of the horse is said- t o 'b e 'a new fad, which -had its origin in Faris early in the present year. Fr&mment leaders of society In the French capital, it is said, have had their family coats of arms punc­ tured into the sides of the horses, and the new craze is reported to have already spread throughout Eu­ rope. The new custom is reported to subject the horse to mueh cruel­ ty, and humane people regard the; fad as a most barbarous craze a t the best. , Radium Or*. Tests have been made in Vienna with pitchblende which was taken from the ground as long ago as 1807, 1814 and 1853, and - the strength, and quality of the radium in these samples have been found to be identical with' those in a portion of pitchblende only newly extract­ ed, a fact which further proves that the powers of radium incur no dimi­ nution with time, These experi­ ments Were carried Out in the min- eralogical Museum quite recently. Tspp*d the Qiocter Lake. On July 13,1892, the village of St. Qervais, on the western slope b£ Mont Blanc, was destroyed by a flood of water which had accumulat­ ed within a glacier and suddenly forced a way out. A repetition of Ihe disaster, which seemed imminent nst summer, was averted by tapping he glacier lake with ft tunnel 200 •ftrds long, --Buff and B . Rock cocker*!?,' —Dobbins. R. E. CORRY, AUCTIONEER . Sells Real Estate and Fetsotial prop­ erty anywhere, Frompluaas, attention to details aftd satiefitcUtin guaranteed, Hijjh service^ Low prices. Residence Telephone 28ft Clifton, 0 . Call and seetire dates. im utir'iiihroto■iimoi>ia"weolti If"ilw« hair is carefully parted this will ntit., make i t very unpleasantly greasy. The Polar Bear'* Bath. Folar bears enjoy a bath for the sake of cleanliness as. well as for' BWimming and as a hunting ground. A t a certain zoological garden when the old polar bear’s bath was being filledwith fresh water it would stand with its mouth open, letting the wa­ ter run through its paws, and when the bath was full would play all kinds of tricks, reveling in the wa­ ter. One of its antics was to float on its back in the water and then catch hold of its heels with its fore paws and roll over In a ball. I t would also turn over backward on the edgo and fall in with a resound­ ing splash. You r L ife Current, The power tha t gives you life and motion is the nerve force, or nerve fluid, located in the nerve cells of the brain, and sent . ou t through the nerves to the various organs. If you are tired, nervous, irritable, "cannot sleep; have headache, feet stuffy, dull and melancholy, or have neuralgia, rheumatism, backache, peri” odieal pam'S, indigestion, dys­ pepsia, stomach trouble, o r the kidneys and liver are inactive, yotir life-current is weak. Power-producing fuel is ii ced­ ed; something to increase nerve energy—-strengthen the nerves. Dr. Miles' Restorative Nee-- vine is the fuel you need, I t feeds the nerves,produces nerve force, and restores vitality* ‘•When 1 Se&kn ukln* Df, Nfcj Jte#tor*Uvf Jtervltws t t j Atttt-F PUW I WAS eonaava to my bid. had jM*vwh n*m«aw *»*«*, th* «*, at ivtoytiiH m«e*A with gradually ftr*w x* yrm*. that 1 •* iinaWKi it - Uftafcte <vmmir * * A *». ... 'M . .. , .nWt . ^ temflatltsa *<u Had dociwvd turtrt ate- mi3»t «t> ti f J r * .... ... . u . 4 i f<n To Relieve Toolhach*., For totithdche try the following:' Creosote, eight drops; oil of pepper- ' mint, ten drops; oil Of.camphor, teh =; i , drops; oil of cloves, twenty drops; hydrochlorate of cocaine, ten grains; ' chloroform, ha lf an ounce. Apply a-few drops pm cotton. Keep th e '., bottle tightly corked'in a cool place. Hememad* Hair Tome., ,For falling linir castor oil and bay____ ” 'i™“'Bvb'"‘paris*lff^fumTffpue of “ •Ms ....................................... m m Medic*! Co., I ¥; vf;S .9* ** + k