The Cedarville Herald, Volume 27, Numbers 27-52

tOfUM mm mmmm w L t i . ' 0 HHtma$ Presents mfum HmthaYc a |)r*rik‘«J me tyre lUOdtnpprimtCfl, Heket your presents now and have them set. away until you «rd ready to take, them out. We carry a full line of Furnishings for men aud boys. Here is a list ot use­ ful articles; Hats, Gaps, Dress, Gloves Driving Gloves, ,Fur Gloves, Kni5 Gloves, Neckwear, Shirts of all descriptions, Dress Shirts, IGght Shirts, .Flannel Shirts, Bath Robes Pajamas, Cardigan Jackets, Sweaters, Underwear, shirt?,Collars, Cuffs, Silk, Initial and Linen •Hand' kerchiefs, Collar Buttons, -Cuff Buttons, Watch Fobs, Watch Chains, Canes, Umbreallas for Ladies and Gents, Silk MufflerR, Way’s Mufflers in all the latest shades; Hos­ iery, Suspenders, Ear Muffs, Trunks, and Valises. SULLIVAN, The Batter, 27 So. Limestpne S treet’ Springfield, O. - .t? "much of the burden apd worry of buying properly and economically o il your shoulders. .This - JEW ELBY . STORE is the plan where the most particu lar purchasers o b ta in th e ir ’ Watches and Jewelry F. J. H. Stetefe Building:. Xenia, O. ALU OVER THE HOUSE. . Tho Chief Attraction. 4Materfamilias — I hope, major; you. are coming t o our little musical party. The prograihmeis very com-: prehensive, My Emmy/, will play 1 Considering the cheapness of the piano, Sophia th d ,h a rp , Em ir papers, i t is surprising th a t they ^^U»mg^L80i%-vAmnio-wULgive-a- recitation- - Many W t,i In Which'Old Newspaper* * May Be Profitably Used. old . a*c hot more. umeiaaUy..usctL. .An -old M .. m m m , pretty niece? , ;j_____ Mother—-tihe will cook, Major—Ah, Very well, then, .I wilt come In time foe Miss Ju lia’s performance. — Berliner Fremden- b lh tt ; ~ _ The Third Eye. The rudiment of a th ird eye ex­ ists in a lizard. Disregard for a time his two F righ t eyes, one on each, side of his head, and look di­ rectly down the center of the skull between them. Here we will find an oddly .shaped scale marked with a little.depression, and th is is indeed what is le ft of our Cyclopean eye. The horse, the hat,, the mole, the monkey and the seal all have a trace of this third.eye. THE BEST MEDICINE r»»WOMEN If you aw KOrtohs and tired trot eoutmoftlly you could have pO dearer warning of the approach of Bsriott*female trouble* _ Do not .Walt until you Buffer UU- hatrahlepaiUbefore yoftseek treat­ ment, you need Wine of Cardp now just as much as if tho trouble were more developed and. the hfe. a pslns of dlwrdoWd in®? on, bearing down pains, ledeorrhooa, backache imd "head* ache.were drrring you to the un­ failing relief that Wine of OardUi has brought hundreds of thotMuuade of Women and will bring you. ‘ - Wine, of Cardul will drive ottt all. trace of -mimes* and banfih nerrera* spells, hr ’dadhe and back* S and prevent the symptom* quickly developing Into deite gwfou* troubles tEw will be hard fbebeek* Secure a 11.00 bottle of 1 Wise of Cahhii today. I f jrOfflc dealer doe* not keep it, send the money to the JAdies* Advisory PepCThs Chattanooga Medicine Go., Ghatienooga, Team, and the medlei®will be sent you. W itte s t GARDV l to dean the table quickly and easily* ~Am“d‘ld"Idldiid'jiTip^'f^lucecl on iae, behrth keeps the •bolt jms. of the plates clean when they are Set there to warm, When trimming or cut­ ting any material from which tiny ravelings jar bits of cloth will fall an Old paper will catch the stray bits, a n d sweeping will n o t be neces­ sary. A, newspaper-securely fasten­ ed over plants on a cold n igh t will protect them from iro s t, A paper pinned over the window will keep out a cold draft, A paper placed over the chest when one is riding against'a cold wind will pro tect the chest- ‘ , ________ Washing Embroidered Collar*. In washing embroidered collars and stocks a tablespoonful of tu r­ pentine to a quart of the water in which they arc cleansed will act as a ■ preventive against fading. Make a suds of White soap, bu t do not rub the soap directly on the work. Rinse in several waters and lastly in a. blue water in which a little borax (a teaspoonful to a quart) has b een . dissolved, Do no t wring the p iece s,' b u t iay them flat jn a cloth after pressing out some o f the water. Roll them closely and let them lie about' an hour, then iron w ith -a flatiron th a t is no t very hot. .,A very hot iron has a tendency to fade colors. Never iron embroidery on the righ t side, Always place it face down? ward on a thick blanket. ; Laundry Hint*,.. Beeswax for smoothing sadirons should be tied in a piece of white muslin to prevent waste, Woolen clothes should be washed in very ho t suds and n o t rinsed. Lukewarm water shrinks them, A b it .of orris roo t placed among handkerchiefs, etc., when they are boiled will pleasantly perfume them; For starching muslins, ginghams and calicoes dissolve a piece of alum the size o f a hickory nu t for every p in t of Starch. This will keep the colors brigh t for a long time. X WIG4* One of the questions of the day Is, ^Should a wife? have an allow­ ance Oh, by all means! L e t a good, liberal allowance be settled upon her by her fa the r ju st befora tho marriage’ ceremony. No person but those who have had experience know* how Ji«w*#«*ry this J f t t York Triagram, TheGedaMtleHerald. | i . o o r*er Yswar* K a r l h fbull E d ito r . FRIDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1804. The people of Panama evidently do not feel aa angry towardsUncle Sam as might be, even if he does own a 7 . 011 m which cute their young republic into halves. Any irrigation they may have experienced come from not un- dersta tiling and comprehending the Yankee methods of doing things. But daylight is breaking. Upon the re ceipt of the news of President Roose­ velt’s election, Gov. Melendez of Co­ lon ordered 21 guns fired. There is a man in Iowa who i« cred­ ited with having added $30,000,000 to the wealth of that state, during the past year, Prof. Holden, cf the Iowa Agricultural College. He traveled thousands of miles all oyer the state, lecturing to farmers and showiugtbem how to increase their corn .crop from 27 bushels to the acre to 40 bushels. And the harvest justifies bis claim. The farmers listened to him gladly, and hsve ndded 100,000,000 bushels to the customary yield of the state. All this was doue by.selecting the best, seed, and.following scientific methods of tillage. Prayers have recently been offered in sorue Kentucky .churches, for rain. The weather got eo uuiformUy ■•clear' with varying wind,” as the up-to-date forecaster puts ir, that not a drop of water fill for mouths and some ot the distilleries hail to close. A man who started from Lexington upon a prenbln ing tour, couldn’t fimf water, and was obliged to drink whiskey, orgo thirsty Naturally be too, began to pray for rain. I t will be bard lilies if one has to dam the Ohio river and resort to irrigation for the relief of the blue grass region, - At last the pension roll of the Uni­ ted States exceeds one million of'per­ sons* the number now being 1,000,- 781. I t is tbought the maximum has been reached. 1There has been a cor­ responding increase in the payments, but it. is given out that the expenses of running the bureau are to be cur­ tailed, and that in the near future some five hundred clerks may be dis­ pensed with. Many of them are re­ ceiving larger salaries than they could earn if left to their own resources, and reductions are proposed.This has already taken place in the. fees of examining surgeons. Afl Speaker Cannon says, one way to make both ends meet i s .to practice economy.- Other people have to ”do this, and Government employes are not exempt from the common lot of humanity. ’ ■v * ■ " ' • . ’ 1 ‘ -v ■ ' ‘‘ ■- The Hind You Have Always Bought; and ‘which has bees*, use for over 80 years, has hom e th e signature o f and has boon made under b is per­ sonal supervision since its infancy, Allow no one to deceive you in this. A ll Counterfeits, Im itations and “ Aust-as-good” a te but Experiments that trifle w ith and endanger the health o f Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment* What is CASTOR IA Oastorla is a harmless substitute fbr Castor Oil* Pare­ goric, Drops nud Soothing Syrups* I t is Pleasant* I t i ’contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee* I t destroys.Worms and allays Feverishness* I t cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic, I t relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. I f, assimilates th e Food, regulates tbe Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep* The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend* x g e n u i n e CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature o f „ # f i n / ' • The-KindTonHaveAlways Bought In Use For Over 30 Years* , T H E P E N TA U R « O M P A (*Y | 77 M U R R A Y «T R E C T , N S W Y O R K C ITY * GEORGE H. SM ITH , Cedaryille, Ohio, Agent for United States Life Insurance Co. Which writes Bankers’ Insurance and whose contracts are ss plain as notes. If you want protection, take OrdinaryLife, or Twenty '.Payment life, with Endowment Settlements* Yon can carry $2,000 or better, almost as cheap as $1,000 in investment., it investment, we will pay you $400 more than you pay in. at tho end oi 20 year?. We srTve you 7. elective conditions yoii can change at your will. From 2 to 3^ times face value of your policy in paid up insurance without reexamination, Also agent for.the General Accident,, of, Philadelphia, . andthe U . S. Accident Co. o f N . Y FOR PO ST S B lood Feed pale girls on Scott’s Emulsion. . ■ We do not need to give all the reasons why Scott’s Emulsion restores ,the strength 11U flesh and color of good icalth to those who suffer rum sick blood. The fact that it is the best? ^reparation of Cod Liver Oil, 'jeh in nutrition, full cf healthy stimulation is a suggestion as >why it does what it does. Scott’s Emulsion presents •‘o.l Liver Oil at its best, .Hes* in - strength, least in a.jle. Young women in their ictus ” are permanently cured >’ the peculiar disease of the u'ood which shoWM itself in ,>aicness;weaknessandnervous- rrss, by regular treatment .vhh Scott’s Emulsion; it is a true blood food and !o naturally adapted to the cure f ri’C blood sickness from Hch so many young women suffer* Place orders early, for spriug -plant­ ing. Heavy demand; supply limited; 12-inch t 0 418-inch only at this date. Reference: Cbas. Dobbins as to quali­ ty of'stock and growth. Also a full line-of Fruit, and Ornamental trees PRICES RIGHT. STOCK FIRE B L A C K IiOUUST . $10 00 h e r „M TECUMSEH NURSERIES, Cedarville, Ohio. SrATK of Omo, C ityof T oi . kdo . 1 .. L ucas C ounty . ) ® F rank J. C hknev makes oath that ho la senior partner of the firm ofF. J. O h F xe '- &Ca„ dohig business in the city of Toledo, County, and state aforesaid, and that said firmwill pay the sumof ONU HUNDRED DOLLARS for each every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of H aui / s C atarrh C urb , FRANKJ. CHKNRY, Sworn to beforemo,and subscribed in my presence, this flthday of December, A, D- 188U. A. W, QI.BASON, j BEAU | Notary Public Hall's Catarrh cure Is taken internally and acts directly on the blood end mucous surfaces of tlie system, fiend for testimoni­ als, free. GOOD for OLD and YOUNG j*. . ; We will be |hd ia km ! a sample to anysufferer.' tie rate ifist thh pkltire<* »;r t.t every bottle ef rH.« ( l Cm. . t«s-teria iibst Is-sa Ue cf t yms buy. SCOTT & BOWNB, d lihm lats, 46 <)Pearl St., NewVoth ss DR £ . C. OGLESBEE, ... i 8 itdiiuiib.iirfim.asiw -■ FUY80IAN AEl) BURGEON, Specially X-Ray and Electro Thaw- peutic UreaftMeut, ’Also lateet im- provhd appamUl^fdr treating disease* of tbe ntm, throat and long*. A«*ti8tFlower keeps the children healthy and ^ etrona-- Full efvlftofandfrolicthewholedayloiift. -9« wh^ti,JdAtPwa,n<‘.F4» mere they tush off In deftoiftlo’the druggist ; '■Viease give It to LEGAL NOTICE. 1), S. Collins' au tt L, B. Collins, who reside in AVilhargev Comity, State of Texas, will take notice: T h a t George J).' Haines,’ on the 4th day of;Uoventl>oJVi904, filed his p e ­ tition in the Court of Gomnion Pleas, In and for Greene Coun,ty, alleging th a t the above named Defendants togothor^with M. ,W. Gollins, of said County of Greene, were indebted' to the,sa«l G lOrge'B, Haines upon a promiflory note for. $140.00- together With in teres to n tlio.samo. That L. B. Collins -was 'Seized In fee simple of the following described real estate situated in -the County of Greene, State of Ohio and in the Township of Cedarville, and bound­ ed and described as follows: -Be»>g^part-of“snrToy^fcrrih)fi8- tiers of 3 ' on begin- tbe wat Masses "Creek, uriipi .tnol 1I«. mg ifitbelondn 01 Jfjme Harbor JN. 86deg. W. 80,2 poles to a stake. Tlmnce N. fifi^deg. E . 6.20 poles. Thence with the west line of H en ry Barber S. 80deg. E , 79.18 poles to the South bank of Mas sles Creek. Thence down the same H . 80yVdeg. W. 80 poles. Thence S.' 36deg. E . 39.9 polos to the center of the Columbus and Xenia turnpike. Thence S. 751-2 <leg,, W. 48:9 poles to the beginning, containing 37.Q4 acres", morn or less. T h a t the Exchange Bank of Cedar- villo and 11. S'. Anderson have same interest, or claim in said real estate* The prayer of said Petition Is for judgment against said defendants for the sum of f 140.00 witlr interest from the 0th day of August, 1904, and th a t an order of A ttachm en t Issued a t­ taching th e above described real estate and th a t the Exchange B ank of Ociarvillo and it. B. Anderson h e required to sot up tills claim against said real estate. . ‘ The parties first above mentioned will take notice that, they have been made parties defendant to said peti­ tion and th a t they are required to" answer the same on or before the Iflfh day o r December, A, D. 1904. George 1). Haines, by F rank H . Dean, Attorney. WINTER TOURIST TICKETS ARE NOWON SALE VIA Louisville &Nashville Railroad TO " ’ .FLORIDA,- GULF, COAST RESORTS CUBA, A.T V E R Y LOW H A T E S An , me!" fllnabiiity to get up brisk auA fresh hi the .morning, k c k o f appetite, pullor, muady Complexion” mid poof spirits— these all indicate ft disordered stomach and baddigestion--In adultsand children, loo. They also indicate the urgent need of taking Grech's August Flower rcgii, kriy for a few days, , qftt'8a reliable old remedy for all stomach troubles, never fail* to cure indigestion, d. V iv n in v c . UVSVCA V iU C Ili» .U ^ C 3 U U U dyspepsia and chronic constlmtion. an, is a natural tonic for body and mind, n qTwo size*, 85 c and 73 c. All di uggh.-'ii, IttiHft VVHerman, LVilatvi-llt4, O, For rate#, timo#tftlilns or beautifully Ulus trated booklets on Florida, the Gulf Uosst New Orleans, or Cuba, address nearest rep- resvntftMV". F. D, ntlftB, D. 1\ A. - - * Ciminnat! T. 34. DAVlSMl'OU'P, D, P. A. - Dl Louis IfiO. B A im .N , W,P,A. - - Chicago J. lb M1LMKKN, lb IK A, - Louisville 0 , L. BTONE, G bn ’ l B ass . A of . nt I.OUXSVU.tK, KY, ' Mam’s Restaurant anti Dining Booms Uor«*r High and JUmnstonti «troat- %riffgfield, Ohio, • « * * # * * * ! Dependable Dry Goods 0 L 0 Y E S ' Bilk drah, rime ami black, finger* double iippcd.lit liETBillSS CORSETS Alaska, Bamvflake,’Polar, ocly 50c. Royal Worcester; Loomis, Ferris, $1.00. Invisible Lacing $1,00 anil 81,50, • Ribbons, bells, hosiery, collar, lace,,berthas, finis. - Cotton goods, are very stiff’ while our stock lasts, Seersuckers 10e, gingham 74c dowu to fie. Sheeting In Remnants 23c, worth 30c. Pillow cases 321c to 20c. Table cloths, fine stock," 30c to $2.00, napkins til match. W a sh D ress Fabrics. One euBeto sell, 8f,e, worth J2^e. White goods 10c up.- v|A- Voiles,.Madras, Oxford, Ghiffimetts, Persian,. Lawn, Linens, . Silk Persian, greatest variety. *§| Wash amts $2.00 up, Wrappers $1.00, uwleiweai. | Carpets, Rugs, W indow Shades, HDTCmsOH & GiBjiEY’S, X E N IA , • ” . OH IO , » $125 IN GOLD . Tojbefdistributed in twelve premiums of $ 2 5 , $ 2 0 ,’ $ 1 5 , $ I O , $ I O , $ I O , $TO , $ 5 ? $ 5 > $ 5 ? $ 5 , $ 5 j Monday January 2nd ’05. Patronize iny meat market,and receive a ticket with each 25c easlr purchase^ Each ticket will give you one chance in the drawing. Fresh ami alt Meats, Fish, Oysters, Etc. Lies’ W in te r Coa .ts $5.00 buys a .45-inch Ladies Tourist Coafc afc ouF sto re—black or dark gray, good material correct hew 'sty le . W e have all grades in better Cloaks ab$7.50, $8-75, $10.00, $ 12.00 and up to. $25.00. Blacks,' Browns and Castors ftre tho correct colors'. ' Children’s Cloaks uWe 'have the greatest selec- tion of popular, sty lish Child­ ren’s' W raps, In sizes 4 to 6 • a t $8.50, $4.00, $5.00 and $6.00 ever shown In Xenia—colors . ;Bfown, Gray, Green and Bhi,e Misses School Skirts , :Ju s t righ t fo r sbopl wear, In sizes 10, to 16 years; stylish $5.00 each. ..$3 .00 to $10 ,00 Each. uMunsing” Underwear fOr Lad- . ' tes and Children, the most satis­ factory k ind made. Buy them Onco you will have no other— , prices 50c, (35c and $1.00 “ Pong” Stockings for hoy’s and girls, the kind th a t wear well. There is no other as good,—all sizes and a il’w e igh ts. . .......... 25 c JOBEBROS. &CO, X E N IA , O. Columbia Salad Fork Article*netalonebeautiful, butuscfuUnddurable, maketbemost*snsiblegift. Thesegoodfeatures, together with a moderateprice, make thegenuine *1047 ROGERS »ROST SPOONS, KNIVES, hORkS, BTC. *ft ideal Holiday gift, They are made in a great tanety y£ shape*, sixes and design*, handsomely | bm « , *ad Hry k price from 2Sc. to $3,50. Your dealer can. supply you. Write u*£or our handsome catalogue "C-L” to aid tou in makmgselection*. M-s.*""**** »* MK k I&SKRRItANSiX<50.* 1847 Columbia Salad Spoon GERS BROS. l a t e That W Is whsi they $re. They cure eonstip&Hdft* bUlousncss* stck*hesdiehe« , Want ywir mowstsche ot beard ^h ttn fiftatiiiftim ffrrichhhw at? Use M J i i f S J I f