The Cedarville Herald, Volume 28, Numbers 1-26

- 'HtwwpMI* "•* 'me f si ’I F«»r R%r(Jlt‘nc*- -Our J o b : . . Vfurk w ill v*»ttij>atv w ith j * • ...... . : — * i Tu“s i t r i l -%•!;<» marked,-srith I f ir s deface inst yd a j as? dao arm a pr*. , • ricrtf lstras*r^sitlsf<tcf’'"id ii . mb a,; c |r ffabfCK • PP .TOP ;!n,A -i n m T Y ^ m m m y ear n o , 49 . H*SB?E 1 SUITFOR INSURANCE, Jultu WjUiaoislms entered suit In the t i.-sut of Common Pleas aitmegt [lift Anchor Fire Insurance €o;,. of thurimiati, to collect insurance to ifo: ;imouot of $500 o'i a property in Cedi- urvilio, consisting of a one story build* iu£, which, go September 1* 1901 wit wholly destroyed, whereby the plain* lilT-sustaiued a l<mamounting to $500 ; ilie umount of the policy. The peti i tlon says that a claim was made ■ through the company’s agent, N . A. - FuJtoo, but it was rejected by" the company, which refused to furnish the plaintiff the necessary blanks for tusking out its proof of loss. The petition'sayp that Won Tbwnsley has an interest iu thepolicey by vh'tite.of a certain mortgage clause. He is asked _ toset up the amount o f his interest „ that the amount may he adjudged to . himout of the funds recovered by the plaintiff. ------- T " , The po. t office will be open Mon- ' from 10 ai m, till U j . m, A MATTEROFHEALTH COUNCILMEETING. A t the adjourned meeting o f coun­ cil held fast Friday night there was no business o f , importance transacted other than tfje allowing of the regular monthly expence# and the appoint- ment p f the auditing committee to emamine the books of the clerk and treasurer. Messrs J„ H , Andrew and L , Or, Bu ll were appointed by Mayor McFarland. Council will meet again on Saturday Dee, 31 , for the purpose o f making the levy for the coming year. QUESTIONSELECTED. CEUASVIUE. OHIO. FRIDAY. DECEMBIR 25. 1904. «i*awMwwMMwwii PRICE $1.00 A' YEAR. mm lath Annual Session of the Cedar- vllle Farmers’ Institute, ■wfisiearilwi-ri.vTj'* 1 'he question for this year’s debate between Cedarviile ,«nd Wilmington college has been selected by the latter team, and the local boys are-now try* ing to decide which 'side o f th e ques­ tion to uphold. The question i»: “ Re­ solved that the prepent tendency of the "United States to increase its navy should be discontmued,” The phrase ‘'‘present tendency to increase” shall he taken th mOau a largo increase and “ should be discontinued” to signify a discontinuance o f this large increase. no ACRE FARM FORSAIE. On the Yellow Springs pike three fourths mile from Cedarviile , ) ,, H This farm Unieely located, being 1 less ........... . thau one mile from college, churches and high-school. Improvements are good. Land produces good crops. Nice young orchard.; beating excel­ lent fruit. Never failing spruigs ou farm. I f interested, call on or ad­ dress, - W. J. H awthorne , S . F . D „ 2 , Cedarviile, Ohio. Feb, 27 , 1905 . Wednesday, Morn ing Session, 9:30 o’clock, Frayer.......... . ............ ....................... ............................ Jtov, H. C. MWdleten .. " ’ *• .o' , MUSIC. \ j Some PoiniH in using Manure and Cultivation.... ..................... ..... ................ | *1. ......... JT#S. Brigham, Rowfilig %«<?», Wood Co„ f>, | Some Points In Swine Husbandry J. Al. Dobie, St, iohus, Auglaize Co. O. j - Appointment of Committees. 1 \ Afternoon Scission, / o’clock. «*»♦*»*» Intensive, Farming... Some Foresty Suggestions.... Recitation...... Question Box... 1 Fossibilitles-of the SmpU Farm - Mtght Session, 7 o’clock. MUSIC- ...J . Al. Dobie ,D. H. Goddard, Washington O. H„ O. .........i,...........................yfiss Edna Mitchell ,ii,.wr,...w H . Stormont J. S. Brigham Prayer.. ...J, MUSIC. ........................................ . .........Rev, O. H. MilRgan Some Points for Ambitious Boys........... i.................. .............. J., S. Brigham • ; ■' MUSTC*;, ;■ f iV ,, Mlfe? Agnes Stormont . -MD*JTC. •*... . .................................Afrss Ora Carpenter •C mm mm mm r eSm-b& .nm mm itoLILlOK)U..p .................. ... Character as Affected by Country Life,.., .J. Al. Dohio We are pow prepend to haad’e „h ,, n w your corn - The D. S. Ervin Co. beetl Co>n 9 N ew H a t s HYPES*»ATS HavetheStyle. Stiff, B a t umi Opera. ‘;190an HATS in Correct Ad- i vanee Style. CAlPS in Far, Plush, Cloth—Sue up. j J l NEOKiWKAK, Fine 25c, 50c / j TuiL imd-^lilQ^ ! I .. i-.r r t-T riT'i -.0 1 ■ 111;! M l J S & i S I T h u r s d a y , M o r n i n g S e s s io n , 9 : 3 0 o ’c lo c k . Prayer........ ,. ... ......... ,;ReVr A. B. Henry . 'i'V- music . •- Getting a Stand of Clover.,-..,..,,..... :............. .................. ...... J, Al. Dobie Feeding''Lambs for Market. ............. ...... . W. A . McDorman, Selma, O, .... H. Goddard A f t e r n o o n S e s s ion , T o ’c lo c k , ■ - MUSIC. ’ , . . i. V-. Shall we Keep tlje.Boy on the Farm., Jjnprcfvemeut of Liv* Stocfc......... Recitation, 44An .Evening on the Farm” ..... ;..„Miss RutU Frvh^ Xenia, O. Qo|itfon 2Box,t..... .......... * *—it*.-,*-, ■* o; >, •*»*-.*- 1 1 mi ■*».C* ]EJ» Coolly SW© Profitable, Crops... v‘'' »—*'*id'i % Brigliam NEWGAS LINE, Tlia .Biisl, Hiked ofg«B line is now a little nearer tt reality for the pur veyere have reacheda point near;Mr. D. N. Hower’aplace pa dm Federal .pike., Tha.aurA^m,mjR^RmbaL are ^toppingat the CityHotel. The M U P F L t^ H S B A T H R O B E S S I L K U M B R E L L A S S U S P E N D E R S M E N ' S I E W E I ^ Y ^ : ; ' S U I T C A S E S , C O L L A R S HYPESSHIRTS, Theyfit h a n d k e r c h i e f s “A t The Men’s Store,” Limestone near High, SPRINGFIELD, O. HYPES aKpantitftgpBndMM$,%(W10f>0fl.itn,p?pp, the line to Cincinnati from Columbus. A sixteen inch main will be laid three feet in the ground- A pew -gaa field has been opened pear Mflcafter that has,miUionaoffset ofg*Bwa^od every day. I t is tbO ^jcpectateoff of the company to furnish gas to farmers along the root? »nd also toput a Hue to all of the surrounding towns. Invitations out are for the marriage of Frank Shepard o f Dayton to -Miss McCree of Springfield on Wednesday December, 28, at twelve o’clock. The ceremony will take place at the brides home.' Mr. Shepard has employment in Dayton where he and his bride will reside*- \ Horner Bros. & Co. WHAT CAH BBMORE THOUGHTFUL AHD USEFUL ASA PRESENT? W e have a l l kinds and styles, materials, c r ie r s and shades of the finest and most exquisite patterns and workmansh ip for mem women and children , A ll the v e ry best that are made a t the least prices. The pas t w eek we have sold hundreds of these fine slippers* but w e still have a complete selection of F l u e S h o e s a n d R u b b e r s f o r - Men*. W o m e n a n d C h i l d r e n . &L&i CASE IS SETTLED, The unit of -R. h, Gowdy, against; Marcus Shoup washeard beforeJudge Fisher in the Court pf Common Pleas Wednesday and.vas decided in favor nt the Plaintiff, The anit waa jhe re. suit of am action to recover money chting.atornpy. Thft,.tlay,flfterlt,lir suit wa*-broughtMr. Shoup paid back the sum sued fo*V$49.70. Mr. Shoup .uninteationeUyitew anoxtra months salary and the judgeraeat against, hint is for the interest on same. The costs in thecase standagainst the defendant. The suit was the result of the examin­ er’s who found shortages in several of the county offices. .* ■ Mr, aud Mrs. MHtou Keyes jeft Tuesday morning for Florida where they expect to maketheir future home Mr, aud Mrs. Keyes have been resi­ dents of Cedarviile for forty years and theit Cedarviile friends regret to see them leave.. HORNER BROS. & CO. 39 South limestone Street, Springfield, O. J f * vote were taken on tho most popular flour, our M a ld e n R u le wopldreceive a handsome tun- jo rlty ,.. ■ - ■ I t is the choice Of bakers add housewives who Irrtw, because It goes farther and gives imtler results than Any other flour ever mUled. But don’Wake m r word for It—try it-for Jtnurtetf, Artd be oonvlrswi......... L. H. Sullenberger, CtdaruiUs, Ohio. TOYS. We have lots of them- An automobile for 19 cents will please the boy. A doll se­ lected from our large stock will please the 'girl, ■These are only two items ont of our large list. W ¥ w A SUIT CASE Can be, used sometime by some member of the family. A nice one for $2.00 would make a gift that would be appreciated. Orwe can sell yon a fine leather ,case for $5.00, Como in and look at them. T Will buy Jus •Christmas gifts for good people at our store. Be has found a lino of .Christmas Toys," Candies, Fancy Goods, Etc. here that pleases him, and will make hia ■ selec­ tions from them. I t will pay you to do likewise. Wo invite you to come in and look, whether you- buy or not. We have gifts •suitable for Father, Moth­ er, • Brother, „ or Sister, Sweetheart or Friend. If We can help you .make your selections, don’t- hes­ itate to ask us, ' CANDIES and NUTS. A Fine A'sfiortmcttf. They look good, taste good, and arc good. If you don’t be­ lieve this, buy some and prove it-for yourself, / SPECIAL: " I/ ' Peanut Candy - - -10c lb. DIDYOU Know that a Bible makes a desirable .Christmas gift? We have i hem-.Dr, maybe -you had thought of a Pocket Book, Fancy Thermometer, Photo’Frame, Fancy .Dish, etc. Tt-will pay to look at. 'ours. ‘ , .. ■37 l ,1 N. B. We cannot accept Tickets Friday or Saturday this week. Please don’t bring then). Springfield's Greatest Clothing^ Store, f ' f *— ......... ........................................................................... ..... ........... . ............................................... - ^ 19-21-23 So. L imestone St., Wren’s Old Stand, Offer the follow ing suggestions for suitable Christmas (lifts for Men and Boys, S any one of which will be appreciated and you are sure to find the largest assortment and get the beat value fo.t the least money here. Suits, Hats, Gloves, Sweaters, Shirts, Caps, Tie Pins, Suit Cases, Overcoats, House Coats, Mackin­ toshes, Underwear, Hosiery, Umbrellas, Watch Fobs, Leather Coats, Rain Coats, Bath Robes, Car- ^ J digati Jackets, Neckwear, Handkerchiefs, Night 1 Robes, Cuff Buttons, Corduroy Coats, ITrousers, Fancy Vests, Jersey Coats, Suspender^ Mufflers, Trunks, Valises, Collars and Cuffs* - f e u ’ll find it esfcy mid oconomipul' mid a pleasure as well if you buy your Christmas v . Gifts at KAUFHAN’S, Springfield, 0 . rtiliiWiiiiiiMilB - i f To Cure a Cold in One Day T f l& o L i u m t l v e B r o n i o j | i i ! i i i i i e j i * w Try The Herald for Updo-date Job Work I) .1 \ a V )»%■