The Cedarville Herald, Volume 28, Numbers 1-26

* j£. ' r POWDER AbsolutelyPure HASHOSUBSTITUTE k, :< | LOCAL AND PERSONAL. ’Mtss Sfillie Wolford is visiting t', frieccU.and relatives in Xenia. Get jour tickets early for GorboliTs lecture ou Japan. , Misses Rosa and Lillian titewart en ■ tertained friends Mouday evening ;in fiQtior'of their Golurabus guests. i Mrs. Molutire, of South Charleston is visiting friends here this. week. "-—JFou S alts '., Barm. of 83 acres' 1 Inquire of.T, 0 , Williamson, Cedar ' vllie. V \ \ - , ■ J, -Mr. and Mrs. Janies McOlellati anc children pf Indiauaprolja Inch, returnee ■° home Monday evening after a few 'days visit with Mrs^ Mo's parents, t\ Mr, arid Mrs. HarVe Kesbifc. It is not a missionary talk, but popular lecture that Gorhold will give ’ you on Japan.' v I* -t i ^ Mr. nnd Mrs, X G Davis andchild reu, of, Walnut .Hills,; Cincinnati spent, Xmas with relatives here . . ' .Mr. .and Mm James BrysOn enter­ tained Mr, -and Mrs. Oscar Bradfute " apd family-Mr. and Mrs. Frank Turn- - bull,“My, David Bradfute, Monday;, Mr. Lewis Gilbert nnd wife enter- * ’ . tainej ut a ChrTstmas'dinner, Sunday, Mr, Charles Gilnert and wife of South * ' Cha lector being among those present; -Mr. Clinrles Crouse, Jr. and wife 1 " entertained a dumber o f1 relatives Sunday, .Among those-present were , Mr. Harry Vance and wife, and Mr. James lAudaker nnd wife of South ‘ Copieston. : t ^ 'The, express business the. past week has been something.,wonderful and all trains have been more or les3 late ow- 'ing to theHoliday- business; Mtv E, S* . Keyes has,.bad bis troubles aloi/g with ' -the rest in looking after the -heavy • shipments that ImveAfrived bore. As the result of a fight lust Satur- , dfy night at H. A1 McLean’s billard ball John Runnehey and Dave Cooney -t - .appeared before Mayor McFarland ' Tuesday nnd were fifred 82- and coBts each. *» -V i> ' i. i ^ * ; Rev. H, J. Kyle, of Churclivilta, X, Y . in the guest of his father, ‘Mr, Henry Kyle. . Miss Laura Hemphill, - of South' Charleston has been spending the week . with Mrs, J. H. Brotherfon. ' . Mr. and Mrs. J, 0 , Barber and aen, Warren, visited *relatives in Springfield and Dayton, Monday and Tuesday. fr Judge Scraggy granted a new trial Tuesday In the damage case o f John Thomas , against the Pennsylvania railroad growing out of Thomas haw ing»#everiri cattle killed by a train. Miss Mattie Crawford attended the closing exercises of the Osborn schools last Friday, there being no school in here department. Sir, W* B. Lofigstreefc and wife o f Dayton werg entertained by Prof. K. E. Ksndall aod»arife the first of the week. Sir, J , I t Srotherton has been spedifiug the week with his brother# In and near Detroit,.Michigan. Mr. Cecil George, of Cincinnati, is spending the Week with his parents here, Mr, and Mm* J. B. Winter gave * six o’clock ilinder Monday evening to a number of thiir friends, Mr, Carl Kyle and wife offspring field spent thwTrrst of the week with relatives hen*. Hear Gorbo’d, in the opera house, W#dn<?sday eviftiog* Jan, 4, on *‘Ja« pan and iluHiis, the David and Goli­ ath o f Modern Timm/ Admission, 115«eflts. Tickets on tale. at M cCol tattV. Flat opens Jan, 2, ft n, m. . M'm Lulu Hindis is visiting her ktwthar Mr. Datum «nd other frfatrilit at Chilii'vuhe. Sir. and Mrs. Wm. Hmith teerfndwtha manjbera of tlwir fafiifly to ( } ... ' “ " ISSkiSM Fiaaaay, df ^ umawis a#» rivad Saturday * v&s with hi# parents Mr. and Mrt, J, M. F.rowy. Mr. and Mr*. V, M. Morton of Clifton are guestof Mr, aud Mr*. John Towns**/. Mrs. Willard Trout, ifter a week’s visit in Dayton, has returned home. Mr. and Mrs, i*wie BulUmberger hvae been spending the week with rela­ tives in Oxford. Mr.-and Mrs, Jessie Townsley cm tertaiped a nunibejr of friends at din* ncr, Monday. ' -< Mr. and Mrs, O. L,, Smith" gave a Christmas dinner,, Monday to o num* her of their relatives. Prof. K- E, Randall has purchased from Mr. J. W. McLean the property adjoining Mr. Milo Randall for a con­ sideration of $600. , I . Masters David and Charles Lowry entertained about fifteen of their school friendsMonday evening. -The annual dinjieVfor the members of the R* •P,„ congregation was held Tuesday.’in the church dinning room Mies Mary Ramsey entertained thirty -young ladles this afternoon. r A surprise dinner was given Mrs Martha Ervin last Monday by a num­ ber of her children. Among those present were Mr, John Ervin and wife bf Old-Town, Mr.. Charles Ervin and family and’ Mrs, James Ervin and family of Xenia Miss Daisy Bill‘is visiting her,moth er during the Holiday week ' Mr. Almcn Bradford has be.en under the weather for a week with a -lame back,. - Mrs. Lizzie Clark and daughter Grace of Columbus are spending the week with relatives, - Mr, Herman Townsley, Mrs, H A. Townsley, Mrs* A. 0.- Bridgman, and Misses Inez Shepard and Edna .Towhsley attended the marriage of Mr. Frank Shepard .of Dayton to Miss McGree of, Springfield. 'The ceremony took place at the home of the .bride at noon, Wednesday/ Everybody will want to- hear Gor bold-oft “Japan, a Nation in a Day,” Do not deny yourself and afterwards 'regret it'< Mr, F, P, Hastings and’wife enter taiued Rev.- A. G. Hastings-aml fatni- Iy of Xenia, Dr, Loriirter and family OfJamestown, Rev. O. H. Milligan and wife and Mr. J. E.- Hastings anc family, on Monday, ‘Mr, J./s. Brown spent'Christmas with liis fathernear Mansfield. Clayton McMillan is home from Tar- kio for the Holidays. The annual dinner o f , the Barber family.. Was given Saturday at the home of .Mr, J. H. Andrew. Among those present, were Mr. and Mrs. Mack Elriek o fMiddletown, Sheriffand Mrs. F, T. Tarbox, and daughter Ruth, and Mr. Charles Ervin, and family of Xenia, and Mr, W. L, Marshall and family of Springfield, ' Mr. and Mrs, J. H, NcBbit gavok family dinner Sunday, Among those present were Mr. Charles Nesblt and family of Loveland and Mr, James McClellan and family of Iudianapolia, Mr, and Mrs. Harry Johnson gave a'ChristmaS dinner Sunday to the members of their family. Mr, and Mrs. Wftb Huntington Of Pittsburg were present. • Fred McElwain i# home from"Deli* ware where he has been attendidg col lege. Mr, Earl Ustiok and family and sis­ ter Kelt and brother Bert of Oolum bus, spent Sunday with their aun% the Misses Stewarts'. Vou know that Gorbold’s lecture job Jap in wilt be witty, hmusiftg and in sfructive; nothing dry about either Girbild or Japan. * The Springfield and Xenia traction line was sold Saturday to a number of the stockholder# who live in Clave land. The price paid was $225,000. riiedine recently went into the hands of a receiver, „ wfr. and Mrs, Marion Townsley and daughter#Carrie and May spent bath.## guest# of Mrs Tlijrza Towns- ley at Jamestown, Mr#. Emma Harjier, of Rlverdale, Dayton is visiting her father, Me* Jaiims Townsley. MissesKathleen Blair, of Loveland and Kina Butterfield of Xenia a # visiting relative# here, Frank Hill, &i South CharlesiBn, 1# visiting his mother, Mrs. Anna Dili. Mr. ami Mrs, Stewart Townsley cm- Ceftaiued friend# Monday evening. Mi#. W, fl. Blair, of .Loveland If visiting her mother Mrs. Jane Battetf* field* ‘ Misses Berth# and Clara Mitchell of Dayton are spending their Fmat vaoa- | lion with Mrs, Win, Mitchell. Frisk JSnrlu k home from <An«fia- aatl for the Holidays. The Sabbath school of the M. E* church was given Its annual Christmas treat* iart Friday evening. Charles Crowell, who is with the Sullivan department wore Io Spring- field, spent Cbristmaa at home* Mr. Asa McLean and Miss Mary Weidman of Columbus wore gupsts, Sunday at the home of Mr. J, IV. McLean, Mr. Herman Townsley of Jackson, Ohio, spent Saturday here and atten­ ded the Townsley family dinner at the home of Mrs. JM A. Creswell, .Mr, Harry Kildow and family o f Anderson, Ind., have been spending the Holidays with his father. Mr; Samuel Kildow. Mr* and Mrs. A. D, Endsley, of Tarentum Pa,, arrived here Wedues day for a visitVith Mr# E’s mother Mrs. Belle Gray -and other friends. Hr. Beth Collett received ■word this week of the death of his brother, Win,' Collett, of Van, Wert, O, Hr. and jiirS, Walter Fields are spending the week with friends ( in Cincinnati. : , f» ' * ‘ ’ tT# 1 A Hra. Thomas Wolford is visiting her parents, Hr. and Hrs. Shinn of South Charleston. . Mrs. Kettle Erviu and two children of Xenia, are gUest» of Mr. and Mrs. W, R. Sterrett and family. Mrs, Oliver Dodllg, of -^Xeniu, is Visiting herpireftts.-Mr. and Mrs, J, H, Wolford. Mise Lunette Sterrett entertained her pupils of Room Koi 2 to a Xnias treat at her.home on Xetiu ave, Sat­ urday afternoon-. , , • Stewart Satterfield and family, of Atlanta,' 111;, vyere, guests of Mrs, Jane Satterfieldjhe first o f the week. Mr. and -Mrs.'Charles Crouse enter- taihed a number of friends Monrliiy evening atab oyster supper in honor i»f Mis?.Charlotte Siegler. ■ Mr* A, G. Owens and-daughter, Bertha, epSnt Christmas with Mr, nud Mrs. Clarence Owens, of Xenia. - Mrs. Bessie Martin, nee Batts, of Judianapoiis/ is spending the holidays with-her parents, Mr. ,and Mrs* Alex BattS. ' Mr* Will -Blair and wile ere. enter­ taining a number of friends and rela­ tives at dinner to-day, The Gorhold lecture that- is to be for the beuefif of the. library and reading room. Help a good cause by takiug several tickets. L abi week Rukestraw and Bailey shipped a Chester White pig to F<P, and J..J. Hardin, of'Lima, O., for Usem their great herd, to a herd that won more prizes at St. Louis' thau any other herd in the show, Mis# Jenuie Cooper has returned from a few days visit with friends in Xenia. Walter Ballinger ha? returned to Ci ncinnati, after an extended visit with his aunt. 0 . E. Bradfute speaks before the annual meeting of the Minnesota Board of Agricultural and State Farmers* Institute, January 10 and 11. The following week Mr. Brad* fute appear# before a similar board at Lincoln, Neb* During the first two days of February he expects to at tend the Breeders' Association at Champaign, III, ,: The employee# of the Hagar Straw Board and Paper company weregiven turkey# for their Christmas dinner* The company ha# for several year# made it a rule to give turkeys oft Thankgiving but ibis year it Was im possible to secure them at that time* Charles Crdose, the meat dealer, fur tiished the turkeys and a load for the Springfield market. The patrons of the local telephone company were without the service from Saturday night uulil Monday morning. Manager Turnbull took this method of giving alt of the employees a holiday. The patron#. were asked is to the new rule and all readily con sduted, thus giving the ones who have been so faithful a day of rest. We the members of the Zion Bap* list church, wish to extend our heart­ felt tliafik# to our many friends who helped us with our entertainment on Christmas eve. Both in contributing to u«f and patronising us, which enab* led ns to raise the amount of $20.73, “May God shower down many blessings, financially and spiritually* upon you,1* Pastor, Christmas exercise# held at Rev. Sanderson’s church Tuesday, A very pleasing an 1 agreeable program was ■endered consisting of mu#ic by Rev* Banderecu Ctell George and Mi## Mary Ervin and Madge M igan, A treat consisting o f candy and rrangea were given at the does of the cxercls- *#r ‘Refunder Day” for December lesigaateS by Mr, W. S. Babbits, oftbeSpriagfieia national Bank w a s D ecem b e r 16 th m our sales checks bearing official date of Dec,,j6th will be taken as cash for the amount of the original purchase, in payment of goods, bought anywhere in the store. All these checks are asgood as Gold until Jan. 10th, 1 ^ 05 . and must be redeemed before that date. ifeili Woi tha t Closing Out Sale of winter goods Every Cloak must go regardless of cost, Hundreds of Ij “ top notch style” to select from, ,Every size' from 82 to 40 In. liustweftsure. Every color from cream-tan to black. 25Eaton Suits fiormeriy #10,00 to $18,20, now $1.48 ■■ SO Latest Tourist Suits 53 US off. $15NeWSuits $10-$20,Kev Suits $13.84—$25 New Suits $18.67 Closing Out Sale of all Fur garments trr,d F uj a $L7S French Coney Bur Scarfs^$1.17—guaranteed tull skins and fast color, - Greatest Jtrray o f Fox Ft+rs . Isabella and Sable Box Scares, single and. double skins, seif- lined and Siberian squirrel lined—all a t closing out prices. A genuine Fox Scarffor $B,Q0In this sale. Children’s White Boas—Only 60 left, $1.25 and $1,00 Boas in this sale a t 76c. T. D. BENDURE, 3£T 'X Springfield's Daylight Store. Z, E T T E Dpon the posters Which hung on the outside of the carriage she was .styled "Mile. Antonia, Scfmnambulo Extralucide.” ' - Hex; mother called her Zette—her real name was Suzanne. She was a pretty girl, not very large, with fair complexion and long .black Irnir that :ske let float about, her during her consultations, though ordinarily she wore it in a lo’ose coil Upon the niipe 'of ‘a, neckdhat-was perfect. ■ - - • ; - Never having- dbne’ miwh work, her hands ’were delicate and well shaped, ’ She Was' eho .gh of a co; quette to wish to keep them so. She had a finely'modeled form, and to- have -seen “her simply, dressed’ in koine qiijet color, with the gait of a wise Little workwoman, one\would never have ’suspected her strange calling, - ' Her mother, ,Mme. Finery, was as little like', others of her class as. her. daughter AhoUf her ' therej was nothing in common with the shrews who frequent fairs in red dresses and soiled skirts.' ' . Along(the route persons stared in amazement^ at this, queer coach all .covered with garlands of flowers. - There was some’one'who Was-all devotion to Zette;Utod’-her mother. It was. a"young gymnast^of two and twenty imada'rge traveling cir- ’cus that had, very nearly the same itinerary as MmegFluory. His name was .Jacques,, hut' bh’.'the playbills they spelled it Jack. He swas ex­ ceedingly handsome and of no com­ mon,type, There was fire in his eyes .and much intelligence in hi# smile. There was, too* much, .tenderness in this same,,smile,'’especially when he spoke to Zette; His love for this pretty br-uetter-so unlike any oth­ er woman he had seen ubout him in his wandering life—was very sin­ cere. ' ‘ ■ Kear her 1m felt himself another man to what he was in-the circus. There was such an.atmos­ phere of honesty.surrounding'Zette that Ms own manners, when with herr were altogether different frdm what they had been, and he was astonished at how well .they became Mm. ■*Then, too, he had dreamed of be­ ing loved by this sweet girl and of never being separated from her. Their positions accorded admirably. His salary was good, and some day perhaps he might enter one of the great circuses, of Lyons or Paris. It would he charming to find so sweet a little wife awaiting’his coming after Ms work was done. He had often spoken to Zette of these plans. He loved her so ,dear­ ly that it could not he possible she did not love Mm at least a little. Zetteyilways listened silently, vis­ ibly touched by what she heard, and he thought each time she would say "Yes," hut when he had finished by asking, with subh pleading in his eyes, “Will my wife, Zette f" [ To Cure a Cold in One Day TakeLaxative Bromo QuinineTablets. SevenMllSonfcwtwsoldfapost 13months. ;* . TfalS s igtia lgre , ^ Cures Grip la Two Days, on every I k « , 2 5 c . qmto she replied very gravely, "Xo,” Then Jacque# would he astonish­ ed. Why not;? CouldIt he that she did not believe Mmwhen he Baid he loved herj that she had no con­ fidence in him: that she did not love into? “Yes, I love you/* Zette answered “hut I do not wish to mat* you sywhy. litu.Flu And-she would never sa, ■ One day, however, Miner* ory blamed her for refusing the hand of this brave lad. . “Liston, mother,” she said. “I adore Jacques, and 1 believe I shall always remain single because I dp. not wish to marry him. Do you re­ member the day. when we went to­ gether to the circus P I sfiw as we entered how all ihe women who were.there turned their lorgnettes toward him, and afterward they smiled and talked about Mm and tried to attract his attention hy ap- him, I ought perhaps to been proud to think that this man whom they all wanted loved me $md that I imd only to say the word to lie his wife,;. Ah* well, in my heart there was nothing but jeal­ ousy, I wanted to teat the lor­ gnette# away from these women, From What I suffered that evening I ' understood how mtmh more I might suffer .ifjure m*rfi«m.'*Ka, that1 r « * * ^ '«** # ' plauding nave h l cannot be. He Is 'too handsome, See? Suppose some day, when he lmd grown tired of me, one of these women should take him from me. I would, die surely., You know now,, mother, why I cannot say yes.” But notwithstanding th is1obsti­ nate refusal, which he could not ex­ plain, Jacques came eveiy day. He uo longer'mentioned .the subject to Zette, understanding that he was contending against ,a.fixed resolve, except once wh^n he said to her: . “You Will not have me, Zette,-and I do riot wish any other woman. Some day, though, you may change your mind, and then you need only hold out your hand and, say to me, ‘Let us be marriedf and it will make tnehappy," ’ ' . ■* <' • ' ~ So after thus .simply settling the affair Jacques was like a brother in the house: I t wab Ha who1in the springtime'pl'antqd.'the seed# in the boxes upon the-little .baldony; it. was ha who twined^ the tendrils about the wires, and it was he who at all seasons furnished the gilded .porcelain‘‘vases that held the flow­ ers, ' ' “ . ’These flowers were a great luxury to Zette. <* ' ■ . This stale ,of tilings did not long continue, however. The younglgirl was now twenty and Jacques twen­ ty-six^ One evening he presented .his friends with tickets to the cir­ cus. It was the last day of a long continued fair, and Zette and her mother had nothing to dot S q they decked themselves in their best and went early; .' Mine. Fluory. was much amused with the horses, the, rope dancers, the clowns, tho trained dogs.. Zette thought only of Jacques, whose name on the programme occupied a line to itself and whose apparatus was hanging ,up at the Top of the high tent. The latter consisted of .bars, with copper balls that shone, a maze of trapezes, ropes and. pulleys, and the youftg girl, a little frighten­ ed, inquired if it all was secure. At last the first part of the per­ formancewas oyer and, keeping time to a slow waltz, JacqUeS appeared. He was as beautiful as a god in bis Bilk tights, that displayed to advan­ tage Ms superbly molded form', and, for the rest, Ms costume consisted of a black satin oalecon, spangled with gold. After having responded by a bow to fba applause of tho crowd and by a smile*to Zotte’s smile, be darted up a rope to his trapeze. The preliminaries were gone throrigh with amid prolonged bra­ vos, for the handsome gymnast was a favorite, and it was truly a pleas­ ure to see him act—the supple body so pliant, yet so marvelously exact in it# movements. Then there came sileftce—even the orchestra wa3 still* It -Was to he the hit of the even­ ing and,a new feat that was to give an added glory to the circus. He Was to leap from one trapeze to an­ other, with Ms face and head cover­ ed, then suddenly drop from his giddy height upon a net stretched below him, The" two trapezes were swinging with a regular movement, Jacques, standing on a little hoard, hi# head enveloped in a black vel­ vet bag, put forth hi# hand blindly* Tho crowd held its breath. The man was going to jump—ho had jumped! • A-riiercirig cry tent the air. Milaiug the second trapeze, which had been badly regulated, Jacques fell to the net, but it proved .too frail to support Iris weight, arid, striking upon the seats, he roiled to the ground, where he lay motion­ less, . ’ With a pry of horror Zette sprang to her feet, rigid and pale, her eye# fixed upon the spot where the men were now carrying away the appar­ ently lifeless body of her friend. Iron, suddenly seizing her moth­ er’s arm, “Come/' she said in a hol­ low voice. Breaking through the crowd the two women reached the stables, but wore refused admission, For a long %Hk tftearrem$jt^d i t the en tran t Estenibg'fto whnf was saiF'aroimd thein, but no one' knew anything. Fiimlly Mme. Fluory saw a .clown Whom‘ she ‘recognized as one of Jacques* friends. He was just' com-’ iug. out of the refreshment room whe'u she called Mm. ''. “The net broke the force ofyfche fall,” said the man, whose face-look­ ed troubled,, even under the paint, “The doetor says, he wijl be laiqe for life and that this ends for him his I irofesSion as a gymnast. Foor fel- pw! Rut he lias something 'laid rip for*a rainy day,‘‘ Mine. Fluory looked at Zetlev' She was very’pale, and'her eyes'were fixed upon the man as he spoke .as though trying to find if he lied.* At .last she said, “Let us‘go." , '. ' Arid, thanking the elown by.a ges­ ture, she left the circus. . - - .The two women did not sperk as they traversed the grounds of uhe fair,' and they were still Bilent, as they -ascended their own little stair­ way. But when Mme. Flubry had lighted the'candle she saw- Zette sitting beside tho bed;1with a strange smile on her lips., She felt frighten­ ed for her and went to her. • i “Of what.are you thinking, little daughter?” she* asked, trying to re­ assure herself. ' Then Zette laid Her head upon her mother’s shoitlder, with a child­ like gesture.' 1 - “I think—that 'now I can marry Jacques,” she told her.—From the French; . ________ ALL OVER THE HOUSE. MEDICAL TREATMENT FREE. A staff of eminent physicians an,] surgeons from t ho Bi-<"hemic Medical Institute have', at (he .urgent solicita­ tion of a Jarge.numher of patients un­ der their care iii Ihis eorintry, estab­ lished a-permanent, branch of thehnsi- oess nt Springfield, O., Suite 134 186; 136 Buehnell B!ri<r. Annex; third floor. Take eh vaton..(Fountain ave. entranceA ’ ■ ^ ^ c • » » ■ ’ These-fririnept gentlemen have de­ cided to give their services entirely ' free forrinri mhrilb, ■ (medicines except- ed),tO all invalids who call upon them for a efiort .time only. These’services consist not only of consultation, examination rind," but also of all' minor surgical opera­ tions. The*object ip. pursuing this course is to beaome rapidly and personally ac­ quainted with the sick and afflicted. . The doctors treat all forms of diseaes and deformities* and guarantee a cure in every Case they undertake At the first interview" a thorongh'.'.examina­ tion is made and, if incurable, you are frankly and kindly told so; also nd-, vised .against spending your, money for useless treatment, Male and fen)ale weaknes, catarrh and catarrhal deafness, also rupture, Varicocele,, goitre, (anrer,, epilepsy, paralysis, hay fever, diabetes, obesity, cataract of the eye, the'opium habit, all skin diseases and all diseases of the rectum are positively cured by their new treatment. . lomo. Don't* to Remombor In tb* Treatment of Cotd*. A cold neglected is the first Btep in acquiring.ail acute and dangerous pulmonary or bronchial disease, and a cold half Cured is the straight and 'narrow path winch leads to pneumo­ nia. Hero are a' few. “cold don’ta” which every hompmaker will do well to hang in her medicine closet along with tlse direction# for first aid to the injured: Don’t dose yourself with quinine, phduacetin or other standard drugs without first consulting your family physician, Jinny o f these drugs act directly on the. heart and weaken it, so that' there b not sufficient vital­ ity left to light the cold*’ ■ Don’t phi rtriti' faith on the rem­ edy which cured yottr next door neighbor. He may hat?c had a tendency to pleurisy, while youmay be headed for pneumonia. Don’t rub camphorated oil or Sim­ ilar lubricants on your chest unless you cover it over with a fiafanel pro­ tector, Lubricants of this sort open tho pores and aggravate, tho cold Unless the affected part is-properly covered. Don’t .experiment With tho cold water cure unless-you thoroughly understand it. ^This is sometime# efficacious, but if improperly admin­ istered it is dangerous. Tho Art of Broiling,* A steak or chop properly broiled should have a thin, well browned crust* Beyond this crust the meat should be red and juicy, hardly, a shade less done in the middle than near the surface. I f the-broiling is to be done in a range, have the lire very bright and clear. Open every draff, that smoke and flame may be drawn up , the chimney. Rlaqe the" piece of meat in the double broiler and hold it as near the coal# as possible Until the surface is brpWn, turning frequently* tfc will l take three or font minutes for this now. Kow raise the broiler several inches above the bed of coals and continue the cooking until the meat! is done, A good rule is to dottim ten slowly, then tarn the broiler. Aj steak or chop cut a little more than an inch thick will cook nicely in ten minute#; If liked well done, it should bo molted for twelve «£&• u te s * • 1 h f A Ch ill, A S n e e z e — Cafty t o C a tp h C o ld—H a rd to G o t R id Of* LightningLaxative QuinineTablets will Coro a cold in twenty-four hours* If not, d/nggiat will refund your money. iremfig^pAM as -JU r- CENTS Q uinine T ablets COLO.* NEURALGIA, LA GRIPPE, MALARIA, HEADACHE. Will not gripe nor Jcken,.are ix?r» fectly harmless, no bad aftereffects «^are a purely vegetafilo prepaia- tion, quick in action, positive in results. n ceht * res sox. Hi druggist *, ' frtpuMpnfjrby THE HERB MEDICINECO., SPRlNGftBlD, OHIO. StafniEifttnrefatrf the Cetebwted Llghtnlng HoEDrops. IMMWW? —Oyster#, iwaet potato*#,‘ oranbsr ti# orengre M Ooopari#, 1 You can hardly find a home Without Its Ayer1* Cherry Pectoral, Parents knowwh« it does for children! breaks Cherry Pectoral up a cold In * single ntohh wards off bronchitis, prevent* pneutfion!*. Physician* *«' vise parentsto keep Itonhsnn* Throat,Lungs ----------------------- arans n up iim lfmme pireth ’ Tliri pi; irieut o ?:}wore mitr.ul, drevy m and trfi t.yft* Mon< f i rtbo' • taking, • , e. v . v ; Triomai tiring a In G. M | lilUOpl UK-Ul.J Trio , year in i tit rem: tilu-oad- yfeitnei. , ' Andran well. * Monti flie rogm.r adjourn JAI The-p1 ■ .Fanner ary ,20a unique session' c youugh * ted and the eou make tl the Ihst- talent w ‘ sessions . written *•press, a) * of the Ja hint see! . sent by 1 01 ... By «ri Veffect th havq se yearn ha turned ti the groa tty qvei* evening *Messrs. ,:<J*Wt t§ Barber, - H. Barb - adjournt Upon hoard M- now mej swdrn lit ’ , newborn* Barber, P JVW* M- inriS. in th Cooper w man and ry. The cere resu ■ Wright i . her by a Andrew full vote law Is su select em­ body for ship the treasure; * funds, hi Section L ty. Adjonr «ary 27 Wright, 1 committ The an <*r*ir Insi Board of Columbt will be h . ' “f. Repr Wednest Ihe meet" Will |)p H**i» >i«ry is, .jeli suN Losinj i out b 1 ' doing fr ■\ thstf A y e r ’., . , j * fi III j . \ Rrompi Youri • 1 o ? - ■ *J| too,i t * n •Ope* Ably f • » P . w « D , 4 its *