The Cedarville Herald, Volume 28, Numbers 1-26
mm* The Cedarvilie Herald, $ m % o P e r Y e a r . K A H W l MULL K d ito r , F1UDAY, J ITNR 0, '1003. ■warning. There was no use peal ancl h«f turned Ills keys «v / WHO IS JUDGE? Tho perplexing question o f thq h o u r r a th tho majority of the. voters UOd w ith m any politicians is: “ Who is really Common P lease Judge?”, There has been more sen tim en t ex* pressed since Judge ICyld turned down Mr, J , 11, Neribit as Court Halil If in favor o£ ex -sh eriff Charles B ea l than there was a t the time Governor Herrick appointed K y le to th e bench ur n hen I)oc, Bowes and E d . Schm idtsefcup the fences baring any other candidate from entering th e race for the Judgeship, Mr, Nesbit in being retired from his position was treated by Mr. Kyle more like a dog than a human being. As bad been the custom Mr. Nesbit stopped into the office dp have his papers made out for hiss salary when Hie Judge broke the now's to him* Kyle’s words were about as follows, “Xhate to do it but there are forces behind compelling me to .make the change,*’ This was the only direct knowledge that Mr. Nesbit lmd had that he was to lose his position and then it was on a few mlriuts to ap- over and .stepped downand ou t and Mr, B ea l took charge the next day. "" - The question Is “.‘Who is judge?’’ th is power that Was compel- • in g a change, win? it the “gang” ? Judgo.Kyie has placed h im self in a very close position and his appoint m en t is anything'but satisfactory to the members of the Green County Bar, to the people and even, to all tire “ gangsters” 'judging from what th e official organ had to say hist week* in th a t “ Some one had blund ered” . ' ThwHearid opposed Mr. Kyle.for the uppoinment and for the nominat ion feeling that just such things woukHr 7 .pen as has happened- in tlie dppornbmont of a court Bailiff. \Wo stated a t that time that it wasn’t to have our courts under the Confroi of politicians and tha t Mr. Kyle was the “gangs” choice and it never supports a candidate it cannot —eeoirolr HCTiixrrthxrappomtmorrtroh Beal and Mr, Kyles statement- that forces compelled him to make the change, .Such things as thlsjwili not only go on for this year but if Mr Kyle is elected tiffs'fall It will" be for fiv years more. Do the voters intend to stand for such work,? I t is no .wonder that Mr. Kyle’s friends on tho side of local option rebuked him - When he decided the Itidgway liquor cases against the .state. Mr. Kyle Statment-to Mr. Nesbit has made many bcleive that forces compelled a decision in favor of HidgWay. ■ mxpwwwi The Cedarvilie Record, which is noted for taking the part of the Re publican organization in tills county goes back on the action of Judge Kyle in the selection.of E. C. Beal io supplant J . H. Nesbet as Court Baliffand innsists Unit “some one has blundered.” Still It will not have the disastrous effects of the charge of tho light brigade, thougl the Record evidently thinks th a t it is there’s to reason why. Of coursi if the Cedarvilla workers really tx pected to land Frank Jackson in the placs it is only to be expected that a few sore spots will need a healing balm .-Xenia Herald. Yes, Frank should have been given tho place after taking the part lie did In the theft of tho nomination for Central Committeeman for his father, Andrew' Jackson, ^according to what tiie 120 “liars” say. A thief Would lie a good tiling in a couri house where justice is supposed to he dealt out. WIVES AND DAUGHTERS Jrttrx Yr-j fc»t» cUi-a t';;n» u:'.h «Ki»tiles**8a»KVSfcMk MfMtA ta sk •rae.ejcjsUres^-aacfe*t»M* AGratefu|Woma»v _ Mn), j , u.Oitca, rlI J w e tn l’A*. fit mm : *‘i r-tfewi1* wm wmi L 'i XiJrcjr »r.<TOt*wl * J 'I’bo t to gravelwo?e»!ra, *' pij ewlol. Usauli-J J li*a«|tefcoin, ffilaiutq coastnea taw?**,1*. i*H'i*r>6<.‘ra.e'lKirT0ot r.''-;,o.0f 0 ' fciiygsi^l, 1llaallybvgaa r-~'~kih» lAavfii lip^usjScyJUesiiCiiy, KftJelaHwiiWt, N .Y , A fuwvrortl* toll Uio reftau. Xaai a lutit!, prifsctiVwSlwoiaftQttasocroro* DilU,a fe .S il'*IfavorlU) llmeHj." • Dr. D. Kennedy'* Favorite Remedy, Boniest,10* . PitoTlS Oft?$5. The Final AnsWofv “If that is your final answer, Miss Robinson/’, the young man said, with ill concealed chagrin, as lie picked up his ha t and turned to go, “I eon do nothing hut submit. Tot has it never occurred to you that when a lady passes tho ago of thirty- seven she is not likely to find herself as much sought after by desirable young men as she once was ?” “I t occurred to .rue with sudden nnd painful distinctness when you bffered yourself just now," she re- plied; “Goodnight, Mr. Jones!” j Lonely Pitcairn Island.' Pitcairn island is a lonely little 8pot of land in the southern Pacific. It has 1(59 inhabitants. Their only- link with the outside world is a nutter of fourteen tons, that, with luck, gets th a neighboring island now and then, whence: about four times a year communication may bo established with Tahiti. A. man of the name of McCoy has been presi dent for some years. President Mc Coy is a member of the Seventh Day .Adventist church and has lately been to America. The Pitcairn is landers"-are eminently religious. They arc exemplary in their attend ance at week day prayer meetings and- church gatherings. They do not use intoxicants, , Terrific Race With Death. “Death , was fast approaching," writes Ralph F. .Fernandez, of Tam pa, Fla,, describing his fearful race with death, “ ns a result of liver trouble and heart, disease, which had robbed me of sleep and of all in terest in life. Xfiad rim l many dif ferent doctors and several medicines out, benefit, u n t i l t ’began lo aso Electric Bitters. So wonderful was their effect, that in three days ! felt like a new man, and today lam cured of all my troubles.” Guaran teed at all drug store; price 5oc. ' CEDAR S P R IN G S ______ 'lew Health and Pleasure-Resort' a t tracting Much Attention. Springs of Wondesful curative power ■liniiar to the famous waters of Cars-, rid are attracting many to the health md pleasure resorts of Cedar Springs, ■cached by the Penns, rania lines via NTewParis, O. Hotel.. aocommoflaHnns Macbeu, “Prince, of Grafters” , has pleaded guilty. His long bluff tlnw ends in ignominious failure. A Texas paper which reveals in m-ient history has treated its read ers to a long sketch ofDavid'K. Hill, Arkansas Jeglriiilors arc accused of selling i heir votes for $123 each The men who Tire guilty probably earner from the $1.03 political Imrghis counter. * C A S T O R IA Jfejf Itifestfl and Children. fli IM YouHaysAlwaysBought Rear* the of ire undeFcapable management. Varied • .■ecreation is offered: Outdoors oft the .ehnta courts and croquet lawns; In loors ift the flint) house where there is v diversity of amusements and games, Tor particulars about 1 ’aVes and t'me oi vatus apply’to ticket, agents of Penn sylvania Bines. d- 3 -t FOB THE L IT T L E ONES. a Qu«?r We 0 Story That Wiil Amuso ' Very Small Hearers* Oj;e lilth* pi *wont to market, you l.nnw, V.’Iuit Jo you suppo-e that the little pig bought? Why, a pig tail of course, and he got a very cur ly one from a nice little girl, ami ihen he bought u ring, and the fool- j h pigi’y pat it into his nose in- ttoail of on his finger. So there! The cow jumped over the moon, you know. But where in the good ness did the cow jump to? Will you tell me that? I know. Why, i-he jumped into the Milky Way. Do you know where the dish ran to wlien he ran away with the spoon? They ran into the butler’s pantry and formed a partnership, 'and the next tiihe yon pit porridge or ice cream or other nice tlung§ just yon notice ami you will see that the dish and the spoon are. doing busi ness together the same as ever. And what became of tire tune that the old cow died of ? Why, it joined ft brass band and took lodg ings iii the drum. The very, vdry next time-you hear a brass band jus’ you listen, and when you hear some thing deep and loud and aw-ful .go “Boom, boom, boom!” that’s the tune the old cow- died of. Game of Four Touchocs. To beat at “four touchees” one must be 'quick- indeed. Those who are playing form a line', with the ex ception of the one who has been chosen leader. This child places herself opposite the one at the heat of the line, and immediately the two see which can most quickly touch the other on chin, Tight shoul der,' left shoulder and chest. Should the child in the line finish soonest she becomes leader. ' Otherwise the original leader passes to ;the next in the row and enters into contest ivilli that ono.*-it happen* that any leader can go the length of the line without being vanquished by some one, but m ben this does oc cur she immediately runs off as fast ,as she can and is chased by the oth ers until caught. Whoever captures her then takes her place. Disease takes no summer vacation. If you need flesh and strength use -Sco t’ s Emulsion summer as in winter. * Sendforfreesample, SCOTT ft BOW 3 NTK, Chemists, ----- 409*415 Featl Street, New York, 50c. and-"$i.oo| All druggists. TjETK-KEW 120 ACRE FARM FOR SALE. On the Yellow Springs pike three fourths mile from Cedarvilie. This farm is nicely located, being less than one mile from college,' churches and high-school. Improvements ore good. Land produces good crops Nice young orchard,-bearing excel lent fruit. Never failing springs on farm. If interested, call on Or ad dress, v . . ■ W . 3 4 H aw thorne , R, F, D*. 2, Cedarvilie, Ohio Maa. 27/1905. AXIUS 28396. MAPLE LEAF FARM , STALL IONS , AXIUS 23390, sou of the champion Axtell 2:12, (ho greatest* family ill the world; dam Typhoon 2:23, by Lord Russell full brother to Maud 8 . 2 : 08 ? 4 < Second and tidrd dams great brood mares, COT*. COLT 2:16!A Hie bull dog race norse, ol Alcyone blood, son of Alai us 2:l7l< anil the. noted brood mare Arab Girl. He is one of the punest horses in Ohio. TA2?FORA5s 32HI0, by Expedition 2-15*4, son of Electioneer; dam Tan* fabilona2:20„T, by King Wilkes 2:22- !(i son of Geo. Wilkes 2 : 22 , with three greaf, producing danis. Is 16 #' hands, weight 1150 lbs., and is one of the handsomest- horses living, DANDY, the well known black Pereheron. For full description, tabulated ledlgreos, terms, etc., send for elr- ntars or,visit, the form and sec horses that,are high ohms will) gilt dgc breeding mul a lot of young prospect!! In training. D. A. BWlAGtJH, SHORT LINE LOUISVILLE &NASHVILLE R. I - FROM Cincinnati and Louisville TO K NO XV ILLE Two Trains Daily, from each city Through Coaches, Buffet Parlor Cars and P u ll man S leep ing Cars For Folders, Ma|>s or other information' address C .L . Stone, Gen’l Pass. Agent, Louisville, Ky. THEBEST MEDICINE '•'WOMEN • If yon arc nervous and tired out continually you could have no clearer warning of tho approach of Eerious female trouble. Do not wait until you suffer un bearablepainbeforeyouceelr treat- . ment, You need wine of Cardni nowjust aa ftiuch as if, U 10 trouble were more developed and tlio tor turing pains of disordered men struation, bearing down pains, lencorrboca, bacicacLo and iicad* ache were driving you to-tho un failing relief that 1vino of Cardui has broiighthundreds of thousand', of women anil will bringyou. Wine of Cardui will drive out all traco of weakness and banish nervous spells, headache and. back- nd ft check, Secure a $1.00bottle of Wine of Cardui today. If your dealer does not keep it, send tho njoney to the Ladles’ Advisory Dept., Hie Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tcnn., and the medicine will be rent you, 1 C C T I M WINEs? CARDVI EXCURSION fy Sunday, J iiw i, excursion tickets ( « t'oJumbusvIaPchnayivtela Linns will he mild at ffl.oil round trip from (Vslatvillc good going on fipecial fc’Oiffh Charleston, 0 *" ] at Copirol AVcgefabiePrcparailonforAs- sitoilatlng IheFcodandBcgula- Ungttie5toioaclisandBowelsof lNbANXS/C mrDHKN Promotes Digestion,1CheerfuF- tiess andHest.Conlainsneilher Opium,Morpliine norMineral. H o y "H a r c o t i c . i2 u ^ c fo id j)rsm m .fH m m f\*upltinSctth~ AI x <S mh &* ftixktiU$aUf~ I b H' ItinpSecil- Apeifecl RemedyforConsilpa- llon,SourStomach,Diarrhoea Worms.Convulsions.Fcverisfr nessandL o s s o f S wsrp . PacSmiiie Signature of ’N EW YORK . - EXACTCOPYOFWRAPPER, CASTOBIA Tor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Beare the ■ In Use For Over Thirty Years MffOIH THECCNTAUINCOMPANY. NEWVOftKCITY, USH EltGRARGE BARR . CEDARVILLE, OHIO, ACCOUNTS of erchants and In- *** dividuals Solicited. Colloctionr promptly made and remitted.J TYRAFTS on New York and Cin . ciimati sold at lowest rates. The cheapest and most convenient way , to send money by mail. R EA L SPRING LAMB j T OANS made on Real Estate, j -M sonal or Collateral Security. can now be lmd a t a reasonable! —L_ figure. IT you have been longing for a meal of this delicate meat now is your time to Pei EN JO Y IT. William Wildman,’Pres., Seth W. Smith, Vice Pres., "W. 3. Wildman, Cashier. , O. L. Smith Asst. Cashier We have some choice legs and fore- quuEbrs ITTatwill fault in your mouth. Better have ono for dinner befor the season geis too old. This is Spri- lamb time. Enjoy it wbsle it las C. H . GROUSE , CEDARVILLE, (). A F OO L I S H PLAN •s: Tia a Joy to cat—I welcome my dinner lionrs Becauael rout indigestion with August Flower i Constipation is the result of indigestion, bi!iousuesS| flatulency, loss of appetite, Eelf-poisouing, anemia, emaciation, uric acid, neuralgia in various parts of the System, catarrhal inflammation of the in testinal canal and numerous other ail ments that rob life of it3 pleasures if they do not finally rob you of life itself, *T“ I,ni- bound iu the bowels,” is a com moil expression of people who look mis erable and are miserable—yet who persist 111 "letting nature take its course.” CfWliat a foolish plan, -when nature could be aided by the use of Green’s August Flower, which is nature’s own remedy for constipation and all stomach ills. ffAugust Flower gives new life to the liver and msures healthy stools, a qTwo sizes, 25 c mid 75 c. All druggists. Dane Wistermau, Cedarvilie,O.' ToInvestors. Prdvred etocic in the Cedar- yille Telephone- Company •,ie being offered to local investors at par. It is guaranteed to >ay 6 per cent interest per mnmn niul is to be paid semi annually. The stock is Exempt from taxes. Tills is a good investment or a home company where you have watched its progress and rapid growth, Inqmre-at the Exchange Rank or D . B r a d fu te , P re s . W IN O N A L A K E T H JS S E A S Q N Will be Pariiuularly Attractive for an Out- , ing. The summer of 1905 is to bo on especially nttractive season at Winona Lake, the beau tiful'resort of Northern Indiana on the Pennsylvania Lines. . The Presbyterian -General Assembly will eonvene th e May 18th. Noted speakers, and musicianB have been cnipuied for the summer entertain meifts. There will be conventions ami co cinl and religious 'conferences from May until September- The literary representa tion will be prominent. J 11 brief, it will bo a most profitable season educationally, Teachers and'students who attend tile Sum mer School will derive much benefit. Winona Lake has golf links, tennis courts baseball and cricket grounds, boating, fish ing. swimming and campfiig facilities. The Pennsylvania Lines run direct to the park cn trance, 1 Season and Jlfteon-dny excur sion tickets may be obtained from ticket agents of the Pennsylvania Lines, infor mation about Winona Lake, the season’s program, hotel acco Hniodations etc,, can be ascertained from S, 0. Dickey, Secretary and General Manager, Winona Lake, Ind. -S 18. Saved by Dynamite. Sometimes, a flaming city is saved by dynamiting a space tha t the fire can't cross. Sometimes, a cough hangs on so long, you feel as If 110 th- ingbufc dynamite would cure it. Z. T. Gray, of Calhoun, Ga., wrilesi “My wife had a very aggravated cough, which kept her awake nights Two physicians could not help her; so she took Dr. King’s Now DIscov ery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, which'eased her cough gave her sleep, and finally* cured her,” Strictly scientific cure for bronchitis and I.a Grippe, A t all drug store, ptico 50c and $1.00; guaranteed. Trial bottle sree. r Low Fare to the South. Account National Association* of Manufacturer’s meeting. Excursion tickets on sale May 11th and 16th, Stop-over a t Chattanooga, permitt ing visit to famous battlefields. Side trips a t special excursion fares from Atlanta to all points in the South; east of the Mississippi, and to Cuba, Ask ticket agents of Pennsylvania Xilues for further information, in cluding extension ofjretuan limit. Low Fare* to West Barden, Account American Water Works Association meeting. Enjoy an out ing at noted springs of wonderful curative power, similar to famous Waters of Carishad. Particulars about fares and time of (rains m ay >e ascertained from ticket agents of Pennsylvania Lines. Excursion to St. LouU. Account National BaplstAnniver sary. For Infonnatioji about fares, through train service etc,, ask ticket HgMtfii of Pennsylvania Linos, S P R I NG 1905 , 1 DRESS FABRICS No past.season have, we had such a uice collection or si-lue- tion of stylish Dress Goods Figured Brilliants 50c to $1.00 Mohairs 50c to $1.75. Panama Cloths, Neat Pin Check Silks, Crepe de Ciiene, Foulards, Japanese Henrietta Cloths, Silk Sh irt Waist Suits Spring Jackets, Silk Petticoats, Dressing Barques, Under wear, Muslin Underwear. , W IN D O W DRA PERY , Scrims, now* patterns; Madras, pretty styles; Ruffled Bwlss 60e, 75c, and $1.00 a pair. Bobbinett $1.00, $2.00 $2.75 a pair, Nottingham 50c, excellent for $1.00 pair. Battenberg^ 3 . 7 o to $12.00 pair. Eduardian $2.75, $3.75, $4. Ivory, Saxony, Bon ne Homme, Ju st imported. - ■ * HUTCHISON & GIBftEY’S, i * XENIA, OHIO. ' ^ SPRING SUITS LAIDES Fine Stylish Suits in the correct materials and colors at. specially . low prices for Spring ier Voiles, Panamas Mohairs, Chiffon Broad cloths, L igh tw eigh t Cheviots and Silks, in Black, Blues, Browns and Castors Prices. ’ - ^ $ 1 0 . 0 0 . $ 1 2 . 5 0 . $ 1 5 . 0 0 . Two Specials Covert Jackets. One is allwool Covert good satin lininglatest and best of style' would be good, value a t $10 .00 .specially priced, $6.7S . The other lot is a clean up of our $10 .00 to $15.50. Fine Covert Jackets all .well tailored. tuid,he$ 6 -of styles, Fife-Ga-ri’anteed a-B—v-ery- aepekriTy priced............................... ............................................. .................... $7.&0 Great Silk Sale, We have JusFsocured from a Silk Manufacture a large lot of choice new style of fancy silks that-were made up to_retail a t 75cts ayard , in jiTst.tha coloTiirgs tliat a-» wanted- nowxve“ boughtThom no ~we can sell for tho extremely low7price of 50cts a yard. This will he your silk opportunity of tlffB year. . . lobe Bros. $ Co., Xenia, 0 - EIGHTEEN P R E n iU f lS to be d istr ibu ted ’on Thursday, August, 31, ’05 The prem iums w ill be paid in Gold as fo llow s , First, $ 15 ; next five in $10 each; next tw e lve in $5 each* Ask for tickets on a ll 25 c purchases. Fresh and Salt Meats, Fish, Oysters* etc DO YOU — WANT TO OOON A T O U R O F n E U R O P E * T h e C incinnati Commercial Tribune w i l l j s t a k e W OM EN TO EU R O PE They will gb a* guests of The CoM- merciai Tribune absolutely FREE WITH ALL EXPENSES PAID. yam's Restaurant and Dining Rooms Oorner Jligli and Limestone street* Bpringfidd^Obto, HowIs YourHeart? Is your pulse weak, too slow*, too fast, o r does it skip a beat? Do you have shortness of breath, weak or hungry spells, fainting,smothering or choking spells, palpitation, fluttering, pains around the heart, in side and shoulder; o r hu rt when lying on left side? If you have any o f ' these symptoms your heart is weak or diseased, and cannot get better without assistancc.- Dr. Allies’ Heart Cure strengthens weak hearts, and rarely ever fails to cure heart disease. T ry it, and, see how quickly you will find relief. "About January 1st,' 1502. 1 took flown with weakness anfl dropsy, tihd gradually grew worse. I was told limbs anff body were swollen to orte- linger than normal size, and bn« collected around my heart. For a t least three months I had to s it pipppod np In brd to keep from smoih- Sf!,"*} J »°.nt,-for Avtl, bottles ■ of l>r. Mllca Heart Cure, tind by the time I had taken them nil t wan entifely- iJRSj bettor than Ih a v o for twenty ^egrs, and t am able to dq tiny Ultri Work on my farm. Cure ‘•P' * .-Iti.'ttlj givtVtb b. T. OUIUJ, Wltmore, ICy. ■ Dr. Mites’ Heart Cure Is sold by Who will guarantee th a t V;1" b*nefl»« If H fella ho will wfiiftd your Mile* Medical Co„ Elkhart, Ind B e t \ x r r n am w t derful shoe 5.000 Lacril If you want purposes, sem i nothing'to’th e l finiBh anti solij choice.- Childrens ; 29i Eacii and exi times its selliil tliree pairs frej again be able Th< until grand* 3 5 E Greatest H ou se Cinl W E Fa* and can sc five SM ITH & ; V L O C A L A N D | —For sale cheap:| jsrtttor. Call a t this [ | Pierce and Philli] j pie ted a large ste fbuilding of ceuu ; Brothers exjiect te kind of cement wo |[ silo Will be Tput up Grinnel of near Ye Miss Nellie Brev ilui guest of her gr Jacob Wilson. Mrs. T. 11. Amiri cominencemenl. ejf land, (iris week* Miss Mollie Lan visliing friends liei Mrs. Oglesliee. o( visiting at the bom 3C. O. Qglestiee. —Get MeUormu’k Wolford’s. Dr. and Mrs. Me' have been ppendit| > lr. S. M. MurdoeS Mrs. C. M. ('roil her homo on XenitJ - -Get Deering knii tidns at. Wolford’s. Miss Jun ia P )ll| liig her friends, MJ of Mora, 111., anilf Monmouth, Ilk, Mrs. Osear Sinij about forty of he honor of Miss Jus day, at l o’clock Miss l% ra N^ X^eigh Nesbitt of spent, Habbaib Andrew. Wilberioree el . n n s l Tiinnaiav; - Mf. Hiewart (’oil Ilk , lias been si hero with friemtl lego acquaintaiu'cT -T to t your Metto? flections-at Wolfoi Mr. wmituit P« ing tho (-umimW A toamstev at the name of Joiu| »»i4hf'fac« -WtedW a mute. 'J'he isiji] other than badly i
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