The Cedarville Herald, Volume 28, Numbers 1-26

The Cedarviiie Herald, I PrOCEIIIIEDY’S BMaTS FINGER PRINTS. pMkyteljibta has teen isavlpg a little experience with ‘ "tainted mon­ ey** <mIkr otm'aerwtwtfc. It; fg doulfiy dangt-sora to rat g re «» fruit thess dayfe. Tim doctors at’fi all so fond o f the&pendtetiiskiHfe The President wontback down on Iff*. Panausa-opan-wafket policy, but <^«g3t€S3 uuw« ’ ■ ■ FAVORTE VleawHt to t«ke, I f o w c r iH l t o C u re* A » 4 WelcomeLa H W E U i i lf lE l s t n . o«u*rc»«sit flaw—-.ItlitfSn*y c&sca■ tv , X>H*dy * TVurortt, 11 ase* psasra bytstpstsyo f tga- idiavy*Jaaejstracsa fJtmrpss> ira, sn3 meaSaxssxs isccSarto bb " i ><su:w.»ya ^ v « , « c» d o n t.» . y, ikvaji^rStsua, The unanimity with which the na­ tions of the earth are turning' to the Tinted States as the world power must likely to he called upon to fur­ ther the cause o f peace between Russia awl Japan, and the concen­ sus o f opinion among diplomatists tile world over that no nation is so well fitted to conduct the delicate ^negotiations which must attend the lilrth of that peace movement so earnestly desired b y the humanitar­ ians of.the world, must prove grati­ fying to every patriotic Ameaican. A t this crisis in the affairs of. the Muscovite Empire it is evident that Great Britain and France are de­ barred from. acting the role of peace­ maker because o f their alliances with the respective belligerents. Germany because of the close friend­ ship of the Kaiser for the Czar, would unquestionably prove persona non grata to Japan and of the great ' powers the United States alone re­ mains. Moreover, throughout the prolonged hostilities this country has preserved the most perfect neutrality between the contending powers and President Rootevelfr-.has, all along, displayed a tact which has rendered ' it possible for both the Russian. and Japanese diplomatic representatives in Washington to frequent the White House with entire absence o f con­ straint or formality, It is also sug­ gested by the representatives of the foreign powers in Washington, that President Roosevelt’ reputation us a champion o f the square deal has extended so far beyoud the confines o f this country that both Russia and Japan would experience no hefita- tiou in entrusting their interests to bis solicitous care. For these reasons •it seems probable that If peace nego­ tiations are instituted, President Roosevelt's offer of his good offices will he called into requisition. fit. Louis Post-Dispatch: Beauti­ ful is an adjective applied chiefly to brides, heroines of novels and ladies in distress. The word is devined from the French "word “ beaut” , meaning a corker ,a" peach, a ialla- paloosa,. It is employed principally by society editors novelists news­ paper reporters and poets.and holds . its age ami shape well in spite .of activity and •overwork. The only novelists who never used the word was IlhodaBrotighton. Her heroine, Belinda, was green-eyed freckled and cantankerous, and is the only unbeautiful heroine on record,just as the count in W ilk ie Collin’ s “ The Woman in White” is the only fat villiah. The only poet who never used it is BwTiTbuifne. He always coniparcnhis heroines to serpents, they are so wise ami sinuous. Tile society editor or newspaper reporter who has never worked it to a silvery edge does not live, contrary to the rules of the Society for the Preven- to Cruelty to Inoffensive Adjectives One of the deepest mysteries o f mod rrn life is, since every bride is bean tiful, how does i t come that they are c<> many ugly married woinen? In the Boarding H°u*e. “ Do rob eat much, Mr, Jenkins?V madam, 'I s fact* $ great deal at tb£j place yon w ea l he qhte t a m d - low I t/'-—New Orleans. Tlmes-Dem®* crat. JUffSA flWW \ msi •*#*$*'***$ aA great deal,, If yon don't eat It"t Otfa McDorman, guardian o f Har­ ry T.Laurence F. and Maybelle Me* Dorman has brought miifcagaimjfc H* <). Core, executor o f the will of Ja- hue McDorman who died March V I90J, leaving a large estate which he devised by will, his daughter, Della Core, gettingUOO acres o f land,' anc one-half of the residue of the estate to the grand-children. Ho directed in his will that the estates given to the wards should be held In common Until tacit should arrive at the age o f Si years, film nays that these in faut legatees are without, money or means o f ihelr own and that site an such guardian, has' no money with which to clothe, educate or maintain them, or at least a sum wholly fwmf- fieioiih .film says that the teslalor intended that the children should have a comfortable and sufficient maintenance during, their minority, and she asks the court te make an order requiring the trustee to pay enough to provide comfortably for their support, which she thinks should bo about $ 6,000 annually. A Great Disappointment. "Edith—Poor Pauline J She was lost at gca. . Lena—Oh, isn’t that dreadful? And she so much wanted to be cre­ mated!—Smart S e t Explained. “ Why is radium so costly?” “ Because it’s scarce,” . “ And why should it be so scarce ? ’ “ Because it’s ^so •costly.” — Yonkers Ilerald, , A Drawback. Old Lady—What! Yon are sorry von are getting so big ? Why s o ?. ^ Child—'Cos ina says Pm 'getiin' old enough to know better,—Brook­ lyn L ife ,' ________ », inherited Politeness. . Little Johnny was polite; He never failed to say, " I beg your pardon,’' when h e took ■ H h sister s cake away. When Johnny’s father cheated men He, too, was «o polite That they had not the heart to nay Me hadn’ t used them right. Terrific Race With Death. “ Death was fast approaching,” writes Ralph F. Fernandez, of Tam­ pa, Fla., describing his fearful race with death, “ as a result of liver trouble and heart disease, which had robbed me of sleep and of all in­ terest in life. I had tired many dif­ ferent doctors and’ several medicines but got no benefit, until I began to use Electric Bitters. So wonderful was their effect, that in three days I felt like a new man, and today I am cured of all my troubles.” Guaran­ teed at all drug store;.price 50c, CEDAR SPRINGS New Health and Pleasure Resort At­ tracting Much Attention; Smings of wondetful curative power similar to the famous waters of Care- )ad are attracting many to the health • ind pleasure resorts of Cedar Springs^, the Pennsylvania lines via New Paris, O. Hotel" accommodations are under capable management.*.Varied recreation Is offered: Outdoors 1 on the *ennls courts and croquet lawns; in loors in tlie CiuJi house where there is i diversity of amusements and games Vor particulars-about fares anti time or Tains apply to ticket agents of Penn tylvanla Lines. fl-3-l TLe‘'pc:wH jo in prirA; r* a - s % Se.l s?> a em i- teuHg jiUtl a D r . Ixm?-. I i js Ga?R’ >-a. the great f.nprr -print i-sjiarf, hv lire tt&Iicc?mstl)orit:f3 o f tf ■ iort’iaa stole. T tey k:vl jvriovc -1 rofownatteu, iiity!* Ihat a liaby who V/as |ic-m i > a pr« at t k h was,in | ihpgcr o f h ‘mg ki>3op|it*I putt h € i in fisjppnsisg this mould I.a|spi*n ami the baby tventunlly In? re.-imdj tisiihl tsnger «Fints- taken betera tlis olafecthm tie snfllder.t to lilratjfy the baby and prove that I'O S.Q1 j?r. _ — ____ Dr. tialunaV aijswcr w;is that it H fStvtnlingly (Jil’icuifc to .print Iron* On* iiugc'is o f voting infants. From yljoat bis fear , - « f age and upward, honevtr, these j> no cliSkmlty, ami tho prinrs vronld he sufficient lop identification purposes. — Lonffon lixpreas. ___________ _ „ • Gallant Judge Nicholls. fio’dlh Carolina members of the Daughters ox tbesAmerican Iievolu- tlon* the national v convention of %rlucli was heW in 'Washington, are very much, pleased that a lady from this state, Sirs, Kickoils o f Spartan­ burg, was elected as a vice president general o f the society. The ladies were so immensely pleased, that they sent the following telegram to Judge Xieboiis of Spartanburg: You are cow tlio husband of a vice pres- ideut-gc-iifiral, , SOl’TII CAROLINA KRT,T3GATtON. Judge Xicltolls- was quick to re­ spond, and tliis was his telegram: I appreciate the honor South Carolina has been Instrumental Jn conferring- on Mrs, bTIelioUH. For my part,, Xncct, t the reflected honor and promise Implicit obe­ dience to her excellency the vice presi- acnt-general, . . MRS, NlCHOT-LS* MCSBAXD. —Anderson Mail. The Planet Mars. Flanuftarion, the famous astrono­ mer, says o f the planet Mars: “ 'The climate is very mild. There are no gales, while the atmosphere is very light, witli scarcely any clouds. Tlio 'iihabilants enjoy line 'weather, the jlimate being something like that o f Davos Plata, in Switzerland--dry .Hid clear. 3\Te know the globe of Mars perfectly—in fact, far better than, bba Mother’s Ear A VfOnO t » M O T H E R 'S EAR l WHEN ttuzsrna a H infant , and tU the . M ON TH S THAT C O M E BB EO RB THAT TIME, SCOTT 'S EMULSION .j G U P P U E S THE EXTXA ST P E S O T H AMO NOURISHM ENT N O N E C E SS A R Y F O R TH E HEALTH O F BO TH M O T H E R AN O CHILD,. Sendforfreesample. SCOTT*&BOWtfK, Chemists, 4 O 0 .«ii Pepxl Street, • New York. 50 C.and gi.oo;. all drog&ists. 120 ACRE FARM FOR SALE. On the Yellow Springs pike three fourths mile frbtn Cednrvill(», This farm- is nicely located, being less than one mile from college, churches and high-school. Improvements fire good, Land produces good crops, Nice yotmg orchard, bearing excel !eqt frtyt. Never Tailing pprings on farm. I f interested,: call on or ad dreae, W. J. H awtiiohne , E T K T L r s ; “ Cedarvlire, Ohio” Mna. 27,J1905. CASTOR IA Hot Infants and Childroii, t l i Kittd You Have Always Bought .■j & -^0 AX 1 US 28396 . M A P L E L E A F F A R M S T A L L I O N S . AXIUfi 28390, son of the champion Axtell2il2. the greatest. family in tlio world; (iatri Typhoon 2:28, by Lord llufifidl full brother to ?,Iatld S. 2:08^4, Second ftiul third dams gredt broml mares. c m . COLT 2 :lCbi\ the bull doB race norsn, of Alcyone blood, son of Aiatus 2:l7jj' and the nojed brood mare Arab Girl. He is one of the gaxnest horses in Ohio. TANFORAX by Expedifioti 2-lfi1^, aoti o f Elcctlonuer; dam Tnn- labuoiSiay;2(;T/by. King Wilkes 2:ShL H, eon o f Gei>. V/ilkeo 2:22, ‘ with tiu’ce great producing dame. Is 10-T bands, Weight 1150 Ibit., Pud is otu* o f thft iiamlsomcfit lmrecs living. DANDY, the well known black I’erebcron. Jtor full description, tabulated jcdlgroes, iorinut etc., send for clr- •itfctfs or visit urn itmu aiid sec lorses that arc high class xvIMi gilt dgc breeding and a lot of young im'-pccte in 1 mining. XL A» - •' - fionfij L’ itai'Jcsloii, o ' THE NEW SHORT LINE itolSTOLE & NASHVILLE R. % FROM. Cincinnati and Louisville TO K N O X V IL L E Two Trains Daily from each city Through Coaches, Buffet Parlor Cars and Pull­ man Sleeping Cars For Folders, Maps or other information address JC.L^5tont^_ Gen’LPaji. -Agent, Louisville, Ky. BEST MEDICINE f» WOMEN I£ you are nervoug and tired out Continually you coxld Lave nt> clearer warning of the approach of serioo3 femaio trouble. DU sot wait until you sufferun­ bearablepainbeforeyouceek treat­ ment, Yon nted Witte of Cardin J 10 Wjust S*much ag if the trouble weremore developed and the tor­ turing pains of disordered mt-n- struauon, bearing down pains, leucorrhoea, backache and Lead* ache were driving you to the un­ failing relief that Wine of Catdui has broughthundreds of thousands ofWomen add will bring you, Wino of Catdui will drive out all trace of weakness and banish T h e K in d Y o u H a v e A lw ays B o u g h t , a n d v /h feh Itas h e e a in u s e f o r o v e r 3 0 y ea rs, has b o r n e t h e s igna tu re o f a n d has b e e n m a d e u n d e r h is p e r - son a l s u p e n is io a kinee Its In fan cy . , , A llow n o o n o t o d e ce iv e y o u In th is. A lt Counterfeits* Im ita tion s a n d « ju s t - a s - g o o d ” a r e huff E xperim en ts th a t trifle-^with a n d en d an g e r th e h e a lth o jf In iiin ts a n d . ChUtteen^Eitpericne© aga in st Experim ents I H I h i S ' f 1 wav M M l i 1 0 1 « 9 Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare­ goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. I t is Pleasant. I t contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age Is its guarantee. I t destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. I t cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. I t assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural,sleep. The Children’ s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. GENUINE^ CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of TheKindYout o AlwaysBought In Use For Over 3 0 Years.- TMeCCNTAUHCOHMKT, TT MURRAV ETACCT. HEWYOltfcCTTV. E X C H A N G E B A f l K CEDARV ILLE , OHIO , ACCOUNTS o f erchante and In* dividuals solicited. Coliantionr promptly made and remitted.!^ •nRAFTfi on New York and - Cin cmnati sold at lo%Fst rates.' The cheapest and most "convenient way fctQ send money by mail. REAL SPRING LAMB, T OANS made on Real Estate, Per- j sonal or Collateral Security, ertn now be liiul at a reasonable ------- ' figure.... If you iinve been longing for a meal of this delicate meat now is your time to ENJOY II. We have some choice tegs and fore- quatersthat will melt in your mouth. Rettcr have one Jor dinner befor the season gets too old. Tiffs is .Spring lamb time.' Eujoy It whole it lasts. C. H. CROUSE, CEDARVILLE , O. William Wildman, Pres., Seth W , Smith, V ice Pres., W . J. Wildman. Cashier. O. L . Smith Asst. Cashier S T R A N G E A D V I C E ! nervouaqpella, headache and back- acfco and prevent the symptoms fikfy developing Into dan- bo hard .........—---------.00bottle of Wins, of Caraui today. If yoiir dealer does not keep ft, send! the money1 to the Lubes’ Advisory Uept., The Chattanooga Medicine' Co., Chattanooga, Tenn,, and the medicineWill bogentyou. IV lN E s f G A K O V l EXCURSION. fiunday, Jtmn J, exemmon ite.kcb* (o roluinhnsvfiCPetimiylvania Linen will br>sold at round trip from OdavvUte gothl going on npcciul Train leaving qi h:CB a . nr., Central Tliiio, • ft" Or. O. G. Green gives alert verssnal attention tohis (jreai humanitariancontract. Qln our Almanac for manyyears postwe have given unusual advice to those afflic­ ted with cougho, colds, throat or ltut: troubles or consumption. We have tot them ii they did not receive any special benefit after the use of one 75 -cent size bottle of German Syrup, to consult their doctor. qfWe did not ask them or urge them to use a large number of bottles, as is the case in the advertising of many other remedies. Our confidence in Ger­ man Syrup makes it possible for us to give stick advice. <J\Ve know by the ex­ perience of over 35 years that one 75 -cent bottle of German Syrup will speedily re- iiieve or cure the womt.coijghs, col'E* bronchial of lung troubles—and that, even in bad cases of Consumption, one large bottle of German Syrup will work wonders. <JNew trial bottles, 25 c.; reg- dar she, 75 c. At all druggists, * Ittme Wistejcman, Cedarvil!e,0. ToInvestors. Proteml .stool; in die Oeclar- ville Teleplione Company if? beinff offered to local investors at par. It is guaranteed to pay 6per cent interest per annum and is to be paid semi­ annually. The stockis Exempt from taxes. This is a good investment for a home company where you have. \ atehed its progress and rapid growth, Impure at theExchange Bank or D. Bradfute, Pres. WJNONA LAKE THIS SEASON Will be PariiuularlyAttractive for an Out ■ ing.' The Summer of 1903 is to be an especially, attrac.Uvp reason at Winona Lake, the beau­ tiful resort of Northern .Indiana on the Pennsylvania Lines The Presbyterian General Assembly wilt convene the May tilth. Noted speakers and musicians have been entpured .for the summer entertain ments. There will be conventions and co- clal and religious ^conferences from Jfay until September- The literary representa­ tion will bo prominent.- In brief, it will be a most profitable season- educationally. Teachers end students who attend the Sum­ mer School will derive much benefit. Winona Lake has golf links, tennis courts baseball and cricket grounds,.boating, fish-' ing, swimming and camping facilities. The Pennsylvania Lines run direct to the park on trance, ' Season and fifteen-day excur­ sion tickets may bo obtained from ticket agents of tlio Pennsylvania Lines. Infor­ mation about Winona 1-ake, the season’s ascertained from 8, C. Dickey, Secretary and General Manager, Winona Labe, Ind. -5-18. - Saved by Dynamite. Sometimes, a flaming city is saved by dynamiting a space that the fire can’ t cross. Sometimes, a cough hangs on so long, you feel as I f uoth- ingbut dynamite would cure it- Zi T, Gray, of Calhoun, Ga., writes: “ My wife had a very aggravated cough, which kept her awake nights Two physicians could not help her; 80 she took Dr. King’ s New Discov­ ery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, which eased her cough gave her sleep, and finally cured her.” Strictly scientific cure for bronchitis and La Grippe. A t all drug store, pirice 50c and $1.00; guaranteed. Trial bottle sree. Low Fare to the South, Account National Association of Manufacturer's meeting. Excursion tickets on sale Stay 14th and 16th. ,Stop-over at Chattanooga, permltt- ing vlslt to famous battlefields. Side trips at special excursion fates from Atlanta to all points in the South, east o f the Mississippi, and to Cuba, Ask ticket agents of Pennsylvania Lines for further information, in­ cluding extension of^retuan limit, * ■ Low Fares to West Barden. Account American Water Works Ascuciation m e e tin g .E n jo y aft out­ ing at noted springe of wonderful curative power, similar to famous waters of Carlsbad. Particulars about fares and time of trains may be ascertained from ticket agents o f Pennsylvania Lines. Excursion to St. Louis. Aecouuf National Rapist Anniver- f.nry, For Information about fares, through t,raih florvice etc., ask ticket agents of Pennsylvania Linos, * S P R I N G 19 05 , DRESS FABRICS No past £easpn have we had such a nice collection or «•:»*- tfoa o f stylish Dress- (food# .. Figured Briiliaafs 80c to $1-00 , Mohair? GOc to II. 75 . Panama Cloths, Neat Pin Cheek Silks. Crepe de Chf-r... Foulards, Japanese Henrietta CIotkB, Silk Shirt ’Waist Suits Spring Jackets,.S ilk Petticoats. -Jarep;: wear, Muslin Underwear. Under- W IN D O W D R A P E R Y . ' J Scrims, new patterns; Madras, pretty styles; Ruffled Swiss 50c, 75c, and fl.OO a pair. Bobbinett $1,50, #2.00 $2.75 a pair. Nottingham 50c, excellent for $1.00 pair. Baftenberg$ 3.75 to $12.00 pair. Eduardlan $2.75, $2.75, $4. Ivory, Saxony, Bon-, ne Homme, Just imported. — .. -; ROTGHISOK& GIBffEY’S, X EN IA , OHIO. a SPRING FOR LAIDES Fine Stylish Suits in the correct materials and colors at specially low prices for Spring in Voltes, Panamas MOhairs. Chiffon Broad­ cloths, Light weight Cheviots and Silks, in Black, Blues, Browns ■and Castors Prices* $ 1 0 . 0 0 . $ 1 2 . 5 0 . $ 1 5 . 0 0 . ■Two Specials Covert Jackets. One is allwool Covert good satin lining-latest and best o f style would he good, value Rt $ lO „oa specially p r 75. The other lot is a clean up o f our fJO.OOto $f5.SO. Fine Covert Jackets all well tailored and best o f styles, F it Garranteed aH very sepcialiy priced....................................................................... ....................... :.... $7.SQ Great Silk Sale, We have just secured from a Silk Manufacture a large lot o f choice new style of fancy silks that were made-up to retail at7Ectsayard, in just the colorings that am wanted now we bought them so we can sell for the extremely low price o f fiOcts a yard. This w ill be your silk opportunity of this year. „ Jobe Bros. $ €o., Xenia, 0, EIGHTEEN PREfllUflS to be distributed On Thursday, August, 31, ’05 The premiums will be paid in Gold as follows, First, $15; next five in $10 each; next twelve in $5 each, Ask for tickets on all 25c purchases. Fresh and Salt Meats, Fish, Oysters etc DO YOU WANTTOGOONA T O U R O F n E U R O P E r ,. , The Cincinnati Commercial Tribune WILL|(TAKE 5 0 W O M E N T O E U R O P E They wilt goas guestsof TheCom­ mercial Tribune absolutely FREE WITH ALL EXPENSES'PAID. Neuralgia A n d O th e r P a i n . ’All pain in any disease is nerve pain, the result o f ft ttir- , bulent condition o f the nerves.'-; The stabbirtg, lacerating, darting, burning, hgGniziiig paiti that Contes from the prom­ inent nerve branches, or sen­ sory nerves, is neuralgia, and Is the “ big brother** Of all the other ftainsv Dr. Miles’ Anti-Pain Pills rarely ever fail to relieve thes^e pains by soothing these larger nerves, and restoring their trajuniility. Dr. Miles’ Anti-Pain Pills leave no bad after-effects}, and are a reliable remedy for every kind o f pain, such as headache, backache,' stomachache, sciat-" ica, rheumatism and neuralgia. • They also relieve Dizziness, Sleeplessness, Nervousnt vs, Car-Sickness, and Distress af­ ter eating. , .“For many year# I lav# best* a con- f btnt cuftorc’? from rseturalgta* ttrA ci.eaeho, ana havet novc.r ■been nWot to obtain any tcltf-r from, various yam’s Restaurant . andDiningRoms Uornef,High and Limestone street Springfield,,Ohio, ...... .............. ........ ........... ............... in tolftnfcra FIU4I* Ii. mVlNtSMSY. ' t e n itt zet Nat. r.o,m, a mtoon, m . Or, Mite*’ Antt-Patn P3l?« *r« *ald t y Vmir firoaflfst, who will quArantoa that ift# first ratkiiii# will brr.trit. ff It fall* ft# Will return year money. 8 S mote*. ia$ c#nto. N «v*r *oM in bulk. M U * Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind